Draw your gamer pose
Other urls found in this thread:
itt: the same 5 images that are always posted in these threads
Nicd. I saw this thread a few months ago, but it died, b4 I could finish drawing.
Thankyou :)
gosh i wish that couch was me
Thanks user I needed the laugh
cant fit in frame cause im really big
Why are the inklings eyes fucked up
Someone post the really good mech gif so I can go to bed. You know the one
I don't understand
some one is being sat on by his giant mommy
imagine that wire was some type of 4 or 5D shit they are pushing in the movies where you can smell what's in the film. in this case it would be him feeling the anus stretching
it's a bit too big for my taste but tall/big girls are great
Thanks doc I was running low
Thanks doc.
user learned how to fly!
god I wish I had such a supportive father
so are those 4 young gentlemen pacific islanders or africans?
fucking kek
What's wrong with em?
epstein what's your game
inklings don't have the whites of their eyes merging in the middle like Sonic the Hedgehog
race games onlye
based semen brain
Oh that. Idk, I just thought it looked good. What do you think?
I am monitoring this thread
I miss when my little sister was this small and cute. Now she's a brat and refuses to game with me. She's spends all her time drawing or watching anime.
At least she's not out fucking niggers.
Assassins Creed
You have sex with your couch? How?
Sounds more productive than gaming with you.
Yeah, but now I have no one to game with other than Yea Forums, and Yea Forums is shit at games. My little sister and brother are the only ones around me that can challenge me without having to go to Stinky Day tourneys to enjoy Smash.
trying to suppress that stiffy, eh user?
stupid sexy mommy
thanks doc
what game are you playing here user?
Yeah, fuck that bitch for having hobbies.
Masturbation. I play it 1-3 times a day.
Yes, exactly.
fat princess
why wouldnt you game on a recliner?
dont mess with success bby
hug your sister right now
this, then kiss her and touch her boobs a little
post results
So I have a serious question about this, and yes it might sound retarded but bare with me. So, the act of having pressure but a man's crotch by another human would give them an erection, right? I mean, that feels pleasurable to have someone sit in your lap, well, presumably a woman or I guess whoever you find attractive. My point is that if a girl sits in your lap without the intention of being sexual in nature but you get an erection anyway, does that make you a pedophile? Biologically speaking you would most likely get an erection regardless. Society would say that's wrong, but biologically speaking I feel it's impossible to not get an erection due to the fact that stimulation of the penis would cause arousal.
I guess there are several variables here. Who's sitting in your lap? Do you find them attractive? What is your relationship to them? I mean, even age could be a factor as well. I'm sure some anons who have little sisters could easily say that there sister sat in their lap as an innocent and naive gesture and they didn't get an erection from it.
I came to this thread to draw this, but you beat me to it.
cute doggo user, what's his name?
don't put your feet on the couch
>not making the bike the controller
you goofed yourself son
being this new
lern 2 4chins
Why do I get a boner sometimes when a cat lays on my lap while I pet it? I'm not attracted to cats at all, what the heck?
I did while she was distracted with anime and she just pushed me away.
You get a boner when your cat lays on your lap? That's hilarious, user. I'm sorry.
keep at it!
she'll appreciate them soon
Your dick is being touched. It doesn't matter what you are interested in. It's a physical reaction your body has, nothing to do with your feelings. You don't stop bleeding because you actually don't like getting cut and bleeding all over the carpet.
I don't think so. I've been hugging her since she was a 1 month old and she's grown out of it.
user mentions shes female
Based and hydrated
leave your sister alone dude
Known as the "cuddle chemical" or "social grooming response," it is generated in both parties in any sort of social grooming and is responsible for both ASMR and the thrill from sexual foreplay.
What bike? It's just a guy hunched over on the couch...
toplel you doubleretard
came for this one
thanks you absolute bastard
trannies can't meme
I am going to say the s word.
im calling the police
Whats this have to do with trannies?
Get the fuck out BlondePizza
friendly reminder
>not going FOUR TIMES A DAY
fucking weak
mistook it for this. i strive to one day reach the meme recognition levels of you faggots.
>Kirby's controller isn't even plugged in
Is he like the younger brother that is pretending to play?
Why beat them when I can make them my allies?
Arigato Isha
it was a meme of some guy trying to use a racing game controller
maybe you shouldn't have been such a judgemental retard in the first place, retard
now thats a hero
gracias doc
It looks like he's giving me a thumbs up. Can I close the image now?
no i'm still peeing
I can't draw
Why is this turtle yelling while touching itself?
>All this couch shitting
I shiggy diggy
thanks doc
i'm so glad this shit hasn't died. baneposting has, i never hear anything about tile patterns or fagatrons anymore. thank fucking god piccolo dick is still going strong.
You look like a tomb raider boss.
Truly the best of us
When you're talking to a doctor, you just call them Sensei.
Oh my god. I forgot about this guy. His corpse was posed like this for his wake.
Yeah that was the idea, haha.
He's not too smart.
Get educated
Never actually watched that gif long enough to find out what happens. Is it gross?
no fucking way, I could've sworn that was from like 2011, not mere months before Gamergate.
How can I see more of your art?
damn ur dad is small
It really makes me sick how people mass reply stupid bullshit just because they see other people are doing it, especially when it's not even very funny.
Well good for you they only do it ironically nowadays. I miss when it was genuine, back when the board knew how to have fun and not just be a /pol/ sock puppet.
It really makes me sick to see how autistic you are.
We all live like him.
Ready to walk off to the mountain when this world burns.
Thank's for your interest(I feel good now), but I don't post it anywhere, I just draw stuff for myself, and shitpost on Yea Forums once in a while.
If you want I can make you something. who's a character that you like?
its like the handholding meme. We act likes its super gross and degenerate for a laugh
no its really kino user! stick through it to the end!
where are you headed user?
Someone make a BRADUU PITTURU edit
Frosty chocolate millshakes
ahahaha fuck
Whos blonde pizza?
Nigger what are you doing
fucking die already
Idk little girls (My niece, my cousins, etc.) like climbing all over me and sitting on my lap and it's never given me a boner, but when my cute gay friend sits on my lap ironically my penis tingles, and when my gf sits on my lap and purposely brushes her ass against me while she wears her skin tight leggings it gives me a stiffy hard enough to shatter glass.
Basically you're a pedo. And I'm gay
i sit far from my tv
How do you even see the screen from such a distance?
Big house, hot sister.
Some folks have it all.
50 inch 4k qled and some glasses
I'm not gonna watch it.
I'll never become like you.
please draw my daughter.
why is it so hot when women cross their legs
Female streamer/attention whore who posts on Yea Forums
She created a thread a while ago with this video and kept trying to rope Yea Forumsirgins in.
>And I'm gay
Literally no one would get to the end of your post without realizing this.
eggscellent work
But why ?
also fuck off faggot
>and I'm gay
we could tell
oh my god he finally did it!
You're a multitude of hot females all controlled by a hivemind?
you fucking wish
youre really getting into silent hill
I hope you're a girl
Fuck off buckeyfag.
this is very creepy user. big enough and big, black enough voids for eyes that something about it just screams do nto approach.
The little nugget of shit fucking got me kek
I thought this thread was entitled “Teddy Graham Memories”
very nice
>Are you ready to play some smash, Brother?
>Pass the controller.
I wanted to paste on the face of the stick figure ejaculating with rainbows in the background, but it turns out I don't have it saved
thanks doc
Its actually buckyfag
And im not leaving
Towards certain death
Its a bit of a unintentionally teasy gesture showing off quite a bit of thigh to obscure the vision of panties when wearing a skirt.
oh jeez
Is that Roll from Mega Man getting fucked on the couch?
where are her arms
Yes and I need moar
You think I knew how to draw arms when I drew that 3 years ago?
You think I know how to draw arms now? no sir.
Fixed it for you :)
you got sauce on the original picture? google is not helping me
no, not the couch, the girls
Very good, its perfect.
blessed image
I'm going to guess it's not actually you, but nonetheless, I need to tell you this in case you are. Please. Just leave. Fuck off to Twitter and actually learn to draw. Then you can do something "important", and "be a part of something".
Took a while, but here's your dirty kid, user.
wheres the dick
now draw porn of
No dick, just qt potbelly
Muffintop or nothing
man, that kid is absolutely FILTHY
i love it, thanks a lot. i will post it in related threads if you don't mind.
There's two that I've seen. One skins you alive and the other turns you into little flesh cubes.
Bro,im just drawing for fun.
mentally-ill man in drag? Yes.
gratzie doc
that poor user is in for a surprise
cute spider user
So that's why I got boners when horses rubbed themselves on me. Thanks Brock.
Please do, it would be cool to run into it on here again some day.
Btw, here's her in her gamer pose.
Poor kids don't get to play video games
Got it
Fuck you I liked it.
Hahahaha holy shit
>dick clearly bulging
>thinks they want to be a girl
Please make blog.
now draw a pov of the user
God I wish that were me but instead of marie a 6ft3 blonde girl
Someone explain face sitting to me.
>this pose but propped up on her own gigantic breasts never
shit eaters
Uber submissive male position to eat a girl out
soft and creamy cunny right on your face
What's not to get? I like butts. So having a butt on my face seems like it would be kinda nice.
It's not like I'm super into the idea or anything, but I might try it if I ever get a gf. Honestly I'd rather just shove my face in it than have all that weight on my head, but close enough ya know?
>big dick is back in town
cпacибo вpaчa
So was there any oc this thread?
Do you guys want me to make one?
No one posted the daily dose?
underrated lmao
Oh hey it's you.
At least 6 OC according to file names
Tack herr doktor
I can't speak for everyone else, but mine were
I'm sure I'm not the only one though.
I haven't seen this one before. Are you actually minus8, or is this a repost?
My gamer pose is Todd Howard with a gun to my head while the sound effect for fus roh duh comes from the TV.
Thanks for looking at my image expressed via words.
I did the Homestarrunner one.
n-nice pose
Merci docteur
frosty chocolate milkshakes
you're a thigh patrician, user.
It's about damn time. I haven't been able to fill a prescription in this place for weeks
Junji Ito manga? what the fuck is it?
>not a alcoholic penguin looking at the past that was club penguin
>grindcore album cover
is OC
Your art is cute, user.
>too new to know
fuck you I'm not an Yea Forums
I hate you.
This happens everytime i visit my buddy.
he fucks your girlfriend?
shit get's posted everywhere except maybe boards like /an/ or /ck/
no, his.
Piccolo is a nigger. Akira Toriyama revealed it.
Pines in Vegina
is it a wiimote or a joycon?
after he stole yours?
eh, boring
Anyone got that eldritch looking one?
It's probably one of the most self explanatory things in this known universe. You are likely super gay, user. And that's okay, but I'm just making sure that you're aware.
like ass >> slowly learn to like ass AND thighs >>>> get to like ass thighs and ass even more >>>>>>>> want to get sitted on by thigh and ass
mfw she whips the pussy out
The patch is clearly already on there in your post.
You know too much
this... this is me
its a beanbag
It's for retarded normies who saw someone else post it so now they themselves must perpetuate it to feel like they fit in.
wait a minute
Danke Herr Doktor
Thanks dude, that means a lot to me!
Sorry. I'd draw you something, but I need to get some sleep now.
I took some liberties here and there.
Gay people eat ass too user
A washed and clean ass is fucking amazing
other pose
you wanna fucking fight bro?
thanks doc
Vivian james got breast reduction surgery
No worries mane, just keep drawing not lewd and you're g2g
stick your dick between the pillows
that sounds a bit painfull
That's ok. I've already got an ironing board.
That's actually a nice ass, who's the animator?
thanks, doc
Look how hard I can sleep
Lost my shit when he said this in the show
Grazzi tabib.
thanks doc
Nigga why the fuck you going to his house to play videogames while he bangs, just fuck outta there and tell him to bigger off if he aint fucking playing the ps3 and wants to play with pussy.
Come the fuck on, you really so much of a fucker you dont walk out and slam the door when that fag starts being one?
i never seen the cubes version do you have it?