>beloved classic design is radically changed
>it becomes better
What games show this phenomenon the most?
Beloved classic design is radically changed
Other urls found in this thread:
No game has benefited from radically redesigned characters, and you know it.
I can’t believe they actually did a donut steel.
Peak modern Sonic.
I prefer sloppy BiBo to the old skinny face BiBo
I like both feathered and non-feathered dinosaurs
I call him BiBo just to spite you in particular.
Seethe harder while I enjoy the new bara BiBo that is far superior to slim BiBo
Feathers provide no tactical advantage whatsoever on lizards that were most likely cold blooded
The redesigns are better in most of those.
Thank god Anonymous internet biologist finally figured out the exact anatomy of dinosaurs! Can't wait to see you on the news tomorrow, go you!!
why can't we have just 1 dinosaur game thread without this playground argument?
Big Boss as a whole is just a worse version of Solid. MGS after 2 was a mistake
I like fat pikachu but this is objectively the best version of his design.
No one knows if they were cold blooded or warm blooded. Also it's likely that highly developed features like those found on birds were only on a few types of dinosaurs. The rest of the dinosaurs had more primitive features, even to the point of just being fuzzy.
>"actually dinosaurs had feathers!"
>five years later
>"nvm we made mistake"
>confounds your true hitprofile
>provides warmth/protection from the elements
>soft (compared to scales) feathers don't rustle as loudly against possibly vegetation or other environmental features
>dulls the sound of rain falling on you
>reflects light less clearly than scales (light scattering)
>certain colour patterns fuck with your visibility since most forms of life don't have red-green-blue sight (real life example:tigers, leopards, orange hunting jackets)
Agreed. Additionally, I fucking hate pic related.
>your mom: "actually I want to have a kid!"
>five years later
>"nvm we made mistake"
>spooktacular lizard, wants to eat you
>it's still just as dangerous
Why are featherfags so obnoxious?
>i'll make a thread on Yea Forums about some outdated speculation
Some dinosaurs might have had feathers. Not all dinosaurs did. They would not have looked like bird feathers, which have a different function. T. rex did not have any feathers, and neither would any other large dinosaurs.
there's lots of cute animals IRL that will kill you if you pet them.
Star Man is the only objective improvement besides the skin color change, everything else is just weird. Especially Gyro Man, holy shit that one is fucking stupid.
based vultureposter
lol look at this seething scalefag
it's an on-going issue but if you read the actual research papers at all you would know it wasn't "(all?) scientists" it was "some groups of scientists" and they never meant all dinosaurs, that was pop journalism garbage, they had a pretty good idea of what dinosaurs possibly had feathers
they've managed to prove some of them, which are accepted, some remain a matter of debate due to a lack of concrete proofs
And that means this brachiosaurus is still scientifically accurate.
Yes, obviously a dinosaur that big did not suddenly evolve 6 foot long features.
>lol dude God isn't real and evolution is see science says so!
>oh woops all these things we believed were blatantly wrong haha let's just revert them teehee
>spams shit
>stop that
>lol triggered???
would be really fucking great if it did though
Why are scalefags so obnoxious by painting featherfags as straw men who arbitrarily slap fuzz on every dinosaur in existence irrespective of conclusive fossil evidence
Featherfags are literal furfag propaganda.
Definitely. They would be elephant-like at best.
Early dinosaurs that existed millions of years before T Rex had feathers. Therefore anything that evolved from it likely had some for of feathers. Skin coverings take a very long time to change through evolution. Whales still have hair despite the fact that they have no use whatsoever for hair and have evolved down a radically different path than land mammals.
>doesn't mention god
>seething uniroinic atheist is seething
chill bro haha no need to get mad
>knuckle-dragging retard has no reading comprehension
>is a tripfag
what a surprise
I normally don't say this, but there is no doubt in my mind that you are a mentally ill tranny.
*breathes in*
World of Warcraft
>Be dumb pop sci journo
>Turn "We think a few dinos had proto feather fluff, maybe a bit more"
>Unga bunga retards proceed to take sides and argue endlessly
How amazing and totally logical my dude
dilate fag.
Lets be real here.
Which dinos would "realistically" have feathers,i'd say only flyers and Dromaeosauridae. The rest don't make sense on an evolutionary standpoint.
I would consider Anjanath the most likely or most accurate proxy of what Dinosaurs probably looked like in terms of scales vs feathers.
Anjanath isn't covered in head to toe in feathers, but instead has a kind of short, course, almost fur-like coat of very not-bird-like feathers. Most importantly his head isn't covered in feathers, which like a vulture, would most likely be bald to prevent his face getting covered in filthy blood & gore matted feathers any time he digs his face into a corpse.
Wow... Look at those fossilized feathers...
Roosters are fucking fearless I tell ya lol it's in there blood I guess...question....did raptor meat ....taste like chicken?
The T-Rex would've been like that.
We have evidence of feathered raptors, though.
>On an evolutionary stand point
Lmao how about you enlighten us oh wise one
is there any lizard with feathers? why do they push this meme?
I hope you are not implying that dinosaurs are lizards. Reptiles are a separate evolutionary branch than dinosaurs.
I don't get retards who claim that dinosaur feathers were only hairy and not at all bird-like.
More importantly, would they have had combs?
I wonder if combs like that would be more or less likely to be fossilized than feathers.
Fossil evidence of scale impressions from T. rex and many of its close relatives show that later tyrannosaurs probably weren’t feathered even to that degree. Feathered T. rex really started gaining traction around the discovery of Yutyrannus, but that lived about as far from T. rex temporally as we did, so it’s not exactly advisable to put feathers on all tyrannosaurs because a few millions of years prior had them. It does make me wonder exactly what conditions made tyrannosaur feathers unviable, I doubt it was just them just getting bigger since tyrannosaurs about as large as Yutyrannus like Daspletosaurus and Albertosaurus were also scaly.
Though, for what it's worth:
Pterodactyl Birds like the Quetzalcoatlus pictured here definitely would have had a coat of sleek, short, warm, water proof, feathers on their body, probably the back, neck, and maybe a bit on the head.
>airconman before and after alcohol
It's crazy a creature like this existed at one point.
Fucking big ass head man
Probably about the same, soft tissue like feathers or pterosaur wing membranes rarely fossilize except under very specific conditions. There’s a reason some of the best preserved fossils of these kinds of things are found in limestone formations, it’s great at preserving these features. As far as I know, there’s no fossilized evidence of any kind of comb on a dinosaur, but I wouldn’t doubt that similar structures might have evolved on some species and we just don’t know about them due to poor preservation. We only know about feathers on Velociraptor due to impressions in the bones consistent with feathers on bird wings, maybe Oviraptor had a comb on its big ugly face.
nice opinion but its wrong.
>tfw no dino buddy.
Touhou 6.
You gonna elaborate or just act like a faggot
Clever girl
they not lizards
thanks nigger
this looks dope thanks for the heads up
Battle Network redesigns are great
wtf i want to fuck blue now
>6'0'' vs 5'10'
what tags?
half of these are good, a quarter are awful, and the other quarter are equal.
human on feral
cloaca penetration
If you have loose change in your skull, maybe. Every single one is "Name, only 100% literal." Real creative.
testing how the webm is
who the fuck is this face supposed to be anyway?
This is my favorite extinct animal. It’s the perfect balance of cool ale retarded.
why is he dancing?
Learned techniques from Starlord
Thank you for giving me the ability to filter you, you dumb fuck
>feather fags remain in denial
Sone of those redesigns are better
And your thread is the end all be all? Fuck off to reddit.
>no large insertion, mindbreak, and NTR
What was evolution thinking?
>This is my favorite extinct animal. It’s the perfect balance of cool ale retarded.
All the Pterosaur Birds are kind of cool and retarded.
I still think it's odd that bird birds somehow made it through the K.T. Extinction event, but Pterosaurs didn't.
all these are worse
it must be the retarded crests
Feathered raptors are rad
No evidence of feathered allosaurus though. Just a good solid dino.
I may shit on our piece of shit ancestors for hunting the shit out of everything cool to the point of extinction but at times I guess I’m also kinda glad.
I live in a rural shithole and I wouldn’t wanna get murdered by a fucking Terrorbird while walking to the gas station.
>I may shit on our piece of shit ancestors for hunting the shit out of everything cool to the point of extinction but at times I guess I’m also kinda glad.
>but at times I guess I’m also kinda glad.
They say one of the factors that contributed early Aboriginals insistantly burning down Australia's various rain forests and previously lush environment 'till nothing remained but the outback we know today was to drive the Megalania to extinction.
The Megalania was pick related.
An utterly massive, actual-dragon-sized, Komodo Dragon.
Stupid abos ruined the chance to be a real dragon rider.
Whiteys killed chocobos to be fair
Not really. T-rex is not one of the Dinosaurs known to have feather like covering for sure. T-rex was seemingly scaled or, at most, had filamentous hairs partially covering certain parts of it's body, and that assumption is only made by looking at it's much smaller cousins. What few parts of the body we have fossilized enough to see (neck, pelvis, tail) clearly had well defined scales
hominids aren't to blame for gastornis, that was an eocene bird. in fact most terror birds were on the way out by the time of hominids. titanis, the youngest of the terror birds, was out of the picture about 1.8 million years ago, this was homo habilis times, one of the earliest homos who lived in africa in any case.
Biologist here.
It's about sex, it always is.
The species that have those feather patterns is in almost all cases to show the female that the male has enough "resources" to be a good mate.
Raptors will never ever have feathers to me unless someone can actually have me travel back in time to see them first hand.
Fuck that shit bros.
They didn't have scales.
This is an extinct reptile. There are no reptiles with feathers, you crazy. Feathers are unique to birds and a few dinosaur species.
>one of the earliest homos
lmao, steven speilburg tricked this dude into being a retard.
It's not a reptile.
*flashbacks of Yea Forums drawing elephant titties* plz God, not again...
what about this one
pterosaurs were reptiles
a fluffy boi
Why was there no mention of dinosaurs before the boom in dinosaur museums in 1800's despite humans having scoured the Earth for thousands of years?
Why do all dinosaur skeletons on display go through a specific facility in china that produces bone mass from plastics and animal bones?
Why are all the authentic fossils kept locked away where only a handful of people are allowed in?
Why are all paleontologists basically just parroting shit they read in a book or "legitimate" research papers instead of making their own comprehensive studies?
>Why was there no mention of dinosaurs before the boom in dinosaur museums in 1800's despite humans having scoured the Earth for thousands of years?
because people used to call the remains "dragon's bones"
-there was, they just didn't have the means to discern what they were from
-they don't
-because they are fragile and for the most part not suitable for display
-they aren't
Primal is the first time in over a dozen years that I've been looking forward to a western cartoon.
All of Guilty Gear Xrd's redesigns are S-tier.
like women
That's my good pal Wojtek
>instead of making their own comprehensive studies?
people do this all the fucking time. jack horner is a famous example of a paleontologist who makes controversial claims to get discussion started for example
>t. rex was an obligate scavenger (debunked)
>triceratops is just an immature torosaurus (mostly debunked)
>dracorex, stygimoloch and pachycephalosaurus are all different growth stages of the same dinosaur species (unclear)
Absolute godlike taste
they never said that all dinosaurs have had them only that some 'might' have
Then news clickbait 'news' websites went "Scientists say all dinosaurs had feathers" and now its become that ingrained thanks to said websites that everyone now believes that scientists said all DInosaurs had them
I never argued against it. Read my post again fellow Yea Forumsedditor.
>to me
i bet it swallowed its prey whole. Imagine what being in its stomach is like
Eat your own fick and choke you Hip scientist!
It would be incredibly painful
>dudes, I am not a WORDFILTERboy
>right mommy?
>smacks you good
Plantman redesign looks like Vileplume, so that's ok in my book.
funny that you actually listed the best ones besides airconan
You're a homo too, anonymous.
Dinosaurs are just something Palaentologiests made up so people would pay attention to them. The idea of giant lizards living on earth millions of years ago is pure fantasy.
whoa user, I think you're onto something. This must all be a scam from big dino.
>Whales still have hair despite the fact that they have no use whatsoever for hair
False. Whales keep colonies of beneficial mites and other such critters in their hair.
I expected elephant udders to be less bulbous, more like how mares are.
Guess elephantaur girls are the next step.
DMC 3, technically.
Borderlands, but that was during development.
Babar was right, Elephants are slowly evolving to be the dominant species on the planet.
where were you when Genndy saved cartoons from calarts trannies?
>hearing this while you're out in the woods
>People getting mad at scientists for saying that some dinosaurs had feathers because "NOOOOOO!!! MUH CHILDHOOD!!!"
>Dinosaurs still alive in the age of early humans
American education at work
Because giant bat monsters existed during that era.
yeah and how dare they add giant monster spiders and giant bat-men
it's not a history documentary, fucko
Well, they aren't wrong. If fact they are still around today. But now they are called birds.
Did they debunk the Triceratops thing? The arguments seemed pretty convincing, but there's also no reason for two similar animals to not exist at the same time (like there's several types of bear and there were multiple types of rhino).
It's a cartoon, but I would really like if such cartoons utilized lesser known megafauna.
Andrewsarchus would be still as wrong, but somewhat more original than T-Rex again.
>>Dinosaurs still alive in the age of early humans
Yeah, totally unbelievable.
>jurassic park operation genesis gets a sequel
>its based on jurassic world with the same dumbing down and complete lack of aesthetic
Crocs arent dinos.
>Clearly an alligator
Fuck off, retard.
Are you ridiculing people for changing their beliefs based on discovering new evidence?
>Clearly an alligator
Fuck, my bad. Should have realized by how fat it is.
Also thats a lizard, not a dino.
Why does that give you a hyper boner, user?
Pretty sure alligators are a subgroup of crocodiles.
What? Clearly im upset.
That's a picture of Donald Duck with a flying boner.
Wait, what? I always though it was some really twisted face.
Holy fuck now I see it.
You made my morning, lad
why are you typing like a fag?
>Yea Forums
no wonder
I don't get it.
The design is fucking retarded, disproportionate and unoptimized.
Why such a colossal beak? On a slim neck... No way those wings can lift off, body is too tiny respect head, etc.
Yo that monkey got demolished!
I like it.
Stay away from that raptor, it's bad enough they pucked all her feathers, don't you start molesting it too!
Back then air composition was different.
>No hypnosis/mindcontrol, blank stare, futa on female, fellatio
ftfy, no hypnotized futa raptor sexually abusing a hypnotized human girl's throat, while some non descript male watches in the background with a swinging watch. Imagine being this out of touch.
>can fly
Dinosaurs are lame and I've never understood the weird culture-wide enamoration with them.
I thought paleontologists agreed that T-Rex would have patches of down instead of being completely feathered since that would make the animal heat up too much.
They aded a fedora, 1000% improved product.
thats literally what megaman is though
That's not even THE argument against feathered dinosaurs, feathers take time to develop and evolution is a very slow process. Dinosaurs were direct descendants of what crawled out of the sea on to the land. Just don't just go from fish to bird, its boggling enough how wings even developed, considering they are practically useless until they fully function. So even if dinosaurs had feathers at all, it would only be during the very end of their existence. Because a fish that comes on land doesn't suddenly begin to grow feathers, first they need some kind of hair, which is already a big step from nothing, which than have to develop into feathers, something like this takes millions of years.
On that note, is it ever explained why they built all these weird ass robots?
this one - youtube.com
The head is extremely lightly built
I would
everyone else is a sperg, but I know this is a freeman's mind reference.
I hear reptile meat tastes like chicken, dunno if they're also descended from dinos though
Fuck Feathers
more than that: Mr. X has a better coat. His old one looked like he was going to guest star in Kingdom Hearts.
Do you suppose he gets mad when ever he sees a chicken or ostrich?
>scalefags being this triggered by the fact that raptors were essentially hawks that hunted on the ground
Okay which one of the umbrella scientists thought it would be funny to put a fedora on the experimental murder machine?
This guy is retarded
Evolution is not like distributing points on a skill tree.
Asymmetrical flight feathers probably didn't even evolve for flight, and besides, many dromaeosaurs were capable of gliding.
Extremely specific jobs
this, they could have evolved before flight for the ability to jump higher or glide for a moment
which is actually much more likely
Cute pancake face
even today lizards have no feathers, why would all dinosaurs have had feathers
Actually it was along the line of
>Many dinosaurs had feathers
>Maybe trex didn't have feathers because of this one spot
>Oh nvm ... still has feathers, false alarm.
>having any faith in genndy after SJ season 5
Am I the only one who thinks the bottom looks way cooler?
With this fancy plumage shit, raptors go from just being a literal big lizard to basically being a JRPG enemy. Seriously these guys look cool as hell.
the show looked good and primal looks to have no plot to fuck up
This could go both ways since SJS5 was somehow both amazing and terrible at the same time.
And at least there wasn't a tranny in it.
Not all dinosaurs had feathers, the remaining direct descendants of dinosaurs all have feathers, and lizards/reptiles are not dinosaur descendants you goddamn retard.
>Letting something with literally flesh dissolving saliva touch you
>Why such a colossal beak? On a slim neck... No way those wings can lift off, body is too tiny respect head, etc.
You need to remember that despite how weird or outlandish this creature was it was still just a bird: It's bones were hollow, it's beak was extremely lightweight, most of it's muscle was in it's shoulders, legs, and neck. Despite being so massive current estimates put the Queztzalcoatlus at weighing only 550lbs.
And even then; there's still plenty of birds that still exist today with massive seemingly heavy looking heads like toucans and hornbills that can still fly perfectly fine.
But it isn't bigger, that's just the sneaking suit. Venom Snake is skinny as fuck.
>flesh dissolving saliva
>It's a satanic lie!
>I'll hear you out
>being such a baseddrinker your saliva can't even dissolve non onions food
It can kill you in one lick/one tiny nip/bite and nothing can be done to save you
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
looks low budget as fuck
Why do people think that jurassic park is an accurate depiction of dinosaurs? They are stated multiple times in the films and books that they are more like monsters than dinosaurs. Due to how inaccurate they are.
well the crocodile is pretty much a fucking dinosaur, probably the laziest one, didn't even bother to come out of the water
The crocodile family actually seems to have ruled the land for a while before the Dinos took over.
It's not that JP populariesed the idea of Dinosaurs being reptile like, it's just that nobody had a reason to think otherwise. Hell Dinosaur literally means Fearfully Great Lizard. Plus they were considered a class of warm blooded reptiles, in fact Birds closest living relative is the fucking Crocodile of all things (Lizards are actually pretty new as far as reptiles are concered).
They were reptiles
well that explains the sudden spike in bait faggotry in the primal thread, thanks for the webm's though.