what are my Yea Forumsros playing tonight
What are my Yea Forumsros playing tonight
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ah fuck it posted sideways that sucks
waiting for a terraria server
I'm playing algebra
I'm using the retard class for maximum challenge
at least you didn't make an ass of yourself phoneposting like I did
You'll get it user, I might be able to answer q's if you got some
beat the first level woo
Nice meme tube. Here's your (You)
Trying to learn HTML right now
oh thanks user
beat the second level, this game is hard and I am rusty
mobage bullshit at the moment
was playing some Ridge Racer (the release that comes with R4) on PS1 though
trying to unlock the black car, fucking hell
Einhander is a good challenge. Enjoy it, it's a good one. Bonus points for playing on a cathodic tube TV. The OST is fantastic!
To answer your question : I haven't played vidya in a few days. Tonight I cleaned all the dishes, cooked a meal and worked on one of my gunplay. I'm off to bed now. Hope you have a good time user.
I played the first level a billion times on a demo disc I had and listen to the ost in my car
I've never beat the game, the furthest I can get is the level with the water
I always thought the blade was a shit weapon but it tore that spider boss a new asshole goddamn
third level down, this might be as far as I get though
>Tfw playing Drakengard 3
>complete game and decide to buy DLC for £25
>DLC doesnt apear because physical copy is apparently NA region and dlc bought is from EU PSN
>find out no physical EU version exists
>decide to bite the bullet and buy the game again digitally on the EU store for £16 to finally play DLC
>game takes like 5 hours to download and install
>mfw my save data doesnt tranfer to EU digital version
Any solutions bros?
The waiting game.
Been waiting for my RGB cables for my PVM to come in for a week now. Should have gotten an S-video cable for the time being but it's too late now
doesn't sound like there is one, damn
How is drakengard anyway?
Lv3 midboss down
Einhander has a god-tier OST
any particular console?
So you decided not to heed Yea Forums's warnings about the game being shit, eh? Did you make the right decision, user?
>WoW on a BC server
Alien Isolation. When it was new I got so stressed out and buttmad that I quit without getting very far. I've dedicated this week to beating it. I will not give up.
alien isolation is a gorgeous game
I think the first hour is especially tough but I might just be bad at the game.
I beat it but whenever I try to replay it I get caught up at the beginning
I'm at work right now, but when I get off I'm probably gonna pick back up on pic related.
Started playing it on my Vita the other night and now I'm getting kinda hooked on it. Hated it before because of how small everything was and how hard I had to strain to read the text and shit, but now that I've gotten used to it, it's a lot of fun.
one of the best metroidvanias, very underrated. i had a fucking blast
hack your PS3 and grab the DLC off the net. that shit is legit awful and I'll be honest I'm amazed sony is still even hosting it.
ahh I beat the 4th level this next stage is crazy what the fuck there's bullets everywhere
it's 05:39
wtf u smokin my dude
also i'm playing the waiting for my hair to dry so i can sleep game
I'm through the medical facility and on my way back with medical supplies to save the chick who is probably dead by now. Not that far in the game and I've died so many times already, wew lad.
Yeah it looks amazing, and the sound design is awesome. I'm in constant dread and wonder, especially playing in the dark with headphones. It's closer to Alien than any other movie in the franchise.
wellp I'm outta continues
I don't have the patience to get past the room the first time you come across other people and they get jumpy and shoot you when they see you
It's unironically a life goal of mine to beat The Last of Us on its original highest difficulty without dying or restarting once. I'm on my 17th try in two weeks and I can confidently make it 75% of the way through the game before I choke and die from one stupid mistake and waste eight hours of my life. I can't die peacefully before I do this and I have to do it before the second game comes out in case it sucks and ruins the first for me.
The people seem easy enough to get by, it's the androids and alien that freak me out since I can't hurt them.
I thought the bgm to the Old Site B side was so good I spent 1,400 deaths trying to clear it without dying because I figured the song was just long enough that you could clear the stage before it loops.
So I kinda get your suffering.
Are you savescumming to pratice the part you choke on or does it have to be a clean run?
I'm an "it has to be a clean run" kinda guy
Out to prove something to everyone who said the game was a movie?
Oh I was editing the post and deleted where I said I was playing Celeste. Whoops
Shining the holy ark - Saturn
I've literally never owned a saturn, the only time I ever held one was 1996
it's nice they referenced einhander with a miniboss in ffxiv but when are we getting a sequel
I just got into it recently. A ten roller cart off eBay allows for full piracy access.
No better time to jump In. Only played a few games so far, but having a good time.
the only games I know it had are nights and sonic 3d blast, I wouldn't even know what to play
Ready to be spooked
3 is mediocre and runs like shit dont recdomend desu
>a life goal of mine to beat The Last of Us on its original highest difficulty without dying or restarting once.
man i'm not gonna lie, i envy that kind of dedication. God speed to you.
what the fuck is that, user
A pinball machine...
Someone rec me a game to play on PC, I can't muster the motivation to keep playing the games I'm already working on.
fuck yeah nice
not that user, but like 80% of what I play on my Saturn is like Daytona, Bulk Slash, Fighters Megamix, Panzer Dragoon, and Virtual On
yeah but what is it?
for fun and to earn some quick cash hopefully
if you want something silly and quick and kinda like slay the spire but a little less involved try dicey dungeons
it's made by terry cavanaugh and has music by chipzel, the same duo was behind super hexagon
>tried to learn to draw for fun.
>Now i'm stuck drawing porn for profit most of the time.
After a while you get tired of sex and shit.
Sometimes i just wanna draw a kitty riding a pony ya know.
I only recently learned panzer dragoon was a rail shooter, I honestly thought it was to drakengard what soul edge is to soul caliber
you know, because of "drag-on dragoon" and all
I really liked that game, but they could've implemented a map. At least Hollow Knight had a meme badge for it.
can you draw haruhi suzumiya
Einhader is fucking amazing, superb taste user
one of my favorite soundtracks in vidya history
hey user wanna draw me a kitty riding a pony?
actually could you whip up nyan cat riding robot unicorn attack, it can be rough lineart idc
it took me a decade to find because I didn't wanna just buy it off ebay
I wish I could rip the model of the ship and just view it somehow, it drives me nuts that there is 0 official art of the ship with its arm hanging back instead of hooked forward
I grabbed virtual on off of xbla, not the same as playing it in an arcade though
Stuck in the MMO hole grinding crafting and black mage leveling.
I've been so time crunched I haven't finished the msq yet, it sucks
I was playing einhander because I'm not where my pc is
>Du wirst sterben
Great game, OP. Have a good one
"Sleep" because I'm a wage cuck who has to work 8am to 5pm tomorrow. Paying bills sucks.
I have the day off because I gotta drive someone to the airport. Gotta be up by 5 so it's not looking too good
Guilty Gear
yo there's so much good taste in this thread
do you have a main
You bet your ass I do.
the good taste continues
then again there really weren't any wrong answers
I flip between zappa and dizzy
>Enemies keep having priority
>Keep getting outpaced in duos
Not Smash. Maybe Pokemon or I'll just read.
whatcha reading
I'm doing a campaign in Kerbal Space Program so I'm completing various tasks and scientific experiments while one of my rockets is on course for a Mun flyby.
FFXIV PvP. Gonna try to get as many mounts from it as possible before people stop doing it again (when 5.1 comes out). Queues are pretty short atm.
is pvp as great for exp as it was after stormblood release
Been playing though this little gem. Recently got Arche and went back to a couple of towns to learn some pretty neat magic from books and people.
Emulating Super Bomberman 5
Holy shit the bosses are hard.
Philip K Dick, Game Players of Titan.
Absolutely superb taste. I have had Fatal Frame II since release on Xbox and I just got around to not being a little bitch to finish it last year for Halloween. I have the first and third ready for this year.
nice wallpaper
what game
I'm playing through all of the DQ games because the demo of 11 S got me hooked. But now I just wanna quit because DQ 1 is so fucking slow, pray for me.
wallpaper? sorry if I'm missing something. it's a mid battle screenshot of Tales of Phantasia on the snes. unless you are talking about the tmnt sheets?
I didn't get very far into 4, and got to the last chapter of V but stopped playing. I watched my gf play ii, now we're playing iii I had never heard of it before. I didn't play many spooky games growing up.
I'm playing it too
Oh they're sheets, it looked like wallpaper my b
which version are you playing? i always go with the gbc one seems to have the best pacing, although, apparently the mobile is the 'definitive' version.
no worries. they are my original sheets from when I was a kid in the early 90's. they now cover up a 'storage hole' that has no door.
DQ 1+2 SNES translated. I couldn't handle the screen crunch of GBC and I don't wanna play on my phone.
fair point. I think that's the next best thing, could be wrong though. it feels like a slog during some parts, but the game is pretty short, shouldn't take longer than 10-15 hours to complete.
I just noticed Munchie and I'm dying.
Dark Messiah for the first time, despite sitting in my library for about a decade. Also, Xana is pretty blatantly-evil and screams "I will betray you the moment you resist" right around the time your teacher who screams "I am really evil" jams her inside you, and this all before you meet dad. Leanna's only just suggested it, but I can imagine she's gonna throw a literal bitchfit and try to kill everyone if I go get purified
It also still looks nice, and the physics and kicking are godly, why are Source games still so comfy after all these years?
Alright anons I'm finally headed to bed, thanks for hanging out
this thread has some of the best taste on the board, feel good about that
good night user. take care of yourself.
games that came out then were in a sweetspot of not having overblown post processing that killed fps, just got great lighting and physics, and had better poly counts and texture quality than the console gen that came before it
lots of games from that time are super comfy
How far are you guys into III? Are you enjoying to content of II or III more so far? I would love to have a complete collection for the series come out.
The proper term is Yea Forumsirgin. Yea Forumsros makes you sound like a fucking retard because a vro isn’t a goddamn thing.
Probably about halfway. I think they're basically identical in terms of quality but I really liked the spooky mountain ambience of 2.
I'm expecting dreamworld shit leaking into the waking world in 3 to start happening soon, I'm excited
The proper term is Yea Forumsedditor actually.
EDIT: Thanks for the (You), kind stranger!
you're right but bros sounded friendlier, I wanted a chill thread
I'm doing the same thing for the same reason
DQI is nothing compared to the nightmare that is DQII, makes getting into DQIII feel pretty fucking worth it though
Playing the mobile versions, I just wish they hadn't halfassed DQIII by cutting out the SNES/GBC monster animations&intro and removing pachisi but they've been great ports besides that
Very nice. I'm super hyped to play it soon.
You must not have been here very long. Yea Forumsirgin is widely accepted and not considered rude.
Night dude
Playing some Fire emblem Thracia 776 while drinking some Miller High Life cuz my shit taste doesnt stop at games.