Get some use out of your amiibo, get in here

get some use out of your amiibo, get in here
spiritfags need not apply
ID: K05C1
PW: none because randos cant use amiibo without spirits

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I only have one but alright

I got tons so itll get some practice

mines fucking retarded god dammit

He's doing alright

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do amiibo just focus on using aerials or something Nibba seems retarded too

and they taunt but I've only taunted like twice with them

We dipping at times

Good FSmash

yea, just smash servers, sad how all mine ever do is just do airs and taunt but I never fucking taunt with them so idk how they pick it up

>amiibo lobbies
This needs to be weekly.
also what’s your rarest amiibo?

Well I guess its his fault for trying to play there

shit idk, I got marth, metaknight, rosa, Wii fit, mac, riddles, mew2 are some worth mentioning, have over half I think, just picked up pichu yesterday

Dont think poor Morpho has much of a chance against a beefed up amiibo. Oh well, he tried

I got: Ike, Samus, Link, Ken, Cloud, Roy, Marth, and Greninja.

fucking post em bois

may or may not send correctly

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Wait whose beefed? Spirit-bos belong in the trash, is it the DDD?

We all have the neutral, purplish icon next to our character. This indicates they haven't been fed spirits. If there's the icon of a red sword, a blue shield, or green I don't remember, they've been beefed up through spirits.

>Footstool Ken when he was already dead
>Kills himself afterwards
Good job Morpho

keep that Ken in and I'll have him fight ryu next

Meant to reply to fuck

ryu with the double k.o.. mah boi going strong, shit as he is

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fucking leave rosterfag

Holy based Shuttle Loop

>Ken doing no shoryus
I guess setups mean nothing to you

fucking idiot Ridley goddammit son

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It's funny watching him doing strong jabs into nothing
Also were losing to this Lucas 100%

I keep trying to teach him SJab>CK>DSmash

It's hard. I tried teaching MK UpAir strings but nothing much came out of it outside of a habit to hover around his opponents.

idk how amiibos work but they do absolutely nothing I try to teach them

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That's like the first time i've seen Sheik's Dair spike

I've tried to get :D to stop rolling all the tims but it's never worked.

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I think I’m gonna reset him, he will only know Shoryu. What should I rename him?

Shoryu-Ken fucking obviously

I would say Sure You Can but that's a LOL tier pun so i'm sure you can find a better name.


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I think Saffron City is making everyone a bit retarded

>hes only been doing shoryus the entire match because hes always off stage
>he fucking heard you complain about mo shoryus
He doesnt want to die, user


I’ll give him some chances to redeem himself. But he’s getting renamed.

Morpho is going IN

Wii fit just hit 50 so I did t expect to see that fucking spike

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I think bos that are trained in 1v1s will just target the highest dam guy instead of the guy they're litterally brushing up against

She's a fucking idiot.

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>dk gets destroyed by bots
all my kek, expect him to leave after hes out

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Can Zelda beat the random DK?

as he kills my pichu

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Probly not but myb myb

All he did was run away after he charged his punch unless he was in the middle of the clusterfuck

Damn it I wanted her to beat the DK
She choked, that's all

Wishful thinking, Anons. I'm just too powerful. My K.Rool is still a baby so likely to get destroyed. Nice Amiibo fighters though. I'd love to fight them some more, but I don't know if OP would be okay with that.

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>busts out a fucking krool w spirits
Fucking great

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> 2 Reverse UpAir strings on Zelda
>Drill Rush instead of Back Air

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Sorry, I had no idea he had one. I'll swap him out. I have others.

You can be a player that's fine just take spirits off of k rool, almost worse than FS meter

Sure thing.

boi u better

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Forgive me for the destruction you’re about to receive, slugger.

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That fully charged UpSmash destroyed him
Poor bat

Is she destined to only get 2nd place?

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did she just die before the lvl 1 user

>Zelda outplaced by a Lv.1 Amiibo
The absolute state of :D

What do I do if my amiibo has autism?

gonna have some food so I'll put rosaluma in the rotation, please for the love of fuck give me a better name I've tried so hard

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>Morpho has hundreds of opportunities for a kino Shuttle Loop finish
>He never does it
Morpho why

>3rd again

Is it possible to make your amiibos more braindead in this game? i kinda wanna teach my olimar to do nothing but down special

Just spam Down B as Olimar against them as much as you can, they'll use it if you go in really hard on the Down Bs

tell me when a slot opens up, I want to show off my doc

what the fuck was that toon link you straight up fucking killed yourself

Slugger is gonna manage to get 3rd again somehow

After this match. I'll jump out since I'm not using any.

He fucking went out of his way to get that UpAir
Based Morpho

GG guys. Your amiibo are tough.

Didnt u say u had more

Slugger you silly string huffing retard, level up.

Morpho you were supposed to notice the Luma in Rosalina & Luma

Yeah, but I'm satisfied. I need to check and see which ones have spirits anyway.

Try now.

won't let me in for some reason, maybe someone else got the slot?

>2 SDS in 20 Seconds

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Ah ok, come again or make one of these threads sometime, this is really fun

Arena is full so waiting for it to free up. I’m not the best at smash but my Corrin Amiibo actually isn’t that bad. Going to join when it frees up.


I jinxed it

>SD twice in the first 20 seconds

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I'm gonna go and see if I can beat the retardation out of :D. Hopefully it works.

It really is and I likely will. I enjoy fighting amiibo and next time I'll throw some of my own in there. As it turns out I haven't actually registered my more recent ones. I'm pretty sure I have at least one spiritless amiibo that's level 20 or so. I thought it was K.Rool, but apparently it's not.

I’ll be back in a sec, I’m gonna level slugger.

Im gonna let Link fight one more fight then go train Shulk

Is that T Link on roids?

he's on another level than us mortals

Yeah my Corrin amiibo isn’t as good as I thought she was. Then again this is a 4v4 not a 1v1

Yeah, he's got the Red Sword icon so he got Spiritroided, doesn't seem like that much though, but still noticeable

same, out of all in that pic of like 30+ only around 10 are registered

Ah fuck wats his name I'll kick him

I was DumbGecko, I missed the no spirits part so Im training a no spirits Greninja

Ah cool, I plan for this lobby to be up for a while so anyone feel free to train one or two and come back

This thread made me whip out my old crusty mario from smash 4
He's probably shit but it'll be fun

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Damn Morpho fucked Bayo's recovery


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If your amiibo was 50 in 4 he’ll be 10 in ULT due to how data transfer works.

>just get into arena
>communication error

I knew these UpTilts were gonna hit at least once

If you were that Mario it's because you had spirits on baka

I see that
I'll have to go train him for a bit i guess


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this arena will be up for a while, feel free to

Who the fuck keeps bringing spirits get that scythe outta here

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Thanks boss

>he’s not natty

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:D is already acting less retarded, so that's a good sign. Hopefully I'll be able to bring her back in before the lobby closes.

thoughts and prayers user

>Beefed up Sonic
Prepare to probably lose

Gonna train up my Cloud amiibo. Hopefully the arena won’t have closed by then.

Why does Ike take so long to train.

If the arena does close you can always make another anons

Is he beefed fuck, I'll kick him after this

how is the level 21 villager managing to stand up to level 50s

Didn't you notice how he didn't receive knockback until High%? He doesn't flinch at Low%

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Nigga I wasnt even watching the game I've been playing stellaris

Well I guess Seesaw noticed it too then

Trained him a bit but getting a headache. Tired anyways so just gonna head off for the night. I was the user with RAWRXD, DevilTrigr, and Majora.

Night guys. This was really fun, if its up again tomorrow definitely gonna join in.

I think i'm gonna head off as well, thanks for the fun games. Try & make a lobby tomorrow and i'll be there. One last game.

Gonna go, switch battery is getting low. Will have more nonspirited amiibo tomorrow

let's fucking do it

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Thx all for coming, absolutely making another one tomorrow but I'll b busy until late so I'll join if ones up, just have amiibo in the post so I can search it. Gonna train some more tonight b4 bed

Ah gg, I have quantity but not quality morpho