This is how you build atmosphere

This is how you build atmosphere.

Attached: IMG_20190827_204331.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>BFG edition
No, fuck you, you just made yourself look bad.


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Zoomer detected.

I bought it for the switch. I played it when It came out.

don't tell me you think having to switch to the flashlight ruins the game.
like a space soldier could never have the technology needed to clip a flashlight to a gun

>playing this outside of VR

Attached: ishygddt snickers.png (766x653, 668K)

>don't tell me you think having to switch to the flashlight ruins the game.
user, did you read my post?

The flashlight is annoying and the game is still plenty dark.

>playing this faggot trash when you could play a legitimately good game like Hard Reset
top kuck


okay, and?

>lowered normal map quality
>areas brightened in general, killing the tone/mood
Granted, the latter probably benefit the fact BFG was made for consoles, where most folks played with HDTVs that had fucking atrocious black levels. I didn't care that the had the duct tape mod built-in.

As opposed to

>BFG edition

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but shillmanlives said it's bad so I have to parrot my favorite e-celeb

Hard Reset is trash though.

>god-tier shooter with great graphics, fast and fun gameplay, and SOUL
t. hasn't actually played the game. hard reset shits on the faggot turd known as doom 3 in every conceivable way. if you really played the game and didn't enjoy blasting 100 foot tall robots in a neon-soaked cyberpunk wasteland more than exploring endless metal hallways and fighting zombies as a jewish space marine, you legitimately have brain damage.

you cant keep using "zoomer" as an argument, user

cringe desu desu

Hard Reset sucks Doom 3 shits all over it lmao

I know you're trolling and haven't actually played the game but you really should because it's an extremely good game and a swan song for every fan of classic shooters.

>first two levels are slow
>the rest of the game is constant action
Wow, it's like you never played it.

Never even heard of the game.

Attached: free shrugs.jpg (550x400, 39K)


what a noob

>constant action
not him but literally lmaoing @ you. yeah, constant action, like moving barrels of toxic waste and riding crates. doom 3 is a sluggish dog turd. even when you are actually fighting, the combat is so slow and anemic.

doom 3 is in VR?

Third party but it's much better than the Doom 2016 VR one
Mainly because the game has a horror angle
The flashlight gimmick finally makes sense because it's your left hand

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>explore big, scummy cyberpunk city dripping with purple and green lights, blowing thousands of robots to bits with fucking sweet transforming weapons while seeking out secret areas that contain glowing energy cubes that you can use to upgrade your weapons with new powers and aid you in the fight against skycraper-sized humanoid mechs and giant cyborg spiders
yeah, you're gonna thank me later

Have classic Doomfags ever actually been satisfied with a Doom product since the originals. All I ever see is nonstop shitflinging at every aspect of Doom's existence since Doom 2.

Everyone agrees Doom 64 is good.

Old Thing Good tribalism affects every fanbase
They're also the angriest so it looks like that's all there is
But OP is literally praising the least well regarded game so there are clearly fans of the whole series

>buy game
>20 hours of slashing cyborgs to death with my techno-katana, putting holes in robo-zombies with my rail gun, laughing at the countless advertisements for panties and naked prostitutes
>love game so much, be a total fag and email devs telling then how much I enjoyed the game snd hope they keep up the good work
>hour later CEO of the company emails me back, thanks me and gives me two free steam keys for their newer games, shadow warrior 1 + 2
Flying Wild Hog is literally the most based developer on planet earth. Here, have my keys because I already bought the games.


Yes, it's actually incredible, feels like the game was fucking made for it.

thx mate

No, they don't, many call doom 64's map design bad or too easy

>Play Doom 3 on release
>"hmm, this is slow and meh"
>Play Doom 3 last week
>get ~1.5 hours into it
>turns out you can get very fucking fast with it, combat can get intense if you play it correctly

I started out thinking it was kind of like a poorer F.E.A.R. but now I'd say it's on par. Still a departure from 1&2, but not as terrible as everyone said.

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I swear this is the most boring game I've ever played.

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>white western dev making a game with sexualized females, white male protag, no nigs, releases games on gog and gives free games to an appreciative fan
uhhh that actually is pretty fucking based, holy shit. is all not yet lost?

Genres are fresh when the industry isn't plagued by them. that's why "old is good" is a thing imo.

t. every game in the 90s.

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Didn't it have VR support in the game's files but it never released because Bethesda was in that legal dispute with Carmack and Oculus?

Hi there. Can you tell us how many assault rifles you own and what state you are currently in?

What do you think of the mod that supposedly make it more slow survival horror? Forgot the name

i don't like the bfg edition cuz they cut some content and rebalanced some fights to be easier. also graphics are worse

how the hell are you going to get the OG version in the year of our lord? it's delisted on steam and the console versions look worse than BFG.



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this. its basically just quake mixed with serious sam.

try or try to buy it used online or a torrent site
like fucking try nigga

This works for me too

Attached: Control Screenshot 2019.08.27 - (1920x1080, 2.24M)

woah... this guy was so fucked up he wrote spooky words with his own blood and then died...

even if you manage to get it, it's a XP era vidya. I remember dealing with tons of problems when running it on the hardware it was meant for, can't begin to imagine how much of a shitfest it is to run it con current hardware and windose 10.
downloading a torrent as we speak anyway though

Has the best aesthetic version of Hell, which is ruined by the fact you are forced to walk at the speed of a 70 year old man for no real reason.

All in all it's a fun game that still doesn't hold a candle to the original, 64 or even the reboot.

It's better then 2 though. 2 is crap and anyone who says otherwise is a parroting faggot that never touched it.

don't be that guy user.

Objective text ruins the atmosphere

It's hard to find games with minimal HUDs these days. Whatever happened to Dead Space style of HUD?

Now THIS is how you build ATMOSPHERE.

Attached: Doom_64_EX_cover.png (256x256, 111K)