How you enjoying it anons?
Made many friends?
Any interesting stories?
Classic Wholesome Thread
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Some nice guy gave my 2 linen bags when I paid for 1 and said it was on the house because I seemed like a nice guy.
Just done the run to Stormwind with another player i met on the boat. Talking the whole way there and having a laugh. Pure comfy and made a new friend on the way. This is what video games are about.
>be me
>lowbie questing near goldshire
>random lvl 20 rogue walks up and opens trade
>gives 4 linen bags and a couple of good greens
>try to give him money
>he just walks away into the forest and says GLHF
>he vanishes into the trees
Good shit, nice people so far.
i put addons in my folder while in the queue, will i be able to turn them on without having to restart client and queue?
i should have logged in around 2 pm and stayed logged in cause there was no queue at all.
If you want to use them, yes you need to restart client, I believe. Sorry, man.
One more layer crash and I'm in.
i have made friends with the queue screen
I cant even fucking get in, the queue is like 3 hours for every server. I only managed to play for like 4 hours, but they were kino. I grouped with some dudes and we ran through to orgrimmar doing quests on the way
Issue here is people aren't going to log out either.
Yeah I grouped with like a billion people so far. It's incredible. Everywhere I go mobs are so fukkin hard that you have no choice but to find someone to group with. Plus everyone has been real nice so far
I would be enjoying it if I could get in the game.
holy based
Yo, These our mobs, noob.
blizz gives you a very small grace period where you can log out and log back in without having to wait for a queue. with that being said, i'm sure you dont want to risk it.
p comfy. made a healer friend as a warrior. ran through practically most of the barren quests together save for farwatch questline.
so much fun but im sitting in another massive queue right now. 12k people ahead of me. i dont think ill get to play until real neet hours but i cant wait to continue on with the adventuring in silverpine. it feels great to be back and doubly so playing with all these people even with the line simulators.
>remote desktop login to Whitemane at 12:30
>queue goes too quickly that I will get in before I get home and ruin it
>reset at 2
>4 hours later I am at where I was when I reset
This shit is fucking nuts. Are other non-Herod servers anywhere near this bad?
literally every single server is full, im sitting in a 5hr queue on grob
WTF servers are coming down in 14minutes. Anyone know why?
>mfw blizz throttled the servers so it doesn't outperform BFA
No i'm not.
There is a 15 minute server reset.
Coming in about 10minutes.
Teldrassil is so beautiful
Couldn't have you enjoying the game for too long goy, make sure to buy the wow classic fastpassTM coming out later this week to skip the queues!
This game is fun
need advice, I want to tank and went with pally b/c that’s the first class I ever played, should I switch to warrior before it’s too late?
yes. pally tanking is a joke and its true suffering. you will end up healing at endgame
I've seen so many people say this today and yesterday and they haven't taken them down a single time.
I'm having the comfiest time!
Pallies imo only excel in battleground as support. If you won't be doing that don't roll pally
I wanna fuck that mage
user, get your mind out of the gutter!
I waited in line and pretended to have an interesting kino comfy chat with an incel in front of me :)
Can't wait to get in queue again tomorrow
I've been playing classic for 2 days straight to avoid que times, I've had 0 time to jerk off, this is hell, why must I chose such extremes?
>you think you do but you do-
Lmao is Mia Malkova a wow player
say sike or I'm saying the n word
Moderation is key, user.
>Join a guild
>It is a wannabe streamer who leads it
>The guy seems to be just playing the game for twitch views
>Keeps talking to people in twitch chat and not people in his discord.
>I somehow get the feeling this guild is going down in flames.
I don't wanna go back in the que...
Is blizzard fucking up the launch purposefully to cover jobs?
i cant believe this many people are playing. holy shit
these servers are each supposed to hold multiple thousands more than the ones did during the original launch for this game.
I know user, I know...
But if you neglect yourself too much irl, the grind will be worthless.
Maybe I can just crank it WHILE I level
Can't play until monday. It hurts bros
Got up at 5 am
>Walked around, questing with my duo partner before work
>Threw heals at anyone anywhere that was at 3/4 health
>They help us with mobs
>Everyones super fun to quest with and its all sunshine and rainbows and pleasent cooperation
After work
>Queu is 180 minutes when I get home
>Its still 180 minutes two hours later moved 11k to 9k though
>Roll a new server
>Everyone everywhere is /y LINE UP LINE UP LINE LINE CMON LINE
>End up just sitting and tagging sarkoth for 45 minutes because fuck these people this aint my server
>blizz opened a new server at 5:45
meanwhile on reddit
Just remember to sleep every now and then!..
I'm not as spry as I once was. My eyes started to hurt, had to stop playing. Overall had a good time leveling a tauren shaman to level 9.
How long is it offline for?
I've been in queue for 5 and a half hours. I was enjoying it yesterday.
It is fun. He's right. People did those type of events in every MMO. But fun is reddit so yes.
All set
No, they're all assholes. I hate you all
fuck off, ive been queing for hours and now this? I didn't even get in fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
That is not healthy!
>got in queue on grobb two hours ago at 7k
>went out to dinner with family
>just getting desert now
Am I gonna make it, bros?
15-30minutes max.
Fucking HOME boys but these god damn queues. I thought it would be bad but not THIS bad. Christ jesus
none of us can, dont worry.
most of us are just waiting in line
still gonna be at like 4k or 5k i bet.
I haven’t even been able to play. I get home from work at 5:00. It’s been 4 hours and I am only a little over halfway through the queue. I can’t even play because of work and sleep.
friendly reminder that linefags are privateserverfags
why is based cavil grouped in with those fags
Can't believe how many people i've met in such a short time span. I'm also supposed to be levleing with real life friends on another server. How did they do it!?
She's been streaming retail WoW for a while now.
Try to remote desktop from work a few hours before you leave.
It's fucking rough, buddy. I'm in the same boat. I'm able to come home at lunch and log on and throw up a mouse mover. My friends that took off work told me my character was online most of the afternoon but by the time I got home I was DCed. Haven't been able to play at all today either.
If you are a wagie you literally have to do this or you will never be able to play for at least the first week.
I hope so
What’s the best software to do this?
>tfw queue is so long on my server it might actually be ideal to log out for the night and immediately queue up again right before i sleep
Think I'll try it tonight desu.
Chrome remote desktop is super easy to set up.
My pussy has teeth?
I’ll probably just wait a week or two to be honest and if it’s still bad I’ll find a way to RDP
When your queue jumps from 6800 to 4300
>Talking to friends in voice chat
>Hear "uh oh"
>Queue jumps forward 2k people
Going to start playing this weekend either on Whitemane or Bigglesworth. How are Paladins in Classic? My friends are a little ahead of me so I'm gonna have to solo for a little while. I played a paladin on BFA when I played it for a month or so back in May.
who is a comfy non-onions streamer?
I’ve heard nothing but bad things about pallys mate
there are people paying nubliz monthly subscription money for a 15 year old game that they beat as kids
not only that but expecting the same company that ran retail into the ground to be competent enough not to fuck over classic with the same mistakes as retail
oh and have fun questing with zoomers
Sounds gay af
Paladin is objectively the least fun class to play in vanilla, but you do you. TBC saved the class.
I was just running through Westfall when a person came up, gave me warrior armor and left
I was taken aback a bit by the suddenness of it and didn't give anything back, so I chased them down and gave them some pots and a scroll.
10/10 community experience and maximum comfy
someone help me understand this
that makes me want to play them more. I really like their class "theme" but got kind of annoyed how many paladins there were in BFA.
noob question but do the talent trees still exist? Like is there Ret, Holy, and Prot? I mostly played Prot.
Think of Paladins as Priests with better single target healing and the best buffs in the game. You are also literally unkillable, by both mobs and players. In dungeons no one really expects you to deal any damage, but rather apply your useful buffs and heal the tank.
So if you're okay with healing/buffing for most of the content play them.
Paladins are unkillable but kind of boring, you'll always always be healing in dungeon and raids if you're okay with that, no dpsing allowed. But it should be fun with friends where you can just do what you want
Yes, the talent trees exist, but your only option will be healer in any group content.
servers are being absolutely maxxed out, id imagine thats causing some latency issues
you should probably just kill yourself
It was a girl (male) though
I'll be dpsing.
The community definitely isn't what it was. Here on Mograine everyone seems to be self-centred and not at all interested in grouping beyond quests that have you killing mobs. Even then they'll get their kills and just dump the group to leave you to complete it alone. I haven't hit up an instance yet but it isn't looking good.
Mostly playing with bro and friends. Some of the quest design is silly due to having to walk back and forth between two locations for just turning in one item each time (Goldshire to Eastvale for example).
Other than that it's interesting that even common mobs can cause struggle if its 3 or more.
it's just that nobody seems to be experiencing it this hard. the game is virtually unplayable on account of everybody freezing in place every 10 seconds. i'm using a wireless adapter for my pc but i feel like plenty of people are probably playing on laptops.
> want to play paladin or warrior with my friends
> because they are wagies, havent been able to log since launch
> play mage on my own instead
fuck man, even brand new servers have 3 hour queues
If playing with friends, can be very fun because you can do all roles with one character which some people really like the idea of. Their tanking isn't amazing, but its good enough for 99% of content. Their retribution DPS isn't great but its good enough for 99% of content. Their healing and defensives are in best in the game arguably.
>The community definitely isn't what it was.
Listen your memories is childish bullshit. You experienced game through eyes of retarded kid and was newfag to genre. Why I should be in group with you? I know how game works and not 14 yo anymore right now. I can't RP clueless noob for you.
id beat the shit out of you if ever said this to my wife or kid faggot
In dungeons warriors, druids, paladins and shaman are perfectly valid options as tanks. Only if they (or you) are a retard can you fuck it up.
When it get's to lvl 50+ dungeonsl it will start to matter.
>wife or kid faggot
>kid faggot
I would wait for the initial rushers to get to 60
Its been two days, there is a frantic (and this time informed) rush by a lot of players to get as high level as possible.
I think over time once it settles down you'll find more people in the 1 to 50 zones who are just taking their time, not a part of the first release rush and are more open to playing with others.
>no taunt
>perfectly valid
Put on the dress.
could be a setting in your computer fucking you over
>needing an actual "oh shit i failed to threat properly better pop a taunt" skill
Its harder to tank with shaman/druids/paladins but you can do it.
As a wagecuck I think I only have hopes of playing on weekends. Assuming I wake up as early as usual and begin the que immediately. Then maybe I'll get 4 hours of play. I wait longer than I can play.
You guys do realize that only idiots will actually go in a line? That's the entire point of trying to get them to make a line so you can go and do your shit with less competition
>Spend 15 bucks for a one month sub
>Only doing it for peer pressure because everybody I know is doing it.
>Log into game
>3 hour waiting queue.
What the absolute fuck did I do? This is so fucking inane that I can't help but feel like an idiot deep down inside lumped in with the rest of the shiteating retards who jumped into this game and now I feel regret. This is a fucking trap.
at least its labor day weekend
True that. I might get to level 30 in a month.
>thinking weekend queues won't be 10x as bad
Imagine all of the wagies that got denied their request for time off, all slamming the login servers at the same time.
Best DMV simulator ever.
Havent played yet but whats the situation on the guy making the LFG add-on? Did it ever even get released or did Blizzard cockblock it?
Definitely, when you get to raids I will side with the "put on the dress" audience but before that you can just check online how others do it because all the content has been done and it has been found to be a better option than waiting for a warrior.
lets just hope that after a few days, the zoomers will realize this game isnt for them. I mean most people are literally still queueing
NEETS who play 18 hours a day crash when I am just starting the day.
Bless those toads.
Just immediately leave user. This retard will expect every single piece of gear and will more than likely bring in the 20 or so retards that watch him in.
I don't get home until past 8pm, and all the kids are playing at that time, so I can never get into the server all my friends are playing on. Oh well, guess I'll go read a book and do some pushups so I can impress a trad qt in the future.
just wait till a single female joins, the guild will go down faster than the Titanic
It's quite literally video games seething tranny.
All the advice people gave you miss one important question: Do you like auto attacking? If no then don't roll pally because your leveling is auto attacking stuff to death whilst being really hard to kill due to self healing and bubbles. That being said I love pallies and leveled multiple to 60 on private servers. It's a special kind of fun.
yeah wish i had any indication. getting worse, even. best part is that i can't post on the support forums until i have a level 10 character in a game i can barely get to function.
why on earth would a trad qt be impressed by your vanity? try being a hardworking, church going member of your community
i know this sounds dumb but relogging would probably fix it
Paladins are safe but slow levelers. End game they are only really used as healers.
Oh sorry, I should have mentioned within the odalist community. I need to be knowledgeable and strong to win a trad pagan qt who wants to homestead and have babies.
DUDE are you some kind of newfriend or something? Such amount of people will cause giant lags. It's not WoW only problem. Servers are literally choking
nah i've tried that all day. even attempted using a different router. guess i'm fucked tbqh
real talk though will this game ever get any new content? i dont mean exclusive i just mean like added dungeons
what aobut quality of life options? this shit literally would not even change the gameplay
That is a pure 10/10 and it saddens me greatly i'd never get the chance to cum inside her.
What the fuck did you faggots got me into? This is a trap.
>Long queues that takes hours
>People are making retarded lines for bosses that take 15 minutes to load
>Beginner zone is unplayable due to mobs getting killed every microsecond.
>Loading into cities are potential insta-crashes.
I dont think nu-Blizzard is capable of making new content for Classic that wouldn't fuck up the game desu, just leave it as it is
Porn of her?
just wait a week for the excitement to die down, this is literally every MMO's first few days
Go ret for leveling. Since 'reck bombs' dont work on classic like they did on private servers, speccing prot will just be slow and you won't tank anyway. Maybe throw some points in holy tree for the strenght and consecration
Main content should by made by same Classic team. But Classic team is not full and most of people out of Blizzard.
nobody i've reached out to is experiencing every character freezing in place every 10 seconds tho
All we know so far is that they're not ruling it out. I honestly would love a Classic WoW+ where they add new dungeons and shit. Maybe even some cut content like the Dragon Isles. But the classic team is all programmers. If they wanted to add new content they would have to bring on artists and designers.
what about modernizing the zones/character models and animations? honestly its lookin pretty rough and taking me a while to get used to
This is your pal leveling.
It is not meme
It seems a lot more social. I was walking around as a priest and a warrior asked if I could help him tank a rare. We did it he said thanks and gave me some silver I just thought that was neat.
what about abilities would you be pissed if they added some modern abilities from like tbc/wotlk?
>world of warcraft isn't videogames
But you guys said the game was dead already?
Just because I talked to you yesterdy and grouped for a while dosen't mean I want to be your friend. Lemme kill crabs in peace, I have to be in the mood to talk to people
That is your ping response time to a speedtest server, not a blizzard server
its 15 dollars lmao
idk, I just want them to keep the original design philosophy from vanilla. I was always an advocate for a cool hybrid of vanilla/modern but most people want it to be completely untouched.
Just go to your job for 20 minutes and make it back
15 dollars that he could have invested in chainlink when it first came out.
it's 15 dollars my guy, you could queue up, go to work, come back and already earned many times by the time you're ready to play
Better yet, roll a female character, play for like 30 minutes and pretend to be a women to crash his guild.
i met a dude with an account so old that he still had his CE diablo pet code. pretty crazy
Made some friends grinding when the servers went live, then we've been getting dced/queue cucked and can't play with each other any more. GG blizzard. Nice queue simulator.
who else is /comfyinqueuemode/
so basically no lfg
no flying on azeroth
no trans mog
im fuckin down
should I play a feral druid? how viable are bears for tanking dungeons while leveling up?
Bears are the only way to survive solo i've found as a druid though you can mix balance in there as well before transforming. I say that and i'm pulling mobs 1-2 levels higher but point in case, Druid is alot of fun to play and hard if you're not careful.
> A Blacked actress plays WoW
Wait, how could somebody expects that WoW retards are into interracial and cuckolding shit?
Sure if you want to heal at 60.
lfg is still a thing user.
Are my fellow Warlock Bros helping our Warrior friends by fearing their mobs? It's so helpful it even grabs a few more mobs for them sometimes!
>want to level fast
>distracted constantly wanting to fap
I gotta nofap to 60 and I'm only level 12 fuck
who asked about your voice?
why do you want to tank dungeons as a druid? just let the warriors do it and heal
You have a porn addiction, user. Wear tight pants to stop your wandering hand from grabbing your junk.
>Save people from mobs by freezing them
>Debating playing this
>Streamers milk the shit out of it and make me remember just how much I hate tab target combat
>Decide against it and play OSRS instead
>Classic launches
>All-day queues, layers crashing, constant coldfixing, that time the entire EU region got fucked
Hope you fags are managing to eke out some fun from this absolute shitfest of a launch, but no matter how well I may wish you, I sure am fucking smug. Not that Jagex has particularly good servers on the best of days, but at least I can play the game I'm paying for.
leveling a mage and I'm not really loving it.
What's a good class for soloing? I'm gonna level a warrior with a friend. I played a hunter in BC and WoTLK, but I kinda want something new
Enjoying it so far, just hit level 20 on my rogue, but holy fuck the leveling is slow. At the rate it's going to be well over a month until I get to 60.
at least wow is actually an mmo
you play runescape entirely by yourself 99.99% of the time but i guess weeb fags like you prefer it that way
kill urself
Don't ever use my wife for your shitposting again.
because feral druid was my favourite spec in TBC and WotLK
but i like tanking most of all, so i might just play warrior
>no lfg
People dream about LFG back it days
Now you don't want LFG
The blizzard server is far away from your home, the speedtest server is not.
Me and my buds all got to lvl 10 tonight. Good times ahead.
>absolute shitfest of a launch
You mean every launch for popular MMO? Vanilla launch was shitfest too.
You're not technically wrong, but we didn't realize back then that LFG would kill the community. We wanted LFG, we were wrong, now we don't want it. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to understand
It's okay guys, I'm sure you'll have fun once your queue finishes and you drop into the extremely laggy starting zone with all of your soon to be friends that are also in queue!
You would think they would have learned, right? I knew it'd be a fuckfest, but this launch has gone above and beyond my wildest expectations.
>LFG would kill the community
It's just shitty excuse. GW2 was game without LFG at beginning. It was nightmare.
If it can be done with another class may as well if you like that class more. That margins arent that tight now that everything is mathed out and people are less retarded.
What the fuck does that piece of shit game that isn't even a proper mmo have to do with anything?
I'm new to classic, is there any reason why Whitemane is so much more popular than the other servers?
Druids good for soloing and when you pair with your warrior friend you can heal him
right. i also tested one of blizzard's servers in the relevant timezone, and the ping was only 50. can't see how this explains a latency of 1000ms even in a server that's full. nobody i've spoken to in my realm is exceeding even 60ms
I made 3 friends on Fairbanks and it was fun we quested all through brill together :). Now I can’t log in through the ques :(
>I'm sure you'll have fun once your queue finishes and you drop into the extremely laggy starting zone
What did you mean by this?
>Been sitting in Queue for 8 hours
>Still haven't decided what class I wanna play
LFG Wasn't just lfg, itbwas the same matchmaking cancer that ruined multiplayer games in general
lmao dude i've been playing since launch and haven't seen a single queue
keeping coping like the casual you are though by playing the shittiest mmo in existence
>reach stonetalon mountains
>queue the cure
just like old times
she looks like she did blacked
>GW2 was game without LFG at beginning
2 months without LFG and you will cry tears on Yea Forums. Your kind is like fansub fags from Yea Forums
I would totally make a mid 00s edgy rock and metal playlist if I were to play classic again
back to BFA, buddy
Last time I got in I got kicked out for taking too long to make my character. Does anyone know any sure-fire way to avoid the boot?
>comfy leveling in silverpine
>one of these faggots comes from behind a bush and two shots me
Came home and jumped in que. Waited five hours both days and have yet to play.
Oh well. I gave it a go. Back to playing Monster Hunter
she already did, a bunch of times
login queues are retarded in 2019
how the fuck can't servers handle the demand 15 years later
>shaman just watches me get raped to death by quillboars even though I screamed for help
what the fuck I though tauren players were bros. What a nigger
I never played WoW is it too late for me? Always wanted to play when I was younger but never had the time
Because in Vanilla the focus was on the content getting up to max level, not on everything post-max like it is these days.
I expected no less from you. Damn wish Blizzard got read from any kind of LFG fro classic
> how the fuck can't servers handle the demand 15 years later
Blizzard being in charge. But if you buy more mounts for retail, they will invest!
>Those keybinds
What did YOU mean by this?
Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.
wait till you hit 30 and have to kill 1000 boars to level once.
you have no idea what is waiting.
It was the "big" Pacific PvP server before they added half a dozen more. I guess people hyped up Herod as the main one so much that some avoided it while Whitemane didn't get as much attention but was likely the target of just as many people.
>M-Muh community!
Was Blizzard's excuse for not spending more money
On the one hand, servers for a game like this being TOO full is the best possible problem to have.
its called culling the competition
>took 30 mins to make a character
holy fuck lmao
just play at night where theres no ques
But it literally was. Once you hit 60 and get raid gear everything else becomes irrelevant
my thoughs as a lvl 13 druid:
the sense of a community, and the community itself are awesome, this is something i did not get to experience when I was playing shadowbringers. but, the game is a slog, and I'm not having too much fun right now, and I'm not sure vanilla has enough skills/abilities to make the gameplay more compelling, which sucks because mmo aspect of the game is 10/10
This will literally be your only chance to do it and get the closest possible experience to what you missed. It's 15 bucks user, just take the leap and try it out.
>Always wanted to play when I was younger but never had the time
Of course? I don't think I've ever witnessed anyone who is initially enticed by WoW but the ends up hating it. At least in my time, classic-WoTLK.
Be careful tho user, blizzard puts crack in the pixels it is very addicting
Do you want shareholders to receive less money, you disgusting communist?
Can't. I actually have to sleep for my job. Might have been able to get away with ti back in the wagecuck days but now I actually have to focus.
there are no crazy particle effects, nothing demanding on 2019 hardware. should easily be able to handle like 100000 people.
but still, queues.
This, it really does just become raidlogging+grinding mats for consumables
I waited 9hrs today, been playing for 5.
>We don't want a bunch of empty realms when people quit :^)
t. NuBlizz
its about the journey not the destination
Joke's on you, more than half of the specs end up being 1 button mashers. Isn't it great? The pinnacle of gaming.
Where my Deviate Delight bros at?
> in Vanilla the focus was on the content getting up to max level
Stop listening to these youtuber shills who keep parroting this false shit
this but unironically.
i'm a hell of a lot more excited to run BFD and WC than I am to raid, but i'm still excited for both.
This is not so different from any modern MMO instead people just shitting at journey. Like
>WoW journey good
>XIV journey bad
XI has better journey because of how content works
>He's not level 30 already
Until you get to level 30 you pretty much don't have an opinion
Here is the result of Blizzard marketing service.
>considering buying a sub
>want to play on EU servers to avoid brazilians
How does buying a WoW sub work in 2019? Do I have to log onto in a particular way or do something during the purchase so I don't get an NA subscription?
im a dartols rod of transformation chad myself
Its all fun and NEET until mommy dies and leave you nothing.
Blizzard should let you pay for a sub with good boy points
even then it depends on the class and spec you roll
Yeah I'm on Whitemane for some fucking reason
About to kill myself
I can't fucking believe how horrible Blizzard is with all of this
Every server is full because they completely screwed the pooch
Maybe to you as an autist, but end game was always the main intention. Otherwise it wouldn't make the rest of the game irrelevant like it does.
>get home from work
>wait in queue all night while I listen to my NEET friends run SFK
>lol maybe tomorrow
The queues are so bad I'm not even sure when they'll get better. It's like Draenor launch but 10 times worse.
>literally every single server is full
As of today whitemane has the largest ques, Herod a close second, and surprisingly, Faerlina(the streamer server) is 3rd
you mean the government and you nice tax paying wagies? I'm probably going to die first
>ooooh my journey
>everyone in Classic Yea Forums threads trying to level up fast as possible
>same for "streamers"
Yeah. Journey to collect quests without reading them and follow addon quest marker. "Journey" my ass.
imagine thinking that the entire purpose of a game is to rush to the end and repeat the same instanced content over and over
I'm using azeroth autopilot while still reading quests
Get on a different server you autist.
>the journey
>a tedious and boring grinding
living the dream
but social networks did a fucking good job at brainwashing people
I come home and did the same. Luckily I've been working hard in the garden so i occupied the time.
Imma try again tomorrow too.
honestly I feel like the streamer fanbase that actually will play the game is properly overestimated
>Roomies are all playing WoWC
>user, play with us!
>user stop playing BeatSaber and play with us!
>user it's great waiting 3 hours to log in!
>Com'on user!
>mfw I'm about to play more beat saber.
Have fun in ine kiddos.
They're all full man, there's no point trying to switch this late
It's not my opinion, retard. That's how WoW is designed. It was always a raid based gear treadmill. Just try not to raid in classic and you will fall behind and get one shotted by other level 60s.
What level is everyone? And what level is the highest on your server?
you should tell us the purpose of the rich WoW gameplay and leveling
>welcome to darkshore! go walk 20mn to the south and kill me 20 plagued bears!
these anti-classic shills have been going hard for months now. did OSRS run through this phase too?
I bet you likes WItcher 3
every server has a Que
still haven't installed any addons and i'm having fun. just read the quest text, it tells you exactly what to do.
does this really work?
but i'm constantly able to access porn and jackoff material i cant help but want to masturbate all the fucking time please this is ruining my life
Thanks anons I’ll try it out soon, was going to let queues die down. Hopefully
Was just talking to a friend and he said he’s been logged in all day hitting the space bar every 15 minutes. The rage I have knowing god knows how many poopsockers are doing this so they don’t miss out on their afk in town time is immeasurable
You're in minority for sure.
Its really enjoyed it so far, and a protip anyone complaining about the que times.
Use steam link on your phone at work/school and jump into the que a hour or two before you leave.
>A rhythm game
Had a few people remember me from questing with em earlier. No actual additions to friends list though
I've been playing on an rppvp server and I've not had one queue
Play Yoi Yoi Kokon by Reol. That's a fucking hot ass beat.
I know it helps me. It's an addiction so your brain just automatically wants to reach in your pants, but if they're too tight you probably won't bother. Also stay away from this place if you can help it. Everyone here is horny as fuck and is constantly posting fap-bait.
I literally grouped with Henry Cavil today AMA
he cute ingame?
>Also stay away from this place if you can help it
man you think i haven't been trying that since years ago?
we're all here forever and the porn/sexual imagery never stops even on SFW boards.
i'll give it a shot. i just need to stop looking at the damn stuff. thanks man, godspeed on your grind
I don't care, kys tranny
>tfw grinding mobs as a hunter with no downtime
quests are overrated
Who Grobbulus here?
First time on RP-PVP server.
god I wish I could have rolled a human, but since I'm a druid I'm FORCED to stay in teldrassil which is the same weather and look
Any realms with no queue right now? It's 3 hours for mine and I'll just fucking roll again idgaf I'm having a blast
> Classic still get the ERPing retards
Vanilla gameplay is back.
Vanilla community is gone a long time ago.
I feel so under pressure to get leveled fast because i know the players will start gatekeeping content soon.
oh no a whole TEN levels
How long will it be popular?
oh god shaman leveling is painful
I've been in que for 11 hours
Get addons or don't expect to be part of raids, don't be like these cringe nostalgiafags
maybe a month
go away
you're never getting classic-wow, do I need to repost the wall-of-no again? take off your rose tinted goggles.
>Shit, that one is outdated huh.
>okay ill try again;
Literally no one wants to play this dogshit game, you had a maximum of maybe 12k on Nostalrius which is an absolute fucking joke, stop annoying Blizzard with this weird Mark Kern retard, it will just make them hate you more.
>still a bit too old
I can't wait till classic is dead on arrival, barely passing the population of private servers
It will be dead in 6 months, i'm sure of it classicfags. You may have a ton of players wanting to play classic, but this is wrong. You're dumb nostalgia will be gone in 6 months
What the fuck? I joined a 16,000 person queue at lunch time and it only took 7 hours.
theres too many players to worry about gatekeeping, its not like its a dead game where all the players are elite and mean. Just have fun with scrubs
>posted a reaction image because of the text
>get called a tranny for some reason
I guess I'll post a stupid frog instead next time
are we gonna get another Ozzy Osbourne WoW commercial?
Joined at around noon, it was 19,000. Now my position in que is around 1,000 but has moved like 15 people in the last 40 minutes
who /dying to every fucking thing/ here
shits unfair
I fucking love this game
Tanked my first RFC and because I didn't have a ranged weapon the mage gave me a green bow he had sitting around and a couple silver to chip in on training
Everyone's super nice and really genuine, I missed how an MMO like this brought that out of people
play a hunter or a warlock
or find a duo partner, shit is max comfy.
user, learn to multitask. Open your phone and jerk it to some hot wow porn for peak immersion. There's usually a decent thread up on /aco/. Whenever you need to just walk, that means you have 10-20 minutes
They shouldn't be this long. Blizzard are just stupids greedy cunts
>Naxxramas out for 4months
>No new content
>"Hey guys, just reset progress and characters, lets make a fresh start!"
>Incels crying because the lost of thousands of playtime hours
How sthe fuck are queues this long?How long is this going to last. The game is literally unplayable and if this keeps up how are you going to be able to form guilds and raiding parties when everyone in them cant even long in? Fuck this game Im out.
where the fuck do you get classic addons?
I'm not a warrior, so I've been good. Can kill about 3 equivalent level mobs on my lvl 11 priest without having to drink/heal with ease
Taking it slow fucker. heal and drink after every mob if you need too. If you think you don't have enough health or mana to kill the next mob, dont fucking risk it. Because the walk back is always more time than it takes to eat/drink or just regen
i'm also curious how they're gonna progress content.
we gonna get a TBC and WOTLK re launch too?
just wait like an hour or two when all the wagies go to sleep
>No actual additions to friends list though
Pathetic. At this point you people will end up trying hard to imitate and RP "vanilla communications". Back in those days a lot people really was new to entire genre. Their "classlessness", excitement and emotions were real. It was something that comes natural. No one thought to "picking up friends because you should do this in vanilla". Think about it. You don't need fake experience.
Blizz wants people to drop off. its intentional
hopefully not. after a few years i think they should do a classic+ thing, where you vote on shit to add, kinda like they did with OSRS.
No they're not you're just being picky and not going with a low pop.
>where you vote on shit to add
its just gonna turn to retail 2.0 if they did that
You think the new RPPVP server will be populated for long?
I like RPing and World PvP.
>kinda like they did with OSRS.
holy fuck that's perfect, actually.
an entirely new addition, classic is just the beginning.
keep the worldstate/mechanics the same and just add content. nice
Redpill me on raiding as boomkin or resto. Are any of them useless/uncommon in raids? I genuinely dislike the feral aspect so i'm trying to make it as either balance/resto
Every single server is full right this moment, three are "medium" and the wait on them is "only" 45 minutes
it'll be hella populated user, i'm looking forward to it.
>friends all took an entire week off to play
>just started my new job so can't take PTO off yet
>they're all close to level 30 and I can't even fucking log into to my reserved character
So glad Blizzard waited the last second to spread their assholes open and panic shit out new servers. They serious underestimated the demand after all of the stress tests? Also yes I mad.
Never played WoW. Was only really into RuneScape and I hated other MMOs that I tried that were apparently all WoW-clones in some way. Should I even bother with Classic?
That stupid faggot that made an ass out of himself would have to admit he was wrong though.
that's not what happened with OSRS at all though.
I'm not gonna make it Yea Forumsros. At least a 2 hour wait in the queue and I have to wage in 8.
anyone else watching old history channel documentaries while leveling? shit is comfy af
Trust me most population of RPPVP don't RP at all.
Resto is EZ raid spot. You usually go balance/Resto hybrid or feral/Resto hybrid.
Fullboomkin is shit.
After 7 hours,
Runescape is terrible garbage and WoW is significantly better, so yes.
Where do you get addons for classic?
Aw really?
I want to RP, but don't wanna be on a PVE server. That sucks man.
I'm only lvl 15 and except for sleep i've been leveling alot while crafting. I'd say about 12 hours clocked. I NEED TO LEVEL MORE!
People are rushing, it just launched. I'm usually very nice and friendly ingame, but with these ques turning this into a race i'm no longer hiding my powerlevel.
Im stealing your mob, I'm leaving one useless thing in the chest, I am not buffing you.
get the fuck out of my way niggers
nah, he can just ignore it ever happened and make huge shekels by making classic content.
that's what i would do
fuck giving an apology or admitting my mistake, im making fat stacks of cash.
Is light leather even worth selling on the AH?
how do you like runescape more than wow clones? runescape uses one button, has no actual movement mechanics, and literal seconds of input lag
Nope, not with these Que times. No one is buying shit right now
I never played wow until cata. I missed the early days sticking with EverQuest but god, this classic shit has been one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had in months. I am an agoraphobic shut-in who usually toils in isolation and stagnation, but, I'm actually talking to people through this game! I can't even begin to explain how my heart soars just hanging out with the annoying fucks I play with. I'm so glad to have been roped in through your shitty "home" posts Yea Forums because I never had a home. It feels nice anons.
My queue is frozen is this normal?
a member of my guild gave me 4 bags because I didnt have any.
>hit level 20
>a wave of boredom and frustration sets in
I don't know how some people stay up for 48 hours for this shit.
>playing WoW
>that opening jingle in the background on the TV
Don't waver user. The servers will level out in a week or two. and the queues will be gone. Don't ever go to a PVE server, its so boring.
zoomer here,legit question,how can you enjoy a game like this? its just a sluggish dragged out version of current wow,even the queues
Literally everyone in the queues are worthless chinks forced to farm for gold so they can make 2$ a day. Ban people from asia and there wouldn't even be a queue,
>Get home at 6.
>Instantly turn on PC and que up.
>10000 ahead of me.
>now 11PM
>2500 ahead of me.
better off trying to sell stacks in /world or /trade right now
this is probably fake but it still made me happy
so when you hit 60 what are you going to do? MC? raid lockouts are once a week.
phasing the content is stupid.
You think you do, but you don't
You need to reach this
real game will begins
are the wait times stabilized? can I sub now?
they're not playing solo, that's how.
because it's a cohesive world where you actually have to interact and cooperate with other players instead of just being a single player game with a shitty multiplayer element.
The voting system is ruining OSRS as more time goes by. Just a bunch of Slayer niggers and skillers flooding the pools.
>are the wait times stabilized
>wake up at 7
>log in without a queue
>continue playing until i have to work
Sorry you couldn't get off work man. I feel your pain.
On the bright side i have tomorrow off so i'm planning a full day of not losing my spot.
Even bloodsail buccaneers?
nigga there's a queue just to RESUB
I love you bro.
The most they said right now is that if the popularity keeps up that eventually they would add BC and Wrath. I really wouldn't want anything new to be added desu desu.
The whole point of vanilla wow is partying up because the game forces you to because it took a lot from the contemporary MMOs of the time where that was the norm. If you solo you're still going to get bored even in vanilla
been in que for the past 3 hours and ive got at least that time to go still
its still rekt but if youre neet, you can play during the odd hours.
Click change realm, make sure not to logout or you will lose your que. ONLY click the change realm button, then click the realm you were just trying to connect to and you should be good
Spend the time farming mats, leveling professions, and getting stuff in dungeons.
so this is why I can't play SC2 huh
and Darkshore so I'm basically permalocked to purple trees for 1-10 and literal England from 10-20
>eventually they would add BC and Wrath
Sounds like threats to me. And them being fucking lazy pieces of shit. I have to give it to OSRS, they went and did a divergent developer path and started making NEW-old content, not just pretending the timeline was static. Fucktards won't do that and I don't just want them to shit on me with BC and Wrath
was meant for
I was hoping it being a weekday kids who have school and adults who have work would go to bed and servers would open up. I was wrong
>he fell for the Whitemane meme
Brother. I'm almost in, and ready for an night of grindan'
when you reach the lower numbers, you're in the part of the queue where nobody leaves.
What server should I join then?
all layers have periodic restarts to get rid of afk people and people running into walls
I'm not leaving my que user, nice try
isnt the point of classic to PvP? go to the opposite faction and gank people
>game forces you to
Not true. You're forced in specific quest or conditions. Who the fuck forcing this "you should not play solo" garbage? Some eceleb? Do quest without addons, do dungeons, explore world and join gank spank. You don't need to be 24/7 in party or in party at all.
I've fapped to her many times so I have an obligation to play on it.
>leveling enchanting
>make a bunch of lesser magic wands and sell them to lowbie casters for 1 silver
>a shaman tries to get me to sell him one
>tell him shamans can't use wands
>he puts me on ignore
seething wannabe auction house moguls on suicide watch
who here /faerlina/? why did all the twitch streamers join this server? why did no one tell m,e?
Raids take more time but you have pvp. Everything else is same shit
well whitemane as of today had the largest ques, you should stay away from it unless you like disconnecting and 10 hour ques
bigglesworth or any of the other high pop, but not "10 hour queue time" pop servers. There is literally no difference in game population because all the current servers will be close to full forever anyway.
It's all anyone ever said about faerlina to avoid it like the plague
Games been out for 1 day. Most "full" servers are at least 2-3 hours wait. Some are as high as 7
WoW and it's clones where just boring as fuck. >Go here, kill this and do X's quests.
>You hit level 15? Congrats! Now move onto the next area.
>You finished questing? Hope you like dungeons, raids, or ability spam PvP
The whole theme park shit just felt so forced and boring. And the gameplay was still pretty shit and repetitive. I don't play MMOs for the technical gameplay, I play genres with actual good gameplay for that, like action games or fighting games. I always preferred the exploration and community aspects in MMO.
Why does no one know how to spell queue?!
i think the friday ques are going to be truly comical.
willing to bet a large portion of people are holding off subbing because they think it will clear up in a week.
also people love jumping on the bandwagon so im half-expecting this to reach pokemon go levels of craze, when that was peaking.
WoW is designed for staying power though. this could get really interesting
how do the misspell it?
wait till people get to the pvp zones, leveling gonna take forever there.
If you see everyone freezing and walking in place, it’s you who’s lagging. aka. the d/c shuffle
I want the most active west coast PVP server so when I come back to play this game in a year it's not dead
Runescape is literally just clicking on shit and watching your numbers go up.
queue - que you
que - que
If I just leave my queue up for however many hours it takes how long do I have to notice before it auto-dcs me?
My guess is if the popularity continues, the obvious choice of action would be to release expansion specific servers that you can migrate your characters to, without the option of going back once done. People will be able to advance at their leisure, or stay in the expansion of their choice.
I feel like this is the ultimate wet dream ideal.
>Go here, kill this and do X's quests.
Literally 90% quests in RPG games.
> And the gameplay was still pretty shit and repetitive.
>runescape palyer
bait or LARP
about 3-5 minutes.
im not joking
"que" is the shorter route. people see that its queue but they dont give a fuck
dont cling to stupid shit like this, it makes you look pretentious.
Good analysis, now fuck off.
just FYI mia Markova is playing classic wow on Bigglesworth under:
are you me?
I´m having a blast by just reading the quest text, following it on the map and looking at my surroundings to complete them
I was disoriented for a while at first, it´s incredible how much we´re spoonfed by games these days
it's called ''waiting in line'' fucking shitstain britbongs
Hey guys Henry Cavil here. Just want all of you to know that user here was a shit healer, thanks.
Way to be a fucking whore
Zoom Zoom Zoom
>calling a whore a whore
What the fuck am I supposed to do in PVP as a Shaman with no mana? Auto attack and hope to get a windfury?
This game is bullshit.
>Nigger-fucking roastie is playing wow classic
do you not understand that donating $$$ bumps your chances of fucking her 0.00001%?
Fuck Henry, why'd you tell them? Now no one will group with me.
>watching whores not be whores
I wonder if she will make more money streaming
Don't run out of mana chump. If you get attacked while oom, pray to rngesus for that WF proc.
not really feeling the game rn, thinking of dropping my night elf druid and making an undead warlock
>recognizing blacked actresses
quit the game
because it's like you're getting to know them so the next time you jack off to their videos it re-excites the lust
can't stop laughing
she has a fake ass that looks dumb, not a fan
not going to lie these queue times have killed my hype. All of my friends are already level 30 and I'm only 3 because I can't get in again.
unstoppable spec
you'll have a lot more fun
druids are dead boring for the first 10 levels and their starting zones suck shit
also checked
undead have the best starting zone
Please post comfy pictures please. Mulgore, orgrimmar, barrens what ever.
>and their starting zones suck shit
*night elf starting zones that is, Tauren's are based
>lvl 30
nice larp bro
all the twitch zoomers will quit around 20-40 when the grind kicks in
and they will NEVER do 50-60.
Fuck off zoomers
A cool pic would be of thousand needles unflooded if someone got there yet
And in WoW-clones you press a ability rotation so you feel like you're actually doing something more than that, when you're not. RuneScape also has more to it than just combat going for it.
Ya, but the difference is that you aren't bound to a shitty theme park in Runescape and it doesn't pretend to have interesting combat because they add a braindead ability rotation.
I see, this happened before with other mmos so I'll try again
>5 in queue
>estimated wait time < 1 minute
TFW estimated time in queue goes from 6 hours to 30 minutes back to 6 hours.
from the horde yes, but its still a shit sewer city competing with mud huts and an empty dry desert
>all the twitch zoomers will quit around 20-40 when the grind kicks in
that's when most people start rolling alts
>t. was a young zoomer in 2005 that would constantly make alts to level 30-40 instead of leveling one character to 60
>Chad Cavil picking Paladin
That means a layer crashed and the computer suddenly calculated as if layers would continue to crash
As soon as I posted this i got in.
>all the twitch zoomers will quit around 20-40 when the grind kicks in
No way. This is where real PVP starts
what are layers
Never played wow before? Is it fun?
what ogres are made of
>position in queue: 3194
>suddenly see character selection screen
thank fuck I was near my computer at the time otherwise I would have gotten sent to the back of the line... these estimations are so fucked
there used to be so many of you altoholics back in these days, making a character, getting to level 9, then doing it all over again.
It makes no fucking sense, just pick something you faggot
you still have time to jump in
everyone is still low level and remaking characters
I'd wait until this queue problem gets worked out
How’s the pvp like?
there's literally 6 different corners of the game you could experience it from
here's the ranking best-worst:
1. Tauren zone
2. undead zone
3. human zone
4. dwarf/gnome zone
5. orc/troll zone
6. night elf zone
and streamers will get farmed, as they broadcast their location.
they will never level to 60.
No honor system before phase 2
But pissing off ally cucks might just be worth it
never played WoW and i really wanted to go alliance but my faggot friends made me go horde so I've been going undead rogue, it's pretty fun but I would be enjoying it a lot more as a dwarf or nelf desu
>people running into walls
proven not to work user
so there's literally 7, 8, maybe 9 months until people can even play battlegrounds?
what the fuck is the point of subbing now instead of then
>Rolling restart incoming
>Whatever im gonna keep killing defias since im almost done with the quest
>People advise everyone to go to an inn to get rested bonus while server is down/queued
>Finish the quest and make it just in time
>Eveyone starts to lay in the inn's bed
>its not even an RP server
>people make small talk and jokes while waiting for the server to go down
Feels good to be home
streamers will get a retarded defense force that will make their whole experience in the game to be gatekeeped and secured
With how many people are playing all around the same level contested zones are going to be silly. Stranglethorn, hillsbrad, stonetalon, ashenvale are going to be warzones
so what exactly happens after the "stating ares"? do all the races group up in a relatively central location for their faction?
>runescape has more than combat going for it
>instead of clicking on mobs, you can click on trees or rocks!
I feel more tempted now
there's none atm
from what I see, everyone is lvl 5-15
PVP starts in STV around lvl 22+
Can you make good money skilling in this game?
The fun will start in Stranglethorn Vale. Aka Vietnam. Area was inspired by Vietnam. And there you will do typical Vietnam staff. You will be forced to do typical Vietnam staff. Is this area still exist in modern WoW?
no. stay away from my herbs
Should I level as a prot warrior or is that a terrible idea? Why or why not?
i can't decide if I should roll druid specifically to stealth around these faggots and enjoy myself or just roll PVE so I don't deal with it
i was on pvp for all my time in vanilla retail, aside from hillsbrad I don't really miss it
Not everyone wants to PvP
Also, world PvP is still fun even without rewards
Despite the memes about being a /pol/ server and a weeb/discord hell i didnt see any of that, i just saw people having fun and enjoying their journey through an MMO
Pick related is just some randoms i came across while questing, I was way underleveled for this quest and it would have been miserable solo
why were you up at 6 am?
>actually going to STV to die when you could just grind in Desolace or spam Scarlet Monastery
based whitemane alliance brother
wouldnt miss the first night on classic for anything else, I didnt have to do anything the day after thankfully
>going to Desolace on purpose
that's an easy way to get anyone to hate the game
it has like two good quests on the west coast for Horde
You can bounce around questing and be able to skip STV entirely.
Currently level 13 with a my NELF hunter, black striped tiger pet.
Loch Modan is so fucking comfy bros
dude I LOVE Desolace
the music is fucking phenomenal there, it's perfect for the setting
>found a food crate in the water
>some shiny apples
>some random orc comes up behind me
>"anything good?"
>nah just apples
>orc then walks away
It's really like 2004 again
>Do SM as Alliance
>Have to go through hillsbrad and then pass undercity
good way to avoid ganking
is it permanently raining like on elysium or was that a pserver bug
Can I say nigger without being banned? If I can't it's a no buy.
is that also how I would approach SFK as alliance? I'm switching factions for this time around, and that's my favorite low level dungeon.
Nah, its an easy ban
Oh I remember Tarren mill was area of non stop blood bath. But as I remember it was developed into war zone not from start
Some servers censor slurs and swears
>finding a water barrel and getting like 8 fucking waters out of it
You have to run from southshore yeah
Don't worry, it bugs the shit out of me too.
>Despite the memes about being a /pol/ server and a weeb/discord hell i didnt see any of that
i just had a guy named 'sneed' steal my fucking mob, declined my invite, and /spit on me not even 30 minutes ago.
This is on horde side but I doubt there is that much of a difference.
Must have been a bug. So far I think I’ve only gotten rain in Teldrassil
is druid a good class for a first timer? i like the idea of shapeshifting but im not sure what else the class will end up doing
It’s a jack of all trades class. If that’s your thing the go for it, my man!
Guess i must have been lucky then since most interactions I had were wholesome or slightly awkward outside of the inevitable mob tagging, didnt see any of that shit other than some guy using >t. in general chat
the real mvps are the bois selling lesser magic wands on the cheap
Ho if I wanted to watch you do anything other than get degraded I would. You're only good for a quick fap once in a while and even then your looks are fading.
I saw the word "based" in general chat and spammed "fuck off Yea Forums" afterwards
>doubt there is that much of a difference.
Welcome to the vanilla horde experience
even gayer than saying based
It WAS beautiful... TO BURN!!!
hope you also told reddit to fuck off
Well no wonder why she picked NElf, probably will level in Kalimdor only