Is this game worth picking up?
Is this game worth picking up?
Not really, for some reason it got shilled a lot but it's really just a very mediocre platformer. Replay Shovel Knight or Mario 3 or something instead.
I went in blind and had a lot of fun with it. The 'twist' in the middle was a welcome spin on the content, but i know not everyone felt that way. Pirate it if you're interested
I thought the first half was fantastic. It's an excellent Ninja Gaiden clone. Once it turned into a metroidvania, the quality dipped a bit. There was still interesting stuff, but instead of playing it back to back, you had to do a lot of running around and backtracking to get to it.
I enjoyed it. The soundtrack's good
The game is full of basedboy leftist muh feelings crap dialogue. Dont buy this game unless you chopped your dick off already.
It's clever and you have aspergers
The main platforming mechanic never stops being a little awkward, but it's pretty fun and the music and dialogue is great. It's also really funny.
Its boring. Nothing like ninja gaiden the metroidvania twist was unwelcome.
Cyber shadow looks much better already
What the actual fuck.
should have made it a contra clone mid-game with the soldier messenger
I only know of it because of the kickass soundtrack
It starts off great and slowly gets worse the longer it goes on then ends pretty mediocre. The story changes so much from the mid to late game that it's almost like you're playing a sequel with a different antagonist, and the difficulty never increases throughout the whole game. The soundtrack is consistently very good unlike everything else.
I got a bit excited by the metroidvania twist because up to then I was a little annoyed by how boring the levels were and thought they were going to get a lot better and the game might open up or something. But then it turned out that it isn't even really a metroidvania, it's almost just pure backtracking. Fucking lame
Not sure where all the praise came from, but it's a decent game.
There are better games if you want a similar itch, like Katana Zero.
No alternate mode where you played through the game as him, the chick, or some other character was a wasted opportunity.
my only complaint is that it looks like a press right the whole time kind of game instead of pause and time your shit and sometimes combat like ng was
doubt it if was because of funding or creativebankruptcy but yeah would have been better
It's not even the same kind of game.
that's just a hotline miami samurai game
Katana Zero ends on multiple massive cliffhangers with nearly nothing resolved. They only just managed to add some level of replayability with the Hard Mode update, and even that doesn't lengthen the game by much. And fuck them for hiding the hardest part of the game behind so many specific triggers when it's already so short.
the one or two clever lines dont make up for almost every fucking line of dialogue having to end on a lame as shit gag
The humor in the game really fell flat but the rest of the game was really fun, definitely worth a play