Did you enjoy the Summer events, Summoner? Which CYL 3 unit will you be voting for in the upcoming Voting Gauntlet?
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Give me my fucking Corrin already, I just want one more merger for her so I can roll for Berkut now.
How many orbs down the hole so far?
I am considering going in hard far all of them.
For you Hildabros
I never keep count of this stuff but it's less than a hundred or so and I've gotten one Corrin. Just want one more before I start rolling for Berkut since last time I couldn't get him.
guess i'll finally get a ninian
and mage eirika too i guess
>playing gacha trash
Yea Forums's shit taste is worse than usual today.
>gacha shit
Fucking out of this board you pieces of shit.
There's been tons of gacha threads today, this is the nu Yea Forums now.
That fucker Berkut loves to come home when you least expect it. Him and female Morgan have cockblocked me on two consecutive Summer banners.
Do they hate having money or something?
Fucking, poorfags.
I'm gonna join team Berkut and put out my Bride!Tharja as the loan unit
I got my 5th Fallen Corrin from that banner. Why the fuck do they keep giving me this fucking slut?
She’s broken
>Did you enjoy the Summer events, Summoner?
>Which CYL 3 unit will you be voting for in the upcoming Voting Gauntlet?
The Wood.
There are 3x the amount of shitpost off-topic reddit level threads on Yea Forums. Complaining about gacha threads is just embarrassing.
Yeah actually.
I got Fallen Tiki really easily thanks to that hero banner.
I got Brave Mic and Alm in 40 orbs. And Cam as my freebie.
Got a handful of free summon 5* like Minerva and Mia and Bow Hinoka.
Managed to get through both summer banners with all the big milkers and no pities.
And i have 126 Orbs saved by the end of it.
Yea Forums in general needs constant clean-up... which is never gonna happen with current mods
gachas are games, keep seething
Real talk, how gacha is this game?
user, just don't roll colorless orbs.
Pretty gacha. Constant powercreep, you have to pull for fodder if you want to keep most old units relevant, and even then, your better off ditching the old for the new shiny unit and their YuGiOh tier weapon descriptions.
All the little hard level ghb quests popping up were quick and fun, but other than that the celebration was mostly banners and summoning, which I would have enjoyed if I weren't saving up for the LJulia they leaked.
It's pretty chill. Not stressful at all to play f2p play currencies are plentiful so long as you do not roll on every new hero banner.
You act like any of us have any choice.
Stop over exagerating the truth almost every unit can be built to win in player va. Enemy content. It just requires discpline
depends what you want
if you just want your fav characters. it's not too bad usually.
want to max your character and with the best skills? prepare to pay a lot and replace skills fast thanks to powercreep
>every unit can be built
>can be built
Thank you for pretty much repeating what i said.
What does Yea Forums think of my team now?
Discipline = waiting for the koreans to make video guides on how to beat hard content with no SI
Yeah sure, just be sure to get those premium skills like
I am envious...
Nigga what the fuck does that even MEAN? I didnt know i can discipline my waifus and they suddenly get better skills.
Waste of effort, can get soloed by
God I hope so. I remember Shiro came when pony Chrom first came when I got nothing but blues.
>Lightning Breath
>Distant Counter
>yfw when CYL1 refines will be better then CYL3 hero weapons.
I guess it's trying to be another firesweep, distant counter, glacies Hinata.
It hurts more knowing that distant counter's a pretty rare skill to inherit
Easy pickings.
>have almost never taken BLyn off my team since her debut
>mfw her refine announcement
Just save your orbs, user.
That's all there is to it. Akariss-sensei told me so.
cute but..lightning breath and distant counter..
might just wanna give tiki or myrrh their own weapons at least to be a bit more diverse in weapons
It's feel really good to be a Lynfag.
I guess we can expect all CYL units to get this preferential treatment in the future by default.
>Did you enjoy the Summer events, Summoner?
It was okay. They gave tons of orbs which was nice and the ghb rerurns were great since I missed out on some of them. I managed to free roll Surtr, Tibarn and Tiki which was insane luck but they might have screwed me over when I tried rolling for Ishtar merges. I got a few but not as many as I would've liked.
>Which CYL 3 unit will you be voting for in the upcoming Voting Gauntlet?
Eliwood probably.
How about those dragons huh.
>Within 2 months we got 3 good infantry axea heros.
Feels good bros but where's our firesweep axe at?
>Gotten b!Lucina off banner 3 times and 1 from when she first came out.
Do you think she be a better buff slut or make something that makes herself better.
Distant Counter is everywhere nowadays. You should easily have a couple spare Hectors in your bank.
I don't care about this game or the women in it
I just want to pet that owl
So how's your arena run going this week?
Fluffy birb is very petable.
>not even all the rewards listed for that new mode they're releasing and we already know we're getting a free B-Ike
goddamn, wonder what the rest of the shit is. Hope there's a fair bit o' orbs
>giving a shit about arena when AR exists
just enough to get my weekly 4 orbs and move on
32 orbs are confirmed.
Yeah I care about the mode that gives out orbs instead of the one that doesn't.
>giving a shit about how people score in score stacking the mode
Dumb brainlet
32 orbs
Will this be releasing before Julia's banner ends
>First hard Tap Battle Boss in ages
Hell yeah.
>on next update
(lol no
It is so gacha that-
>Real talk
It's ok.
>giving a shit about how whales score in a mythic stacking mode
Yeah ok you enjoy your chairs while I enjoy my orbs
>not just repeatedly tapping the bottom screen for free rewards
>not doing well in both
Dumb liftlet AND crownlet (lol
The weekly orbs you get from arena just barely cover the weekly Aether Resort tax
Oh dear God, not you. Don't you have somewhere on /vg/ to shit up?
I am not sure. They might do something special for each of them since they are special units chosen by the fanbase. I hope they do the same for gen one legendaries in the future.
I wonder how hard Abyssal Julia would be.
>Distant Counter is everywhere nowadays. You should easily have a couple spare Hectors in your bank.
Y-yeah I of tons.
You DID get your free Byleth by redeeming your My Nintendo points from Three Houses right?
If not Hectors, you surely must have a couple Byleths and Nailahs lying around, right?
Marth is actually pretty simple when you know how to deal with reinforcements.
Roy is a dick because entire map have bonus doubler.
I'm just glad they're giving orbs again instead of accessories
Don't you mind Eliwood?
I spend all my orbs before the banner.
Please don't atagonize him. I beg of you. you will only make him more hostile and force him to lash out. This place is my only refuge from the constant Three houses posting.
Do you actually spend money? Gachas are great, you leech off the whales supporting the game, and you get a free game in return.
Yeah it's Eliwood.
My bad.
probably being saved for legendary heroes, or for CYL4 since all the 3H lords + Femleth with sweep easy
Yea, I had more trouble getting to Marth than actually fighting him. I need to get around to beating Roy's Abyssal legit.
Rate my team
I love rhythm games and FE has some pretty great music. I've S-Ranked every battle so far on hard/expert and had a blast for a lot of them.
As level clear rewards or just the quests? I actually don't pay much attention to the rewards anymore.
How do I achieve this without any +10 characters?
It's literally free because Pheonixmaster1 exists.
>all gets soloed by reinhardt
(lol fag
I'm all good
Extraordinarily dull and entirely lacking in synergy. 7/10. Functional but that's it.
Never gets old.
I just excited for the new LHB. I've already beat all the abyssals they have so far, and I'm practically itching.
You don't. Arena is all about score stacking and merges count for a lot.
You don't, which is why is entirely correct
>everyone gets a hard dicking from Alm
>40 res tank with ward stance 3
you're talking about swordhart right?
>and mages count for a lot
Did I miss something during the 6 months I was away? Mages can't score for shit.
>giving flowers to an unmerged -atk corrin
Git gud
>Impulsive retards can't save for shit or fall for obvious bait banners.
>Reee jewish game.
The fact that first roll is freebie is more than enough to scratch the itch.
Rein generally have memebow ready user.
He said merges you dunce
You were saying again?
Get some better glasses, Grandpa.
user, he was taken out of the new summoning pool.
I'm drunk
>Mages can't score for shit.
There's literally going to be one that's going to be the highest scoring unit in the game released tonight dumbo.
For like 2-3 months they give no orbs and it was just like 3-4 old accessories
>Water breath
Why tho?
That's fine since Nailah still exists :^)
55 orbs
Do I go for one more last minute snipe or wait for the demote and snipe colorless in the legendary?
>only rolling on nuSummon banners
They don't really work together.
Dragons are just stats ball, and that give more stats.
So guess.
BoB is shit outside of no dragon weakness so I gave him water breath for the better defenses.
Imean, he's technically right for another three hours.
However, summer Helbindi gave us red infantry duel for summer Micaiah because who doesn't want a 170 BST dancer that can OHKO non blue armors.
>rolling for the obvious demote in the first place
Save your orbs. She will most likely demote.
>gen 3
I'm still saving for what may very well be Deirdre's last banner in 2 and a half weeks. I have just under 200 orbs and I'm worried it won't be enough given how hard I got cucked on Summer Laegjarn's banner.
There's always the possibility that ISIS won't demote meme AR shit.
The Fates beast banner has gotten me paranoid about demotes.
We get demotes, but very shitty units.
And sometimes they slap decent skills just to fuck everyone over.
ISIS would gladly give the shittiest stat combo for an AR skill demote.
ok, but someone's getting raped by Alm
>what is mordecai, brady, and thea
Mordecai demoted?
>blowing through 55 orbs on a 5 star that's on par statwise with Mist, comes with no good fodder, and gravity+ for her weapon.
have a vs Alm too
I get they want people keep away from stuff like bold fighter or decent prfs.
But holy fucking shit, the current pool is fucking ass. Fury is rare as fuck and I get lucky to see 1 hinata pop rolling on reds.
How does that work? Does she have a Duel Infantry type effect or they finally decided to make a mage with a real BST?
Shit,shit, shit
>tfw heart stops every time I see any of those demotes
You do not know suffering until Thea blocks you out of a 7% pity rate on a normal banner.
It can't be seen without love.
Postan my wife! Please no bully.
I hope I pull more merges for her tonight. Wish me luck guys
>moving the goalposts
> do a mass demotes just a bloat up the summoning pool again.
But why?
>why are you rolling for a character you like?
Also don't be stupid
i have all the 3 houses lords and m!byleth, but none of the students
how do i fight the urge to roll for them
I only roll on legendary banners, specific fodder on good color sharing banners, and that 1st summer boob banner this year (Laegjarn).
I have never focused for her but somehow have 12 copies.
>not having her at +10 already when she appeared for every fucking month for nearly a year
I saved orbs all year to try and max my Young Summer Tiki but only got 4 of her. THen I decided to save my orbs for the weekly revival banner with Nephenee so I can try and max her out (only need 2 more).
I'm just gonna hoard my orbs until the next time lil swimsuit tiki shows up.
You're going to get any 3* or 4* eventually.
Literally I have never rolled several 5* exclusives to this day after a year and a half of playing.
No Rhajat ever, no Seigbert, no Sigurd, etc.
>Thea blocks you out of a 7% pity rate
That was my biggest fear rolling for Summer Lyn and Petra. Thank god I got both in about 240 orbs spent.
Dragon weakness is pretty important because
>moving the goalposts
Okay then 4 heros out of a shit ton
just look a last year 3 and the only decent one was Libra.
180 BST and 300 SP B skill
>rolling on b8% for anything besides legos and mythics
how many people are realistically going to have divine fang in their lineup?
Her power level skyrockets with meme buffs because she has god tier movement, DC, good all around stats, and a C skill that can solo maps.
The third unit shown in new heroes trailers is always the demote. Barring Kaden because there were no demotes that time.
it's pretty sad.
recently got pity broken by 5 star reyson
I don't get what is worse reinforcements with complete souped up stats + something to cockblock kills or memed up boss unit that kills anything it touches.
Kaden would have been the demote if there was a demote
Yeah no shit. I don't play AR though and literally nobody ever has it in the arena to begin with.
actual 180bst or just a skill that simulates it?
If you like 2 or more of the units in a color pool it's better to roll for them on b8%.
I have shit luck, user.
>No Rhajat ever
>no Seigbert
Don't have him
>no Sigurd
Your really missing out on him.
Pair Up unit which is basically the same as having the actual BST as far as scoring goes. You don't have to sacrifice your A skill for it.
Will steamroll in arena
>He never got Merric'd
Oh sweet summer child. You only think you understand suffering.
>the only decent one was Libra
That's the point, dumbass, the shitters get demoted.
improving her buffing power is better as she is not a good unit.
>make worse Julia
>still sees more use because 180 BST
CC Julia is complete aids for dragon teams.
Oh interesting; I didn't realize Pair Up did anything outside of the modes it specifically works in.
Why is RES Smoke and Speed Tactics not a seal yet or at least on a GHB unit?
Actually Mordecai.
He is core for meme tank strats.
>tfw got Merric'd once
>but Soren always showed up infinitely more often
Because Res smoke is legitimately busted
making her blue is such a bad idea
What's the point of L Julia when Divine Naga does everything her B skill does without sacrificing the B skill?
Grima is too slow and Myrrh gets fucked by Byleth. Blue is fine.
Tiki,H!Myrrh and Idunn can tank Deidre and Julia tho.
Actually it's better since Fae isn't that common on defense.
Stop asking questions and buy the fucking orbs already.
my Julia oneshots H Myrrh.
Color hardly matters anyway
the fake veterans keep crying for representation
I got the boob, I'm happy with her.
Should've been Legendary Seliph 2bh
I just want Naga and Tiki merges.
Doesn't Blight score better than water though?
I'm just gonna use G infantry duel on Julia once DB seal comes out and run both.
Free win
I've never caught a copy of epik cummies on my main. That skill needs to become available on at least a new five star.
I got three of this bitch, does anyone even use wrath anymore or should I merge?
The heroes path rewards are gonna be Neutral, right? I was hoping I could try and get a +SPD Ninian since my _ATK one apparently sux.
What's a good build for +ATK Nini?
How could it be busted? Reinhardt couldn't make good use of it.
If I get her I will insta feed her to my Celica.
Just keep her around. Some enemy oriented infantry can use it. It also looks cool.
>CC Julia is complete aids for dragon teams.
If you're talking about regular Julia, she's pretty easy to deal with. I don't see this one being that much different.
Do we even know if they're gonna be 5*? Better start saving feathers now.
Goddamn, dragon cancer is going to be everywhere with Ninian being free.
It does until water breath is refined making it moot.
Maybe AR comps. I don't think it'd be busted at all though.
+Speed male Byleth or f2p dragon lolis.
Because you're using the wrong build. You're supposed to use owl tome and tank with 50 defense.
I thought prfs were slightly better than normal refines?
Light breath+ aether
K, I'll give it a shot.
youre right prfs always have higher scoring
lol Naga and the CC blows. You can oneshot or clear out dragons on PP. No need to bait them.
This and only this.
>available on every dagger unit
This guy shows up on your Aether Raids match. What do?
Not even decked out +attack Julia is strong enough to one shot proper green/red builds. Stop running into bad players.
>nuke something with a mage.
>Dance it.
>nuke some retard that could tank just fine without debuff.
See the issue?
Start and quit like I always do to get the daily blessing/grails
You're supposed to tank with it. You attack once on enemy phase and the entire enemy team now runs into you with -7 res.
I don't understand how people can play this.
It's overly simplistic in action, yet skills are horribly obnoxious to deal with, it isn't especially generous in either rates or currency (especially not if you want to +10 a favorite and god fucking forbid it's Ike or someone similar), and they keep shoving alts of the same like 10 units. How many fucking alts do Lyn and Carmilla have? Because I bet it's getting close to the 19473619 Saber alts in FGO and even those at least tend to be split between a few AU personalities compared to "Lyn but dressed as a bride" "Lyn on a horse with a bow", "Lyn with a bow but NOT on a horse", etc
Ninian has been trash since 2017 my dude. A single free one isn't going to magically make dragon teams any more cancerous.
That's no fun.
Dancers have been netting free defense wins since release, so those wins have to be coming from somewhere.
FEH is one of the most generous gachas out there.
If you think FEH is greedy, you have only played this game.
Who do I make my fourth character? Right now I'm running PA Azura for the fury dance. But should I maybe use meme Nino with odd attack wave and def wave seal? Or should I upgrade my dancer to legendary azura?
Yes, they're 5*
And who cares? Ninian's garbage.
>Do we even know if they're gonna be 5*?
Yay infantry pulse teams.
You don't need that sick +10/10 skill to clear maps or get defenses.
It helps but most shit available on common pool is more than enough to pull the weight. Also ton of freebie units clear everything on game with proper setup.
I'd say Azur Lane is more generous. I'm sitting on 300+ cubes after just a 2 months of play and daily summoning, and I don't know what to do with them.
Rate my SoV team.
Any edits I should make?
Silvia is better for those, she's also 3*.
Dragalia give tickets and currency like candy.
People never give it enough credits.
I think we're forgetting the most important part of Ninian. She's the first free blue dancer.
Probably because the mode is no fun to begin with.
well lazura was free for some people
When its a rerun encore, there are no orbs. When its a new one, there are orbs, but still less orbs than what it used to give.
Yeah, AR is no fun.
Yes, but that would be wasting my valuable feathers for something I can just slap an hp 1 seal on and call a day.
>gen 1 blue dancer in the age of Lol) Azura
Yeah, the garbage can where anything SoV belongs.
Git gud tho, it's the most fun
Fuck off back to /ffg/ you stupid faggot.
And no, I know there is way worse, but FEH is very far from being "generous" outside of those "No SI" clears you see, which takes the entire point and fun out of a fucking srpg.
No, but if it's your absolutely top favorite character, you kind of want to show that off.
And, again, those "freebie clears" take away any point in actually playing.
>Ninian has been trash since 2017
Hey take a piss at somebody elses wife, pal!
Marge Celica to get rid of the -hp it's a superbane which kinda fucks her over.
Nah -hp is actually great for her you go into desp super fast for those abyssal cleans. Still merging her is always a good idea.
A +HP 4* Silvia has the same hp as a freebie Ninian, and you can easily merge the first one for even more hp.
Ton of old units are perfectly viable on ""high""" tier due prf or statline.
Just because ton of alts for x or y pop don't mean that rest of units are obsoleted.
How, when I've been playing since fucking launch, have I not seen a +atk or +spd normal camilla? This shit is driving me up a wall.
When are they going to adda fun game mode? When I first saw the rookr sieges menu for selecting a difficulty I though the mode was like an RPG battle such as Final Fantasy and stuff. then I got diappointed to find out it was just my four dudes gangbeating a tard in an open field.
It was super disappointing because a turn based RPg battle mode where characters behave differently in that mode would breathe new life into this dusty ass game.
This is disgusting wrathful+ dazzling staff
I've been playing since January 2018 and have never rolled a M Morgan.
more hp
build potential
I dont understand why ninian instead of something else
So? Armor teams have been cancer for a long time too, that doesn't magically make Draug overpowered. Ninian is inferior to just about every dancer that released after her.
Better options exist.
Don't shoot the messenger. Ninian's infantry unit is objectively terrible and outclassed by a significant amount of other units.
I know she's going to be more useful in the long run, merges and all, but Ninian is fucking free. I'm putting her on my in progress IP defense team for now, it's a decent stopgap. I literally only need 43 hp, 46 on Earth season.
It sure is fun to match against the same cookie cutter teams over and over again and not even get a single orb.
Beast memes.
might as well use reyson
I really need to get another Idunn to fodder off to her.
and then you run out of ways to grind orbs, then what?
Reyson is 3*, has a good support prf and can move 3 spaces.
My first Camilla that I used was +spd -def, I merged her into a neutral one, then a +atk one and now she's been this way ever since January 2018. To me, it's funny in a cosmic sort of way that I constantly get the same shit like Soren, Titania, Bartre and the flying green furry all the time yet zero Camillas.
Grails get you units too, and just being able to level structures and progress in an actually fun gamemode is... fun. I would keep playing this game even if there wasn't summoning.
After your first fight probably gonna be in desperation already.
Use Kliff instead.
It would be unsightly for her to cannibalize her own kind.
I fed Kliff to her, don't make the bullied tiki eat a mom
Aka-sensei I just like summoning once in awhile. Is that so bad?
>Don't shoot the messenger
But it's not fun. Also, the difference in grails between coasting t21 and tryharding is completely insignificant unless this game manages to survive for another 5 years.
That isn't even remotely what I am talking about and I don't know why you brought up unit viability.
>daily login orbs, sometimes double or triple login orbs at the same time
>weekly low effort 3-4 arena orbs + 1 for doing 4 wins
>almost weekly events like TT, VG, BHB, and FB
>Allegiance Battle low effort orbs about every 3 weeks
>3-4 orbs every weekend
>the mythic/legend battle at the end of every month
>monthly quest for at least 10 or so orbs
>monthly story and Paralogue
Seethe some more why dont you
I know that feel
Real talk all of the dancers that aren't limited are kind of shitters and are pretty interchangable. They best they could have given us would be Olyvia's flying alt or Leanne.
YGO-tier would mean double the text of the beast unit weapons. Pretty sure nothing here reaches that far.
the meme power of flashingblade Silvia is great but you're right it should be FOlivia.
I like how you just listed a bunch of sources and fail to mention they only give a couple orbs or just don't give as many as they used to.
Just wait for the new batch of 3H units.
and after exhausting all of that, you'd be stuck waiting until the 20 orb stock, which is about 3-4 cirlcles a month.
Most of text bloat come from effects like dagger or anti dragon.
You let them hit you unless they have bold fighter in which case you do the opposite. Armors are by far the easiest team comp to beat.
Here's the thing, I literally just find AR fun. I don't give a shit about the rewards. I just want to do as many AR battles as I can, and get as big of a number as I can. I play against my own defenses for fun. I love the planning and everything. That's all there is to it.
Stop spending orbs on shit you don't need.
Here's the thing: play a real game.
Can someone please explain to me why Byleth'a sword has FIVE fucking abilities while also having the best offensive spread in the game by far and comes with the best ABC skill in the game, Wrath?
I thought this bitch was just a teacher?
I do that too.
>infantry sword.
Long as tiny penis exist they will be irrelevant.
Let me tell you something about his sword, if you give him/her windsweep he/she will double sword/spear/axe units and they wont be even able to counter you.
Same for watersweep and dragons.
Dies to Reinhardt, it's balanced. Also, wrath is not that strong.
>I thought this bitch was just a teacher
C'mon, man. You should have expected shit like that in FE games at this point. The MUs are special in some way. Always.
Something about a chad thundercock.
Magic is everything.
Am I the only one who wants Reinhardt to get a refine with blue cav duel? I want arena players to get salty again.
Where are you getting 5 abilities from?
And Wrath hasn't been the best or most sought after B skill for at least a year.
He is pretty much everywhere on AR. But Alm is more a bitch to deal.
Everyone will carry a Fae with GDI and call it a day.
Why do people still fall for the Reinfart meme in 2019? He's absolute garbage in defense maps. He's literally a unit to be used only by the player's hands.
Literally goes to suicide to my Fjorm, even those with lancebreaker.
Are healers ever going to get refines?
Do you not play arena? Why would you wish that on yourself?
>in defense maps
He's still a fucking champ on offensive maps, nobody cares about AR.
We like Reinhardt because on AETHER defense maps, he murders people and their will.
Wraith still valuable as fuck on player hands, specially for units with +10 special dmg, for def spiral is better due pulse setups.
Because he's still relevant current year against reds and blues. Also it's just hilarious to pull out the Reinhardt card everytime someone asks how to defeat a red.
This shit right here is why I will always value Galeforce Ayra more than every other infantry sword without heavy or flashing blade. My +attack Ayra already has no trouble KOing everything after buffs, so I feel no need to stack crazy high damage specials. DC nuking is better done by tanks.
At the end of the day, killing two enemies is always better than one.
He's STILL the best non Galeforce offensive unit in the game in every game mode except for Arena.
lol no L Alm absolutely destroys anything.
The thing about reds, is that they are crap on def aside a danced Lilina or Myrrh/Tharja.
Literally today in Aether Defense, some chump had his Yune die to my Reinhardt because he underestimated memebow.
>2 mov
>Shitcillia in current year
She was a dumpster fire then and still is now.
Exhibit AHe is good, triangle proves nothing.
Easy reddithart counter
can Reinhardt beat Nino?
In the only good, only worthwhile combat mode, Aether Raids, Galeforce is a million times more useful than any infantry unit trying to nuke things on playerphase. I cringe when people say B!Alm is anything but another one.
So, what?
My Arthur shit on him
*Blocks your path*
Where are you going user~!
On initiation? Easily. But really, they should be partners in crime.
>dragon AND armor weakness
Congradulations! Your green unit can beat a blue unit that can't counterattack! A shame he's shit at anything else besides looking like a meme!
>he doesn't know
>gets btfo by vantage
Sex with Fae! Sex with dragon Fae!
>He doesnt know little Fae has friends among her
>still thinks dragons are a problem
L julia stats
Why won't they hire Himukai to draw summer alts for dragonlolis?
The difference between Cecilia and Rein is that Cecilia is only good if there's a Rein on the enemy field and almost no other situation, where as Rein (still) is fucking busted in almost every situation.
>vantage in 2019
Seriously yikes my dude.
>redditors are among us
So it's straight up Julia with 3 more attack and 4 more res.
The spd difference doesn't matter because that's not fast enough to double anything.
>introduce pair up unit with 180 BST
>old ones with 175 BST powercrept
>Blocks your path
>Literally copy pasted Green Julia.
It could be worse.
>not dabbing on flierball cancer with vantage archers
t. liftlet
>he doesn't use Burger King with Slaying Edge, QP, Ostia Pulse, and Fallen Berkut
You have no idea how much salt this team generates
Not disappointed, glad her atk matches Hubert.
Hey, I got fucked ton of times because some vantage fucker.
Shit is far from bad.
Rein has a penis
Cecilia has tits and vagi
I played since 2017 and I never used Reinhardt, unless you count the ones in Voting Gauntlets.
Lolis are not for sexual user
I take that back. Alm 1.0 is the strongest healer in the game by far. Elder God Tier unit in chain battles.
>res 27
Guess who's dying to Reinhardt?
The only valid point against Rein so far.
doesn't sound like a very good idea to me
Skiddadle skidoodle your next 5* shall be Merric
Hello CC bait.
lmao who even uses those any more?
Yeah, but ideally you are in vantage range and are ready to murder everything. Miracle is there because specials literally don't matter.
>he never made CC Vantage Jaffar
Shit is pretty common.
You don't play Aether Raids, do you?
>not using all units with the same attack so they all get bonus doubled from legendweed
>Burger King
Jesus Christ I just realized close counter isn't even in the summoning pool anymore because Takumi got removed from them along with all the other year 1 units, and WTharbage and Hoshitter Xander are both limited seasonals. When are they going to add more?
>>>>>>>>in Arena
How's tier 18?
How many do you need, user?
>using lull def to weaken his prf's effect
Thanks faggot (lol
Maybe in tier 17.
Blame ISIS for refusing to let Vanilla Hector drop.
Nope, same as gen 1 armors.
Didn't they only remove the gen1 shitters from the new hero banners? I thought they still showed up in ones like "Heroes with xskill"
I already have accepted a +10 won't happen, she's +3 right now.
>QP seal
>unit who cannot support your bonus for shit
I don't know, you tell me you dumb posturing scorelet.
Never used him.
The virgin aether raid vs the Chad Arena
Wait, are you shitting me? He legendary effect just gives 180 bst for scoring? You literally couldn't even get through the entire fucking cycle of units before powercreeping them?
What the fuck, ISIS.
Arena turned to shit too thanks to duel skills allowing cancer like LAzura and LAlm into high tier arena.
It's still a +10 unit with a 500 SP special and 168 BST. You should never be running into Reinhardt if you're using Burger King.
Blue beats red
Merric literally can't even be rolled 5* anymore.
The new memeroll is shiro
Yea, they even repeated earth for no reason (lol
You still deal more damage with lull.
And Thea
And Mercedes
Help Yea Forums, I can't work up the motivation to keep playing FEH
A max score Reinhardt scores 740.
The BK build you posted scores 746.
Dumb scorelet.
Except that Shiro WAS a solid unit on release. He just got powercrept hard.
Merric was never good. Surely, there are worse units - like Silas.
Lol no Shiro was never good.
Literally not even in the same bin
Lol, just retry.
Same. B!Lyn, Reinhardt and Gunnthra have been my go to since forever. I swap in B!Veronica and Hrid interchangeably. It used to be Sigurd for a long time.
Wait how. Shiro actually has usage to him even if it's just fodder. Merric was a meme because of howfucking worthless he was in every single sense of the word.
He was a slightly faster Oboro with a mediocre prf and 5* exclusive, he was never anything but trash.
a proper Mist replacement if she doesn't demote
Honestly, if that is the case you may as well just save. Sure, it may never happen, but a +4-5 deirdra has more or less the same usefulness as a +3 one. Either way it is gonna be shit for scoring, and the couple extra stat points are really gonna do that much for her in other content either.
Why is FEH discussion on Yea Forums more active than /feg/?
Forcing muh memes
Too busy worshiping Edelgard's feet
Merric is good at killing flier balls.
Fuck no.
Oboro and Lukas were miles better even without refines.
Shiro was never good, I honestly thought they were gonna demote them he was so bad.
Amusingly enough, Merric has genuinely become a solid unit by virtue of being a really good vantage tank against flyerball in AR.
The circle of stupidity is complete
Except they literally are, if you don't believe go check the arena score simulator and check their ranges.
I already have two random 5* Theas.
Even if she demotes she will still exist in the 5* pool.
>tfw a sothe with this exact same build minus 2 merges just fought my defense team half an hour ago
yup. reyson , thea and her can still pitybreak you just as easily
I am just saving for Linde in the weekly banner that's coming in 2 weeks
Only have like 200 orbs but I only want 1 merge anyways
But if I get pity broken by everything except her again I'm probably just gonna quit
>Map full or Duma and Kronya.
Fuck you nigger.
My condolences, unless you won.
At least reyson has the honor of being the best budget arena dancer to merge up.
At least Rayson is great for flyingballs shit like Thea and Mercedes are useless not even fodder.
Rhajat's worse than Shiro. At least he has def tactics fodder
But there is no way I'm killing my bunny cunny Vero just to make Arena easier.
>doesn't roll an extra of every duel skill just in case
Add Sumia to the list of shit pitybreaks.
I swear blue is worse than colorless.
Thea's lance is pretty good for wall lances without refines
You don't have quartz to beg /alter/?
already have two unwanted ones.
Blue really is ass, the vast majority of blue units are fucking trash, and you are just gonna be miserable rolling your 84th fucking oboro or whatever along the way.
>vantage tanks start showing up the second I remove hardy bearing from my ophelia
You'd think they'd automatically assume that all Ophelias have Hardy Bearing by default.
+10 5* exclusives have to start somewhere.
Pls demote her already so I can merge her. Nobody cares about DD as an a-skill unless it's 4.
What were those rates again?
Reprisal lance and close defense are good.
I dumped ~600 orbs on Vero's banner sniping green and only got one copy. At least I got pitybroken by Kektor twice and not by some terrible shitter like Kana or Rhajat.
>5* exclusives
>ever demoting
You'd think you'd learn by now in fucking 2019 (lol
Unfortunately, I highly doubt they will ever demote existing 5* exclusives at this point.
It's amusing how much she trivializes ranged units
What if you kill her for child bride instead?
CD4 when?
I run a luna Ophelia on an experimental IP comp right now. I think it's working pretty well, though I do have a hardy bearing rally trap Nino in the corner with hone spd 4 from Azura.
And they are also available on freebie units that don't break my pity rate when I'm trying to get a unit I want.
>wasting grails on fodder
I don't get this shitty argument when merges now make this irrelevant.
Unless you are a impulsive retard you going roll more than 1 copy of whatever you like. I bet you are NPlet too.
Just have better luck bro
Reprisal lance is on Sigrun (Free), Close Def 3 is on Joshua (Free), and atk/def link is on Mordecai (Can be pulled at 4*).
>tfw just promoted a 5000 HM 9999 SP Clarine that was still at 4*
I think she deserved it
>Posters: 49
What the fuck.
Refines when?
Better than wasting orbs on mediocre fodder.
>lukas with only 43 def and an EP-only build
>trying to go mixed bulk on fucking Lukas
I don't think my 59 Def Lukas would beat her either but still.
Dunno what this post means but the only unit I like that I ever felt the need to roll for more than one of was Yune. One copy is enough for me in almost every instance, even for my favorites.
I usually just roll each banner once, spending the max 15 orbs plus the free redeem, but I wasted too many orbs on the daily banners. Now I'm feel like I'm beginning to run out of orbs from the Story Map as I'm scrounging for 75 orbs to spend on the second Three Houses banner that also has the redeem tickets. After playing since release without spending a dime and at one point having hundreds of orbs stockpiled, it seems like I'm finally getting to that soft cap.
But it's a wonder why I even bother with this when the only Fire Emblem game I've played is the Lyn tutorial campaign of The Blazing Blade.
IVs barely make impact anymore due how merges work and skills.
But even then very few units are useless with bad IVs.
>have got 2 wrathful and 2 dazzling staff fodder total in the span of 2 years
>only foddered 1 total because there are no other healers that are worth foddering them to because they either already come with wrathful/dazzling or no prf
I foddered an off focus Veronica to my Mia back when she was the only flying healer. Now I have Camilla. Probably the biggest fuck up in foddering I've ever had.
Legendary Eliwood's is the first Legendary Map I haven't completed on the first go around. Fuck the dude that thought it'd be neat if literally every enemy got Bonus Doubler every round when they already have Abyssal inflated stats.
I know, but it is still nice to get a nice asset and flaw.
I still usually use the -Atk +Def Yune for regular use even though I also use the -Spd +Res one in many instances (sometimes on the same team).
Get them each to the same Atk stat using merges/dragonflowers so they get +12 Atk and Def at the start of every turn due to L.Eliwood.
>Really want a second Miccy
>Keep rolling for one
>Pitybroken eventually by Edelgard, nice C fodder I guess
>Keep rolling
>5% now and green orbs have been absent numerous circles now
I swear to fucking god. I wanted to save orbs for Julia but I just really want a second Miccy first.
>experience this on his map
>roll one by accident
>think he'll be neat
>never use him because cavs are agony to use nowadays
Boon: Atk
Bane: HP and Spd
It was the first map so far I had to cheese with Nino + 3 dancers.
I want to drink Miccy's blessed PEE!
and julia voice lines
I want to feel Yune Ghost's feet
I wish we could delete bath Camilla for how bad her art is.
Ophelia still fucks her up though.
Honestly if you build a team around him it's pretty fun. At least, it's the most fun I've had with building teams since the game launched.
Eventually I plan on making my Aether Raids defense team built around him.
artist please.
I’d rather delete all the same face MRobins and Seth
Which version do I +10 Yea Forums??
Can we shit on this memelist? What is this list for? If Arena, it should just be nulegendaries and Armors. If Aether Raids, Armors shouldn't be there at all except some of the colorless ones. If PvE, why the fuck do you need a list?
>typical 55ish atk Ophelia will clank her for like 25 or something damage
>die on counter
legendwood is way better to +10
bravewood is good and all, but he doesn't need to be +10 for all of the purposes you need him for.
Legendary Eliwood is a support unit first and foremost, I don't see a real need to +10 him. Go for brave, spears are cooler than swords anyway.
>attack a DC armor with big-dick attack
>take 8 damage
This is stupid as hell but I love it.
The problem is if I use a sword cav it's usually Sigurd purely for survivability, which Eliwood has none of. To be honest, he'd be way better with merges and a better asset/flaw (he's -Spd), but as it is he dies to pretty much everything and his only feature is hitting once and being a stat backpack for my better cavs. He's almost entirely support oriented except for his beefy attack stat, which usually isn't enough to pull him through in the rare occasion when my non-dynamic duo cavs get a chance in the sun. Beautiful art at least.
>estfag still at it
always gives me a laugh when I see these charts.
I could almost forgive the anatomy slips if her face wasn't so fucked up. Bitch looks like she had a botched Korean jawbone shave.
iirc it's overall, fodder, usefulness, ranking etc. but I could be wrong. For most gen 1 units and other units in the 3-4 star pool it includes merge counting at 5* as well. But again, I could be wrong but there's no way some of those units would be that high otherwise.
More of a salty daggerfag actually. They are horribly underrated.
It's just a general list of where units lay based on their output.
That said, they shouldn't have combined tiers. No way are shitters like Tailtiu on the level of Rein or Summer Laegjarn.
Oh please.
It could be much worse.
People stop shitting on daggers in the past year my dude. They're now considered the best when it comes to Vantage shenanigans in AR.
Can someone post that one Hayato drawing please.
Sturdy Impact is a mistake
The possibility of it being shittier doesn't make it less shitty mate. It's like saying "damn dude be grateful, it could be a middle schooler's drawing of a chimp with cerebral palsy and an inflamed 6 headed penis" like no shit it could be worse but it's still crap.
>first luvia gets relegated to the pedo fanservice show
>then she gets horrible fucking art in her one shot at glory in a piece of media where she might have a fanbase
I'm still fucking pissed.
Which IVs are better for Petra Yea Forums - +Atk/-Def or +Spd/-Def?
>Sothe and Kagero tier 3
>Matthew tier 4
It's just pretty funny when people treat these lists as a helpful resource.
Will the devs sabotage Lysithea in Heroes to stop her from threatening Edelgard in popularity rankings?
Daggers are good now, bro. Even shitty daggers can be great arena cheerleaders, and cleaner makes basically anybody into a good vantage tank.
+ feet - fat
What goofy ass sonia build am I missing where she's better than flying nino in battle? Or is this solely counting their vanilla kits or something?
>bring back yura for one last job: assassinate lysithea.
Is that supposed to be Luvia? What the fuck?
Not to mention broadleaf fan. I was saying daggers are massively underrated on the list. I think most AR players are aware of their power.
Yeah sorry, I misunderstood your post.
Sturdy Impact should have prevented the user from attacking twice, like windsweep
Those tier lists are made by the same retards who are unironically threatened by armors and dragons.
Sonia is pretty much green Ophelia.
rank 4 skills in general were a fucking mistake.
Sonya's refine and special spiral makes every single attack proc glimmer and a +10 damage stacked on top.
Is Dagger Ylgr good?
I see
Pretty sure it's solely because of her prf, +10 special damage and -2 initial cd is pretty crazy.
Give her flashing blade and watch anything without turbo bulk go down.
Dagger Ylgr is extremely irritating to face
Colored daggers are in kind of a weird spot, and hard to judge.
If you like her enough to +10 her, go for it.
>5* exclusive
>prf doesn't help with oneshotting things
>used hundreds of orbs
>never fucking got Laegjarn
y-yeah, i really enjoyed it
Thanks, I know who to put on my defense team now.
She's okay but her survivability is pretty trash so you rely on Desperation or Windsweep. Also Sorcery Blade is niche so you generally need to invest other skills onto her. Also being a blue dagger is more often than not working against her.
>always forget the raw damage output she puts out because I'm too lazy to actually do the math
>there's no way she'll kill [tank]
>-20 to score.
>have gotten 2 Laeg off banner
>and Summer Laeg
Feels good
I fucking hate you
I didn't get her either.
She is fucking min maxed and can even double turbo units at low merges.
People just diss her because color and Kagero being easier to find.
i'm so happy for you user
>a FEH thread actually made it to bump limit on Yea Forums
>no one talks about FEH on /feg/ anymore
Why is this Yea Forums?
feg is too busy shitposting about whether edelgard is evil or not
/feg/ is a shithole in general but they've been too busy talking about 3H.
Which is better for Ylgr, +ATK or +SPD?
Being blue can be an advantage if you have a good defense layout with overlapping range with other colors. She puts out a lot of damage and is super speedy out the box, but you do probably want sturdy impact.
>Give us a sweet ass axe user and loli to boot
At least isis does pretty good with the free heros most of the time.
I don't know how to answer that. Especially since whenever a FEH thread pops up here once in a blue moon they're a slog and die usually before they even hit a hundred posts.
Too busy making the same posts about x character being your wife or other waifufaggotry over and over and over.
She get more than enough atk from prf.
/feg/ has been invaded by tumblrinas who post their dumb 3H ships and ugly fanart all day and underage redditors spamming get posts.
Too busy jerking off to Three House. Asking the same questions over and over and over. The same exact “IM STARTING A NEW PLAYTHROUGH, WHAT SHOULD I DO??”. And the stale “____ is my wife” every half hour.
>everybody predicted ylgr to be a sweet loli imouto healer
>she was first added as a knife-wielding psycho
>then she's added as an axe-wielding psycho
What the fuck is wrong with her?
Summer Ylgr is a treasure, better than regular in every way as it seems like they didn't fuck up her voicelines. Also first out of the 3 green axe infantries we got back to back and she's free so she's an easy 10/10. Does surprisingly well with Flashing Blade, Hack-o'-Lantern and Aether so definitely merge target after I finish fallen Delthea (so never due to how slow grail gain is).
Out of control futa penis.
She just wants to be like her husband, Helbendi
funny how they only started giving us desirable free units once grails were a thing...
>And the stale "____ is my wife" every half hour.
More like every 5 minutes.
This is only a good thing
Why don't you give Fae and Nowi their final merges?
feg is a special kind of shitshow in general. I really don't think it is that much of an exaggeration to say it is the worst general on /vg/
>tfw haven't used a single grail since they were introduced
>over 3000 of them and nothing that I feel needs merge investment
Every time they introduce one I like I think it's the one but by the time they make them available for purchase I've decided to save my grails instead. Probably will never use them, like the Shower of Cures I never used in Shining Force or the Armoroad Cheese I never sold in EOIV.
Its almost time for the banner. I doubt there’ll be another thread, so Good luck if your pulling
Eh some of the mobage generals are pretty horrible too. I'm not sure how shitty /drag/ is now but when I left it was shittier than a street in India.
Just use for fodders if you don't have a waifu in there.
Yeah, alright, fair enough. drag is pretty shit.
Thread dying. Post summoner supports.
Nah, the worst generals are the ones that are only based on a single game that came out ages ago, has absolutely no future news, and is just filled with fanfic, RPers, and bad artists.
Same here, I really wish they added the Askr trio so I could +10 Sharena but if I get all the fodder I want I might just +10 Clarisse.
Kek why.
I've also never foddered a limited free unit or a 5* exclusive.
I must have just blocked dragalia lost in its entirety from my memory. Christ what a shitshow.
nigga just get null follow up
20 copies is hardly limited. Besides, are you really going to use Narcian for anything besides savage blow fodder?
For a very long time, I planned to merge Fae when I get a +ATK -HP copy, which hasn't happened yet despite getting more of her than Nowi. I know that merges get rid of banes now, but it wouldn't feel right to just pick just any +ATK Fae at this point.
And I'd only merge Nowi simultaneously with Fae. Ironically, this made it where my first 5*+10 units are 5* exclusives.
The who meta being in a state where a skill is so broken that they need to introduce a skill just to counter it is really indicative of the problem here.
Surtr. It switches to BLyn sometimes.
>Literally nobody there play the game aside occasional lobby.
At least Pokeyman going be isolated on a separated board.
It's a containment board for spics, trannies, and the most obnoxious of waifufags
Same, I really considered investing in Armor Cecilia, Evil Delthea, and Summer Ylgr but I'm always hesitant. I still haven't spent any grails
Kind of sad because DL has gotten pretty decent and pulled their shit together as a game, but their community has always been assfuck extreme. /drag/ is just insanely shitty, everyone there has severe issues.
It's pretty decent now. They fixed the controls long ago and revamped the gacha to be miles better.
Free roll btw
NFU came out before SI did, at the time the biggest cancer was Surtr.
Huh, those were the exact ones I considered, as well as the Black Knight. Then I remembered I almost never use non-dragon armors now and am drowning in blue mages (and already have normal Delthea).
user, Naesala is a serious threat. Give him a shot. The standard Fury/Desperation/Galeforce set works like a charm.
>57 atk when transformed +7 from the speed check
>50 speed
>good defenses
>fits on flier teams without beasts just fine
No one cares about your 5* free pull.
Nah it's just /drag/.
Even Reddit is better without any once of irony.
another kellam
I already gave him one merge from his GHB copies for the +2 speed but so far he works fine just like that on my 4 bird team.
Mercedes demoted
Got mommy Naga and an Elise with 40. Pretty good.
Kek, I know you. I remember you from the early FEH threads. Carry on fellow dragon brother.
I've seen them once before when I was searching up optimal wyrmprints to buy and their community was just a swath of very poorly drawn gay fanart and complaining as well so I'm not sure. Then again I don't use that site so I can't be sure I just didn't see it on a bad day. /drag/ when I left was busy obsessing over a tripfag last time I saw it, and desperately trying to imitate a poorer quality shitpost thread on Yea Forums.
At least feg really only has the two or so dedicated shitposters, and a bunch of mostly benign waifuposting. /drag/ is pretty much an entire general of disingenuous shitposters.
>35 orbs
atleast i got something but
god damn shes shitty (lol
Thanks, and same to you. Some day they'll be complete. They're still growing all this time, and they're going to get more flowers soon.
It almost feels like it's all the same person. Or a robot with a few people in between.
cope lucklet
>- Atk
Who are you going to fodder the duckies to?
No one. I like to collect so i keep 1 of every unit. Im not a big dagger user either.