I like Rosalina

I like Rosalina.

Attached: Rosalina.jpg (2185x3254, 473K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: 58975393_p0.jpg (1200x1697, 1.05M)

what a coincidence! me too!

Attached: 783334_junjieoyan_shining-rosalina.png (1200x1600, 1.4M)

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Attached: 1563658166950.jpg (737x925, 287K)


Woah me too user!

Attached: Rosa0.jpg (755x1024, 74K)

why is she so cute?

Attached: 1544566920258.jpg (1024x1137, 205K)

isn't she kind of a slut though?

Attached: file.png (109x333, 63K)

I like Rosalina
I do not like Rosalina fanart/porn because a vast majority of it consists of garbage

>of garbage
Now I'm gonna have to stop you right there

Attached: file.png (367x425, 274K)

agree, most of them she had exaggeratedly big breasts, i do like big breasts, but when it's unrealistic it becomes funny instead of hot, also I hate the ones that turn her into a bimbo

Attached: gun.png (260x205, 23K)

Cute demeanor and design

Attached: Rosalina_-_TennisAces.png (2200x3336, 2.91M)

I like Rosalina. She's from Super Maryo Brothers.

Attached: rosalina.jpg (1080x1350, 443K)


You think this is funny??

Attached: file.png (359x531, 324K)

this too but what sold her to me was her story

Attached: 1557690109507.png (894x743, 186K)

I know of her story but I just started playing Galaxy for the first time recently so I haven't started to get any of it yet

Attached: dcmxlu2-8906996c-a31e-4708-abfe-264aed4a06b7.jpg (858x1078, 765K)

>Rosalina thread the day before my birthday
Someone keep this thread alive till I get home, please

Attached: E24A225C-3F28-4AC6-8D63-46F099FD46FE.gif (1920x1080, 607K)

not that it's literally funny, what i meant is that it looks more like a satire of porn than actual porn you would fap to, those ones are not so bad but they're unrealistically round
never thought i would see a rosalinafag that haven't already played mario galaxy

Attached: 1546469299722.jpg (613x973, 125K)

Is this funny?

Attached: Zerosuit.png (1920x1920, 1.97M)

how long will you be out? I have things to do

Attached: 1903812093.png (800x1000, 931K)

Do you think he thinks this is funny?

Attached: smug.png (118x249, 54K)

I could always start up another discussion about Galaxy's atmosphere being 10/10 and trigger G2fags.

Attached: 06ae85a391d7892ac1051ce00f797c44.png (1036x2017, 525K)

i don't!

I got turned into one thanks to Mario Kart pretty much

Attached: C4B85425-773B-4FCC-8003-925F30E8A928.png (1908x1920, 3.13M)

ye, they're too ridiculous for me to want to fap to

Attached: 1555869975065.png (230x252, 149K)

Ouch, my ego

Attached: 584077108884668426.png (128x128, 21K)

Well, despite my mortal wounds, I shall keep the thread alive for my Birthdaybro.

Attached: unknown (1).png (746x665, 424K)

your ego?

Attached: 1558141703614.png (948x1846, 355K)

Having fun with my art being called ridiculous and acting like I'm hurt.
I actually decided to add some sag recently, which resulted in them looking even bigger

Attached: GWog7UD.jpg (1535x2048, 215K)

oh sorry, i didn't know it was your art...
but if you want to make porn specifically for me you could make it more realistic, look at some pornstars with big boobs for anatomy reference, just avoid the ones with fake boobs, siri is a good place to start

Attached: 1551991113181m.jpg (605x1024, 90K)

So what kind of thread is this, bimbo rosalina, big tiddy rosalina, fat rosalina zelda is missing rosalina?

This thread is making me feel funny

post heavyweight Rosalina

comfy rosalina

Attached: 1544978494567m.jpg (1008x1024, 131K)

Futa Rosalina thread now

Attached: When she gives you that look.png (517x495, 192K)

A bit of the comfy and a bit of the big tiddy.
Zelda was breast shamed out of smash.
I think I'll pass.

Attached: BizRosa.png (1531x1080, 885K)

the boobs are so big that they cover the belly, which is the best part

Attached: 1563155974871.jpg (900x1250, 106K)

Do it, you won't

I know, right? People always tell me it's a bad thing. I can appreciate smaller breasts and I've done a few myself, but I like them big.

Attached: 1558968639863.jpg (850x1322, 255K)

Alright, I'm home now.

ayy, thanks lads

Attached: 1532296670905.png (1000x1112, 994K)

post one of your small breasted ones
you're welcome bro

Attached: 1546467893466.jpg (1674x2368, 616K)

No way in hell I'm getting away with the other ones.

Attached: untitled1.png (1920x1920, 1020K)

why not? are they not good?

Attached: 1544561574354.png (983x966, 1.24M)

The mods wouldn't let me.

Attached: D5C92stXoAAzZlz.png (2048x946, 1.99M)

Just crosspost from /aco/, then. I've seen you post there before.

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Windy Fuuka.jpg (640x947, 74K)

just censor them, if you post them i'll uhh... draw a rosalina sketch for you idk

Attached: 1555902630458.jpg (1500x1800, 211K)

I actually think the other two images I was talking about are in the /aco/ thread.

Anyone got reaction pics of rosalina? I have the smug one with a straw but thats it

This has always bothered me about Rosalina fanart, Galaxy's atmosphere is so incredible, and Rosalina is portrayed so perfectly. Mysterious, powerful, tragic, motherly, they really do a lot with her. But so little Rosalina fanart, at least that I've seen, capitalizes on this. Instead people try to make her overly cutesy or with massive tits, which is fine for Daisy and Peach, but it's not what impressed me about Rosalina.

Attached: 1503239180711.jpg (448x717, 67K)

I've got a few.

Attached: 1531017889836.jpg (587x713, 307K)

How about I open blender and do something? In exchange, I want to see Rosalina looking for a 10mm socket.

Attached: Doughnut.gif (296x240, 2.33M)

Attached: 1536552000105.jpg (582x349, 84K)

a 10mm socket? you mean like a power plug?

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Dump some user-kun

Attached: 20190822_050348186_iOS.gif (543x607, 1.54M)

Attached: dense.jpg (644x528, 76K)

Like this, let's say she lost it in between her breasts.

Attached: 91Ynrz0Z12L._SX425_.jpg (425x255, 15K)

Attached: shocked.png (412x382, 170K)

Attached: defeated.jpg (620x620, 175K)

I really like this one.

Attached: reported.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

Attached: happy.jpg (400x400, 91K)

Attached: delet this.png (520x410, 156K)

That's all I've got without going into cropped porn territory.

Attached: smug klk.png (1052x1200, 609K)

I like this one

you forgot the best one

Attached: 1560558756000.png (814x702, 339K)

Attached: looking 4 zelda.jpg (365x602, 50K)

user, I hope you have my 10mm socket hidden in space mum's bust, I'm posing a nude Rosa with some tea right now.
Let me one up you.

Attached: Do you like it.png (397x639, 165K)



Attached: 1566950605672.jpg (3179x2160, 2.42M)

What am I supposed to be looking at here?

Attached: 1555923342680.png (1280x1212, 1.17M)

I wonder if this counts as smug.

Attached: DABALINA.png (400x400, 45K)

So I'm going to pose a question while I render.
How do we feel about Rosalina inheriting the Galaxy series Yoshi's island style?

Attached: 1558850501816.jpg (1528x2099, 997K)

not sure it this was what you had in mind but here it go

Attached: rosasocket.jpg (612x670, 48K)

Eh, close enough.
I'll be about 4 more minutes.

Attached: 1563083027440.jpg (480x480, 134K)

what you mean yoshi's island style? you mean the art style of it?

Attached: 1544977286908.jpg (773x1024, 84K)

Make a mashup between the Galaxy games, Pikmin, and the Wonderful 101. You control an army of Lumas as you navigate platforming challenges with some light puzzle elements here and there. Puzzles revolve around using your Lumas to manipulate gravity (Blue Lumas), fly (Red Lumas), and accelerate (Yellow Lumas) across levels. Your goal is to find lost Lumas and add them to your crew, as well as finding Hungry Lumas to turn into new Galaxies. Your Luma crew can help you make new items and power-ups as you grow your family. Eventually, there will be a universe-scale upset that will take the strength of the whole family to stop.

Attached: 1533687730307.png (1024x708, 841K)

I think he means how Yoshi was introduced in SMW, then got a spin-off with Yoshi's Island, which then went on to become its own fully-fledged series.

I want more of the atmosphere from Galaxy 1, if they can replicate that then I'm all for Rosalina getting her own spinoff series.

I fucked up and forgot to set several objects not to render so I'll be another 20.

Attached: 1456645259943-4.png (700x922, 130K)

oh, I think if this was to happen it would have happened right after galaxy 1, I doubt they would bring her back now

Attached: rosalina returns.png (1920x1200, 2.57M)

holy shit are you rendering the whole galaxy? give me an idea for another drawing while you render

Attached: 1555882856901.jpg (3154x6480, 3.96M)

What's wrong with cropped porn?

Attached: rosa31.png (826x399, 182K)

Yeah, after shafting her in Galaxy 2, I don't see Nintendo being excited to make a Rosalina game until Koizumi inevitably replaces Miyamoto as an executive. There's always a chance, though. A pipe dream, maybe, but a chance.

Attached: illumination_by_seashellmichelle_d8vo8yw.jpg (4138x3700, 335K)

No, I blew the breaker last time I tired that with network rendering. I just opted to use BPT with this one instead of PT.

Attached: 614.jpg (455x857, 56K)

i have no idea what any of this means but i hope it goes well

Attached: 1555876295344.jpg (500x500, 125K)

I don't see Rosalina getting a spinoff game. If she did, it certainly wouldn't get anywhere near the budget or dev team size of a mario game.

Nintendo certainly wouldn't put all that time and money into a Galaxy Game, and then sacrifice sales by removing their golden boy. That said, if they ever do make galaxy 3 (don't hold your breath) I can certainly see Rosalina beoming an unlockable character.

If she were to get her own game, I would expect something on a scale of Yoshi's Cookie, Captain Toad, Mariovs DK, or Warioland/Warioware. Nothing even close to the size of a galaxy.

I don't think modern Nintendo would even consider taking a risk like they did with Yoshi's Island.

*close to the size of a galaxy game.

Modern Nintendo seems intent on wasting everything hey have. It too years to see another DKC, still no F-zero and Mother 3 never ever.

Attached: 1531020687705.png (3300x5100, 3.95M)

Give it time. With the old guard at Nintendo passing the torch to new blood, we might see a lot of interesting stuff come out of Nintendo within the next decade or so.

Attached: 1494685222865.png (1868x2887, 1.49M)

>Mother 3 never ever.
At this point, Nintendo has no reason to do it. The fan translation has been out for over 10 years, and it's probably better than what modern Treehouse would shit out today. The only way I see them putting effort into that is if Itoi/HAL in Japan wanted a remake.

Attached: rosalina_x3_by_m_d_47_dcn947u-fullview.jpg (1024x1366, 135K)

honestly, i can emulate mother 3, and i don't think if they made another one they would be as good as 2 and 3, a new fzero would be cool too, and a port of the metroid prime trilogy for a console with good controls would also be nice

Attached: 1559806689766m.jpg (806x1024, 68K)

>i don't think if they made another one they would be as good as 2 and 3
Itoi said in an interview that he would "leave Mother 4 to the fans." Now, there was that team that took that literally and worked on that game for a few years until the project went dead in 2015, but what I think Itoi meant by that is that the fans can interpret their own ideas of what happened after Lucas pulled the final needle. It really felt like Mother 3 was supposed to be a conclusion to the series, and I don't think there really needs to be a Mother 4.

Attached: 123_178.jpg (1600x2000, 228K)

yeah i would expect a mother 4 to be about different characters, not a sequel, i remember that fan made mother 4 the last post on their blog was on 2016

Attached: 1561237229346.png (666x1270, 743K)

I've been having problems with my lights since they changed how the engine works. I'll figure it out someday.

Attached: Teatime.jpg (1536x864, 267K)

>past midnight
I'll consider that to be a birthday present. Thanks for that.

Attached: 1533191729070.jpg (768x768, 189K)

>we like older women
happy birthday user

Attached: 1565671904468.png (574x631, 28K)

Good shit aside from the Junji Ito forest in the background

Attached: rosacomic3.jpg (914x1300, 284K)

I usually like to do those late but I guess I can't do anything if you take that as your gift. I'm probably going to expand on that socket thing myself in the near future. I've got a few car and bike models I want to play with.

Attached: 2e3eb89d919f05e97796dbdd698b2332.jpg (657x890, 166K)

>I guess I can't do anything if you take that as your gift.
What do you mean?

Attached: 1538023965118.jpg (1280x1772, 319K)

>tfw star fox fan
I feel your pain.

>still no F-zero

It never really was a successful franchise. Still, I hope they tried.

what do you have with sockets?

Attached: 1558843045803.jpg (782x784, 107K)

Rosalina built the observatory, so I'd say it's safe to assume she knows her way around the toolbox.
Why did I ask user to put a 10mm socket between her breasts? because I plan on doing something relating to it, 10mm in particular because it's the most common size on automobiles and gets lost a lot as a result.

Attached: 1544638858307.jpg (1024x773, 114K)

I made this thread because I was hoping to collect more artwork of Rosalina that's on-model and strictly SFW like this and the OP image.

Attached: Rosalina.png (881x660, 513K)

Attached: 1558062058900.gif (310x250, 38K)

I liked her when she was bigger, still a great pic tho

Why does this feel disingenuous?

Attached: 1475410397277.jpg (850x1202, 654K)

Because Yea Forums is mostly a bunch of horny and lonely bastards who can only associate female characters with their porn/Rule 34.

Attached: 1539036553205.jpg (700x964, 532K)

I'll probably have that render while I sleep.

Attached: 1507908424441.jpg (1200x1800, 711K)

Why does that feel like it's directed at me? I'll have you know I spend time thinking about how Rosa would behave in given situations.

Attached: Shit eating grin.png (1920x1080, 1.01M)

Attached: 1539310845614.jpg (700x933, 131K)

Smug -and- rosatitty is a combination simply too powerful

Attached: 1546116175361.png (500x460, 126K)

alright this have been a good thread, good night everyone

Attached: 1555885011394.jpg (600x950, 139K)

Not sure, but I guess you've just been lonely and horny and using fictional characters to cope with it for so long that you've forgotten what it's like to enjoy them without constantly sexualizing them.

>everyone moved on from her

It's not fair bros

Oh no, I've been verbally destroyed.
I'm going to follow your example. Good bye, everyone.

Attached: 1559503926496.png (496x406, 307K)

good night lads

Attached: 1535731203999.png (770x1110, 602K)

Won't happen, Odyssey overtook it in sales and that's what Nintendo goes with

Attached: 1536967657581.jpg (566x800, 252K)

Attached: 1539068130926.jpg (582x900, 467K)

>getting less attention in general
>got cucked by Toadette in the games

It's sadly hilarious that there's more Toadette fart porn than Rosalina brap art.

Toadette can get fart porn since rosalina gets giant tit porn instead, good trade

You do realize they do take into account the conditions a game sold under when looking at that data, right? Odyssey didn't have anything to compete with on platform, all it had was ports and Zelda which somehow outsold the Switch for a while there. Odyssey sold so well because it was that, Arms or 123 switch at that time. Games sell better when there is nothing else to buy.

No argument there

Attached: 1501024183514.jpg (894x894, 57K)

Now that I think about it Odyssey may have inflated sales numbers since Nintendo has been counting copies shipped instead of sales with the switch. The Breath of the Wild situation highlighted that with it "selling" more then the console it was on for months. Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt they sold well but I don't think they sold as well as we think.

Attached: Chibi Rosa.jpg (456x1100, 171K)

I always figured the sales for Zelda were counting both versions of it

They were tracked on their own and reported as such. People were buying Switch copies and not the console itself and the rate that it happened was too high for it to be wiiu owners picking up the wrong version by mistake. The only way you get a situation like that is reporting shipped copies as sales. The Wii U version shipped 1.61 copies and I don't think they all sold. It just doesn't doesn't explain the extreme sales of the game in relation to the console unless you count shipped copies as sales.

Attached: 1526219991368.png (3208x4531, 1.78M)

I'm guessing it was scalpers and people wanting to go the cheap route and own the game at launch but not the Switch itself or something then

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe shipped almost 18M and I highly doubt scalpers were snatching up an enhanced port. Sales numbers are likely highly inflated by counting shipped games as sales and the console having n0 gaems until recently.

Attached: 1544552065975.jpg (900x1200, 236K)

The Switch will probably end up having GameCube attach rates due to the early drought and everyone buying the "essentials" because of that. It could lead to a pretty healthy used market in the long run.

Attached: 1541465913530.png (750x750, 507K)

Well, that does make sense I suppose

I worry about that because Nintendo apparently considers the GC a failure despite the high attach rates and really strong start. We might see some really stupid choices if they don't put two and two together this time.

Attached: 1555299690501.png (1836x2661, 2.09M)

This is a nice image. The kind of stuff I was hoping to collect some of when I made the thread.

>Nintendo apparently considers the GC a failure despite the high attach rates and really strong start.
I think they see that because the GC ended up selling less than the N64 and SNES, and it had to go up against the beast that was the PS2. GC had some pretty strong early titles, but it just couldn't compete against GTA III, FFX, DMC, MGS2, and Silent Hill 2.

Attached: 1544066082032.jpg (1700x1800, 325K)

The Switch has the PS4 to deal with and it's not going to match up with the Wii and 3ds. Very similar situation.

Attached: 1555332366032.jpg (400x619, 52K)

I wouldn't call it all that similar because the PS4 had a 4-year head start over the Switch, and it didn't have those killer apps like the PS2 did. The PS2 also doubled as a DVD player, which was a very attractive feature back in 2001. The PS4 had Bloodborne (and it doesn't even double as a 4K Blu-Ray player, unlike the Xbone S/X), but it doesn't have the same compelling exclusives like the PS2 did back in '01. Multiplats between the consoles and PC are the standard these days, too, so I doubt we'll ever see such a crazy exclusive lineup like Holiday 2001 for the PS2 ever again.

Attached: 1541420513216.jpg (1633x2048, 571K)

Do not lewd the beautiful, kind, elegant, giantess, demi-goddess.

Attached: Rosalina.png (500x448, 328K)

I'm sorry to disappoint you but there's already a whole thread dedicated to lewding her on /aco/.

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