Its fucking bullshit Nintendo isn't working on a Kid Icarus Uprising 2. It sold over a million units...

Its fucking bullshit Nintendo isn't working on a Kid Icarus Uprising 2. It sold over a million units, what the fuck else do you need?

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Switch port when? Controls are an absolute shitshow.

It was only good because of Sakurai and he had a terrible experience making it.

blame smashfags. they needed a new game + dlc NOW NOW NOW, instead of letting sakurai have some time to work on other projects after smash 4.

I would settle for a port to the switch right now. Dual screen was nice, but not vital to the control, so it could be done.
The more people have a chance to play it the more demand there would be for a sequel, its one of the few 10/10 games to come out in a long time now.

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>if you look at KIU and FE Awakening, they did roughly the same amount of units in the first couple of months
>for some reason FE garbage got to keep going on and on to the point that all the normies were convinced FE was some major IP and Awakening kept selling to the point that fucking Three Houses is a major seller
>meanwhile if you look at actual sales, KIU was roughly 1.5 million and Awakening is just a bit over 2 million
By all accounts Kid Icarus should still be going strong.

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Because Nintendo has Sakurai on a leash to do Smash. It's a shame because when he does get a chance to do something different like Kirby Air Ride and Uprising, they're fucking fantastic.

Held back by the console it was on RIP.

Unironically the has the most based fanbase our of all the Nintendo fanbases

Sakurai's suffering ironically equals good games

Its not like Kid Icarus was killed, it was just over. I'd rather things stay the same than have nintendo force themselves to make a literal cashgrab just because it hit some arbitrary million sold mark.

Holding the Switch with one hand and using touch controls (doesn't come with a stylus btw) would be cancer so it's likely that if we even got a sequel, the controls would be watered down and shitty.
The only way a sequel on the switch could emulate the perfect aiming of the original would be to have a new type of controller with a touch pad so you could aim with it while playing on your TV, and they won't go to the effort of making a new controller for one niche game. A stand for the 3ds was one thing but a controller is a whole other level of effort that just isn't possible/worth it for them to do.

Not just KI:U2 but would anyone else like to see a new 2D Kid Icarus game?


I wouldn't discount Pikminbros

Its too fast paced for any other control methods

The 3DS to be back in its prime. Unless you used gyro controls which still wouldn’t be the same as the touch screen trackball style aiming that used flicks and taps to do quick turns into tight aiming all in half a second. All you’d have left is a two stick 3rd person shooter and that’s a big nah bruh

Then just change up the gameplay a bit. KI:U was a departure from the classic gameplay, so it's not like they are scared of changing it up.

this retarded garbage again

gyro aiming is fast enough, which you'd know if you played splatoon for more than 15 minutes

Splatoon still isn’t even as fast as Uprising was. Maybe comboing stick and gyro like a lot of splatoon players do could possibly work but it would still be a slower game

KI:U gameplay is just not very comparable with gyro controls. Aiming with the stylus is too different for it to translate well without becoming too different from the original gameplay style.

Golden sun 1 and 2 sold more than 1 million each.
It means nothing.


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also F-Zero GX outsold X and MV

but Miyamoto is too brainlet to let SEGA do another

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you can definitely do 180° turns as quickly in splatoon as in uprising

that's not even the fastest you can go

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I want to fuck viridi until pregnant then fuck her while she pregnant then after she gives birth i will repeat the possess until she have given birth to enough babies to replace all the humans she killed.

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they fucked in sticky honey

do we know the artist that did the art for Kid Icarus Uprising?
does he have an twitter/nijie/pixiv or private artist?

assuming nintendo fund a sequel, which studio do you think would do a good job?

hard mode: no platinum

could work but idk. would be better than no game at all and at least I'd be able to see more of the characters even if the gameplay isn't what I prefer.

nobody else BUT maybe Namco or Monolith Soft
Sakurai gave Kamiya a free copy for a reason

I want them to make a sequel
only if they introduce some loli cupid protagonist girl like they did with Dark Pit

It was a woman
You'll find it if you just look I'm sure

does she smell nice?

>but not vital to the control
You what? Can you imagine how insufferable the game would be if it used twin stick?

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