The average Dark Souls 2 player

>the average Dark Souls 2 player

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Based and sciencepilled

Ten billion percent based.

I don't watch children's cartoons. Explain this.

is this anime any gud? A grill I know told me she likes it.

How exhilarating!

nah, you should probably call her a faggot for liking it

Its good, but dont expect anything shonen-y, its all science and a bit mistery here and there

It's shonen, but with the power of science

hideous art style

god I hate anime only fags.

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based mr rock

Senku like Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter though.

Spoil me on what the green light was

>Dr. Bazinga
fuck off to Yea Forums you clown

The anime-only shitposters are the worst. Get a Viz sub you cheapskates.

whats wrong with being anime only?

Is that like, his hitbox or something? Lmao!

OMG Dr stone I heard about that show on Reddit

Totally refreshing from the shounen forumla

>drinks onions

MC Is literally me

Hasnt been revealed yet, but apparently some island niggers can throw little sack-like grenades that produce the same light

[SPOILER]Dunno yet[/spoiler]

Why does Senku constantly spout Ten billion percent at everything

dunno, all we know that the island where the astronauts landed has people that know about the tech behind it.

Also we know that the dude that might be behind the explosion is mad as fuck at them.

No one knows yet. The villains of the current arc somehow possess a miniature hand grenade version of it so we'll probably get some answers about how it works once they're dealt with..

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“Dr. Stoned” looks okay but why the FUCK does the main character have Yugioh weed hair?

If you're the kind of person who still says "grill" instead of "girl," you'll love it.

I'm deleting this thread because it's a plebbit flavor of the month faggotry anime

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