>Xbox Games Marketing Manager Aaron Greenberg speaking with Twinfinite at Gamescom 2019 was asked about Microsoft acquiring more studios to increase its lineup of first-party developers. He said Microsoft was done acquiring more studios.

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I can't believe Xbox is legitimately dying.

It died the second they revealed the xbone.

>the dead husk of obsidian is the best 1st party studio Microsoft has
Sony acquiring Insomniac really put into perspective
Microsoft was going for quantity over quality

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The beast is coming!! Remember that?

Far from dead. 40 mil is still a decent piece of the market. Plus it's Microsoft.

Who cares? it just means that everything is coming to PC. Based Microsoft.

Well sunset overdrive was shit so I dont blame them. Also i cant imagine being this negative about one of the biggest company's in the world bankrolling as bunch of new games.

Posting this pasta for old times sake.

>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Enslaved) [3 teams]
>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>new Xbox Division in Asia
>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Deck13 (The Surge 2) and Bluepoint (Shadow of the Colossus)
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>backwards compatibility
>GamePass ($1 a month to play almost 200 games)
>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
>using the W10 store means you're in the Xbox ecosystem

Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen

That's half from past gen. That's a substantial decline.

Too bad Microsoft can't make a decent game to save their lives, which is made all the more pathetic by the fact that they got BTFO by a bunch of movie games

>n-no but its Microsoft
>xbox is so dead

>Sunset Overdrive still has a game breaking bug that requires you to COMPLETELY RESTART your game because of a soft lock on one of the last missions

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>we've successfully killed the industry by ensuring SOULFULL IPs never see the light of day again

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>the virgin obisidian and ninja theory purchase vs the the chad insomniac and remedy buyout

>Sony buys one of the most consistent studios in the industry today
>Microsoft buys a bunch of bargain bin wash-ups or literal whos like Obsidian, Compulsion, and Double Fine
Game Pass is just going to be buffet of crap at this rate

Doesn't mean they're dead tho. They have obviously adjusted business strategy and seem committed to putting out games. Fags here will say they are shit no matter what but we can only guess.

wasn't that fixed in the PC version???


Kill yourself you jaded faggot

VGchartz can't read and "people" still uses them as a source for sales

>committed to putting out games
You mean like they were committed to the POWAH OF DA CLOUDZ and Kinect?

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From what I've heard, probably not, but technically the bug was introduced in an update and the PC version may be an older version, and therefore lack the bug

I swear if Sony buys Remedy then it's over. Xbox fanboys should just tie a noose around their necks and end it.

I tried Recore on Gamepass. It's better than those scores would have you believe. Ryse isn't bad, either, but it's pathetically easy.

They've been saying that they're committed to putting out games for half a decade, yet the only good games they've put out were made by studios they don't even own and even then those are few and far between. All the internal studios just keep slinging the same stale franchises. Crackdown 3 is probably one of, if not the biggest, blunder since MN9


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Xbox was always a fluke. They can't compete with PlayStation anymore.

Is Lionhead dead?

I say this as a huge Remedy fan, but they're really not a good get at all for either company. Their games are consistently good but consistently sell like shit. I doubt they're very cheap to make either.

Recore was garbage at launch, but the Definitive Edition fixed most of its problems. Probably the last good thing Inafune will ever do.
Yes, they were closed 3-4 years ago. However Playground is rumored to be making a large-scale Fable reboot

They acquired like 10 studios.
That is more than enough. Now those fuckers need to actually make video games!

The fact that you have that image saved says a lot about you. Those games are mediocre at best. So what? Gears forza and halo are still quality despite what dudes say here.

game pass was made to give greater access to games-as-a-service titles, like Sea of Thieves
it's why, despite having almost no information about the actual game itself, we know Halo Infinite is going on game pass day one, and is already confirmed to have microtransactions
Microsoft's focus on games-as-a-service will infect all first party studios
these titles are inherently unfinished, and have drawn out early access-like development, with the promise to get better eventually, until they are full dead and abandoned
gamespass is a race to the bottom, with the only goal to catch as many whales as possible

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Don't forget to check out the new Gears 5 Seagate HD's.

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The Xbone did better than the Wii U, and Nintendo was able to bounce back with the Switch. MS will be fine.

The fact you recognize that image says a lot about you. Gears is WOKE, Halo is hated even by it's fans and Forza is inferior to PC games and Gran Turismo and even to dead games like Driveclub.

Yet the Wii U has more games

>Xbox was always a fluke
this is becoming more and more obvious
Sony had three out of 4 consoles reach at least 100 million
their biggest misstep, the PS3, still reached 80 million, which was on par with the only success Microsoft had in consoles, the 360
even if Microsoft bring things around, no one believes they can recreate the 360's success

Comparing Nintendo and Microsoft is like comparing Disney to DreamWorks. Obviously the Disney of vidya will bounce back. When's the last time you heard from DreamWorks though?

Switch has JRPGs though nigga

switch is doing well because it has a monopoly on handhelds, yet still not doing as good as the ps4 despite that. WiiU also had a nice exclusive base of consoles, the advertising and the retarded pad were the reasons for fuck ups.

>Now those fuckers need to actually make video games!
nah, most of the talent left at those newly acquired will take the payout from Microsoft and bail to start their own independent studios
Rare 2.0, but happening at like 8 studios at once

*base of games

A series nobody asked for more of that was dug up and saddled on the studio tasked with making a "big new fresh IP for Xbox"
A series that's been horribly mismanaged with a completely broken compilation release (MCC) and a brand new entry with sparse multiplayer and the worst campaign in the series
A series that's reached saturation due to annual releases with inconsistent quality (FM) and or nearing total stagnation (FH)

no thank you

The Xbox 360 ran out of steam with the pivot to Kinect and slow release of new IP, while the PS3 picked it up with actual notable releases.

Doesn't Seagate suck?

certainly low tier, could be worse to be fair

>expecting Microsoft to even bother advertising anything that isin't Forza, Halo or Gears

I literally keep forgetting that the Xbone even has 3rd party games since they never bother to advertise them.

Sony always wins thread?

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New Battletoads looks like garbage

>>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
Well not yet.

a major reason for 360's success was the full year head start
that lead in player base led Microsoft to easily get substantial deals from 3rd party studios
Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Dead Rising, Microsoft has no ability to get deals as major as these anymore
PS5 and NeXtbox launching same year gives parity to 3rd party releases
Microsoft cannot recreate the only advantage they ever had

MSdags and Xbonefags should be gassed


And? They already have a lot and all of their studios are making multiple games, why do they need more, you don't see Nintendo buying more studios, fucking Europoors.

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Insomniac sucks and no one brought their shit Xbox game on Xbox and PC, why should they bother with them especially when they're SJW devs? I don't want that shit on Xbox.

>Microsoft can't buy exclusives

Good thing next gen is about to start. Hopefully Phil and his crew of monkeys have been investing in the games people want to play.

This, /thread


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>mfw didnt fall for the "xbox had no games" meme

Fucking love mine. I honestly got too many games to play

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They can't. Timed exclusivity isn't an exclusive

No one like Quantum shit your faggot ass nigger.

when was the last time they had a third party exclusive from a AAA publisher
Rise of the Tomb Raider?

They bought timed exclusivity for one of the new Tomb Raiders, and all the crappy new Dead Rising games. Not a winning combination

pretty sure remedy and bluepoint are next on the list

This, Scarlett will be the return of Xbox 2001-2008.

Wii U is about as good as the Xbone, which is not very good at all, please don't praise any of the 8th gen consoles like any of them were good, I'm glad this gen is over.

I liked both Quantum Break and Alan Wake,
will be playing Control on PS4 later tonight
good games, and good studio

They need to recreate the og xbox. Dont give a shit if it's the most popular fifa player. It can still be good if it's the most powerful and they have a few must have games.

>A series that's been horribly mismanaged with a completely broken compilation release (MCC) and a brand new entry with sparse multiplayer and the worst campaign in the series
Halo CE-3 were an accident, ODST and Reach are shit and resetera trannies and reddit turds love both games.

Wii U is definitely better than xbone. Even with all its shit ported to switch, I would still get a WiiU over and xbone in 2019 because of W101, XCX, Pikmin 4, TMS, and SM3D world

whew lad, that's a whole lot of fucking nothing. Gears and Halo at the top of the list? they're beating a dead horse with each, and they're just shells of the franchises' former glory.

Why do I hear this in Jim Sterling's voice?

>he bought an xbox to play multiplats avaliable on PC

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You arn't making things any better?

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Reach had a really good Forge, but was otherwise the beginning of the end

Alan Wake was good, Quantum Break sucked and control looks just as bad, I'm glad Microsoft killed that IP, I want to see more of Recore DE, not QB, we don't need movie shit on Xbox.

>playing multiplats on a PS4

This is a joke, right?

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Strongly doubt that because phil Spencer himself literally like 2 weeks ago said they are interested in forming/buying a japanese studio or publisher. I guess this is just to throw Sony off their scent.

Like Xbone it has some gens but like Xbone it's shit. Learn to accept it, Nintendo got better when Iwata bit the bullet.

>Xbox 2001-2008.
why are you pretending Microsoft didn't abandon the original xbox faster than the xbone
what kind of short term memory is that

>Marketing Manager
>>Marketing Manager
user he doesn't know what the flying fuck the actual plans with Xbox are, he's just there to smile and say "Buy our shit!".

meant it to this

lmao, imagine still listening to MS lies.

I wouldn't call it shit, but I wouldn't call it good, still better than xbone

>Nintendo got better when Iwata bit the bullet.
hard to say when the new guy hasn't done shit, but I didn't like the soi era of iwata nintendo so I'm inclined to agree

Halo 5 has a better Forge over Reach's gray shit.

So what if it's a multiplat?
Exclusives are cancerous and multiplats are much more popular

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Wait... so they are not acquiring more studios, meaning that they aren't buying more assets.
This means that the xbox is dead?

I don't understand the logic here.

>They need to recreate the og xbox.
>they need to recreate a console that was abandoned half way into it's life
they did recreate that, twice

2001-2008 is a combination of Xbox and Xbox 360 which were Ed Fries and Peter Moore, try keeping up.

>he plays multiplats on console

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>But Phil Spencer said
Why do people still take this man's words for face value? Phil Spencer also said that the Xbox One X would support VR.

Haven't lied from what I've seen. They promised games to the fans and have been radically changing their whole company to achieve that. Going into this gen they had like 3 develop studios and now they have like 12 and counting.

>Haven't lied from what I've seen.
Poor retard.

Pc version wouldn't even run for me. It was just a black screen.

they've already censored xbox live and censored battletoads.

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How's RDR2 on PC?

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Imagine being this much of a console warrior. There's nothing wrong with the guy and most people who aren't literal shills like you think he's a cool and friendly guy.

>They promised games to the fans
and they still have no games.

>but Based Phil said..

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How is this censorship though?

How about Scalebound not being cancelled before being confirmed cancelled days later?

>Buys 9 studios
>Has one more big exclusive before the gen ends

>Loses 5 studios
>Closes servers for many games
>buys 1 studio
>has a 1 game until the end of the gen in which is another single player game that is not even theirs and can go to other plataforms eventually and will be forgotten in a week
>ahahaha xbox is losing lmao

why the mods isn't deleting this bait thread?

>exclusives are cancerous
>proceeds to post ultimate multiplat cancer

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well where the fuck are they phil

>phil Spencer himself literally like 2 weeks ago said they are interested in forming/buying a japanese studio or publisher.
they've been talking about making inroads into the japanese market for as long as the xbox brand has existed. it's never going to happen because japan simply isn't buying their garbage consoles.

Not much really interests me about all of that.
I'm firmly entrenched in the Xbox ecosystem though. I still think that Xbox is the best bang for your buck and the best online service for a console.
Calling Sony on life support is silly.

That said, I feel like console games, in general, are dying a slow death. There is just nothing that interests me anymore as a console exclusive.
As more companies move towards machines that are LESS gaming dedicated, the more they just behave like normal PC's.
I think this is why the mysticism and fervor surrounding consoles as dedicated gaming machines is starting to die.

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Already forgotten

the dark queen went from sexy to tumblr sjw approved. just imagine the reaction if this was a sony game instead of a microsoft game.

Gears 5 is coming out in like a week. Age of empires 2 remastered is out in like 2 weeks. Halo MCC PC is coming out in like a month. Then there's some of the smaller titles like wasteland 3.

Still waiting Phil

They did buy the Gears of War IP this generation.

>Gears 5 is coming out in like a week.
movies belong on

>New Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Says E3 2014 Will Have "The Best Lineup In A Long Time"
>Microsoft to have 'the greatest games lineup in Xbox history' at E3
>Xbox head Phil Spencer: E3 2016 could be 'one our of most special years ever'
>Xbox in 2017: Phil Spencer promises 'more exclusive games' than in 2016
>Xbox One games news: E3 2018 will be Microsoft's 'BIGGEST Xbox show ever'
>Phil Spencer is going big for E3 2019, teases unannounced games and xCloud progress

Gears of war is not a movie game.

okay but where are the games? no dead horses or remasters pls

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Gears series is the furthest from movie games you can get. Its always been about the gameplay especially the competitive multiplayer.

>has a 1 game until the end of the gen
Death Stranding
Final Fantasy 7
Last of Us Part 2
Ghost of Tsushima
Predator Hunting Ground
Medievil Remake
Concrete Genie
Iron Man

>Gears 5
That's right sistah

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It's not censorship. It's shitty art direction.
I think that some user's just find it easier to saying things like "SJW censoring everything!"

SJW are ruining everything, but you have to call out that bullshit when it makes sense. Here, it doesn't.

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They completely dropped the POWAH OF DA CLOUDZ as soon as the Xbone launched

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>ITT: non xbone owners piss on xbone

Pathetic. Oh and ps: Bloodborne is overrated as FUCK jesus christ. It runs so poorly on that underpowered piece of junk that is the PS

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Microsoft is the one company with everything to gain and nothing to lose by ditching the console race and going full third party

They already OWN PC gaming, they're basically handing out all of the exclusives to Nintendo like candy, and with the 'Play Anywhere' model there's no reason to get an Xbox when they'll show up on PC anyway.

Scrap the Xbox, go full third party and focus hardware on PC gaming

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okay but where are your games xbot?

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microsoft going third party so sega can come back would be the best thing for gaming.

This isn't happening. They doubled down on consoles by investing billions in to AMD for exclusive ray tracing tech and other stuff. They'll be around for another 2 generations at least before they can fully transition to xcloud.

Says the faggot who bought an Xbox to play multiplats. Buy a PC, Xbot.

Microsoft is literally the most out of touch company there is. Steve Jobs was kind of a hack, but he said it best: "Microsoft's greatest weakness is they have no taste". Both Phil and Shannon Loftis (who used to be head of publishing at Xbox Game Studios and now heads the AoE division) have gone on record saying "single player games don't have the impact they used to" and that "they're difficult to make because they're hard to monetize" despite Nintendo and Sony absolutely destroying their wet fart tier games in sales

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Here. Notice how few PS4 games I own.
That's because this console has NO GOOD GAMES whatsoever
Only movie-game thrash

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>Only movie-game thrash
says the guy who bought quantum break.

How much longer until MS is bought by Sony?

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They floated Sakaguchi money to establish Mistwalker and make Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, but afterwards he decided phone games were better. As good as Lost Odyssey was, the Japanese just don't want Xbox and never will. Switch and PlayStation are getting all the big Japanese games while the only way Xbox gets them is by money-hatting their own projects.

man that's some supremely shit taste. the few quality games that are there are multiplat. again i ask, where are the games? the games that i can't play anywhere but the Xbone? and please don't point me towards Halo and Gears, as they've both been done better with past iterations, and both should have ended with 3. also, as another user so kindly pointed out for me:
>movie-game trash
>quantum break
Xbox owners, everyone. you just can't make this shit up.

Why doesn't Microsoft release their Xbox One sales figures?

Our comeback will be the greatest

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That's a correct statement though. A game like fifa generates as much revenue in a week as a game like spiderman generates in 3+ months. Single player games are dying a slow death unless it's a known name like elder scrolls which is guaranteed to sell tens of millions, has some form micro transaction DLC or it's small enough like an indie game where the devs can break even even through a small amount of sales. I have friends who were developing games on PC and they even told me the market is dead for single player games theres no money to be made. They ended up converting to mobile games and have a couple of app store games with adverts and coin micro transactions so they can even survive off game development.

Honestly though that's just Japanese elitist bullshit.

The mobile market is even worse because the majority of games make no money. It's a big case of risk/reward but i would have stuck with PC

They don't release sales figures for any of their hardware divisions including surface and stuff. A lot more companies do this now like google and apple. They use revenue instead.

no, it's because Micro$oft is trash-tier and everyone but their deluded burgerfans realize that.

>Sony acquiring Insomniac really put into perspective
That they're just as (if not) worse than M$? They were whoring the cinematic Spidey licence to its rightful owner for assloads of money, then they had more opportunities to make even more money (even though slightly per movie, billions more overall) and they said no. And this is from a company whose electronics business is dying and only kept afloat by the Spidey licence and partially by their console business, which by the way the movie business they sabotaged because they're greedy and entitled fucks. ARE THEY FUCKING STUPID?? Is Snoy Jap listening to Snoy US (((executives))) who I'm pretty sure are working with (((Disney))) to intentionally sabotage the whole of Snoy so they'd be forced to sell the Spidey licence back to Marvel/Disney? Making shitty, non-game """games""" pozzed with SJWshit is clearly some kind of sabotage.

>all those multiplats

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Given patterns that also occur and that xbox is incapeable of dieing due to Microsoft control it seems obvious that they will dominate next gen and get too cocky the gen after that failing again

If someone only owns a console but a game is on PC as well like 99% of games are why does it even matter if it's on PC? The best selling games on ps4 and xbox are all PC games like fifa, cod, gta, ass creed etc. A game being on PC for someone who only owns a console doesn't mean anything. I'm not even that guy either but your argument is retarded.

Until their games have polish and decent content they're not going anywhere

WHY are (((you))) """writing""" LIKE THIS??

no, it's japan having taste and recognizing that xbox is shit.

Sony is the reason Marvel is has loads of money right now. Bitting the hands that feeds you is Marvel's motto.

Why has there been so much anti Xbox threads recently? Did something happen?

>Sony is the reason Marvel is has loads of money right now

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This. The OG Xbox had one of the best Japanese libraries of any console and many of those games are still held in high regard and are fan favourites now like JSRF for example. It still failed to sell in Japan because they really are elitist. My cousin is married to this jap girl and I've spoken to her about jap culture and she's told me they hate anything that isn't japanese with very few exceptions like apple but that's because apple has become a cult symbol now in the whole of asia.

>muh patterns
the nes and snes won back-to-back. the ps1 and ps2 won back-to-back. your "patterns" don't exist.

>Did something happen?
2013 happened

If it wasn't for Spiderman, they would have never have started making their own movies.

>quantum break
Bought it for $10 and I hate it, played for 2 hours only
Oh and I also own a PC but dont game on it. That is for fat nerds only

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To be fair X-Men was successful before Spider-Man was on the big screen and that was Fox

There was this leak that the next xbox console is supposedly way more powerful than the PS5 to the point sony had to ramp up the ps5 clockspeed to 2.0 ghz which is insanely high for a console and then we got that devkit render with like 10 fans and a massive heatsink in the middle and shit. Resetera (sonyera) are completely seething over it.

>Given patterns that also occur
here's some patterns for you,
105 million
150 million
85 million
100+ million

24 million
85 million
40 million

if you were any good at reading patterns, you'd realize the safe bet is on Sony to succeed next gen

user, if you want to contribute to the discussion, at least do so in a way that's actually relevant. no one mentioned PC here.
well at least we can agree on that, user lol

If it weren't for Sony and the Raimi movies there would be no MCU right now.

>the games that i can't play anywhere but the Xbone?
So why say this then?

Xmen was a drop in a bucket compared to Spiderman. It broke records and was a phenomenon before the internet.

Fuck you a lot of Japanese Xbox games were great.
It has nothing to do with "hurr burger". If it were a Ubisoft console, I bet the same shit would happen.

well first why don't you tell me where PC factors into that? i asked because the conversation was about console gaming, which inevitably leads to a discussion on console exclusives, of which Xbone has none that are compelling. keep up lad

>before the internet
you cannot possibly be this dumb

The safe bet is all the companies doing well next gen like they did in 7th gen which was fiercely contested. It would be impossible for Microsoft to do any worse than this gen assuming they don't have a weaker console for $100 more as well as kinect going into next gen.

E3 was proof that we still need Sony in some capacity

With Sony out of town this year Xbox and Nintendo had the place to themselves, and Xbox had to take on all of the multi-platform titles that needed announcing

They tried to market it as a conference with non-stop games and while that WAS true; it felt bloated and overstuffed, there was no time to really absorb anything outside of the games they stopped to talk about

Multiplats were split fairly even between Sony and Microsoft, so no two conferences felt like they were crushed under their own weight (Although Sony decided to fuck around with instruments for half of their show last year, it's no wonder they decided to skip town)

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What is forza horizon 4? That's one of the most quality racing exclusives ever with review scores which represent it. You can't play it on any other console.

There was no big message boards, twitter, or facebook to spread news back then. If there was, the movie would have been even bigger.

They were only 2 years apart

>user, surely you have a point to prove past infantile insults. the real problem lies in the fact that past OG Xbox (which i agree, had some fantastic jap crap), Microsoft never made much investment in that side of the market. they wanted to focus on the multimedia experience, and the trendy western online shooters, and by the time they realized they needed to branch out from that it was too late.

There were plenty of message boards, you are very clearly underaged.

>Post yfw you didn't fall for the Xbone meme

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Driveclub look better and it's older. Hang yourself

that's cool if you're into racing games. i'm not, and even if i were one quality racing game would hardly be enough to justify the purchase of an Xbone.

I think that you have to be trolling.
The xbox OG and 360 had some great games that appealed to Japanese audiences.

Assetto Corsa shits on both simultaneously

To the extent of 90% of the population reading them? Back then, only outcasts used the internet to communicate with strangers.

>The xbox OG and 360 had some great games that appealed to Japanese audiences.
clearly they didn't, since japanese audiences didn't buy their garbage.

>no, it's because Micro$oft is trash-tier and everyone but their deluded burgerfans realize that.
>complaining about infantile insults

In the early 90's, sure that would be applicable. In the early 2000's plenty of normal people used the internet.

It only takes one game to make something justifiable. You don't need a massive library. That's generally how the market goes anyway. When a game comes out which people like, you can bet they will buy the console for the game. For example we can guarantee pokemon selling millions of switch just because of that one game. People will buy it superficially to play pokemon. People bought 360s back in the day to specifically play halo 3 and this was early on in the gen where neither the ps3 or 360 had established libraries but it was that one game which made everyone big 360s at that time. Same goes for this gen and games like spiderman for ps4 which causes a bump in console sales simply because there are people who will buy the console to play this one game they want to play but then when they're do they're locked into the ecosystem which is what MS, Nintendo and sony want.


can't handle the bantz i see. are you one of said burgerfans, by chance? i'm a burger myself lad, chill out

Not at all. There was no reddit or twitter with billions of visitors a day.

>microsoft never made much investment in that side of the market

Bullshit. This proves that you were absent during the OG Xbox and 360's push for Japan.
Microsoft has sited, on multiple occasions, that the 360 design itself came out of collaboration to get the Japanese audience.

Americans don't say bantz or lad
You're clearly from the UK/Australia

I love my xbox!

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>this thread
Uh oh are Sonygals(male) taking a break from dilating? Bless their(Them) hearts.

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No, but there were still message boards with millions of users.

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i didn't realize i had to be from any specific location to use their lingo. bantz is pretty commonly used her regardless of where you're from; is this your first day? as for lad i have irish heritage, so please, continue telling me where i'm from and where i'm not, you're clearly all-knowing lol

Okay, no point in arguing with you since you need to make up bullshit.

Beating a dead horse at this point. These threads aren't original, insightful, or needed.

Insomniac hasn't made a good game since fucking Spyro.

Give me that BIG list of game censored to make this shitpost legitimate.

The japanese audience hated Microsoft for trying to force them to buy something else than Nintendo and Sony to get dem JRPGs. Microsoft was the OG EGS

Sunset Overdrive isn't a good game anymore according to Xbots.

better than spiderman

>getting this assmad over literally nothing
>asking anyone else if it's their first day

Cope and go back to Yea Forums

Literally nobody ever said this. It wasn't a good game to Sony shills when it was only on PC/xbox but now it's like the best ever because Sony owns it. It's funny how you just shot yourself in the foot with that statement.

you're the one getting bootyblasted over typical Yea Forums banter lad, take your own advice or shut the fuck up. i'm already bored of your seething bitch ass lol

Dying? It's dead and rotting, Xbox Scarlett will be their last console ever, in no time you will see them announce their retirement from the console industry

>still coping

Cope harder. Your next reply is going to be maximum cope.

>Tfw almost fell for the Xbones meme
>Tfw got a Wii U instead and modded the shit out of it
>Still has more exclusive than Xbarebones

They'll be around for another 2-3 gens before xcloud streaming becomes mainstream enough to completely drop dedicated hardware. The CEO himself has given xbox the green light to do anything they want and even featured Microsoft gaming at his investors conference a few months back. They're in the best position they've been in since the start of the gen anyway so it can only continue going up hill from here. They invested billions into AMD alone for exclusive console tech for next gen and beyond. Unironically looking forward to seeing what scarlett brings to the table because the x1x was some really good engineering.

>Jet Set Radio
>Lost Od.
Confirmed shit taste

I can handle your "bantz" it's just such low tier.

pretty much this.
Microsoft tried, failed, and tried again.

Imagine getting blown the fuck out this hard and being too goddamned dense to realize it

>I can handle your "bantz"
then why are you whining

Hi zoomer

Oh wow.
The pot calling the kettle black.

seething so hard he has to samefag lmfao

I think you're projecting.

And they failed again.

i think it's more like you're just doing a piss poor job of hiding your pained ass, user

Not even samefaging
I haven't seen this much butthurt in a while.

Are you mad?

Microsoft needs better management. Phil, Aaron, and Matt are dunces. Say what you want about Shawn Layden, but he's running circles around a trillion dollar company, it's embarrassing.

>Xbox is DEAD!
>Microsoft are FINISHED!
What's going to be spouted when Microsoft releases their console next year?

>been xbot since the duke and halo ce
>it's finally dying

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not really no, but you sure seem desperate to make me so. funny how such low effort shitposting can upset so many. you really need to take Yea Forums, and yourselves, less seriously lol

All those words.
But nothing to explain why you are so mad though?

Still got the best exclusive in the end

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Why don't they just buy Nintendo?

no matter how many times you ask i'm not gonna be mad, especially if you can't put any more effort in than that. stay seething, you beautiful user

I mean, it's ok to be upset user.
A lot of people get mad when they can't take that people have different opinions.

It's a safe place.
So, tell us user, why are you mad?

Why do they have the necessity to fuck themselves over? It's like they want to be seen as evil. I just don't get it, how can they be so retarded?

I can only imagine the seethe behind your post.

>Shawn Layden
only circles hes running is around the buffet table

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I can see that you are still upset.
Why are you mad, user?

Reminder 3-4x as many people play on PS4 and exclusive content.

>pic related, it's you right now lol
but user i played that on PS4

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Xbox had a good run. But a lot of consoles live and die in this market and they fucked up SEVERELY

cd-i has more exclusives

But why are you mad though?

The management is fine. If you look at where the brand was at the start of this gen and now at the end, they've come a long way and are at their strongest ever going into next gen in terms of the resources they have such as development studios and stuff. It was never going to be an overnight change and it was expected to take 4-5 years to completely reshuffle the whole brand but they've done a pretty good job at it. Next gen will be their true test to see if they can deliver after they've done all this work to strengthen the brand behind the scenes. Layden has actually been shit for playstation when you realise the biggest thing he's done is pull out of PSX and E3. All the games that came out when he was in charge were actually commissioned by Tretton like for example GoW, Spiderman, U4, Bloodborne etc all started development before 2014 and he only was in charge from 2014 onwards. It will be a test for him as well to see if he delivers the same quality of first party content as his predecessor next gen.

Next gen will be the defining generation for all these guys from Phil to Shawn.

>claims exclusives are cancerous
>4 PS4 exclusive are on this list

Just keep digging that hole deeper retard

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Even if Microsoft makes no gams for their next console I'll still buy it to support xbox's future.
The night is darkest before the dawn. They will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time you will help them accomplish wonders.

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So why do obvious console warring bait threads like these get to stay up so long?

Based PS4 Pro outputting at 4k at less cost than the X

user, I. . .

Because it's the same guy posting over and over.

Pro outputs to 2160p, cunt.

But... why are you mad?

sure it does

>then they had more opportunities to make even more money (even though slightly per movie, billions more overall) and they said no.
Disney Execs, plz go. You literally hold all the merchandise and licensing rights for any of Sony's films. They don't make a dime off the films outside if box office receipts, which is pennies compared to the sweet sweet licensing deals.

Microsoft will become more and more irrelevant in the console market. The reason for this is they will have less and less exclusives because they see themselves as a service company. Eventually Xbox as a platform will die and MS will replace it with xcloud on Windows, Mac and Playstation.

>Still mad
But user, you should tell us why you are so mad?

>the biggest Xbox game reveal for the end of this year is Age of Empires 4, a PC game DOA if it comes to the xbone
Is it sad or funny anons? The last console I bought before switching to PC was a 360, but I play my damn ps2 more than that these days

I own all platforms, it was good and a better game than Spider-Man. Either way, neither game was worth buying the studio over.

Anyways, who the fuck cares about exclusives in 2019? All the best games are third party. Nothing exclusively on either console is at that level.

Glad we agree.

Sony doesn't need to buy more studios, they are auto-sufficient with what they have currently, like Nintendo. Microsoft on the other hand, isn't.

enjoy that checkerboarding Vaseline and jet engine fan, true quality that

Come on, we just want to help. Why are you mad?

This is some terrible Sony fanfiction. They will have the most first party content next gen simply because they have the most studios. They even said they aim to release a first party game every quarter. For all these weirdos who can't accept to play any game unless it's a first party game then the xbox scarlett is for them. Sony on the other hand have literally said they want to make less exclusives which by your own logic means they will become more and more irrelevant.

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>it wasnt worth it for sony to make games about spider man
Can you be more retarded than this?

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>They even said they aim to release a first party game every quarter
Nobody asked for a bunch of mediocre games from third rate studios

Every time i see an Xbox thread it reminds me of youtubes biggest Xbox shill, crapgamer. I checked his page and it looks like hes turning to PlayStation.
Its fucking over bros...

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hi redd*t

Nobody asked for less games either. The reality is Sony are aiming to make less games and microsoft are aiming to make more games, which again by your own logic means sony are going to become "more and more irrelevant". You might not care about these games coming out every quarter but someone else will and will buy a console to play it. That's just how the console market works.

You're right. Days Gone was pretty bad.

I still can't fathom that the studio who made Syphon Filter also made Bubsy 3D

You realise he does this as a joke right? Imagine not knowing what a clickbait youtuber is.

Bet those are all clickbait titles and he still a loyal dog to Burgersoft.

Days Gone unironically got better overtime. Can't say the same about Crackdown 3.

Which is why Halo 5 and Forza Horizon are two of the best exclusives of the gen

>inb4 Forza doesn't count because it comes with a free copy on W10

>they have more studios
Sony bought some studios and they have 2nd party studios too. Microsoft is game hell as franchises bought by Microsoft die. My logic is that Microsoft was never fond of exclusivity and whatever games they put out will be multiplats.

>Forza Horizon
>Halo 5
Not true

maybe not but you sure can say that about halo :)

top kek

But why do the threads stay up? Imagine if some Nintendo or Xbox fanboy made a thread like this, it would've been deleted in a heartbeat. Or are the mods Sony dick riders like the ResetEra refugees in this thread?

>MFW it just moves to a Windows only platform and the only dedicated hardware MS sells is basically a streaming box and controller

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lmao enjoy overwatch

Halo 5 is just as crappy as Overwatch is

Who gives a shit about Crackdown. Fuck Days Gone faggot.

No Microsoft has literally more developer teams and studios. That's an undeniable fact it's not even argued even on Sony forums.

Ninja theory itself has 3 separate studios within it. Playground games has 2 studios. That's 5 completely separate teams with different leads and different people under the same name but they all make different games.

>my logic
Your logic says Sony are going to be irrelevant. Great logic that.

When does buying studios ever work? The actual talent quits not long after, and then all thats left is the IP that diminishes in value every year because hardware developers hate backwards compatibility and zoomers can't stand playing old games.

Why is BTFO Xbots not fun? You don't get that laugh like when BTFO Switch and PC fags

Based. What puts this list into further perspective is how Sony literally said they're aiming for less games, but 'bigger' ones, which means zero creative risks and more of the same games we've seen. They fooled me with the ps4, and I'm not falling for it again.

Halo is always top notch though.

I'm a Sonyfag but Sony does this shit all the time too, like saying the next playstation will be more powerful than a PC and focus on "hardcore" gamers, it's pure marketing for normalfags.

Are you ready for 599 DOLLARS 2.0?

Hhahahaha. That faggot GeneralMLD never came back after it was announced that the PS3 had overtook the X360 in worldwide sales

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Maybe, I'll have to wait and see.

You do realise that Sony not only closed down the driveclub studio but also completely shut down all the online servers for the game in the SAME GEN as it came out in? That's one of the scummiest moves I've ever seen and it took me a while to believe it after i read it. It baffles me why sony fans paint sony like they can do no wrong whilst also attempting to shit on xbox/nintendo fans for things their company has done/allegedly done.

I'm not even disputing who has more studios. My point is that whatever studios Microsoft has is irrelevant because whatever Microsoft puts out will be multiplats. Hell, they even announced they wanted Xbox pass or whatever the name is to be on the Playstation. They have admitted defeat and they have shifted course. Microsoft aim seems to be to become a publisher and gain revenue from all platforms and yes that might include Nintendo if Nintendo built a powerful console comes their next gen.

Yes but Driveclub was a dead game. Worst title is still with Microsoft when it cut it's loses with the OG Xbox and shafted their whole base when they discontinued it.

The way I see the future is MS will be in charge of gaming services only and retire from the console market, Sony will practically stay the same way with their the home console line, and Nintendo will finally shift completely to the handheld console.

>Hell, they even announced they wanted Xbox pass or whatever the name is to be on the Playstation.
no they didn't. they said they wanted it to be universal and some retarded sony shill site said they said they want it on playstation completely out of context. they literally said just a weel ago no xbox first party games will ever go to playstation.


>has shitty 2009 pc with disk drive
>most likely doesn't even use it since it's turned off
>too scared or retarded to google a single problem that comes every now and then
>but I have a pc and it sucks!! my opinion does matter!!!1
xbots are a lost cause

>and Nintendo will finally shift completely to the handheld console.
keep dreaming user, Nintendo will be in the console market long after anyone else

they won't ever leave the console market till streaming becomes viable for the masses and by then sony will also transition to streaming. if streaming is viable these companies have no reason to lose money on hardware sales like they are now. they will continue selling consoles as long as sony does because like sony the majority of their gaming revenue comes from the console.

Its so hilarious seeing threads like this with people full of themselves predicting the Microsoft is finished or that the next Xbox will be their last. One would have thought that after Nintendo released the Switch and made every single Yea Forumsirgen who predicted the Wii U would be their last console eat their own words, people would have learned that its 100% possible to turn the tables on your favor with a single new console release. Can't wait to see history repeat itself in the next gen and Yea Forums be wrong yet again.

Why is it so hard to thrive in the console market? Is the MS-Sony-Nintendo monopoly destroying any chance of competition from lower companies interested in creating new consoles? Shouldn't we be discussing this?

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That's my point but I don't think Nintendo will abandon the console market

>i believe microsoft
You truly are a fucking retard, aren't you? I don't even know what to say.

>microsoft says DX12 will make it easier and faster to port games to other platforms
>microsoft says teh powah of da cloudz will improve enemy AI in games
>microsoft says powah of da cloudz will make the xbacks way more powerful

Don't you get tired of Microsoft's bullshit?

It's not Yea Forums tho. It's the obvious same Sonyfags making these threads and saying all that stupid shit.

>No KI

Fucking lame.

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>>microsoft says DX12 will make it easier and faster to port games to other platforms
they said uwp will make it easier. dx12 was a component of uwp apps. and it's been proven correct that uwp apps are very quickly ported between windows, xbox and mobile.

>microsoft says teh powah of da cloudz will improve enemy AI in games
again this is correct and even stadia are talking about this. cloud = more compute = higher quality enemy AI. this is literally basic knowledge of computing. Ms just hasn't used it properly yet. stadia will probably be the first to use this tech seeing as they're completely cloud based anyway.

>microsoft says powah of da cloudz will make the xbacks way more powerful
see above. no one who knows anything about computing will deny this. MS as i said previously just never used it.

>>i believe microsoft
wait, wait. so let me get this straight.
you believe a website claiming MS said they want gamepass on ps4 when they literally never said that, but when i use an actual source from MS saying opposite it's all a lie? good job and not even hiding who you're secretly shilling for.

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go back 3-4 years ago and nobody would even talk about xbox. all this butthurt is a testament to how far they've come to the point the whole of retardera is absolutely shitting themselves because the next xbox is apparently more powerful than ps5.

>Why should they bother with them especially when they're SJW devs? I don't want that shit on Xbox.
>Implying The Coalition ("muh feels" Gears 5) are not SJW devs
>Implying Double Fine (Tim Schafer) are not SJW devs
>FUCKING IMPLYING Obsidian are not SJW devs
You are not fooling anyone Xcuck, if you really cared about SJWs you would not even playing western games on the first place.

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>it's been proven correct
But it wasn't and hasn't being done.

>again this is correct
But it wasn't and hasn't being done.

>see above
see above

No. None of the things Microsoft said ever became real. Hell games still use DX11 in 2019 so much for faster games in DX12 amirite?

85% of the Xbox One games you have are already avaiable on the PS4. What's your point?

r&c you pleb

>But it wasn't and hasn't being done.
are you pretending to be dense? there are thousands upon thousands of uwp apps with loads on xbox as well. i don't even know what you're trying to argue here. it's a literal, known, undeniable fact that a uwp is very easily ported between microsoft platforms.

>But it wasn't and hasn't being done.
so? it's not microsofts fault the fans didn't want it. they can very easily do it right now if they wanted but the fans still wouldn't want it so blame the fans if you wanted to see it not microsoft.

>see above
see above

>Hell games still use DX11 in 2019 so much for faster games in DX12 amirite?
>developers freedom of choice is microsofts fault because dx12 isn't mainstream
meanwhile all microsoft first party games are dx12 only and run extremely well like forza horizon 4. if a developer chooses to use something else again that's not microsofts fault.

how about we talk about how sony said the ps4 is #4theplayers and an open platform for all yet they're actively censoring games?

>They need to recreate the og xbox
what? why would they remake a 20 year old console? you are fucking dumb

>Japan having taste
>Number 1 selling place of weeb and moeshit.

Now post the faces from spider-man ps4

You first, post the faces from Gears 5.

battlefield is dying too... shits fucked up man

DX12 never achieved what Microsoft said it was capable of. They oversold it like they oversold the Xbone and teh powa of teh clewds just like you are still over selling it right now years later after the fact.

Fans didn't want it? Fans didn't want better AI? Are you retarded Microsoft shill?

Developers use whatever is faster for them and if they choose DX11 is because obviously DX12 was not what Microsoft said it was.

Microsoft is also censoring games. All this censoring comes from America, home of the Xbacks.

BattleToads is shit anyways and this is most likely the devs that Rare is mainly working with on the game that did this.

This is poor art direction and it didn't come from Microsoft nor did Microsoft mandate it when Rash looks so much better in Killer Instinct.

I would say working your way up to AAA games would be extremely hard and require a lot of success that sometimes just doesn't happen. I think people are pretty happy about the consoles too so I don't think there is a demand for new consoles

>Aaron Greenberg
That’s so stereotypically Jewish it sounds made up


Gears is a video game, sorry it's not more like the Lesbian of Us.

They always seem to chimp out in Nintendo and Xbox threads for some reason.

>DX12 never achieved what Microsoft said it was capable of.
stop talking about things you have literally no idea of what they are. dx12 is everything MS said it was. these transitions don't come in a day, they take many many years. all modern games which support new tech like ray tracing, asynchronous compute, multicore rendering etc all use dx12 like all the RTX games are exclusively only able to use RTX in dx12. by your own logic vulkan is dead because there's only like 5 AAA games which actually use it.

>Fans didn't want it?
are you retarded? the fans didn't want the cloud stuff so microsoft said fine we won't use the cloud compute which would have also made the games always online.

>Developers use whatever is faster for them
how anyone can be this retarded is beyond me. developers use what they know and what will be the most worthwhile for them. to have a true dx12/vulkan game you need to build the engine specifically with these features from the ground up. a lot of the time these so called dx12 modes are just wrappers for dx11 just to advertise their game as being more advanced than it really is and it ends up performing worse because a wrapper inevitably causes overhead. a lot more games now are implementing better dx12 modes along side dx11 modes like hitman where you can gain 20+ fps just from using dx12. bf5 is another game where you can gain up to 60 more fps just from using dx12.

>Microsoft is also censoring games
microsoft hasn't censored any games this gen or else if they did you'd be spamming it here right now.

>All this censoring comes from America
it's sony of japan who are censoring these japanese games. i'm glad nintendo are destroying them over there.

pic related is you.

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Hard to defend a platform when two of its flagship series have been abandoned by their original developers and the last one is a fucking racing game.

>it's sony of japan who are censoring these japanese games. i'm glad nintendo are destroying them over there.
Not him but what you've write right there is pure bullshit. Sony Interactive (the Sony games division) moved from Japan to California and since then they started to censor japanese games, it's all commiefornia fault. Americans SJWs are ruinning everything as always.

Sony has the casual gamer crowd on lockdown. PlayStation is and always has been where you go when you don’t actually like video games but want to tell other people you’re a gamer. Everyone else can just watch their exclusives on YouTube.

That was more a comment on none of Insomiac's IPs being gamechangers. You are an idiot if you think Spider-Man is like Halo or God Of War.

Sony can play tertiary IP wars all they want, it will mean fuck all if people don't buy their next console.

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>Sony has the casual gamer crowd on lockdown. PlayStation is and always has been where you go when you don’t actually like video games but want to tell other people you’re a gamer.
Funny that you are saying that when half of the PS4 userbase is literally composed by people who had a Xbox 360 and not a PS3 on the previous gen. These same people would have a Xbox One right now if Microsoft had not shoot themselves on the foot with that shit announcement conference and the PR nightmare that was Matrick's quote "if you can't afford online connection, buy a Xbox 360".

They should have bought Sega.

Ratchet & Clank (made by Insomniac) is one of the biggest long running Playstation ips alongside Gran Turismo.

Holy shit! Can you post the source?

nothing wrong with having a racing game as one of your flagship series. back in the ps2 days and even ps1 gran turismo was a sony flagship series and widely regarded as the best racer on the market like forza is now. people would literally buy ps2's just to play gt4.

According to japanese laws, american companies can't buy japanese ones, and Sega already is owned by another company, Sammy.

>According to japanese laws, american companies can't buy japanese ones
why do people keep spamming this bullshit? this has never been true outside of special cases but those special cases are the same for every country.

It was never good, that's why it sold like shit, only reddit liked it.

What a bod

These retards will keep saying this like they say Nintendo is doomed for the 1000th time. They'll say it even when Sony finally fucks off from gaming.

I know Microsoft made some bold promises and delivered on none of them. Vulkan forced Microsoft to release DX12. I believe AMD said or demoed ray tracing on their platform too. Nvidia didn't invent ray tracing nor any of the other tracings.

No, you are the retard because Microsoft could've delivered the cloud stuff whenever gamers were playing vidya even that fuck face Mattrick or whatever agreed that it didn't needed to be always online.

Oh cmon, if devs didn't choose DX12 is obvious it was because Microsoft lied about it. Devs would've loved developing games faster and not only devs but publishers too but like everything Microsoft it was obviously all a big fat lie. Also the gains from DX12 was just from the more draw calls done. I remember the whole DX11/Vulkan/DX12/AMD/Nvidia/Microsoft debacle.

Yes they have.

Sony of America based on Commiefornia, America. America, home of the Xbaxks

pic related is you

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This, Microsoft and Nintendo will have all the games, Sony will have jackshit.

You're right, we asked for more games and it seems Sony will be underdelivering here.

So let's rate them shall we
Makes sense since they were making Forza Horizon anyway but the rumored Fable reboot is just weird to me. I'd much rather they make a new IP
>Undead Labs
State of Decay has its dedicated fanbase but what are they going to make after that? Are they just going to make State of Decay forever?
>The Initiative
Technically not an acquisition because they built it themselves. We really don't know much about them other than they're pretty much going to be Microsofts answer to Sonys Naughty Dog and/or Sony Santa Monica. We'll probably be waiting a long time for this but I'm interested
>Ninja Theory
Probably the most surprising buy but I'm pretty disappointed they went from Hellblade to Bleeding Edge which looks DOA. I know they said they have a few games in development but they usually take a long time to make
>Compulsion Games
Probably the dumbest buy of the lot. We Happy Few was pretty hyped after the first trailer but when it actually came it it wasn't even very good. Not sure why Microsoft rushed to get them
Genuinely don't know who they are.
Probably they're biggest buy of the lot. They're still so fresh that they're still contractually obligated to finishing off their multiplat Outer Worlds. It's interesting to see what comes next
>Double Fine
Strange get, must have come cheap because their games don't really sell that well.

Halo 5 is awesome.

This, Microsoft will have so many games next gen.

>forza best racer right now
Imagine being this retarded

>wtf why is this megacorp stopping eating up indepedent studios, they should buy more out!

Imagine being this much of a bootlicker

remember when Yea Forums used to shit on MS for eating up studios and forcing exclusivity? i member

now you fags encourage them

It's time to accept it XCuck.
Xbox has no games
Playstation has shit SJW games
Now Xbox will have shit SJW games too.

The problem here is that they're not blatantly showing this shit in their games like Sony is, Microsoft would never kill off and replace Master Chief because we Halo fans would gut them but Sony almost killed off Kratos with no hesitation at all because of toxic masculinity.

whatever helps you cope I guess


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Nah, Xbox will have video games, PlayStation will have SJW movie shit.

And Sony got... neither. Oh well!

Are you forgetting the fact that 343 TRIED to replace Master Chief in Halo 5? That shit backfired really hard for them.

>Vulkan forced Microsoft to release DX12
vulkan came out a whole year after dx12 retard.

> I believe AMD said or demoed ray tracing on their platform too
whats your point? any ray tracing on PC using directx renderer would go through dx12. if amd release their own RTX equivalent it will also use dx12. what the fuck even is your argument?

>Nvidia didn't invent ray tracing nor any of the other tracings.
who the fuck ever claimed this?

>No, you are the retard because Microsoft could've delivered the cloud stuff whenever gamers were playing vidya even that fuck face Mattrick or whatever agreed that it didn't needed to be always online.
again showing how retarded you are. what if someone wanted to play offline? their whole game wouldn't work if it needed the cloud assisted AI to work. mattrick didn't say anything of the sort. he said it absolutely needs to be always online for cloud AI and if you wanted to play offline buy a 360. you're just spouting nonsense now.

>Oh cmon, if devs didn't choose DX12 is obvious it was because Microsoft lied about it.
what the fuck logic is this? why are you jumping to retarded conclusions? literally no one and i mean no one on this whole planet who is in development will agree with this conclusion. that's like saying devs don't use vulkan because khronos lied about it when everyone knows vulkan is very good.

>Yes they have.
show me any game MS have censored this gen

>Sony of America
sony still censoring games. cope.

>pic related is you
wow i didn't know i own an invisible xbox one. nothing i've even said has been about xbox one but the PC side. i play xbox games on PC. me using basic logic to defend your retarded misinformation argument doesn't mean i own an xbox, moron.

Yeah, because we Halo fans almost gutted them for it, we had to teach Bungie the same lesson in 2004.

forza has the highest rating of any racing game franchise this gen with 91 rating the last game and 92 from the recent one. it's unanimously accepted to be the best racing game on the market unless you own a playstation which in that case you automatically hate it for the simple fact that it's not a playstation game or on playstation.

So feel free to enjoy you CalArts Battletoads, the SJW reddit tier Obsidian RPG, the cinematic SJW Gears 5, the SJW Ninja Theory game full of ugly and "progressive" character designs, and whatever the shit Tim Schafer throws at you then.
But of course, it's ok when based Micro does it right?

Is the reason Sony fans hate Nintendo and Xbox so much is because Sony's games suck ad they will never have the kind of games Nintendo and Microsoft have? I mean the only time I ever seen them talking about games was when Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2 came out but now they talk about nothing.

they're already shitting up other threads

when do you ever see xbox or nintendo players say this shit?

You should be ashamed of yourself, falseflagging other threads just to instigate console wars on a japanese anime imageboard. What a sad life.

Who said I was buying Battletoads or Ninja Theory's game? If the other three studios make fun games, I'm buying them.

Fucking sad

none of those posts are mine but if that's what allows you to sleep at night instead of accepting the reality the sony fanbase is cancerous then so be it.

>74 posters
>368 replies
Sonyfags are pathetic.

>DX12 released after Mantle/Vulkan
Remember it was named something different at first, retard?

Point was that ray tracing isn't something that belongs to microsoft

You. You seemed to want to imply ray tracing was something exclusive to rtx and dx12

If someone wanted to play offline then there would be no powah of the clouds and possibly no game. Yes he did. He flip flopped for a whole week. Must have been a bad week at Xbacs HQ LOL.

Don't speak for an entire industry.

I can't right now

America is censoring games

pic related is you
Are you even the original guy I was replying to? This whole argument started when I said not to believe Microsoft lies and I pointed out teh powah of da cloudz and some other things Microsoft has lied about. I won that argument. Microsoft has lied and cannot be trusted.

Attached: 1556672189151.png (688x784, 165K)

Xfags still dont understand that all xbox games are on pc. Microsoft can be happy to sell 1/5 as many consoles as sony next gen

I bought an Xbx to play multiplats that can be played better on my superior Pc. Because I like to physically own my games.

Cautiosly optimistic for Scarlett. The Xbox division is no longer handled by retarded suits that only care about TV TV TV TV Sports Kinect bullshit.

Looking forward to Playground's Fable reboot

FH3 is on PC and on PC it has a rating of 86

Xbox games have been on PC since 2001, you underage faggot.

I am part of the Sony fanbase and I don't hate Nintendo. What now?

Yas Quees Slay!

are you dense? the API prior to vulkan from the khronos group was opengl. they didn't have anything even remotely related to vulkan when dx12 came out. AMD had mantle which was the first low level API for pc.

>Point was that ray tracing isn't something that belongs to microsoft
where did anyone ever say this you retard? the argument was about devs using dx12 over dx11 and i accurately said the adoption rate is going up for recent AAA games which want to use modern rendering techniques like ray tracing and that only dx12 offers ray tracing whereas dx11 doesn't, and that all these RTX games are using dx12. RTX is literally just hardware support for DX12 DXR. it's not that hard to understand.

>You. You seemed to want to imply ray tracing was something exclusive to rtx and dx12
no i didn't moron. i was explaining the differences between dx11 and dx12. see above. i knew you were clinically retarded but i didn't realise you're dyslexic too.

>If someone wanted to play offline then there would be no powah of the clouds and possibly no game.
duh you don't say moron. the whole reason they didn't use the cloud is because people wanted to play offline and didn't want the always online requirement. i still don't even know what your argument is.

>Don't speak for an entire industry.
show me a single source from a developer saying dx12 isn't what he wanted to he uses dx11 instead. i'll wait.

>I can't right now
how convenient.

>America is censoring games
sony is censoring games. got it.

>Microsoft has lied and cannot be trusted.
and you haven't been able to provide i single shred of evidence that hasn't been completely disproved relating to this claim.

sony have lied way, way, WAY more than microsoft in the ps3 era alone.

Attached: 1555426547416.png (1570x1260, 279K)

so does this mean Nintendo can have Rareware again?

>xbox no handled by retarded suits
No, it's now handled by smart suits who not only want TV TV TV but also want Xbox as a service where it can make a deal with Sony to allow Xbox games on the Playstation. Either way, kiss your physical copies bye bye in a not so distant future.

fh3 also had massive pc performance issues. the working version was the xbox version and it got 91. fh4 got a 92.

>kiss your physical copies bye bye in a not so distant future.
sony are the only one refusing to adopt backwards compatibility for ps1, 2 and 3 and literally telling you to throw those physical copies in the bin and use psnow streaming for those games instead.

Attached: 1555993958257.gif (640x361, 1.86M)

But the Xbox withheld some of them exclusive to the Xbox and Microsoft seems to be doing away with exclusivity altogether in the foreseeable future making the Xbox irrelevant more than what it already is

this is a dumb argument because if everyone bought a pc to play games which aren't exclusive to console then consoles would be dead and buried because they get like 1 or 2 exclusives a year at max. everyone knows consoles primarily sell because of multiplats like fifa and cod. xbox is fine. upto 50m consoles this gen, definitely more next gen.

tell all of your fellow sony posters to mature then.

>sony have lied way, way, WAY more than microsoft in the ps3 era alone.

I remember this. They said the PS3 would have 4D graphics, support dual 1080p screens and be able to play 2 games at once on two difference screens and even had two ethernet ports for that or something along those lines. They also had that E3 around 2005/06 which showed off a bunch of tech demos which ended up being massively misleading and no games to this day ever achieved those physics or visuals like the UE3 demo or the duck floating in water. Sony always lie but the fanbase conveniently forgets it or ignores it.

That was all the fault of Microsoft for jump starting the gen too early and all the corporate espionage they did on Sony which again is against the law in the US.


And Gears 1 got an exclusive chapter on the PC version that the Xbox 360 version didn't get, your point?

That is exactly my point

How can that be the case when console gamers will stick with consoles.

Perhaps is another fanbase larping as the Playstation fanbase

Attached: POWAHOFDACLOUDZ.png (210x99, 59K)

Meant for .

no its definitely the sony fanbase. i mean just look at this thread. you don't see any nintendo fans here, just sony fans trying to shit up the board once again.

I don't see the relevancy. The fact is Microsoft lied about DX12. DX12 was not easy to develop for nor delivered any of the features Microsoft said it would. Those are the facts and you are a Microsoft apologist.

that is a very obvious false-flagging nintendofag.

>Sony flat out lying over and over again is Microsoft's fault

The mental gymnastics on show is astounding.

Attached: 1517383647205.png (276x210, 62K)

>The fact is Microsoft lied about DX12
prove it.

>DX12 was not easy to develop
prove it.

>nor delivered any of the features Microsoft said it would
prove it.

Not only did Microsoft jump started the gen too early but they shafted all the adopters of the og Xbox when it was discontinued.

What has Microsoft or Xbox got to do with the fact Sony have lied severely on multiple occasions? I didn't mention Xbox or Microsoft once in my post so why do you insist on bringing them up twice now in a discussion which has absolutely nothing to do with them?

It's just sony fans against that Microsoft pajeet who's getting a lot of xbox coins on his account

sony could literally hire rapists to murder and rape these shills whole families and they'd still beg sony for more and defend them.

Already did

Already did

Already did

the OP of this thread is anti-xbox and from a sony fan. your argument has no legs to stand on. cope shill.

show me all this external evidence from developers that you have already provided. link me to these posts. can't wait to see them.

Sony fans have Nintendo and Microsoft on the brain.

>no improved AI
>no stronger xbox through power of the cloud
>no faster games being developed

Show me proved Microsoft delivered on any of this. Link me the games. Can't wait to see them.

how about you address your original claim first regarding dx12 and this alleged proof you've already posted and we can go from there. still waiting.

Isn't Xbox Scarlett all of this though?

AI will get better through simply having a superior CPU compared to the tablet garbage in the current console.
as for the cloud assisted AI it depends on whether the consumer wants it as it will require a game to be always connected to the internet like an MMO. if MS makes an MMO we may see it utilise azure AI.
DX12 has been a wonder for me on PC. my GPU is way more capable than my CPU and in recent dx12 games i get crazy good fps and better CPU utilisation which results in better GPU utilisation. in forza i get over 100 fps at all ultra settings + 2xmsaa, it's mental.

Type in Asher Maden, rscottyg, or Xniggies and you'll see what kind of people are making these threads

Oh what's that? No games being linked? Oh my! Where's teh games shill? Link them.

Ah yes, the Scarlett will do what the Xbox One already do so why release the same console again?

I aint clicking that shit nigga

Microsoft's problem is not a lack of investments but a lack of capable people. Instead of making new ideas, they bought relatively established devs and forced them to repeat past successes.
I don't think that the people who worked for the xbox department have any gaming insight at all.

The console will have a GPU and CPU that completely shits on the Xbone, the fuck are you even saying?

>what is burden of proof
you made the claim it's up to you to back up said claim. that's how it works in a court of law. you can't make a claim and then change your claim all together just because you have no proof of it. if you were a normal person you'd provide the proof for what you claim and the discussion can progress from there. as of your latest post you haven't provided anything to back your claims so everyone here is still waiting for this proof that DX12 is dead and no one wants to use it because it's hard to develop for and lacks features. still waiting.

Attached: c5fe.png (1449x26, 7K)

They can't even update their own software without having problems. It seems Microsoft are just a bunch of retards pajeets

Never had a problem with it.

Attached: 6a0120a85dcdae970b0128776ff992970c-pi.png (200x193, 30K)

The burden of proof is on Microsoft you retard. Where are the games? Can't link them?

It seems to me you just cant link any game. At all.

the burden of proof is on you moron. you're the one saying its worse than dx11 and BS like that when the facts are the complete opposite. the burden of proof is on you disprove all these games where dx12 runs well and with cutting edge features like ray tracing support and async compute that they don't exist or they're all lies.

im getting the scarlett cuz it makes sony roaches mad. i can afford them all but xbox is comfy and has way better controllers than sony and nintendo have ever put out.

You sir are a very lucky sir

it seems to me you can't link any source to prove your claims. the burden of proof is on you not me. try posting sources for what you claim and we can go from there. this is the 4th time of asking.

Based, going for Xbox Scarlett and Switch Lite to shit on all Sonyfags and early Switch adopters.

Unable to link any games. Seems to me MIcrosoft lied and you cannot point even a single game delivering on what Microsoft promised.

Link a single game. One game. Just one.

link a single source. one source. just one.

>had a perfectly fine new monitor
>update rolls around
>suddenly windows thinks my monitor is a "TV," rolling the update back doesn't fix it
>the display is absolute ass
>I'm stuck with an uncorrectable problem
>it's been like this for a year now

Sir, please sir, link one game. Sir, just a single game sir.

dx12 games? sure.


Where's the power of the cloud? Where's the improved AI? Where's the improved physics? Prove the game has it. Post the links sir. Sir pls, sir just post the links, sir.

see i've already given you a source to prove it works much better than dx11. post your sources for what you originally claimed and we can discuss everything else after that.

Sir, you just posted a randoms video. Post Microsoft documentation that confirms this game has all features that Microsoft promised, sir.