Gaming in Latin America

Damn bros, affording games here is getting tougher, how're you holding up?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Can't sell shit on the community market because I haven't bought a game in months

>buying games

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How are you able to play games while its on fire

I havent bought any new releases in a couple of years iirc. Most of my money goes into promo sales of older games i had interest in but never got to play or classics i enjoyed. However there are some titles that i might pay the full price though if theyre good like cyberpunk and Persona 5 R

>jewish president starts taxing even further

What country ?

Even though it looks like Bolsonaro is a Zio-shill, I'm glad he's shit talking that disgusting freak Macron. He's almost as bad as a tranny fucker. His wife is old enough to be his mother, and women are infertile past 35 anyways - so he's a fucking retard. But if the fires are being started by someone who's buttmad over Bolsonaro, I hope Bolso will hire some contractors to go take them out. Give us some Go-Pro footage of the gunfights too.

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I'm holding up by not being a poorfag
get a fucking job

I used to buy games, but realized pirating them was the smartest choice.
>t. peruvian

>afffording games
Games are literally cheaper
Kek faggot

>wasting your hard earned cash in games
What are you a 8 yo faggot?

>sucking that BRs dick
lmaoing at your life nigger, just because he shit talked the bagget it doesn't mean that he is BASED BASED BASED

Fuck Chileans hogging retro games, I'm not paying 50$ for a shitty condition loose Mario 3 copy

>another beaner /int/ thread

>them complaining why his third world shithole sell games over mspr price
Well what you can expect from a bunch of inbreed savages

Gee if just they only exist a store that let you buy games from diferent people of the world.

but why are you so rude?

I miss the times when these threads were about games and not always being the brazilian retard to bring out their irrelevant politics no one cares about.

Im not being rude facts are facts

Bolsonaro is the shitiest president ever, you mong

sadly that's their nature, they have the retard gene

>be argie
>bought pc in december when the us dollar was 37 pesos
thank god

You are the faggot who reply to the br cuck faggot

>All latinamerican people are inbreed savages

Not in Chile. Sorry for not being a banana republic

Holding just perfectly. Piñera's doing great for what the whole tariff war could do to us.

Steam Workshop is unironically the best anti-piracy method. All mod community will funnels in that place and is only accessible if you own the legit copy. Mods are super important to extend a game's playtime.

Thank god abou what dumbass
You will have to play in the next couple of months before your shithole become venezuela 2.0 and you have to sell your pc for toilet paper

Amazon Mexico just brings all the decent prices and Gameplanet is selling dity cheap 3ds and Wii games

>3ds wii games
We are about to get the switch next iteration and you are still playing shitty old games

Based and piratepilled
>if theyre good like cyberpunk and Persona 5 R
Normalfag with shit taste, gtfo
You built it yourself, right, fellow argie bro? You didn't get a prebuilt or a gaming fagtop, right?

Yeah, based Amazon Mexico selling Switch Lite at $220

peru aint all latin america dumbass

>Piñera's doing great
no need to lie, shill

>not being a corsair of the Bolivian sea

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Shipping costs are ridiculous tho

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I'll take my free games anyways huehue

no is not... Dilma was... retard

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Chilean here, I just use US accounts for everything and purchase pre-paid codes or use virtual credit cards for everything.
I'm pretty much set for the year.
Have Death Stranding and Ghost Recon Breakpoint pre-ordered for my PS4.
Doom Eternal and Jedi Fallen Order pre-ordered for my Xbone.
I have 2 game vouchers for my Switch, I still don't know what to use them for.

>u cant enjoy that >:(
I now remember why i barely visit this board

latin americans only MAY buy multiplayer games or singleplayer games with extremely good mod support.
But, nowdays those spacewar cracks are getting ridiculously good and now you can play online without buying it.

yes sir, I build it with my two hands ryzen 5 2600 and rx 580

Switch is just bringing collections of shitty old games tho, Aladdin + Lion King pack and the Megaman ZX collection were just leaked

Still, they are charging like 60$ for old 3DS games
In Microplay I've seen them trying to sell a used copy of Mario kart Wii like at the same price of a brand new Switch game just because is NINTENDO AND MARIO, IT NEEDS TO BE EXPENSIVE

the last game i bought was CTR and i dont plan on buying anything on release until next year.

i am also gonna lose my job next week but at least i have enough money to afford plenty of sopa de macacos for a while.

So, what have you been playing and doing my fellow South Americans?

here in brazil they've changed their fucking fees and now everything takes and costs more.

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Latamel is the biggest cancer of vidya in Mexico

>change currency to argentine peso
>everything becomes affordable
thanks based argentina for being so poor

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Where the fuck you live? in my zone microplay sells Wii games for 12.000CLP

Please buy our game

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Was expecting much less from him desu


aj aja aaj

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if your game has latino aesthetics I ain't buying it, m8. I'm tired of this shit hole, I don't want to be reminded of it in my vidya too. Try to sell it to first worlders, I'm sure they'll find it exotic.

They have no reason to lower the price of a product they'll probably never restock.

I want out

Alberto Fernandez is not THAT bad, also Massa is there

we all got our fill of taco nonsense waaay back with the tamale loco flash games
maybe just pretend you guys don't exist and keep on supplying the world with hard drugs

this, do you take me for a fucking fool?

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I study at UBA
I work at UTN

Ask me anything

>minion can't even speak proper english

Is it worth changing to UTN? It's getting too difficult to work and study at the same time, I just want my title asap.

Is 23 too late to start studying?


ARGIES SEETHING, it's not our fault that you dumb people are going to elect that bitch Christina again.

guess how much the Shitch costs in a place like Uruguay for instance.

>Is it worth changing to UTN? It's getting too difficult to work and study at the same time, I just want my title asap.
I also work and study at the same time.
I'm afraid to tell you, user, it won't get any easier no matter what university or career you choose.
Sure, you can choose a social career, they are a little more lightweight, but you will spend 10 hours -minimum- outside home, studying and working.
You will have just to power through it user, hang on, chin up and, as my grandpa said: 'Culo y silla'

It's never too late to start studying.
I'm 24 and I wish I wasnt a slacking retard, but thank god I started a career now and not later.
Stop wasting time, user, time flies by, if you dont get up on the train it will never come back ever again.

i give a shit with the elections, im not even from argentina, im not need to be argie to say that bolsonaro is shit

Any luck finding retro games at your local tianguis bros? I only get dirt cheap shovelware, if any.

If you want to talk about your garbage countries, their economy and society go to /int/ or /pol/ you stupid motherfuckers

No, lol

Mexican here

Overall pretty good

Amazon Mexico has cheap games but other sites and stores like Gameplanet, Liverpool, Mercado libre, Elektra are offering better prices as well

Astral Chain is the best selling game on Amazon Mexico

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>fav persona girl


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Monkey here.
Just pirated my Switch, lads.
Played Astral Chain all day.
it's pretty good

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Are white people in Latin America weak as well as in the rest of the world?

Don't worry, Argiebros. Once the Petistas take over and turn us into a superpower, we'll have enough to share with anyone on the continent that needs help.

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eu sou brasileiro hohoho e uso o Yea Forums hahaha vocês não podem me deter

Program looks way shorter and more based tho

Is pirating the Switch easy or safe ?
Been thinking about doing it but too much of a pussy to try.

Which university tho?
And what career you want to follow?

Amigo brasileño, está bien ser como tú, el brasileño también es humano

It feels stereotypical as fuck

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ing. sistemas
CBC is done but 2nd year is pushing my shit real hard

to be fair, I've never met a Nintendo-only gamer that wasn't a massive faggot. I've met people who have nintendo consoles that are cool but they also play on other systems.


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It's pretty retard-proof but it's a bit tricky. I bought it cash from based R4DS and their tutorial video is missing some details. If you buy the OS SX check their forums because there's a better guide there.
Other than that it's pretty good. It's like 250 naros, but it works like a charm. You just download it and pop it in, done.

Dunno about how safe it is, but I'm still learning this shit. I don't even know how safe NSPs are compared to XCIs

>tfw chilean waiting for the new longer baterry switch
ffs nintendo just announce a date for latam


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>liking ninturdo



Also fuck Fuuka

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The Burning Favela of Hueland
P3 it's FeMC
P4 it's Naoto
and for P5 it's Kawakami.

I dont do Sistemas, but if you already passed the CBC and if you're in the second year, you better power through it.
Although feel free to dismiss me since I dont know how hard is the Systems career here in UTN, but it seems rather layback, maybe.

Do you have an UBA or UTN closer to your home/workplace tho?
I got lucky and I got both places almost next to eachother

Attractive women farts are nice


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This cutie

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Spain is my favorite Latin American country.

What is the favorite el chavo del ocho character of each Latin American country?

Brasil is Don Ramon for sure

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Maybe pirate all software like a normal person and spend your money you get for growing coke on your family

Chile too.

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>yfw reruns of Chave del 8 on Chile are happening
>yfw the faggots at FA are gonna call the show problematic for fat shaming, homophobia and other fucking retarded shit
It's gonna be a shitstorm and I'm preparing the popcorn.

I pity the gringo who didn't grow up with el chavo

Imagine being bolivian

Reminder Sadie headed to south america, I wonder where she settled in

>leaving out DR and PR

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on my dick hopefully


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Fortnite, apex. Got a friend from the US who used to live in japan back in the day that gifted me save the world so I've had all that paid shit by farming, also the apex BP technically for free
The rest is just games that I get from PS+. I also emulate a lot of nostalgiashit from my childhood whenever I feel like it
Shit's hard now in argieland. 3000-4000 pesos if you want some new release, which is borderline robbery

Perú too.

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Makoto; formerly Chie


We're too good to be lumped with you 3rd worlders.

Imagine being venezuelan

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>Also fuck Fuuka

>want to buy sekiro
>still to expensive
gundams still a priority

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>dropped out
>trying to find a job so I can sustain myself and maybe, hopefully, start studying another career

I am beyond fucked, who would fucking want to hire me
Well I guess I always have the easy way out or just going mochilero until I get shanked and die in a ditch somewhere

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Don't tell me you believe The Empire's propaganda. Venezuela has overthrown the bourgeois and they are on the verge of greatness.

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Friendly reminder that:

Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones

Mexico is also the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames

Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51, it was so popular in Japan that it's getting a physical release via Play-Asia

Guacamelee main creator and programmer is Mexican and it's a very successful indie games, it's getting a physical release

We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies

The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK

We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever

Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too

This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and it's being published in Asia too

Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world

The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:

Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America.

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sure thing
I wonder why so many came to chile though

Based mexico

How about instead of wasting time on playing vidya you shitskins work on making your shithole countries a better place to live in huh??

Argiefag here.
Just got 6-months of classic wow sub

>who would fucking want to hire me
Low tier jobs.

user, todos comienzan desde abajo.
Nunca es facil, y va ser una mierda, pero hay que hacer sacrificios para vivir la vida.

Mexico seems very based, is it safe to travel there?
As a female monkey, what are the chances I'm captured by the cartels and turned into acid pulp?

>Sekiro is still $200k + COP on STEAM
the "pc games are cheaper" meme is a fucking joke, I can get the PS4 PHYSICAL version for atleast half of that, new

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>el hombre shad

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>Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones
*laughs in Argentina's steam* every game got a 34% discount after the PASO

It is the most visited Latin American country

Also post butt

Peru and Bolivia are full already


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Loli wardens count?

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Haven't played the games but it's obviously Nanako

Digital, for as much as it pains me


If you don't shit money you should be fine. It also depends where you want to go.

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I do sistemas and the only really difficult subject that you get is matematica discreta, that shit makes you want to die and unless you dont study at least once per week its a guaranteed fail. Other than that, the other subjects are pretty laidback if you have a basic understanding of computers and programming

>fav persona
Oh, I really fucking love the P5 re-design on Sun Wukong. Seiten Taisei is a favorite of mine across the whole series (for obvious reasons) so seeing him in a punk sty-
o-oh... uhh... Aegis I guess...

Only tricky part is playing online, other than that is pretty easy and safe

I buy games on steam only if they are on a heavy discount. Otherwise i pirate it. I play legit games nowadays though

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estoy dejando CV en todos lados que son así, más que nada restaurantes porque siempre hay algun lado que precisa un bachero o un mozo o uno que reparta pedidos, pero la verdad aparte de buscar online no se con que tendria más suerte, por ahí albañil o barre calle

Chile is a nice country, but I rather be white

Probaste policia? Se que están tomando mucha gente y no necesitas experiencia ni estudios más que secundario completo.

Yes faggot you are to old

>too old for studying

what are you talking about

I finished uni at 27/28 year old and immediately got a job

Only poorfags and faggots start at the bottom

I finish my first degree at 21 and i was the oldest of my class i took off like 2 years.

Amo a Fuuka!


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Anybody can take a janitor job faggot

Childhood is praising Ron Damon

Adulthood is realizing that Godinez is the best option


My skin is pale. Don't know what "white" means in your country but that's enough for me

Cant afford AKek

hay algun requerimiento fisico? no estoy gordo pero no tengo gains
igual con cada gorda que veo en uniforme no creo que sea un problema


Just live in Viña, m8, fine weather all year long (from slightly cold to warm)

Assuming you graduated from highschool at 17, at 21 is only 4 years and you said you took 2 years off so you finished your degree in 2 years.

a) what kind of decent-paying job requires only 2 years of expertise?
b) if yours only took 2 years, how in the world is 23 years old too old?

>tfw can't even play vidya with this fucking heat

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>pale = brown in south america
>white = white in America

Get Doki Doki Literature Club. It's free


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Pale means pale and brown means brown. There's no another meaning. In the USA they have a weird meaning for white

I moved to Europe. Now I have a 2k euro PC.

Recommend doing the same.

Stop arguing to him he's a probably a mexican

good luck with the stabbings

It's getting so fucking hot in Santiago, I can't wait to leave this country.

>mum and sis have double citizenship, want to move to Spain and Britain respectively after the October elections
>dad is a hardcore nationalist, asked me to help him when he opens a bakery
>I just want to kill myself
Fuck video games

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Imagine living in haitiago

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I'm a happy man because there are almost no gacha here. Keep at it my beloved pátria.

>buy nice phone
>get robbed
sure is nice living in latin america :)

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>buying games

>affording games is getting tougher
serves you right for voting the right

how did you leave this shithole for videogames user?

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It's 18°C rn where I live, feels good man

>votes the left
>still looses
>votes the left
both sides are wrong user

"watch dragon ball super online"
you're alright, mexico, you're alright.

how can your mother and your sister have double citizenship while you don't?
Why is your mother and sister leaving you guys behind?

I'm from chile and it says "how do i use google translate offline" we are not that racist

I graduated high school at 15, lazy out college in 7 years
a) i work at amazon for 180k $ a year as a junnior developer
b) im the older also on my team, rh only search for 22 and younger. 23 has a low chances of getting a job at least they have toons of experience which op lacks

t. 'libertarian'

my country has its best standards of living in 100 years thanks to the left

>internet in bolivia
Yeah super true bro

Maybe you people are color blind you call yourself pales but are brown as literally shit

how is voting the right making it harder to buy video games?

>tfw Steam removed Rapipago and Pago Facil as payment methods
Any way to buy games without credit card whitebros?

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Hes adoped
Hes the bastard son of the fater

Get a credit card

ask argentina

the absolute madmen

Boleto or Steam cards

yes, sure. peace

Macri isn't right wing

I do also have double citizenship, but don't care.

good for you, but here all that the left do is making themselves look dumber and dumber as they just kinda cry for things and are massive hypocrites
and the right is not doing their best neither.In general I dont trust politicians at all

Why is your mother and sister leaving you guys behind?

good meme

What sea? Bolivia is nothing but fire now.

And the retarded press blames the Brazilians instead lmao

you being a lefty nigger will think that anything right of nicolás maduro is right wing, so I'll stop arguing, he isn't right wing by the actual definition of right wing (which is only about the role of the state when it comes to the economy)



that might be true
brazilians are literally apes. they haven't discovered fire yet

How do I get a cute latin gamer gf anons?

soon, brother

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Fire = jungleless land = high end condos = $$$

>buy a 4K 80” tv just to play in 720p glasses

Maduro is not a communist, his state economy is clearly capitalist. The only reason anyone on the left would support him is because communism is against imperialism
Thinking that Macri is anything other than right-wing is just absurd

>if the state ever gets involved into anything it's left-wing I swear!
t. twitter illiterate

>BR is ruled by a literal fascist dictator
why has the rest of Latin America done nothing to save them?

Venezuela is also technically ruled by a dictator user

We are to busy dealing with our own corrupt governments

not only bought my switch when the argentine peso was """"""""""""low"""""""""""", but I also managed to buy it when they were hackable.

Buying a Switch during mid-2018 was the best decision I ever made. Pirate life for ever.

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They fear our based leader


you must be some kind of braindead bolsomacaco supporter to believe that the fire started in bolivia and went all the way, thousands of kilometers into brazil, just into a matter of days

Mum has more living relatives in Spain than here, sister is married and has been in Britain already, says they can work a day and eat for a week. They're all quite fed up with politics and the bullshit we have to deal with on a daily basis.

Fuck Brazil. More african than latinamerican. They don't give a single fuck about us, either.

I'm from mexico and we still use the PS2. Nobody knows about the new consoles

>reforma à previdência
>rip universities
But at what cost

>tfw your country is so shit its not even on this map
Dominican bros?...

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why would we, we have enough problems with ourselves already

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Studying and being a professional is for communists. Better burn down some trees to invest in onions

Can't you pay in fucking Oxxo?

really? why?

I'm from mexico and cartels beheaded my little sisters yesterday. how do I get new ones?

Economy went to shit

I have a private retirement account, and I'm already employed
I couldn't care less about those stoner niggers in the federal universities, I hope they choke on the fumes of the tires they're burning

According what I see in google, Oxxo is the mexican version of Rapipago and Pagofacil, so no

Macri lost the poll, dollar went from ~50 to 60 and Steam removed those payment methods because of that

Steam says it's because of changes in law to keep it civil, but its because of a huge currency devaluation of the peso. I also heard something about a tax but i'm pretty sure that was a meme

oh, just that
when i saw something about a law it confused me

Is this real?

>exceed mach 10

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>yankee go home
>oh wait what do we do now?
Why do sudacas have no plan for the future?

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peso is not stable yet, there's lots of exchange rate lag too

>affording games is hard
>so when you get them you don't want to play on South American servers because SA kids are usually trash and mad they live in the third world
>play on NA servers and shit up the game because SA kids are usually trash and mad they live in the third world
>"I report for racism :)" when I tell them they're trash and live in the third world


it's not gonna mean anything if the whole economy topples down retard, you have it now but with bostanaro on the helm that might not last for too long with all these shitty decisions he's making.

Migrate to Japan

>playing online

Friendly reminder

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600p, menos que una pizza

My negro

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Now that the dust has settled is there I should settle as a gringo in South America?

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Living with my mother
I spend all my money on bills, videogames, gas and going out with this dude Im seeing

I have already preordered all games coming out for the Switch on September and playing some Final Fantasy VII while Astral Chain comes out

Shouldn't you faggots be busy playing the Master System and the Zeebo?

extremiño se la pasa a centriño

Nope. Just keep yourself away from this shithole, especially pseudo Texas

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>how're you holding up?

by living in chile, having a job and not being a poorfag

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Is your gay friend a gamer too?

El pacto de Lima señoras y señores.

Argentina is really fucked isn't it?

>white people

>socialism pic
>theres a nuclear holocaust outside the window


i say latin american politics have been co-opted by leftists for decades, unlike what dumb burgers believe, here cultural marxism or atleast something similar, is real

and in the case of whitegentina, cultural socialism, both marxist and national socialist flavors

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yeah but being the touristic city it is, everything is expensive
source: been living 22 years in this tourist trap

>venezu- i mean chile

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>implying crime exists only in south america
shit man, I get what you're talking about

We are both programmers, doenst own a console but he has shown interest in playing videogames with me

child B, any other option is anti-freedom, also

>hombre sombra

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this is what you get for voting leftists

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>how do i reach old age

thank god i left but, wow

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argentina right?

he couldnt have picked a worse time to open a bakery

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>Macri wins
>Argentina goes right to the shit
>Cristina (Forma Alberto) wins
>Argentina goes right to the shit
>The others one have literally zero chance to win because most argies are retarded
You tell me

Peak soul.

and it will never be

lets see

>macri wins
>keynessian policies continue, not reforms to reduce the state and argentina will go into default cuz they cant pay back their loans
>cristina wins
>keynessian policies level up to socialist policies, the state will get larger, the default will come sooner and there will probably be a hyperinflation cuz the government will try to pay off the national debt by printing more cash

its dead jim, the only hope is Espert but he got less than the fucking communist party in the PASO elections

a shame really but argentina is utterly fucked, hopefulyl brazil can change course, maybe join the pacific alliance, thatd be swell

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Every country is Don Ramon for sure
People that don't like Don Ramon or Godinez should consider kill themselves

why would be searching in english?

Yup, it's real

Switch lite is VERY cheap in Mexico

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godinez is my life inspiration, I have been trying to be a godinez person my whole life
godinez person = appears every once in a while does something amazing and disappears leaving everyone missing you

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but they don't, (you) have to be severely retarded to even think of going to the shitty "mainstream" stores to buy games, there's lots of places where you can get it at ACTUAL msrp or even LESS sometimes
And even then most console games are boring shit, Steam doesn't even inflate pricing

Tell me about it, I just bought Fire Emblem for less than its actual asking price of $60/$1200 pesos at a downtown store; I also got my Switch with them for less than $300 two years ago.

Latamel overinflates prices to hell and back.

Fuck your mom, you should have a new sister in 9 months.


you guys needed someone to go full 90's Peru and shock the entire economy to fix your shit, specially since you made the same shitty mistake of using subsidies to patch things up
Seriously, like just watch what happened to Peru between 1985 and 1990, it's almost literally the same issue you have right now and it baffles me beyond belief that no one has said anything

>Rapipago gets removed
>Ok Gaben, thank you for forcing me give my fucking 21% tax monopoly money to the gubbermint
>buy game with debit card
>play it for a bit to check it runs well
>go do something else
>reopen steam
>the game is still in my library but now this shows up
>My payment didn't bounce as of yet
>stuck in some kind of limbo and support still hasn't responded



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based boquita poster

>>buy game with debit card
How? the only options for me are Visa and Master Card

>you guys

wow not so fast, im not whitegentinian

Uala works with Master Card

I saw a restaurant here in Colombia which was completely Don Ramon themed

>O Shad Homen

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>Even though it looks like Bolsonaro is a Zio-shill
He is
But Macron is a fuck boy

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Brazil fag here. What upcoming game are you most hyped for south america bros? Death Stranding for me without a doubt, feels like the only thing that is diferent and interesting in a very LONG fucking time.

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I'm a retro man. I only emulate old vidya.

I have a great idea about pic related and an elite Mexican soldier with a macuahuitl and complete jaguar skull for helm, traveling Japan to rescue several important people.

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>Fuck persona shit SMT is way better

I make enough to afford my hobbies and save about 1.5k bolsonaros a month, not bad but could be way better.

I want to move back to Mexico, is it possible to work and put myself through uni like people do in America? From what my friends tell me my lifestyle of renting an apartment+working+school is impossible

university is just a debt trap that leftists here approve of for some reason

>Preserving the whyte raise by fucking your cousins and mothers.

Latin america is literally the opposite of inbred, we're the only thing that will remain.

you will remain as inbred retards who have never created a viable state

T. Mohamed

>Thread full of Spanish speakers and Portuguese speakers
>Everyone is speaking English.

Spanish sounds weird online
I already pretty much think almost all the time in English, either way

>He buys games
What are you? pendejo or something?

I have a 3DS and a PC, I don't need anything else.

That's weird to me as a monolingual English speaker, I always wondered how English sounds/looks to non native speakers. I imagine it's pretty unique with the closest languages maybe being Dutch or Flemish or some shit based on how it looks but I don't know.

>stop farting

Why do all South Americans support this game?

I think belize is up to something

They love to suck their dicks

>shock the entire economy
nobody has the balls

>how're you holding up?
by having a job, doesn't matter what country
(I'm in the one with the infamous crashing with no survivors cycle)

WOW i hope none of you poorer latin americans are consoleshitters
>be already low-IQ by being latin american
>better get the system that eats up more cash!

>make video games cheaper
>literally Hitler!!!
top lel

>when the us dollar was 37 pesos
>A dollar is now 56.27 pesos.
>A parillada at la casa de coco costs about 1,500 pesos which is roughly 26.66 dollars.
Just set the country on fire and start over at this point. The 90 pesos I brought back with me from Argentina are now worth $1.60 and falling for fucks sake.

remember when this guy got david hayter to promote a character from a game and she got a voice actress because she got enough votes during the election?

they're still looking for a VA because they might be having problems with deciding on whether she needs to speak a more-fluent portuguese -- or even any spoken at all

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>he doesn't know about the ultimate latin piracy magic that has been handed from generation to generation since time immemorial
there is no console that can escape the jajaja

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Yep, Los Enanitos Verdes, now that was good music, unlike the gay shit zoomers listen today.

>Be born in a 3rd world shithole
>Get told to study engineering by your boomer sales man dad who was too lazy himself to finish it and decided to have a family instead
>Literally no way out
>Feel more and more unhappy with my life as years pass by
I didn't ask for this

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Nobody asked to be here. Being unhappy is normal. Just keep studying hard to don't make things even worse. Learn to enjoy your life to live harder...

I've been studying since I was a little kid.
I'm 25 and I'd like to actually start enjoying life you know.
Am I asking for too much? am I being too selfish for trying to be bit happy and not stressed during the prime time of my miserable life?

it was cool.

I'm 26 and have a shitty wageslave job, the job is so fucking easy it becomes a snorefest tho so is ok for me because I'm a lazy piece of shit.

I'm happy even if my life is far from perfect, so just relax user, life is pretty fucking pointless, so enjoy the ride as you please at the end of the day we all will become spooky scary skeletons or ashes.

Doing too much of one thing is bad either way. You should enjoy your life and study. Just find the perfect balance between the two and be happy

>the perfect balance
>work and study and ...?
Sorry, does not compute

Is that why so many in South America play League of Legends? Because it's free?

The perfect balance is doing what you need to get done while doing what you enjoy

Idk but


Are you me?

I'm 27, work as engineer, work is easy/normal enough that it kinda gets repetitive but I get paid well enough for my vidya hobby.

>just be urself :^)
Sorry, I'm not 12 anymore
I wish I were

The only reason I would ever go to your country is to fuck your women, are you ok with that?


>tfw argentina
pls send help
games are like 4000 pesos now
I really want d55m and control

We need more Mexican representation in games

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True that.

You don't need to be 12 to enjoy your life. You just need a free time for that

And where do I get this magic free time?
>inb4 become a NEET

come in my ass

This is the reason why I never get out of here

>Rival joins your party

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You got free time to be here at least. All you need is to better manage your free time

El peje tiene la clupa seriously

Dilma was still worse, but Bolsonaro is doing his best to take that number one spot.

user, it's 3 AM. I'm just killing my sleep to shitpost here about my sad life

>>Rival joins your party

They were basically the same shit, one guy owned Gameplanet and his brother owned Gamers, also this could lead to a monopoly but no one gives a shit here

I hope at least they improve their service and offer better prices

Yeah, the PS4 is R$200 cheaper now. Not it only costs 600 dollars.

>greater evil joins the other evil
I will pirate them out of existence since according to Yea Forums each time I pirate a game gay gaming stores lose money.

Games i plan on buying on my ps4:
Death stranding
Control (unless its shit)
The last of us 2 (unless its cucked to no end)
DMC5SE (its coming, vergilbros, i can feel it)

Also im going to japan in november so ill prolly buy a switch and its games then and there

Engineering is a though career to study at first but it pays off later. If you're willing to pay this price to have a better life is up to you

Mexican here

Astral Chain is my most hyped game currently followed by Code Vein, Ice Borne and Death Stranding.

I was looking forward to Pokemon but it's a big nope and yikes for me.

Also I'm looking forward to Shantae 5 and River City girls

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If anything one good aspect of the joint is that now all the inventory of Gamers appears in the Gameplanet site as well. Thanks to that I was able to find God Wars for Switch in one Gamers store.

PlayStation4 costs 2 minimum monthly BR wages

Tamako "Tammy" Uchida.


Why everyone and their mothers had to migrate to Chile, I liked it when we were only chileans and a few peruvians and bolitas.

im just pirating everything

>it pays off later.
What's the point of that tho
I keep hearing that shit from every boomer I meet.
My dad worked his ass off his entire life in a horrible sales enviorement just because "it will pay off later".
Now he's almost 60, about to 'retire' and 'enjoy' what he 'earned' through his hard work... except that he's too old and is already suffering from multiple health conditions.

I don't understand this way of constantly living in the future and completely disregarding your present happiness.
Society seems to push this idea so much.

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Neteller, Mach...

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waiting for the sales to arrive just to search some games from before 2004 so my toaster laptop don't explode

brasilian chad reporting in

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Because we're doing better than everyone else, but they refuse to change their ways and adapt, so when shit hits the fan for them (they love going to complain about anything, and even lie at the Direccion del Trabajo), they'll just blame us for being racist or something like that.

daily reminder that BOLSONARO and MADURO were elected legitimately by the people

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Sales might not pay later as much as engineer. I know an engineer who got rich and lives close to the beach in a big house. If you don't want to turn like your dad you should study hard and take care of your diet. You have to live in the future or you might start regretting your past. And listen to your father

thats how modern society works dude if you want to be a dreamer and don''t be part of it is up to you if you can make it work then do it defeat the system and be happy good luxk with that

>Be Mexa
>For the first time in my life save up enough for a balls to the wall gayman PC, like $2000 burgers
>Life keeps throwing situations at me that make me spend large amounts of money
>Like the need to expand my house and build a couple more rooms
I- I wanna play vidya because I haven't played anything in over a year but I also want to stop living in this small fucking house, if I do one thing I can't have the other, hold me Yea Forumsros...

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Maduro only the first time tho

Can we go back to the 90s? I miss arcades too.

Lol that pic

Why are Mexicans so weeabs?

Prioritize, having a better house and more comfortable is better for gaming

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>me compré un ryzen 2600 y gtx 1660 ti para jugar Paladins (que lo jugaba perfecto con mi 1400 y 1050 ti) emuladores y shitpostear en Yea Forums

No caigan en el meme del PC gaming

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>women are infertile past 35 anyway

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People live in Latin America?

American education everyone lmao.

im tired of waiting bros the pc build of my dreams won't be happening any time soon so in the meantime whats better between the switch and ps4 in non mexico latinamerica

Guessing white = Caucasian.

Are Mexicans the most skilled players in Latin America?

Why are South Americans so dumb?

>Best Speedruner of retro games in the world is Mexican


>Best Super Smash Bros player in the world is Mexican, he also won the largest Smash Bros U pool prize

>Best Pac Man player in the world is Mexican

>One of the best KOF players in the world is Mexican

>Several great Gears of War players

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...but my vidya!

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>mfw I get to play 90% of the games I want absolutely FREE
>mfw my country does not give an absolute fuck about music, movie, software and videogame piracy

grab everything what you want while it lasts boyos
this feeling will not last forever

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Momodora devs Bombservice made pretty good games, we're getting a tax off on vidya... Eh we are making do. Please, companies, come to Brasil, most people either use Steam beacause it's a good price or piracy, but with the taxes off we are sure to really buy more. You have a really big market in Brasil, but, yes, you need a good faith to invest.

nope, enjoy your slot machines.

because when you vote left you are too busy searching for food to care about games

>i work at amazon for 180k $ a year as a junnior developer
>as a junnior
Sure thing you lying shit.

>tfw banknotes are so worthless in Venezuela that it's cheaper to wipe your ass with them than buying a roll of toilet paper

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t. nigger

Yeah keep rubbing that in my poorfag face

Lots of anime on open TV on really good hours for children to see.

Do I look rich to you?

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>>BR is ruled by a literal fascist dictator
you're fucking liar

Imagine for a second, having to live in america, as a gamer and regular PC user, and having to put up with the internet there instead of going to one of the european countries that have great internet.

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>Do I look rich to you?
¿Que tan bueno o malo es el servicio de TotalPlay? Es la unica compañia que tiene fibra optica en mi zona y estoy pensando en contratar la velocidad mas rapida que tengan.

let me guess: you're bissexual (fags) drug addicts? Br school and universities are filled up with lefties that will shit up anything not left and would rather see the country burn that see it conservative.

For a huehue shitholer like me you do

I recently got a gaymin PC for 6,000 mexican pesos, I build it myself, is shitty and simple and the specs are basic as fuck but it can run the vidya I want to play so I enjoy, I truly like my new PC, I can finally play the games Yea Forums shitpost about.

board rules, you fucker