I was looking for a good dungeon crawler and this looked good, but then I saw it has awful user reviews on metacritic...

I was looking for a good dungeon crawler and this looked good, but then I saw it has awful user reviews on metacritic. Is it really as shitty as they say? Is the original DS version better?

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Other urls found in this thread:


No retard, some shithead has just been review bombing every single megaten game for some god forsaken reason.

pretty good game
having law and chaos endings that don't go full retard is a nice touch

Only retards care about Metacritic.

This it’s obvious as fuck too yet Meta critics refuses to do anything
Lazy bastards

Get Etrian Odyssey III instead

Its actually pretty great aside from the new ending cutscenes being straight out of a flash game.
Some of the mazes will hurt you

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Why 3 specifically? Shouldn't I start with the first one?


so is this just like persona 5?

If persona 5 had mature military adults, far more death, guns and gameplay that’s ball busting hard then yeah
Otherwise hell no.

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Awesome game with lot of hours to spend. Totally worth it.

The dark souls of persona

OP here, thanks guys, I'll pick it up.


1 and 2 got remakes because they are incredibly dated. 3 is the first modern one

It's a great game user, hope you enjoy it.

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It is a very great game. The final boss will kick your ass. The music is also excellent and sets the tone perfectly.

holy shit

What the fuck, why would someone have a vendetta against the SMT series?

someone probably called him a retard and told him to use buffs

>tfw personafrens get salty because you can’t have a waifu in smt

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persona got bombed too though, it just had more positive reviews already so the average is higher

>there are people who STILL listen to Metacritic user reviews
>there are people who STILL listen to Metacritic

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its entierly different except for demon fusion. And actual characters instead of muh shitty adults

Pretty good and redux add some QoL updates compared to DS version.

Still hard as ball for any first time player tho.

>changed Deep Strange Journey to Strange Journey Redux
was this ATLUSA biggest crime

I may be juuuust a taaad bit paranoid here, but it could be a smashtard salty Joker got in instead of his favorite literal who character, or that he has been winning most major tournament. I said this because last game someone hated Rosalina being included so much that he mass-purchased a few hundred of the limited-stock Rosalina Amiibo only so circulating stock would be scarce and people who wanted her wouldn't get her. I am not kidding.

you're probably paranoid
it's just some bored guy who set up a bot

i wasnt mad about rosalina until the game came out and she was a bullshit character to play against

Deep Strange Journey sounds real gay though

pretty sure the bombing has been going on for longer than joker being in

it sounds awesome what are you talking about

P4G and P5 are noticeably absent. Coincidence? I think NOT.

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Seething snoys, they will review bomb any game in a Nintendo platform

Every game with "Shin Megami Tensei" in the title has been 0 bombed by bot reviews for ages

I still don't know what cause such autism burst.

Isn't even self harm or just plain old sperging, but something very specific.

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do you still have to do the link stuff?

>went to gamestop to get a physical copy to display on my shelf
>forget they changed the name to redux
>forget that the game didn't come out for a few more days
>look like a retard asking for a game that isn't even in their system or on their shelves
it was truly a bruh gamer moment. thanks for reminding me.

An attempt was made on the PS2 version of P4. They just have much more positive user reviews compared to the rest of the franchise, so it’s going to be harder to drop their score.

What the actual fuck.

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you're assuming this is all manual
some dude, probably on a whim, made a bot that automatically does this on regular intervals

Just finished one of the endings. Arthur is fucking bro I love him.

>they all have consistently about 250 reviews
uncanny. It's totally a bot

I love this game other than the fact I can't make my own markings on the maps. Makes some of the mazes really shitty to go through.

>actual characters
>whole crew
>actual characters
They all are generic anime tropes

alright you fags, what fucking SMT/megaten game do i play on my 3ds/ds? first timer for megaten but not for dungeon crawlers.

Just go with Strange Journey.


Are there enough changes to warrant getting one over the other when it comes to the original and the redux?

Is one of the best fucking SMT games out there user, shit is fucking good.

So which one is better the original DS or the new 3DS version?

The original is better. After original SJ everything SMT related went to shit because of the new blood working there that are bigger fans of Persona more than mainline.

Games never get outdated, what are you talking about?

Worse part I’ve sent like 7 emails tell them “Yo there’s a bot review bombing can you put a stop to it?”
There was like 5 bots for breath of the wild and they got blocked in less than a day.

DS has the Kaneko art for the human characters, they lack expressions tho.

3DS has new art for the character done by Doi, is of course shittier because Doi, but is not bad either, the characters have expressions now at least, aside from that the game has a new side dungeon that is pretty fucking big and is meant to be done alongside the main story, new demons and new stuff is found there, it also unlocks new endings and there is a new slut that wants to kill you.

>Is the original DS version better?
Do you prefer P4 to P4G? It's the same thing here.

I wouldn’t say outdated but if Nocturne has SMT IVA combat fixes the game would be easier not because it’s easy but because the bullshit is gone.
>A.I. replaces vital buffs like Fog breath with fucking Dia the weakest healing spell in the game

This bit of a shame really.
You’d think they’re getting a bit to old to be constantly doing games about fucking high schoolers who aren’t even interesting


>someone probably called him a retard and told him to use buffs

i could really see this happening

wow almost as if the people who decide which games are being made are the higher ups


it's good


smt iv is probably a better starting point in terms of the 3ds games, but pic related is the true patrician's choice

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EO 1 and 2 are outdated if there are versions of them with quality of life updates and all the same content plus more. and yes games can get out dated, you would never play a game like dragon quest on NES or old final fantasy games with newer ports

>apocalypse, the closest one to being a persona game with it's friendship cast is the one rated highest

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Go check P5 user reviews. A retard is spamming bad reviews on every mega ten/ Persona game.
Redux is better than ds version in every way.
Still, the dungeons will drive you crazy

How very odd
Always amusing to see what one dedicated autist can do. Shame metacritic won't fix this very obvious problem though.

>ball busting hard
until you start building reflect teams

Is it worth to play smt and persona games on the highest difficulty? i mean is it possible to finish them if i'm a scrub? i finished p1 on psp on normal with ease, that's why i'm asking, i kind of want to have a challenge but not too frustrating to just regret of choosing hard difficulty (asking not because i tend to just stop playing games because they are too difficult, it's because i don't have much time to play anymore).

What I would do for the later games that let you switch difficulty is go normal mode for regular battles and switch to hard mode for bosses. I don't really care about random encounters. Felt like the most fun way to play these games to me.

IIRC Nocturne hard mode will wipe the floor with you and relies on luck in the beginning, but balances out later on.

Persona games you can definitely put on hard without much problem if you're familiar with how rpgs work, I'd recommend you go through at least one SMT on normal before choosing hard, and even then it's on a case by case basis, SMTIV is easier than Strange Journey for exemple.

he got raped hard

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So, I downloaded Dx2 because it happened to appear in my play store
What a mess of a game, now I want smt V even more, fuck at least I'm getting bannerlord

Dx2 is a fucking joke even by gacha standards. I have no idea what they were fucking thinking with that nonsense.

It's incredibly how they fully fucked the pvp of that game by releasing obviously broken units like Guan Yu and Masakado.

>Persona 5 didn't get review bombed

How do I git gud at soul hackers?

I recently got my buddy to try out DDS and he seems to like it, I played it earlier this year myself and been down the SMT rabbit hole since.

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Just emulate the original.
The new one just adds stupid shit

It's gideon zhi

Thanks guys.

literally who

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There's just nothing fun about that game. I played through the story and such, collecting demons using the freebies they gave you over the years, finishing the aura gate and not once has the game been any fun. It's just a piece of shit all around.

The amount of difficulty spikes are insane. If I hadn't gotten a Huang Di to carry me through everything most of the late game content would be impossible. I'd never have touched this thing if SMT wasn't my favorite thing ever.

>this has apparently been going on for about a year and hasn't been fixed yet

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It was missed by the bombing because it dont have SMT in the title anymore you forever-butthurt-about-persona miserable man

Took me forever to learn that but when I did.
Much much easier

Doesn't Redux fix some the cancer that was in the original? Like the thousands of hidden doors that require you facehug every single wall?

It's the only SMT I've played, so I'll give you my 2 cents from an outsider's perspective.
>Story is incredibly interesting and all the characters are great
>The demon designs are all pretty sweet and matching compatible species, alignments and personalities was fun
>Normal battles are just a matter of figuring out what weakness the enemy has and then using that in every encounter to get the follow up attacks
>Boss battles range from a fair challenge to some downright bullshit immunities and status effects
>Dungeons are all pretty varied and have interesting themes
>The moment-to-moment dungeon crawling is good, but I got a little sick of it around 25-30 hours in. They introduce new puzzles and gadgets to try to keep it fresh, but it all started feeling like a chore by the end.
>Side quests are all rather lame, but some of the demons you talk to are funny.

Where in my post did I say I hated Persona? Quit projecting.

Yeah, like a whole new bigass dungeon and several bosses.
It just has more quality gameplay, therefore it's better. Also fixes part of what was stupid from coop, the game's main gimmick.

Strange Journey is the best SMT to start with because you're immune to expel so that's one less instadeath you have to worry about.

SJR is fantastic.

just snes inject bro and play smt 2 or if... for the first persona style gameplay


Never EVER fall for the remaster meme. No matter which game.
>hurr durr my added content and story!
Fuck off zoomers

patrician my ass the true choice is jack bros

aren't all SMT and persona games getting reviewbombed on metacritic?

>yfw the review bomber is probably in this thread right now

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Dragon quest I is very playable. It's whole point is to bring unplayable hardcore western RPGs to the uninitiated audience. Also the game is easy and short.

what if I already have a 3ds? I have also a flashcart, so I can decide which one to play.

>persona 4 is so good he cant even bring it below a 6

Just play with what you got op im playing strange journey right now its a fucking blast. Don't listen to critics find things out your own way

You casual scum, why don't you play a real Shin megami tensei game, like nocturne or strange journey

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I’d believe it
Hell I found out the main anti-Nintendo shitposter literally plays his Switch far more than I do.
By over 1300 hours over 54: 24 hour days devoted to his Switch

It's a great game but remember, this is a face you can trust. Chaos is for fags

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I will admit the only reason I brought this is because I can’t find my old copy anymore.
My parents moved so a lot my old stuff has gone missing

Womb of Grief is fucking great. If you haven't hacked your 3ds by now you're probably a total retard who wouldn't have a chance of completing it anyways.

I preferred the new one but the remake has some subjective flaws on it's own.
>dropped the square grid in fusion that showed results
>the pixelated UI in SJ was better than anti-aliased font/graphics in remake
>the symbol for demon currency isn't "?" before you discover it in the remake

In plus though, it finally has ng+ content that is more than one fight, and new endings counterbalance the bias in original ones.

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Something I've kinda been wondering; I started SJ, but never made it very far. Later I started playing SMTIV and since the Black Samurai is wearing a Demonica, are the two games connected? I can't say I've ever really heard of SMT having a connected canon outside of the Persona series, but Like I said, I've never made it far in the mainline series. Just kinda wondering if I should finish SJ first.

It's just a nod to SJ, however the reason why something like a demonica could exist in SMTIV's Mikado is a minor spoiler for your first several hours in the game.

SMT canon is pretty loose, you'll get continuity references here and there but it never matters much to the story within the game you're playing.

The Black Samurai wearing a Demonica means nothing more than she comes from the same world SJ takes place in.

I want ps2-era games ports on switch so fucking bad.

They're both good but soul hackers is better

Doi only did new demons and Alex IIRC, crew members and main characters were drawn by somebody else

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Currently playing Nocturne and am at Matador.
I thought it was a meme.
I thought once I used buffs the fight would be pretty easy.
Even after changing to the null force magatama i still got my shit kicked in.
I guess it's time to get a demon with media but jesus I wasn't expecting that much of a difficulty spike, seriously, the rest of the game has been pretty easy/normal so far.

It's a great game, though I think it has way too much dialogue. It's definitely not a story heavy game but it's really not fun reading dialogues for 30 minutes between every dungeon.
Compared to the original DS version, it has an extra dungeon and new endings. I think the storyline for the extra dungeon feels really forced but the dungeon itself is good. It "looks" better in general. The backgrond textures and UI is better but the characters are more animefied. Also the 3DS version has some new small mechanics that make the game eaiser, like quicksaving.
for 3ds? Strange Journey or Soul Hackers. Or SMTIV if you want a more linear,story based game but it's not really good. Though I'd recommend you start with Nocturne or SMT1/2 but the first 2 games are hard to get into if you don't know megaten mechanics. You'll be fine if you've played the persona games before though

Would you recommend it to someone who just beat Persona Q2 on risky enjoy it? Someone like me?

What link stuff? Social link? No.

I thought this and SMT IV were meant to be the best handheld games?

You mean if P5 had any gameplay at all? SJ is at least a competent dungeon crawler
P5 is a vn with occasional battles

He was only added in with the Maniax edition, which is why it's such an unusual difficulty spike.

Have you played Etrian Odyssey?

>real megomie tensay
Like Kyuuyaku or SMT1&2?

No, the persona games were bombed as well, but since it was around 200 bots and persona has thousands of reviews it affected them much less, this image didn't include it but they were hit as well

Nigger I just said I played Persona Q2

Persona Q2 is just Etrian Odyssey with a Persona 5 paint coat

Some people don't know they're made by the EO team.

Yeah, SJ is like EO as well, not as much as PQ but it's still very similar, the key difference is that SJ doesn't have map making but the actual dungeon crawling and gameplay loop is basically the same

>Actually taking reviews seriously

>Is the original DS version better?


Aside from added QOL shit in the redux they also added new endings which are fucking trash compared to the original ones.

>Is it really
Oh the 10.000.000 cry for attention thread. Too bad these kind of shitposters don't get a long ban. Mods ?

Strange Journey is my favorite vidya.

You probably are ready for this but remember this is a SMT game so you will have to grind like a motherfucker.

P4G and P5 didn't get hit by it because they don't have SMT in the title probably.

>from the worst law and chaos endings to some of the best, especially law

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i've only beaten 4, and it was an amazing game. i'm glad that i have the ability to feel through the soundtrack properly now that i've played it. i played apocalypse for 15 hours then i lost interest. i will go back though eventually. i played soul hackers for a bit, and i love the characters, but also lost interest. shin megami tensei games are good but you have to be in the perfect moment to play and enjoy them fully. i haven't had any perfect moments yet since smt4

Probably that Ryan schizo

Yea, Gore and Mastema are the only good characters.

>Like the thousands of hidden doors that require you facehug every single wall
Literally never happened. SJ is probably the mildest dungeon crawler in existence when it comes to hidden doors.

Neutral+ is kino and I'll not hear otherwise.

Fan translator for SMT 1, 2, and If...
A total bitch ass drama queen, as most fan translators are.

He just turns into doomguy for real which yes makes it kino.


Wrong. That happens as early as the third map with you needing to facehug the majority of the new floors to find Horkus. Not to mention the "can't see anything floors".




Bullshit, the game absolutely never once pulls a single hidden door out of its ass or anything like that. Show me exactly where you got stuck, if you're not an absolute brain dead retard, you'll instinctively investigate every suspiciously empty room and crabwalk along every suspicious stretch of wall. I doubt you've even beaten the game or that you've ever played another dungeon crawler in your life my guy. The genre obviously isn't for you, be thankful you didn't have to press the "look" button on every single piece of wall like you usually would.

Pure kino.

>if you crabwalk everywhere (facehug every wall) you won't get stuck
woah you don't say

>wtf i had to WALK for a few seconds to check out this one obvious passageway wooooww this is cancer

Hide in back making out with Nemissa while she spams Roma, make a good Zeed, have a mix of actually powerful demons and demons who actually listen to you.

>implying gate searches are at the end of random corridors and not randomly placed on the sides of walls
being forced to facehug/crabwalk is cancer, suck my dick

>for a few seconds
nice try

Demons at max loyalty will always do what you want
Sexy Nemissa is OP
As soon as you get the gloves that make you immune to death never take them off

>Play on highest Difficulty
>smart enough to use buffs
>not autistic enough to fuse demons without weaknesses to beat Meme Aleph.

Pure, unadulterated, unfiltered autism

Fuse Demons with Dark Might/Bright Might and fight him on New Moon/Full Moon

Enjoy your 3x 100% Crits and 4 extra Rounds. Fuck him up!

If you're willing to grind the best demon to get media on is Uzume, which you get from fusing a pixie and an angel.

It's actually Nocturne

>Law: Everyone is brainwashed
>Chaos: Everything is terrible

It's phenomenal IMO

Best SMT of its type


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Are the Devil Survivor games any good?

Devil survivor 1 is literally the best Megaten game.

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No. They're shit. SHIT.

I couldn't get invested in 2 because the characters are all pants on head retarded and all the bosses look edible.
Pick up Overclocked though. Cousin of the year, all years.

Yeah, they're pretty good actually. Nothing at all like other megaten games but overall worth checking out.

It happened way before Joker.

>Nocturne right next to it and IV right below it have higher score

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DemiKids confirmed for the best Megaten.

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>user reviews
>metacritic in general
It's a solid game, only problem I got is that I prefer press turn and you get interupted by plot while delving in dungeons, meaning you go back to the hub. That and the portait change. In terms of the new stuff, outside of alex intruding a bit around early game + last sector, you can ignore it and the new stuff's actually fine in terms of not fucking with coehesion when with the original game's content
>persona games and apoc got fucked over less because more people played them
That's funny as hell

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>He STILL listens to Metacritic
It's just shitposting material here. Reminder that God hand has a 73.

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>SMT1/2 but the first 2 games are hard to get into if you don't know megaten mechanic
no, they aren't hard to get into if you don't know megaten mechanic, they barely utilize them and are in general very easy to beat
SMT 1 is archaic as fuck and SMT 2 has ungodly amount of backtracking, which is what actually stops people from playing them

The events of the game aren't connected, but their backstories are. It's not important. You don't have to worry about it.

team just loves demonica design

yeah matador isn't a filter he's literally just overleveled compared to everything before

one issue at least with 1 is that it doesn't tell you what the different spells do and your average person is too lazy for trial and error
>what the shit is a mediarama

the same also applies to various items and equipment

>New & Original donut steel waifuthot for gamers

so literally what dante was in maniax

why the fuck did the difficulty spike so fucking hard with this bitch? it was smooth sailing until she she fucking walled me for hours

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yes, pick up Overclocked and remember to listen to your cousin

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Dante's best girl.
Most fatlus enhanced ports do that

Because you didn't listen to her and get the BIG IRON

So he's the Mastema of that game? Got it, I'll avoid him as much as I can.

>So he's the Masteme of that game?
not even close

Naoya is based, learn to let bygones be bygones.

you won't trick me this time

>Fight her once, level 80-ish team
>Amaterasu, Anat, Kangiten
>Try it once and get absolutely Fucked, didn't even got to Empty. Fucking Mother's Kiss
>Try it again, no changes.
>Beat it without much issue
It really is a very random battle

>He's literally falling for Mastema's long play because he got bit once
>Cheating himself out of the actual best route of all routes
Overclocked took something great and made it amazing.

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>he's not going to listen to based Naoya
your loss boyo, enjoy the inferior endings

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>literally Mastema but Chaos
So this is what chaosfags believe?

Except even the ps2 megaten games were bombed

>being this assblasted by mastema
pathetic neutralfags

>Never lies to you
>Is the only reason you survived as long as you did
>Totally chill with you turning his plan around and doing things differently, even encourages you to put on a good show
I'm more neutral personally but DS1 and OC's Chaos routes are top tier.

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>gets mad and spoils the game
Chaoschildren, everyone.

>I wonder who could be behind this post

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Who's mad?

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It's pretty funny. Just let the man play the game on his own, jesus.


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Zoomzooms want to be spoonfed everything, may as well spoonfeed you the plot to a thing you're not even gonna finish.

DS2 MC is pretty great.

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Is this game good for citrus emulator or is it like the 999 VN or TWENY where it's made specifically for the ds

While it took me many tries to kill MA, it was enjoyable. Now shekinah on the other hand, requires you to have 3 sets of demons ready and with proper skills each or else you'll get every attack repeled, also 1 full heal, fuck the loli

I remember being determined to bring Zeus to the Shekinah fight as a big fuck you to Demeter.

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not sure what you mean, I played through all the 3ds games on citra without issue