Disgaea threads always fail unless there's a picture of best girl in the OP.
Disgaea threads always fail unless there's a picture of best girl in the OP
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who's going to buy Desco's game on Switch?
any benefits over the Vita version?
here's a list of what they added
>Game autosaves
That's not a good thing.
But you didn't put Etna in the OP
That isn't true. There have been several successful Disgaea threads that don't have Magic Knight in the OP.
Hopefully they'll let you turn it off if you wish.
> all those changes and thy didn't include sage
D5 left me spoiled, i cannot go into item world fuckery again without a sage.
How would you like disgaea 6 to be? Yea Forums
fail thread
should have moar prinnies, dood
>MC is basically a random npc that becomes overlord as the story progresses
>You get an character creator for mc. It can also be a femmc and you pick one of generic classes as a starting class
I want to impregnate every single disgaea loli and raise a big happy family
The Android class has the Land Decimator skill in the remakes of 4.
Prinny 3 when
>MC is a literal nobody that accidently manages to land a sucker punch on a Overlord and take over
Not shit, for once in Disgaea's lifetime.
The story should follow in the footsteps of 1 instead of being bullshit generic as fuck shonen garbage with literal power of love crap.
The localization should be like d5, not the joke that was the early d1 where they practically rewrote the entire thing to the most retarded shit ever. Meanwhile, the translation should be at the level of d1 instead of having incorrect abilities all over the place.
Mechanically, magic needs to be fixed. Ridiculous up and down range, ridiculous general range, ridiculous AoE, all with ridiculous damage? Fucking gay, especially since every character is going to play identical at endgame anyway.
Speaking of which, characters should still fill niches at endgame. It's retarded that they're all reduced to just being skins.
Uniques shouldn't be so much better than anything else and so compatible that you are tempted to never use anything else. Instead, one or two generics should be the core of the team at most, and generics should fill the rest.
The farming should rely a shitload more on the tactical combat rather than one-shotting the same map a billion times and fighting the interface more often than you fight enemies.
The assembly should actually do something or be removed, d5's was a joke but d1/2's is not much better.
The fact is, there's a near endless list of flaws, fairly important too, that need to be addressed.
Hero without O MY EVIL ALTER EGO asspulls
sign me in.
A human becoming an overlord teaming up with a waifu Angel.
Basically Disgaea 2 but good.
did someone say Disgaea?
Basically 5 again but with the previous game's item world mechanics. Killing weak enemies to level items up isn't much fun.
ill never not be mad that disgaea 1 complete was a complete and utter rushed cashgrab
my one hope for a d1 with more modern mechanics is fucking dashed forever
>can have valkyrie as the mc
This is basically how I played 5 to begin with. Please give. Give give give.
>disgaea 1 complete was a complete and utter rushed cashgrab
what was wrong with it? Disgaea 1 is my favorite game in the series because it doesn't have trash "quality-of-life features" like the Cheat shop.
It was a 1:1 remake but with "better" spritework, they literally couldn't have been more lazyer.
its just the psp game with higher res and 4-5 style sprites
i can understand not wanting stuff like cheat shop, but not even bothering to update the menuing or adding game speed multipliers makes the game feel like a slog, especially postgame
>they didn't add any of the garbage from the later games.
>all they did was improve the art
that sound perfect if you ask me. But knowing NISA the port probably bricks peoples systems.
>they didn't add any of the garbage from the later games.
you must be a blast at parties.
Is going to fail anyway for not using the best version
disgaea would be more enticing if it was this picture
especially if it's flonne on top
Takehito Harada was great
>Takehito Harada was great
>Posts a design by Ryoji
For it to get made
Yeah, we should fix that.
Or I should, since you aren't.