meanwhile in Yea Forums 2056...
Meanwhile in Yea Forums 2056
What do you guys think of Super Mario Mausoleum?
Can't believe projared raped all those children last weekend. Remember when he was just an innocent let's player?
Any zoomers here remember Hideo Kojima? Haven't heard about him in decades after he got revealed as a hack fraud when Death Stranding came out.
*breaks hip*
Fucking zoomers
So how are you guys liking your new dream player? I can't wait to play csgo in it
Half life 3 GOTFY
Can someone do an edit for an old zoomer? like boomer age.
have him hold some chlorophyll based drink while you're at it.
Man I wish Disney would have stuck to the tv industry and not the game industry
I still remember when video games existed, those were good times...
Why did this entire board start using the word hack without knowing the meaning of it?
You're a hack.
I hear this old thing may finally be considered retro by /vr/ soon, lads.
"Hack" is a synonym for "Kojima"
Yeah he got in trouble in 2029 when it got revealed he was diddling kids. Never got caught though. Some say he ran away and got a new identity.
cant wait for wiiu 2 light edition
fuck off millenial
hack never had a meaning here
You'll see. We're gonna get another Darkstalkers THIS year!
Miyamoto has been dead for 30 years.
>tfw no games to play after cancelling everyone due to twitter rape accusations
At least I have my morals.
PSP2 Infinity translation any day now.
Remember when Easy Pete was confirmed for smash? Boy the sure pissed a bunch of people off
So how's everyone social credit score going?
based based onions cringe based zoomer boomer zoom zoom boom bing bang wahoo
>"NOOOOOOO You can't release 2030's Nostalgia bait for smash bros Sakurai bot 9000, I want my 2040's Nostalgia Bait character to be #457!"
I got dinged 10 points yesterday for missing one of my kids hormone treatments, maybe I'll get them back if I go through with the penis inversion surgery.
*Cough* *cough*
...wheres the RDR2 PC version rockstart !!!! i only have 6 months left in this world dammit !!!
Haha imagine if it actually got to this
Hahha right haha
I miss wojak posting, it was better than people drawing reaction faces with their own smegma
Did you guys enjoy Shin Megami Tensei V? That Bayonetta cameo like Dante in Nocturne was kino.
He's still around with his loli "totally real human" gf user, he just had to pay the government a fine and contest in a whacky game show like all of the other Japanese prisoners
Im getting really tired of these humans identifying as attack helicopters
It wasnt funny in 2012 its not funny now
I miss video game with 30 something straight white male protagonist. Since they banned opposite sex marriage every thigns become shit
Hello fellow Humans! How is it going?
I want to go back to lootboxes.
yo who wanna team up for fortnite season xxxxi?
you fuckin martianist cracker?
I hate all you stinky robits I can't get any kills in cod 69XD with you playing
Are you enjoying The Elder Scrolls 76, Yea Forums?
yea, it's a shame Todd died to 2048
im not convinced
Shut the fuck up space nigger your moon-fi is makin the lobby lag
Cope with your human hands and brain
>he didnt shed a few years off of his life for a legal aimbot
I can't believe Todd began drinking blended money shakes and found the secret to immortality.
Why are all jareds pedophiles?
What do you mean? I'm a simple games consumer.
Very much so, may I recommend to you the creation club horse armor? I sure did get a kick out of that one!
>He still lives on Earth
Oh no no no no no no no
hey bros! posting from inside elon musk's minecraft utopia, did you guys get your invitations in yet?
US congress banned Skyrim, it was a monopoly Todd. You can't keep selling the same game forever and stop all other games from being sold. That is wrong Todd, we had to stop you. You became mad.
I want to go to Mars.....
Im sick of this polluted Earth....
Fuck off were full
I swapped into a custom loli body and haven't been able to stop masturbating since. Don't send help because this is great.
>sakurai is so dedicated to pleasing his fans that he sacrificed his entire staff on his nintendium throne to maintain his psychic presence while directing Smash Forever
>smelee locals still thriving in retirement homes
what a bunch of ungrateful old fucks
Dragon's Dogma 2 when?
The government can't stop me and neither can you; you kept buying Skyrim after all.
When is Yea Forums finally going to get a full dive VR server? Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /trash/ has ones
>wanting "Dragon's Dogma" "2" after that disaster of a reboot
You got 4 actually good ones to play, get on with it.
New ship is being released for Star Citizen kickstarter.
>yfw you didn't fall for scam citizen 40 years ago
>VR server
Gay shit for gay faggots. True patricians localhost an anime AI simulation and live in it.
I miss when mods were cool and let us have late night Europa sea threads
>wanting to flee to the fucking ugly red planet instead of the terraformed waifu planet: Venus
Thats what the Mars Colony want you to think.
Damn Elon Musk.
Why do you want a second heavy update? you got your update 20 years ago, they still haven't fixed spy.
Hey Yea Forums I just found this strange retro machine in my grampa's attic, what the fuck is it?
probably a game boy
Whats that
Sounds problematic.
The nintendo wii u classic was just announced!!
fuck FIFA 2056, 2054 and 1998 were the best versions to date
Anyone still remember this ? Shame it was beaten by Stadia 4.0 and went bankrupt
>mfw epic kiddies actually think fartnite invented FPS
How do we educate them halobros?
Yo guys I was going through my grandpas phone because I was bored and I found this image, what the bell does it mean?
Maybe he can make a proper HD melee remake then we'll talk.
Shame about that terrorist attack on Liberty Island making Eubisoft-Avision delay Duty-field: Awesome Warfare, I think it actually looked okay.
Anyone who's name starts with a "j" is usually a garbage person
One more year until Bannerlord, fellas!
I stabbed a guy in my loli body and he kept apologizing for running into my knife.
This is fucking great.
>no fortnite isn't retro enough for me, I played halo when it came out!
sure thing gramps, go back to bed.
I think it was the first Nintendo console
has this thread been approved by the Ministry of Truth?
is that what a switch looks like?
Damn bros... I can't believe Deus Ex:HR turned out to be right...
Anyway anyone seen pic related it's been a while since I heard from him since the 2020 election
W-what do you mean he hung himself while the cameras went out he was supposed to be on suicide watch!
Say hello to my new wife lads,It was only a couple thousands of dollars but it was worth it.
CRISPR and biologic manipulation projects have reached amazing levels.
I heard you can buy a loli embryo just for 25k and she would never age past a certain point
see you faggots at The Church tonight
meatniggers not allowed
Was that the thing about Tea and a man square?
>That 60 year old boomer who still plays non vr games
I was thinking of getting one for myself but I'm not sure my non-binary tetrasexual soulpartner would be into the idea of a threesome.
emulate retard
It's ok because surely you snuck your 4ds in the luggage. You DID bring it right?
Guys I have been in a coma since 2040. What the fuck happened to Ohio?
I did but my mining cohort keeps rumaging in my quarters. I think they're gonna rat me out.
>Unironically living in the Jupiter sphere in current year
You could've at least gone to Ganymede after the '49 uprising. You only have yourself to blame.
Hey atleast that mean human birthrate will died in n3xt few years right? Anyway time to enjoy my neet life while humanity slowly sink itself
I forgot to take my mandatory ritalin injections and now I'm now my car wont drive me anywhere but work.
I've been shilling anti-eurafrican union propaganda to get my credit score back up hopefully I'll be able to visit family again soon
That one ?
It died during the Epic China Civil War in 2028. That war literally killed 90% of Chinks
*hass seks with his virtual neko gf*
huh what'd you say i'm busy
I can't believe I still post here after all these decades.
Remember when 2040 was considered new fags?
Anyone excited for the Wow Classic Vanilla Experience Remake TM? We're goin home!
>be hired to combat human aimbotting
>do this job well for over 20 years
>find out that i am infact a synthetic human with closed-source retina enhancers
What do, my reality is shattered.
>Fortnite season X. Now that was an update
It wont be the same now that it's in full immersion VR.
Call me an oldfag, but games peaked in 2035 when plain old full body tracking was at the height of popularity.
Fellow Veterans wya
Upload into cute girl body and shlick.
pick one
The world has 20 years left tops
Did everyone just forget blizzard litterally sent drone strikes onto the rebel private servers trying to run vanilla without the mind reading protocol?
wait whats happening to my monocular input, oh fuck my alexa fembot's eyes went red.
me drinking pepsiman's cum
Holy fuck, this post actually gave me chills.
I don't want to be old user ! help
People have been saying that for the last 40 years, yet here we are being the same faggots we've always been.
Pokemon Gems and Bactria sucks
How's Windows 2k56 workin' for ya old man?
Shut the fuck you pussy bitch the world is doing alright. it'll be here in 5 million years. who gives a fuck about life anyway
Who would have thought Pepe and meme magic was actually a pyschic gestalt to mentally modify computer algorithms.
based illuminati
>He still lives on planet dirt
Poorfag cope
more like 40 thousand years.
Anyone else remember when the entire west coast went under communist control?
You know in my times, we had, Screens, keyboards, mice, a big tower and all that jazz
all of you kids have now is stupid chips in your neck, and weird glasses.
>wow classic launching 4th fresh start
>California water prices at 30$ a litre so I have to choose between dying of thirst or reliving childhood nostalgia for a fourth time
Worth it desu asmongoloid died of sepsis last time so there might not be any queues
>Gen 17
>STILL no Dolphin Pokemon
I am so hyped for FF7r Episode 32 for the PS9. Hopefully we get to Costa Del Sol
Can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 4 next year!
>asmongoloid died
a-user i'm sorry to tell you this but
blizzard bought him a synthsuit. he's still around.
user that lasted a literal week before they started dieing due to starvation and dehydration. Spoiler alert, "No we weren't tricking people from drinking free water from the ocean, salt water isn't water"
I sure do love Blizzard, Valve, and EA but I LOVE Tencent! Who can relate? :)
Oh god please stop
>Randy got fucked up in a car crash
>Cybernetics literally drained all the JUST out of him
>Turned everything around
Battleborn Online is still going after the first game tanked in the days of yore
>blizz died in 2022
>Cliffy B got abducted by space mexicans
Based Chaddleborn back at it again
bet you hate the first person change.
>tfw 70-year old tomber
tetrasexual does she fuck planets or something or
does she identifiy as Tetra from Teen Titians
>tfw Capcom got wiped out in the corporate wars
>tfw we'll never get to see Resident Evils conclusion
I know it it went to shit after the RE26 but I've been following since 13 which is still one of the best games ever, even if it never got a VR port.
RIP Terra
her death held the show together
Gen alpha here. You zoomers are fricking butts. Have sex with your daddies while we frick our vr waifus.
honestly capcom is really good at camera shifts, in fact its not that bad when they shifted all the characters to be smaller and focussed it more on a blow per blow combat. The swings feel really good and going pure fist wizard and punching the faces off guys is nutts.
but then 5 comes out and "hurr durr cinematic slow mo-punches" and "eveyone is a fist wizard that can lift dragons and punch boulders"
I don't get why people hate 4 so much, its clearly the best one.
What an idiot
Still no gf, eh user?
Nice try Chinks :)
But your country is no more thanks to Epic China Civil War :)
Oh my God, the future of gaming is going to be so fucking bad.
I was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in 2055 and now I've only got a few months left to live. Are there any good games coming out I should play before I finally die?
SSSETH here.
Minecraft 3 is old but good.
Its 2056 and some people still making video game porn WITH SFM ????? By Elon Musk.
I can't believe NeoresettryagainwhoopsanothergodooverrefreshEraGaf v3 is trying to censor games again
If you can hold out for at least 3 more months you might be able play Metroid Prime 4
You'd think after 40 years people would have learned.
>2 more years for mount & blade modern warfare beta
Hey man, they just added loadable cargo to the pre pre pre alpha, how can you say there is no progress?
your loss, if you bought the entire star citizen ship package back in the day it would have only cost you $50,000 pre-corporate war era dollars, now it'll cost you $215,000 neoshekels for one of the cheapest ships
Anyone know when 1.0 is slated to release?
>tfw they just got 9ch taken down
They keep taking away our greatest alleys
Considering they've already sold 14 DLC expansions, and there are rumors of a sequel already in development it'll probably be soon
I still can't believe they banned pepe & wojaks Yea Forumsros
I miss wow 24.0 , best expansion..
I miss it was the last good place to talk about papercraft ever since trees where outlawed and wiped out in the 2030's
Suppose it was their own fault for waiting so long to tell us they were sentient, if they'd just came out an talked instead of trying to wipe out all non plant life we'd probably have stopped using them for paper.
does anyone know how i can hook one of these up to my 24k TV? it has all these weird long rubber coated copper wires called "power supply" and "video cable" also the controller has a wire coming out of it too? and what's the deal with the dick shaped joystick and only one button?
forgot pic.
The new owner is ruining this site, first he started globalizing cunny posting and then this. If only Reddit was still here with us, they'll be able to set things straight
Man the new dragon ball omega game looks great.
>still can't access Yea Forums from mars-based iWiFi
I have to do my shitposting through an intergalactic VPN. It's bullshit.
Anyway, who do you think they're gonna add to Super Smash Bros. Grand Intermittent Tournament? I'm thinking GlipGlop. Big Glips is Disney-Nintendo's biggest game right now so getting the main character in is obvious. He can use his Gloppersmoch for his neutral B.
>implying Americans will stop getting circumcised by 2056. Or even allowed to have benises
Stop larping faggot america hasn't existed for nearly 20 years
I wonder if i will be still alive in 2056...
I think about suicide every day because I'm autistic sperg who's almost 30 with 0 job experience. I have no future
learn to draw and do commissions for furries
>he still plays csgo
what a fucking zoomer
Any minute now... any minute now
It's hard to draw with mouse and small shitty monitor. I don't have money for drawing tablet and good monitor
I cant believe hiro sold the site to snacks
>tfw no gf
These fucking transhumanists chads are making fun of me on my Discord Prime server for only being 8'11 and only having three eyes.
I just got a message from that crazy mudslime bastard, turns out he married into the sheik of California’s family after they declared Sharia law Tell ‘19 Yea Forums that he made it out of Arab Spring and he’s still a TF2 bro to this day.
Learn to write then. My brother's 29 with 0 job experience and he does commissions for ponyfags.
Lmao I bet you skill have an organic circulatory system as well you faggot
oh god please let that guy be alive
>Brother writes ponysmut for a living
What does he tell your parent when they ask what he does?
Probably says he is a writer. I put my clopfic experience on my resume, just not in a lot of detail.