Cyberpunk 2077 to be smaller than Witcher 3


Is anyone still excited for this piece of trash? They've watered it down so much it looks like shit.

Attached: cybertranny.png (618x652, 489K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Open world RPG devs make linear FPS game
>It isn't as good as their RPGs
I don't know what people expected

Keanu Reeves. Nuff fucking said.

Denser sounds a lot better than a huge pile of nothing desu though I've never played witcher so i couldn't say


What will I do with out empty forest and enemy encampments

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You fucking meme retards. This is actually a good thing. Nobody wants another monster nest and smuggler cache simulator.

How is it any more linear than the witcher 3?

>Extensive character customization and unique looking loot to wear in game
>First person viewpoint only so you will NEVER see your character


Attached: displeased cat.jpg (750x828, 414K)

Nooooo I wanted a BOTW type of game with empty open spaces!

They're using that budget on representing transgender folk in the game. I'm not even trans either but Trans Rights Are Human Rights. Even Snake said so.

Literally no one, and I mean not a single person thought this games map would be bigger than the Witcher.

concept art vs actual software. Bitch shut the fuck up and learn to code instead of being a whiny bitch. Fuck this I am making a thread about faggots like you.

Shh. The CSDF will hear you

Are you FUCKING kidding me? I am a HUGE fan of games with huge worlds.
>inb4 "Why? The "huge" world will just be plains of emptiness."
Yes, and that can be easily fixed by just filling content with them.
FUCKING A, man. This is a loss for gamers that love huge worlds.

Attached: based cdpr 2.webm (960x540, 631K)

>big empty world is good
You don't get Cyberpunk because you want to play Minecraft.

I can't even tell if the OP is bait or posters are just this retarded nowadays.
The map is smaller but more desne.
I'll take that over the emptiness of TW3 any day.

>might disappoint other gamers
You mean the dumb ones who think big empty maps are somehow better than smaller maps with more detail and thought put into them?

>Extensive character customization and unique looking loot to wear in real life
>First person viewpoint only so you will NEVER see your character


This game will be the first CDPR flop. Death Stranding will be Kojima's flop. Shenmue 3 will kill the series for good.

Geez... things are not looking god.

You do realize that a map "a little smaller" than the Witcher 3's is still very comparable to GTA V's map size, and that map was 60% a wilderness of nothing.

Self indulgent fap bait for gamers.

If this is sarcasm, you made me chuckle

>The map is smaller but more desne.
There's no reason to believe they'll deliver on that

Do you understand making non-copypasted non-procedural generated content requires large amounts of manpower, time, and money?

>huge empty worlds
nigga just go outside

>things are not looking good.

Quite the opposite if you happen to be nearing your twenties and ready to move on from bibeo gaims. I think the timing is perfect.

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The Demos they showed off have shown us a world that is way more lively than anything the witcher ever promised.
there'll probably be some graphical downgrades, but I think we're strapped for content.

The only type of content they can fill huge, empty maps are pointless collectables and randomized garbage.

If you could get inside buildings and get lost inside/around them you'd feel a much bigger reward than driving for 10 minutes straight into nothing.

>those scripted corridor cherry picked demos they showed were jam packed with content!

Oh wow they lied about another thing

give it a rest man, how many hours a day do you spend on this

I agree with this. That was a feature requested by the trans community, because making a game too long could mean the trans-persons might kill themselves before finishing it since 47% of them kill themselves after transitioning.
This is a powerful statement by CDPR.
Rememmetera won again bae-bae

Mankind Divided had one of the best open worlds in a Cyberpunk setting and it was tiny, so bigger doesn't always mean better.

The real issue we should be talking about is the apparent removal of gender option from character creation.

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Hes doing the right thing. Game devs are garbage people and deserve to be called out.

>This game will be the first CDPR flop

Kojima cant flop. Even V made double its money back in 1 day and it wasnt even finished.

You just select your gender via which voice you pick rather than which body you pick

They said that like four years ago, why do you people keep making these threads

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This. They've lied about every aspect of the game.

Not being like the Witcher 3 world is a plus, though, half the map was just plain trees with a drowner or generic nasties.

>female body
>male voice
>get called a male
VERY problematic to transgenders, they can't help but sound like truckers

Lying about the game is never a "plus"

The gender options have not really been removed from the character creation. All they did was allow you to use a female voice with a male body and vice versa to satisfy the tranny crowd, which probably amounts to little work.

Oh good. They're only guild of pandering to an aggressive vocal minority, I was worried for a second.

>hurr if you don't make games yourself, you have no right to complain about shitty games


What exactly is the lie?

rpg's are the autism of games

They said countless times that the open world was going to be larger than Witcher 3

>game popular
>I hate it

>game set in a futuristic city full of skyscrapers and multi-level apartment complexes
>compare to fantasy middle ages flat country
>game is gonna be so small I swear

>I hate huge empty maps with copypasted activities, I'd rather have a smaller, tighter map
>actually no I want the former
>game is gonna be so shit because of this I swear

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Didn't read lol. In the trash it goes.

>scifi city setting has dense vertical spaces rather than wide empty spaces that previous game set in rural and less advanced world had.

You guys how many threads are you gonna spam about this? You're really reaching.

They did not.

Are mods ever going to do anything about these thread? This is becoming ridiculous.

Got any interviews? Here's one from last year, where he states that size doesn't just mean x and y

I'm trying to find stuff from 2017 and older, but they basically said almost nothing about the game during those years

A smaller map unironically means more people seeing more of the actual gameworld instead of fast travelling everywhere because they can't be fucked traversing 1000 mile of empty map

>wide open plains vs cramped dystopic megacity
What is vertical vs horizontal

>small map size bad

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They better give a full context of """smaller""" or they just lost a fuck TON of people

MCV interview they say that Cyberpunk is the largest thing they've ever done and it's complexity and size dwarfs Witcher 3.

Yes, and

They were directly referring to the map size. Don't forget they also promised that it was going to be an improvement on Witcher 3 in every way

>The producer, however, shared that despite this, the map is denser compared to the open-world game starred by Geralt of Rivia.
Shit bait OP, sage this gay thread

Smaller and more genuinely interactive environments will always trump having miles of empty forest.

Where did they mean map size? Complexity and size doesn't just mean what the x and y dimensions are. It encompasses pretty much everything about the game

Map density > Map size

It's because each article builds off of the last. They've mentioned before specifically that the map was going to be much larger than Witcher 3, so people pretend like it's common knowledge. A lot of noobs don't know this because the game has been in development for seven years

>Not a new IP

>Map is smaller
>You drive rather than ride a horse

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>They've mentioned before specifically that the map was going to be much larger than Witcher 3
Yes, in density and verticality. I cannot find a single instant where they have said the surface area would be larger. It wouldn't even make any sense. I'm so tired of this fake outrage culture

hey, dipshit, the witcher 3 was cdpr's first open world game.

>Falling for the Cybermeme in the current year.

They shilled Keanu Reeves hard for a reason guys. In there earning call they were legitimatley scared as fuck that they couldn't live up to the juggernaut that is Witcher 3. It was a hard sell to investors at the time, it's going to be a huge financial loss for them if they can't con people into preordering at least 3 million copies.

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Well it depends, what do you think "The game is far larger and an improvement on Witcher 3 in every way" means?

who are "other gamers"

do they rise up?

dude he's THE ONE. he's the perfect choice for a cyberpunk character. ur mad over nothing. if the game is bad it's not because of something like that

Attached: cyberpunk_change.jpg (935x374, 57K)


Content, systems, gameplay variety, etc.

But there's a buttload of buildings with many floors

But they specifically mention size. So you think size only applies to everything that's not the literal size.

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What do you think is the literal size? If a game has three quests instead of two, is it not a larger game

I have no idea why anyone's looking forward to this thing.

Are you retarded?

Are you? You're saying that "larger" literally only means that the space will be wider

I'm pretty sure "Improvement on Witcher 3 in every way" covers all my bases semantic autist


I don't even know what your bases are. What things are included in being an improvement? If I'm reading this right, you consider that a wider map would have been an improvement

If 99% of articles interpreted it the same way as me then maybe you're just an autistic faggot user. I feel sorry for your parents.

What articles interpreted it your way?

Suck my nuts greaseball

Are you talking about gaming journalism?

I'm talking about people who didn't come here in 2016

outrage culture is reddit faggotry

kill yourselves

Good job dummy, you realized you're posting total nonsense and now you're getting all flustered

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>Hurr, I'll just take an image from the city center and compare it to an image of the city outskirts in shitsville with the desert clearly on the horizon and juxtapose them.
>I win!
Suck start a shotgun.

Go cut yourself retard, it's all you're good for

Aren't most maps filler?
Most games have a lot of empty water, deserts, and woods.

Remember when they said they were going to deliver on the 2013 trailer and then some?

Baldurs Gate 2 is basically just two cities and a hanful of small areas

Remember when the game was released and they didn't? Oh shit, that's right!

Keep going

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"Cdpr will take the moral high ground" says increasingly nervous gay man

What does the 2013 trailer deliver?

Are you implying he's wrong? What exactly is the countryside good for in GTA V? It makes up 80% of the map.

Witcher 3's map was huge, empty and had fuck all to do. So what if it's smaller?

Why don't you watch it for the first time in your life

Why do you think gay is an insult?

I'm implying he's naive

We need to murder trannies

It showed some policemen shooting a woman with cybernetics. I think I've seen that in the other footage as well. Well, not the police specifically

>no classes
>no gender
>no flying cars
>swear words are DLC
>map confirmed to be smaller than Morrowind
>buildings only have quest related interiors
>no verticality
>empty streets
>can't see your own character
>no more origin stories
>stuck with Keanu the whole game
>drastic reduction in graphics quality to shoehorn it in to last-gen consoles
>FPS with "rpg elements"

Why do people want this again?

Since when has calling someone mentally ill not been an insult?

This is not a bad thing, go fuck yourself. Witcher was large but 75% of it was dead space you ride your horse through, yes a city will be smaller then a few giant land masses full of roads and trees

What is the city good for in GTA V? What can you do in the city which you can't do in the countryside

Remember when they said the game was going to be next gen and then backtracked because "console gamers" are their real target audience?

>Remember when they said the game was going to be next gen
Was this in 2013. Current gen was next gen. And no I can't remember that, I'm sure you can produce a citation

80% of the quests are in 20% of the map. But who am I kidding, you can't understand racial crime statistics, why the fuck would you understand that.

Nah, like a year ago

What are you even babbling about

I can't recall a single instance where they've said something like that. From what I've seen they've always targeted current gen. Why would they even release a game for next gen consoles that nobody owns, that's not a very strong business model

I can't wait for this game to get a billion awards like The Witcher 3 did. The salt production on here alone will save the world economy from recession.

It will be critical.and commercial success and people will discuss it here and all over the net for months so stay mad for the foreseeable you figurative nger

Not that they were purely aiming for next gen, they pretty much said they're going to downgrade the game to work on consoles and not use the PC Port to it's fullest potential

>lowest graphical settings

Attached: 1418869437055.jpg (251x242, 12K)

>Ultra doesn't look the same as low

hopefully, it's also more vertical
would have been better without the open world, but we can't have nice things

Well, of course. Consoles are 70 percent of their install base

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>I agree, modern "RPGs" seem to favor being able to swap your build in the middle of the game never being faced with consequences
>This is a dystopian future where you can buy whatever "parts" you want, it's facetious though that I agree.
>That's disingenuous there are flying cars, you just can't fly them.
>Not sure why they censored the trailer in 2018 either.
>Most games are smaller than Morrowind.
>How do you see yourself in real life.
>The three current life paths are origin stories, but I agree in that I think Corpo, Rockerboy, or Nomad are pretty shitty choices for them
>Apparently we have more say in that
>It has been stated that it's the opposite in recent interviews, the Playstation Access interview to cite one.

Good thing they so quickly abandoned their core playerbase, otherwise they'd have to make good games

Well if they fuck this game us as much as it seems then all the good will they got from Witcher 3 will be pissed down the drain. Normalfags didn't care or know about CDPR at all before Witcher 3.

Is it a core playerbase if it's outnumbered 2 to 1

After Witcher 3 you literal child

Me too, user. After all the open spaces create more character by providing literally nothing. This is much like most of Yea Forums's dad who left to get cigarettes and never came back. That is why Yea Forums is so great!

>open world Cyberpunk RPG with a heavy focus on customisation of yourself, and freedom to join alien, futuristic factions, make morally ambiguous choices and get involved in all sorts of genuine fun
>ends up being a corridor shooter in which you play a pronoun obsessed tranny

That's bullshit, consoles (TOGETHER) had higher sales than PC (2015), but in two years PC came back and dwarfed sales on both consoles. Their playerbase is on PC anyone who argues this doesn't understand the bigger picture.
Most of the quests (~80%) take place in the city (20% of the map area), with 20% of the quests taking place in the countryside (80% of the map area).

vertical > horizontal. Change my mind.

>witcher 3 was too big and empty! it should've been more focused!
I agree, the ride never ends.

Attached: youfuckin'wot.jpg (455x330, 65K)

One word. Biomes

Hello Peddit.

>what is texture

>The textures improve from low to ultra in with 3 wild hunt TM

Like the minecraft cancer biomes that change so suddenly it looks stupid?

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Well, that's how it goes. What are they meant to do, just not sell it on consoles

They're meant to sell a product that performs well on its original platform

>doesn't change
hurr durrrrr

Attached: witcher-3-textures-l-4.jpg (2386x1636, 961K)

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is this a joke?

>Most of the quests (~80%) take place in the city (20% of the map area), with 20% of the quests taking place in the countryside (80% of the map area).
What can you do outside the missions in GTA? People always say you can't do anything in the countryside but I don't know what people do in the city either, it's a pretty simple game. And I mainly meant the crime statistics bit which doesn't seem to be related to anything, so I don't know what it was doing there

>Smaller than Witcher 3
>No gender, you’ll be treated by NPCs like an MMO character, no gendered dialogue
>No more nudity in the latest E3 trailer, probably fully censored by the time it’s released
>Only one apartment and it’s not customizable
>Don’t want to let people play the game in conventions, probably afraid of showing it

This game is looking like it will be shit

Attached: E47759D1-C946-4268-B38F-6C29A05F850A.jpg (640x786, 96K)

>are you blind?
You mum is a joke

That's why they sold out and just made it a facescanned Hollywood game

so long as it has multiplayer, i'll buy it.

Show nothing. Shower everything.

Oh no, nonononono

Also they’re adding multiplayer. All signs are there.

If you're "disappointed", you don't pay attention.
They said from the beginning that it can't be bigger than the witcher.
The witcher is almost too big.
Cyberpunk is going to be jammed full of too much shit to have that large of a map.

This is just more fake negative press and we all know why

If the ground didn't have tessellation you wouldn't even be able to tell

Why can't it be missions? Even if you're talking about side stuff you still have objectively more activities and hang out locations concentrated in the city. The countryside seems like some tacked on thing at the last second to appease faggots who liked it in San Andreas. It's an empty void of nothing in a game that could have had the time put into the design spent on something more useful to the player's experience.

Sauce on any of that?

>Cyberpunk is going to be jammed full of too much shit to have that large of a map.
You fucking wish.

A new demo video will be out soon. If it doesn’t show any night gameplay footage then this game is so dead

No it won't. Not until February/march

Did you forget that modern games are actually real time 3D-movies with gameplay intervals between the acts?

Friday. I’ve lost most of my excitement honestly

I know it won't have any at lauch, but I never planned on buying this game at launch. I'll wait until it's out for next gen consoles for $20 with DLC included. Only way I get it earlier than that is the inclusion of multiplayer.

Of course its small, the whole point of NC is that its a fully simulated city that is to scale. Not that you secondaries would know.

Attached: Central NC - Update.jpg (1680x2100, 1.3M)

>CDPR has a thing

>and we all know why

They're actually industry shills with an agenda.

CDPR June 2019: Gender will affect dialogue and how some quests are handled in the game.

CDPR August 2019: You are Yea Forums, a genderless Cyberqueer

Why does it feel like they’re cutting down more and more content? By the time the game releases it will play like Skyrim with cars.

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>They're just being faithful to the lore

that would save it though

Not if it's as unresponsive as it is

>Cyberpunk 2077's gameplay stream is set for 30 August, 8PM CEST (11AM PT) on the studio's official Twitch and Mixer channels.

>It's not just about the gameplay though, even though we can't get enough of Cyberpunk 2077's demos, as CDPR said the 15-minute edit will be followed by behind-the-scenes interviews with devs, which will provide more context into what you've seen.

It's not just that ao is also a factor here. If you seriously can't see texture quality differences between low and the rest you have shit monitor.

What exactly is your point?
There has never been a demo area in an open world game that has delivered on their promise of interactivity of depth.
They always polish and shine it up with bullshit interactions and overcrowding.

Is this the full map size?

Now tell me how those minute changes would be perceptible on the side of a wall 40 yards away

Tip kok

Because the proposal to make a true RPG where the player's decisions interfere with the story being told is impossible. Even the most acclaimed computer RPGs are terrible in this regard and fail to maintain the slightest consistency. But devs keep using this to fool consumers.

I don't mind a smaller map
But I sure as hell mind that it is no longer an rpg

>no changes in texture
>backtracking to how does this do anything
goalpost moving is goalpost moving

I can't imagine why something that looks better up close would look better far away too.

Its always the same story.
>game gets hyped as fuck.
>ends up being a complete dissapointment

When will you faggots learn



>When will you faggots learn
Learn what? That Yea Forums hates video games? This is a well known fact

It's almost like you know you're a fucking retard but you can't quite grasp it. Fuck off esl nigger

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Can't grasp what? That you have a retarded hate for a game you've probably never played. kys poser

There's other sections around california that show off highways and are kinda hand waved but this is where most campaigns are played. If you are interested read up on the night city book and you'll see how massive this downtown little strip is. Really hope they rebuild the death dealer stadium. CAN'T BOSH THE YOSH

That you can't tell a difference between low and ultra in Witcher 3 because it has shit all optimization and is a piece of shit console port

Vertical vs Horizontal

see you are one salty nigger jew. Stay mad

So you can only tell when you're starting at the ground 5 feet away?

I'm not insinuating that CP will be amazingly dense or anything, but it's clear that you can't have the map size of the witcher without having shitloads of open area, woods/fields/blah.
It would just be too much work to do city scape as thick as we've seen so far, that big

>thinking this is how video games work
Cute, time to take care of the kids nigger.

Game only has 9 indoor locations. "more density" my ass, it's straight up a Far Cry shooter clone.

Ok dude. Nice argument I guess. Good luck with that

>respond by insulting
>expecting anything but insults
Damn you one dumb fucking nigger


>Game only has 9 indoor locations.
Can I get a citation for this. Where is all this info coming from? Thanks in advance.

>every gameplay has the "Game Visuals Not Final" message right at the start or "Work In Progess, things may change"
Kek, I DON'T fucking know why there aren't more people worried about that after the huge fucking downgrade we got on W3.

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referring to this:

It has to be so gay working for the FBI and being forced to type this repulsive shit all day.
Fuck yourself no matter who you are.

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Kill yourself

I still liked witcher 3. Guess graphics aren't everything.

Just means it was your first action adventure game

San Andreas barely had indoor locations and everyone loves it so what does it matter

Maybe because the witcher 3 was still heralded as one of the best looking games of the generation.
It turned out just fine and was a great game, so I don't understand the fake worry posting

this stupid complain made me remember that a cyberpunk game in kowloon would be really great

Attached: http___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_140330221527-lambot-kowloon001.jpg (900x506, 115K)

Yes, because San Andreas would perform well today

Why do people still complain about W3's "downgrade" when it's still one of the best looking games today. I finally got around to loading it up on my new rig and it looks amazing maxed out.

Because only PC gamers are affected by downgrades. I don't get why they didn't just give PC gamers the option to play in the same quality as the original demos 2013/2014 demos, it looked like they had already done most of the game before they downgraded it.

That’s called Shadowrun Hong Kong

>action adventure game
This can only end in: "But I couldn't kill everyone and fuck whoever I wanted therefore this wasn't an rpg."

San Andreas is a 15 year old game

Only because you're underaged and have never played an actual rpg

It isn't in kowloon, they just go there once for foreshadowing and one in the end

>graphics are everything, if you don't think so you must be new
I counter this "argument" that only the post cancer apocalypse would think that graphics > gameplay. Therefore, you are worse than cancer.

You could own multiple apartments in San Andreas though, unlike this game

You know why.
The industry can not have disconnected polish developers, acting like upstarts and being successful, without towing the subversive line, that western devs have been forced to shit out for 15 years.
That's why you get all the fake negativity

see this: then kys

So it's a GTA clone not a RPG? Thanks for clearing that up.

Go to bed


The real question is will I be able to have a female body and a dick? Or do I have to wait for modders?

I love how the Polish have a victim complex. It's so cute. Hitler was right

Cute wife.
Maybe in the future.
Me too, but I worry about it because what was shown for CP77 was TOO good for a current gen console, and that is all I currently have as a platform.
Ahhh, no way that 50 minute demo can run on a base Xbox One or PS4, not unless they make it look like Borderlands or somehow managed to do the best optimization job ever.

Attached: cutest lio.jpg (1843x1451, 360K)

>hurr it's not a life simulator so it's not an rpg.

They never advertised anything what they gave us in regards to RPGs elements

Except they’re starting to act like every western dev

I love how you think I'm a polock for point out what is happening.
Have sex

>High Rated Game, Well Selling
>If you like you must be new
Contrarian indicator detected

the old 2020 table top kinda ran like gta. Just a virtual city where you do jobs and get betrayed constantly.

You can only resist that type of pressure and manipulation for so long, I guess.

Apparently it's as soon as you become successful

Most likely as soon as you need a loan of any sort

>and that is all I currently have as a platform.
I feel for you, more likely than not those were pics and videos are from pc version set to absolute max.

Smaller than what?
Just Velen? Velen and Skellige? Velen, Skellige and Toussaint combined?

Yep, so that means the game will look worse, it will look as good as consoles can handle it.

I do agree that it's really shitty they didn't stick to their guns and hold out for next gen exclusivity.
For as good as this game might be, you'll know it could've been much better

Because it could've been better.
You can thank consoles for that, as always.
If anything gets downgraded again it's because of ancient trash like the ps4 and xbone.

I sure am sleepy *yawn* time to go to sleep

Hardware determines what the software can do. Maybe they had some kind of software break through or performance improvement? I doubt it.

Considering the map is gonna be based off of cyber punk red the whole map will be a bit bigger novigrad.

Why are people disappointed? Because the game might actually be good and not a giant empty open world? I guess that is pretty disappointing if you want the western games industry to crash and burn like I do

This is my question. If smaller than witcher 3 and dlcs then I have no problem. Article doesn't really tell anything specific.

Every single game has the ability to look better

There was nothing that was cut from the witcher and was released early in the console cycle.
The situation with CP is a little different where you know theres probably some shit getting the ax so it can keep up on old hardware

Maybe, I mean, W3 looked pretty good on consoles for a 2015 game. If you compare model and texture quality I can't really think about another console game that looks as good. RDR 2 was also a huge feat on current console hardware.

Ehhh, maybe.

Attached: ok.jpg (1280x1890, 600K)

Isn't there not many interiors? If so, that smaller open world ain't looking all that praiseworthy desu

Witcher 3 was dated at release. You're retarded

Isn't that a good thing?? I'm not seeing the issue here, I thought this game was going to be a whole lot of nothing, and expanse for the sake of expanse. In fact, this made me more interested.

Western devs do not want these guys to succeed.
It sends the message that you don't need the "industry".


This. I want my condensed urban environment and being able to enter at least half of the buildings. None of this endless forest bullshit.

Yeah ok
Everything is dated at release except crisis, right?

I'm pretty confident there will be plenty of interiors around the corporate district. CP2020 already laid out places to go inside and visit in a real painstaking way. Literally all CDPR has to do is take that existing design and use it.

CDPR drones will ignore all red flags, and if cornered will pretend that they're green flags

Considering Witcher 3 was also delayed, you're doubly retarded

There won't even be music or sound effects in the game. Just recordings of Dev's tapping out basic rhythms on a desk.

Attached: 4988105105416_20.jpg (1600x1128, 1.37M)

I am retarded!
That never happens and always means the game looks like old shit when it comes out..

Fuck off back to your discord tranny

Nope, I bet you will not be able to find better textures and modeling in any recent game in characters. Even secondary ones that you don't even interact with are well done.

>secondaries are all deciding to not buy the game
Thank god, I was getting worried when they cast fucking neo as johnny silverhand for fucking reason. You fucks stay away from CP and jack of to kojima or smash or whatever.

It looks like muddy garbage and runs like shit. Grow up

Where is the proof? Get me a character that looks better from a recent game, fucking retard piece of shit

Are you seriously banking on your cutscene simulator games NPC models? You're a pathetic fuck aren't you?

In speaking of music I was sold when cdpr put out the best cover of chipping in. They totally get it. Gonna be award putting this voice to keanu but whatever

>The World is smaller
And this is bad, because?

The game will be light gun controls ONLY. Light gun sold seperately.

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Because it implies we already know everything there is to know about the map. And it's not impressive

Even out of cutscene they look better than anything you can show you fucking faggot

When was that ever implied?


I would hope so. Geralt was probably half the budget

>being this much of an absolute naysayer.
You dont have to play it, guy.
Why even talk about it?

I can't talk about how lackluster their version of night city looks?


Nigger Red JUST came out and I'm still reading through it. Alot changed between 2020 and 2045. No one has any idea what's staying around or what parts of the city you can finally visit in fully rendered 3d.

vast amounts of witcher was just emptiness and water

That's not what you said.
You basically said "if the world is smaller than the witcher, then we have seen everything and its terrible"
That's wierd shit to sperg out about

Why do people still think bigger=better, 90% of people who play any open world game don't even look at the game instead they look at a minimap or a quest marker or the hud.

Most likely you will not be able to enter buildings or even blocks, so it is not so difficult to create a big city.
I mean, it's not going to be a GTA where you can jump over fences and land helicopters on top of any building. Most likely they will make a map like The Witcher 1, which is restricted but gives the impression of being an open area.

>muh BOTW
go back to your empty game. You aren't needed here


They don't
There are people who will dump on CDPR and the like, for anything they do.
It doesnt matter

No one looked at Witcher's map and said, we want it larger. People did want it more dense instead of larger. You have some weird expectations from cyberpunk, and that's the source of all your problems. I only expect another Witcher from the studio that can only make Witcher andf I'm happy with what they are giving us so far.

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Says the faggot who only played witcher 3

Not really

Don't waste your traffic explaining anything to these zoom zooms, I bet they didn't even watch Johnny Mnemonic

Yeah, it's the only game I've ever played...

Glad you admit it you little faggot. Now fuck off back to your safe space

Play some more. There is a lot.

>Because it implies we already know everything there is to know about the map

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Wew lad

20 bucks says you still live at home with mom and dad

>we are literally getting shilled by underage faggots
What CDPR did to you zoomers that you hate it so much?

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Yeah, I was thinking about playing fable 3 for my second game!
Or maybe OOT

I’m sure there’s mirrors.

Wow...who could've seen that one coming?
This game is a pozed POS.

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They can code without having to live in sanfransico and give blowjobs to dorito pope

So you're saying if San Andreas released today it wouldn't bomb

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unless they changed the entire dialogue so it sounds exactly the same whether youre a guy or a girl

It was released you fucking idiot
>implying any rockstar game would bomb today

Looks like dusty shitty downgraded GTA V

>San Andreas is GTA V

Attached: 7-a-1850007.jpg (625x375, 28K)

I've been seeing this buzzword a lot lately, particularly in /vg/ hmmm

Okay but where is the 20min+ Gamescom demo they promised?


Both Death Stranding and Cyberpunk 2077 are shit. I hate how people get so easily exited for new trash.

Attached: new shit.jpg (450x318, 24K)

>Pre alpha
>Seven years of development

Ok we get it that you didn't played any GTA other than 5 but can you please fuck off already?

>zero percent contextualized reading comprehension

Will be cut into 15 minutes and shown later this month.

>seven years of development
why must you lie like this

That way we can laugh at your salty arse in 2 threads

Everything is built around hype now. Gaming is dead.

Attached: 1560224159493.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

>7 years of dev
>4 on conceptual stage
Can you at least get your fucking facts straight

>Pre alpha

>When there last major AAA release was 4 years ago, only thing they've done since then was a low effort switch port of
Witcher 3

double yikes.

Attached: 1566649363800.jpg (200x191, 8K)

>later this month
so... 3 more days? lmao

Death stranding very well may be shit.
Very few people are shilling for that game.
Cyberpunk has done nothing to warrant the label "shit" though.
It will probably deliver as one of the best games this next year.
You'll be "disappointed" regardless, so it doesn't matter

>Is anyone still excited for this
I am.

>2012 listed as the start of development

>DOA and not even close to launch
where are the corporate cocksuckers who'll defend this steamy pile of shit?

Attached: 1560225396017.jpg (1648x654, 370K)

>they purposely held off on hyping or showing this game until they had something to actually present

>built on hype.

Do you retards not expect people to try and actually sell their game or does it have to be a secret only you know about for it to be good?

Listed where? In your fantasy land of make believe?

>games journalists

>not corporate cocksuckers

Pick one retard

>Says the increasingly homosexual nervous man

They literally had a hidden message in the Kaahnoo trailer where they explicitly said that they are building the entire reveal around hype. They promised also a huge gameplay demo for gamescom which they didn't show.

Everyone knows this game has been in development for quite a while.
I dont see what's wrong with that.
They wanted to really work on it until they had it right.
Would you rather them shit out games every 1 and a half?

read nigga read

They also had a hidden message that said the game was going to be released in 2015, guess how they delivered on that

Well, you've convinced me.
They're terrible!
How dare they market their game

Why should I? Every post is the same bait post as ever. Always droning on about how good Polish sausage tastes

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>being this much of a child

>games journalists
Where do you see me mentioning them you brain dead,ass-gaped moron?

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>doesn't even read the posts he responds too
You might as well be a bot then

>dude trust me
wow it would've been so easy for you to post a link or a screenshot, but you didn't, I wonder why

Are you calling me a lier? Or does the fact engage some sort of automatic autistic spasm that forces you to shitpost?

>cyberpunk setting where degeneration runs rampant and technology is advanced enough to let you do it at whim
>lets you become transgender
I don't know about you but I think it fits with this setting.

And where did I say that they shouldn't market their game at all? Nice strawman.

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It's been a part of the lexicon for years fren.

>342 replies

Attached: 1541191444867.jpg (625x626, 77K)

Says the faggot parroting the same damage control talking points that's in every thread SQUAWK SQUAWK SQUAWK

Wait wait wait, why are people saying we're stuck with Keanu the whole game. Is that true?

he literally meant (You)

I'm glad you admit you shitpost about a game you know nothing about

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This thread is moving so fast no one will notice that I think Link is cute.

Attached: based.jpg (352x550, 26K)

It is.

Attached: 1496542364938.webm (1024x426, 2.9M)

>Why does it feel like they’re cutting down more and more content?
because you're braindead. they have never said V is genderless. they've simply made it so gender is selected by voice rather than body type.

>no u

Yes, he's a ghost sidekick

>worthless reply

>m-maybe if I just accuse him of what I'm doing I can get away with it

Wow you sure are low IQ.

>Why does it feel like they’re cutting down more and more content?
Because you are reading to much bait threads on Yea Forums

There's actually something seriously wrong with you. I'm not even kidding. Do your parents know?

You sure told me user

I think a good empty map is also an achievement. botw was a lot of empty spaces and I basically avoided most of the goblin camps just to roam around on a horse and find some rocks that fit into a circle and give me some golden tree poop.

How much butte will be in the game?

Attached: garupan_darj.jpg (1480x1600, 380K)

They've been cutting down on shit they said from day one duude

Attached: 1560677524367.png (659x268, 36K)

Damn right faggot.

Dear EA/Bethesda/EpicGames shill who tries to manipulate news to shit on CPunk2077 for EA's/Bethesda's/EpicGames's money.

Yes CDPR told cyberpunk 2077 will have smaller map than Witcher 3 but also map will be more dense, what means on CPunk 2077 will be more stuff and less empty spaces than in Witcher 3 what actually is alot better.

Cyberpunk will shit on your cheap cashgrab shit like EA/Bethesda barfs out and GoG will at the end shit on Epic Games Store. No matter how many paid shitpostbots (like you) will EA/Bethesda/EpicGames send out.

Attached: FjMbNGX.png (600x600, 555K)

Report all low effort spam threads

Attached: Report Rulebreakers.jpg (125x117, 2K)


>s-shit he's on to me, m-maybe if I get the last word

Im starting to think they literally are bots
They responded almost instantly on everyone of my posts except for this text-less one

Attached: test.png (1396x759, 33K)

>EA/Bethesda/EpicGames shill
>current year
pick one
and ONLY one

Attached: 1559677189390.png (976x658, 272K)

That's how pathetic you are? You just want the last word? You can have it stinkbreath

>Witcher 1
>Combat is shitty
>Witcher 2
>Combat is worse
>Witcher 3
>Combat is slightly better but still shit
Why are people praising them? 3 games and they can't fix the combat. It took a modder to make it fun

Attached: 1562996952480.png (2856x2718, 665K)

It's like people all of a sudden forgot about Majora's Mask being considerably smaller than Ocarana of time, yet infinitely better a game overall.

>Only bots could btfo my autistic ass
Is this schizophrenia

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you forgot the switch at the end there.

I have never seen a man so broken by Yea Forums, next time at least have a photoshopped or f12'd image ready.

What? I'm glad I don't know what you mean. Was that some sort of spreg flex or something?

the point is : the devs are retarded

is this supposed to be a serious scene?


Attached: 1497288035370.webm (1280x530, 2.26M)

Dude, there are so many shitty companies who will be mad that CD-PROJEKT-RED grinds gears of the great plan to make people believe that cheap cashgrab tactics are just something normal and people will get used to it.

ara ara user you tickle my pee pee


>fps game

>t. corporate cocksucker
>if you hate on X you must love Y

Attached: gay.png (1396x759, 16K)

*Furiously sucks polish cock*

Why the fuck do people think that larger = better when it comes to open world games? Every single time, the larger a world the more empty it is. Smaller dense worlds are a good thing you dummies

Attached: 1553215838214.png (554x554, 189K)

>Every single time

CD-PROJEKT-RED tries it's best to be pro player. The only mainstream company what actually respects players and doesn't call them "Entitled" as other mainstream companies love to do. Of course that will grind other companies gears.

Also, paid shitpostbots don't need to love EA/Bethesda/EpicGames, they are just paid for shitting on CDPR.

>1 EA coin has been deposited to your account


what he's in Cyberpunk 2077? Oh shit I'm definitely getting Cyberpunk 2077 (pre-order today!)

Dilate faggot

>if I got a reply that means I won!

Attached: tacobell.gif (500x280, 1.96M)

>suddenly they have problems with replaying
like a flag on the wind

>Another EA coin has been deposited to your account.

>less big open fields
>focus on being more of a dense city

As a yakuza fan I say that’s a good thing.

Thanks for the input faggot, but it's already been said over 50 times in this thread

At this rate it will have no replayability. No multiplayer and the single player gets more railroaded and linear by the day.

>sequel game ending a successful trilogy is larger than an untested ip.
A more accurate comparison would be cyberpunk and Witcher 1

lmfao the absolute state of this shitshow of a game

there's virtually no interactivity with the environment in yakuza

The added verticality should offset that a bit

>They actually said it will be smaller month sif not years ago but more dense ond the map is going to be more verticly developed
>Do you have a source for this claim or just shit....
>Its actually the same concept that Saints Row used 10 years ago and....

Its like talking with a scripted shitty bot.
Also holy shit the replies:poster ratio.
4 to fucking 1!
This is the worst ratio i have seen so far just cementing the actual fact that few autists are shitposting this game 24/7 just like they did with Witcher 3 lol

not really. w1 didnt have tripple A dev team. people are expecting w3 levels of greatness.

and OP will keep spamming his cyberpunk tortaninc thread. whats your point?

And you only used 1 maybe 2 tops in SA because most were shit. Whats your point? Why would you need multiple apartments?

>Now people discuss how important the size of the map is.

Witcher 3 had 84 mi2 with both expansions.
The game had content for like 100+ hours with map parts where naturally nothing exists except for forrest or swamp.
If the are going to make a map that 60mi2 but with much more building and streets why would this be a problem?
It would still be one of the biggest Rpg maps in this decade


I hope they progress the narrative on demonstrating common sense gun control and you will need to go through a lengthy licensing and interview process before purchasing a single shot 22lr rifle

and the end game still has some of the best looking landscapes and overall landscapes of any game out there.

This game looks like shit but I have no idea why Yea Forums is complaining about a smaller map, would you rather something like rdr2 or botw where you spend 5 minutes going from A to B due to how fucking massive it is? Same as seeing people complain about Outer Worlds having no romance, hubs or hacking/lockpicking minigame, not only do almost every vidya romances suck but Obsidian made the worst I've seen with Deadfire, and VTMB had no hacking/lockpicking minigame, you just pressed ctrl + C(or H, can't remember what key) for hacking and lockpicking was just the mc doing a little animation while a bar filled before telling you it was a success or not, the only thing that mattered for both was your stats.
TL;DR There's plenty of crap in this game you can shit on it for (promises made, gameplay, how it looks like a awful rpg, character design and art direction to name a few off the top of my head), so why are you picking one of the few good things they've said to complain about?

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If you could choose a 2077 DLC that has its own story where you created a new character would you rather it be about a Trauma Team operative, Cop, or Corpo?

It's not the same as saint's row 2, in that you just picked a voice for your character and the voice could be a chicks for the lolz. Cyberpunk is doing something more akin to Far Cry New Dawn, where you pick a "body type" and likely if you get addressed as she or he.

about a straight male

Taruma Team would be entirely shooting, Corp entirely talking. Both look mediocre. Gunplay just looks serviceable, talking looks like witchers shitty dialogue.
>Gold option to actually advance plot
>White option to ask question to find out more lore or get more details
>Another white option
>Occasionally getting only two options for a choice

Open world games were always able to have fast travel. No one had issues exploring the worlds of the Fallout or Elder Scrolls games that are much older and with more barren environments due to the tech at the time and worlds they were set in.

Nope, you're forced to team up with him instead of having a choice out of three.

>OP cares more about the size of the map then being promised Media or Corp.

Witcher was all water.


>entirely shooting
only if the writer lacked as much imagination as you. thankfully cdpr has competent writers

>Corp entirely talking
the the cyberpunk world up-and-coming corpos use guns and get their hands dirty. youre thinking of realwolrd corporation leaders who sit in an office all day - again showing your lack of imagination.

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I'll just wait for Cyberpunk 2077 1.5/2 when everyone is done with the playpen version.

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>the the
in* the

>RTX off

Trauma teams entire shtick is that they come storming in guns blazing regardless of who's in the way to recover their target you stupid cunt.
>cdpr had competent writers
FTFY. Every worth a damn left after witcher 3, it's gonna be obsidian post NV all over again, but of course you shills will never admit that.

>Trauma teams entire shtick is that they come storming in guns blazing regardless of who's in the way to recover their target
youre not good at story telling are you


You're not good at pretending to not understand how Trauma team operates just so you can shill for CDPR.

But dear simple user, how they operate has nothing to do story characters and plot. Their job description in no way hinders how quests would unfold.

That's the first good news I've heard about the game since reveal.

Not even the background shit that supposedly changes your starting location and other shit? Granted theres only three but if they make them similar to the Origins from Dragon Age I'd be fine with it.

>Wants to play as Trauma Team
>But wants them to do nothing like what Trauma Team would actually do

Oh my dear simple user, once again your illiteracy is showing.
If anything their job would put them into many interesting and tale-worthy situations fitting for videogame quests.

I don't care what any of you retards say , Witcher 3 was bad, and the thing that was supposed to save it (HURR WRITING STORY) was fucking awful. Eredin might be the worst hyped villain of a trilogy ever, when I play 1&2 all I'm going to think about is the shitty ending they were building up to.

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why do you care guys
im polish but i dont even care after all the sjw garbage they announced that they are going to put into this game

>everyone lies so it's okay

imagine being this retarded

its not okay but the point is youre a retard for basing your expectations on pre-release content. witcher 3 was amazing but it had bullshots gallore

people are bitching because there's a solid chance they're going to pull a rockstar and make the city big but also dull as fuck with mostly scripted interiors.

>"this upcoming game is gonna be fucking shit, I guarantee" says op for the 9975th time

Attached: 1551565006643.png (1280x720, 1.15M)

youre full of solid shit. the reason people are bitching is literally shitposting

>BLACKED simulator
>Tranny simulator
>Smaller than witcher
>Every few weeks some RPG elements removed
>Gonna be a reskinned GTA 5 with inferior story
Atleast /lgbt/ will enjoy playing as futas and choosing one of the many black boyfriend interests. Based, FUCK Yea Forums and FUCK incels.

this one makes me kek so fucking hard, based user for posting it, been looking for it

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almost as if its the same as real life

Can you disprove any of my statements? All of the game promos include big black men and white trannies. Why is it that you call shitposting whatever you don't like friend? It's okay just cope and wait for next week to hear what else is removed, maybe they decide to remove the combat system next desu.

this is my biggest gripe with the game, I want it to be third person, or at least give us the option to switch the view

>keeps going
lol you just cant help yourself can you mate? not that i cant talk i do that in kojima threads. it passes the time is this shithole

>corridors suck
>I want empty forests

>teaser trailer video set in middle of CBD vs suburban outskirts of a transit area
holy shit cancelling my pre-order right now

This is the gaming crash but I think that the crash is already happening.

fuck you Im buying it for the sake of having the least amount of jewish influence that can be found in mass media still not outlawed
>cyber star of david necklace makes you invulnerable to bullets
even then still not as bad as the others

Attached: Sexy-Jennifer-Connelly-Pictures.jpg (728x1088, 94K)

I agree, people slept on MK:D because of the pre-order thing, but it was a great game and a super fun story.

The DLC where you gotta escape Jail is fucking wild, amazing content desu

Man fuck all I want is a new Deus Ex game to finish off Mankind Divided, but they will take their time now if they ever release it

Good fun, decent story, good setting. Fuck

people who need to make autism remarks are the autists of humans.
people who use the idiot's apostrophe for plural are the idiots of people using apostrophes.

are you people fucking retarded and actually believe the shit you're spouting or is this just shitposting?
you actually can't be sure on Yea Forumseddit 2019 so I'm asking

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>people hating on cp are the same people eating up and praising all the huge lame openworld ubi "games"
It all makes sense now.

I wasn't expecting a bigger map than Witcher 3, nigga are you dumb? TW3 has 4 big areas, Skellige, White Orchard, Toussaint, and the main map. You can have miles of relatively empty world in a fantasy RPG with just a few villages and monsters to fight, you can't do that in a city setting dumbass. So even in a smaller map there's probably just as many points of interest and characters to talk to, quests to go on and activities to take part in. It wouldn't make fucking sense if it was spread across a map the size of TW3

also verticality

I hope this nukes CD Projekt so fucking hard they went up to making Witcher and only medieval RPG.




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I thought open world was a meme though? Running through those endless and empty grassy fields was some amazing gameplay in W3.

>CDPR figured out how to appease the whiny soi-crowd while only having a male and female option
>only way you can play as tranny is through headcanon alone
is there a more subversively based dev?

Attached: 1521618972582.gif (600x580, 436K)

So many retards online saying "no gender option pfft no buy" when all they are doing is removing "male" and "female" text and replacing it with body/voice type.

Did people actually unironically dislike the witcher series?

Or just Yea Forums being silly billys?

you know you can do this with literally any video game ever made?

Attached: 2009 trailer vs 2018 gameplay.png (1201x1359, 1.17M)

there are constantly threads criticizing open world games for being too big and empty (tpp, botw etc) and people are slowly starting to appreciate linear game design again so don't pretend having a smaller, denser map is a bad thing

>"The game will allow you to enter many buildings, knowing that everything was done by hand, because we believe that quality comes first through manual creation, nothing is procedural in our world," Pietras told JeauxActu (with translations provided by Google Translate). "It is in this that the city of Night City will be vast to go, thanks to this verticality."

no more green landscapes full of nothing

do you use this logic in real life too?

it was at night dude!!! I watched that trailer and immediately knew that all the classes from the p&p I never played are gonna be ported, it's going to be a huge city consisting of this one building they showed in the teaser, just going on for miles, it's gonna be perma night and you will be able to do anything! sadly cdpr didn't fulfil these promises they made personally to me so I'm not going to be buying any of their future games >:(

>probably afraid of showing it
it's called marketing you retarded double nigger

I stopped playing it after bard mission. Its mundane and I didn't find the story all that engaging

its nice out :)

what game

holy shit that jacket looks stupid as fuck

fuck off Jay

>a city is smaller than a continent of many countries
who could have guessed

Would rather have a Dredd game but based on the 2012 movie version

>Far Cry shooter clone

i like how you say its a far cry clone instead of a deus ex clone

do you scream at fortnite kids that their game is just an ARMA 3 mod clone too?

Assassin's Creed 2

Doesn't matter if the rest of the game is so boring that you don't want to replay it.

>complaining about graphics not being good enough
People like you are killing cRPGs

They just coping Saints Row 2 (CD Projekt was doing port of it anyway)

they've already confirmed there's working mirrors idiot

Why does Yea Forums shitpost so much about this game in particular?

Desune! uwu

because some hoped to finally get a fresh blitz blast to the dome game again. you know, like back in the day where you knew: ahh, this is going to be a gamechanger

Yea Forums hates games. This one is popular, therefore this one is most hated.

It's really simple because they are retarded and need to keep it simple to understand it.

Because it has people who defend it.

I mean most popular games don't have anyone here who'd bother defending it.
But there are a few that do, like BotW, Witcher 3, and now this.

Shitposting isn't fun if your thread just dies with 0 replies.

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Why do zoomers hate first person so much

TW3's world was bigger than it needed to be and filled with lazy Ubisoft-tier trash. That said I don't have high expectations for Cyberpunk.

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Disappointed? Absoluely nobody can have expected anything else, but good shitposting material I guess. The W3 map size with almost only city would have been insane to create and the same sheer size isn't needed for a similar or even significantly larger amount of content with the higher density of the city.


>I-It's ok! As long as Keanu Reeves is in this, s-surely the game won't flop at all!


didn't they cut out other digital ghost options because muh keanu?
Man this game is shaping up to be such a shitshow.