what are your thoughts on Ancestors Humankind Odyssey ? The lead dev guy in this Patrice Desilets is known for heading PoP: Sands of Time, and creating AssCreed (which was originally Prince of Persia nextgen), then ACII/ACB.
What are your thoughts on Ancestors Humankind Odyssey...
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I'll tell you in a year.
what are you talking about, you can play it for free right now
Looks like janky, half finished shit that most Indies would be ashamed to put out, let alone industry vets with tons of resources at their disposal.
I think the human evolution documentary that square enix work on for nhk was more interesting
anti-christian propaganda
thing freezes way too fucking much for me to actually have an opinion about it
He's a vet of the industry but he's no longer associated with ubisoft and big publishers, I don't think he has "tons of resources" anymore since he parted ways with Ubisoft and then THQ (where he went to) went under.
Game is anti-Christian propaganda.
I had no idea this was an EGS exclusive
Game is anti-islam propaganda
Is it supposed to look like shit?
The idea is creative but I’m waiting on that flying squirrel game
>3 billion contextual actions tied to the a button
>that fucking UI
no thanks
I pirated it and it's boring af. Played for like 6 hours and it's painfully slow, reminds of no man's sky but worse, it feels like a scam
It's a pain in the ass but I like it
Game is anti-buddhist propaganda
it reminds me so much of rain world with the object manipulation and the feel of being defenseless in a hostile world, but it's really boring and I didn't get anywhere after an hour
good experience tho
Game is anti-scientologist propaganda
interesting concept but got damn is it hard not knowing what the fuck to do
for example what the fuck can i do with sticks? or the grinder?
Trying to figure out the best way to progress. I've been learning and unlocking shit. Just figured out how to mate and been having a bunch of babies with the different females. I can jump to the next generation but I'm not sure if I should keep learning and unlocking stuff before then and keep having more babies.
Does the game have monkey fucking scenes?
Yup, full penetration.
Do the apes habitually walk upright before they leave the trees like in real life?
I remember watching gameplay of Ancestors at E3 or so, you eventually unlock an ability that makes the ape stand upright for a brief moment, and it reveals thins further than if you were walking on fours. Not sure if later you can upgrade to walk upright all the time.
Well if it's about evolution it ought to be one of the first skills you'd unlock permanently since it's literally one of the first skills that separates the human lineage from every other ape
Cool premise, terrible execution. Also, fuck Epic and fuck China.
post link
>PoP: Sands of Time, and creating AssCreed (which was originally Prince of Persia nextgen), then ACII/ACB.
For real?
The upright-posture is available from the get-go.
Can anyone tell me how far this game goes? Are you always an Ape? What's the late game like? I'm so confused.
it's true, he was an important figure in Sands of Time, and his team's efforts in doing a good 3D PoP game after the other one made by different devlopers flopped made Jordan Mechner, the creator of Prince of Persia to write the story for Sands of Time
Ubisoft knew they had something in their hands despite the not so amazing sales so they made Desilets and his team to produce "(PS3/360) next gen Prince of Persia", but Desilets was reading about the hashashins and wanted to make a game that wasn't as lighthearted as PoP, he had to convince Ubi execs to spin it into a different, original IP, thus Assassin's Creed was born.
Is that skill unlocking system still in or was it all scrapped entirely?
interesting concept for a fantasy game
Is it fun? What the hell do you even besides swing and fuck? Is it repetitive like ac games? Can you level up to a human?
Can I play as a gorilla?
I cant remember what it looked like in E3, but you still have to perform actions to "unlock" neurons which then unlock skills and stuff.
yea that's what it was in the E3 video, the skills were linked via some sort of neurons UI
>animations look janky
>gameplay looks as janky
>awkward voice acting
It looks a lot like some early access game. It has some interesting ideas, but doesn’t look like they had the budget or at least coding know how to put them forward.
I didn't say humankind you dumb nignog, just that a documentary square enix worked on was more entertaining
Jerma plaid it looks like crap in an oven
You posted this in the last thread, stop looking for e-drama you fucking zoomer pos
It has survival elements, you search around for sources of food, there's some crafting in it, you can grab branches and sharpen them with rocks and shit, also gotta avoid predators.
If you die you assume the role of another ape of your clan.
Game's so fucking tedious, trying to get your family of monkeys away from a snake or tiger withoutt hem all dying is so fucking infuriating and tedious. That's basically all this game is. Tedious.
I really want to play this one. Looks like an interesting proyect. It puts your existence in perspective, can I survive like my mokey ancestors? I like what the premise makes me think.
fuck off clayton
On paper I love it, in practice I expect it will suck
>donkey kong music
I was interested but not enough to pirate it. I'd rather play Control.
>can't play as a grounded ape
that said game looks pretty nice if you're all about exploration
they really don't give you any sort of handholding, you'll need to discover everything by yourself, including the proper ways to deal with stuff
Has anyone managed to unlock everything yet? Can you actually become a human in the end?
I heard it’s shit and why isn’t it called Ancestors: Mankind’s Odyssey?
Why isn't it called the Peoplekind Odyssey?
I guess even the developers aren’t THAT cucked.
I played a few hours, you actually do unlock walking upright, it takes time. The trick is to do mundane shit, "reinforce" aka lock them in so all next gen will already have those abilities unlocked (or else you gotta do mundane shit and re-learn them again, breed babies, rinse and repeat until you feel comfortable enough to move further into the jungle. About babies, be sure to switch to every male available and get 2 lilnigs each.
Then game went up to his head and he thought he was god, so ubisoft had to let him go since it was not healthy having him around any team.
And then they did it again after they bought THQ montreal
Also I wanna thank Tim for paying for my copy of the game.
I found the game a little more enjoyable once I understood the gameplay loop I was supposed to be doing. FIrst breed babies because you can't get those exp points without them piggybacking. Then you go explore or try and figure out how to build shit and experiment, then head home to cash in that exp on upgrades. Once you max out babies you skip ahead a generation, the more babies you have the more upgrades you get to lock in. Babies might be born with mutations, you cash those in be evolving, but only once the baby grows up to an adult or elder. Once you adults and elders have mutations you should evolve because skipping a generation will make you lose the elders mutations.
Movement and climbing is pretty fun. Definitely a niche game, but I'm enjoying it.
Hard as balls though.
>awkward voice acting
Nigga they don't speak
how do i pick up the baby at the start from under the rock?
Can I get a quick run down on how the game plays? Doesn't look like the usual game and game description is "action-adventure, hack and slash, survival rpg" which makes no sense to me.
I didn't come from no monkey
i was really annoyed by unskippable cutscenes. especially the ones where you discover a new landmark. they're fucking 20 seconds long
but it's actually a really solid survival game. not too annoying either. you can go a day without eating and drinking and then just do it all at once if you have a good spot
anyone know what to do with the thorny bushes? and how to sharpen sticks? these big cats are getting annoying
need to unlock the flint rock perk
10 allah points received™
For once black people are teh main cahracter of the game
ngl, I kind of want to try that strawberry one.
how do i do that
also a shit boring game
with the sticks you need to take off the little branches with your hand and then sharpen it with any rock. The basalt chopper is the fastest way to sharpen it though.
into the trash it goes
Hold select to skip cutscenes
Not really, gibbons walk upright all the time.
They're your ancestors too, you hairy pale chimp.
bigfoot too
maybe niggers but most whites were descendant from neanderthals
based and animalpilled
I don't know. Won't download the chink spybot and can't be assed to set up a VPN to download a torrent. I also don't want to buy it from them in a year when it is actually available for sale since they locked it behind Chinese spyware.
Sure, but we evolved into superior beings, you didn't.
Neanderthals were nignogs too you low IQ donkey
I didn't know nignogs lived in Europe in prehistoric times
A literal drooling retard.
OK Jamal
i don't really know much about neanderthals, but seeing you getting BTFO is making me feel pretty smug, so i'll call you a retard too retard
I was kind of interested in it but
Hope they don't pull this shit with biomutant.
>vpn to torrent
pls no bulli
Because humankind oddesy sounds better if I was going to be making the implication you are making I would be aiming it at that new civ clone instead.
>not mankind
>what's torrent
>where's torrent?
But I love the idea.
Kinda like Assassin's Creed; nearly everything can be climbed up and you can easily jump from one location to the next. Every action is contextual though, and tied to a single button, which routinely fucks you over when you're trying to be precise. Combat is piss easy, and just consists of parrying until the tiger dies. And crafting takes longer than it should, or at least, doesn't have enough animation to it to be interesting. Most the gameplay is just exploring around; gathering things you need to expand your tribe and gain 'evolution points' to keep up with the games 'science points.'
>they really don't give you any sort of handholding
and journalists deliver
is mankind, not humankind fucking tranny developers
I have never torrented anything that's not anime before, this better not be dolphin porn
dude it's 1337 how new are you
If you're so superior, then why are you here?
The average European only has about 1-2% of their genes from Neanderthals. East Asians and Peruvians Amerindians have more Neanderthal in them, hell, all East and South Eurasians have Denisovan genes too. Africans have a miniscule amount of Neanderthal heritage, but a small amount of some extinct, unknown species of humans in their DNA. Basically, Homo sapiens sapiens is a mutt species/subspecies.
Since when did journalists became this bad? Back then they were competent
He's obviously white, why else would he call someone a nignog?
I have been here since at least when guts got off the boat, how long ago was that.
A lot of fags never had to pirate before. So probably pretty fucking new.
>He's obviously white
He wishes.
Take the thalpill
Imagine believing that monkeys somehow evolved to humans like in a pokemon game.
How come crocodiles have never evolved into something epic then and stayed the same for million years? Evolution fags BTFO
>most whites were descendant from neanderthals
no? most white people are 97% homo sapien
>Implying crocodiles haven't already evolved into something epic.
>How come crocodiles have never evolved into something epic then and stayed the same for million years?
If crocodiles already survived for millions of years as a species without the need to evolve is already pretty epic in itself user.
its pretty shit, glad i didn't buy it
Most people say reviews scores depend on how much the publication was bribed but I think it 100% comes down to how easy it was for the reviewer to beat it in the time they were given.
I don't give a shit if it's good or not. All I want is a realistic game where you play as a monkey and can jump around acrobatically. It doesn't sound like much to ask but it apparently is.
Now I just need to wait for a rat game.
The mistake is people who can't even keep breathing while playing... impaired people playing ins't good.
Did Apes ever had the need to evolve to survive? No. Evolution makes no sense and I can feel you guys are realising it.
>i don't understand how evolution works
>people's children are the same as themselves
Forgot what it was but I remember hearing that some recent game was sent to reviewers coupled with a fucking walkthrough written just for reviewers because it was difficult, and then it got great reviews.
gr8 b8 m8 8/8
what the fuck do you use meteorites for other than just getting XP? I got 2 tried banging them together wont do shit
It's more like he didn't want to keep working on AssCreed for the 500th time, Ubisoft was milking Desilets' work for a while by the point he left, first the PoP games, then AssCreed.
I want this game to do good so Désilets doesn't get fucked yet for the third time in 10 years in the industry D:
Also after winning the Ubisoft lawsuit he might go back to Amsterdam 1666 so that'll be kino
The game is good, only brainlets and zoomers say otherwise.
The same brainlets and zoomers that follow the scores of the shitty journos, the same can't play with anything containing less than twelve arrows showing where to go.
Playing without UI is the best option possible.
>Good luck, We won't help you much
>4/10 on Gamespot
Why are game reviewers even a thing anymore when it's obvious they don't have a clue what they're doing?
scientologists believe in evolution
If he created AssCreed then I hope he gets royalties otherwise he’s a fucking knob
does it have some definite ending?
like when do the credits roll and the game says: "thanks for playing"?
Most of them are inside jobs payed to review bomb the game added with they are so stupid than can't breath while writing.
Remember is the man who worked in AssCreed and now has get his liberty to do anything he wants without chains... so journos/EA are hurt and want to fuck with him.
Others are literally stupid and only can play mobile games.
The game isn't hard, you only need to have common sense and have fucking eyes and not to go zoom zoom in the map.
The game have more play modes, the First Time is like the "campaign"/Tutorial so I think that have any ending.
Next is Survival where you start in random location with one monkey alone, followed by Custom where you can configure where, when and how much are in your clan.
Anyone know if there's any Monkeyfellers to recruit in the swamp zone?
Yes, are random but there is more monkeys to recruit/bond.
I found one that needed to calm down in order to bring it with me.
I'm about five hours in and isn't this just Spore but with apes?
Also, it's like Rain World but way way fucking shittier and boring.
its completely random where they spawn, just walk around and try to listen
just a tip
>pointing to their mounth like they can't breathe
thirsty, give fruit
>pointing to their stomach
give shrooms
>touching themselves around body
broken bones, the flower that grows near water heals it
just calm them down
I love the concept. Just walking around and interacting with extinct species is good enough for me
>Looking the reviews
There is fucking LOT of disparities among the reviews, mostly of the low scores are journous that think Fornite was the best game of the year.