New monke game good?

new monke game good?

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havent played it yet, but at least its original from what ive see

It's neat. I like throwing the ape husbands off of trees and trying to fuck their newly widowed ape wives

so there's this fella...

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>coming to steam in one year
This how it gon be now huh?

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Already cracked

Unga bunga. How grug play this sci-fi game?

>nooooooo competition
>clicking another program too hard

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>bribing publishers for exclusivity contracts

I noticed that when they emailed me a free copy, had no idea Timmy Tencent had it early. I don't mind waiting for my Steam copy desu, it's not like I'm gonna play it anyways lmao

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Imagine believing monkeys became humans.

>paying devs with money from the Chinese government is competition
At least Steam became the top dog because they offered a good, functional service
EGS has literally no pro-consumer functions because they are owned majority by the Chink government, who if you read the news has been murdering everyone in Hong Kong because they dared to say "Chinese government is bad"

Imagine believing clay became humans

Thank you Tim

Why are there no threads about this game? I thought Yea Forums was looking forward to ooga booga.

>not believing in the better Wonder Woman origin

All threads devolve into autistic screetching about the chink store rather than videogame discussion

Control, Astral Chain and Classic WoW all are also released around this same time grabbing most attention.

Yes it is

>EGS has literally no pro-consumer functions because they are owned majority by the Chink government
Yet it took over a decade for valve to get refunds, why you support that fat kike. I prefer chinks to kikes

why would anyone want to play as a monkey?

Well, the game is only like $40, anyone give it a try yet?

>epic and steam wars
>monkeys and black people jokes
>evolution debating
Really we are just a bit of popularity and one more controversy away from this game becoming a perfect shitposting storm.

Just waiting for a torrent

I mean GTA San Andreas was pretty fun

>At least Steam became the top dog because they offered a good, functional service
No, that happened because of the lack of competition. Eventually over time they built up a collection of good features (but still had tons of utter garbage shit and barely had any people working on the thing in terms of customer service, management, etc.).
Now people are so used to Steam and have built up a library of games that they just want to stick to Steam because that's what they're used to and where their games are.

If there is a game that's on and steam, there is not reason at all to buy it on steam. Especially if it's an older game since Valve doesn't even try to optimize or make them run (some games won't even run like Vampire the Masquerade and even their own games like Portal 2 because of the poor support).

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Crack is out. Game needs some serious patches but could be good when it actually releases in a year

>why would anyone want to play as a monkey?
The entire game is misguided.
It's an interesting idea, but not something anyone would ever want to play.

Female monkeys are stronger than their male counterparts when pregnant so there's that too.

I have not pirated in over a decade so I am out of the loop. I am just watching the /t/ vidya collection google drive to see if it shows up there.

The gameplay didn't look ape-aling

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It's out on the high seas, I recommend a VPN.

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What needs patching in specific?

Climbing and jumping can be buggy, the chimp just not grabbing branches or trees resulting in broken legs. Combat is awful, it's all based on qte and it isn't clear what your are supposed to do, you get about a second to figure it out before you are dead or bleeding to death. Also carnivores seem to just spawn all around you and instantly kill each other and you.


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it's no peoplekind

They're apes. Monkeys have tails.

Dig for whatever you can find buddy

On the contrary, clicking the torrent client icon is pretty easy.

We diverged from a common ancestor.
Jesus himself split in two. One became apes, the other man.