Long road trip

>Long road trip
>Gameboy Advance dies
>With nothing left to do you look out and window
>A figure emerges running and jumping on the side of the road
Who is it?

Attached: depositphotos_100805182-stock-video-child-traveling-by-car-asian.jpg (608x342, 13K)

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>playing gameboy in car
>sudden urge to throw it out the window

Attached: 1514267208583.png (455x451, 10K)

Sonic. Duh.

Wander riding Agro

Some skateboarder grinding on the power lines.

Rape horse from Berserk.

so I wasn't the only one thinking this?

This but with a rollerblader

>parents always planned ahead and had batteries

I also had a game gear before a gba and my parents had the wall plug thing we'd plug into an inverter and then the cigarette lighter.

But, useally I inserted myself into that running guy next to the road. Normally I had a cool vehicle like a bike or go-kart.


I was wondering if this phenomenon had a name but all I found was a creepy-pasta called Roadrunner.

I always liked looking out the window more than playing vidya desu.

i imagined a ninja jumping from sign to sign, or sometimes that the car had a giant clade attached to it cutting down everything in its path

Spider-Man. I would imagine him swinging along the buildings and trees, running across and leaping across rooftops and landscapes.

the virgin man running along the side of the road
the chad marks on the windshield cutting down trees and light poles
it's a psychology thing, be thankful you're being reminded by your brain not to do stupid shit

>playing gameboy in car
>sudden urge to throw up

This. While Green Forest plays.

Motion sickness has ruined so many long rides for me. Couldn't play shit when I was little.

I had a velociraptor with me everytime


I used to imagine King Dedede in a royal limo with a retractable chainsaw on the side cutting down all the trees as we'd drive by. It could only cut wood though, and I'd have to consciously think to retract it before hitting a metal streetlight pole or the like.

>playing my gameboy in the car on the way home
>plane turns, gameboy flies out the window
Real bright idea there, dumb ass.

Todd Howard

Eiko from Project A-Ko