Astral Chain

Why aren’t you playing astral chain right now?

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Other urls found in this thread: chain&crid=1XD8NI5GWIIWV&sprefix=Astral,aps,244&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_6 chain&__mk_es_MX=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

I don't play shitty games

The game is a bit of a slog if you do any of the side content. It feels like I spent 3 hours on the 3rd chapter.

I have it pre-downloaded too.


cause im playing the better game fire emblem

Looks like shit, not gonna lie.

Because I'm a wageslave and am only 50 hours into Fire Emblem.

but I am

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Plenty of shit to do huh? Neat

Is the NPS out yet?

Because my backlog is massive. I've actually never played a DMC game before and just picked up 1-4. I'm gonna do that, then mario maker 2 then MUA3 then Hollow Knight and then Astral Chain.

>tfw you're an adult with an actual career and finding time with your girlfriend, going to the gym and vidya is a huge balancing act
I have no idea how I'll have time to play anything once I have kids

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So how is it ?

Is there any reward difference between S and S+? I think I got some ability item thing for doing S but seems same for S+?

No idea I just downloaded it to show everyone how stupid they are by paying for videogames.

I'm playing too user, Feelsgoodman.

What's it about?

I still didn't buy a switch

Marie has some big milkers

Girl Akira has a cute butt.

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Don't forget the giant pussy.

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any of you piratefags made a nubian queen during the create a character portion? I want my character to be a hot black bitch.

There's not much character customization really. You can change hair style, skin/lip/eye/hair color and that's it. But you'll be delighted to hear that yea, you can make a darkie.

>once i have kids
you stop playing games and it's a good thing

Those things are limited but the game has unlockable outfits that you can recolor. The recolor option for clothes and legions lets you do whatever you want for rgb values.

Thanks for answering faggots. I'm already downloading it. For any piratebro wondering you can already download the NSP.

because i haven't downloaded it yet. speaking of which:

that's fine enough. Not much more than that is needed really...

You don't have kids. They're the worst thing ever.

why is every game 50-60 obamabucks

ha! stupid kid owner

Because I have 0 interest in this game. My switch is hacked and it looks like ass.


Seethe at what? My freedom not to play games I don't want to play?

>chose the guy since the other gender gets to have voiced lines and shit
>you can actually stare at your female character's ass in hot pants in this game
Damn. I made a mistake. I'm not usually one who goes female to stare at asses but this is a case where it would've worked out perfectly

dammnit, I don't wnat to hear only the guy talking but I do want to look at game lewds... wtf Platinum?

I haven't found any clothing options that take away the hotpants yet. Just leggings underneath or bigger jackets that obscure the view.

It's been a month user. Don't tell me you haven't finished all four routes already?

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it's not on steam just yet

>this terrible bait will get (you)s

Reported to nintendo. :)

what is the download link?

This is a good thing.

>leggings underneath
Jesus fucking christ. I might have to start over

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i'm not a nigger

How do I get the Japanese audio, the English in this game is so fucking bad. PS2 dub tier bad

How is this a bad thing you autist?

What's it play like?
What's it about?
I haven't been following it but I remember liking the trailer.

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im just gonna keep playing slay the spire until dragon quest comes out

Any good videos of the gameplay looking difficult and stylish without the game taking control away from you? Still trying to figure out if this is my sort of game.

Platinum should be punished for working with Nintendo again. Do not buy Ass Chump. Only pirate it.

I don't wanna wait until Friday
I don't wanna play my 3ds
I don't wanna play my PS4
I don't wanna go outside
I don't wanna go to sleep
I don't wanna hack my switch


You spend too much time in red cube land letting your leashed roomba suck up orbs. That's why it sucks.

Go to the main menu. Hate it when games just start the game without letting you go through the settings. I get that it can be cool or "cinematic" but not when it doesn't let me choose the VO or text languages.
Second I heard the eng dub I closed the game and when I started it back up it showed me the main menu this time, changed the audio and started a new game.

You sound like a kid user man up.

I’m not a child

Nah i will support the dev on this one, been along time since i buy a game.


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that is a terrible looking cat, but cat representation in videogames is important so i'll allow it

Because I make enough money to pay for my games and still live very comfortably unlike you

Just to confirm, I have to run the game the first time and then close it and open it again so the main menu loads, right?

oh my god they really lied hard with the screensshots and trailers that were running on PC. can't they be sued for false advertising?

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wait so they made it so if you choose a man your character gets a voice but they didn't add a female voice? uh oh...

What? no, whenever twin you choose becomes like Link, just makes battle screams and grunts. The other twin becomes a NPC with full dialogue and role in the plot.

i have no idea what that means

alright so I may not be able to afford every new release but you didn’t have to insult me directly :/

waiting for my collectors edition.

i'm not going to play this game but it looks fine desu for a switch game desu

The twin you choose to use doesn't have dialogue, they only talk in battle or very special situations. The other twin you didn't choose gets full dialogue instead.

It's not a stylish action game. it's an action adventure game with a lot of zelda like questing, puzzles, talking, picking up cans, catching cats ect... with a bit of limited combat.

don't listen to him user, he's just mad because the game he was stoked about is just another generic arpg weebfest

>shoot some boxes off to the side
>get deducted duty evaluation

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My ZL button is broken.

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You are a cop, man, you have to RESPECT THE LAW!

The point is the advertising was captured from the game running on PC with full anti-aliasing & post processing that the switch can't actually handle. they lied about the product.

you probably broke somebody's property you nerd

Thank you user for being based and not shitting on my question

yeah but everybody is going to do that. forever and ever

when will platinum stop making the same character action game over and over again

Why don’t you play docked with a different controller?

Playing an action game handheld mode is a weird choice. Esp ones that require both sticks when the joy cons sticks placement is doo doo.

That’s docked or handheld?

this is your mommy tonight

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Why is there a crouch button?

just hack your switch you lazy brainlet

because sometimes you have to metal gear.

the flying robot is deku voice

Neither has anti aliasing.

The dithering is fucking insane.

I saw an advertisement for Crystar this week, it looked like an interesting Chuuni Persona knock-off
And it never will be, take this (you) and fuck off vulture

Can I make the lad Akira Howard shirtless?


In computer graphics, dithering is an image processing operation used to create the illusion of color depth in images with a limited color palette. ... The human eye perceives the diffusion as a mixture of the colors within it. Dithering is analogous to the halftone technique used in printing [1].

>Can't jaywalk and have to wait for the light to turn green
>Can pick up empty cans to deposit in the nearest waste bin to earn order

oh wow

>stealth sections
For real? Not saying that it's a bad thing, just surprising.

Your stand can get close to normies and spy coversations as they can't see it.

Another thing the common public and major userbase will not care.

>Platinum shouldn't be allowed creative freedom

I’m not buying this game then.

it isn't out yet?

It is if you're not a newcuck with a patched system.

Oh weird, so maybe closer to Okami in a way.

fuck off Miyamoto

>Need to catch a cat
>Throw cans to distract it
I'm starting to like these one-off sidequests.

I’m not sure whether to use the female or male twin.
>Those shorts on the girl

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>fight humans that transformed into aberrations
>have to pickup any trash they drop like broken glasses or earrings

Because it's not emulated on Yuzu yet.

I don't jump on the last overpriced hyped to death hot new game because I can just wait for it to go on sale while I play the other titles I missed.

Of course all the mongoloids on Yea Forums being driven into mindless consumption won't ever be allowed into the waiting game.

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Not in any rush, I'll wait until Yuzu can play it and Xenoblade.

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Boots right away on YUZU which is a good sign. complications in the loading screen. probbaly just some new authentication bullshit the devs need to add support for. it'll probably go in game soon. but being playable at 60fps? thats probably a long way away.

Its another Platinum action game that plays just like everyone other one

>poorfag trying to look superior to paypigs in a pirate chad thread

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Pirating is good for 10 minutes until you end up with so many games that you feel like playing nothing at all everyday.

it's not. it's the least actiony action game platinum has made in a while. there's a big emphasis on non combat stuff.

I know that feel and I don't even pirate games

Because it isn't out yet

I honestly feel like having invested even a small amount of money in a title motivates people to play more than the bare minimum of it and actually make an attempt at it

You do realize you're breaking the law right?

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how to see monster hp bar

send the cops, bootlicker

Because I've played 5 Platinum Games games and only enjoyed 1 enough to see to the end W101.

Also this Not him, but I'm still only my first Black Eagle Strike Force playthrough.

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I just realized the delicious irony.

I doubt the game is even designed to be played at 60fps. It's likely locked to 30fps but at least emulation will provide a steady 30fps.

>The mechanics and controls
oh god it's wonderful 101 all over again. I'm too much of a brainlet for this

That sounds like a cuck problem. Luckily, I'm not a cuck.

Yep. Post purchase rationalization is one hell of a drug.

You realize the switch screenshot feature maxes out at 720p and fucks up some post-processing, right?

I'm playing the game on a 65" oled and it looks gorgeous. Great environments and vibrant colors, especially inside the gates

This, that's the con of pirating
You don't have the motivation to play and finish them all.
That's why i buy good games and pirate the rest

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Most games that aren't programmed by retards have time scaling & delta time systems. this game likely has a variable framerate because it's 30 fps on the switch so it really needs to hide framedrops. it's very rare a 60fps mod wont work. the emulator just needs to support it.

so, a steam sale with even less monetary involvement

Or you only pirate games you know you want to play. That's what I do and I finish most games I start. The problem steps in when you're trying to force yourself to play video games all the fucking time and you start wasting time with games you don't care about and so you never get invested and finish shit

Classic WoW

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Because my sister got it me for my Birthday and I cant get it until the 3rd September, yes I'm a manchild

give me a link and I will

How are you playing the game before it’s out?

It's another "anime characters look at each other and nod "hmmph" before doing gay shit"

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>The Nod
>Ever gay

You’re not even worth arguing with

It Iooks Iike a ps4 game pIayed on a 360P screen

I cant ever kill the golden treasure slime that runs away

>Tell Edel that's a dumb name
>She uses it anyway
That bitch

I'm too much of a pussy to hack my switch. Don't want to chance breaking it.

how's the soundtrack?

Making the protagonist silent is fucking retarded and even doubly so when you consider the other twin is fully voiced. Just finished up the first chapter and it felt so dumb how Akira is screaming for his dad and then you have the other one with a blank look on her face not saying a thing.

>It has an anime intro
fucking hell this game has so much cringe just in the first few minutes.

this is seriously a GOTY contender

Cause Mariko Switches aren’t hackable yet, OP.
I do have it preinstalled though.

I believe in paying people for work I enjoy or appreciate. Only the bottom feeding trash of society would feel entitled to luxury or entertainment at the expense of others.

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>it’s Japanese so it’s cringe
Bet you would have been fine with a western animated opening


Beats the american animation trope of everyone being gay and/or trans

The new better battery life switches. They have a more efficient processor that’s named Mariko. The original Switch processor is Logan.
The hacking scene isn’t very hopeful for the future of hacking on the Mariko model

>perfect dodge the first hit of a multi-hit attack
>get hit by the other hits in the attack
What am I supposed to be doing here? Attacking the enemy during witch time doesn't stun them or cause them to get knocked back and trying to dodge again doesn't seem to work or I'm doing it wrong

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I see, the name confused me. Are the new models better beyond the battery?

I have a launch model and haven't done any hacking since I'm basically retarded when it comes to these things


Soooo... 2 years?

This game is so much better than Fire Emblem. It’s not even funny and that was favorite switch game of 2019.

ost rip when?

Not currently. The processor is theoretically capable of more than the original switch but Nintendo seems to only be using it for battery. I wouldn’t be surprised if a “boost mode” got patched in in the future though.

Already in the spot, little bird.

Better than whatever cinematic bullshit Sony or Microsoft are gonna drop out of their anuses.

>become as gods

they just had to throw that in there huh

Fuck that, is there henshin?

ive had it for a week and a half because there was no way i was buying fire emblem after awakening. i try them off a friend first, then go from there.

No money. And my birthday is next month.

Ooh yes. I need that HQ track. It's so funky and comfy

Backlog too big to justify a full price purchase, maybe later.

>Runs and looks like shit
>Weeb game with weeb story and characters
>No depths
>But its a switch exclusive so people have to worship it

Link to the nsp?

Jesus christ it doesn't even look like a ps1 game, that shit is literally a 240p untextured model

Switch has a hard on for it, Fire Emblem is fucking loaded with it too.

I assume this costume will be hard to unlock.

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I don't hack shitch games anymore but isn't dark umbra always great to find the latest games?


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>Lay a few pieces of bait
>Come back and harvest the (you)s
Too easy.

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Big icecream cone.

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Why are there actual graphics whores? Anybody playing on consoles has already sacrificed graphics.

Why are the graphics so shit? Why are all the edges covered in black pixels?

That's at least 20k calories.

I don't enjoy Platinums anime shit.
Last one I played through was MGRR and I had to force myself to get through it.

>Wake up and check Astral Chain leaked.
>It didn't
>Head to the gym and get back and check.
>It didn't
>1min before leaving for work, check to see if it leaked
>It did
It's gonna be a long day...

How is it so far, bros?

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I forgot it came out already
Is it fun? I might play it if I can finish it before Daemon X Machina comes out


9 out of my top 10 games were made in Japan you dumb cuck
I almost exclusively read Manga as my only other source of entertainment
The game has shitty anime tier writing just expect it and move on

How do you use command skills? I can't do it

I have kids and still play vidya.
You can play while rocking them when they're small, give them a controller that's unplugged to 'play along with Daddy' when they get a bit bigger, and eventually have a second player to play games with. I had the pleasure of introducing my kids to Legend of Zelda. Sharing the good games with your kids is a great feeling.

not cuhrayzee.. not cuhrayzee at all.
more like hyaahh.

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Riveting gameplay right here folks.

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hows handheld mode you astral niggers


I'm getting the xci from hbgshop

Nice tit physics here.

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>Trash simulator
Can I attack people?

I don't like back and slash games desu.
Just not my cup of tea.
Besides, I'm busy playing Three Houses

how are you recording gameplay?

You actually do get to fight random civilians in with your legions in that level.

GOTY. Give the devs an award.

Good. Continue to pirate this game so it can have zero sales. Punish Platinum for siding with Nintendo

The arms legion is so goofy. One of the sync attacks is just jumping on its back while it throws punches.

Switch's 30s replay capture then converting to webm. Hold the share button to capture replays.

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The side quests in this game are awesome. Why did no one call out Fire Emblem for a million shitty fetch quest and lost items quests?

But wow what a moment a moment that is most pleasing to me.

Picking up trash was one of my favorite mini games in NMH.
I'm ready for some Major Boobage.

It doesn't come out today. It leaked early

Where I can find ost rip?

you're further than me, how do you use command skills? I bought them in the sword tree to test out in training but can never do it

>he thinks the piratefags are almost all the playerbase.
They don't even reach the 10%.

I'm genuinely having trouble wrapping my head around the mechanics. Fought the boss of File 2 and had no fucking clue how to dodge half that shit

Ohhh noooo like 20 people are pirating the game... ohh the horror... oh the humanity..

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Can you play this shit in Korean?

The legion abilities? You equip them in the menu to the ZL+X or ZL+Y slot.

If there's command abilities for your character, I haven't figure out how to use them.

Based as fuck

>Hacking your switch

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No not those there's something called command skills + that you don't equip it says to flick L up or down then ZL, and the other is circle L 360 while pressing ZL I can't do either

Big bro gets stabbed so he gets to be shirtless in a stasis tube.

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I can't play, my hand keeps going to my dick.
Also the Unchained mode plays itself, i turned on to see if it was like the automatic mode so i could see some sick combos and get ideas from it but the game actually plays itself kek, i think the only thing that you can still do is the perfect dodge, it even normal dodges for you.

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god damn it. I'll never have kids. i'm 25 with no job, money, car, licence or social life. I don't think It's possible I can recover from that.
It would be cool for my kids to play my game & the games I enjoyed when I was younger. shame I don't get a second chance at life.
when you get older I get the feeling you can't get away with liking and talking about video games if you have no kids. I'll just be some weird loser.

Do you happen to know how W101 was doing in amazon a week before it's release? or xenoblade 2?

Yeah it's hard to concentrate in other stuff whenever she shows up.

You can equip auto sync attacks and 34% chance to dodge in the regular mode. Baby mode is fine.

Yes paypig? Are you trying to say something?

>onsokumaru has a job

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this games cutscenes are so fucking rough.

Its filthy. Unrefined

This board proves that 90% of Nintendo's sheep do not play Nintendo games and only pirate them.

Wonderful 101 was punished the same way. Pirated. Which caused 90% of potential sales to disappear. It's a shame Platinum did not read the warning signs more carefully

>This guy can't have a job cause I disagree with his video game preferences and interests.

What do you mean?

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>getting consistent D ranks on all the fights
>start mashing the L button any time flashing lights appear
>now nothing but S ranks

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I really wanna get this, but the new semester just started, and I don't know if I'll be able to play it enough to justify the purchase. My classes are very heavy on writing, and I dunno if it'll be worth it right now. At the same time, I'm worried it'll be one of those games that doesn't have many physical copies in the long run, and I LOVE boxes on my shelf. Should I buy it, lads? I still haven't even picked up Fire Emblem.

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I'm playing Control.

W101 didn’t exist on top 100. Xenoblade was top 25 release week.

Astral Chain is doing wayyyy better.

>Yea Forums is all the population.
W101 just had EVERYTHING against it.

90% of Switch owners are pirating Nintendo games. Platinum should also feel the sting of working with Nintendo. This is their divine punishment

Want to know how I know that review is wrong? The Switch. That's all that needs to be said. Nintendo doesn't allow CRAP onto the Switch, ever heard of Nintendo's Seal of Quality? Can't imagine you have, or you'd have not made such a stupid post. The games solid. I know it, and I think you do too. Is that panic in your eyes I see? I know its hard to accept, I know you can't afford to know the winning team. But we all see through your attempts to slander what everyone else will agree is perfection.

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jesus that's not even 480 is it? Holy fuck did they dither it a fuckton using pc or something in the trailers?

and xenoblade 2 ended up being a success, this is looking really good. Is safe to say it won't flop like w101 at the very least.


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The only thing it has against it was being produced for Nintendo. If it was on any other console or PC. It would sell like all of the non-Nintendo games Platinum has made.

I know you see the pattern and will open your eyes to the truth

Nice pasta.

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How long is the game? My experience with PLatinum is that their games are good but way too short.

Why the fuck this faggot is talking like he was some sort of pretentious religious fag or something?

I see that the shills are in pure panic mode. It's delicious

How does it play? Trying to finish three houses before I buy another game.

Absolutely based.

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oh, I see.
I'm always fascinated this doesn't happen more often

say, what's up with amazon france?
Game is doing well in all europe but france. chain&crid=1XD8NI5GWIIWV&sprefix=Astral,aps,244&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_6 chain&__mk_es_MX=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

Get dunked on bitch ass nigger.

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waiting for black friday

So 90% of the Switch userbase is banned from playing smash and other shit online? Doesn't the Switch do file integrity checks everytime It connects online? I've seen people getting banned left and right.

how do people jack off to this shit? You might as just buy balloons and put gloves on them

Looks extremely generic.

What? i just want info to compare and predict results, like what this other user gave me

Im not banned

>going to uni
>having school debts & shit only to end up unemployed anyway

Just buy the game and have fun while you can before you kys

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I don't see the appeal, but I like absurdly huge asses so maybe I'm just autistic

how simplistic is the combat?

Without Nintendo the game wouldnt exist though. Not like it hurt Platinum though since they were payed upfront.

oh wait, is fucking sold out.

These are rigged statistics

The Switch is an inferior product created by a corrupt company. Its userbase is spiteful which is why everyone hacks it. You don't hear the PS4 or Xbone getting hacked-- that's because they are superior consoles

People jack off to the switch all the time, have you even read this thread?

>going to school on loan

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Oh. My apologies. Well I'll just leave those links there for tortanicfags.

I'm studying something that can actually get you a job fairly easily, with an internship as a requirement for the Bachelor's, so you get connections / experience by the very nature of the degree. I'm not too worried.
But I'm 50/50 on getting the game still.

Im only 4 hours in but during 1v1s the combat devolves into press the attack button non stop untill either the bad man turns red and you witch time him or you turn blue and you press the L button. The system is at its best when you are up against multiple enemies so you can use the chain constantly in fights

Just pirate the game. Show Platinum that they do not deserve it

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Man, I want married until I was 24. You're a youngster yet! All that stuff is DEFINITELY something you can recover from, if you're willing to work on it. You just need to start believing in yourself. You can do it, user. And yeah, there are people who will put you down for playing video games. Just do what I do, which is don't give a shit and do what makes you happy. It's better than a lot of the other crap people do for fun, and you aren't hurting anyone. Remember, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink.

I like having physical copies. They look nice on my shelf. And I like Platinum, anyway.

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Are you the pajeet from last week? My poo in the loo meter is going off.

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>Anti-Nintendorks in full overdrive

Just imagine how it’ll be when the game officially releases

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Platinum is not allowed to work with Nintendo-- who are corrupt and evil

One bag of dick and crows coming right up!

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I want Marie to arrest muh dick

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Pirate chad here, all the obsessed ninetenyearolds make me want to shit on it despite enjoying it

What is the size of the game iso file?

I just want to bang on my drum all day

The NSP is 9.5Gigs

Think the fights with her will be better than the Jeanne fights in Bayo1?

>criminal justice major
>love the cop aesthetic
>love action games
The only thing keeping this game from being one of my GOATs before even touching it is its bland JRPG soundtrack. They should've gone for some 90's Capcom jazz or something to really drill home the look.

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If my old switch is hacked does it required to install some update to play this game?

I remember many 3ds games have had such issue.

Someone direct me to a hacking tutorial, I don't wanna wait till Friday.

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No it’s because you’re here 24/7

You need to stop drinking the kool-aid and realize Nintendo is holding back and threatening developers with draconian tactics. Why do you think over 90% of the Switch userbase hacks their consoles

Geeze nigga, u sure you wanna lose access to online play jist to play one game two days before it releases?

Thank you for wanting to lose Nintendo sales. You make me so proud.

If you go for the idiot proof pre-made jigs be warned its going to take around a week and a half before you get it


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I have a second switch and can just make a dummy account on the old one, no?

You’ll have to wait for your jig to arrive anyway cause you’ll probably fry your switch with the paperclip and foil methods.

how much do you get paid to protect Nintendo on the internet?

people need to understand that Platinum wouldn't even really exist today without Nintendo
everyone who is upset that they're practically a Nintendo 2nd party dev should be grateful that the company just didn't stop making games altogether after the first Bayo

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That must be why the switch has the uncensored versions of all those PS4 games. Nintendo really had those developers by the throat, huh?

>bootlickers defending a company for free
Gonna pirate it just to spite you fags

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>ON THE 360
fixed that for ya, ps3 version was garbage at launch
they shouldn't even have released it

>randomly start moving on their own
I bet a chimera did this

>Nintendo is holding back and threatening developers with draconian tactics

Fuck paypigs

are the english voices good or should i use japanese voices

Are you stupid? I AM advocating piracy of this game so Nintendo loses sales. Platinum is not allowed to work with Nintendo.

best place for retard proof jigs? The one in the paste has a lot of angry reviews; could be just brainlet's getting frustrated over not knowing how, but still; thoughts?

Thanks for the guide btw, great stuff. I love figuring out how shit works.

Shit on it, then. You’re a pirate. That’s what you do, right? Tell people you’re a pirate because you get off on how mad they get about that?

as the biggest dubfag on Yea Forums, they are pretty bland

You have the Internet. It's all over the world.

>you'll fry your switch don't do it, it could even explode you know!

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when it comes to the infinite retardation of the Yea Forums posters its best to not make assumptions, most of you probably couldn't even change a graphics card without frying the computer

Who are you quoting?

Follow this post and hack the Switch. Nintendo needs to be sent a message. Loud. and. Clear.

I got my jig from the that places in the paste and have had no problems with it besides how long it took to get a delivery date

Thank you for providing resources to pirate the game. Nintendo does not deserve sales after what they did to all of these innocent game companies

Given part of the process of hacking a switch involve lightly microwaving it, yes, you very much can have it explode.


Are these the same person? I'm not even a Nintendo shill, but this is kinda autistic

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What fucking message? That gamers will not pay for things if they don’t have to? That isn’t unique to Nintendo you mongoloid. And if you really hate nintendo and think it isn’t worth paying for, then don’t buy a fucking switch. By pirating you’re acknowledging that the product has value to you. You aren’t sending any message.

b-bros someone tell me how to use command skills + I must be missing something

kys it has a fucking based soundtrack

The fuck are you even talking about? Sony is the one who censors and limits creative freedom.

>hold L
>press X

I never said it was bad, but I just wanted something more unique. Jazz would fit the cybercop vibe so well.

>mfw I hacked my switch with two needles and a piece of wire found under my desk
>people are too stupid and need a fucking jig when autorcm is a thing

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Few hours in and the games boring as fuck. Sidequests and investigationss are droll, and the combat is just dodging and mashing the attack button and then mashing L when a blue flash happens.

I dont know much about music but the OST seems to flop between sounding like 7th Dragon VFD and NuDoom.

Pirating means sales are lost. No one pirates Sony or Xbox games because they have value. Everyone on this board pirates Nintendo games to lose the company profit.

You need proof of Nintendo's evils, look no further:

>No one pirates Sony or Xbox games because they have value
nobody pirates those games because the scenes are fucking dead
user please come down with the shitposting, its starting to scare me

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I haven't bought the down-up one yet, but the 360 spin + ZL one works fine.

Nintendo forcing this game to be awful is such a crime. If more benevolent publishers like Square were able to save Platinum from Nintendo's clutches, the game would perform and sell immensely better

....Are you mental?

Oh wow. 30 year old news. You really showed me. Sony is doing exactly that and they’re doing it right now.
People will pirate xbox and ps4 as soon as the figure out how. Don’t be a retard.

Very few people in general pirate games. It's just that you're hearing about it on here, because you're on fucking Yea Forums, where the majority of people pirate games.
News flash: 99% of the general populace doesn't come here.

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How? When I try it in training I or my legion just run around in circles and when ZL they just do regular dash he always did

please stop giving the retard (You)s, he's in the other platinum thread that's up right now and doing the same thing

you can already pirate the 1 game on PS4 and there is no need for Bone hax when you can just pirate the PC ports of them instead

t. seething snoyfag
If you hate this game or Nintendo's partnership with Platinum, why are you here?

How’s that cult going?

Don't hold ZL. Spin the stick 360 degrees then tap ZL.

Let me explain this to you very simply

In order to pirate a game before an emulator works
You need the console
Unless you physically steal the console or get it loaned to you
You have to buy the console
Getting a switch to pirate this game will increase sales of the console, meaning it will be a success even if game sales may suffer
There’s no way to accurately calculate piracy downloads vs sales, so people will want to put more of their games on the Switch due to how many people own it
Calling for people to pirate this game is going to help Ninty in the long run, not hurt them

>Still no porn of this game

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>News flash: 99% of the general populace doesn't come here.

And it's still filled with mega retard dumber than the most stupid normies since the 2016 migrants election day

Really? 1990? NES?
Nintendo is not the same company it was when the NES was around. Hell, they’re not even the same company they were when the Wii U was around.

get help schizo

I can't do it, my legion just dashes like normal when tapping ZL and I did 360 spin before. when looking at the camera preview.. I can't ever do that

Incorrect. While console sales may increase in the short term, long term forecast will show decreased and eventual no sales.

Physical production will not create any profit as no games will be purchased and simply obtained digitally for free

Maybe your joycon is broken.

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Did people really come here from the election? Nobody that I've spoken to who knows about Yea Forums came here from the election. I first came here in 2016 myself, but that was only because I wanted to talk about Dark Souls III, and none of my IRL friends play Souls games.

Yup, its a Platinum Game

Attached: Coffin.webm (426x426, 1.93M)

If reviews praise a Platinum game without mentioning being challenging it is going to be braindead anime shit.

Only because draconian Nintendo policies forced Platinum to churn out a poor product.

It would be a great game if it was produced by any other publisher

Will you knock it off? Your info is 30 years old

I thought it was kinda boring how much of a push over he was, the MGR gimmick move he had would have been cool if you couldnt so easily go around them

Of course.

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The only bullshit part was when it would summon those moving walls that you had to stand beside to cut, while he keeps shooting arrows from above. At least you can ignore them by just dashing around.

Nah, Nier and the Activision games were shallow trash too. Just the former had anime ass and a bizzare plot to disguise it.


There it is. Finally, a poor game is revealed to the masses. Forcing a small company to churn out a low quality and low budget title through strongman corporate tactics. Nintendo keeps getting away with this.

Consoles sell at a loss though dumbfuck. So buying a Switch and then pirating everything costs Nintendo money.

meant for

At least you didn’t say “draconian” this time. You aren’t even addressing any of the criticism you’re getting.

>Mission where you have to protect npcs
>If you let them die, they aren't actually killed
>They just get knocked out and can't give you free medicine afterwards

not worth my time to pirate

Because I'm snorting speed and playing tales of graces on chaos

I'm looking at some hackable Switches on eBay and I still can't justify buying one when there's no games I'd actually play even if I can pirate them.

You have no argument. It's all just incoherent blathering.

Can i name my Legion and customize it? If no then shit game

Your news is 30 years old. Address that.

you can customize it yes
dont remember if you can name it though, probably not

stop replying to the schizo
also where's the CD
link the fucking CD

I'm here only in the mornings 3 days a week tops when I manage to get some free time and I'm at my desk.

Back then I was here 24/7 though, yeah.

You don't see PS4 and Xbox getting hacked because it the number of exclusives it has can be counted on one hand. Would-be hackers just pirate the PC port as usual.

Nintendo is still practicing these policies today. You can tell this based on the content their 3rd parties churn out. Low quality, poorly made, and generally unfun. Just look at Hyrule and FE Warriors

is this game worth playing or getting

I think it's also because you can wait 3 months and find the "latest new hot game" dropping to 20 bucks on xbone and PS4 when on switch and any Nintendo machine their shit will be sold full price 'til 2219... Fuck these Jewish chinks

>#1 best selling in switch games
>#4 best selling in video games category
woah they fucking did it

Can’t wait to pirate this game. Paying is for losers

>Paying for Switch games

As far as Switch exclusives go it's definitely in the upper tier

Not worth it. It’s clumsy and has little in the way of real content. The story and characters are cool, but the gameplay really hampers the experience.

>The story and characters are cool
>the gameplay really hampers the experience.
Did we play the same game?

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So it's good then, since Yea Forums is wrong about everything.

honest, genuine question: is the combat more engaging/exciting than it looks?

because i lost my job a month ago so i'm not buying new games until i stabilize
sucks too, I was gonna play the shit out of this and DxM

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I’d say it’s pretty good when compared to most other games (especially action RPGs) but if you want CUHRAYZE you will be disappointed.

It has its moments but not really

I feel bad for snoyfags honestly. They’ve resorted to counting on Kojima to save them.

>counting on some boomer “2deep4me” hack

I'm 2-3 hours in and this is sort of how I feel, granted this is mostly on me because I didn't want to watch any pre-release footage.The detective stuff is pretty boring and the combat is fun but not phenomenal, at least so far.

>seething because Death Stranding is going to be Game of The Year AND PS4 exclusive
>meanwhile everyone is going to forget Astral Chain a week after release

All the niggers that hacked their switch and are playing it right now do it because they hate Nintendo and the fact that this is exlcusive, they will shit on it regardless of anything

Please don't try to pretend death stranding isn't gonna be just as forgettable as God of War was.

It might be shit but I doubt it will be forgettable

It's a story based game, no one talks about those after a week because they have no replay value.

Sekiro was more memorable than that piece of shit GOW game. Let's be honest.

Brainlets are still getting titty twistered over Spec Op's story 7 years later

The gun and baton feel like ass. Do I get better gear soon?

You get an upgrade after the first real chapter that adds a heavy sword and more attacks to each weapon. Still kinda feels like ass though.

How did FE3H do? That's the only other major release within the last month.

Replay value isn't the sole deciding factor in whether a game is cherished or not. Neither are number of hours played in general.

This is an easy 9/10 for me. I love it. I wish I could find more outfits and stuff though, seeing all those blank spots for shit I haven't found makes me sad. I'm on data 4 and still haven't found much.

>D rank fisto
>S+ nemesis
Man, I dunno.

i'm downloading it now

why is the dodging so fucking slow.

Focusing on Pokemon

Pretty fucking great. all the idiots itt are sour grapes at their finest. I've been playing for hours.
Tons of:
combat options
side quests
GOTY OST without equal
camera can be wonky
platforming can be wonky
annoying dog quests at the start of the game
sometimes flat English voice overs

it's my goty so far solid 9/10

I don't own a shilltendo shitch

anyone got the OST ripped yet?

was trying to do that yesterday, if someone could provide me with the titlekey I could look into it.

What about RAD

Future cops with jojo stands.

>playing with english voice

When I get this game, I'm gonna make the MC a stupid gyaru slut!

That's fair, I usually don't but I've been burning through missions too fast to be bothered to go into options.
Also I cleared out the second level gate and encountered a golden slime that ran away from me. If you encounter a golden slime make sure to lasso it from a reasonable distance because if you get close it'll bolt. Fuck it probably had cool loot too.

Should I just hack my switch already? I’m really not feeling paying 80 cuckbucks for this even though I love Platinum vidya and a physical copy would be neat.

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no shit. Its piss easy and you'll get free games a week early.

Unless physical copies are sold out always go for them. Piracy is something you turn to when digital is the only viable option.

t. retard

sure but enjoy being the reason there will be no more vidya industry in 10 years.
dumb cunts

lmao imagine believing shit like this.
go to bed zoom zoom, it's a school night

Yeah, it’s GOTY so far. Punching away FE three houses.

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I can't hack my switch, it's one of the newer ones (not the upgraded battery)

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I haven't hacked my switch because if I do I know I won't play half the shit I download. physicall copies are nice too. ill just wait until the end of it's lifespan when all firmwares are hackable so I can play what I missed

I have the same model as well

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>expert training
Fuck this camera.

>touting the worst gameplay FE game in 10 years

Yeah no thanks.

Because I didn't brick my system, and I'm waiting for my physical copy to arrive.

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>going to the arcade/game store later this week
>will likely be able to pick up a copy there early
>play some 3rd strike and then go home and play some new vidya
I'm excited anons

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imagine being so much of a consumer that you're afraid to use your own electronics

If you go jap is there flavor npc lines that don't have subtitles? FE3H has some here and there.

I genuinely hope you have fun!

>V parts of DMC5 ruined the game
>Astral Chain is just the V parts if they weren't garbage

dmc5 was a mistake.

Attached: integrity.png (640x478, 286K)

Because poorfag
>Modern Fire Emblem
>Captain Toad
>Minecraft: Weeaboo edition

Attached: laugh.png (640x480, 572K)

captain toad is the shit

I didn’t brick my system, I’m waiting for my physical copy to arrive and I’m playing it right now. What’s your excuse now?

Because I just bought Three Houses and I have to wait until my cash comes in next week because I'm saving money now for something more important than games.

>MC only has one attack button
literally why

>he fell for the three houses meme
enjoy your tranny game

>If you're just looking to mainline the story you can probably beat Astral Chain in roughly 10 hours
Oh nononononono, this was supposed to be a winner.

DW Builders 2 is pretty good.
Also, why complain about weaboo shit when posting an image of weaboo shit?

Haha, you insane fucking cuck, you snoys are going to kill yourselves at the end of september aren't you? Astral Chain is just the start.

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Is the female protag waifu material?

Because it looks like dogshit. I'm still waiting for Animal Crossing so that I can finally boot up my switch.

cause i bought it so it doesnt bomb like Wonderful 101 and we actually get a sequel

Oh look another dumb retard who think more hours make the game better. Literally every good action game can be finished in 10 hours you fucking Assassin's creed loving moron.
Not to mention, I have yetto see anyone make that claim. The fastest was that someone took 18hours on their first playthrough and still had lots to do post game

>V parts if they weren't garbage
hold the fuck up, is that even possible

Same. bought it for FE. I hope a good Software crack shows up. I have butterfingers and will definitely fry my switch

I have the nsp downloaded, maybe I'll give it a spin after I get back from work.

This looks like a fucking Vita game in terms of visuals. Is the game only on Switch?

is it good?

user, it's the best Fire Emblem in ages
Don't meme on a game you never played

it's so good I'm going to buy it even though I'm playing for free atm.

Based todd rundgren. Great musician.

Looks pretty dull compared to previous Platinum games.

The first route took me 110 hours with barely any grinding except two in-game days of aux batttles to finish supports and with finishing the maps as quickly as you'd expect with no warp scumming.

Can you customize your sibling?

>Literally a scene out of Toku
You don't even understand JUSTICE

V only occupied a fifth of the game. The rest of it is perfect Nero and Dante fun.

I’m in love with this game already

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I will, next year when the hype goes down and I can play the game away from the memes.

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How much can I sell my hackable switch ( not banned )? If the new models aren't ever hacked it means that my own switch will only go up in price, right?

Just finished the prologue chapter and the training session with Jin. Liking everything so far, except for the camera and the lock-on system.

Switching between different lock-on targets is extremely slow. Try switching targets, and you'll notice that the camera doesn't immediately "snap" to the other target, but rather slowly moves towards it. It's not instant like in (say) Devil May Cry 3.

Also, if you're interested in getting this game, don't play it on handheld mode. The shitcon analog sticks feel terrible to play with, especially when you're trying to circle chain around an enemy. And having to press the "-" button to access the menu feels awkward as fuck because of how it is located right above the left analog stick. When I went into handheld mode, I played with my PS4 controller using an 8bitdo adapter and it feels so much better.

Piratebros, is it up yet?

>The shitcon analog sticks feel terrible to play with
So much for "JOYCON BOYZ" and all that bullshit. Kek.

Check your locales prices.

been up for a minute. get to playing.

Since 18 hours, yeah.

The voltage of the chair that we'll be using to execute filthy criminals like you who are ruining everything good in society and making nintendo loses money? Yes it's up.

I typically never play with the shitcons ever. The only reason why I played parts of the prologue with the shitcons was because I was still charging my DS4. As soon as my DS4 was charged like 50%, I then immediately switched over to that controller.

Oh and one other nitpick I have of the game so far: The flying enemies that shoot bullets don't have any kind of sound telegraphing and can attack you from offscreen. I can't believe a Platinum game post-Bayonetta still has this problem when the trumpet angels in that game had perfect sound telegraphing, which made their offscreen attacks justified.

I'm learning about Driver: San Francisco right now.

My shitcons are drifting and I don't want to buy another pair or the Jewish "pro" controller. Where are the decent Chinese knockoff?

Don't ever buy the Pro controller. Just buy that 8bitdo USB adapter I mentioned earlier. It works with PS3, PS4, Wii U Pro and XB1 controllers. It is literally cheaper to buy a replacement PS3 or PS4 controller than it is to buy a replacement Shitcon controller.

Is this JoJo reference: the game?

Ok but is the gyro working well with a PS4 controller? Can I play Splatoon decently with it or is the gyro different on a dualshock4?

I'm not even sure what gyro is, sorry.

I play mainly Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and 2D action games like Dead Cells and The Ninja Warriors with my DS4 controller.

No that's Persona 4.

The motion controls, they make shooting games tolerable on console.

>Platinum is not allowed to work with Nintendo.

Okay, so I looked it up on Google and the first result was from leddit. Here's what the top response had to say:

>I am pretty sensitive to these things so take that into consideration.
>The dualshock 4 with the 8bitdo adapter works well for the most part, there are just two issues for me. Firstly I believe on a hardware level the ds4 doesn't seem to have much of a deadzone to the sticks, now most of the time this is great, however in some games it can make the sticks feel too sensitive and in some games it causes issues. For example in immortal redneck there is an issue where the character will move on its own from time to time which I think is causes by too small of a deadzone setting on the sticks, the dualshock 4 is very hard to use in this game because the issue happens far more frequently.
>The second issue is that the motion controls are not quite as accurate, I found it harder to aim in games such as Splatoon, doom and immortal redneck with the dualshock 4. It's not a massive difference but its enough for me to notice.
>Other than that it's a good setup but it will never replace my pro controller for the switch.

Then again, the second most voted response said the opposite:
>Yes, i liked it so much better i sold my pro controller

Hope that helps.

I'm 115 hours in and only just finishing up the third route.

Thanks, guess I'll have to do some research then

Thanks, guess I'll have to do some research then

Why is the only good hairstyle for females the ponytail with the fringes and side bangs?

I get you user. I'll have to settle on using them because my fucking Pro Controller's left stick is drifting so bad I'll have to get a new one (I don't have soldering expertise). Good lord I hope they don't drift.

But Hyrule warriors was fun.

>Pro controller drift
The fuck? I've got about 2000 hours on that thing and its still basically the same as it was out of the box (besides all the scratches around the USB C port, I think we all have those)

better to play as girl for waifu or play as boy so you see ur waifu talk and in cutscenes/story?

opposite day troll

Wasn't planning on getting the game until later down the road but now I may get it this week. Fuck

It's just a dumbed down reskin of Nier Automata

Attached: IMG_20190828_114109.jpg (1080x1614, 260K)

I can't quite gasp the combat in this game. First two levels after tutorial and I keep getting Ds

Should i be sprrinting during combat more, can you pause and usw items ?

look, he posted it again

I was told this game was "dumbed down" and casual as fuck, just how bad at video games are you?

>hacks switch
>saves $60 in gaymes to lose $300 when he eventually gets banned
imagine the iq and poverty

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that's what happens when you shoehorn gimmicks into a combat system

I'm playing BoTW
then I have to play Bloodstained
then I have to play an old jrpg
then I have to play Memories of Celceta
then I have to play a random steam game
then I will play a switch game again. It might or might not being Astral Chain.

>eventually gets banned

How can anyone be excited for this?

I shit you not, it happens. It drifts all the way down and I've tried cleaning the sensors and recalibrating. And yeah we all have those scratches. I'd worry much more for the Wii U in this case though. Perhaps applying PlastX or a polish tool would help reduce the visibilty of those scratches.
Do both. The game has two files, so one file can be the chick and the other the bro.

you can't boot up your console if you get banned, it becomes a useless brick

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>ever going online with your hacked Switch
Only if you're a moron.

I have like 2000 hours on my hacked Switch and I'm enjoying dozens of free games, the latest of which is Astral Chain and Fire Emblem 3 Houses.

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>imagine not being able to enjoy NES classics on your switch

>go to the game store
>No copy left
>Go to another game store
>Still no copy left
i'm disapointed anons

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>muh banned meme
EmuNAND, you retard.

>what is sarcasm

go back to plebbit

>boosts range of energy gain from attacking by 100%
>e-convert range

what does this even meann

>Nintendo owns the IP
What do you think?