
>in a mech


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captain syrup

Attached: Wario_Land_2_S_5-5.png (160x144, 2K)

well it certainly isn't going to be Dva, Drill Dozer girl, or Arms girl

Quick rundown on the new mech thing?

Where are you faggots getting this information from that the next fighter is female or in a mech?

user post

It’s KOS-MOS u retards now stop being idorts

Fuck I want another drill dozer game.

the choice is obvious

Attached: NEXT_Schematic_ACFA_Merrygate.jpg (1596x809, 150K)

its fucking dva bet

It's not fucking D.VA. my vote for ARMS girl since it would be the most disappointing outcome

It is KOS-MOS. 100%

its the bitch from sakura wars i am telling you

or some say, kosm-mos....

Well, out of the four in pic related, I would say Tron may have the best chance.

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They said it would be disappointing

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Tron makes my peepee the hardest.

It would, I want Fio

>implying we wouldn't get all 4 as alts

Literally nothing. An user with no proof said the next character is a girl with a mech, idiots accept it as fact for no reason

why are you guys even acting like this is legit holy fuck

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A mech character would be cool.
Swapping from heavy to lightweight like Brawl Samsung but much more drastic.