What are some good video game redemption arcs?

What are some good video game redemption arcs?

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>inb4 mods delete this thread while allowing soft-core porn threads to be up
Video game culture is video games dumb fucks

Also, capcom and blizzard are setting themselves up for a redemption arc as long as blizzcon isn't disappointing

Memes aside, what are some games where you have to clear your name? Sounds nice as fuck

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I always believed he was innocent in this case. He's still a retarded, degenerate, backstabbing dumbass who still promotes me too bullshit

Meanwhile we have Sony breaking bad

Why did he wait so long to come out? The damage is already done.

His "career" is still as good as dead.

reminder that there is a TMNT thread up that has nothing to do with vidya at the moment.

He said something about sonsultations. he wanted to clear with lawyers and shit that this stuff is clean to say.

Basically this. He's a creepy weirdo who made a whole bunch of shitty decisions but he didn't do anything illegal or morally heinous. Twitter cancel culture needs to fucking end.

he lawyered up

He didn't deny anything about Heidi and Holly though

Do you think McDonald's will hire him?

why is projared asking for nudes from "Charlie" aka a fucking guy? is he a homo?

>redemption arc
>still sexted his fans
I thought that was the problem and not the obvious false pedo and cheating stuff.

Literally Dishonored

He said he didn't cheat

now that think about i could go for nice crime or noir game where you have to clear your name. something like no way out or doa (1949).

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, in like basically every game.

This exactly. Innocent, Guilty. Either way he's a piece of shit.

>game ending is pure shit with no redemption arc

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Now that the dust has settled, did he really do anything that bad?


He still outed himself as someone who can't control their horny. He ain't coming back from this one

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Fuck off already, no one cares about your shitty e-celeb drama around here, go back to leldit, YouTube or Facebook.

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His wife held him hostage in marriage and an actually brain damaged pedo tumblr tranny made false allegations
His wife held him hostage in marriage and an actually brain damaged pedo tumblr tranny made false allegations
His wife held him hostage in marriage and an actually brain damaged pedo tumblr tranny made false allegations.

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Wait for the mob to stop foaming at the mouth.

More evidence that Game Grumps fans are mentally ill.


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jesus christ my dick

Something i dont understand, is ross a cuckold?

>tfw carbonite fetish

Go jerk off to your jrpg anime tiddie games.

He didn't do anything wrong in that context so how can he be redeemed? That said, he's just getting karma since he's guilty of doing the same demolition job on other people.

Why the fuck scenes like these exist?
What the fuck.
They should be shiting on another girl's mouth, then I can fap.

How do you do this without killing yourself afterwards?

happened after they split.

>that one guy literally did all of this because he wanted to fuck Dan and Arin
Jesus fucking Christ

what are those people thinking
why would they or anyone for that matter do this

No. Even if it was actual cheating, no. The only reason is got so big is the fake pedo shit which always happens.

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Before I went to sleep I saw 2 threads of 2 random people getting me too. What's up those 2?

I hope his lawsuit goes well

Dead Rising 2

>has porn account open to fans
>lots of his fans are underage

How could this have happened guys?

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they were in a "polyamorous" relationship user, as admitted by Heidi herself with some pretty damning looking texts at the time, make of that what you will

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because rich degenerates pay them huge sums of money and all they have to do is shit on their face

Give me a quick rundown, please.

>been up fifteen minutes

did the jannies throw in the towel?

I have a youtube channel and have emailed Heidi, Holly, and Jared asked them to interview them. Lets see if they reply.

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Dont tell me you guys actually forgive this pedo


They still have to atone for Legends 3

those were both FtM trannies aka mentally ill girls

Phoenix Wright

All clients are guilty until proven innocent. Just like the internet!

They better

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Projared was framed by a crazed Game Grumps fan with literal brain damage.

>still being on the bandwagon
Get with the time gramps

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>check out his twitter to see all of the butthurt replies
>all those SJWs doubting his story purely because he waiting three months

reminder these are the same people who will defend women making sexual harassment allegations DECADES after the fact and make you out to be an asshole for even questioning people about this fact

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