Why is everyone gushing about this game? It looks painfully mediocre.
Why is everyone gushing about this game? It looks painfully mediocre
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if by "everyone" you mean game journos, because they're friends with the people who made it
everyone else knows it's mediocre
everyone else knows you're a faggot
Some people have actually played it. Not just looked at it.
Makes sense.
The only people I see even talking about it are incels throwing a fit because the MC has a face not to their fapping tastes.
This is the weirdest reverse psychology shill all day.
>everyone gushing about this game
Like literally nobody on Yea Forums. No one.
Why do I see literally no threads for this game? I thought it was supposed to be good.
They changed their strategy from "steam bad epic good" to straight up "game good buy game".
what game? I've never heard of that game.
Who's this "everyone" that op mentions?
No one is. But it looks like a game, back when games were released, and not a PvP zoomzoom twitch-celeb wankfest, or pixelshit. An actual game.
Personally I'm not interested because I played HL2 15 years ago. And fuck Epic.
>female mc
>a homofag to boot
yeah geez i wonder why
People exist outside of this place.
average hater of this game
Honestly, the environments look sort of bland. Way too much generic concrete when they could have made it look unique and cool.
she is a carpetmuncher? for real?
Yes, and that's a good thing!
This game tells me to install some Microsoft c++ thing when I try to launch. I don't want to. How do I run the game without installing that?
call Microsoft
I don't speak Hindi.
time to learn
this game flopped even harder than nuprey
[citation needed]
[cope detected]
But Prey is actually good
Nevermind. Found the solution. Just had to launch the game with controlD11.exe instead of control.exe for some reason. Eat shit Microsoft C++ I won't install jack.
if you have shit taste and are on estrogen HRT, sure
I love how every journo is saying how the story is good when it’s full of plot holes.
The visual story telling is good. The story is trash by itself.
Once again in gaming. Artsy fartsy story >>>> actual good story.
This, but unironically. Are we pretending not to like lesbians now? What are we, a bunch of great big faggots?
did you even play the game nigger
Waiting for price tag to drop.
I really don't get this game. It starts off in a lobby of some building. A few minutes later there's generic red-eyed zombies shooting at you because of a thing called "hiss."
What the fuck?
>dude just read the collectable crap and listen to audio logs
I'm around 2 hours in and the story is boring and it feels too sudden and random.
"Hiss" makes people crazy and you're immune. Is that really it. Is that the story? The two characters so far are so generic and boring.
The gameplay is fairly basic, but it's fast and quite fluid. It's not too easy either which I didn't expect from this type of game. You definitely have to pay attention in certain fights because enemies deal quite a bit of damage.
Other than that, the game is generic and slightly above average imo.
It kinda is, but the whales need it to justify their overpriced meme cards, otherwise buyers remorse might make them kys.
It's easy and looks nice. Anything that is easy and has good visuals will get a 9/10 these days
Look at Pathologic 2. Looks ok, unique, but not amazing. It's hard as shit though and the story is complex. Therefore its a 3/10
I'll be honest, I'm paid to do it.
Buy it now please.
Game looks fun. I wish it was first person though.
I actually didn't like the game. You don't see her face much anyway during the 'action' parts of the game.
>game minimum requirements
>AMD R9 280X
>my computer uses R9 275X
>try to play anyways
>mfw runs just fine
My toaster pulls through once again.
Classic Bill
>my computer uses R9 275X
That's old but pretty powerful cooking grill right there.
/pol/fags don't play games
sjws dont make games, they make propaganda
It's actually staying at around 80 degrees in Celsius. Not too bad not great. With all the news and buzz about it needing insanely high processing I am pleasantly surprised my old card runs it and a good performance.
Because there was this bullshit rumour going around that Sony were going to buy remedy so the resident shills from here all the way to retardera have been shilling the fuck out of this game because they want people to think positively about remedy when they allegedly get acquired by Sony soon (already disproven). Before those rumours you didn't have anyone talking about this game.
Why would Sony buy these pretentious shitters who don't make good games.
I mean, it falls in line with the types of games they make.
>don't make good games.
There's your answer. It fits right in with the typical playstation(TM) portfolio.