Was was a better decade for games?
Was was a better decade for games?
Was was, yes.
ah, i see you are men of culture as well
for revolution of the media and the industry the 90's for quality titles only half of the 00's so by that meassure the 90's.
90s was good all the way through
00s started getting bad halfway through, but the first half was really damn good
I'll give it to 90s for consistency
2000-2004 was the golden age of gaming. It's indisputable.
what did he mean by this?
Late 90s - Early 2000s hands down.
Early 90s was okay, Mid 90s was mostly experimental 3D stuff. Mid to late 2000s was everything going downhill after it's peak.
>mid 00s
2005 was the cutoff point for me.
2007 was when it really started to show. I'd consider that the latest for any good games, but at the same time, it was also the start of many of the awful trends we see in gaming afterwards.
>best of the 2d era
>seeing the wild west that was the 3d era
>seeing 3d evolve to the new standard
>seeing all games become the same....
I love the 90s, I love games from the 90s, but the 00s are when enough of those vidya gaem players became parents and functional adults to stop all the public panic over video games... just in time for WoW put the concept of video game addiction into the discourse.
It was an era of pretty good 3D graphics and people playing games. Perhaps I'm just too focused on angry parents and politicians here.
>Night Trap
what was wrong with 2007?
2007 in retrospective was the start of many awful trends and franchises. Although many of the release during that year were critically acclaimed.
More of my favorite games are from the 00s so I guess that, even though shit hit the fan later.
>it was also the start of many of the awful trends we see in gaming afterwards.
Coincidentally also when The Big Bang Theory came out and "nerd culture" was kicking in.
Probably easiest to simply compare franchises with both a 90s and 00s entry in their series (e.g. Metroid, Doom, Metal Gear, etc.)
Yes we all saw the chart. go away
You seem upset.
Games for Windows Live, Episode 2, and $599 US dollars.
Granted that same year did bring us SKATE, Crysis, and Mario Galaxy.
Episode 2? Episode 1 already came out in 2006 so I dont see the problem. Also explain this 599 and windows live thing to me
90s > 00s > 80s > 10s
nvm you're talking about the ps2. That came out in 2006
PS3 launch price and the beginning of a horrendously dogshit drm
2006 though not 2007
In Japan. US release was in March 2007.
europe not the us
2006 and later was when vidya started to become trash
ESL here, how the fuck do you say 00s? "double ohs"? "zeroes"? or is it just "two thousands"?
Don't forget CoD4 and how every other shooter copied it for like a decade completely saturating the market
Twas the main game I had in mine when I did
everything before 2007 was good
90s (and 00, 01, and 02) had a bunch of great games
00s had TONS of GOOD games
the 00s was also filled with downfall titles like Oblivion, GTA3, FF10, Gears of War, and post launch WoW
but even the 90s had downfall titles of its own like FF7, Myst and Quake II
1998 and 2018 are the best years of modern gaming.
'95-'05 was a golden age of games
'05-'15 was a dark age
Now we're living in a golden age again
shut up, zoomer in frog disguise
The 90s is leaps better than any other decade for games.
What the fuck
>downfall titles
What are you trying to convey with your retard speak.
The two thousands.
'10s is the twenty-tens. Just whatever rolls off the tongue the best.
I'm sure theres a technical name for it but most just say "the thousands"
take off your nostalgia goggles.
Gamecube and PS2 were the peak. Then photorealism ruined everything.
Based? Yep.
Redpilled? Hell yeah
The 201st decade
>Dusk, Into the Breach, Marble It Up!, Subnautica, Monster Hunter World, Hitman 2, and ???
Could be worse. But, it isn't exactly one for the books.
The 10s were the best decade in video games, and the 20s will surely be better still.
10s are only trash if you limit to AAA games.
let me guess...
90s by far.
There's no comfortable way to say it but it's usually "the two-thousands."
what does this have to do with anything? Are you just trying to start zoomer/boomer meme discussion?
Only the second half really. 2010-2014 were pretty dire aside from Dark Souls, Hotline Miami, and Minecraft
What did I even say to trigger your autism?
The one where arcades were still thriving.
nothing. yes.
You forgot 1000 (Thousand) years of history in one post, by omitting the word 'two'.
Early 00s > late 90s > early 00s > mid 00s > late 00s
this thread
kek at Early early.
golden age was 93 to 2003
Minecraft came out in 2009 and was ruined by 2011
>2010-2014 were pretty dire aside from Dark Souls, Hotline Miami
Patapon 3, Rune Factory 4, Etrian Odyssey 3, Etrian Odyssey 4, Super Meat Boy, FTL, Papers Please, Resistance 3, BIT TRIP RUNNER, BIT TRIP RUNNER 2, Mount & Blade: Warband, E.Y.E, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Mario Galaxy 2, Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, Mario 3D Land, A Link Between Worlds, Risk of Rain, Monaco, Gunpoint, Dominions 4, Jamestown, Endless Space, Guilty Gear Xrd, Skullgirls, Human Revolution, Geometry Wars 3, Legend of Grimrock 2, Dragon's Dogma, Gravity Rush, Cave Story remake, and La-Mulana remake block your path
More like 93 to 2007
>2d sidescrolling pixelshit or clunky early 3d trash
>pinnacle of gaming to this day
wow. tough choice here
I think he just assigned a term for "Games that popularized things i do not like to point they started replacing things i like" going by his 00 examples, not that those games were bad themselves, but that they caused Bad Trends due other games aping what they did well poorly or taking it to extremes (FFX VS FFXIII for Pretty Line Syndrome for example, Or Oblivion recycling the Engine VS Fallout 76 doing the same or HORSE ARMOR vs MICROTRANSACTIONS OUT THE ASS).
But this is me putting words in anons mouth.
The early 00's were incredible, but the second half of that decade was kinda bad.
The 90's were very solid overall.
None of these are real. Generations don't exist.
Games have just been getting better and better, and more varied and abundant with time. I won't let nostalgia cloud my mind. 00s was better than 90s.
>gamer for 36 years
Video games didn't exist in the 1900's, retard.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl is an honorary pre-2006 game.
You can't split them, they both have great.
The true kino was 2000 and every year around it.
90s hands down.
early 90s was the golden age while late 00s were cancer
Right now is the best decade for games because I can go back and play all of the games from the past four decades. I can ignore all of the shit coming out today.
Yeah, the boom of the tech millenia and the rise of the internet (in the good way not in the dystropian future internet we're living) were bigg triggers, people were pushing how far they coud go and far more passion projects were seen, of curse there was kusoge too but the kusoge from back then was like an average game nowadays.