Sorry bros... but i had to quit.
I think the reason i joined and tried it out was because retail was in such a horrible condition.
Now with classic out, i can never return. The game can barely be called an MMO compared to classic.
I wonder how many like me are going to leave and never look back now that classic is out...
Sorry bros... but i had to quit
Don't be a corporate shill they don't care for you nor compensate you for it
Back in my day shills were less obvious
Rate my Viera.
I'm kinda new to the game
Im going to assume a lot of people likes single player with coop dungeons and chat room cities, for them there is FF. For the people who want to stop the dungeon to talk about their lives and mount a party to kill a quest mob there is classic.
Retail wow is fucked
Try black underwear/shorts to match the shirt and flip flops or tabi looks better with that outfit.
I used those shoes because they look like tall sandals, and I didn't like how empty the legs looked. But I'll try the black shorts, I'll probably need to find a better pair that doesn't have the little ornate design on them. Got any recommendations? I'm newer so I don't know about most of the clothing items in the game.
Just finished Heavensward, a fucking great expansion overall. I've not heard great things about Stormblood but I'll give it an open mind.
Estinien didn't deserve what he got
Question: Should I cap battery gauge to 100 before using Turret? Should I use Overheat as soon as it's up if wildfire is on cooldown?
>bought the ARR skip
>now found out I have to get to level 50 to start Heavensward
>learn that once I start Heavensward and immediately become Dark Knight I'll be back at level 30
Just buy the DRK jump book bro :)
Don't do that you fuck actually play the game I can't believe you even bought a story skip for a fucking Final Fantasy game what are you doing?
>Armorer hammer cant be used to blacksmithing
>Nor to goldsmithing
I did it because ARR content is fucking grindy as shit, so I wanted to skip right to the good content. You're the only person I've talked to so far who hasn't advised I do it.
I also wanted to play Dark Knight already.
None of the content is good if you're not invested in it.
>Another WoWfuguee gone forever
You fucked up paying to skip content you paid for.
You fucked up doing it specifically to play a class you get for reaching the first expansion.
You fucked up making playing DRK your motivation, DRK hasn't been good since Heavensward.
You fucked up picking DRK because you're likely too fucking stupid to pay attention or understand their job quests in the first place.
i mean thats actually true. its not much an MMO, you barely have to do anything with other people outside of dungeons.
not that WoW is much different but at least it had World pvp and world bosses. you could say hunts for FFXIV but the rewards are super minimal for those
moonfire tanga is what im using in the image. You can dyeable too. You can get it from the market board.
>For the people who want to stop the dungeon to talk about their lives
That's what discord is for
>bought the ARR skip
>payed to skip story in a Final Fantasy
You got memed. ARR is slow as fuck, but it's all the worldbuilding.
Boring, but inoffensive. I wish people used their new funky skin colors and face 2 and 3 more.
FF14 is better now that all the WoW refugees are gone.
I don't know
>Play ShB, immediately get stuck on the story due to how good it is, kino dungeons, kino boss fights.
>Play Classic, have to wait in line to just enter, have to wait in line to kill a fucking mob for a fucking quest. Everyone is a fucking memespouter that spaguetties all over the chat.
No thanks, I will stay on XIV. Also thanks for finally leaving the game.
Convince me to play this game with one word
it's fucking cuckshit
God I hope OP is serious. I want mmo trend chasers to leave.
Always use overheat unless Reassemble and drill/ air anchor is up in next 8 seconds.
>group one shots the first three turns this week
Goddamn it feels good
yea I gave xiv a shot. its pretty good but it gets boring very quickly. I usually play for a month and quit everytime.
i spent 3 mil gil on a house that I never use, spend gil on glams to sit around limsa all day, sell shit, make shit, do dungeons. It gets tiresome and always makes me ask "whats the point".
Does the market board have a good item preview?
And are there any items like the skirt the Viera is wearing in the official art for the event?
Where were you guys when I was asking if I should skip or not in a ton of FF14 threads
nobody one shots bahamuts bouncy castle, nice try user
A lot of new players actually got ARR and even Heavensward for free
Whenever someone asks if they should skip, I ask if they're stupid.
Who the fuck buys a game just to turn around and pay more money to not play it?
Eventually it got tiring, if people want to be idiots just let them be idiots.
They're paying to skip to the content people always say is good, everyone always talks shit on the base game, but so many people say the expansion content is the best stuff ever. Who can blame them?
Good fucking leave already. WoW refugees are ruining every single group with their shitty strategies and how they play. Fuck WoW players that S key backpedal , keyboard turn, macro every action, and level skip.
People talk shit about the base game either because it was so long ago they only remember the fun they had recently, or they were told it was bad by the aforementioned people and skipped it themselves.
ARR is fine - just fine. It did the job it had to do in the circumstances the game was in at the time. Is it as good as what we have now? No, not at all. It's made worse by the skill pruning and the new XP rates putting you well ahead of the MSQ and extra dungeons and encourages you to skip the level 50 side content.
It's still worth playing through because it's your introduction to the fucking world.
>Dragoon lance can't be used with Black Mage
Same, been playing since ARR. Anyone who believes this game got any better since HW Midas patch, besides the story and music, is fucking delusional.
ARR locations are great. All ShB zones are kino but still too fucking open. Just walk past all ARR. You will notice how comfy they are.
But sadly I probably will go to Classic until 5.1
Feels pretty burned out and savages are not very fun
>no new IP
I see face 2 and 3 everywhere. I wanted to use 2 but I hated the nose on it. I wanted to use 3 but the tiny anime mouth and chin and lack of eyelashes ruined that one for me. To be honest all the Viera faces are fucked in some way. I went with 1 because it felt the least fucked overall, it's only glaring flaw being the chin being a bit further back but jaw 3 fixes it somewhat.
Ellipsisfags should all be gassed.
How's it feel to be retarded?
Lurk more, you're embarrassing yourself
woah........ so this is the power................... of reddit spacing.................................................................. not bad.
ARR is a slog at times, but without playing through the story, you are now entering Heavensward with no context, which means Heavensward will also be grindy and bad for you because you're not invested. And even if you do enjoy it, you won't enjoy it as much as you would if you knew the characters and plotlines from the start.
I think the new game plus thing is for people like that. "whoops, I just paid to skip the whole game and now it's crap"
I can just watch videos online that explain it
Some faggot giving you a skeletal explanation on things is no substitute. It's a shame anyone could believe otherwise.
I hope classic ends up being good so the WoWfugees never come back.
I think it's for people who want to level up their alts without grinding shitty dungeons while sitting in town. I want to do quests. To see other people doing quests
I want more WoWfugees. They make XIV alive. Without them it's nothing but raid log arena simulator.
you don't need wildfire to overheat, use it, its a gain no matter what, try and get 5 heat blasts in
You can also just watch videos explaining the entire story and not play the game at all.
>classic is siphoning all of the retarded WoWfugees
its about fucking time you brainless cretins fucked off
so memes aside, who are the absolute strongest characters currently active in the story right now? aside from our WoL?
WoL didn't kill Emet solo
WoL didn't kill Nidhoog without eye.
Estenien-dono is powerhorse
Would it fucking kill them to at least tint their icons some?
as someone that played vanilla in its heyday and has absolutely no desire to go back, they will be back. what made vanilla good was the pre-smartphone internet community, the game itself was imbalanced jank shit
You need maybe the first 20 levels of ARR story. Just enough to see the cities, meet the scions, and maybe fight a primal. Everything else other than the tail end of 2.x is dogshit and should be skipped up until HW.
>Now with classic out, i can never return
Good, fuck off and never come back.
Finally WoWfags can stop invading our game
In this order
Literally everyone else
>I didn't like it so nobody else will
>nonono the wine quests are totally worth it because they make a reference about it 40 levels later how early do writers plan these things out so good
It's called world building you no-brain nigger. Sorry your feeble mind can't grasp this simple concept.
>TFW just finished The Burdens we Bear
I don't feel like playing anymore
I miss him
>so mad not even bothering to green text anymore
are you even playing it with those 14000+ queues?
>Zoomer redditjak poster can only communicate through greentext
There you go. I hope your mother lives in eternal regret.
Yeah. Some people managed to bypass them. Queues looks much slower than XIV ones with same people
>so mad forgot to google for an image featuring a retard
FFXIV has better erp. You can't argue against that.
ERP is for fags.
Still playing both. Plenty of time to do roulettes while in queue.
Why do you think so? WoW has tons of degeneracy porn and degenerate races.
And half of that shit is furry. Wow thrives on furry money. How you gonna compete against a game featuring an entire furry continent/expansion
Let it go bros. We lost and never had any real chances to begin with desu. See you in post reset raidlog /patch threads.
Lost what?
A few dozen thousand twitch kids and nostalgiafags
I must live in bizzaro world because I only ever see face 1. Face 2 can be fixed with eyes 3 and nose 2 and face 3 with mouth 3 makes a HUGE difference, but I do agree they've all got flaws.
Our threads are dying and I have nothing to post.
Going back to slow threads sounds great honestly, I missed being able to run a dungeon without missing out on a thread or two.
Anyway, post jobs.