It's up

It's up.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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There's one thread already. Focus.

can someone actually explain whats happening?
i have no idea who this guy is as i dont follow any youtubers or streamers.
all i know is this guy dressed up as sailor moon or something and supposedly cheated on his gf.
thats literally all i know.

just off-topic zoomer shit

fake pedo shit and "cheating" in a polyamory relationship made him lose 25% of his subs.
>outing yourself as a janny

REEEEEEEEEEE Harder retard. Its vidiya related deal with it.

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I've emailed Heidi, Jared, and Holly to have an interview with me. I haven't received an email from any of them yet.

The E3 event

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if were not allowed to talk about it here which board should it be?

You think Matt has a tight asshole?

Why would they want to be interviewed by a basement dweller?

Jared's doppelganger. Pamela confused them.

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If anything this is just more proof that Game Grumps fans are a bunch of depraved, mentally ill freaks and need to be fucking quarantined.

He's a youtuber that earned the ire of tons of video game youtubers because his ex-wife is psycho and refused to let him divorce her. The ex-wife also pushed them into doing an open relationship then got pissed when she wasn't the only one trying to do anything sexual with someone outside their marriage.

There were a number of weird lies put out about him sending nudes to underage fans and he proves how they were fake.

What did the grumps said on the 10 minute Power Hour about him?

Yea Forums, maybe /trash/

Of course the incels are siding with this piece of shit. He literally admitting to cheating on his wife and trading nudes with fans yet Yea Forums still believes he's innocent.

I have a YouTube channel and do regular podcasts and interviews.

He got me too'd and now the truth is finally reaching the surface.

How many people on here could seriously care about this guy enough to keep making these threads? This is getting more threads per minute than the pewdiepie wedding, and he's the king of e-celeb bullshit. Sage btw.

/trash/ is the official e-celeb board

How's Heidi holding up?

Weren't they in an open relationship though?

watch the vid dumbass

Thank God. I loved his videos. Dude is a big Final Fantasy/MonHun fag like me and has some of the best videos about them. Glad he's returning

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Dumb bitch can't tell two white dudes apart? What a racist piece of shit

I guess people who peered more into his life were aware of his gayshit degenerate antics on tumblr, but i'm sure for most people they just thought of him as the gaming personality he expressed through youtube videos.

i guess some people will be happy to learn he's not an explicit pedophile, but he was a degenerate to swaps nudes with randoms in the first place. Affirming that to only deny the claims that some people were underage, is like covering a turd in the toilet with toilet paper but still not flushing.

Imagine defending this failure

>refused to let him divorce her

Under what threat?

Trading nudes is fine. Cheating is pretty lame but I listen to music and watch films made by people who have cheated so eh.

being a wamyn.

Probably because it's one of the bigger stories that affects the political culture of talking about video games as you rarely have people able to make comebacks after being 'canceled'.

Dude was brought down by a successful smear campaign by actually (literally - like in all senses of the word) brain damaged Game Grumps dykes

Ruin his career
Cheating is ok if you cant leave the relationship

snu snu

divorce laws

Video shows messages to a therapist discussing her threatening to kill herself if he leaves. Pretty common actually.

Not video games.

>e it's one of the bigger stories that affects the political culture of talking about video games
you're retarded

Threat of trying to ruin his career as she proceeded to try and do.

You'd be surprised.

Don't get a girlfriend. That's a warning.

Free my nigga Jared.

Crying because a fraction of the hate she sent to Mared is going her way now.

>Cheating is ok if you cant leave the relationship

This. Bitch won't let you out? Then go screw every hole that'll let you. She'll leave

Nope. He specifically said polyamorous, not open. It might seem the same but the former still requires consent from your partner while the latter is fuck anyone you like. He's specifically picked that word over open because he knows she never gave him consent.

he says it in the fucking video nigger albeit vaguely, she threatened to fuck with his career.

so you're saying these brain damaged people outsmarted him and that doesnt make him a failure....

it bothers me when this shit first blew up it was moderated to hell and back even though threads were being made every 5 mins, now and now the same shit is happening.
but twitter threads are fine? etika got a sticky? game grumps shit stays up
such fucking hypocrisy

Faggot mods deleted it

She'll sue you for breaking your marriage vows.

Holly is the worst person in all of this, poor Ross, having to be in a sexless relationship with a bird lady only to be cucked by a guy who’s chin is also his neck.

All this proves is how powerful hate mobs can be.
Imagine having your life ruined because two mentally ill brain damaged twitter retards wanted to spread lies about you for attention, and then the idiots of the Internet gang up on you.

Turns out its a bad idea if you're even slightly famous, even if morally justifiable.

>Video shows messages to a therapist discussing her threatening to kill herself if he leaves

I would have just left then.


Jesus, like I knew he went underground and stayed off the grid but I didn't realize he was going to make some kind of defensive video several months after the fact. His career and reputation are ruined and I doubt he'll be able to salvage much of it.

You say that like they were in known contact.

On the internet, you are guilty until proven innocent. All you have to do is shoot first.

Are you like 12?

yeah no shit. that's why defamation should have greater consequences.

She can get fucked

people are just drama junkies

Heidi is the worst in all rhis since she's lying nonstop since the start a d is now trying to ame this new video about her even though he barely mentions her.

Holly is just defending the guy she fucked.

It's more likely that both him and his wife are pieces of shit. Especially since, regardless of what he says, he had a really creepster tumblr account and hooked up with that other dudes wife. He ain't based.

But she did.

Specifically she 'revoked' consent when Jared and Holly were out for a walk and couldn't hear her.

Nah they're women though so it's okay

You're all idiots. If this is 'solid evidence', no sane lawyer would have let him do this. He is beyond royally fucked in a judicial sense after this. It's quite clear he now wants petty revenge by making it look like a setup so people would harass his wife at the upcoming con.

Damn he looks like shit wtf

are you? hes 33 and getting outsmarted by kids half his age

People are retarded. All he has to say is "Hey, I thought she was 18 man!" and most of the 9 year olds following him will probably be like "Yeah bro!"

Remember when people said women coming out know the consequences and wouldn't lie?

Now suddenly they're proven false, the consequences seem non-existant?

Are you hurt, little one?

I only ever disliked him for sexting fans and being unfunny and a general cunt but the way his ex wife is describing him is making him sound like a chad, what do I do Yea Forums?

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Nigga, if it was open, he would have said open. Otherwise, you still need to ask for consent beforehand, or else it's still fucking cheating.

But user, every channel is playing Minecraft now, why aren't you following the trend?

>I-I'll kill myself!!

Weakest and emptiest threat there is, like I give a fuck what you do to yourself, not like you had the balls to do it anyway bitch

If you fall to this "threat" you're an easily manipulated women's doormat

There is no outsmarting accusations on the net - they're just that: accusations. How long have you had access to the internet? The entire METOO moment thrives on this same tactic

I think the legal proceedings have already happened and now it's safe to show.

>'solid evidence'
Well... where is the solid evidence of your friends?

He btfo them eternally. Their reputation can't be recovered from this. All they havenow are fellow retarded furries.

I'm not gonna watch this gremlin talk for 40 mins even if he isn't literally hitler. Someone give me the tl;dw.

But he shit all over them hard enough that they had to completely erase all internet presence they had

>Bosman ghosted her
Holy shit, was all that stuff about him having a Playboy ex true?

Jared Presents: Hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to lawyers and online marketers the video

>it's not cheating if its in a poly relationship

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>proceed to lock the twitter profile despite being so smart

I'm most likely older than you, so not sure what you're trying to prove here? That Jared did nothing wrong? Alright, that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. I don't care about Jared either way because I don't watch his videos or follow him.

He did get consent beforehand.

Oh god no. If it's ongoing, you definitely shouldn't be showing so called evidence to the public.

>he tenderly kissed me then went to fuck Holly

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He proves the allegations to not only lack evidence but be objectively false/impossible

>heidi wanted jared to cheat so she could black mail him
>probably worked with those two kids two to get them to help
>one probably convinced the memory loss one that he was sexually harassed by projared

That's fucking hilarious.


do you mind if I save this one? =3

Women truly have ruined all credibility they have. Every single time fucking Thots get outted.

wtf i like chadred now

>cuck hangs around with fellow cucks and they decided they dont like him anymore
>guiltlessly participates in an affair with your friend's wife
Yeah...I'm not thinking this is based.

You talk like you've ever had experience with women

user pls. Do you think he is in this mess if he had really gotten consent?

Oh wow yet another modern woman ruining someone's life and the internet over reacting as always.
And not just some nobody dude, her fucking husband and supposed life partner.

K, hope he gets back to making videos like a fucking champ. All he did was fuck two girls at once, this is a based move and he shouldn't feel ashamed.

Get back to posting Jared.

the most socially damaging shit for his public image isn't the lies, it's the truths that he himself affirms in this video. As he says in the video, the lies could be seen as libel, so is something that should be seen in court, not him trying to turn the internet hate machine back on the ones who started it. Defending against claims of pedophilia is defending against claims of a crime, so that shit belongs in court. The imagery of projared swapping nudes is comical because he is such an unfortunate looking guy, but that he affirms it did indeed happen and he did indeed do this kind of stuff with people on tumblr, reeks of an alternate side to his personality that never saw the light of day through his youtube channel. The dark had been brought into the light, that's the real social damage.

>42 minutes of a gamer explaining his nudes
Uhhhhh yea, Im thinking this video is based.

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>I don't watch his videos or follow him.
Me neither actually but it shows what you are since you call this a "defensive video". Stay mad, limpy.

All this being said, he's a fucking retard for accepting nudes with only "Are you 18+?" as verification.

The dude was playing with fire, regardless of their age

>do you mind if I save this one? =3

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Same message thread discusses how she was living on his money essentially and he would have had to set her up in a new house and buy her a car to get her to leave.

I would post it but he doesn't link to it only shows it in the video at 37:20

Nah, I'm more interested in real shit

Have the two fucking retards that started the pedophile accusations said anything about this?
I don't use Twitter at all, but I can bet my two testicles it's a shithole about these new developments

>All this being said, he's a fucking retard for accepting nudes with only "Are you 18+?" as verification.
what else are you gonna do, ask for a birth certificate

This. I can't even watch his video without thinking about his dick pic. I really wish I never saw that.

one of them locked their twitter account. What are they gonna say? post some "new found" proof months later?

I think they dropped off the face of the earth when they realized they couldnt watch the Game Grumps fuck even with all that hard work they did

Fucking unapologetic based.

their accounts are now locked or whatever the fuck it's called.


>what could a woman possibly do

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Yes because Heidi admitted to it

He was politically on the same side as the hate mobs. He thought they would all be on his side, but they all turned on him.


I dunno, own up to the fact that your bullshit greedy actions ruined the career, livelihood and reputation of an innocent man and accept all the consequences that come with that?

Bosman dated her though.

>Trading nudes is fine
Every single degenerate faggot ought to be ground into dust

Maybe, I dont know, wild thought:


Oh good an internet lawyer. I sure hope your two week degree was worth it. Shut the fuck up you zoomer. It's not a criminal case there's no "giving away evidence" it's a civil case like the Vic magnotta one. He has evidence showing they are all liars. They have nothing. It ends there


Now I can watch comfy projared vids before bed again.

But it is a defensive video? He is literally defending himself against the accusations by fact checking and proving his innocence. No matter how you slice it this is a defensive video.

>2 Hours of taking apart every argument and beating the opposition with it
>Literally showing the receipts as Twitters go nuclear.

I'm starting to see why Zoomies love this shit.

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> all the blue checkmark seething about him using evidence to make a mentally ill person look bad

I stan projared,our bi king

The fact that he does this proves he's a horny pervert that would indeed do things like cheat on his wife and other things. I have no idea why anyone would still saying he wouldn't do shit like this when he has already proven that he would.

Can someone explain what the fucks going on?
I thought everyone was just making fun of him because “haha you cheated on your wife because you dated ugly girl”
But now I’m hearing shit about sexual assault allegations and sending nudes to underage fans, how the actual fuck did this all spiral out of control?

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I just think it's slimy to sext fans in general. There's just a really bad imbalance there between the fan and the person they look up to, especially if it's a young person watching someone on YouTube.

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but he actually got sexually molested by rich dudes first

>Yea Forums posting about a literal cuckold relationship

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nice thread you have here pertaining to Video Games

This shit feels like an Ace Attorney game and I'm loving every minute of it

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SO Ratboi was good all along?

This. This entire ordeal proves that people LOVE to see "cheaters" publicly destroyed.

It's the internet equivalent of seeing someone have a bird shit on their head

it was reverse-ntr, the patricians fetish

>Not open
Idk anything about this story other than the barebones details, don't know the people, obviously the man gets the benefit of the doubt bc he's a man, but I gotta say that all of these people deserve to be gassed to death in a poison chamber for being filthy scumsucking parasite vermin.

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>Bumping eceleb threads

It's not even a woman thing. Anyone playing the card "I'll kill myself if [x]" is full of shit.

What a fucking coward piece of shit
>Get outed as lying scumbag that ruined some poor man's life just for fame and money and then act like the victim
Why is every single individual on Twitter so god damn retarded?

>legally threatening someone for trying to slander you is bad

Go to your jrpg anime tiddie games.

>Twitter retards are full on "he was still abusing his power as a celeb to ask for nudes"
Lmao. His dick pics were unfortunate, but if he takes those lying shits to court he'll be pretty based.

okay so who was lying here? the video is 42 minutes

>creepster tumblr account
That he did.
>fucked that other dude's wife
With his own wife's approval, and the other couple was splitting down the middle already.

incel fetish

The two little shits that started the pedophile accusations were lying all along.

Should have been obvious when one of the supposed people who got abused on tumblr has "THEY/THEM" on his profile.

Trannies are mentally ill and any claims coming from people leaning far left should always be immediately voided and nulled. Too bad most of the retards who love cancel culture are leftists themselves.

Slit your wrists and drown in your blood degenerate nigger

The porn blog was dumb as shit, but it was fully legal and he didn't even get underage nudes.

Because they're people.

People are retarded, vile, and petty. That includes you, and me

Lmao what a faggot


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I honestly don't give a single fuck about his social image. I just want to waste time watching his videos.

Guys, I'm scared. I have a girlfriend now. Been together for almost 10 years and have a house together with a cat and 2 dogs. I live in fear that she's going to pull shit when I break up with her. I feel stuck. What do?

The person in question literally told him they were 18.

He fucked up when he said that you can prevent Ian's poison by chopping off her tail in his 3U video and he seems to main sns but overall he's pretty informative and he's played many of the dumb and obscure JRPGs I did growing up. Don't care if he's so horny his inhibition gets nulled I just wanted to know shit about videogames

>eceleb shit

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Threatening minors you sexted with is a pretty bad look and mighty embarassing

Basically both sides did dumb shit, Jared though did the dumb shit by coming out first and bringing the shit storm up.

Instead of handling this normal like idk going to a lawyer the second someone would threaten your career during a divorce is lol, he tried to get in front of her bluff and completely fucked his self up

Why are women the niggers of the two genders?

Watch his fucking video. He was framed and you know how public is in 2019 clown world. All that matters is allegations and you're dead, no need for evidence or due process.

Pretty much.

Twitter got too excited about another opportunity to see someone taken down that they ignored all evidence that Jared was innocent. One of the bigger drama channels, Keemstar's, even defended not reaching out via email to Jared by saying he should have contacted via twitter, because most of these people live on twitter.

his career was hurt but people already forgot and his comment section is FILLED with apologetic peoples
I think he'll be alright in the long run even with the stigma staying with him for the rest of his career
just something he'll have to live with now

people forget the bad shit celebs do all the time tho even when it is real

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Seems like a comfy life. Just don't break up with her.

thats hollywood you ya

I think the worst thing about this drama is that if he's telling the truth and his wife fucked him over with all this, she's probably going to get away with all of this

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You’re not famous or rich and never will be.
Don’t worry about it.

why are you breaking up with her?
