neo Yea Forums will defend nanny state
Neo Yea Forums will defend nanny state
Anything that makes activision and EA less money is good you faggot OP
The US government is literally kidnapping innocent civilians and testing experiments on them, and your only concern is banning lootboxes? Get fucked.
>stopping corporations from fucking everyone over makes you a "nanny state"
Neocon Boomer detected.
Why do you keep making this thread Mr. EA Shill?
neo-Yea Forums is based then
That's a crock of shit. They're getting turned into fuckdolls by the cartel. Remove the tinfoil hat.
just let kids gamble if they want to gamble, its up to the parents to supervise them.
I'm not clear on how legislation proceeds through the two houses, would this also have to get through congress? Or is it already through congress, and this is the Senate's turn to rubber stamp it?
Also, anyone got any idea how likely it is to actually stop lootboxing? What in the bill stops a publisher/developer just finding another way to nickel and dime people? It clearly fucking works.
The US has always been a nanny-state, more so than the rest of the world. It's only a matter of time before they legally repeal your unneeded amendments.
Do those civilians try to enforce gambling mechanics to children? No?
Then fuck them, those experiments may be useful for the human races survival
This is objectively a good thing, but not because of the loot boxes. A game designed with microtransactions in mind will neuter the game itself in order to make it less fun and drive players towards those mtx. Anything which reduces that bullshit is a 100% positive.
>more so than the rest of the world
Gonna need to see your loicense to post that comment m8
>Legally responsible for their children
lol not in the US
As a consumer, why would you support a store that takes your money and gives you random stuff you most likely don't want?
Yea Forums is full of unprincipled statist cucks
The Senate is the upper house of Congress. Once a bill gets through the Senate, it has to go through the House of Representative (if it hasn't gone through there already), then it has to be signed by the President.
get out EA, nobody likes you, you fucking parasite.
because about 50% of people have double-digit IQs
Right, thanks for the correction of terminology but has it already gone through the house of representatives?
pick one, it's not even a real ideology just a dumpster for shameless grifters
>neo Yea Forums will defend nanny state
Clearly in this case it's necessary, because people obviously fucking BUY the lootboxes or they wouldn't bother putting them in. Lootboxes are a fucking blight on the industry in a way that not even microtransactions could have reached.
Why should a gambling system be implemented into games that have nothing to do with gambling? Its a jew tactic of the highest form and anything that prevents further the jewish agenda, is a step in the right direction. If a video game company can't sustain itself on profits from purchases of their game alone, they deserve to go under. Because that means they have not made a GOOD video game, and shitty developers like people with allergies should be naturally selected out of the cycle. For the greater good of humanity and gaming.
politicians deserve to be stuck to a burning cross.
This should help you out.
I'm split on one hand I'm againts 98.970593% government regulation (maybe we should limit military grade explosives) yet on the other, watching EA get BTFO is delicious especially after hearing about their shitty full defense strategy instead of just backing down ala online passes.
>i don't know what I'm talking about
stop buying cod and fifa.
you niggers haven't stuck to a single boycott.
sale numbers do not lie.
apparently a large majority of people can't control themselves for 5 fucking minutes to stop themselves from buying lootboxes with real money, directly affecting the people who have some fucking marbles rolling around in their heads and don't buy those things. So maybe we do need some nannying
keep your weeb slot machines out of America
>even playing anything that has any kind of microtransactions
just don't buy lootboxes
holy shit, that was hard
Shit, EA's really pulling out all the stops, hiring a big name like you to astroturf these threads.
We're already in a nanny state you fucking retard. You're over 100 years late.
>Listen goyim, we need to rally against the government not letting (((us))) pervert our children!
Go fuck yourself, jew
Deciding that the government should protect property rights and do nothing else is an absurd fake position only held by shills and the clinically retarded.
Because half the American population have been brainwashed into worshipping corporations and billionaires and supporting everything they do even when it goes blatantly against their own interests.
>op says Yea Forums will defend nanny state
>user defends nanny state
fucking kek
Nice strawman
>Yes Goy, let us control your entertainment even further through the government we control
I can do it too
We became a nanny state when Teddy Roosevelt took office. We've been cucked ever since.
>neo Yea Forums will defend nanny state
if people are too stupid to defend themselves then i agree that the government should step in.
the issue is that the government has to step in, in the first place.
lootboxes should never have caught on in the first place. microtransactions should never have happened.
they werent okey in the mobile market and they arent okey now.
the entire mobile economy is propped up by whales and addicts.
actual libertarianism is indistinguishable from a strawman, because it's a fake worldview which only gets brought up when shills need to justify something disgusting
>"stop putting gambling in games for kids"
Not much point giving a fuck about this as it would never pass. Ted Cruz also introduced a bill basically criminalizing dissent against conservative policies, and it also will go no where. Someone introducing a bill means nothing.
It's not even 50, it's like 75%.
>user typed furiously, in his parent's basement with his cum stained black t
No, it will never pass. The house isn't going to pass it and the senate doesn't care much.
>multiple things can't be shitty problems at once
Made me reply, take your (You) and go.
>only concern
Don't be a shitty parent and give your kid access to the credit card?
Nah, let's give the gov more control because you people have one too many chromosomes
Lefter mad because people can be right wing without him getting an easy "racist homophobe" ad hominem to auto-win debates.
>Doubling down with your strawmen.
People who are ok with government lootbox regulations are the same people who whine about government enforced monopoly internet providers. You're okay with whatever works out in your favor.
neocon boomers are the ones passing the bill commie
>loot box banned
>every game just now follows the buy-virtual-currency-then-spend-it model on microtransactions
>every game now has limited time items/delayed items/seasonal events to bring about grinds and induce FOMO to buy said things
He's right
The bill is never being passed. Feel free to screencap this. It will never happen.
>why cant i spread negative behaviors onto White children? fucking trumpf shutting down my meth, human trafficking, abortion, gambling and gangs!
Of course. I am in favor of regulation when it is good and against it when it is bad. So is everyone with a multi digit IQ.
It isn't the governments job to raise your child.
I see you've devolved into random gibberish
the problem with this world is nuparents want the state dictating everything they do. they, like their boomer parents, were dumbed down by the jew. you should weep for them.
>Libertarianism is a fake worldview because I said so
>Subject yourself to the tyranny of majority or else I'll scream nanny state.
bootlickers please go.
Based Hawley and BASED Missouri.
oy vey
Human experimentation will accelerate the advancement of medical science.
Be grateful you fucking ingrate. Cessation of aging is within our grasp. Today's young people will be the first generation to have access to life-extension drugs.
Can't fret over every egg.
>What is Project MK Ultra?
dont mess with my gacha you fags
>the jews own the government
>but not wanting the government to raise your child makes you a jew
>It's fine to be a literal sociopath because it doesn't effect me personally!
>Equal Rights is disgusting
>Not locking people up for personal drug use wasting everyone's time is disgusting
>Removing market restrictions so people don't have to be 2 million dollars in licenses/ property to compete with corporations is disgusting.
Regulation keeps corporations in check and ensures a better market
>putting words in my mouth
your lootboxes are going away, kvetch more powerless yid
>muh subjective purview
Intelligent and moral people live by principles. "I don't like it therefore it's good" is a brain dead thought process.
> Republicans lobbyists with interest in casinos are mad that the new generation is gambling their money away in video games instead
>Regulation keeps corporations in check and ensures a better market
Everything you said is incorrect.
Can't stop games from being sold incomplete or hampered by systems designed to push mtx and lootboxes.
>The gooberment is illegitimate except when it's protecting the guy who funded my thinktanks child brothel because I said so
Something that ended 50 years ago and hasn’t happened since?
Oh no! Now I have to waste my money on normal gambling instead!
All principles eventually boil down to 'i like it therefore its good' or 'i dislike it therefore its bad' when you follow the logic behind them far enough.
It's another "/pol/ gets libertarianism and ANCAPism mixed up because this place has been astroturfed by government boot-lickers" episode.
I hate reruns.
did they actually define what will get fucked by this bill? Will it kill any kind of random loot(because congressmen dont know how video games work) or is it hyperfocused on loot boxes?
we wont miss you
You're relatively well informed, but they didn't even strike ground when attacking online gambling let alone some fake gambling.
>government please protect my copyright
Jump off a cliff you shill.
>muh principles
How to recognize what opinions are trash and should be summarily discarded, ladies and gentlemen.
The ESRB was founded to avoid government regulation during the whole violent video game shitstorm of the early 90s. The ESRB failed its job by not rating vidya with gambling mechanics that you can spend real money on as AO, so now the government has to step in.
>The government would NEVER kidnap their civilians, goy! I-I mean they did it before, and there's nothing stopping them from doing it again, b-but it's fine! It's not happening to me so it's okay!
Take a shotgun and blast your brains out, you stupid bitch! This loot box shit has ruined the quality of games so that jew investors can milk as much money.
>hasn’t happened since?
That's what they want you to believe. Sheep.
user, I want you to find me someone who genuinely thinks ALL government regulations are bad that isn't some weird anarchist.
What's wrong with his eyes
Though it's not the fault of the consumer because it doesn't cost publishers anything to cut content from games and sell them back to you or allow players to give them money for stuff that's already in the game. It's a fool proof system that's propped up by a highly profitable industry that already has a consistent consumer base.
having an army of immortal zoomers sounds like a bad idea
this is a BASKETBALL game releasing this year.
developers need to be taught a lesson.
Try "anyone who defends lootboxes". Every single person who does will argue that no amount of regulation would be good and that even one tiny rule would destroy video games forever.
who are you quoting
>implying they want to use medical science to save people's lives
>Thing most people actually agrees with
>Nanny state
Fuck lootboxes, good move.
Video game devs had to know that they were playing with fire with all this lootbox shit. Anybody not shilling can see that it's clearly gambling and the gov would eventually want it's piece or shut it down
I don't see an issue with this. Micro-transactions are and have always been cancer.
I'm glad they're dropping the charade at least.
Yes, removing things that are harmful to the quality of games is a good thing.
>It's not happening to me so it's okay!
This but unironically.
But forcing people to do things against their will is a bad thing
Imaging being suck a gay faggot that you would defend Star Wars Battlefront II(2017).
Yea Forums, why are you so consistently dumb? I don't think I've seen so many dumb opinions on one single website before. People who believe they are dragonkin are more rational and intelligent than you.
the government needs to ban JRPG style turn-based combat
Based below the bell curve iq user
>May 2019
Okay but where the fuck are we at with this shit now? The same article has been posted in OPs for months.
I'm slightly concerned how this bill is going to be worded. With how retarded and out of touch U.S. Politicians are I feel like we will never see a casino in a game again regardless of whether real money gets spent or not.
People like you are the reason why I completely endorse political violence. You need to have your skull caved in with a bat.
Turning video games, one of the largest entertainment industries of all time, into a shitty nepotist gambling industry is also bad.
Well then violence, sexual content, cutting edge graphics, modding, and multiplayer have all been harmful to the quality of games in the past decade so say goodbye to those as well.
Banning "lootboxes" is totally out of the purview of the Federal government and a violation of the 10th Amendment. We don't need federal laws because you can't stop giving your 12 year old unsupervised access to your credit card.
As a principle any "problem" that is 100% solvable through
>basic personal responsibility
shouldn't be within the scope of government enforcement. This kind of shit is based on the exact same mentality of large soda bans.
What went through his head when he types this?
Maybe the devs shouldn't have become the cancer themselves, then we would've never needed the chemotherapy.
>muh regulations, why can't we be full-ancap and have shoe-rubber bread made by child slaves
Then why justify loot boxes? I want to know and get what i paid for at all times, i dont want to play some luck game or deal with some shitty surprise mechanics tier scam.
Even if some retardation like that occurred, it would be well worth it.
>things that are harmful to the quality of games
100% subjective
error: argument not found
>one of the largest entertainment industries of all time, into a shitty nepotist gambling industry is also bad.
>Video game devs had to know that they were playing with fire with all this lootbox shit
They knew so they took the money while they could.
Can you honestly say microtransaction-focused design has ever improved a video game? That devs lowering the quality of gameplay in order to push you towards the cash shop has ever legitimately made a game better?
seems like a post with enough low quality for reporting.
If this makes gatcha mobile games unavailable in the west it would be based.
so what you're saying is we need to make having children illegal until you obtain a human breeding license?
>justify lootboxes
I'm not. I don't like lootboxes, I've never bought lootboxes. That doesn't mean I get to force someone to make the game I want.
Absolutely none of that is going to stop the whales from fueling this type of deceitful malpractice.
You can get an easy "pedophile" with libertarians
>violence, sexual content, cutting edge graphics, modding, and multiplayer have all been harmful
why you always lying?
Not him but yes.
That stops being viable when whales can outvote anyone who is against this. So guess what, now I'm getting a nanny state to stop these assholes.
either that or cut government support programs that payout based on how many children you have
I didn't see an argument, user. I saw an obese manbaby smearing shit on his walls and demanding that we pay attention to him.
Then you have very low standards and little care for how you spend your money.
Do you believe that there shouldn't be any laws against Casinos in respect to who they let gamble? Why not just let everybody gamble, even children? Who are we to force someone to run their business the way we want?
But how will I be the first person with the summer saber alter user????????
Stop posting this thread. Literally nothing has happened with the bill since it was first introduced in May and the total number of senators that support the bill totals to 3.
Wow, it's like the goverment regulating things that are proven to be harmful and goverment regulating things that are not harmful are two different things.
I agree with your point about not wanting the government to unnecessarily have more control, but what do you propose should be done instead? The industry clearly isn't regulating itself, and most consumers don't even realize what's happened. I don't think lootboxes should be "illegal", but games with them need to be treated like any other kind of gambling.
I think pirating so much made me see how shitty lootboxes and microtransactions were, because even when not paying for them in single player games it still felt the game was getting fucked up by them sometimes. Maybe allowing people to pirate would fix the issue by hopefully just having them learn what the problem is, while avoiding giving the government more control, but I don't know.
is within the elite's grasp.
Good. Fuck publishers.
I think the fact that people here are unironically defending lootboxes shows that you guys genuinely don't like video games. This isn't memeing anymore, you people legitimately do want to see video games turn into p2W garbage.
Just slap a 100% vice tax on loot boxes. No need to ban them entirely. Fund education or infrastructure through the stupidity of the AAA game buying public. Win-win.
Show me a dev/game lowering "quality" to push towards a cash shop. If you say Star Wars Battlefront/Battlefield I will remind you that it was a shallow "baby's first FPS" before it ever got the loot boxes. Sports games have been in decline since pro sports leagues started pushing for exclusive contracts with publishers, Ultimate Team and lootboxes had nothing to do with that.
yes, It's parents job to take care of their kids, not the government. The nanny state facilitates retards which only makes more retards.
The ones calling for boycotts are usually the people who never buy sportshit in the first place
He is a libertarian, the belive that you should be able to sell heroin to children
Oh yeah? We can agree that blowing up planes full of passengers is bad but why did it take until 1955 for the government to make it illegal?
quote a post where someone is defending lootboxes in this thread.
>show me a game lowering quality to push a cash shop
>and don't list all of these obvious examples, because they prove me wrong
Fate grand order
companies aren't people you bootlicker
Actually tricked me into believing you weren't an intellectually dishonest insect for a couple minutes, congratulations.
Time has only proven that "the nanny state" has both stopped retards from doing retarded things.
We don't need government intervention right away. The mere threat of government intervention is often enough to dissuade such practise.
what a long face.
>an entity ran and maintained by people isn't people
>No guys those clear examples doesn't count.
gatcha racket shills on suicide watch
There's a difference between banning graphic but ultimately harmless virtual violence, and banning a predatory skinner box mechanic designed to leech people, including children, of their money.
Whose job is it to build the roads?
I never said that they were perfect, but they are still better than no goverment.
>ban lootboxes
>now you just have to straight-up pay for whatever would have been a lootbox item, rather than just grinding off free lootboxes.
Given how shameless they've been thus far, I don't think a mere threat is gonna dissuade anyone.
Anything I don't like should be banned. Don't (You) me
It isn't retard
>yes, It's parents job to take care of their kids, not the government.
>vaccinate those White babies though goy
fuck off jew
I couldn't give a shit about them because the games they're in were going to be trash regardless. The very fact that they're in said game means the devs or publishers are kikes.
There's already been regulations in several countries, and that's not stopping any of these companies.
No, it's the same. That's your issue. Learn to argue on principle and not on consequence.
Somalia doesn't have a government, and their country is badass. They have fuckin pirates swimming the high seas in search of adventure and booty.
>devs and publishers given ample time and oppertunities to do things the easy way to regulate themselves
>they do nothing about it
>now we have to do things the hard way and get the government involved
Sucks to be them, they had their chances
>You can just buy what you want rather than spend fifty dollars gambling
In what world is that a bad thing
>less f2p players are willing to play the game
>whales no longer have anyone to show off to
>f2ps quit, whales quit, shitty mtx game dies
Everyone wins except devs who think mtx are acceptable. I'm okay with this.
Ok, you got me there, you can argue against pirates.
right, I guess companies are ethereal anomalies that make decisions by themselves. No people there, quite the mystery.
You're the jew, fucking kike
Good. Then those games will just die out like before this whole lootbox fiasco.
>and banning a predatory skinner box mechanic designed to leech people, including children, of their money.
If some dipshit parent gives their kids access to their credit card and lets them buy random shit online, that's their own problem. Adding words like
to try and frame the issue doesn't make your point any more valid. This is, once again, completely outside the purview of the federal government.
How long have you been playing video games zoomer? Literally every one of those has a shining example of ruining gaming as a whole
Over the top Violence: Mortal Kombat and God of War using flashy gore to distract from their poor combat systems
Sexual Content: every weeb dating sim/RPG nuff said
Graphics: every "cinematic" game that chugs along at 15 fps so we can see every NPCs ugly realistic faces
Modding: Bethesda never fixes their fucking games because they expect modders to do it for them. And people reward them for this by buying every single shitty, unfinished, broken game they make
Multiplayer: Every game is pushed to be "E-sports" these days and cannibalize any project that can't be that like Titanfall being run over to push the next Fortnite knockoff
Fucking retard
It was a good shitpost until you tried to put the antivax thing in, literally nobody believes that disproven shit anymore.
I’d rather be a sheep than an Alex Jones.
>whales play because they want to show off to F2Ps
Are you retarded? Who are you going to show off to?
You never needed to spend anything.
Just like how horse armor killed the idea of DLC, right?
Calling that a defense of lootboxes is quite the stretch
you are actually retarded if you dont know what MKUltra is
>100% subjective
It is 100% objective fact that many games are being sold with less content for more money. Content and features that used to come with the product you paid for are now being sold separately while the price of the product remains the same. Games are deliberately being designed poorly to facilitate selling you the "better" gameplay to you for a fee. These are not subjective opinions, they are objectively worse products for more money
The impact that a company has by making a desicion is no the same as the one that you have by making this post, this is why they are not considered people by law.
They were horrible games BEFORE lootboxes you dipshit. Lootboxes didn't make the games suck more the games were shit to start with and then EA started to make ways to charge you more for them
>>whales play because they want to show off to F2Ps
That's literally true, yes. Go read any article you want about this shit.
Why would anyone care about a Mortal Kombat fangame?
I wouldn't have to if some of you fucking retards wouldn't enable the videogame industry to keep cutting an increasing amount of content from games to sell as transactions. Both you and the industry had plenty of time to show a little restraint but you didn't and now nanny state has to get involved. Fuck you.
>Show me a dev/game lowering "quality" to push towards a cash shop.
It's pretty obvious with MMOs. A lot of them make the grind so excessive to get you to buy XP bonuses, items, etc. from the cash shop.
Kotick is a good man and does things as should
why does Yea Forums hate him?
>being a corporate bootlicker
>whales play because they want to show off to F2Ps
Thas what the model is based off, they want to show off shit to his friends who then want to get these things.
Okay, now where's the part where you prove it's still happening?
>children are not allowed in casinos
>publishers and developers bring casinos to children
>government enforces existing laws
This isn't a matter of the government getting involved in videogames. This is a matter of videogames getting involved in gambling and the government coming along and saying "Hello Videogames, we've had laws in place about this subject before your industry even existed."
Then don't buy the fucking game.
>but but whales
okay and? you arent entailed to something just because you want it.
So it's not okay to force your will upon someone unless they own a company, then you can do what you whatever you want to them.
It's also a bad thing to use psychological tricks to take advantage of people's vices and coerce them into doing things.
>lootbox shills also shill for Big Pharma
Battlefront 2 would have been a perfectly fucking fine video game if it didn't have those lootboxes. Not every FPS game needs to be a hyper-autistic Quake ripoff with an intense skill ceiling. All I wanted was a goddamn nice and accessible Star Wars game, and now I have Pachinko: Darth Vader edition
Given the success of horse armor DLC in a single-player game, any article about how "mtx is solely for showing off" is rendered null and void. Microtransactions are solely there to keep a series alive off of the money of genuine retards and do nothing to hurt the intelligent people who save their money.
>whales have friends
>Americans (rightfully) shit on the UK for being a nanny state
>When it happens to them there is massive backtracking and goal posting moving
I can't see anyone arguing against this unless they currently buy lootboxes and don't want to admit it's bad, or they're profiting from them
>/pol/tard shills are antivax now
>lootboxes are coercion
You forgot one thing. This place is full of contrarian fuckwits who will disagree with an unassailable truth just because.
> nothing to hurt the intelligent people who save their money.
I still feel disappointed every time I play a game and see microtransactions though, even if I'm not going to buy one. It just makes the game feel too much like a business transaction, like it's soulless
literally any game with a cash shop/not fully unlockable items at a 60-40 dollar price. Anything that is below that can justify a shit shop for losers, but if you charge full price give full content. Monetization was one of the easiest ways to spot retarded simps who actually think video games are a service.
It's kids and idiots who buy that stuff. Unfortunately it affects everyone because they spend enough that it's far easier and more profitable to swindle them than to make good games.
Well I guess /pol/ stands for /pol/io now.
There's always a huge sense of "it's okay when we do it" across the board. I don't know if it's an exclusively American thing, but the key to getting shit done is electing someone to do the opposite of what is expected. Example: Obama deported more illegals and opened up more fracking in America, making it energy independent while Trump has come the closest to any sort of sensible video game and gun control.
Honestly MMOs like WoW created the "prototype lootbox". Raid loot is basically a lootbox, you get a random chance of the item you want, if you don't get it (either from it not dropping or somebody swiping it from under you) you have to wait for the raid to reset in a week so you get 3-4 chances a month before you have to pay another month subscription for another 3-4 chances
At least a year or two ago they still had the decency to do mental gymnastics around a tweet like that, now they've fully embraced being retarded schizos.
Banning lootbox will mean jackshit as long fifaniggers are throwing their money at their yearly gachashit
They have, I suggest you to watch the Ubisoft admins talking about the subject, they based the model on that fact.
I'm going tolink you that if I can find it.
Before any contrarian retard replies to this (because they will), making video games is cheaper now than it used to be, between reusable engines and vastly streamlined development processes. So the "games cost more to make, so they need mtx to recoup costs" excuse is 100% fiction.
We can only hope so but the game industry is nothing if not arrogantly dismissive of self regulation
A full-priced game now is cheaper than they were back when mommy bought them for you. Not only this, but it costs a lot more to make a game that will satisfy you now than it did back then. Video games are a much riskier investment now and there's nothing wrong with milking retards with a lot of cash on hand.
>censorship good
>"mtx is solely for showing off" is rendered null and void.
Your shitty opinion with out any backup, doesn't have any worth compared to the research done by the marketing teamof big companies that are actually making money with this model.
If nobody is spending any money on these loot boxes then why are we in this thread
>sensible video game and gun control
It's like having your retarded boomer uncle as president.
Related story: Had to listen to my boomer aunt go on about how the El Paso shooter stopped when he realized the level of real world gore isn't like a video game and he stopped. She told the story like she was there, reading his mind. Dumbest fucking thing.
That also happened with climate change denial. it was "oh yeah that's the thing I don't like about him"
Because the idiots in this thread think that if the lootbox system were just banned then developers would be forced to make everything free.
you can't "inb4" your own post faggot
>idiot literally uses the "MUH VIDEO GAMES ARE TOO EXPENSIVE" excuse not even two posts later
Shut the fuck up you bootlicking corporate's human dildo.
>Honestly MMOs like WoW created the "prototype lootbox".
Yeah, that's shitty too and I won't play games that do this either. There are just too many games to choose from now to play ones that try and make you work to play them longer.
"global warming" hysteria isn't based on science, it's Original Sin for atheists.
True capitalism is the embodiment of anarchic chaos. All of this could have been prevented, and yet people will defend their beloved system.
why dont any mass shooters target corporate HQs? modern corporations are the source of all society's ills yet they're miraculously unscathed in an era of completely organic mass shootings
really makes you think
Their existance encourages developers to water down products and to place unnecessary barriers in place to pad out game time so you're encouraged to throw an extra few bucks to make the game less inconvinent to play. We can no longer have skill based rewards such as the hyabusa armor from halo 3. Instead all rewards are luck based so that they can be monetized.
Most mass shooters are right-wingers and to conservatives, corporations are holy ground
They are. Just because a game is easier to make from a programmer's perspective doesn't mean they're cheaper. "Oh just re-use the engine!" Wow, that negates the cost of hiring an orchestra versus one guy doing MIDI. Man, those dozens of programmers are cheaper than the two friends coding in their spare time.
The video game industry brings in more money than any other medium and movies are like 15 fucking dollars. I'm not gonna sit here and cry for publishers who think their time waster is worth a a whole days wage+. 60 dollars is fair and I don't even pay that. Any more, regardless of wage is fiscally irresponsible if you are a hobbyist who buys multiple games.
Most of them have passable security and all the cowards want are soft targets anyway.
People need protection from those attempting to exploit their addictive impulses.
You might not like it, but gamblers aren't thinking rational human beings.
There is no other way to still "save face" while defending the mental illness that is his tweets. I had a friend who during the election was insisting unironically that it was 4D chess, which I could understand. Act like a retard to get elected by retarded voters. When he continued to be a retard suddenly this friend "didn't want to talk politics" anymore.
Fuck you, user. If game industries didn't completely fuck the money fleshlight to literal pieces I wouldn't care.
You can run your shit about how all you need to do is not buy it, but your pea-sized brain is thinking as tiny as the "microtransactions" they push. It's not about me, thankfully my addictive vices are just gaming in general and not having flashy shit go off in my face. It's about the people who are addicted to gambling, either knowingly or unknowingly, and getting to those fuckers. And there's a lot more of them than there are people not buying this shit, especially when you can form the habit in kids who are extra susceptible to it because their brains are still forming and are vulnerable to influence and habit-forming. They're the ones they make hand over fist money with, you disingenuous fuck.
Between the fact that they're OK exploiting so many people and are doing Special Olympics-tier shit to slow down regulation, I couldn't care less if government steps in, because government's the only one that'll knock these fucks out. It'll bring other problems but at this point I'd rather see what those problems are than see this one keep going.
But South Park apologized to Al Gore.
sure thing corporate trannies
>You might not like it, but gamblers aren't thinking rational human beings.
As opposed to you, right?
>unironically using the 'muh children' argument
Niggers if you wanted to stop kids from being fucked up you'd be fighting against the brainwashing of the educational systems and media, not going for this 'muh gambling' shit. If little Timmy gets 'addicted' to lootboxes then he's a weak-willed shit who'd end up with an inclination for drugs regardless.
>We can no longer have skill-based rewards such as Hayabusa Armor from Halo 3
Even EA Battlefront 2 still had skill-based rewards like a Han Solo skin for 100%'ing the Battle Scenarios.
because mentally ill right wingers have been convinced immigrants are the cause of all their problems. occupy wall street was decried in conservative media as "left wing degeneracy"
A Walmart in El Paso was targeting for having Mexicans.
>I wasted money on super high def graphics, orchestras, and celebrity voice actors
>why do video games cost so much?!
Not my problem. It's their fault for being wasteful morons.
Yes and?
Didn't that tranny went mass shooting in Youtube after he got his channel banned?
south park bent the knee to globohomo ZOG ages ago
more corporate tranny damage control, all the "right wing" shooters are MKUltra'd stooges connected to Epstein/Clinton
It's fitting for a massive fucking retard like you to be fighting against the education system.
>mentally ill /pol/tards and pants on head retarded leftists
this is the absolute state of Yea Forums
fuck this gay earth
Unfortunately for you he's right and not everyone's created equal. Turning a blind eye to an obvious truth and hiding behind pseudo intellectuals won't help you.
>zero deaths
>tranny had MKUltra shit in vids
which is why epstein had dinners with trump and would recruit girls at mar-a-lago right?
Every once in awhile there's an attempt usually some office but close enough. They just never get the national news-worthy body-counts. That and corporations don't like to play with the media.
>the game that shit the bed so bad with loot boxes that the company had to walk back the whole thing
You're just pretending, right?
It's fitting for a good goy like you to protect the (((education system))) in the first place.
You are right user, only an MK Ultra stoge could be right wing.
I'd rather pay full price for a game and get a full game.
careful someone might call you a fence shitter and post a mspaint zinger of a binary choice you want to be in the middle of
>epstein was connected to DRUMPF
Trump cut ties with him as soon as he found out about the kid trafficking, look it up low information lefturd
lol ok
im not, i think lootboxes are economically, morally and spiritually fine
It's wonderful that you have so much faith in people. People are perfectly capable of committing atrocities for political reasons or just being mentally ill, but when someone suddenly takes a widely available gun, it's video game MKultra's fault.
The enlightened centralists have graced us with their wisdom.
>Turning a blind eye to an obvious truth and hiding behind pseudo intellectuals won't help you.
As opposed to you, a "true" intellectual?
is that how you say trump got him killed?
>everyone who doesn't give a shit about politics is a centrist
Just because the education system failed you doesn't mean the Jews were behind it. You're just retarded user.
>find out about child trafficking
>not fucking calling the cops
Sounds like Epstein had dirt on him or Trump is a cowardly piece of shit.
Let me put it another way. As humans are faulty, there needs to be some kind of system of safety nets, in order to protect humans from their own faults. While outright restrictions of lootboxes shouldn't be banned, they should be restricted. Games with gambling should be labelled as adult only, and you should need to prove that you're an adult, in order to purchase said game. Under those conditions, one should be able to gamble freely.
I have faith in Whites which is why the ethnostates are being formed as we speak
Trump wouldnt do such a sloppy job
Because as a mass shooter myself I want to punish humanity, it's because of the retarded average Joe that corporations and lobbies are ruining the world, so the average Joe must suffer.
I am not here to free anyone.
>>but but whales
>okay and? you arent entailed to something just because you want it.
Then your simply don't care any games or quality products. I don't want government regulation, what I want are better business practices that are a better deal for consumers. If the game industries rampant jewery has led to threats of regulation to reel them in, you won't see me shedding tears for them.
Based enlightened centalist, please tell us more about why being a fence sitter with no opinions is the true path.
It's an exception to the problem, most new games don't even offer that. Monetized skins are my least favorite trend and I miss getting skins in older games through collecting secrets or them being tied to achievements.
Fuck off EA.
Yes, it's the video games brainwashing only American children, it can't possibly be how easy it is to get a gun and republicans cutting mental health funding.
>bent the knee
Oh shit the GoT LARPers are here too
the cops were paid to look the other way on trafficking, retard. look what happened to Acosta, told to back off Epstein because "he's an intel asset"
a few dead CEOs and they get the message. surely it's much easier to target CEOs with so much public intel available rather than some mart.
why wont mass shooters just shoot up a CEO's house or two? why do they need to shoot random normals? almost as if....
>republican bill
Now that's a surprise to me. Good chance this'll actually get through since the White House is still itching to put the heat on video games.
Yep. Fuck lootboxes, fuck EA, and fuck Activision. Let em burn.
No, just someone who's not enough of a drooling retard to not be able to apply rational thinking and come to his own conclusions. Try getting some wrinkles and folds on that smooth brain of yours, maybe you'll start sentences differently.
If I don't like games or quality products than you don't like freedom
Kys EAshill
>no u
>Mistaking me for someone who gives a fuck
Absolutely not, fence sitters have no opinions, thoughts and are simply NPC cucks too scared and simple to express a thought that might force them to be disliked by someone.
So Trump knew what he was doing and stayed silent. He tweets about everything and he didn't even think to mention Epstein. Weird.
seethe and cope harder
>nanny state to legislate predatory corporate practices that prey on children and adults alike
Anyone who actually thinks this is a bad thing are corporate shills who should be promptly roped.
Why would a mass shooter who hates society would want to hurt a CEO? They should be buddies, they're both doing the same job.
Is there a bigger meme than Ancapism?
maybe Trump knew if he spoke bad things would happen. he had to maneuver into better position first, i.e President of the United States
imagine being so low iq that you think being against government regulation also means you like lootboxes
>Games with gambling should be labelled as adult only, and you should need to prove that you're an adult, in order to purchase said game. Under those conditions, one should be able to gamble freely.
That's mostly an issue of age of consent/age of accountability thing, which is a general issue for a whole number of "adult" type activities and not just lootboxes. That's perfectly reasonable.
Unfortunately most of the people in this thread are in the
>I don't like it, therefore it should be banned
They aren't more expensive for publishers because they're exponentially more profitable than they've ever been. They can spend millions on a massive AAA game because they sell millions and turn a huge profit. And even for the few games that sell millions yet "underperform" for the studio, that is not a fault of the industry, that's the fault of the publishers for sinking too much money for the game to reasonable be profitable, even when they sell huge numbers. A company that can't turn a profit on a games that sell several millions has no right staying in business.
BASED CENTRALIST, you are smarter than us, more based and dare I say it, better?
so many reasons. killing a CEO would hurt profits and damage the economy if you look at it from another perspective.
yet all the recent organic and totally real mass shooters have targeted low value areas and people... except for the left wing crazy that went for Scalise on the baseball field. Fired over 50 rounds and couldnt score a kill.
And then be didn't say a fucking thing. He was jailed before he became president and someone on his cabinet was the lawyer that helped him serve a daytime sentence.
>people don't understand one of the most simple ideologies
What flag is that on the right?
>b-but muh regulations
Go buy your groceries from China
He literally put #ClintonCrimeFamily in his twitter feed with regards to Epstein only a few days ago.
do i hear a statecuck?
That's effectively what everyone's calling you. You care very much about letting everyone know how much you don't care.
Nice to see you're getting my point
As we have seen with google and microsoft and apple, companies when allowed to do whatever they want go to far, at a certain point the govt needs to step in and slap down the private sector when they go too crazy.
>inb4 muh private business can do what they want
the govt can force Christian bakers to make cakes for gays and force gun companies to pay reparations to mass shooting victims families, the standard has already been set that govt can interfere in private sector, I don’t like it but everyone else seems to be okay with it. Since people seem to be incapable of simply not purchasing nickel&dime shit, daddy govt has to ground the kids it seems. Just like how if people simply stopped using zuckbook twatter and censortube and went to different platforms in mass the companies would stop, but people are addicted to the needle fix it seems so the govt I guess has to do something.
On principle I am against govt interference, but pragmatically something has to be done.
So brave of him to tweet that after he's dead and make it about a past political opponent.
it's not only age of consent. But even consenting adults need some kind of buffer, so they don't get trapped in their own impulses. The desire to gamble hijacks the mind. It's not an obvious addiction like meth, because there is no substance involved. But it's still an addiction. And how can you intellectually claim that addicts are capable of making their own choices?
Just don't buy it, you low impulse control faggot.
>the govt can force Christian bakers to make cakes for gays
The Christian bakers won that case you clickbait retard.
>past opponent
Hillary is still controlling the Fake News media with Obongo to foment any lethargic 'resistance' to Trump possible in the populace.
See nuke hurricane story.
Tick tock.
Most people are in the camp of it's bad therefore get rid of it because there's not a lot of good solutions beyond controlling businesses. The age restriction of mature-rated games is all but useless. Do you intend to implement something kinda like Facebook where you a Valve employee manually looks over your 2 forms of identification to confirm your age is at least 18 before the games will be released to you for playing?
still doesn't justify a nanny state or the use of force