What videogames fit this graph?
What videogames fit this graph?
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I don’t get it
dumb and smart people enjoy it, average people do not
Posting on 4channel
japanese games
Silent Hill 3
DMC / Bayo / etc. type action games.
this. normies people hate it. dumb people like it because of the dopamine hit and clicks. smart people like it for the free speech and discussion.
So this is the power of Yea Forums ....
How do I read the graph? Like wouldn’t it be the same at the top it is saying both only big iq people enjoy
Fighting games
I think I know where you sit on the graph.
Gone Home
I thought this aswell
Judging from the Paradox forums? Crusader Kings 2. There are some really educated history buffs in there but then there's absolute morons saying shit like "why ain't there no knights in the game?"
Came in here to post this.
It's perfect.
>normies people hate it. dumb people like it because of the dopamine hit and clicks.
Both are the same. I'm sure there are smart normalfags, but that is just being too optimistic.
its the opposite
I agree with this user. Crusader Kings 2. Retards can enjoy the random shit and incest and smart people can enjoy the strategy and long term planning. Average people just hate the game because they can’t understand it and can’t turn off their brains to enjoy it.
If it isn't obvious enough the y-axis is enjoyment and the x-axis is the IQ
Action games are always just
>Hurr me mash X to look cool
>Yes I memorised all 200 of Dantae's combos why do you ask?
normies are average intelligence, not dumb not smart.
Stupid people like it because they see the numbers become bigger numbers.
Smart people like it because they can think about more important things while playing.
Averagefags loathe it because its repetitive.
Shadow the Hedgehog.
Nah, flip the enjoyment axis and it would be pokemon.
Go ahead and play the games mentioned in this thread. Judging by your graph reading skills, you’ll enjoy them.
Danganronpa V3
>"muh whore shoes", he cries out in confusion, "muh middle ground"
I remember this thread.
What dumb person plays Factorio? Unless you're talking about low-functioning autists.
same people who do commie blocks in Terraria, so yes, low-functioning autists
> What games does Yea Forums hate?
Do Metroid games fall somewhere in the middle?
Final fantasy (nes). Only 100IQs simultaneously understand enough about the stat system to know what doesnt work without also knowing enough 6o gain an understanding of what does.
If its for retards and turbo autists then its really perfect for Yea Forums
Hence the answers like factorio and DMC
If you deride RTS games as being spastic ADHD click fests, you're in the middle of the bell curve.
I never even tried RTS games because I thought I'd be too dumb to play them properly.
Monster Hunter
>co-op grinding and shooting dinosaurs with friends
>"the combat is too clunky and repetitive"
I find it best to stay out of politics because I live in the most liberal part of possibly the second-most liberal state in the US. Whatever opinion you express, you're bound to piss someone off, and it's just not worth the trouble
probably competitive fighting games t b h
Fallout 4
>tfw completely average
>tfw I will never enjoy anything
just spam one thing and a large wave and you will do fine
Correct. There are two groups of people who enjoy Counter Strike, and a fucking ocean between them.
>and a large wave
and in* a large wave
Do you have screencaps of anons calling Earth 2150, Metal Fatigue or Total Annihilation "spastic ADHD click fests"?
I couldn't get into CSGO because of the overt e-sports and virtual economy crap, but I still love the og 1.6 or Source. There's quite a difference between CS and CSGO.
That would be the graph flipped, pal
Games with physics that is fun if you don’t try to understand it but has fun tech if you get really far into it (Such as TF2 and Quake).
I would consider Melee to also follow it.
>inb4 party game
That’s the low iq enjoyment. The high IQ enjoyment is when you remove RNG and get into techs. youtu.be
Pre gen VI pokemon
the only multiplayer i do is fgc shit, always kinda wondered what it would be like to just jump head first right into games like csgo or lol with notoriously unwelcoming learning curves and communities from what i've heard
yeah, the Pacific
Literally any fighting game
Discussion of what almost 30% of every discussion turns into pol shit/ its the sjws thats why.
if you have more than 2 cells it's impossible to enjoy it, what the fuck do you mean?
Dynasty Warriors, any Musou game
I do that because they look pleasing to the eye
Surely you must have seen threads where these games are discussed, in order to make that request. Do you have any screencaps of those games even being talked about?
fighting games and chess work well
starcraft doesn't for some reason so it's not as simple as "singleplayer" or "1v1" which is rather curious
I participated in them.
>Do you have any screencaps of those games even being talked about?
Unlikely, but you made your claim first either way.
Games you would enjoy.
>I participated in them.
And now you're making the claim without any proof.
Dark Souls 2
t. average IQ 2D fighter player
Enjoyment goes down as iq goes higher, then return high while iq goes even higher
Nah. There are some fighting games like Tekken or Mortal Kombat that will feel stiff if you don't know the combos.
Last time I've talked about it was replying to this user: archived.moe
replace centrists with libertarians and you're bound to bait a few more people. Being a centrist isn't hot right now
Civilization 5
Libertarian isn't either.
>Implying everyone likes NV
look at this redditor
you get the odd one coming out of the woodwork to defend their right to fuck kids or whatever
oh, sorry.
that is bethestar in general.
Kerbal Space Program
>right wing
I have been baited
>nazi is national SOCIALISTS
>bread is BRead
Nazis are socialist, bread is brazillian, thanks for clearing that up
If you're dumb, you play it as the sims medieval 2. If you're smart, you play it as the sims medieval 2 with sex mods.
Do you know what /pol/ is?
Ehh idk. I would think a truly dumb person would drop the game before they got over the learning curve. The people in your examples arent probably actually dumb. They just dont give a fuck about history, which most people dont.
>T. the guy who plays zoroastrians instead taking Jerusalem
>think about more important things while playing
Like what?
Team Fortress 2.
mogeko castle
literally all good fighting games
Fighting games.
Rainbow Six Siege. It also applies to your rank as well. You're either an instinctive rambo god who btfo scared campers by running in guns blazing or you know pixel peeks where you can headshot a guy across the map.
It's not just about being socialist, they were vocally against both sides of the so-called spectrum. Not centrists, hell no, but third positionists.
No, normies drop the game. Dummies will say
>"well I spent the money, better get my money's worth"
>lmao Glitterhoof
>lmao I fucked my Aunt
>lmao Game of Thrones mod!
These are bait. Not understanding shit on a grade-school level is such obvious bait but it works on you faggots because it makes you feel smart when in reality, no one actually has trouble reading these graphs
Why hasn't anyone posted this image yet?
Super Mario World
Metal Gear 5
Dragon's Dogma
Kirby 64
You're either smart or stupid to enjoy something. Gotcha.
Please bang my wife.
have sex
now kiss
Any recent Naughty Dog game.
>low IQ: I like the story and pretty graphics
>200+ IQ, like me: I enjoy the fast-paced, unique gameplay in the exquisitely designed sandbox-style levels whose verticality and openness offer infinite possibilities for seamless traversal, stealth, and combat that, coupled with the excellent and dynamic enemy and buddy AI, ensures no encounter will ever play the same way twice
Kingdom Hearts 3
135 iq here. I come here for the dopamine hit and textual white noise the pace of the board affords. Yea Forums is shit for discussion.
ND games are just a shittier easier version of the old GRAW console games.
Arena shooters
Most fighting games
Anything easy to pick up but with a lot of depth. Idiots can play, geniuses can work out top tier play, but average people will be aware of the potential for mastery but unable to reach it.
ITT: games I don't like
Action games like Devil May Cry
It fits.
>no one actually has trouble reading these graphs
i don't know where you got your faith in humanity, but I respect that you have yet to lose it despite browsing 4channel.
>Yea Forums shit for discussions
t.sub 100iq
There's no such thing as a smart normalfag, you need to be dumb by definition to be a normalfag.
Normalfags =|= normal people.
Racing games
Basically, any stupid fun game.
Dumb people like the game because it's simple dumb fun. Average people hate the game because it's "too insulting to their intelligence" and refuse to touch it. Smart people can enjoy the game because they aren't suck on such hangups, will just pick up the game and enjoy playing it for a bit, then put it down when they are bored.
its either
>hurr durr i can kill women and gays and blacks!
>my family lineage has been curated and cared for over the last 600 years of gameplay, i have family in every major empire and bloodline, we own the chinese throne, and when i finally import this save ...
>the only multiplayer i do is fgc shit, always kinda wondered what it would be like to just jump head first right into games like csgo or lol
Imagine if your tag-ins actively heckled you and would always pop off-cooldown. That's the average teammate in such a game.
If you can't read a line graph, you're literally mentally disabled. No one has to teach you, you could just figure it out
Absolutely the Xeno series. Dumbos will lick the cum off the tv, while intellectuals lick the cum off their TvTropes analysis pages.
Nier Automata
metal gear solid
Which tag you will search in gelbooru
astral chain so far
Minecraft. The absolute minimum can enjoy just dicking around the world and fooling about, and the really high IQ people can go crazy with redstone shit, but when you're mediocre, you have a hard time really getting into either of those.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
First person shooters, fighting games and other versus multiplayer games in general. Also building/Minecraft like games.
Idiots can entertain themselves just on the in-the-moment entertainment for a long time.
Average people get bored of the game once it runs out of dopamine-feeding chimes and unlocks and the next shiny thing is released.
Smart people go all-in on learning the intricacies of the systems, make their own fun while screwing around, and kick everyone else's asses.
Flip that bell curve upside down and you get Strategy games, MMOs and RPGs in general.
Idiots get bored of the slow pace and don't follow the story. They forget where they are after not playing for a week and never bother again.
Average people enjoy being led by the hand with the storytelling while the tedious gameplay occupies a lot of their time.
Smart people break the games quickly and get tired of the routine, most stories will likely come off as quaint and boring.
>135 iq here
He already mentioned dumb people, user
modded skyrim
Retards are drawn in by waifus and DUDE ANIME xD, mid-IQ philistines hate it for obvious reasons, and high IQ xenochads can appreciate the flawed kino and godly environments/music/mid-endgame combat behind the anime jank
Dwarf Fortress
did anyone actually make an apache mod for this game yet? too lazy to search.
>everything on the right has to be libertarian
Geee what is christian democracy then?
Fuck you.
245 IQ reporting in. I use Yea Forums to laugh. Anyone coming here for "serious business" should find the nearest hole and die in it.
non existent
i think you confused the OP graph with this
>same people who do commie blocks in Terraria, so yes, low-functioning autists
of course i build commie blocks in terraria, NPCs are fucking freeloaders who don't deserver beter
Make an edit where IQ is removed and Mods is added
>literally 30 second ms paint job
>asks someone else to do it
It's a way of life
My favourite game
Stupid people: They like it for reasons different than mine
Smart people like me: My reasons
Spec Ops: The Line
dota 2
Mario 2
Damn, you're right.
I'd say something like Age of Empires, or RTS in general.
Dumb people just build stupid shit and win against easy bots. More intelligent people try to build and play efficiently and realize how deep certain mechanics can be (or how much multitasking is required) and while trying to learn the proper way to play against advanced bots/good other players they won't have much win chance. The more intelligent people will start to eventually get the hang of it and start winning again.
There's this for Starcraft 2.
Metal gear solid 3 is my favorite user....
Silent Hill
Only retards that fell for hype think 2 is anywhere near as good a game as 1 or 3
>free speech
Double Ha (Haha)
This: Retards can't figure it out because the control scheme is unconventional and smart people don't like it because they can see it's a children's party game.
I have at least 4 cells. Tell me why you think that.
Practically all fighting games
The Borderlands series
Fire Emblem
Garry's Mod, GTA, any sandbox game.
basically any game that pushes esports and ranks hard
brainlets don't give a shit and just have fun, great players enjoy improving and competing
in the middle you have average people that try to be great players but can't do it and they're often miserable scrubs crying more than playing
Dont believe only one person posted this.
Thought that was my boi life. But all koreans look exactly the same so who fuckn knows.
This website is full of mentally disabled people.
Basically any Warriors game. Especially the PS2 era games.
Youre not only wrong about the high IQ end, youre clearly in the low end.
Real life
OSRS, manlets and children play because it is "FREE MOBUL GAEM", smart people grind skills efficiently af, and everyone else just screeches about wanting MTX so they don't have to grind.
Call of Duty
Garry's Mod
You would probably find a similar graph for suicide rate / IQ
Even if youre right, it doesnt paint the whole picture.
rocket league
>smart people like it for the free speech and discussion
Smart person here. That is not why we like it.
Neptunia games
Space Station 13
Dota 2
I know it's bait but i really dislike seeing these graphs being misread all the time.
rainbow six siege
This, but unironically
Also, EU4. It's by far the most popular game among nationalists/nazis as well as many history nerds (half of my polsci class played pdx games)
real time strategy games
low iq love players sandbox games where they just make towers and fuck around
middle iq players cry about "apm" and how it's not fair they can't come up with new strats
high iq players realise actions per minute is a mental limintation as everyone can click a button hundreds of times a minute and work on devising new strategies and smart timings
Is there a mod to lower the health? Always restarted the mission after the enemy got a good shot on me. Just didn't feel right to keep going on.
Ocarina of Time