>ps1 won
>ps2 won
>ps3 won
>ps4 won
>ps5 ???
gee i wonder if it will be the best console?
>ps1 won
>ps2 won
>ps3 won
>ps4 won
>ps5 ???
gee i wonder if it will be the best console?
Why do we always win bros?
It gets kinda lonely being on top all the time.
Music for the thread:
PS3 only won because the competition sucked. The Wii had a ton of fantastic games but the motion controls completely eat.
In your deluded mind it will be.
>PS3 won
Sony always wins desu
>PS3 won
You mean the 360 won assuming you don't count the Wii. The PS3 literally only became worth it at the last year or two and to this day has the worst performing multiplats. Red Dead Redemption on PS3 is an example of a complete downgrade compared to the 360 version.
Why did you post a photo of yourself on an anonymous forum?
>Bought PS2 slim today with 25 Games for 50 Bucks
>Buying FFX and KH tomorrow
Feels comfy as fuck bros. Can't wait to get my PS2 setup completed
>why is the whole world not the USA?
PS3 outsold the shit box please fix me in the entire rest of the world.
The only place MS was looking even slightly competitive was the USA.
PS3 won everywhere but america
Why would you play gta on ps2 when you can play it on pc?
>ps3 won
The PS2 version are better.
>a series of consoles that focused on graphics and cinematics
>winning anything
I'm gonna have to disagree on that. Sure, sales-wise you had several generations in the bag, but the game lineups were questionable. Same reason why I refuse to consider the Switch as any better than the Xbox, or the Xbox any better than the Ps4. When your best foot forward is cinematic experiences like Halo and Bayonetta, I have to shake my head.
>PS3 outsold the shit box please fix me in the entire rest of the world.
and yet it has worse versions of the same games so it's not worth it. It objectively was not worth purchasing compared to the 360 for years and years. Even when the Slim came out it was still debatable.
Not really
The post processing effects never look as good on other platforms because they were designed around the PS2 hardware so heavily.
>ps3 won
It won second place.
>can't install mods
>can't use your own music
>have to use a controller
>implying there are good mods for GTA games
>needing custom music when the games already have great soundtracks
>using a keyboard for a game where most of it is driving
Why is the ps3 so slow downloading stuff digitally bros? Am i doing something wrong?
lmao after 2010 all microsoft had for """"""""exclusives""""""""" were gaylo, forza and gears THAT'S IT
PS3 had kino like Heavy Rain, 3D dot game heroes, Uncharted 2 and 3, Yakuza 3 and 4, The Last of Us, Sly 4, Journey, Valkirya Chronicles, Demon's Souls, Infamous 1 and 2, Ni No Kuni, LBP 1 through 3, J Stars, the SAO games, Odin Sphere, Persona 5, The Atelier games, all the exclusive One Piece games, Starhawk and Warhawk, Tokyo Jungle, MotorStorm 1-3, Twisted Metal, Puppeter, Resistance 1-3, Siren PS3, WipeoutHD, Project Diva games, all the idolm@asters, that Kirino game with her delicious THICC butt, Gran Turismo 5, the next gen trilogy of Ratchet and Clank, GoW 3 and Ascension, Disgaea 4.
kek that's only the tip of the iceberg.
The PS3 outlived both the 360 and Wii as well looking at the discountinued dates of all three consoles.
I don't know, it's simply shit.
It's only made worse if you try to download games from other regions. I bought MGS4 from the japanese store a few months back and it took me 20 hours to download.
Meanwhile MGSV on the PS4 took me like 2 hours.
All correct except switch is winning, not the ps4
I had that problem recently. Was trying to download MGS2 and 4 it was taking forever, like 8+ hours. I reset my connection and made sure it wasn't trying to download using wifi. It fixed the problem and finished the downloads right away.
>ps1 won
>ps2 won
>ps3 era
wii won
>ps4 won
easily becase the wiiU flopped and as always nobody cares about the xbox
>ps5 ???
easy win as well because nintendo left the home console market forever
Def. Not true. Switch has like 5 games.
360 smashed ps3
>PS3 won
Getting real tired of this revisionist history around the PS3. The PS3 did awful until very late last gen and was hemorrhaging money for the first few years after it launched. Even then it was still outsold by the Wii.
Regional victories don't matter. Won here and there but it didn't win. The system sold around 80 mil, which was close but it never caught up with the 360. The 360 was the winner of that generation.
and yet the vast majority was playing those """""""""exclusives""""""""" you seem to laugh at. Halo is considered one of the most important games of that time period for crying out loud. Let's not forget that despite having a paid online it was easier to find people online in multiplayer games on a 360 than the PS3, and the PS3 had to ape mechanics from the 360 years after the fact.
Yeah, in retrospect the PS3 now has more stuff, but during and near the end of the generation it was laughable to even consider playing a PS3 unless it was your only option. It was expensive, it was enormous, it had worse online connectivity, it had less features, it had and still does have the worst versions of multiplats, and its only benefit was as a cheap Bluray player.
Yeah but nobody talks about wii games, besides gay zelda shit. Alot of people still talk about and play PS3 games. Resident Evils, Metal Gear, Batman Arkham City, Demon's Souls. PS3 won in the end.
all ps3 had was mgs4 and a bunch of crap
360 won only in america. And still not by much since xbone is getting trashed there
Imagine being such a brand warrior that you defend Sony Pictures.
>>ps3 won
The PS3 was the 7th gen's Xbone, zoom zoom.
Sweaty, that image is about Spider-Man
>Yeah, in retrospect the PS3 now has more stuff
and that's all that matters
360 has no games lol
>but during and near the end of the generation it was laughable to even consider playing a PS3
what? lol the PS3 had the best selling numbers near the end and it was the fact that The Last of Us came out that pushed it beyond the 360, both Nintendo and MS don't have the legs to go for 7 years in a console cycle.
also with the supposed best third parties the 360 got BTFO by the PS3 even with a year ahead of sales.
Nobody is going to remember the 360, MS can shit out the next gaylo and nobody would give a shit because Bungie isn't making it, it's a dead franchise and Microsoft doesn't have the SOUL to create something that big anymore.
FUCK D*sney and Marvel and their army of so/y/c/ucks
If they want Spiderman back they gotta pay 100 BILLION US dollars LMAO for the rights
i know those arent your kids stickers
I feel bad for you. Did you read what you wrote?
>Resident Evils
the worst in the franchise
>Metal Gear
the worst in the franchise
>Batman Arkham City
how desperate do you have to be to list a multiplat lol
>Demon's Souls
which didn't sell shit and the sequel wound up selling truckloads and was released everywhere
how sad do you have to be to warp reality in your mind enough so your precious company doesn't lose a single generation? holy shit.
Everytime I see posts like this it basically means "yeah, we lost 3/4 but this one time we won. Suck it".
So the Wii won that generation is what you're saying
TLoU does not have a "good blend". The areas, mechanics, enemies, etc. outside of multiplayer are all designed around looking cinematic and pushing the plot forward. Just like the physics and mechanics of FIFA are designed to look like a real soccer game as much as possible, and not to be fun to play, these games Yea Forums calls "movie games" do the exact same shit. You need to play more vidya instead of surfing Yea Forums if you can't grasp this yet.
>ps4 won
>PS1 won
>PS2 won
>Wii won
>Mobiles won
Are you new to this industry or something OP?
I owned both but just not the metric to use considering the 360 had much more common failure and replacement rate.
Who cares? Just play what you want. Consolewars threads need to be a bannable offensive. JANNIES.
>he doesn't think the PS triple won 7th gen
Come on now...
>>ps3 won
both the 360 and wii were better consoles and outsold it
>cheering about exclusives
Corporate whore much?
After 08 the 360 had zero exclusives they all came to PS3 and PC in the end while PS3 had true exclusives such as Demon's Souls and MGS4
Why does Sony make Yea Forums so insecure?
Just get on the WINNING team already :^)
It didn't. The 360 destroyed it in both hardware and multiplat capability and the Wii destroyed both in sheer sales.
And PC crushed the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3. What's your point?
>ps1 won
>ps3 won
PS3 won jack shit. It was a finical disaster and it didnt have the most console sales or exclusives.
Why is her thumb so low?
Everybody knows PS3 has the best games. Nobody cares about Gaylo 3 or Warioware shove-it-up-your-ass. You can't beat sony. Sony always wins, baby.
>gee i wonder if it will be the best console?
it's not that simple, the PS3 only won because M$ dropped the ball hard around 2010
Consolewars threads are supposed to be a banable offence but that hasn't been enforced in years.
But if we use the argument for best games instead of sales then the PC wins every single year.
"ps3 won" is retarded narrative pushed by brazilians and other south american spics that got ps3 in 2015 when sony dumped a ton of them in the south american market for pennies.
It did. 360 had no games and the Wii doesn't count.
360 whooped it's ass, until like 2011, not much of victory if there is one.
>console i dont like doesnt count for arbitrary and nonsensical reasons
>any gen
>pc wins
imagine paying to use your own internet
Is it true that if you want to buy a Playstation you have to cut your dick off or be on welfare?
Vice City's pc port fucking blows especially considering how controllers dont even fucking work properly and crashes like crazy
>ps3 won
>ps4 won
>Implying ps3 didnt win from day 1
Now if you'll excuse me im going to go watch Talladega nights
>ps1 won
>ps2 won
>ps3 won
>ps4 won
debatable, but leans a lot more toward yes
>using a controller with a shooting game
>not getting the silent patch that fixes most of that shit
>not modding the rest of it to get the true definitive experience
in boxing if you lose all the first 9 rounds but win the last 3 rounds it doesn't mean you won the fight.
it's a shit analogy but it's the only way you can educate these retards who claim the ps3 won just because it had a good last couple years of 7th gen whereas it got decimated by the wii and 360 for the majority of the gen till from 06 to like 2010-11.
unless you're a shareholder, winner = best library
best library of its generation
best library of its generation
best library of its generation
best library of its generation
best library of its generation
best library of its generation
Lol. Mental gymnastics. Russian judge gave you an 8 though. Fucking Russia.
>not using a controller for smoother driving controls
>needing mods to fix a game that shipped broken
>needing mods to add back in features
>disc doesn't even work on Windows 10
fucketh thineself, admit its a garbage version of the game already
Depends on which genre.
Debateably true
debateably true
>7th gen
>having the best library in any genre
360 and PS3 had the same library with PS3 having far better exclusive. The Wii was a meme with shovelware.
PS3 BTFO by Wii lmao
Most 360 games were better optimized. Killzone and Resistance failed to compete with Halo. Wii was great for FPS games.
>People thinking the 360 won over the PS3
When it comes to total profit revenues, the PS3 did indeed succeed. MS was bleeding money in the first two years of the systems release on top of the massive recalls due to the faulty overheating issues throughout 05-06 which costed them over a billion dollars.
Yikes. You're going to be posting that shit 20 years from now to teach the youngings about how you can't understand why Sony is still around and MS is gone.
>Sony is still around and MS is gone
You really think that if one of the two companies will go out of business it'll actually be Microsoft?
yall are dumb
>wii won
Are you high dude? PS3 fucking steamrolled the Wii so hard Nintendo's been trying to pretend it never happened for the last couple years.
are YOU high dude? wii sold about 15 million more units than the PS3
Nintendo's been trying to pretend it never happened for the last couple years
Many port to the 3ds and wii u and sequels to franchise that started on the wii ksure
there is a mod to bring back those effects
360 failed hard at the end of its lifespan, the PS3 came out with some big boy titles and wiped the floor with the 360
>satania poster is stupid
checks out
Sony wins because it has dicksucking faggots like ITT that will buy every piece of chink hardware they put out woohoo sony wins baybe pls give my money to LGBT charities
>a console that brought Sony a historic loss and only recouped some losses in the last 2 years of its cycle steamrolled a console that vastly outsold the PS3 both in hardware and software sales
I hope you're baiting you literal underaged spic/nigger
N64 > PS1
GC > Xbox > PS2
Xbox 360 > PS3 > Wii
PS4 >Switch > XBone
1 out of 4
sony lost billions more than nintendo and microsoft combined with the ps3 which almost bankrupted them and they had to sell off their headquarters and everything.
Case in point.
>You mean the 360
PS3 sold more than 360.
Wii was just a normie fad with horrible attach rate.
>PS3 sold more than 360.
nobody to this day has any proof of this because microsoft never released final numbers and neither did sony till literally just a few months ago.
I agree with all but PS3. I own all the Sony consoles plus a PSP. The PS3 got destroyed by the Wii. Sony got too arrogant with that 599 US dollars shit. It took them forever to recover. It had better exclusives. I'm glad Sony's doing well. I'm not a fan of Nintendo's gimmicks up the wazoo game console schtick. As for the Xbox, all they gave us was paid online. Fuck them.
I'm not denying PS3 outsold it, but as far as the generation goes the PS3 was a laughingstock until right near the end. Hell, Talladega Nights was joked about as the primary game of choice for PS3 players for years.
and sony are trying to force the industry into cloud gaming with psnow and their deal with microsoft to pay MS to develop cloud gaming tech for them or whatever. if we ever transition to cloud gaming is completely 100% sony's fault so fuck them too.
That was just memes. PS3 was only a "laughingstock" because on Yea Forums people loved that meme.
The PS3 outsold the 360 but not by much.
Man that was a hell of a gen. 360 killed it from the beginning to mid-gen with killer first-parties and amazing 3d party support, and then the devs got the better of PS3 and it turned the tables.
Good times.
Ps1 and Ps2 had killer libraries, no objections.
Ps4 won because Microsoft went full retard with TV TV TV TV TV Sports Kinect $500 country-tier launch bullshit. It basically looks like they were desesperate to get out of the console market and came up with the most insane bullshit in order to achieve it.
I'm not a fan of that one bit and don't plan on supporting it. I thought PSNOW was flopping since I never hear anyone talk about it.
What's the best game I can pick up for my Walkman?
top secret don't leak guys
my dad works at sony and he showed me the blueprints
Of course it's a meme, but you had Haze and Lair both as frontliners for the PS3, Resistance and LBP came a bit later but they weren't massive hits, and any of the main hitters like Ubisoft games, EA games, or Activision games were always seen as 360 first even if PS3 had exclusive content like in the case of Assassin's Creed. Killzone was the only thing early on people raved about, Uncharted had decent reviews but until 2 it never really broke out as a massive hit, and then the rest is here and there.
The point is that the generation was won by the 360 if we pretend the Wii doesn't exist, but in terms of overall games the PS3 wins because it had more exclusives worth owning, but at the same time if you're looking for multiplats there's still no reason to buy the PS3 versions because you'll be getting a worse experience 99% of the time.
360 and the Wii both fucking smoked the PS3. Cope, Sonyfaggot.
>ps3 won
>ps4 won
The no games race?
>Ps1 won
I guess
>PS2 won
Yes it did
>PS3 won
No it didnt. It wasnt even fucking close. Wii blew 360 and 3 the fuck out
>PS4 won
Eh, maybe.
> gc>xbox
Only smashfags unironically believe this.
> ps3>wii
> N64 > PS1
N64 had nogaymes.
no sony are doubling down on it. it was even part of their playstation conference earlier this year.
I'll never understand the people who deny that Sony won with the ps1, 2, and 4. 3 is definitely debatable but there's no denying it had a a lot of great Japanese games that weren't on most other platforms at the time and had it's own virtual console, letting you buy some amazing ps1 and 2 classics.
I don't give a fuck about sales, in terms of groundbreaking games and multiplayer games, the N64 rapes the Ps1.
ps1 > n64
xbox > ps2 > gc
360 > ps3 > wii
switch > ps4 > xbo
Then PC raped 64 and PS1.
Groundbreaking on n64
Mario 64
Golden Eye
Groundbreaking on Ps1
Ape Escape
Symphony of the Night
think Ps1 takes it.
Shouldn't it be Wii U, not Switch?
>3 is definitely debatable but there's no denying it had a a lot of great Japanese games that weren't on most other platforms at the time and had it's own virtual console, letting you buy some amazing ps1 and 2 classics.
The PS3 is not debatable. It put Sony in a hole. Who cares that it had a small handful of good exclusives? Every console did. And reselling old games because you pulled backwards compatibility is not exactly laudable either. Only Sony fanboys think the PS3 was anything but a nosedive for the company.
>MS was bleeding money in the first two years of the systems release on top of the massive recalls due to the faulty overheating issues throughout 05-06
it just proves that you can shit in people's mouths and they'd still gladly accept it
Let's not pretend Microsoft is the only company to ever release a console prone to failure. The PS1 & PS2 failed a lot. There was a class action lawsuit in regards to the PS2 failure rate. The DC was prone to failure. The NES was prone to failure. The PS3 failure rate was something like 1 in 10. That's not great. Granted they weren't motivated by altruism but Microsoft are the only ones so far that fixed everyone's consoles for free rather than just expecting people to go out and buy another console to replace it.
>le funneh reddit bait
Who were you going to jump to? The PS3 that was $200 more expensive? The Wii that had the graphical quality and performance of a system barely stronger than a Gamecube? Microsoft had everyone by the balls because they knew they were the ones who actually mattered when it came to graphical fidelity, performance, and a plethora of games. This was also in a time where Japanese games were strangely niche compared to the gen before and even after it so it's not like you lost much.
there's literally nothing wrong with holland, its just the rest of the cast that cursed his run
>Halo is considered one of the most important games of that time period for crying out loud.
good thing it's coming to PC, kek
1.22 billion
>Wii U tried to piggyback off of the Wii
>casuals it appealed to thought it was an addon
come on now
>console cucks
>PS2 won
That's not Gamecube
>PS3 won
That's not 360
>PS4 won
Hahaha nooooo.
And replacement rate
>huffington post
PS3 didn't win and only zoomers will say otherwise because they don't remember that the PS3 had the inferior ports and no games.
And the PS4 is so shit I'd hardly call that a win, even the Switch looks much more appealing than the PS4. The only gen Sony definitely won was the PS2.
>what is the Wii?
>ps4 won
I won't disagree but it just says much about the state of shit we're in now.
pc is the best console
ps3 and 4 are just cope of poorfags
>even the Switch looks much more appealing than the PS4
Can we end the PS4 sucks meme? It sold over 100mil and had a great run of exclusive games.
>what is Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last of Us
>Crash Bandicoot
and many more. Switch is a meme. PS4 is a based gaming console.
This list only have 1 memorable, unskipable game and shitton of remakes.
Same here bro, make sure to get component cables.
Can you recommend me some PS2 games? Right now I have MGS2, SotC, Burnout 3, DMC3, THPS3, Black, and I’m looking to get Ratchet and Clank UYA and MGS3.
the only two exclusives worth a damn
>Crash Bandicoot
based retarded nigga
>PS3 won everywhere but america
Yeah, congrats on being Number 1 in Istanbul. Nintendo won last gen. Accept it.
It should but nincels got massive brain damage from how badly it bombed, they forget it even exists.
>component cables
>for a console that natively outputs at 480p
Based retard.
winning the price of being the least shitty thing in a market filled with pure unfiltered shit products that only exist to rip off literal retards that are too stupid to do anything else but consume
Sad part was when Sony released the PS Move and it had better latency and accuracy than the Wiimotes. It was sad to see it.
PS3 outsold the 360
>the only two exclusives worth a damn
I always knew you guys were starved for games, but holy shit
>buying into the snakeoil autism fest
the only based retard is you my friend ;)
>PS3 won
>no ps move to shit on the wiimote and the kinect
poor form
okie dokie
>Horizon Zero Dawn
a bland, static open world game
>The Last of Us
an extremely linear movie game for retards
another fucking David Cage game (retarded)
literally what, an F-zero clone?
basically just another souls game, everyone else has like three of them already
>Crash Bandicoot
not exclusive
>literally what, an F-zero clone?
Wrong, PSV remaster
Forgot to mention that Detroit is coming to PC anyway, but still who gives a fuck, it's another pretentious David Cage game for retards.
Sounds like cope.
let's be srious, Ps3 didn't win, wii did.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>a bland, static open world game
stopped reading here
Ah yes, thanks for reminding me of the fact that HZD is only good for photo mode and nothing else.
>bought a $100+ cable
sure buddy
>>ps1 won
>>ps2 won
>>ps3 won
>>ps4 won
PS3 won jackshit la. I loved my PS3 don't get me wrong but the Wii sold much more.
Stupid nigger. The Wii won between the 360 and PS3. You might not have liked a non HD console winning but the facts of the matter are that the Wii was #1. Get over it and stop being a corporate whore.
Didnt you go back to school yesterday?
>ps3 won
How could you even ironically say it beat the 360?
You are the one who is HIGH faggot. The Wii not only whoop the PS3 ass but Nintendo actually made money from the hardware unlike Sony who sold those shit at a loss. Sony was bleeding money in part thanks to the PS3.
The Wii WAS just a Gamecube that could run regular sized discs with Wifi capability.
Why do the people who make these threads refuse to acknowledge the Wii's existence?
>hurr bad attachment rate
>implying most people didn't just use the PS2 as a FIFA machine
Yes your point being? The bottom line is that two Gamecube taped together with waggle beat the PS3 and 360.
Old people.
There, goodbye Wii.
I was just saying the reason why it was cheap, I liked the Wii.
Dude the PS3 was called No Gaems for years. For most of it's run it was the No Gaems Station with lack of games and the games that did get release being bad 360 ports. Trust me I was one of the few poor saps who bought the $600 version back at launch and I can tell you it was bad.
Nintendo was Smart as fuck with the Wii. I wonder what the fuck happened with the development of the Wii U. That one was such a mess that I cant even believe it was made by the same company. Like why didnt they just called it the Super Wii like the Super Nintendo. It could have gotten the point across that it was a different system.
>Ps3 won
By which standard?
It didnt have the most sales, Wii had
It didnt have the best rated exclusives, Wii had
It didnt have the most memorable Online Multiplayergames, 360 had
Nice try
ps3 component cable works with ps2. they use the same jack. I paid 7 bucks for mine.
>all that sony dominance
The new name shouldn't have had Wii in the name at all, it caused a bunch of stupid parents to buy games that didn't play on their old Wii and made them swear off Nintendo games (temporarily) because of it.
Who actually has memories of even using PSN? Xbox Live was the greatest online interface ever
>The new name shouldn't have had Wii in the name at all
So Playstation 1, 2, 3, etc. is fine but Nintendo isn't allowed to use the Wii name twice? What's the logic behind that? I think you people massively overestimate the stupidity of 'parents".
Xbox live caused paid online and sony was free until ps4
>ps3 won because games, even though it lost in sales
>ps4 won because sales, even though it has no games
which is it snoyfag?
Not that guy, but "Wii U" sounds like the name of a Wii addon
"PlayStation 1/2/3/4" at least makes it more obvious that they're meant to be upgrades
I like HZD but the open world side of the game is both bland and static.
Everyone knows that the PS3 is a different console to the PS4. The problem with the Wii U is that people did not know at first if it was a new controller for the Wii or a console. They marketed the controller over the console so much that it hurt Nintendo.
>gatekeeping poorfags is a good way to have an amazing online experience
That and the fad had run its course.
not even remotely true
>implying xbl isn't full of spics and psn isn't full of niggers
Lmao I was playing Halo in luxury while you were playing Cod with 50 Mexicans and children
God xbl was cancer and i miss that shit
>Not that guy, but "Wii U" sounds like the name of a Wii addon
No, it doesn't. It's the type of thing you hear and go "What the hell is that?" and if you take an every cursory glance at it it'd be self evident it's the successor to the Wii. It doesn't look anything like an add-on. It looks like an entire new console, which is exactly what it is. You'd have to be a retard to be a Wii U game thinking it'd run on a Wii. The cases were completely different. It's obvious they aren't intended for the same hardware. There's a reason the console manufacturers are big on having a consistent case branding for each piece of hardware.
>best console
PS1, 2, and 3 sure. 4 is shaping up to get 2nd place to the Switch though. Honestly can't list any system sellers off the top of my head other than Bloodborne. Most games were multiplatform, and most games this gen have been pretty meh. Also, with Sony's current strategy, next gen looks to be completely abysmal. Especially now that they've said fuck you to adults, unless the game is AAA, and pretty much said fuck you to Jap developers.
>ps1 won
>ps3 won
Imagine having such a hard life.
By the way, your open button is stuck down again.
>$100+ cable
what the fuck are you smoking
>I was playing Halo in luxury
Not that guy, but Halo 4 made me give up Halo. The online was laggy as fuck. My friend and I both had low latency high speed internet and even just the two of us in story mode had issues. To top it off, I ran across way too many lag switch faggots in the VS mode. If that is fucking luxury than I'd rather live in squalor... I haven't ran into online as terrible as that until playing Smash Ultimate.
Also that wasn't the only horrible thing about Halo 4 but its been too long for me to list those problems. Either way, I wasn't impressed with 343, nor was I impressed with new Bungie. They could make a good game together, but not apart. Seems to be a recurring theme with a lot of companies that split up actually...
sure but all console were great and gaming was great
lmao no that was the wii
yeah by being the mcdonalds of gaming
>even consumers agree ps2 was the best
huh imagine that
>not Burger King
1 job...
nah the ps4 is the mass appeal console with boring shit for normalfags, that said this entire gen has been the worst since the crash so it's not like the others are much better
PS1 did won tho
i say Burger King cause even against other choices, it's shit; not to mention all the sjw pandering shit as well
don't forget the 80 million users that had their data visible to hackers on ps3 and completely shut down online
clearly the PS3 won in that category
Sony departments are weird.
You have Sony Interactive Entertainment telling you that you think you want backwards compatability but you don't and strongarming Japanese devs to bend a knee to the whims of Californian hipsters just to publish their games.
You have Sony Pictures which does nothing but awful ideas and even when an idea isn't awful, the end result is mediocre and confused as to what it should be
You have Sony Music making money hand over fist with Fate/Grand Order.
Then you have Sony Pictures Animation who finally got one chance to escape the will of CEOs trying to milk shit and be hip and knocked it out of the park with Spider-Verse.
Then you have the Sony that makes the TVs and such.
You can’t be this fucking dumb
>meme HDMI upscaler is the same as component cables
based retard
oooooooh yeah but i actually prefer burger kangz to mcdongels
>having more sales means its better
>this is what zoomers actually believe
holy shit, you're autistic, lul
then use the HDMI upscaler then, since you have money to blow on meme cables ;)
Toss up between S-video and component.
you can buy component cables for cheap
keep coping
Decent component cables are like $10 and the difference over composite is night and day.
>lmao no that was the wii
OP said the best, not the highest selling. The PS4 is where you should have corrected him.
not even then, the ps3 did salvage itself near the end but the 360 ended up having a stronger library all things considered
>buying and using a console
>pc won
>pc won
>pc won
>pc won
>pc won
fixed it
>ps1 won
>ps3 won
>ps4 won
Holy fucking kek
Amazing Spiderman was legit good and one of my favorite hero movies. The ghostbuster reboot needs to be shat on, burned in the pits of hell, then purified with mother fucking holy water... I mean, how can one company be capable of producing movies on the opposite ends of the spectrum like that?
*takes a sip of sake
*puts dick in spider-mans ass
*gets the platinum trophy in BloodBorne
*sells 100 million ps4 consoles
*takes both m$ and shitendo out of business
>360 ended up having a stronger library
No, the 360 just ran games better. Its library was slightly better till half way then its like the system no longer existed for the second half of its life. That is how Microsoft treated the Xbox and that's how they treated the Xbone. I'm surprised that people bothered trusting MS after the 360.
PC didn't win 7th gen. PC got fucked for like 90% of the 7th gen.
bullfucking shit, 360 had the dudebro exclusives like gears, forza and halo but demons souls alone shits all over that garbage
ps3 was overpriced and the multiplats ran better on the 360, that's the only reason why microsoft had the upper hand
Why do snoyfags always make COPE threads and then cry?
360 had:
>Better controller
>Better online
>Better range of games
>Cheaper console
The PS3 was a good console but it wasn't the best of it's gen
>360 had the dudebro exclusives like gears
and look where that got them, jej
>Better controller
the 360's dpad is famously bad
>Better online
a cope invented to get over the fact that xdrones had to pay for it
>Better range of games
this is only true until about 2009
Third place*
Sony niggers are still in complete denial
>360 had the dudebro exclusives like gears, forza and halo
Lost Odyssey
Dead Rising
Saints Row
Slypheed(and a fuckload of shmups)
Xbox Arcade lineup
Fuckload of shit that was 360 exclusive for years before finally getting an inferior PS3 port, e.g. Deadly Premonition
The 360 exclusive lineup deserves more respect than it gets. Yeah, it's missing the late gen release weeb shovelware but unless you are a weeb with terrible taste who gives a fuck?
>Slypheed(and a fuckload of shmups)
>better controller
Extremely subjective, but I'd like to point out that playing games on 360 for too many hours in a row killed the shit out of my fingers because those trigger button springs were way too fucking rigid...
>better online
Cost money, and introduced party chat which effectively killed lobby chat. I don't see a single thing about XBL that made it superior.
>better range of games
Slightly better in the beginning then landslide opposite half way through til the end.
>cheaper console
This isn't an inherently good trait, nor does it paint the whole picture. PS3 had built in wifi, bluray, rechargeable controllers, and used an HDD. A 360 with the wifi attachment, HD-DVD drive, and rechargeable controller was more expensive to buy than the $600 version of the PS3, gave you the same shit as the $500 PS3, and then you were STILL fucked on storage upgrades.
>before finally getting an inferior PS3 port, e.g. Deadly Premonition
Red Seeds Profile was on PS3 at the same time Deadly Premonition released on the 360, it's just that it wasn't localized on PS3.
Only the PS2 "won" during its generation though.
>worst PS console is the latest console
>worst Xbox console is latest console
>latest nintendo console is 3rd from worst
With Sony's current attitude, I wholeheartedly expect their downward spiral to continue with the PS5. Nintendo may actually become a real contender like it used to be when it first came out. Question is, were are Jap producers going to go with this next generation? Xbox 360 only got love because it was easier to develop on, Jap gamers aren't PC gamers, and the Switch is underpowered. I mean, if Nintendo put out a powerful system, then I could see all the Jap developers moving to them. Unless that happens though, I feel like it will be a split between PC and Switch with Switch getting the companies that don't need the extra power.
>>Horizon Zero Dawn
>a bland, static open world game
Stop lying.
>>The Last of Us
>an extremely linear movie game for retards
>anything with cutscenes and a story is a 'movie game'
based retard. The game is a pretty fun loot and shoot with a good story.
Are you retarded? The 360 was shit and the PlayStation has ALWAYS been the superior console. Eat shit xboxcuck
dont forget steins;gate launched as 360 exclusive in japan lol
>try to login to PS3 account after a year of not playing
>it doesnt work
do they deactivate your account if you dont play?
Why do people care "who won"
Muh konzole sod moar!
Jesus christ caring about sales numbers
Bloodborne is overrated garbage
>worst sales
>least games
>worst versions of multiplat
>worst gamepad
>least exclusives
In which world did PS3 win anything?
>Wii was just a normie fad with horrible attach rate.
How is 9.05 attach ratio horrible?
PS3 has a worse one, and PS4 has an even worse one.
Resistance launched with PS3.
Source - I got it at launch.
Based coping retard
It's not comfy. It's fucking sad.
Comfy is relaxing on the couch with your girlfriend in your arms watching your favourite TV show together with drinks and snacks.
Buying a shit version of a 2 decade old console to waste your time, money and life on will never bring you happiness. You're merely filling a void left by happier childhood times.
Sell your collection Yea Forums. Stop wasting your life on pointless shit and get out and live some life. You don't have a lot of time and you can't bring your "awesome" ps2 collection with you when you're dead and nobody will care.
>ps3 won
>sold less than the wii
>had worse games than the wii and 360
>lost almost 4bn for sony
No desktop consoles won the 7th gen. It was the DS or the PSP.
seething zoomie
Sony has won because they have been a Japanese company, but now that their HQ is in the US, I'm not so sure for next gen.
This isn't about the censorship deal, it's how Americans do business compared to the Japanese. Look at the Xbox One and how it was supposed to be this DRM riddled surveillance spycam where the most intuitive portion of it was how to spend more money, thanks to the many adverts plastered all over the clunky and cumbersome user interface. If both the next Xbox and PlayStation are going to be this, then we are just left with Nintendo and SNK, which isn't too bad, but Sony has been so great over the years, so it's a sad, sad farewell to a platform that has brought so much joy.
360 usured the the most anti-consumer practices ever implemented known as DLC and paid online as a standard in the industry last gen and tried to pull another one via Xbone reveal before rightfully getting panned for it. Fuck MS
Only the ps2 won. Nintendo won every gen other than that one gen
The fact that they still haven't while combined numbers of other Xbox platforms speaks volumes.
Still trounces the Wii in support and especially the Pii U disaster.
You did buy shin megami tensei games right?
>ps1 won
>ps2 won
>psp lost
>ps3 lost
>psv lost
>ps4 won
That's 3/6 sonygers.
Holy fucking cope, this is worse than the 97 crops
>1 product vs 2 products
>counting handhelds as consoles
the state of chinless nintendo pedophiles
i bet you watch anime you faggot
>ps3 won
Why do these threads always lie? I mean, I know why - to keep the streak flawless, but isn't it a common knowledge that 360 won that gen? Which I don't have btw, I have PS3-4-vita, can upload a photo if you want.
If Sony ever stops making consoles I'll probably kms
Look at this tranny coping OH NONONOHAHA
Still playan my ps3 lads. Working on mgs4 plat. Life is comfy. Any advice on catherine babel, gotta go back to that eventually
>That image
the more things change
Sony always wins, baby.