Iceborne Hype Thread

No listfag allowed.

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the new beta has the gunlance changes right

Yeah it does.

GL is more than optimal because of Iceborne

nice, I hope that shelling has been unfucked and wyrmstake blast isn't useless because that shit is cool

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Max rarity only weapons get unique models.

>have to wait hours till the shitflinging end

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Doesn't help that people are throwing temper tantrums over OPs and making multiple threads because of it

well this is 20 minutes and its so far safe so maybe its over. Probably because it doesn't have MH in the OP. I might have jinxed it tho


>Iceborne is not gonna be a casual fes-

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>speedrun dictates the difficulty
by that logic, GU is the easiest in the series

He's in

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Redpill me on stories. I have a hacked 3DS

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I'm listfag. You can't stop me. The clutch claw is shit.

Next portable MH fucking WHEN?


Pretty fun game if you don't mind the Rock-Paper-Scissors combat, Jap version has more postgame content than US one, There's a partial translation for the JP one.

hello ryozo, im just calling to see those new plesioth leeks? yes. oh so he is in?! thank you ryozo

Post your favorite armors

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I'm to fucking hype, I have 6 day's off and I don't even know what video game to play cus everything seems dull compared to ice born

Any other double dippers have 0 hype for PS4 Iceborne? After playing the PC version I just can't force my self to suffer through that God awful performance again.

Look at that bingshit

My favorite monster is The Handler!

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Maybe if she actually looked like that ingame

I'm fine with it cause I got used to it. All MH games till World was sub 30 FPS so its not really jarring to me. Once I'm done with PS4 Iceborne, I'll play on PC when its thriving during release. Will pick blademaster (GL) for PS4, LBG/HBG for PC. Win-win

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Reminder to do Banbaro or Tigrex first so Handler will exhaust her dialogue before you tackle Velkhana

>Any other double dippers have 0 hype for PS4 Iceborne? After playing the PC version I just can't force my self to suffer through that God awful performance again.
You dont own a pc. Stop lying bingtendiaper

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Nah, I have a Pro and even with the fluctuating framerate it’s more than serviceable. If I can enjoy the Wii U port of 3U I can handle anything.

You mean she doesnt?

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What the fuck she looks good

Nope, and no amount of cherrypicked trailer footage will change that

The Handler was never ugly. She just had some less than flattering appearances under very poor lighting such as when you eat during a quest. At this point it’s just a tired meme.

I don't believe you

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5ch and futaba have been asking for a while now if the model was altered in Iceborne.

What's that one monster you always hunt to practice with?

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I think them model is the is the same but certain lighting an angles make her look better

Nargacuga in previous games, Odogaron in World.

Handler looks much prettier in IB for sure

IB fixed their graphics settings so it looks a lot more vibrant and colorful. Dunno how it took them a year to fix this

Wait really? Got any comparison pics?

Do we have any word if base ps4 performance is improved? I've been playing locked 60 on PC and don't know how painful it will be to come back

Because Capcom is mindblowingly incompetent and you've just been blind to that fact for some reason?

The Iceborne model is the same but with better lighting

Handler was always pretty. Her summer outfit proves that. But she had ugly clothes, her hair in a bun, and poor lighting in some cut scenes.

I'm honestly confused how Handler was released in an ugly state. I mean this is the shit you have to see on a daily basis and they released it like that? It's not like Capcom is inexperienced with the engine either. They released RE6, a good looking game on the same engine.

Keep seething over no shitch port

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Handler is cute with her face that looks like she hasn't slept in a week.

Don't you dare reply to me, autist.

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Not to mention the previous MH was on the same engine, too.

He was always in.

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As has been said already, it has a lot more to do with the lighting than whether she was ugly or not. She has a fine model, the lighting in the base game was just really bad in some choice spots, and unfortunately a lot of them feature up close shots of the Handler so she ends up getting the shit end of that stick.

4u was 60

They want to emphasize her monstrous side

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>world was aimed to gaijins
>being surprised she looks goblina

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>She has a fine model
That's why the model itself looked horrendous every time you ordered food from her unless you grabbed the mod that actually changed her face's model

4U was more like 40~
And even lower in multiplayer lobbies.


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>purple sharpness confirmed

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Did you just stop reading halfway through or what?

Is there ANY reason to go back to Astera after IB?

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I mean what did you expect?

Eh, ahrd to tell on a 240p screen. Point is world is not the first to breach 30.

Post the cutest pics of your favorite monsters right now!

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Maybe if your fan of the whole "structures stacked on top of each with elevators" architecture but Seliana looks much comfier

It was not. It was also one of the worst looking videogames of all time.
Thank GOD we will never get another shitty 3DS game ever again.

Well neither was 4U in that case, since 3U ran uncapped.


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They're vastly outclassed but I like the look of the Pukei and the Anja armors.

yes, to take the ship back to Bherna for a good week vacation before heading back to Seliana

Did it? Havent gotten around to 3u. Did the 3ds run > 30 or just the hd version?

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Yeah, you're claiming it's entirely the lighting's fault when mods PROVE the model was fucked as well.

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Bing bing

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Gore... steve... SHAGARU... are they... In?

Both. I actually think the 3DS version ran a little better but I don’t think a proper test was done on it like DF did for 4U. The Wii U version was rushed and it shows. FPS hangs in the low to mid 40s but it has the worst frame pacing I’ve ever seen in a game.

PSP games > World > Tri and 3U > power gap > DS games

This is the objective list, you can not refute it.


Can't wait to bully tigger with Nu Lance

>try to make "bustling" community to show five generations worth of building a working city
>not enough NPCs to fulfil the purpose, Astera is a chore to travel around and looks barren
>had to go back to a village setting like the old games to make it max comfy

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"Maybe" ~ Ryōzō Tsujimoto

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switch Tri and PSP and you're right

Didn't they already say that Glav is the only gen 4 rep?

Tri and 3u were 3ds games tho.

Nice job user. This is the correct list

He's the only X/XX rep

Hit your head or what?

>not trash


no, X/XX rep. not 4U

Are you stupid?

Might as well post my other fave for good measure

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>Tri was a 3DS game
Why are bingtards so fucking stupid? Why do they always get things wrong?

The 3ds is just a portable wii sooooo...

Do I lower in-game brightness in Base World, before increasing my TV brightness?

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I didn't think it was 5 generations but 5 expeditions, each dismantling their ships on arrival which became thier housing.

The 3DS has worse graphics than the PSP. Its a piece of shit for braindead zoomers who got into the series late.


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No they said he was chosen to represent X/XX. So that basically rules out Valstrax and the other Gen newcomers (at launch at the very least) but still leaves thi ya openfor 4/4U.

>tfw favorite mon is also one of the most drawn by that artist
feels good. Such a cutie

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>No other X/XX rep

Maybe MH6 owl bro
Plus Nightshade kinda stole your gimmick of being a flying wyvern that uses sleep

when is it coming to PC?

>tfw no gammoth in ICEborne

Its not fucking fair.

Handler is vile and useless, horning in and taking credit for your hard work, when all she does is stuff her face.

Two Thousand Twenty, please look forward to it.


hahaha fuck you for fucking my controls birdnigger

delayed to Jan 2020

>It'll be years until Malfestio appears again
>barely anybody ask for him so demand is low

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The game will probably make you go back once in a while for cutscenes.

>amphibros aren't dead even though they are pretty much dead

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But she does the busywork while you're away

there's literally zero chance she's not in. Either as a surprise unrevealed monster for as you play the game or one of the first DLCs

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They didn’t say there wouldn’t be any other monsters from those games added just that Glavenus was added to represent them. They won’t be in at launch but I think Valstrax for example has a decent chance at being DLC.

>calls anyone a bandwagoner

Hype already? This shit releases in january.

Real talk, why do people act like 4 months is a horrible wait. Its not like you dont a have a massive backlog of games to play in the meantime.

I wish it would come sooner, but have some patientce man.

Handler has cooked me hundreds of meals, filled out thousands of forms and paperwork for me, and also drained my balls dozens of times in her summer outfit.

She deserves lots of credit, even more than she gets.

When Sony money ran out.

It's more criminal that they didn't bring back Blangonga or Gigginox.
OR FUCKING ZAMTRIOS. Capcom already had a fantastic ice shark monster and they fart it away with ANOTHER lavasioth reskin.

but its on Xbox?

Please go back to /mhg/

Wildspire > Recess >> Highlands > Vale >>>>> A. Forest
The little we played of Hoarfrost in the Beta is top tier as well.

god I wish he was one of the flagships so that he would be guaranteed to be at least in the top 15 at all times

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Worldbabs are better than 4babs.
Worldbabs don't act superior, unlike 4babs who got into the series late and act like "hardcore veterans"

They’re pretty likely for MH6, they use a unique skeleton but it’s a pretty simple one, essentially just a different configuration of a quadruped like Fanged Wyverns and not something exceedingly different like Neopterons.

I mean I feel for PCbros because it seems really arbitrary since the game is already up and going on PC at this point. But yeah I have a perpetual backlog as well so it’s easy to fill in the time.

Only mention was how it was the most recognised from that game, not sure where this "one rep for each game" thing came from

Winter 2019*
*next year

If they're gonna bring her back, at least make the AI more aggressive and give it more ranged moves that doesn't have a one year tell

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>that first iceborne trailer
>see the fin cutting through the ice
>plesioth clone #3 pops out

My disappointment was immeasurable

Just talk about the Handler to drown "him" out

Atleast the fight is alright and isn't just another literal plesioth reskin

4 month wait? guess ill just play astrial chain in the meantime

It's makes you feel super blue balled if you where looking forward to playing it
of course it was always going to have a delayed release but there's something about "2020" that stings real bad, especially all the times when they mentioned they were determined to get the pc release out before the end of 2019

You can't hide from me. I stalk you in every thread you post. All of those posts are from me

>both ambhibians have locations where they fit absolutely perfectly
>given that theres only two of them total there is plenty left that they can do in terms of new monster concepts
>cucked by iceioth who is guaranteed to be instantly forgotten because hes literally the master rank intro shitter monster

Am I the only one who legit has trouble with gammoth? Ill always kill her, but getting into tje groove is hard. Those long ass windups always through me off.

If you had half a brain you'd report rule-breaking posts.

IIRC they said he chosen to represent the game because he was the most recognised. It’s essentially just PR talk to let people down easy that he’s the only monster from those games who’ll be in the game (at launch at least). I think that triggered the rosterfaggotry of this board and kicked it into overdrive.

Announcing reports is against the rules.

>nobody even asks for astalos

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>He doesn't like Piscine Wyverns
By MH8 all monsters will be Piscine Wyverns, better get used to it bitchboy.

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Suggesting proper action isn’t announcing a report.

I'm really baffled that they didn't let you see other hunters running around town and my only guess is why they didn't was that having everyone in the session loaded at the same time as all those NPCs would've melted consoles or some shit

People were asking for him tons until we found out that Glavenus was the only X/XX monster currently planned for the game.

As cool as a design as he was, he was kind of a boring fight. Even the hyper version didnt feel challenging, he never aggresively comboed his moves like other mons do.

He's one of my most wanted but we'll have to wait until MH6 at minimum.

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i miss fighting the green version of this big nigga, and how he damages you by walking

>oh, I'm not reporting anything. I'm just saying someone SHOULD report it :^)
Based retard

You know he gives the same stupid reply when others mention that, right? Fucking hell, how hard is it to just ignore shitposts? I know all of Yea Forums is on the spectrum but this is absurd.

Meme asidr, id love some new piscines. I just dont want more
>lol its plesioth but in x this time

Surely theres more they can do with the fish wyvern concept.

user I’m way ahead of you on dealing with him.

It's a bit annoying but it's not the end of the world. I feel a but more annoyed about it now than when it was first announced because Iceborne is looking pretty damn good but there's other games to play in the meantime.

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Status toads already have their basic movement and digging animations
I think every missing skeleton except Snake Wyverns has their basic shit in some form in small monsters or endemic life at this point.

>oh no that's not a t-rex, that's a moosetaur. it's a completely unique monster, just buy the game

Probably has more to do with how they instanced changes in the town. Like how the elder melder shouldn't be there if you're in LR, or how the canteen and tree are at different states depending on the quest.
It would've been a pain to run 16 separate instances overlapping.

She's probably the ugliest woman I've seen in a video game.

boy you're gonna love XX since its reused assets: the game

Just curious, but do un-rustled (you)s get you off too?

They gotta give it a really unique treatment like what happened with Seregios and Astalos where they share almost nothing with the base Wyvern moveset. Lavasioth used to be pretty unique but World gutted half its moves for the special jumping attack in the one room you fight it in.
The other thing is that most fish concepts could be done better as Leviathans.

Wasn't the wording more that he's the most recognisable monster from that game among fans, followed by a note of how he's on the games cover. So they chose to include him, no mention of singlehanded representation

If it's just NPCs and visuals that can totally be clientside
Or make the appearance shown as the host's session like how the Canteen upgrades/ingredients are shared anyways, and just give the melder a little blurb of dialogue for the people who can't actually access it yet.

>Lavasioth used to be pretty unique but World gutted half its moves for the special jumping attack in the one room you fight it in
I hate this, and lavasioth was genuinely fun to fight in XX

You can mod the NPCs into the gathering hub and it doesn't cause any problems to anyone else in there.

What monster would make the best pet?

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he's a good fight, sadly the XX spot is taken by another FIRE monster like we need more of those in world

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They turned Lavasioth into bootleg Agnaktor for no reason, it does a disservice to both monsters, no wonder it was the least fought monster in World.

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>Gut Lavasioth's moveset
>Stick him in a tiny room you literally never have to go to
>Give him Agnaktor's lava armor but make the mechanic worse in every way

I miss my Initial D goofy lava fish.

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Great Listfagras
Kulve Fagoth
Listah Fagdaros
Listen Fagrex

Help me

>people are pretending Lavasioth was unique at any point beyond being xbox huge in 2G

The quality of this series would improve if they deleted Piscine Wyvern as an entire classification and concept. There I said it. You can’t touch me Ryozo.

But the NPC hunters do roam around town and take quests from the board and then fly off with wingdrakes though..

It has a bunch of moves none of the other Fish Wyverns got, especially the whack-a-mole pop turret attacks when it starts digging.

I was talking about other players. You only get to see them in the gathering hub.

>Expect monsters
>Get T-Rex variant #4214
Yikes, glad I stuck with Neptunia.

I think they new people would want agnaktor but at the time leviathan skeleton's where still fucked so they knew nobody would give a fuck about a -sioth monster and just gutted it and gave agnaktor's gimmick but at the same time fucked the gimmick up and made it super unfun to fight

If you have preordered for the Origin armor, you can wear it to gear down for Low Rank quests!

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since they're adding leviathans on MH6, how the fuck are they gonna introduce Agnaktor?

Thank you Handler, very cool.

>why yes I did pre-ordered the deluxe edition for that Knight Armor set. How could you tell?

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>Hey pard, wanna grab some mushrooms with me from that active volcano?


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Just throw it in a volcano map?

I liked him too, but I'm a freak who thinks enemies messing with your controls is fun.

Put PSP games on bottom.
They ruined everything the first game and dos were building towards.

I don't have the pic for it unfortunately but I saw a piece of concept art that showed Uroktor was planned to be in the Elder's Recess, so Agnaktor was probably going to be there at some point as well until I guess they scrapped both alongside the leviathan skeleton.

>mfw I’ll be out of state at my brothers wedding from September 5-8

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>Exploring a volcanic area with your new handler
>Your hunter notices there's a roof like structure above them
>spot in the roof starts get warmer and falls apart
>Suddenly Agnaktor breaks through in its full glory
>Your hunter saves the handler in the nick of time as you square with Agnaktor
>Title card with "Agnaktor" appears as it strikes a pose, battle music starts up, and the fight begins

Eh at least it's not jho tier dumb where you meet him by your handler being retarded hunting for food, and you need to save her dumb ass.

Only boy we're missing now is Kezu. Wonder if they'll sneak him in the demo.

>new handler

Here is your Water Elder dragon now

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>been listening to remixes
>get to
>accidentally increased the play speed to 1.25 instead of volume

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Truly a sadist

Amatsu is a rad ED

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who's the new siege monster in IB?

We don't know
Might not even be in right away, Kulve was a couple months later

what are the odds of iceborne improving optimization on pc?
I want to play but world rapes my computer

Ancient Forest is the worst map in the entire series.

It still baffles me they didn't just by default have the Gathering Hub have a way to interact with all the different facilities like that PC mod allows.

Quite pungent, dont you think so pard?

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They're getting better at programming for PC but I wouldn't get my hopes up

I wish Wildspire expanded on the desert theme. Love me some sandy dunes and open area.
>monsters could cause sand storms like kush
>tremors/stomps cause sand to form sinkhole traps
>tons of hills for world's boner for sliding attack and mountaing

Not that guy, but it's not like we'll keep the same cast across generations. The 5th gen cast might have some cameos in 6th gen though.

Could the new Handler be a boy?

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excuse me, but Yea Forums is not a forum that supports nu-MH. Please return to reddit

Lao 'cause Ryozo's favorite mon

They're getting better but if you can barely play now I doubt an expansion is gonna change much. You've got 4 months to upgrade.

Try turning volume rendering off, if you still have stuttering then try it on low. For some reason my game performs far smoother if it's on low.

Turn all the graphics settings off then turn them all on one at a time except Volumetric Rendering and see how the game runs on each.

>Exploring a volcanic area with your new handler
How about I explore it by myself while my quest giver stays in the village where she fucking belongs.

I wish and can only hope

Ancient forest would be actually ok if there weren't a metric fuck ton of split paths everywhere and the map was possible to read.

Aesthetically its a nice map but god its such a fucking chore to go through especially when you have shitters like Rathalos that move to the most inconvenient places possible.

Hopefully none. I don't even want half integrated siege shit either like Gog or Kulve. I never want to see a ballista or cannon in a fucking fight.

At this point I only get lost in the middle of the map since you barely have to go there unless you're fighting Jagras or Azure Rath

>trying to hunt a Rathalos
>He's on nest
>reach nest
>he already flew off somewhere
>try to navigate the maze like map to find him
>he's back at the nest anyways

Why would you ever use the regular cannons on Gog? And the ballistas are useless too unless you want some high up part breaks
Just spam mounts or wail on his arms

>*ruins your hunt*

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imagine an area so poorly designed that Uragaan has to dig everywhere to flee rather than roll.

Why is volcanic hollow so soulless compared to sunken hollow?

I still feel like gen1 volcano is the most absolute aids. Or that one map that is like grasslands with cliffs.

Dunes is the worst map in the series by far. In both incarnations.

God it wouldn't be so fucking bad if 4 -> 2 and 2 -> 8 weren't one-way
And if there was a goddamn shortcut from the top to area 8 or 9 since fucking everything starts down there.

We need an actually multi headed monster. Nakarkos is a faker.

quick question, where is this from?

Doesn’t even come close to Volcanic Hollow.

i actually kinda like sunken hollow but making that into a volcano map was a fucking mistake.

Tell me user, have you Pre-ordered yet?

Only took them one expansion to find that out

Yes, after Garuga was confirmed. Deluxe version too

I can't

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Tigrex in previous games, molten tigrex in mh4u, teostra in world

Yeah, deluxe physical even.

would be cool if kushala could appear in wildspire waste, sand tornados and water tornados

I would've if I could, fucking PC

Does the Deluxe Physical mean I'll just use the Iceborne disc once the update is out? Or it only contains a code to update base World? Either way I don't want just a digital upgrade

I have no idea but it makes little difference to me which disc I use.

same as this dude , also not pre ordering until i know if modding is kill or not

I know. I just want to own a physical copy of Iceborne to put into my MH display


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For me, it's Alucanic because it's a stag beetle.

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Not kill, but a lot of shit gets updated per the 10.10 update, not just IB
So either way modders have to update their shit comes the big gameplay update on PC

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a cute feminized one r-right?

Which old map would you like to see remade World-style?

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I did some research and it seems the physical deluxe is just the MHW disk with a fancy box and a code for iceborne

Guess what's updating

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Yeah Wildspire is great. I hope they bring back and expand on the World maps in the next game, Wildspire with an extended desert section and more water caves would be awesome.

What are some good mods?

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Old Swamp!

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Green Waves of Verdure

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I hope so, brown boy handler concept art makes my penis become the big penis.

>yfw Iceborne is the game to finally give Purple Sharpness a x1.30 elemental modifier

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Did you know that more 53% of ancient potions thefts were committed by only 13% of monsters?

Can someone confirm if they finally fixed it so you can go back to the Gathering Hub after Assigned and Special Assignment missions? It's so fucking annoying that Event, Optional, Investigations will allow you to pick where you return to but Assigned, Special Assignment, and Expeditions won't. There literally no fucking reason for it to be that way.

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>They buff element so much that elemental GS is actually a viable option

It's already is in Frontier

i am not updating 116 mods, fuck that
light pillar, npc on gathering, near lift, no rain, wider fov and then whatever graphical mods you want

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>elemental crit draw GS

Flooded Forest probably, with or without the deep water

Story cut scenes need to progress when you come back from the assignment. Though for sos it definitely should give you the option if you cleared them already yeah

>got Glutton just in time for it to be useless in Iceborne
Oh well, gonna have fun with it while I can.

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Yeah, sorry. I was talking about SOS.

I mean, I still wouldn't call that GOOD looking, but its certainly less disgusting then World.

>no rain

I don't think elements are affected by crit but I might be wrong.


rain can cause lag

??? What is critical element?

>I don't think elements are affected by crit but I might be wrong.
I was just referring to the fact that Velkhana's armor SUPPOSEDLY has Crit Element and Crit Draw as set bonuses

If that one pic is to be believed has Crit Element and a new skill that increases damage for a time if you stay sheathed long enough. The set bonuses seem more geared towards Longsword with the new Iai attacks, depends on how strong the bonuses are and how long it takes to charge

Meh, haven't felt it on my pc

Oh, I didn't really follow the leaks.

As soon as it'll let me.

Works for me.

>has 5 glutton hbgs
>No kjarr insect glaives.
I literally have every single taroth/kjarr weapon except insect glaives. It's the one weapon I'm trying to finish my sets for but I think I'll just give up on kulve.

Anyways, do you guys think Sony will stop being jews and let capcom bring over SFV to PC after iceborne releases on consoles? What the fuck after we doing for 5 months on PC?

>new skill that increases damage for a time if you stay sheathed long enough
I can't remember correctly because i didn't save the picture but i'm sure the new skill was a fancy new name for Crit draw, at least going off the description.

but SFV is on PC?

Dicking around in random hunts, stocking up on whetfish maybe.
I stopped caring about Kulve a while ago, never got my Taroth Crest Claw and I can't be bothered to go after the Kjarr stuff more than the few runs I already did.

Crit element isn't a leak user. It's a skill in base game and previous games.

>What the fuck after we doing for 5 months on PC?
You'll just do the Autumn Festival rerun and Winter Festival rerun while looking at these threads and slowly going insane because Iceborne PS4 will have its first, maybe second title update by the time it hits PC - and you'll be delayed on that content too just like last time.

>What the fuck are we doing for 5 months on PC?
Nothing, they primarily care about PS4. Just hope they don't somehow fuck up the release like they did last August.

Crit Draw already exists and its just called Crit Draw. The new skill was called Frostcraft and functions entirely differently, supposedly.

Does the IB disk include the entire game or is it just a World disc and a code to download the dlc?

>What the fuck after we doing for 5 months on PC?
ill be bored out of my mind so i guess ill try to get my gf pregnant

Considering we haven't gotten it by now I wouldn't expect it to happen at all.

I really hope that leak is fake. Feels bad knowing that LS would be the only weapon that could make use of both skills, maybe GS too if the madmen at Capcom finally made elements worth using with it.

SFV event quests with Ryu and Thicc Thighs layered armor and Hadouken emote, user. I thought i was obvious

Guess i just misread then, thanks for clearing it up.

>Wyvernfire buffs
>Special Shots buffed
>but Kjarr weapons don't upgrade into MR
here is to hoping the Diablos gun takes after Kjarr Horn's stats

Remember, if you main a raw-oriented weapon, craft those Jagras and Barroth weapons before Iceborne!

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What is good armor for 3U? I'm using LS and hammer and I'm just about to come up on Caedus I think, just done the Barioth and Rathalos quests and usually I just end up making Rath armor

My bad


They already said they're doing something with Kulve weapons for MR.

Yeah but where's this fucking Nergigante gigante gold crown.

Last fucking crown I need and he's being a bitch.

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Well even if elemental GS isn't great, they've had elemental multipliers on the charge attacks since at least 3rd gen so crit element wouldn't be entirely worthless. Especially if a good sword along the lines of Black Fatalis Blade shows up again.

So you can get a headstart in MR!

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Hope you have good investigations.

It aint fair bros

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>Not crafting every single weapon of your favourite weapon type

Just go back and get used to fighting these fags again in the meantime

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Forest and hills, the very first desert, all 1st gen maps

I love bugs!

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Don't focus on making armor too much early on unless you're really struggling, it'll become obsolete very fast, whatever works for you is good armor

You and me both, elder crowns are driving me nuts. I think I'll take a break before Iceborne.

Looks like fucking Baphomet

I kinda miss when Shakalaka helped during hunts but boy where they useless

fair enough, I like the look of Jaggi armor anyway which is why I use it, I already have an idea of what weapons I want to end up at at least. I haven't hit a wall yet so I guess I'm fine

>spend 95% of the hunt underground and healing
>Health Recovery (L)! when you've only taken chip damage

>Free buffs
>Mask that acted like a free psychoserum
>Sick little dances
Take it back.

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>Yea Forums

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You need to sheathe to activate the frost craft buff. The buff takes time to build up and loses stacks each hit. Every weapon that can unload a strong attack shortly after unsheathing benefits. Long sword needs spirit combo first for it to be actually useful, you might as well use multiboost instead of frostcraft since longsword isn't about sheathing your weapon and unsheathing it over and over- you're going to be wasting dps staying in Iai slash stance instead of attacking continuously.
Gs can go back to crit draw quick sheathe + impact mantle(with slugger jewels affixed). Hammer can power charge and do charge level 3 after stacking. Heavybowgun will obliterate everything with frost craft + supercritical Wyvernsnipe.
Basically any weapon that's fast and dependent on getting in multiple quick hits is not very good with Frostcraft.

jungle please

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never played monster hunter before, but its like 20 bucks at gamestop, so is it worth it?

I vividly remember being a shitter getting stomped by tri barroth while cha-cha was powerless to help outside of occasionally take agro only to immediate get killed

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I did

I wanted all 4 of the fated in like crazy, I think it's dumb that Glav is the only one and the others get fucked. Gammoth would have fit in fine with the snow map, Misu would be at home in the highlands, Astalos is wherever

You can emualte all the previous games with little problem, try out P3rd or something to see if you like the gameplay

Mizu never because that skeleton isn't making it in until next game, where it will be getting special treatment

Please don't bring back Ancient Forest ever.

How is everybody enjoying their last 10 days of Monster Hunter?

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this but also World has a certain fluidity to it that older games don't, for a new player World will almost definitely feel better to play, I still recommend playing P3rd though

Was hyped as fuck for iceborne but now im antihyped. Idk how it happened

I'm going to sleep, wake me up when Chameleos is confirmed okay guys?

What are they gonna do when I don't obey, delay the PC release?

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Forced title update the replaces every monster with a piscine wyvern version of it

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>realizing they're holding back Lagi's skelly so they can re-introduce swimming as the new feature in the next game


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They apparently fixed the research base.

But will anyone be using the research base?

>Zorah Magdarosioth
Now this I'd like to see.

Hey guys

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I can’t believe Monster Hunter is banned.

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Would actually love for Empanadas and Rocky Crab to make it in mainline.

Wait 2 more years Espi.

Blame consoles for holding back game development every fucking time. Everything gets cut because shit consoles can't handle loading all the assets and a billion active Npcs and animations at the same time like PC can.

Try to wake up in time for the next game.

>got my 7 tickets from that cunt
I am so sorry for everyone that still has to do AT Zorah. What a fucking slog.

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it should be better once consoles get ssds for next gen, then we'll start blaming the shitty cpus

Oh right, I need to re install that

>The Handler: woah! This is totally not kosher!
Are jews part of the MonHun canon?

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Does iceborne still have the 'If you want to hunt together with your friends you both gotta see the cutscene for the monster before you can join eachothers hunts'? Because that shit kinda turned me off World.

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no.... my girlfriend did, she got my deluxe and everything


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Goddamnit. Oh well, guess I'll buy it in January anyway.

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Any cool buggos or actual unique models for gear? Or can I keep skipping this shit

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Who do you think the Wyverians are supposed to be?

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Only 5 more months unit we get a game where the load times aren't longer than the actual hunts.

wait for mh6

Ay kayamba el bar simso

bugs no
models yes

>Long nose
>No earlobes
>Big Milkers

Dude, this is a blue board

Worldbab here. Started up P3rd yesterday and did killed Azruros on the honey quest. Feels a bit more fluid than FU which I tried but didn't dig the feel of as much.
Any weapon to recommend? Did Arzuros with LS and it didn't seem to take too long even with the base weapon.

Sorry user you haven't reach that far into the story yet, so you cant hunt that monster.

SnS is god in 3rd

P3rd is really easy overall so you can breeze through the game with any weapon that you like, try a bunch out though

>gobul got in

I’ll show you a blue board.

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>lets not just let people see each other in the main hub, only the tiny ass gathering hub!
honestly it was so disappointing, because I initially thought they'd finally do that.

I don't know user, I enjoyed his fight more then Glavenus. My personal favorite of the four, both in terms of the fight as well as overall design, is still Mizutsune though.


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Just a few more days anons, stay strong

Why else do you think we didn’t get Plesioth despite Piscine Wyverns being in the game.

Do you need PS plus for this beta?

Is this new?

Yes unfortunately, but they’ve made 2 player coop a little easier in other ways like adding proper 2 player health scaling on monsters instead of having 4 player healthscalimg .

no, but you need ps plus to play online (obviously)
nah, oda non made a small set about her a while ago

Bugs are on the backburner because their skeletons are the least used, but they have a decent chance of returning in MH6. Unique weapon models are looking good to, there’s still reskins galore but the final stage of most weapons in Master Rank are unique looking now.

Alright thank god I didn't want to pay again

cuddles, head patds, marriage and mating press

Thanks brehs, might wait for a sale then

>kind of want to start focusing on sns
>don't want to be the dedicated healslut for multiplayer

5months wait
3650hours of loading time

Why do you think you have to relegate yourself to that?

>7 tickets
Aren't only a couple of the armor pieces actually useful?

Yes, but why not get the whole set?

I literally just did :)

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Gotta craft 'em all.

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>Could have gotten qt brown skinned handler

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I'd share but I only have three

Sorry user, I think they gave me yours.

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Fug, wrong one.

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Is my baby Lance still funlance?

Whoever did the 3D for the handler should be hang, what a waste of good concept

It's a boy

Attached: handler.png (711x413, 626K)

>still waiting on a Shield and 4 Challenger decos
I have like 4 of Minds Eye and 9 Attack Gems, it's fucking maddening.

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That looks pretty good, not gonna lie.

>10 hours playing LR
>1100 hours in HR
>one gorrllion elder bloods/light crystals/end game mats
>have to go back to LR hunts for ONE warped bone to craft weapons for a new tree
They need to give your more options to skip past parts of the weapon trees.

Where are the goddamn leaks

Come on

>500 hours
>still no Free Elem/Ammo Up jewel


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just 10 more days you fucking baby

9 actually.

Preordering deluxe on friday, getting Astral Chain as well

Great. Good time for leakys


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fucking baby

Might start playing CB for a pizza cutter

>Kaiser X is in
Ooh baby

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>all that shota content

>hunting with others during story missions

To be fair you should hunt the monster by yourself the first time around before begging for help like a shitter.

That only applies if you're a friendless nerd. When playing with buddies of course you want to hunt together.

ded thred

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ded monster

Hey pard wouldnt it be great if my face popped up everytime you swing your weapon?

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Speaking of Handler:
Why hasn't anyone mapped the Handler model onto Lavasioth, Pukei-Pukei, or Deviljho?

>tfw you can turn her off completely in iceborne

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Ceadeus as a jhen morahn-style boat hunt


>he exclusively uses meta sets

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What monsters do you hope aren't in?

>he wears armor

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Your favourite monster.


So what other variants do you guys think we'll be getting? I'm expecting an Elder Dragon Bone Radobaan and a hardened mud Jyuratodus.
Gravios and Basarios


I'm tired of fucking six limb dragons. Explore shit like Yama Tsukami already.


I slot in Luna gamma waist in to 4 piece drachen so it's homebrew.

user, Yama Tsukami has 6 tentacles. It's also a 6-limbed Elder Dragon

I wasn't aware that Yama Tsukami looks and acts like a Kushala or Magala, and looks like Kushala, Teo, Luna, Alatreon, Gore, Shaggy, Nergigante, Valfalk, Vaal, and Velkhana. Thank you for opening my eyes. Truly, Yama Tsukami is the exact same thing as those six limb dragons.

You're welcome, friend. I'm glad I was able to open your eyes. It truly is a shame that Capcom can't make another elder dragon skeleton.

Fuck off Ryozo, i can smell your grug piscine-loving ass from a mile away


I never liked fighting that faggot.

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Plesioth is a fan favorite, please understand.

Truly, I am enlightened. A flying octopus is the exact same thing as a Kushala Daora and Magala. It's astounding.

Technically, Gore, Shaggy, Gog, and Nerg use a different elder skeleton

xeno uses that one too.

>He can’t break skypiercers

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I haven't fought Alatreon since Tri, is sleep bombing for the skypiercers still the big thing with him?

>he was cut to make room for el negro destino and el negro destino blanco kai

I think it’s still relatively popular yeah. It’s just fool-proof way of handling it.

and it looked worse than p3rd, 3d looked kinda cool i guess

If he was cut it was for behemoth or leshen.

When you finish Ruiner Nergigante and get the Fate's Conclusion trophy the cutscene shows a Fatalis flying towards the top of the Guiding Lands and unlocks the final region.

That is even more offensive.

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What's ruiner gimmick then?

Alright bud, you know the drill.

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>he thinks el cuatro negro indigente tonto re elementos wasn't cut from Iceborne for el negro destino and el negro destino blanco kai

He was meant for base world. Hell, his ID is even in the monster folder, which even oroshi kirin didn't have. So if he was cut altogether, his replacement was either behemoth or leshen, the two monsters that weren't planned from the start of world.

I’ll be kind of shocked if Alatreon isn’t in Iceborne at least as post-launch considering he was clearly planned. God knows they want to get their money’s worth out of the Kushala skeleton.

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I'm getting deluxe on saturday, that Silver Armor is too cool, fuck my wallet

Marry this girl user

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You have 1 minute to delete this before I call Ryozo and tell him add an electric piscine wyvern

Velkhana even uses a few of Alatreon’s animations that weren’t used by other dragons in the base game, which makes it even more likely he’s finally being added.

2 days until Velk beta
~3-4 days until new info/trailer
5-6 days until Guiding Lands material NDAs get lifted
6 days until "premium livestream"
7 days until reviews are out
9 days until D-day

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Is it just me or have my kill times went up since I used Power Kinsects with Marking?

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cos plesioth sucks

>guiding lands nda lifted
The actual fuck are you talking about? There’s been nothing said or hinted at to suggest that

You'll see :^)

Oh so no proof then. Fuck off. “Leak”fags have ruined Yea Forums

Sure, make sure to screencap this too m8

It's not a "leak" the NDA lifts on the 3rd and a popular MH-centric youtuber got an early copy and plans to make a video detailing what the Guiding lands are on the 3rd, now please keep up with current events retard-kun

>popular youtuber


And where did he say that


Not that user that was asking about NDA stuff or whatever. I just don't really keep up with youtubers at all.

That bearded faggot hasn’t said a single word about the Guiding Lands. They’ve not even been officially revealed or teased yet.

Not that user but iirc one of his twitter replies during gamescom

ZIGNORE AND STEVE ARE INNNNNNN, it’s was confirmed on 5chan

>People actually want to have the game spoiled to them instead of enjoying discovering everything by themselves

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Not seeing it.

Youtube man who makes videos about MH among other things.

Prove it.

I gotta wait 4 months anyway
might as well spoil it by my own terms

user, the game is still at least four months away. It's going to get spoiled to you no matter what. Might as well have fun with it.

You hunt monsters

>wanting to play games blind

Why are you in this thread then? You've already been spoiled by 20+ monsters.

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I thought he was holding gun in his right hand for second
dude was gonna bust a cap in glav's ass


If you fuck your mom u will

9 more days until we go home to the promised land.

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Malfestio's gimmick is being the only monster to cause confusion, the sleep beam is only a small part of it's moveset.

Volcanic Hollow Area 8 is the bane of my fucking existence.

So we only get 1 new area? You fucking serious?

2, you know, already better than half the g ranks of the series.

It’s the size of three areas from the base game combined.

It's basically a Super Mario bossfight so you're not missing on anything

Cool. Thank you for answering!


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There’s two. The one they’ve shown in all the trailers is bigger than Elder’s Recess and Coral Highlands and apparently almost another whole map combined. The second is a smaller one that apparently works like the Tower and Everwoods from older games.

Fuck Zinogre and fuck furries

Before Glavenus' reveal i had absolutely no intention to buy Iceborne

How did Tower work? I checked the wiki and form my understanding it's quite different from Everwood. I mean it just looks like a flat arena?

Tower used to be a normal area but then got reworked in 4U since they only kept the top area of it, from what was supposedly leaked the Guiding Lands are closer to the old Tower

i liked how when you jumped down to 9 gravios sniped you with his laser while you were still in the air

t. antilistfag seething 24/7 and having no life

Dos tower was a full map. It was shrunk down in portable 2nd and 2G, and had multiple layouts based on the quest.
3rd Gen and 4th Gen only used the outside area, and the summit. They didn't use the island or the interiors, but the full tower has never actually been used since Dos which is why the Yama Tsukami fight in Dos is so different from P2 and 2G.

Nothing as bad as that autist with his everwyrm fake icon and the retard name or that PS2 model pretending it's MHW. He makes 100 posts per thread falseflagging and samefagging

Seek help


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/and thread

cuteposters should kys you'reselves

I hope they announce the actual date of the PC release this year, so I could fill in the documents for my vacation before everyone at work is gone for the holidays.

I'd say it'll probably drop around the middle of janauary

If you do G-rank, go for Goldbeard Cedeaus. He has some of the best skills I've ever seen an armor have for nonstop attacks. I use Longsword too. Handicraft, Highgrade Earplugs and some other skill. The only negative is the -1 sharpness, but I was able to get a charm to get rid of it.

Why is IG only fun to use in World?

But it isn't.
I only had fun with IG in 4U back when it was broken. When it doesn't delete monsters from existence with its overtuned MVs, it's just another fast mashy weapon, like DBs or SnS, and it hits like wet noodles. And it's no fun to use a weapon with no impact or feedback to its attacks.

why is hammer fun to use in any game?'re saying you only had fun when it was overpowered?

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Now get GS became a unga bunga weapon with a braindead combo Hammer is the only weapon left that rewards precision and head sniping which always was the most fun thing to do in MH.

Of all almost 15 weapon types, Hammer ist he only one that still offers that. That's how lopsided and dumb MH weapon variety is now.

Everything else is just about going grug on the monster's body like in any other action game.

Effectively, yes. But it was only accidental. I don't have fun using overpowered weapons, I like using hard hitting weapons, IG in 4U just happened to be overpowered because it was both hard AND fast hitting. I'd still like slower, harder hitting weapons, over the fast ones, even if the latter are overpowered.

Tri barroth was an actual "wall" monster because his charge attack recovery was so fast that capcom nerfed it into the ground ever since.