>But Overwatch is a dead game!
Overwatch League is still one of the most viewed things on Twitch right now. Sure no one actively talks about it, but it's scene is still very much alive; plus Blizzard's been implying they plan to make a big push to get OW back in the spotlight. The incoming OW port to Switch is proof of that
>Why would Tracer be coming NOW?
DLC all have been promotions.
Joker was Sakurai shilling out for Persona 5 Royal/Scramble
Hero has been for the Switch port of XI, which Nintendo has been trying to push for like the whole year
Banjo has coincided with a lot of new merch this year, plus the rumors of Rare Replay and/or ports of the original games
Tracer for the OW port would be no different
>But Blizzard said they would want Diablo!
"Hey, we want a Blizzard character in Smash"
"Oh neat! We were thinking Diablo"
"Actually, we want Tracer"
"Oh, okay! She's our mascot anyway"
Bouncy and chipper waifu with one-liners VS armored muscle-man who doesn't talk. Guess which one is more appealing to a general audience?
Banjo's got the 90's platformer mascot role on lock-down
Short range teleportation, pulse bomb, Time reversal with healing, and melee attacks aren't an issue when they basically gave Joker pieces of Shiek's moveset
But Overwatch is a dead game!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Lootbox game
Page 10 please.
Didn’t read. Never getting in
Least the SFM stuff with Tracer and Ganon will be neat.
you know, at least stevefags were funny.
>a themed switch case means its going to be in smash
>capeshit reddit memes
Imagine what the person who started this thread looks like
Is the irony of the picture to show that Tracer won't get in because Thanos dies right after that line?
Tracer doesn't meet the requirements, a fighter needs to have appeared in a game that was a Nintendo exclusive at one point.
Crashfags need to off themselves
>Steve fags latching onto anything else to shitpost about
kek tracer is not getting into smash either ya deluded fuckwads, neither is 'doomguy' because they dont fucking fit the game
Joker you imbecile
Sorry Crash, better luck next time
Fuck you, let the real vidya icons get in
PQ2 but it can be argued that it should've been the chibi version.
i don't know what retarded logic he's following but ff theatrhythm and persona Q would still make them fall under that
When are they making a single-player Overwatch?
I love Conker, but the inherent problem with him is that time caught up with his gimmick.
Back in the 90's it was a novelty to have a kiddy-looking game be filled with dirty jokes and singing shit. This was a time when The Simpsons was considered 'shocking' and that it would be the downfall of all decency and make our children rebel
But standards have changed. Oh, your cartoony looking game has swearing and dirty jokes? Big deal, there's tons of those now.
Conker is on life-support purely for nostalgia. He wasn't a console mascot like Banjo-Kazooie, he was an anomaly that got attention for being an anomaly, but in today's world Conker would just blend in with the rest of the pack
Question! Is Overwatch even coming to Switch? The answer is NO.
Therefore, Tracer is also NO.
Behold the TRUE 4th DLC Character.
Persona Q2 you imbecile.
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
I would sell my left nut for a sequel or remaster
And Behold her 7 alt costumes.
This is now a Lolipop Chainsaw thread
>Baseless patternfagging
I don't want Tracer in but come the fuck on man, you're better than this
No need. Suda51 & Grasshopper Studios has been using Lollipop Chainsaw as practice for No More Heroes 3. Expect LC to be announced this October.
It's not baseless if it can't be proven wrong.
>overwatch league gets views
Have you ever heard of viewbotting?
>DLC is all promotions
Wow, you really stretched for Banjo.
>fuck you blizzard we want tracer
When the hell has this happened? As far as I'm concerned, every 3rd party has been one the developers wanted.
>uggh general public no like doomguy
Fuck the general public. Do they even care about Smash? Or anything that isn't Reddit shit like Minecraft.
>they can make a moveset for hur
What would set her apart from the rest of the roster?
Also nice capeshit meme. You do realize after that Thanos loses the stones and gets BTFO by Iron Man (or Doomguy in this case), right?
But that’s literally the definition of baseless. It can’t be proven right nor wrong, so bringing it up is a null point
Not so much "exclusive", but planned on being on the system or "being a significant video game character". Cloud originally fit both categories (if just barely thanks to the original GBA Chain of Memories), and now fits firmly thanks to FFVII being on the Switch.
>Cloud and Joker exist
what did he mean by this.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or false flagging, Overwatch in general so it won't hold up.
Modern Warefare coming out is going to start the standard of how FPS's should be if you catch my danetkgthrdhgfv
>It can’t be proven right
Except for the fact that it's been proven 73 times.
Do you know how to read?
this nigger gets it
>Pac Man is in Smash
>Pac Man has NEVER been a Nintendo exclusive
FFS man you're a retard.
Why can't you just accept popular thing is popular?
So did Cloud come from the KH series and Joker from the Q series? thought so.
I realized that Overwatch is the american equivalent of Touhou
Both are series that survives on life support from fanart/porn, the average person recognizes the characters but don't actively know where the hell they're from, barely anyone outside of their respective countries have actually played the source games
>>Pac Man has NEVER been a Nintendo exclusive
It's Juliet Starling you fucking retards. She's 4th slot. Screen Cap this.
For Crashboi's logic to work Pac-Man would have to have been a Nintendo exclusive BEFORE his appearance in Smash
Actually, I think Conker is the only rated M cartoony platfomer I have ever seen, please tell me if I’m wrong, the only similar thing that I have found is happy tree friends (it always baffled me how the plot of Conkers other bad day was completed before the game was cancelled, if someone wanted to make a new Conker game they could just grab that plot an make the gameplay portions)
Alright so you haven't played any of these games then.
Pac-Man Vs.[a] is a 2003 maze video game developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Namco for the GameCube.
Man you guys are dumb.
Multiple ants going into a trashcan doesn’t prove that all ants go into a trashcan. The only thing that it does prove is that a great majority of them do, but there can always be outliers to that prediction. The only definitive rule, stated by Sakurai himself, is that the character must be from a videogame. All other fan-made rules are contrived and can be disproven at any time, but we’ll never truly know until the final dlc are revealed so don’t count all your chickens before they hatch
They never debuted in those games you mongoloid. it was just a cameo and a spin off of a spin off respectively.
>Most viewed
So not played.
We're seriously bending over ourselves trying to disprove a contrived fan-rule
Literally no one ever mentioned debuting fucktard, learn to read.
1. Pac Man was released on his own arcade game by Namco, NOT Nintendo.
2. Pac Man was first released to home consoles on the Atari 2600, NOT the NES.
2. Pac Man was made into a fighting game character in Street Fighter X Tekken, which was released 2 years BEFORE Sm4sh.
Crashboy is a fucking retard, and you are Crashboy.
I know you're only pretending to be a retard, but could you try harder next time?
>Blizzard constantly reports shitty OW MAUs quarter after quarter.
>B-buh the TWITCH!!!
It's still fucking patternfagging and reaching anyway.
>An off-beat horror rep that would not only cuck Leon into oblivion but also cuck Travis
Which do we want, lads? Do we want Tracer to steal Doomguy and Crash's spot? Or Juliet to steal Leon and Travis' spot?
i just fucking want crash in, is that too much to ask?
Trying is definitely the key word.
How is any of that even relevant? It has nothing to do with the stated rule. >Gets proven wrong
>Doesn't have an argument
Matt Groening got 'foot massages' with Epstein from underage girls on his plane.
>we’ll never truly know until the final dlc are revealed
I thought reimufags were delusional
This, I'm surprised we made it this far without getting deconfirmed.
Yeah, no
>a fighter needs to have appeared in a game that was a Nintendo exclusive at one point.
>appeared in a game that was a Nintendo exclusive
>game that was a Nintendo exclusive
>Nintendo exclusive
>"The only definitive rule, stated by Sakurai himself, is that the character must be from a videogame."
God yuo're stupid. No yuo for yuo!
>mfw actively opposed to any character like Crash and Banjo getting into smash because of the inevitable wave of furry porn upon their announcement
I'm sorry Crashfags, you seem like nice people
>Sure no one actively talks about it, but it's scene is still very much alive
So basically, viewbots.
Screen cap this thread, 'cause it's happening sweetheart!
>Thinking Sakurai would limit his choices like that
>When he himself thinks console wars are retarded
>Thinking Nintendo gives a rat's ass if a character has any history with them
>When Joker got in and all he appeared in on a Nintendo system is a 3DS spin off
Do you seriously think the 3DS spin off was the biggest deciding factor to why Nintendo chose Joker?
I'd have to go with Juliet on this one, the reaction would be fucking gold
How much did you care about Tracer before that """"leak""""" that popped up literally yesterday?
considering how blizzard literally gives you free shit for leaving OWL on in the background, yeah probably
i guarantee that if you didn't get wacky funbucks for officially branded e-sport faggot skins that the viewership would barely be a quarter of what it is now
It's really not that limiting, Doomguy still fits the criteria.
big cope
Its limiting nonetheless
Sakurai's been over his criteria for third parties and has never cited being on a Nintendo system was a factor
sick dodge
Lets be real, Tracer is more marketable to the Smash audience than Doomguy
what did he mean by this?>
Come back when you shape an entire genre, britbong. At least OUR franchise is actually universally loved and not buried six feet under controversies and the scumbaggery that is Blizzard.
Maybe, but she hasn't been in a nintendo exclusive so she's not getting in, sorry.
it's ok sweetie i'm sure the lawyer guy or whoever the army character was will get in next smash
>when they basically gave Joker pieces of Shiek's moveset
Stopped reading right there
No one cares about Space Invaders, you're still relegated to chuck-e cheeses around the world
You're a fool if you think it's going to be Tracer
It will be a popular character with a lot of potential moves like Genji or D.Va
face it kid, space invaders will live to see at least its 80th anniversary when overwatch is unlikely to even reach 20
hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad
This is bait
Is crash vs. tracer going to become the next steve vs. banjo? Please to god I hope not
I'd much rather Juliet take Leon's spot than Phoenix or Monster Hunter
Honestly, you and anyone else who thinks this is the reason Joker got into Smash are retarded.
Besides, an Overwatch port or Overwatch Spinoff might be coming to switch if official merch is anything to go by.
>tfw you got the character you wanted so you don't care who the rest are.
>get to watch everyone else shitfling
Smash sucks shit but if Tracer got in I will blow my head off live on stream
This, Tracer actually getting in would be a pleasant surprise; but I'm here for the memes since I got my guy already
>More fucking Tracer forced relevancy
>The blizzard rep being fucking Tracer instead of someone based or potentially hilarious like Diablo or Lost Vikings
>Hots will continue to have shitty OC's instead of Blizzard originals or OC's based on Blizzard units/properties
worst timeline
you tried, faggot
I would have preferred a Warcraft rep, but at least the door would be open for the future.
*gets in before tracer and makes a much more interesting fighter*
This is so me when Tracer officially gets revealed for smash
Why shills are in full force tonight?
I agree that CU would be interesting, but Tracer would have unprecedented mobility. There wouldnt be a character like her.
not to mention that
>next DLC character
>was posted before the E3 dual reveal
he tried, but he really fucking failed
They'd save him for #5
>Bouncy and chipper waifu with one-liners VS armored muscle-man who doesn't talk. Guess which one is more appealing to a general audience?
The silent guy.
Overwatch is a dying game and twitch views in no way represent the number of people actually playing a game and trying to use them as a metric is as retarded as you are for this post
idk man. I can play at 4am in the US and still get queues popping in under 2 mins.
based and understandable.
I have faith that Sakurai wouldn’t add Tracer instead of Crash like how he added Banjo instead of Steve.
convince me this isn't just kids trying to shitpost another forced meme. Remember how much people said steve would get in because of how "marketable" he is? Yeah, I doubt anything is going to come from this other than a switch port of overwatch at most.
Wasn't it proven a large portion of the OWL viewership was because they embed the stream into Battle Net so anyone who had the program running was technically a viewer?
i fucking wish i was feeling like you
Otisposter I love you. Don’t stop being based.
>But Gravity Rush is a dead game!
GRavity Rush is still one of the most viewed things on twitch right now!
>Why would Kat be coming NOW?
Because shes cute!
Shes my wife!
I love her!
>Overwatch League is still one of the most viewed things on Twitch right now.
But would Nintendo want to associate themselves with an event that has had many controversies due to the surprising amount of sexual harassers/pedophiles?
Also I honestly don't think Tracer is all that iconic anymore when it comes to OW. Waifu potential overshadowed by D.VA and her fan service skins.
Who the fuck even cares about her being lesbian now when Soldier 76 suddenly came out of the closet which caused an uproar that's more memorable than some comic pages that revealed Tracer's sexual attraction?
>Overwatch League is still one of the most viewed things on Twitch right now.
>lucky to even break 10k when OWL or xqc aren't on to carry it to top ten
>pretty much everyone that started streaming off it dropped it after getting big
By this retarded logic, Jonesy and Steve would be more likely to join.
>But would Nintendo want to associate themselves with an event that has had many controversies due to the surprising amount of sexual harassers/pedophiles?
That's a problem with Pokemon and Smash events. Not saying it's okay, but it's already a thing happening with some Nintendo communities.
Yeah. Though what shit happened in the Pokemon events? I already know about most of the shit within the Smash community but not Pokemon.
>Overwatch League is still one of the most viewed things on Twitch right now. Sure no one actively talks about it
Mate when it comes to the cancer of the gaming industry. If its popular on twitch but nobody talks about it, then the chances of it being organic and not paid for or organised by the company increase exponentially.
Publicly traded company of course they are going to do whatever it takes to make a steaming pile of shit look like it has some gold specks in it.
>GRavity Rush is still one of the most viewed things on twitch right now!
Is this a copy pasta or something?
Same kind of stuff basically. e-celeb level poke-tuber guys try to use their status to get underage girls.
>But would Nintendo want to associate themselves with an event that has had many controversies due to the surprising amount of sexual harassers/pedophiles?
The latest scandal in the Smash scene involved a minor blackmailing an older guy he was in a relationship with and threatening to out him if he didn't throw matches against him and let him win
D.Va has a bunch of good abilities but the way her mecha moves seems too limiting to be used in a fighter, especially with how its joints operate
Seems odd to think they'd pick anyone other than the mascot, Tracer
Cancel culture? More like Cancer culture.
I see this backfiring. If Leffen triggers sjws, Yea Forums will defend him and say he's based.
It'd be worth it to drive Leffen out of the scene so he'll crawl back to Melee and quit his bitching
Jokes on you, we all know he's in.
>Overwatch League is still one of the most viewed things on Twitch right now
Why do people think its gonna be a female rep?
Sorry, just passing through.
The only reason I can think of for tracer getting in is the fact that the character would genuinely play in a unique way which is something sakurai said mattered.
But hurrrdduurrr dying game and not onn intendo aaaAAAAA
Don’t you know? It is a tradition to inherit a used Reimu plush, give it a fresh coat of white paint, and pass it on to another owner.
"Oh, God, am I getting desperate already?" NO. Steve is a good character with whom you could do almost unlimited things in Smash. Let me list some things: Sword, Axe, Bow, Trident, (because, yes, trident are actually being added to Minecraft) flint & steel, lava or water buckets, TNT, fishing line, helpful potions, (similar to how monado arts work) harmful splash potions, armor, gravel towers, (recovery) and enderpearls (which teleport you to wherever they land when thrown). For a final smash, Steve could smash you into the Minecraft overworld where a creeper could blow you up throwing you through a Nether portal, where you would be shot with a Ghast fireball, throwing you back through the portal, where you would fall down a deep hole, and fall through an End portal, and your character would get up right as the Enderdragon swoops down and smashes them off screen. (initiate whiny kid voice) "Steve isn't a character who will fit in Smash." YOU COULDN'T BE MORE WRONG.
from some youtube comment highlighted in introspective's new joke video (youtube.com
Genji would be a Mii Swordfighter costume if anything. Doomfist would be Brawler and some random champion would be Gunner.
>Build a cave of life
>Build a wall to jab-lock opponents
>Build a platform extension towards the blast zone
>Backthrow for easy kill
Plz don't be Genji
We don't need another anime swordsman with a counter move.
Back in your cuckshed, Jeff.
So who actually has the most to lose if Tracer gets in? Presumably Crashfags right?
Cringe it's not 2016 anymore overwatch is dead and hero shooters are dead nobody cares about either anymore
>what are viewbots
Both Crash and Doombros would be BTFO. She'd be taking a spot from Activision and be stealing the coveted FPS rep title from Doom
Yea Forums
I mean just look at all those "overwatch is dead" replies
Eh Doom could still make it, Joker didn't steal the JRPG slot from Hero. But Crashfag's ship would be pretty dead in the water.
Three western properties would be pretty crazy though. There's gotta be another Japanese IP in there somewhere.
Even if Doom still had a shot of getting in, the fact that Tracer would have gotten in first would cause a shitstorm of biblical proportions
It doesn't have to be like this...
Theres still time anons
>villain from last game joins your party
>Overwatch League is still one of the most viewed things on Twitch right now.
People leave the thing on so they get in-game bonuses. Thats why theres a same amount of people "watching" even when the broadcast is closed.
fuck off shit, HEAVY IS THE FPS REP
Fuck off, you stopped being funny when the Grinch leak died
We'll get a containment board when the mods of Yea Forums stop giving us stickies every time a new reveal comes
The irony of this post, to use the modern phrase, 'is not lost on me'
It should be Reinhardt
TL;DR: A post from a few days ago claimed that the next DLC would be a female character who is not demanded and would confuse and disappoint people. No one thought twice about it until suddenly Amazon accidentally leaked an Overwatch carrying case for the Switch; and this along with other evidence all but confirms OW is getting a Switch port by the next Direct
With OW being a high-profile game making the Switch leap suddenly people began to wonder about the possibility of an OW character being in Smash and oh look, Tracer fits the mold of "Disappointing female character that would piss people off"
Twitter reacted angrily and suddenly we have the latest villain of rosterfagging, a pick so reviled by the Smash community that it makes for good trolling
What irony?
The way Crashfags have been going on about relevancy, sales and rules, Tracer getting in and suddenly blowing them out by using their own rules against them would be poetic justice.
>Using relevancy and sales to make their point
Where have I heard THAT before....
Why are Yea Forumsirgins suddenly worshiping Overwatch after years of shitting on it because of something a random Twitter account said?
For memes,
Blizzard said they'd put Diablo into Smash if they got the opportunity.
That was Pete's personal choice, he didn't say that was Activision-Blizzard's official choice
No, they didn't.
This is the direct quote:
>"Personally, yeah, I'd love to have Diablo."
Nintendo decides the DLC, not Blizzard.
Okay, I'm putting this "Blizzard wants Diablo in Smash" thing to bed once and for all
In that interview, Blizzard suggested Deckard Cain AS A JOKE. An old guy who just wacks people with a cane and puts them to sleep
There isn't a single unique, stand out character in Diablo that isn't "Spooky armor guy" or "Spooky demon guy"
The player characters are generic classes
Diablo is simply too niche, despite Blizzard and Nintendo trying to push it earlier
Of course this means nothing since Blizzard isn't getting a character in Smash simply because another one of their games ported to the Switch.
No you're right, I just want people to stop taking that quote out of context.
Deckard Cain was a joke, yes. Then he said Diablo himself, you idiot. The Lord of Terror. That's who he wanted to be in.
How is it "out of context" when he said he wanted the demon lord himself?
"Activision-Blizzard wants Diablo!" and "Pete Stilwell, PERSONALLY wants Diablo" are two different things.
And Sakurai wants nothing from Blizzard, the only reason you faggots are even giving OVerwatch the time of dday is because you need to shitpost Yea Forums nonstop with a Twitter meme.
the game that sfm porn is more entertaining the game itself..
its dying
and this post seething proves it....
just post sfm shit OP