Sexual objectification of men in videogames

Why you still don't protest against it?

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because only trannies and fugly woman don't like hot people

Because then we couldn't argue for sexier women

I don't protest against either.

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It overlaps with the male power fantasy. Maybe if it was fujos running the industry making all the male characters effeminate twinks, then I'd have a problem with objectification

>tfw I have a gigachad jaw

how does it feel, subhumans

hot girls are a female power fantasy.
see literally any MMO.

>it's okay because they like it :^)
Victim blaming is never ok

Because men see a cool masculine dude and wants to become like him, we see it as an celebration and affirmation of what we want/trying to be.

Trannies and Femoids see a beautiful woman and they're filled with an overwhelming rage because they subconsciously realize they can never be like that. Trannies because they physically can't and femoids because they realize they don't have the discipline or the character to improve their looks.

Masculinity is becoming and femininity is being.

Except you still could. Men and women aren't the same. Female worth is derived from reproductive fitness and looks, male worth from success and capability.

Because I'm not a huge pansy who feels threatened by a collection of pixels.
But that doesn't mean I won't masturbate to other collections of pixels.

it's literally make believe

men see a mountains to climb
women see an obstacle they must get rid off.

How would being a hot woman(with abs) who kicks ass not be a Power fantasy for a woman?

Because I like seeing attractive men and women in all media.

Why does the right one look like Sheldon?

You have to admit though, there are far more ugly male video game characters than male.

Not protags no.

This. Only ugly people thinks something having a lot of attractive, idealized humans is a problem

And most people don't give a shit about 95% of them. Just like real life desu

Because there’s no history behind it

Interesting take

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Not all women want to be that I guess. Think of that one collage of decently-attractive women cutting/dyeing their hair and becoming feminist dykes

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Sure thing shorty

Because when men play as a strong, attractive man, we admire and live vicariously through them in the game when they mow down hordes of enemies and fuck bitches. When women play strong, attractive females, they can only think of how they aren't as hot as the character they're playing. They would complain a lot more about porn if they cared about objectification.

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> UH if you have attractive looking women in media you'll stop desiring real women
*rates 80% of men as below average*
> maybe aim to be more like youe game characters then we'll be like the women
*joins HAES, stops shaving and compares uterine scars from various nigger dick invasions*

than female*
Exactly, so why does Yea Forums blow a gasket when there are a few goblinas added in to the mix.

So you just want it to look more like yourself

I'm not insecure and threatened by fictional depictions of men.
Also dicks, they're nice.

>removing dreamy boys and macho hunks from vidya
The video game industry would literally crumble to dust.

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>Bigger jaw = more attractive
This is why men can't rate other men. They rate purely on masculinity not on attractiveness. (Muh gigachad)
Pic related attracts more women than both

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Have sex.

>he doesnt have a big jaw
are you blind my man

Biljar it's /biz/ you're looking for.

Well... shit.

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This is the only reasonable answer

Learn to code
Stop playing vidya
Clean your room

this is turning into a gay thread
I’m out of here

learn to code?

I support both. Entertainment should be allowed to have sexually appealing characters. I can't think of the last attractive female character though, maybe lara croft in Legends/ Anniversary. The code vein girl is hot but not my sort of game.

Bigger than the incel but smaller than the "Chad".

short men are genetically superior though

incels and "femoids" will never have sex because they're both the ideal match for each other but are too viscerally disgusted by a reflection of themselves, instead of being able to recognize their faults in each other and improve as people.

Don't know about you but i like looking at 10/10 people in general. and yes that includes dudes

Cringe that because i didn't respond you just talk to yourself.

Im not sure you understand the terms faggot

The thing about porn is that it's ABOUT the objectification of women. There's not really anything else to it.

Video games, movies, comics, anime and basically every entertainment medium in history objectifies women and tries to sweep it under the rug and pretend like it isn't really there like they are somehow above that kind of thing.

I too enjoy looking at pixelated titties and don't really care about objectification. I think it has its time and place. But to compare it to porn is fucking stupid and missing the point.

Fuck you, attractive female characters are an aesthetic I aspire too, don't say I haven't put in the work. Nier A Tomato specifically encouraged me to start squats for a better ass


>shitty /r9k/ thread poorly disguised as a vidya thread
Kill yourself, faggot OP.

>Zayn Malik
>attracting more women than *any* B.J. Blazkowicz lookalike

I think "uncircumcise" works better because it's permanent and you can't fix it so it ends up causing endless frustration

Because it's not really a thing.

And the issue isn't that there's titty or even sexualized women in games. It's that the vast majority of female characters in games have to be.

Because unlike feminists, we actually fantasize about being stronger and more handsome than we truly are.

But the characters are objects though. Them being used for satisfaction and enjoyment is literally 100% okay

Yes you're coping.
Pretty boys get younger women at their prime while hyper masculine men get blown out roast lol.

Better start saving for the fat transfers now.

Shut up midge

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Oh no I absolutely understand the terms, and I'm well acquainted with the people. The people that need the information can absolutely glean it from what I said.

I can't think of any AAA game with a decidedly hot female character in the past 5 years.

Faith Seed, Far Cry 5.

anyone got the collection of the male stereotype that's featured on these cheap romance novels for women?

You have zero clue what femoids means.

> that roastie fridge body
Nah. I see better every day.

but it's true
as we develop more sophisticated genetic modification technology, why would we keep tall humans around? Waste of resources, higher disease and cancer rates (which increases health care cost), higher energy requirement, worse in combat, takes up more space, etc. They are obsolete
short men are objectively superior. shut up obsolete lanky fag

Isn't it just all Fabio?


femoids is used by incels to dehumanize women, they're describing them as something subhuman, like how hominid is used to describe a special brand of apes that later evolved into humans.

I suppose the female power fantasy is forcing people to listen to their bullshit

I wish I looked like BJ

they're all muscular, tall dudes with square jaws. Which kinda defeats the argument that male action heroes appeal only to the male fantasy when garbage bin erotic fiction features the very same archetype.

Sexual objectification is unironically a good thing. We don't need to stop objectifying women, we just need to start objectifying men, too.

It came up as a joke because femoids sperged out people were referring to them as females instead of woman for some reason, so they all doubled down to make it actually dehumanizing.

Chopping your dick off doesn't make you a woman.

The idea that what you see and do in games will affect you in real life is something I never quite understood. If this were true, we should be worried about millions of people going on rampages worldwide instead of the male gaze, cat calling or what have you.

we already got that game
how many people reading this thread were told they look like Gordon Freeman? I know I have, then I realized that wasn't an accident.

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Bj and doomguy

well if you adress someone directly with female it's indeed pretty weird. That's something a sperg would do. Even radical feminists call men men and not males. That only makes sense if you're talking in a very specific context, like empirical data on crimes or whatever.

Men aren't really sexualized in videogames. The gay community is so small and insignificant to sales figures they may as well not exist.

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Why would I care if a dude looks better than me? Am I trying to fuck him or something?

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Gays aren't the only ones who like men, you know.

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>well if you adress someone directly with female it's indeed pretty weird
incels don't talk to femoids retard. they were analyzing the nature of woman in the third person and used "female" and this triggered the femoids more than what was actually being said about them.

Nobody said they only appealed to males as a fantasy, it just happens to be a hit with both groups, hence few whiners.

woman don't play video games.

>incels don't talk to femoids retard
I guess you would know.

But hypergamy. Looks determine 100% of everything in human relationships without exception and you're a whiteknight soiboi mangina if you think otherwise.

The biggest demographic in gaming are still straight men.

Men want to elevate themselves to the macho man
Women want the hot girl to become ugly

Porn is not about objectifying women you feminist eunuch (if you’re even a guy) it’s about showing hot naked females fucking/getting fucked, because straight males enjoy seeing that. You wouldn’t get that of course.

I want Ada to step on me.

Because us men are not interested in what women or gays like or don't like, we just know we want sexy females in media and that's all, I think the fact that we simply couldn't care less about what those groups enjoy or don't enjoy makes them even saltier.

Men don't get sexualized in games, that's gay

Male sexuality doesn't work like female sexuality. A dude will buy a game with anime tits on the cover, no woman is going to buy Military Shooter 9 because of some rando's abs.

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men are for the most part, completely unaware of what women find attractive and just let it pass as a consequence.
A tall man with a full head of hair and chiseled jaw is like a bimbo in a bikini for men.

Yes they do. They like casual bullshit and AAA movie games like Last of Us and God of War.

t. guy with 3 sisters.

>it’s about showing hot naked females fucking/getting fucked, because cucks enjoy seeing that.

I would never buy a game just because tits. Inb4 gay, tranny, dilate etc

>Hot video game characters are bad.
>Porn is okay, though.

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Are straight men that insecure that they don't want to look at attractive vidya men?


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Because I want to enjoy what I look at. I'm not going to destroy my home because my opponents do so.

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I don’t watch cuck porn. Stop projecting and make an argument.

I think you're starting to understand the point of the thread.

I'm pretty sure there is a couple of pysch studies you can quickly look up that explain how Women are mostly attracted to the act and implications of sex and not necessarily the individuals having it, though they can sometimes contribute to the fantasy if they have a specific type.

gay, tranny, dilate

The artist actually responded to the backlash and admitted they were wrong even though they tried to strawman.

Oh you

No one cares that vidya dudes are attractive. in fact, i like looking at handsome dudes in games. And this is coming from a straight guy.

both are based
if you think otherwise, you're some dumb SJW or some retarded /pol/cuck

You shut your whore mouth! Doomguy is pure!

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None of the men on the right are muscly hulks, they are just not fat.

Not the point. Porn is cuckery by its very nature. You are watching others have sex while not participating in it. You are a starving man sitting outside a bakery.

>and this is coming from a straight guy

Laughing girls.jpg

More people should start caring then. I don't want to look at goblinos.

I'm not lying though

good on them, but it's an argument that's made all the time. It's the preconceived notion that EVERYTHING has to revolve about men and what men want, because you know, we live in a patriarchy and women are systematically oppressed.

My nig, Vidya men are all ridiculously attractive. They are either buff powerhouses or skinny ripped with a perfect jawline everytime. There's exceptions but same with women.

rule of cool desu

You’re implying that by watching I can’t also participate. Go back to rk9

if you're not fat, you either have average weight or are skinny, none of which look like the dudes on the pages. You'd have to put in a lot of effort to achieve such a body.

But people do complain.

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Different women find different shit attractive. The powerful macho dude is what is marketed because it's the safe, stereotypical option, but that doesn't mean it's what all women want. That would be like saying most men want blonde swimsuit models since their predominantly on the magazines

why is his chest blushing?

If you aren't touching skin and trading bodily fluids, you are not participating.

That's not really his argument. Actually you helped his argument by mentioning buff dudes being the safe attractive option.



vidya men are hunky and perfect, something to aspire to.

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are you trolling or just retarded?

That literally is what objectification is in this context.

Have you never met a skinny man? Dafuq kinda retard sauce are you on? You don't just get to Greek Statue levels by not eating.

kek oh nononono

I dont want to play as some fag.

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But that's not the point, my dude. If we're talking about groups instead of the individual, it makes sense to speak about the average. Not all men like big tits, but you're attracting more men with big tits on the cover. In this context, it's safe to say that men like big tits. You can just add an (on average) after each sentence, but it gets tiresome real fast.

I have sex, with a woman, unlike you with your white knighting trying to cover up your neck beardyness. You’re not fooling anyone.

Because most men don't mind playing as handsome buff men in video games. Fuck, most of us will even admit that we would love to have physique like that.

>Strong jaw line
>5'o clock shadow
>Buff hot bod

Sign me up, dude.

>Beautiful in shape woman is a character
>WAHHHHHHHHHH stop being better looking than me!!!
Stop going to Taco Bell ms piggy.

but redpilled


>None of the men on the right are muscly hulks, they are just not fat.
Earlier in this thread...
>Because men see a cool masculine dude and wants to become like him, we see it as an celebration and affirmation of what we want/trying to be.
>Trannies and Femoids see a beautiful woman and they're filled with an overwhelming rage because they subconsciously realize they can never be like that. Trannies because they physically can't and femoids because they realize they don't have the discipline or the character to improve their looks.
>Masculinity is becoming and femininity is being
The doublethink is delicious

To objectify something is to reduce it to a mere object. When I look at porn I don’t say “ oh wow look at those objects”, I just get horny and want to fuck. If you had a dick you would understand this.

You'd be surprised. Not all women are attracted to "superhero" types. In fact, most of the times the pretty-faced ironic guy with a cynical look gets all the girls...

simply put the difference between males and females is that we always aspire to be something greater than ourselves, and women simply get mad that they can't just have it

>comics are a male oriented hobby and have attractive females in them
>women come in and change that
>women shows that they have their own sexual interests that are different than buff dudes

This is all true, but she acts like female fetishes aren't being marketed to at all. She also doesn't seem to justify denying men their own sexual market.

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nah, women like hot girls, too. Unless they're so insecure that they can't separate between reality and fiction and have a pathological inferiority complex that they try to project outwards.

Based user.

It's a very special brand of women since artists have always been on the liberal/leftist side of things. Also, if you're a woman and you're not following the general feminist ideology, there's hell to pay. So even if you are a woman and want to include hot dudes and gals in your work, your boss will probably tell you that this is 'problematic'.

So hot?

>"I-I totally get laid all the time! You're just a whiteknight!"

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Consider it this way then: one woman might want Fabio, while another wants the weird ayy lmao Batman in that comic. Does that matter if the game devs are men, and are marketing their games to men? The reason game and comic book characters have that power-fantasy build is because they are power fantasies geared for the players, and what women find attractive is just an afterthought (unlike romance novels, where it is pretty important)

Because i'm not a fucking woman

Women are attracted to FACE.
Coping /fit/cels can't seem to accept that

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>Elliot Rogers
> green text sarcasm

Yep rk9 incel. I can smell it from here

>something to aspire to
This is a lie. If it was true why video game playing men are unhygienic, unattractive, can't do 10 push ups or care about shaving?

Meanwhile normal men who haven't been exposed to these "role models" are hygienic, fit, sexy and shave. Clearly the "aspiration" of gamer men doesn't exist at all.

It's almost as if, I know it's crazy but hear me out bro

male power fantasies are hot for women because we are one and the same species and the two sexes have had billions of years of evolution to sync their efforts so we don't go extinct.

Dude looks like Sminem. I'd play as him.

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When people talk about objectifying women, they are talking about reducing them down to a sexual object. That is to say, something that exists solely for male sexual gratification. Like, that's exactly what you are describing.

It's okay to acknowledge that the objectification of women is a thing and still enjoy it. I'm assuming you're not that fragile. Maybe just a little autistic though.

speak for yourself i'm fit af

because we don't care
unlike women

Because the conversation is really about free expression, not what someone might find distasteful.

hands are important for women, too
also the dude is skinny, but not unhealthy. Teenage girls have the hots for androgynous dudes. But honestly, if you look good you've already won, it's not like it matters the dude next to you is drowning in even more pussy than you because you're already drowning in pussy.

Women can get sex effortlessly.
There I just answer your question OP

>Sexual objectification of men

Never happens unless it's game with a large female playerbase. And then it's with twinks or treated as a joke so that it doesn't turn anyone gay.

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Women are many things, sexual objects included you mouthbreather. Why the fuck can’t you understand this simple fact?

You could argue that video games are cope/escapism as well; if you can't be strong or attractive in real life (either because of genes or laziness), just settle for games

Good thing game characters are objects so objectifying them is no problem

>The most fertile women in their prime are attracted to this
You BTFO yourself man

but that makes no sense for video games because every bit of code, every design choice is made to entertain the player or at least get them to buy you stupid game. Everything in a game is already an object. Weapons are designed to be satisfying, blood and gore is added to make it more fun, dying animations or ragdolls are placed in the game etc.


the problem is that everyone is coerced into thinking sexuality is bad and childish. They don't think its a barrier to push but a mistake to make.

If waminz then you're clearly the exception, not the rule. If not-

>You BTFO yourself man
what drugs are you on?

>we see it as an celebration and affirmation of what we want/trying to be
Then why are you still a virgin?

When people talk about objectifying women they seem to ignore all male objectification. And seem to think its wrong just because it's unbalanced in application.

but once you realise how normal male objectification is, female objectification seems reasonable.

People with an axe to grind like strawmen because it's easier to convince people that you're successfully ground your axe to a useful edge

He's a fucking romulan!?!?

how about we work on both instead of trying to be equally as shit as the other

Wouldn't the converse be true as well, where women fantasize about being big-tiddied bimbos that most men would find attractive?

Because I don't care if other people sexually objectify men. If you like staring at beefcakes, good on you.

Post the jojo edit

well considering the last decade has been focussed on female objectification, I suppose we need to spend 10 years on males now?

or perhaps we can just unwind this retardation and go back to cute girls in games.

>falling for PUA/Game/manosphere memes
All that shit is a scam, folks. Not because I have any reason to excuse women's shitty behavior, but because 99.9% of people who say this are con artists like Roosh who make shekels off of losers by selling them shitty cult-of-personality books and merch.

OP you should offer yourself as a cattle alternative for protein

many did, that's where all the talk about negative body images came from.


most female self inserts are women but with bigger assets.

There's nothing wrong with Male objectification either

>Hey /fit/ I'm a hardgainer but I think I look pretty shredded haha what do you think?

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Cus I'm a chad

it's games, if having cute girls in games makes you a sexist, all the murdering you do should turn you into a serial killer. The whole argument revolves around issues that don't really matter. You won't prevent someone from harassing women if you make women in games deliberately average or ugly.

>Pic related attracts more men

You'll find dudes who complain about the dude looking ugly in a lot of porn like hell just to to sadpanda and check out some story that even if vanilla will have people complain the male is ugly.

Different guys like different things too. Big titted blondes/redheads are the safe option on the other side of things.

I like tall or very short petite women with soft features and dark hair and I never fucking get what I want.

That's my point? its a nothing burger.

it is, because objectification just means you view other people as tools, as a means to an end. You might think otherwise, but that's not a very good position to be in.

she cute and crazy, but cute

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Because the guy on the right commits mass shootings

I like self inserting with the smug ugly fat man just as much as I like self inserting with the shota

Well I mostly meant fictional characters

>Women can get sex effortlessly.
Wrong. Women need to do their hair and make up for at least 1 hour before men look at them in a positive light. Women always have to make several escape plans when they want sex because men are creepy and desperate. Woman also has to learn unnatural behavior and wear painful clothing to seem sexually attractive.

How is that effortless?

How about we stop complaining about meaningless shit like fucking body acceptance?

Because we don't give a fuck, and we think that it's awesome
I'd prefer to be a badass men in peak physical condition than a weakling idiot who can't do shit.
Also, it's good to try to be like them

I can kind of see where they're coming from. How many dudes lift for themselves, and not just because it'll result in more positive attention from society?

yeah but female objectification makes no sense if you talk about games. That's an oxymoron because you can't objectifiy an object. every single thing in a game is created to fulfill one specific purpose and that's it. You can objectify something like that.

>because objectification just means you view other people as tools, as a means to an end

Is that wrong though?
can you tell me any social experience that isn't for some sort of self fullfillment?
Everyone gets something from the presence of others.

>Wrong. Women need to do their hair and make up for at least 1 hour before men look at them in a positive light. Women always have to make several escape plans when they want sex because men are creepy and desperate.

>When your second statement directly contradicts the first.

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>Men thinking women like buff bodies again

See /fit/, this is why you'll always be alone with your deenz

The thought process is that you will begin to treat real females as the sex objects they are in games.

like you or someone else said doesn't make sense, because violence in games doesn't cause violence in real life.

if it is related to game, I agree with both of you. However, we should really look into what society should do with ugly people IRL. Poor sods didn't do anything wrong and still get treated like shit for no other reason than being ugly, see the halo effect. That shit is scary, even babies reject ugly people and prefer pretty faces.

>Wrong. Women need to do their hair and make up for at least 1 hour before men look at them in a positive light. Women always have to make several escape plans when they want sex because men are creepy and desperate.

lol what the fuck

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why do you care
its a fictional character

Because I would be upset if I was forced to play a character that's just as ugly as I am in real life?

lel Yandere Dev

>muh objectification
Kinda funny how this is only an issue in the west while in japan men and women put aside their differences long ago in pursuit of making the ideal characters to market to people.

>he doesn't aspire to be Kiryu

You don't consider it important if your tool gets something out of it, too. Mutual beneficial exchanges are good, people using you exclusively to satisfy your needs aren't. If I see you as a mere tool, I don't have any reason to not treat you like shit. It's not like you're actually someone, you're just a thing like that rock over there.

Yes but not if you have standards. If you were a girl, would you consider fucking an ugly dude? That would be like saying "nobody should starve, there's food everywhere" while digging a rotten apple from the dumpster

>You don't consider it important if your tool gets something out of it, too.

No one is holding the tools hostage. If they don't like it they leave or communicate their discomfort.
That is the second part of the human experience.

>If I see you as a mere tool, I don't have any reason to not treat you like shit.

I'm willing to bet you've never owned and maintained a tool in your life.

Only the most insecure men see attractive, fit men as competition as opposed to how all women see everyone around them as someone to compete with.
Men see people like BJ and strive to be like them

It's just the west( or really just the US) that has this trend to make fictional characters more "Realistic and "Relatable" because idealized people is "Problematic"

>Milennials getting offended that they can't be as masculine as a male character in a video game
Oh boy. No wonder society is destroyed as it is now
A real men wouldn't get jealous or mad about the aspect of a character. Even more if said character actually looks like he could do all the physical treats like he does in the game That's why having ultrafat/ultraskinny characters doing the exact same thing as a character who has the appearance of human in physical condition can't be taken serious but as a joke. And milennials get offended because they can't be taken serious

It doesn't contradict. Even if desperate men are willing to have sex they don't look at their potential partner in a positive light. See: incels.

Not all men want to be a buzz-cut buff military men too? Look at those modern male-feminists.
By your logic this also isn't male power fantasy.

Fucking this

because sexual objectification of men is power fantasy, or something.

Because I hate twinks even more.

>protesting for Paul Blart to become the new standard for an escapist fantasy protag
Jesus, as if it visual design in AAA vidya wasn't bad enough with its ongoing overinvestment in photorealism.

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>Even if desperate men are willing to have sex they don't look at their potential partner in a positive light.

they're not desperate if they won't lower standards.

cum is stored in the brain
and i've got a headache

Name Five (5) (FIVE) games that objectify men. I DARE YOU

>why is his chest blushing?
>outing yourself as a virgin


Specially if they're a fictional character.

They do. Who told you that they don't? Your mom? I'm sorry to say buddy, but she's just trying to make you confident, but that's not true in the slightest. Maybe some younger girls like skinny dudes, because that's how males look at their age, but as they grow they start preferring muscular guys.

The people that typically complain about the attractive women don't actually play video games. All of the women I know that play MMOs always make their characters super hot girls with cute clothes. Unless they make their character one of the cutesy tiny races.

>men see ideal man in media (typically tall, strong, athletic, etc)
>"Wow, I wish I looked that good. You know what? Starting Monday, I'm gonna start hitting the gym again and strive to look as good as [Insert Male Character]"
>women see ideal woman in media (typically anything that isn't over 300lbs and physically revolting)
>"Wow, women are being sexualized in media! Real women don't look like that! They aren't in shape and pretty!! I'm going to protest this product that I was never interested in purchasing anyway and force the creators to bend to my will!!"

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>Looks determine 100% of everything in human relationships without exception.

This means white people are superiors and jews,blacks and asian subhumans.

Oh /pol/ was rigth.

>women will never find you attractive
It would be nice to feel wanted for once desu.

you will never pass

oh great another thread where c*mbrains get mad about a nonexistent issue

Men don't become muscular when they grow, tard. They just become taller.

Because I'm not a delusional SJW, thankfully.

Attached: 1475700293794.png (351x351, 191K)

The consequence of that is that japanese media is monotone as fuck. When everyone is a 10/10, there's no contrast and variety in the characters, which invariably makes the experience more boring.

Imagine if the Merry Men were all dashing rogues like Robin. No massive beefcake Little John or rotund Friar Tuck, just pretty boys cut from the same cloth.

If they have low self esteem or were enemies with good looking girls in school

You fucking son of a bitch
>Google chest blushing to see what the fuck you mean
>It's loli shit
Fuck off pedophile

You guys don't understand! We need ugly men in video games and media so women lower their standards and go out with me.

>Even if desperate men are willing to have sex
You're one dumb cunt, aren't you?

>Only the most insecure men see attractive, fit men as competition
Which is why places like this are so assblasted by Chads. It's full of the most insecure men.


>there's no contrast and variety in the characters
You're so fucking new

Few people care about uggos outside of ugly people. When was the last time you thought about the homeless, or people born with disabilities? People in shithole countries whose lives we're basically fixed the moment they were born? Life is and always will be unfair

Not only is Kant's objectification a stupid concept, the way that it is invoked is inverted from its intended function. The responsibility for objectification lies with you. In the framework, frequenting whores is a personal failing, because you are debasing yourself by reducing the whore to a sexual object to satisfy your hedonistic impulses. The way in which feminists apply the concept of objectification inverts this to be about how you are wronging the whore, and then abstracted until you finding yourself wronging all women by means of creating purely synthetic representations of whores. In the original framework you could find a moral criticism for this behavior, but in the feminist construction there is no actual victim, because there is no whore to be reduced to be dehumanized. This isn't your mother's sex wars, complaining about pornographic photography and film, this is fighting over the existential threat of doodles to women. This is where the mantras regarding vague and unprovable harms from exposure to media signals comes in to save the day, and the discourse is quickly pivoted away from "objectification" to arguments about cultivation theory.
But to answer your question, men are more accustomed to assuming positions other than the top in hierarchies of sexual competition. They are also less accustomed to having their insecurities turned into an academic field and taken seriously. You can see that the disgusting men that do participate in these criticisms of the "unrealistic" or "patriarchical" depictions of masculinity typically do so from behind the skirts of women.

doomguy is what happens when you take away scripture good music and kill his rabbit

Playing D44M actually motivated me to hit the gym. Pretty cool guy, doesn't afraid of anything. I end up listening to the ost to D44M and MGR.

>Which is why places like this are so assblasted by Chads.
/r9k/ crossposters maybe, but the majority of the website is probably more likely to see themselves as chads, even if comically beta.

>It's loli shit

nigger, people get flushed during sex, or when they're embarrassed, or horny. holy shit.

He's not wrong. Japanese characters tend to be literal templates with differing hair styles, eye colors and clothes.

>i dont know what "aspire" means duurrrr
You can "aspire" all you want. Doesn't mean you are actually gonna do it.
Just like how you can "aspire" to get laid by defending women on a bulgarian miak forum, but it doesn't mean you're going to.

Attached: 1551703462165.jpg (680x599, 58K)

Found the woman.

Attached: index.jpg (1091x700, 791K)

lol @ your stawman response. Lots of men think those depictions are unrealistic/unfair standards, but few ever complain out loud (because whining is for womenfolk)

>Lots of men think those depictions are unrealistic/unfair standards
We don't call those men. We call those liberals.

Have you seen a western AAA game this century?

Guys are not half as concerned about looks as women by a fucking nautical mile

>sexualisation of men
>men: ok!
>women: ok!

>sexualisation of women
>men: ok!

Attached: 1565292307241.jpg (1024x562, 91K)

Who "we"?

And those mean are wrong to

literally any mmo where most female toons are played by men

I think you watched too much hentai

High test males.

Only faggots like naked men.

>Lots of men think those depictions are unrealistic/unfair standards
Source: your ass.

Attached: 1549967150461.png (476x357, 164K)

Men have to be extremely good looking in games because anything less than a 8/10 is an abomination in the eyes of women and will turn them away.

Attached: 1532579231254.jpg (503x644, 38K)

>tfw my gf is also like this and thinks muscles look disgusting

I swear she's secretly a lesbian

>using two separate posts on an anonymous imageboard to try and imply an inconsistency in argument

Genetics are obviously always a factor but having a goal to try and replicate is healthy.

Attached: Brad-Pitt-Fight-Club-Workout.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

Yes baywatch would have been better with human whales

just because of this post I'm going to get back into lifting.

Tons of women prefer girly looking guys and hate machos.

Then why do all the sweaty fujo types in WoW play female Taurens?

Women don't play games though

High test is linked with baldness and short life span so you're making liberal men look good.

Yes. They tend to use face scanning nowadays which, while it might produce less than stellar results, at least captures the differences in looks between two different people.

Meanwhile, in japanese media...

Attached: SAME FACE.jpg (930x524, 129K)

only guild mommys play tauren. mostly cause the other options were ugly. At least tauren look cute.

No, they are just uncommon. There is little reason to put the work into sculpting abs in the societies we live in, if you aren't making money from it.

Men want to look manly, just like women want to look feminine. The complaints about objectification are usually from insecure women who get annoyed by the idea of objective beauty. Women who are ok with how they look, or rather, are more grounded in reality, look up to attractive women or depictions of women and aspire to be like them.

Yes, every main character male over 6'0" chin,jawline, good sharp.

Just asking hourglass, femenine faces and thin women is fair!

Attached: 8EDAEBBC-240B-4156-944C-04F61FEADAC4.jpg (480x639, 60K)

You got inspired to lift by a post, not by a video game man. It proves his point even further.

>not videogames

They play lots of games, just not murder sims and locker room sims.

Unnatural muscularity is disgusting. Looking like a deformed freak is not sexy. Just get a physical hobby and run occasionally if you want a body that will appeal to women.

I'll take a short life span over enjoying my wife fucking other men.
Or maybe you'll be helping her as well considering low test males typically have high estrogen production.


I thought his point was that people are lazy and no inspiration from video games will change them.

>keeps replying with see posts because he cannot refute any of the replies

I don't even recognize the anime so it doesn't count desu.

Ok but why do you have to care if your male characters are sexy in the first place for games few women would ever play?

>triggered that someone said the truth about gamer men
How many push ups can you do?

Lol, no. Women like tall men with square faces. And it is much harder for tall men to gain muscle and they have no reason to try since they already get enough female attention.

Attached: 5awrtwb309f31.jpg (800x800, 93K)

That's called a strawman. I'm none of those things and play more video games than most people in this thread.

The exact same problem permeates any videogame that uses an anime inspired artstyle. Games that use other artstyles tend to avoid the issue of course, like DMC5 most recently (which, by the way, also used facial scanning).

In one set?
45. 6' 150lbs. I'm actually in decent shape.

I don't care what women find attractive in video game characters in the first place.

wait I don't see the problem, he wants 2D gfs

>6' 150lbs. I'm actually in decent shape.

you sound like a skelly

You are putting too much emphasis on facial features and forgetting how ridiculous literally everything else gets

Attached: 13272710.jpg (1920x1080, 470K)

More games should have eye-candy men. Win-win, they get more girls and gays to buy the game and men will buy it anyway.

Conventionally attractive males aren't macho honestly. They're more homoerotic. This is the kind of men that are sexualized in most video games, and if you like that you're a faggot. Admiring other dudes is gay. I frequent the gym but I don't give a shit about how good it makes me look

Real men don't need to prove how big their muscles are or how good their abs look like or how pretty their faces are. It's about how tough they are and how efficient they are at what they do. Dudes and girls are different.

Attached: anthony-steffen-shango.jpg (1000x422, 93K)

I mean, I have abs and defined biceps.

This. It's bullshit and unfair but it's the way we were made

>women have tits naturally
>as long as you aren't fat, you will be sexually desirable and men will want to fuck you

Meanwhile, men have to put in years of work at the gym to get to get their muscles and become fuckable

Attached: 1558572838334.jpg (317x432, 24K)

>female robots will be banned/are already banned
>male robots will be hip and trendy and epic
I just want a robo wife.

I'm pretty sure you have to if you're just skin and bones.

There's some variety in that cast, though. The fat guy and the Incredible Hulk in the back both stick out from the other male characters. The females however, all look like you could just swap their hair and clothes and practically change that characters location in the picture.

Because People like to look at attractive people? Doesn't seem that hard to figure out desu

That's a girl in the back

That's good

Attached: You're a funny guy.jpg (640x460, 55K)

>men will buy it anyway
Straight men won't because of "gayness" and will raid the game's steam reviews.

Bj had premarital sex, the fucking sinner. Meanwhile doomguy commits righteous vengeance by sending the demons back to hell.

>inb4 fem-bots have radically high standards programmed into them at the last second

Men are interested in seeing displays of beauty, women want to be made to feel beautiful.

>Make a man
>Call it a girl

I guess having it this way for once is a subversion of the trope.

Nobody care

Attached: 791D6EC3-EBF3-4A26-B75F-6023B01C1887.jpg (677x453, 32K)

The only time I ever went to a gym was when I lived in a city and didn't want to die doing cardio. You robots have the most insane worldview.

install gentoo

The joke is that the whole cast isn't what they appear to be.

You have it wrong way around.

I actually never realised this
>females in their prime want slender, "cute" boys without too much muscle
>roasties in their 20's and 30's who've hit the wall want their hunky chad thundercock

Really makes you think

Attached: 92b.gif (400x296, 443K)

A huge basis of human society is that femoids control the sexual marketplace and use it to their advantage. I wonder what kind of world we'd get if mass-produced robots with artificial wombs threw those principles out the window?

>warning modification detected, activating barbed pussy

They would doubtlessly ban them. The elites go through a lot of effort to brainwash you into working 60 hours and substituting dogs for children.

I'm not as good looking as Gordon, so never.

>Not wanting there to be a series of games where the main protag is a sexually ambiguous twink

Traps are the 200 IQ play here lads, don't even take the bait.

Attached: based.jpg (352x550, 26K)

Why would you want to throw natural selection out of the window? You want sick deformed children?

Not true at all, my I-word. You literally just have to be comfortable in your own skin. Girls are much better at detecting subtle emotions like insecurity, shyness or lack of comfort than guys. That's what they mean when they describe seemingly normal people as "creepy".

If being a 7ft male model was a requirement for attracting a female, adult virgins would be a common occurrence and therefore not mocked by society.

So, serious question. If someone was born black, how would they go about becoming white?

Sure that sounds awesome. Tell me more about women having children when they're 38.

The guy on the left does too. What did you mean by this?

It's already out the window. Have you seen some of the garbage having kids?

That's all just window dressing, though. A character should be distinct from another character even if they were both naked and bald.

This user is on point

The world needs more duke.

The androgynypill is the final brick in the road to becoming a beautiful man. Being attractive to both men and women makes you doubly attractive to everyone.

The one on the right looks like an incel lol

Attached: trannies are the ultimate incels.jpg (527x1024, 98K)

That's a terrible metric for character design and leads the monstrosity that is american comics.

Get an education and speaking like white people puts you 2/3rds of the way there, which is probably the best place go be until they develop a pigment dying surgery that's not completely fucked. But until then I'd settle with being educated and being able to talk white, bonus points if you can sing and marry a respectable white woman.

Think of the opposite: just because you're born with trash genes, you don't deserve to have children?

Fashion industry is control by gays and lesbian, love androgyny males.

Average age of woman having a child is 26.

Some religious communities do incest and other stupid shit, yes. But majority of the world has natural selection.


Why is distinctive character (note: Character, not fashion or hairstyle) design a monstrosity? Why are you so against characters looking unique in more ways than just their hair and clothes?

Correct. Adoption is for those people.

That's wrong. You've never gone outside have you? Literal retards and deformities are having children. There is no selection process that removes undesirables. You realise "natural selection" has nothing to do with the mating process but the life before that and surviving it? Life is easy and 99% of people make it through.


Attached: 9rstsbstvpf11.jpg (689x489, 66K)

What's the derivative of the average age of first birth look like, user-kun.

The difference is that women are acutely aware of genetics (and that's why they can screen chads and wannabes instantly), so they whine about hot women because they know it's impossible for them to change their hip width or thigh gap and squats only would make their bad shape gets even weirder

meanwhile men are delusional as fuck so they think they can achieve certain bodies without taking steroids or think they already look like their super heroes muscularity wise, or think they look above 5 in looks even though they are manlet and balding

it has to do with evolution you see, a men that can see the truly nature of genetics playing its part would lose hope instantly and check out, so that's why when you do semen retention you become delusional and it drives you to achieve things that won't simply happen, however the state of striving can help you struggle long enough so you don't notice until it's too late (30 yo or more)

Attached: Merry.jpg (200x247, 13K)

>Incels trolling females sites

Attached: 5C06F7E9-15D2-4730-AA39-E707180C44B8.jpg (452x679, 29K)

holy shit, the seethe is palpable.

Right looks more believable, because you do expect half-jew to be this ugly.

Women are trash and so are their enablers.

>Men aren't really sexualized in videogames
Why are fighting games full of half naked dudes then? Why does GTA allow dicks but not vulva?

I dunno man, I've been seeing a shift to extremes recently it's either fat dudes with really attractive girls or really in shape dudes with attractive girls, the rest of the guys either settle or take the incel pill and then the PUA pill and act like they know everything about women because they pounded a drunken fatty in an applebees restroom.

I can understand some of the loathing behind this. Men disguising their inferior genes with surgery and all

>male objectification thread
>oh boy my favorite episode
>no one is posting cute boys
what the fuck is wrong with you all?

Attached: 76178389_p7.jpg (636x729, 481K)

>There is no selection process that removes undesirables
There is. 50% of men never breed.


Attached: F4AA1BCC-805C-45F4-A006-5D5F59C31726.jpg (504x388, 45K)

What functional advantage do you think his new face has?

The dumbest part is that he didn't bother fixing his rosacea and made his ears smaller causing an imbalance to his face. Surgery is the cucks way out anyways, just make your standards realistic or find a girl with low self esteem, like a rape victim. Or join a religion.

That's not cute.

>just lose, bro

I can add the next step to that pic
>fuck this, i'm becoming a trans lesbian!!
>w-wait, what do you mean you won't sleep with me? I'm a woman like you!!

what kind of boy do you call "cute" then? let's fix this thread

Attached: 60031895_p10.jpg (650x585, 78K)


>obviously photoshop made by incels.

>black skinny jeans
>white deep v-neck
>tall and lanky
Someone seen me at the mall and made this, I swear.

>just lose
>going for a 10 when you're not religious
>going for a 10 when you're a 3

I'm suggesting you win by engaging in different routes faggot, the end goal of life is to spread your genetic material so that you survive through your offspring.

>pound a drunken fatty in an Applebees restroom
This is my fetish

People will like you more? If I got plastic surgery I think most girls I talk to would stop mentioning a boyfriend in the first 3 sentences

Needs his mouth open.

The goal is to find the highest quality mate so that your offspring has the best chance of flourishing. If cosmetic alterations will secure a higher quality mate there is literally no reason not to do this.
Producing 200 million Brazilians is the cuck strategy.

Left looks like he's about to glue a bad guy to a cruise missile and say "thanks for sticking around". Right looks like someone who'd knock you out with a pool cue because you spilled his pint. Characters are allowed to be pretty, characters are allowed to be ugly. Stop overthinking everything, you sad bastards.

Attached: limmycloseup.jpg (1280x800, 383K)

Out of curiosity, what more is there to women, in your opinion, than the amount one needs to understand in order to pound said fatty?

Religious person can't be above 5 because it's a severe mental illness.

For the same reason I don't mind hot women in power fantasy settings, they are there for a reason. They represent an ideal.

They can be jarring in some settings, like if a nerdy character looks like chad Mc Thunder cock. Or a homeless women looks like a playboy girls.
But in those cases it is an issue with the story or setting, not some social problem to waste time crusading over.

Lol great you'll pass on the ugly to one child and you're prime woman will divorce your ass and leave you destitute. Good thinking user.

No, I mean the functional advantage of that phenotype. The underlying premise of the genes being bad is that there is some kind of signal there, and not just a cognitive bug of sexual selection.

Not even hourglass body, I would settle for a good face nowdays. It's a fucking shame how bad things are when it comes to female designs

BJ is a quarter jew at best. Bethesda has never confirmed his race other than he's polish, it was all dev speculation.

That would be a strictly superior outcome, even if I doubt it's probable.

I'd assume stronger features in males means more aggressive/stronger/etc which would've led to more resources in caveman times. It's also a loop since people value attractiveness, and if you produce attractive offspring, then they get excess value too

I remember reading some study that said intelligence correlated with attractiveness as well, but I've seen too many autists to buy that


Better fighter Strong Jaw and chin

Daniel Craig?

Wrong. I'm 6'2, have the diamond shaped jawline (it's where your jaw starts high and goes down into a pointed chin) and i'd say overall good looking and i'm sub to women.

>he has never seen a white woman blush
lmao sheltered mutt

Have you thought about having a pleasant personality? That's how you become a boyfriend, not through surgery.

Men see a better man and aspire to be like them. Women see a better woman and try to bring her down to their level.

Why would men be sexualized in games where the target audience is not sexually attracted to males?

Attached: graham-aubrey.jpg (300x300, 18K)

My cheeks/bridge of nose get red when I cum. (jacking off obviously, sex is for normies) Can confirm. Also, lolis are cute. he can fuck off.

Weird facial expression

I love seeing sexy men in videogames.

>wanting sexualized men
>not liking CMNF
Why is Yea Forums okay with naked dudes? All male characters should wear full plate armours while all the females should wear armours and dresses that cover virtually nothing imo.

Attached: 49da907bda1ffd56a4ca6c0411add294.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

It's autistic for liking when women make me sniff their feet? Nah.

Every girl I've ever dated was someone who was forced to spend time in my company (classmate, coworker, etc). Nobody would want to be with me just judging by my looks; it almost feels predatory in a way

Swiping left on your post tbqh.

Why would I protest against it? Do I look like a woman to you?

Attached: 1561507567155.jpg (125x122, 3K)

It's usually a stand out feature you have to have in order to attract women with your looks. Like colored eyes, baby face, etc.

Main character

Attached: 6D790BBF-A44B-4F31-B166-33CEF9B2834D.jpg (691x444, 45K)

the guy no women ever finds attractive, james bond

Attached: surgery.png (618x725, 700K)

You just probably only talked to those women.

Why did someone photoshop him to look like Simon Pegg

The people who complain about this kinda shit are pathetic just like the groups who try to change something made by others because it offends them like fuck nigga close your eyes

can I please be rich

I want to quickly remind everyone: trannies are men in dresses and will never be treated as anything other than a homosexual's fetish.

Have you heard of the High Elves?

>John Cena or Daniel Craig

Nice they threw in a nose job and grew him an adam's apple

This post was written by a woman

How do you feel about making a game in gamemaker about the power of friendship that is also furfag bait?

it is but Feminism and new age groups have poisoned the minds of most of them to think that everything is oppressing them so they lash out at others and act like a victim. Acting like a victim is a sure way to get something done but also to make the rest of the group hate your guts.

Objectification isn't bad, though sometimes it's fucking stupid.

Attached: 1558797180335.jpg (760x596, 226K)

So is this another example of women not knowing what they want or is the author of that webcomic a man, speaking on behalf of what women want.

>it is but Feminism
Wouldn't feminism make women more willing to look up to a strong character as a role model?

>Feminism and new age groups
You post like an out of touch boomer.

Yes, second thing
Even autor fetish small girl with glasses

>learn to code
how dare you!!!
mods, ban this sick filth because I'm literally shaking right now

>that magnificent bulge
>mfw I will never be a Death-Cap

Attached: cuddle.jpg (1010x897, 68K)

You know the answer. Look into your heart.

It does, but criticism of how females are handled makes idiots think that feminism is a hivemind rather than an often conflicting school of thought that can't even decide if sex positive or negative values are better.

More games to laugh jewishcels

Attached: 6700210C-B46A-4087-96D4-F0502BE54F5D.jpg (554x554, 57K)

I wonder if he appreciates the hypocrisy of his work then. Probably not because people that self-righteous rarely are self-reflective.

Doomguy is a canon mormon wtf

How do I get this body?

Attached: MW-quest-Report_to_Caius_Cosades.jpg (1024x768, 107K)

Whats good for the gander is good for the goose.

Attached: Nord_%28Battlespire%29.png (340x254, 86K)

Masculinity is about elevating yourself to an ideal
Femininity is about tearing down your ideals to match your level

Pretty much the only way is drugs (or being the top 0.0001% and working out for 30+ years).

Yes user, nobody could come up with the „t-shirt and jeans“ outfit themselves.

You are the minority.

What's that based on?

Live for 70 and buy a bowflex.


I will never wrap my head around why Caius Cosades is shirtless for your meeting, nor why more people don't bring up how odd it is.

Haha.... c-can you show us your butt
in leggings?


I think people realized that working out and getting a very muscular physique isn't actually that hard, so in order to punch downward more effectively they glorify rare physical attributes like an oversized jaw or being over 6'2.

Attached: 1547956795811.png (336x414, 91K)

this image is so fucking true it hurts. almost every antifeminist i know is a chad or a borderline chad, and everyone i see use the word "incel" is the exact opposite. it's almost comical desu

Being above 6' tall isn't rare. Maybe to like mexicans, mutts and asians but lots of blacks and whites are over 6'.

If you are going to put that kind of work in, you might as well flex on everyone afterward.

Perceived reality based on spending too much time on the internet maybe. The actual reality is that none of this bullshit is quantifiable. People like different things.

Africans are very short. When you consider how much of the global population India, Asia and Africa are even being over 5'10 can be considered rare, never mind six feet.

Healthy diet of skooma and moonsugar

He said over 6'2, manlet.

my gf likes my dad bod. she thinks i look comfy but at the same time protective

Its only because they're starving. Well fed niggas will beat white boys.

but you still post on Yea Forums

>tfw look exactly like the right
Guys please help me. this is not a fucking joke.

Attached: untitled (5).png (420x420, 126K)

F you. 6' looks a lot taller than you'd think. I legit tower over most people.

It's like how most men prefer average looking female bodies to botched porn stars.

Really? The antifeminists I know are 4channers incels who seclude themselves and don't really know people, let alone women. They stay in this cynical bubble where they can't really relate or talk to people.

hi slave boy

That's incorrect.

>anti-white propaganda piece features the biggest, buffest Germanic archetype and then calls him Jewish
Always made me laff.

>caring about minorities
Average height in most white nations is 5'10+

No idea what's going on here, so I'm posting one of my favorite game men showing off his sexiness.

Attached: twd8nnwkktw21.jpg (1848x1038, 98K)

Do you know the difference between 5'10 and 6'2?

Attached: 1556343913860.gif (598x311, 2.52M)

Because it doesn't bother me. I have never wanted to play as some fatass either.

I was going to tell you to stop pretending to be black, but truly only a black person could have such a poor understanding of genetics.

It's just a very weird way to start a game. Being immediately adopted into the secret service upon being released from prison is strange enough, but receiving your first orders from beefcake Jean-Luc Picard just knocks it off the rails.

>goal body
>posts skinny brad pitt

So just don't be fat, right? Pic related is a *real* goal body.

Attached: unhealthymale.png (510x452, 355K)

Attached: 1566859885594.png (1591x901, 991K)

Would you rather play as a fatass, a feminine twink, or a ripped and lean homoerotic dude?

White boys are moving to 7'0"

Attached: 3AE62670-271C-4744-B750-BD1C232A62BB.jpg (640x360, 37K)

No it isn't

Probably influenced by Hollywood movies, presenting Caius as a dishevelled and unkempt drug addict who can't be bothered to make himself presentable for anyone.

But it falls apart considering how fucking shredded he is.


Everyone knows germanics are barbarians and mutts, the real aryans are the eastern finnish mongolians that came from the great purge of the middle east tribes, germanics aren't shit, they actually made the real aryans turn british-deformities and redheads

germans at this point are the eternal kikes, and anglos are just a continuation of that kikery, there is a reason why germans are the highest in degeneracy, scat porn and furry porn

He meant to say goal bf.

No, your perception of black height is skewed by the selection bias from sports.

Being able to project into people better than you isn't more admirable than being envious, it's just pathetic escapism. Besides, but we all know how you'd feel if you played as short hunched over incels with no jaw. You'd probably feel like shit for being reminded of your own paltry existence, whereas women would appreciate the diverse representation of all body types or whatever.

you look like you only play xbox

Attached: SkFjwXi.jpg (2048x1152, 425K)

sounds like a personal problem there homo.

Whites are a minority you dumb manlet.

Skateboard squats and absolutely no skooma

Of course they are, poopsie.

Imagine not wanting to play as chad

The delusions of a Slavoid chimp, astounding


Attached: bradpittmanlet.png (653x361, 71K)

"Doublethink" is the new Retardera's buzzword?

best ME boy

Attached: space hunk.jpg (2500x1593, 643K)

>if you don't like seeing cocks ur gay
ok dude

You need to find a Chad friend who actively chases and gets girls. I have a cousin who I hung with for a few nights and he was RELENTLESS in getting a girl to sleep with that night. I'm talking about texting every girl on his phone, hitting the club, the whole shebang, while setting up a friend of his with another girl where it was to the point where he was accurately predicting her responses and he was manipulating the situation in his friend's favor to get him laid.

I'm not the user you initially replied to but I concur, Chads treats girls like disposable cum dumpsters and think they're all sluts that are beneath them.

They can't help it, Asians all look the same

>that whole post

He wouldn't do it if they didn't respond to him. Tell me, what kind of madman keeps doing something that *doesn't* work?

No, you see this happen in any real life scenario that involves competition.

>begging every woman in a 10 mile radius to fuck him

American culture is so pathetic, holy shit

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How is this lil nigga taller than both his mum and dad?

post Johnny Cage pls

Hey retard, some people can RP without having crippling insecurity issues. Stop projecting.

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>looking back at me when I was younger, no goatee and had less weight in my face
>realize I actually have a damn good chin and jawline

Gotta keep losing weight

Post the Giorno version


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The thing is, we can't discuss these delicate issues on Yea Forums because despite people on Yea Forums pretending like Yea Forums is a free speech haven, there is close to no discussion that doesn't immediately become divisive and reactionary in tone, so nobody comes out with a more open mind, new information and a new perspective because people prefer to come out of shitflinging contests like these with a smug sense of self-importance after having told a tranny to dilate or an incel to have sex.

That's the reason why. Wanna talk about objectification? On Yea Forums? Sure, if you like talking to people who take their two cents as fact and use nothing but their conditioned bias coming from years of shit memes, left/right SJW related banter, millions of twitter screencaps a day and repeated failure to woo a lady to tell you about how women are fucking scum and don't deserve to be seen as anything else but cumdumps. I'm sure tons of academic works of refference will be offered to you and that you will be able to meet an opposition with an open mind who will not call you a tranny or a fucking retard every reply.
tldr: Don't talk about these issues on Yea Forums or, hell, anywhere on the public social media related internet because all people care about is rubbing their two cents in everyone's face, then leave with a false sense that their opinion matters and was heard.
Cue all the "clever" fags going "lmao ur opinin dont matter XDD"

Maybe they respond, because he practiced and got good. Instead of being fragile bitch, and quitting after a only a handful of failures.

Nobody posted any hot guys ITT

Twinks aren't hot.

this post is bad enough to be pasta

tldr me dude gaymers dont read

You're bad enough to be pasta

he's a mad leftoid online and that's why no one is good enough to read his garbage papers

What does that make you if everything is black/white left/right? Some right wing incel faggot who clings to regressive values because he can't get laid?

>fragile bitch, and quitting after a only a handful of failures.

The only failure in life is wasting your time doing shit you don't want, and I hope your friends enjoys doing that shit because otherwise it's a big fucking dump of time

don't respond to my posts
you have not earned the right to respond to my posts until you delete your autistic rant and apologize

5'11 is short

fucking based

No. Instead I'm gonna tell you to have sex.

>outing yourself thanks to google algorithm

You only don't like it, because you're not good at it, and don't have the will to get good.

also based

That is terribly vain.
You really are naive enough to believe that most people who treat other human beings as disposable trash to boost their self-esteem temporarily trully enjoy their lifestyle?


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The peak male body is trap link

Objectification is fine granted you don't carry it over to real life interaction. Men objectify women all the time in media and women objectify men all the time in media. Opposite genders will dislike the opposite genders form of objectification and that's perfectly natural.

There's nothing really complex about it so obviously you're not going to get a complex discussion about it.

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You don't have to treat people as disposable. But if your goal is to fuck, and you let a few rejection deter your efforts, then you're a loser.

>he would give away his virginity just like that
Burn in hell degenerate

But when you talk about objectification, from which point of view do you speak of?

objectification in real life rules
like when you hand a cashier money, because they are the money exchanging machine, and then leave with your change

Can't deny that, though.