Now that the dust has settled, is it a good game?

Now that the dust has settled, is it a good game?

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lmao no, dust settled like a week after release, 6/10 ugly shovelware

is pretty rough like yo mom's pussy lel

It's pretty much what we all expected.

rofl no xD

It's a really good game mechanically but it visually looks like shit. I don't know how they fucked it up so bad but everything has this disgusting glossy effect to it and the game just looked like crap.

Does Curse of the Moon come bundled with the disc? Is it all there complete?

Do you guys get paid to use this phrase or something?

anyone know if they fixed the switch version? I saw it on sale but heard it was awful on release

If you don't make a post that includes some Yea Forums hivemind meme words and phrases, your post will die with 0 replies. This place being a forum for actual video game discussion is dead and buried.

Everything with inherent waifu bait is shit.

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I have a feeling you're not going to get any responses of real merit.

Like all good games, it was praised heavily upon release only to be hated as "the worst game ever" by Yea Forums and everywhere else online by hiveminded retards.

t. Switch backer

Game it not perfect but can be a seen as a solid foundation to an ongoing franchise.

On another note, did they ever fix the switch port?

At this point there's not really any discussion to be had for the game. Everybody who had actual interest has played the game and moved on, and the meme OPs only get meme responses and nobody's getting anything new out of these threads.

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Hey how are you?

>favorite weapon
>favorite shard
>favorite boss

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It's a 7/10

Starts well but shits the bed after gebel fight. Recycled areas and mobs are the name of the game 50% in.

After the cathedral, library and other cool areas you end up with fire cave, ice cave, sand cave which have identical tiles, just different backdrops. Also, den of behemoths is so bad it's embarassing really.

I think the main problem is that the quality is so inconsistent.also, dont get the switch port. Its turd

No. I've coped with how shit it is but do not get it if you don't already have it.

Yeah, the later areas were obviously rush jobs. But I don't blame them, really, since it was most likely due to a lack of time rather than a lack of talent. Another delay would have caused them a lot of backlash.

I really hope they keep the studio together long enough to put out a sequel, because for what it was, Ritual of the Night was a damn entertaining game and I'd love to see what they could acomplish next. They could certainly work a little on the challenge though, because the skill shards turned the late-game into a cake walk.

>that horseman skeleton looked damn cool and you get a really fun reward for defeating him

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