


Attached: 9Christmas.png (586x522, 236K)


Oh wait, you don't have Jill? Hm?

Attached: 2019-08-21-0418-40.webm (696x156, 1.71M)

why the fuck did they make the collab levels so hard. what the fuck were they thinking

Yeah, I'm sorry. I quit a few days before the collab.

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>do all the regular levels
>try the first EX level
>all teams gets absolutely shit stomped

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This """game""" is fucking trash.

New friends will never be able to experience this map ever again

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I was underleveled as fuck in the beginning of the collab. The biggest hurdle was getting strong enough to complete Chicken Breast, which meant a couple days of grinding 4-3e with a ARSMG team and then a RF team. Even now after the collab my highest level doll is K11 at 83 and my main Echelon sitting around 14000.

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I'm just mad because they still refuse to let me marry kalina.

I thought we were getting P90 today? Where the fuck is my P90?

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I enjoy guns too

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fuck off me board

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This is what gachaniggers believe in

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You're not talking about the regular levels are you?

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Play fgo

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>Shill thread every day because the mods are paid off
fuck off back to /vg/

Rent free.

Kill yourself

I honestly didn't really like guns until GFL.

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How the fuck do I use Dorothy? Off brand Shrimp?

No, she's a main tank that buffs off tank shrimp

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Fuck off with your shitty mobage spam on Yea Forums

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What should I use instead of AUG?

Attached: K11_D.png (1024x1024, 670K)

STAR's good

Any decent AR. Grenadiers would work. K11 is fine.

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4412, dump eet

Attached: Screenshot_20190827-211240_Girls' Frontline.jpg (2220x1080, 1.82M)

have sex

no FaGgOt

left or right

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post setups u use to play gacha

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Why can't you autistic fucks stay in your /vg/ containment thread?

scrolled by the catalog and will never play these games but the two girls with scars over their eyes are the best
that will be my blog post adios

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Go back to your nostalgia line

Neither, I choose my raifu.

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>still no pc version
>still no good phone emulator
I just want to collect raifus

Attached: EVO_3_costume1.png (1024x1024, 292K)

Just go to the wikia and download all the pictures.

>>still no good phone emulator
Nox worked perfectly once I enabled that virtual emulation option in my mobo bios.

But I want to watch my raifus fight whities

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I was trying to do that myself but I got too busy with Dokkan Battle's fourth anniversary. I wouldn't mind missing it if it wasn't for the fact that it'll never come back.

When's SVD MOD3?

Post yfw you aren't a hoxy kek

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who is it spying on me for though?

It took me 200 tries each but I have them all.

Attached: 03b.jpg (394x360, 27K)

>playing gfl
>worried about being spied on
No one tell him.

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Attached: Dupes.jpg (1110x626, 345K)

Only ones I dont have are Hoxy, other Hoxy, and Alma's costume. That final map....

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>Alma's costume

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-12-04-31-53.jpg (1424x710, 631K)

What guns do you need to not be a hoxy?
What does hoxy even mean?

people missing out on limited units. In this case, this is an eternal hoxy since collabs will never rerun.

You play a good game. Thanks for the doujins though.