Be honest. Classic is a boring chore...

Be honest. Classic is a boring chore. People complain all the time about games being too grindy and having artificial game lengtheners and this game is the absolute EPITOME of that. The entire game’s quests can be summed up as Kill 10 Boars, Kill this strong guy, Kill these things and take their horns, etc

You’ll spend weeks/months leveling to level 40 only to have to spend several more weeks or months grinding for enough gold to get a shitty slow ass mount. You need to spend hours in Trade trying to find a tank/healer to run through Wailing Caverns with you, only to walk all the way over there and have the DPS say ‘Sorry guys something came up’ and leave, at which point you have to trek all the way back to your city and do it again.

You’ll spend a large amount of time on wowhead just trying to figure out where the fuck to go because the game’s quests are vague and unhelpful. The end game is laughable at best. Good luck coordinating with 39 other fuck tards about how to not get feared into Onyxia’s eggs spawning the whelps.

Retail is a vastly superior game, but no one wants to admit it because everyone quit during Cata and hasn’t played for 10 years and they want to relive the glory days of their youth. Retail has all of the most popular addons integrated into the game, the map and the quest log fused together (makes no sense having them separate), a million more things to do both before and at endgame, looks prettier and has quests that are, for the most part, more distinctive then just go here and kill that.

Classic is for nostalgic boomers, desperate for some fleeting feeling of nostalgia to make them relive a time in their life when things were simpler - when you were a teen on summer break with nothing else better to do then to succumb to all the grindy bullshit this game throws at you from every angle. When all the adults realize they aren’t children anymore, subs will drop again and people will move on.

Attached: WOWClassic.jpg (890x608, 536K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be honest
>Classic is a boring chore.

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>t. nostalgic boomer who has nothing better to do with his life than kill boars for 6 hours to gain 1 level

>Retail is a vastly superior game
People are going to take this bait.

It is, you just haven't played in 10 years and are such a boring person with 0 personality that you base your entire opinion off of what other people say online instead of actually forming your own

/thread out of 10


>retarded zoomer who has nothing better to do than shitpost on Yea Forums and watch other people play video games for 6 hours

>either kill 600 boars to gain one level, making your journey to the higher power levels ardous and rewarding
>or be given everything, be a degenerate transmogtranny who grinds the same time for reputation and power levels for artifacts that will be invalidated by the next expansion while everyone in-game sucks your dick and fellates you how awesome and a special snowflake you are

It's not worth trying to convince them that they're nostalgic Blizzdrone brainlets with nothing better to do with their time. Just let them roll about in their own shit for a few months until they inevitably see the world through their own eyes again and not some rose tinted glasses.

Killing boars wouldnt be bad if the game had proper mob respawns or more mob spawns in general. You waste so much time doing literally nothing and its not fun.
Its also retarded that team members have to fight over quest items so everything slows down when it should be way faster as a group.

Why not just let people grind if they want to grind?

>Paying a monthly subscription for a dead genre game

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its not rewarding when there is no challenge to overcome.


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You poor misguided faggot. I've played way more WoW then you ever fucking have. Was literally fucking addicted to this game for about 3 years. Played almost every single day and played so much that I would just ice my hand when it hurt and powered through it and spent hours on thottbot looking up spawn rates, talent tree builds, etc.

Unlike you, I've taken off the nostalgia goggles, and while I certainly have fond memories of these times, the game has greatly improved since then. Of course you wouldn't admit it, since you haven't played and it's the cool popular thing around here to act like this game is the second coming of Christ

Wow classic is officially a meme

The truth of the matter is:

You can't go back.

>thinking transmog, out of all the shit that was added to nu-Wow, is a bad thing

Holy shit, you are a gigantic faggot and you should kill yourself. Transmog is literally one of the best features of nu Wow


stay mad tranny

yeah, retail has no challenges, since you can wait out for the next xpac when the powerlevel rises again and you can just finish everything solo in old areas

exactly. beating up braindead cpus isnt rewarding just because it takes long.

This isn't a problem in retail :^)

Of course, nostalgic Blizzdrone boomers would never know, or even admit that this is a better way for the game to be played. They would LITERALLY rather form a line to kill a mob, fucking pathetic

why are people so determined to make people hate classic wow? I've seen more "it will be bad" posts than I have "we're going home" posts. Get over it, for fuck's sake.

tranny detected. Back to Moonguard with you

No you weren't.

How are the servers?
I wanna hop in but I dont wanna drop 15 dollars right now if I won't even get to play.

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classic has no challenges either. there is nothing difficult in the game that would actually stop someone from reaching endgame.
and you could wait it out with classic too. what do you think is gonna happen when they turn the servers into TBC classic?
you're pretty stupid.


Faggots have been complaining about this shit since TBC was announced. Your preferred alternative would be for them to just stay level 60 forever, sitting in Org and shitposting in Trade Chat and level alts all day? Okay guy.

>You poor misguided faggot. I've played way more WoW then you ever fucking have. Was literally fucking addicted to this game for about 3 years. Played almost every single day and played so much that I would just ice my hand when it hurt and powered through it and spent hours on thottbot looking up spawn rates, talent tree builds, etc.
>Unlike you, I've taken off the nostalgia goggles, and while I certainly have fond memories of these times, the game has greatly improved since then. Of course you wouldn't admit it, since you haven't played and it's the cool popular thing around here to act like this game is the second coming of Christ

There it is, the SEETHE

Yes I was. Just because you don't like my opinion doesn't mean you can pretend I'm a liar or a shill.

Wait a second, I'm on Yea Forums, I forgot that was par the course for faggots like you

Yes but at least im socializing with other people for the first time in 10 years...

Plus you don't play for the gameplay you play for the feeling of acomplishment which this game still gives like none other. I put on some music and just grind away while sibing some whiskey.
I don't enjoy playing any more "fun" game these days so it's either sib whiskey or sip whiskey and mindlessly grind while talking to poeple.
It's a no brainer really why I play it.

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yeah. What's bad about that? I can shitpost in Trade Chat or on Yea Forums, what's the difference?

Seethe or not, he operates from a point of logic, admitting that he had once had a fondness for the game and has moved on like a normal human being instead of succumbing to marketing and hype.

what the fuck is this image of russiaball after sex

Expect 30-45min queues.
The sharding is not nearly as bad as Yea Forums made it out to be. you still have enough people on your shard to have real conversation but not enough that you can't ever kill a mob.

>spend months/years doing 40 man raids to get the best gear and now that you have finally accomplished it you just spend 15 dollars a month to shitpost in Trade Chat


if leveling in a mmo gives you a feeling of accomplishment, look yourself in the mirror man. you're like a hamster running the wheel.

>Retail is a vastly superior game

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You really need to get yourself a hobby.

How is it any different that playing any other game?
Same waste of time.
Anyway you;'re baiting

You're being too kind to this waste of life lmao

Literally everything you've said happens regularly in WoW. It's like the game evolved so much you can't just put on music and grind away while sibing some whiskey.

Realm sharding gives the illusion of every server being as active and populated as classic is right now. The only thing you can't do with players on other servers is trade and send mail. That's it. You can still group, level, see each other in person, queue together, all that shit.

If you're not going for a specific one you'll be good. If you're like me going along with a group of people that chose one of the worst servers for their region, good luck.

>He says as he spent his day watching twitch and shitposting
Far greater waste of life desu

>15 year old game with monthly subscription

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10 hour fucking queue on Herod. Is it worth it going to a medium pop server right now? I'm worried that when the game's hype starts wearing off, medium pop servers will fucking die.

What do, bros?

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>$300 a year to his favorite streamer

I suppose you're right.

still better than retail or most of the dumbed down shit they produce nowadays :^)


This game is still the best mmo to play with friends

what realm are you fags on
I want one that isn't going to be completely dead in the near future but also doesn't have a massive queue currently

I'm on one with a massive queue.


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>this game is good because i'm playing with friends

Out of all the half-baked excuses that need to die, this is the one that needs to die the most. 'It's fun with friends'! Is not a valid reason for a game to be good. ANYTHING IS FUN WITH FRIENDS. Remember when you were 12 and you would just go hang out at your friends house doing NOTHING, but you were having fun anyway because you were with your friend?

Me and my friends could literally be playing with dirt and would find a way to enjoy it.

Breathe. I don't spend money on stupid shit like, oh I dunno, WoW Classic? Let alone giving money to talentless unfunny streamers.


Ignore the dead server meme.
These medium pop servers will turn into comfy quality communities

Requiring coordination and effort is what many people like.

I don't expect Classic to last forever. But I'm having fun with it while it does. The magic is back. I'm having a great time, even with the queues.

which fucking class do i pick FUCK

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You might have just compared piss and shit there me ol' skip.

>p-please come back and admire my blood elf's transmog and store mount

If your only argument here is $15 a month you don't have much.

You cant convince the copers. Coping is one things human excel at.

Imagine that brainlets are seriously coping that 1 button rotations are better than retail. I mean I can already see the seething brainlet cope "PUSHING MORE BUTTONS DOESNT MAKE IT MORE COMPLEX"

Wait a week or two for queues to go down (except for meme servers)

I agree OP, but it is possible they'll release future expansions up to WoTLK. The game was good until that point, then yeah cata ruined everything. There were some things I liked about cata though such as certain dungeons. Completely destroying the old overworld though was incredibly retarded. They need to limit dungeon queues to like 3-5 a day or something to encourage people to still venture in the overworld. Put more incentive to world pvp and player interaction.

I have a feeling they might go the OSRS route with the classic servers and make things like deadman servers etc.

transmog is just playing dress up with a virtual doll

I love Classic I just wish I could play it right now.
t. 15k in queue

t. got fucked in the butt by the first boar

>actually bragging about accomplishments on mmoprg that anyone can achieve


Are you ok?
I'm sorry me and my friends are having fun.
Come join us!

mmos aren't supposed to be mechanically complex.
They're supposed to feel like an epic adventure to do anything.
Classic is the only game that still maintains that.

the current "population" designation is bugged, all the servers are full (full= queue to join, above maximum capacity), but because some have 30k queues and some only a few k, those that have lower queues are getting misrepresented as not being full, confirmed a bug and will be getting fixed

Based Blam bro. bloodkink, add me

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real chads quit at the beginning of wotlk and came back for that sweet pre nerf cata raiding

Imagine complaining about the boomers going Home and having some 'old internet' fun. Imagine not being happy for us having a good time, and instead complaining on Yea Forums about it.

Come join us zoomers, see what the fuss is all about. Party like it's 2006.

>holy shit my spellbook is filled with 20 pages of ranks 1-20 of all my spells!
>i have so much shit keybound i ran out of room and have to bind spells to my scroll wheel

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you do realize you're describing the classic wow audience, right?

>thinks you bind every rand of every spell
Fuck you're dumb lmao

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>you are only having fun because you *think* you're having fun

I never thought about it like that, retail friend.

Adventures? What aspect of themepark mmos fulfill that? There is no impact you or your friends can make upon the world. If people wanted "adventure" and "roleplaying" we would of had a resurgence of sandbox mmos. No this is not what people want and they haven't since WoW. What people want from an mmo is a glorified skinner box experience.

>general chat is straight up Yea Forums the maymay arrows and everything
>literal manchildren shouting about dicks and nuts
>no one inviting anyone to groups or accepting group invites
>mages and warlocks tagging mobs then running away just to spite other players and prevent them from finishing quests
>cesspool guilds inviting everyone and anyone
>got to level 10 and just uninstalled
You have to mentally still be 13 to play WoW

The idea of Classic is what people want, not the actual Classic experience. It's a nice side-project but no one is going to leave retail WoW for Classic once they hit 60.

I think you need to stop playing WoW and go back to school and learn about commas to break up your dialogue when you type.

I don't need to argue the point that you're paying funbux to play a game that's 15 years old. If you're a boomer, you've more than likely played it before and trying so desperately to capture your nostalgia moments of regression.

If you're a zoomer then good luck to you. You won't have the patience for the game anyway, much like the rest of your stink ass generation.

>mmos aren't supposed to be mechanically complex.

Yet retail is more complex in every single way.

>"old internet" fun
>the entire game now revolves around twitch streamers and their zoomer fanbases
i'll never understand nostalgiatards and their delusions.

>but it is possible they'll release future expansions up to WoTLK

They have already confirmed they are NOT doing that.

I don't even transmog because I'm constantly getting new gear and feel like it's a waste of money, but it adds yet another thing to do at the endgame and saves your character from looking like a weird jigsaw puzzle of a bunch of different shit of different colors that doesn't look good together.

We could complain about garrisons, LFR, realm-sharding, the casualization of talent trees and the insta-unlock of all new spells, but no, transmog is what is bad with nu-Wow. lol, wtf are you guys smoking. dumbfucks

poorfag detected

$15 is basically nothing for hundreds of hours of content
I spend more then that on coffee every week

>boring chore
You just described RPG's in general and especially MMORPG. If you play RPG's on a daily basis, you're prob a loser irl

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>He doesn't get blatant sarcasm

What does the inside world of a severely autistic individual feel like?
I heard it's pretty comfy please share.

You're not having fun, you're clinically deluded!! Wake up, sheeple!

I have never seen such a dedicated concerted effort by shills to attack the re release of a video game. Shills are even posting threads like these on /pol/.

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>Being so assblasted over my opinions you purposely misinterpret my post to make yourself appear more intelligent

Either that or you are just stupid. I was implying that at all, I was saying classic WoW has so many fucking dumb ass spells that are extremely situational that you have to bind shit to all sorts of random keys.

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It's the welfare people who want it

its astounding that blizzard actually got classic cucks to resub and go back to paying them $15 a month. a 40 man raid guild who openly hates blizzard is going to give blizzard $15x12x40 just so they can sit in a blizzard game and trash talk blizzard. this is peak clown world.

You've been tricked into believing you are through rose-tinted googles. Well done.

Also I don't play WoW Classic or Retail as I've more productive things to do with my time than killing internet dragons.

no they haven't they said they have no plans so far

>I rolled on the Yea Forums server and had a horrible time

What you need to kill is your autism.

the waiting in line in game is a streamer server meme

so what is the difference between fake and real fun

With how much money blizzard just made? Thatll change after the next stock meeting

Deep breaths. I'm not the one playing a 15 year old game from a dead genre, you fucking cretin.

As long as you continue to post on Yea Forums you have no argument

Is this a fun game to play if you enjoy exploring game mechanics and appreciating games which have 'good design' ? does it do things better than other games before or since ? for example is it hard to get higher than average dps in this game, or does it just require inordinate amounts of grind ? Is the crafting system fun ? is the economy and trading and farming varied and interesting and creative ?
I have played this game a few times over the years but never felt like I understand it. From my perspective having the greatly increased player base and stamp of authenticity, so you know 'it just works' whereas on a pserver there might be missing monster abilities, missing drop items, bugged quests etc, makes it worth paying for, but 15 dollars a month seems way too high for a game thats over a decade old.

or fun gameplay

The only chore is sitting in queue.

Kek, absolutely based. Indie devs, media, nu-Yea Forums, retailfags, general doubters, all blown completely the fuck out.

I'd rather stare at my WoW login queue than enjoy anything these 2019 soibois are making.

what should I name my undead priest

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Yet you continue to waste your life and continue to believe you are superior to others because of it.
What an interesting case study you are!

I rolled on the new server they created yesterday, Sulfuras. Chat is fucking cancer as is the autists playing. Never seen a concentrated mass of spergs in my life. The Russians in DOTA are less than cancerous than you autists.

and keep in mind that 90% of these people are the ones who have spent the last DECADE saying they will never purchase another blizzard product ever again.

>Wow, a lot of people don't share the same opinions that I hold, and are voicing those opinions online!
>There's only one single explanation that makes sense.
>There is a far reaching conspiracy in which people are being paid to post unpopular opinions on all corners of the internet in an attempt to psychologically manipulate people into not playing a certain game because...reasons.
>This makes perfect sense to me and I am really smart

Attached: Tin_foil_hat.jpg (320x240, 56K)

Calm down Blizzdrone... You can believe whatever you want to believe.

>tin foil hat
Holy shit how much are you losers being paid to spam anti WoW threads all day?

What is the Yea Forums server, bros?

>for example is it hard to get higher than average dps in this game, or does it just require inordinate amounts of grind
it literally requires x actions paired with x gear. if you perform the required actions with the required gear, you will achieve the exact results expected, there is zero room for personal skill to make up for any lack of this.

biggest lie homoboys without friends spread.

It's fun to get an insight into the mind of the delusional though; it's a real eye-opener.

Can you retards use your pea brains for a second and think? What the fuck would be the point of releasing any of the newer expansions? If they release TBC, why not WOTLK? If they release WOTLK, why not MOP? If MOP, why not WoD?

The fuck would be the point of having two IDENTICAL GAMES?????

Classic is a one off gift to nostalgic boomer faggots who haven't played in years. It's a desperate attempt by Blizzard to appeal to their lost audience and get the subs rolling back in. it's worked, but as OP said earlier, the novelty will wear off real fucking quick.

desu I'm glad you're getting shat on because you spent over a decade acting like the worst bitches.

they will literally release burning crusade afterwards because BC is on par with vanilla in popularity and nostalgia.

>classic is a boring chore

Yeah because WoW isnt/wasnt exactly that in every other iteration at any given time or anything...

It gave a weird dopamine relase for completing the in-chore chores, though. Thats why we all played it. Some of us just realized one day that this isnt actually fucking fun, and real life xp grinding actually gets you fun stuff eventually, whereas all the pvp gear in the game only makes you find more chores.

I don't believe that I'm superior to others. Do you often put words into people's mouths when you don't have anything rational to say?

That's a yikes from me dawg

You got all the zoomers who couldn't wait in line.

I bet you feel really intelligent and superior to those around you and have a huge ego, but lack the confidence to act arrogant which is why you just act like a self-righteous cunt online all the time.

maybe if you didn't spend the last 10 years telling everyone that blizzard are a bunch of kikes just to come grovelling back to them and shoveling their cocks into your mouths.

Deep breaths. Admitting it is the first step.

The first three expansions are trilogy featuring the main characters from WC3 you stupid cunt, Blizzard already said a weel before classic came out they will considering what to do, either have 1.13 or go straight to BC

>We've done most of the hard work by bringing back 1.12 so progressing to Burning Crusade would be a lot easier for us. Our plan is to identify everything we need to do should we ever decide to go this route. We want to be sensitive to the desires of our players. Some may want BC and some may not. We'll be following the Classic community closely to help determine what our next steps should be.

>Year and a half down the line release bc
>Three years release wotlk
Afterwards it gets funky but those two are safe bets

Won't happen. I'll bet money on it.

Why complete any quests after the first one you'll just get yet another one in a new area from a new npc at a new level. Makes no sense. Every item you get is pointless because you'll replace it.

WoW was always shit. FFXI was always better.

>Multiple classes on 1 character, can master every single job on one character, gear up every single job on one character
>Can play for whatever city you want regardless of your race
>Can even switch to a different city, complete their entire questline and then switch back to whatever other city you want to play for
>Still had PvP, but it's not necessary and was actually pretty fun to play regardless, though not well balanced

FFXI Classic when?

Attached: NewSkillchain1-1-.png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

>we are going to have to live through the exact same retards bitching about death knights 10 years ago AGAIN when the classic WotlK server gets released

You clearly think you're superior to people having fun when you're wasting your life crying about it online.
What a strange person you are!

FFXI has some of the worst designed menus, its quite the feat.

I think you just had an issue with wow and you’re resisting temptation. The amount of soul in classic is so enjoyable, you can’t go wrong.

BC and wotlk are 100% guaranteed.

yea ok, go suck blizzards cock again

It’s almost like hard work (or the illusion thereof) brings people together.

I could understand in 2004 playing this shit since it was basically a club for fucking nerds to hang out ut now theres so many ways to play with other fucking nerds with far more entertaining gameplay than click thing, honestly this shit is has worse "gameplay" than msot gatchas

Yeah, people also said Classic was never going to happen, it's actually beneficial for Blizzard because it doesn't cost them anything to make and has very low maintenance cost, it also acts as content between the patches in retail, hopefully Blizzard can use this to put more time and effort into patches making more content in each new patch

your posts would say otherwise

>the game has greatly improved since then
You never played, you can fuck off now.

>he's paying 15 dollars a month to play Classic and posting quotes from developers from random interviews to prove his point
>'no, YOU are the one that's sucking blizzards cock, n-n-not me!'

Your complete lack of self awareness is really hilarious

Started WoW late 2013, I'm actually having an insane amount of fun.
>Made 3 friends already
>Game isn't a sit in town queue simulator anymore
>Nice, slower combat, not rolling through everything like in modern WoW
>Getting items feels rewarding
>Sure, I heard end game PvE is a joke difficulty wise but fuck it's still probably going to be fun and time consuming
>Speaking of time consuming, the whole game is a grind so I'm going to have a shitload to do
>Watching comfy streamers in the background
This is an amazing experience, 10/10 would recommend

What the fuck

That can't be just for the Classic client. Do I have to install nu-WoW too?

Attached: giphy.gif (330x312, 1.73M)

its surreal. I was in a raiding guild on a private server 2 years ago, we did the vanilla grind and cleared all the way to naxx, by the end of it everyone quit and hated the game, they all bitched about how grindy and annoying it was to deal with 40 man raids. and now here they are AGAIN, PAYING TO DO THE EXACT SAME THING.

>why can't classic be like retail

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They're running out of abilities to prune


Kill yourself faggot. I spent all summer farming netherdrake eggs to get my mount and I won't have some fucking cuck call me a liar. Suck my dick

All servers have queues right now. Your best bet would be Old Blanchy for the shortest queue.

Yikes this thread makes me feel good to be a classichad

I posted that and I am not playing classic, you dumb cunt, also, the interview was an AMA with the Classic dev team

no, I only have classic installed
it's like 7 gigs

i'm not paying anything because i'm not playing it. I also don't have a vendetta against blizzard like you faggots do, I love blizzard and most of the games they make. The hypocrisy is whats killing me, watching the people who bitched and bitched and bitched for 10 years and swear off blizzard just going back to sucking their dicks via subscription (and i say sucking their dicks because thats what they said I was doing by playing retail). these people are literally insane, theres no other explanation.

>He likes to put words into people's mouths

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Get out of my queue then

Oh you started in TBC, okay you played and you're a casual shitter who probably loved Resilience, flying mounts and LFD

This is exactly what I'm saying. Most people here never even got into a 40 man raid, and when people are talking about how much better the game is and when you point out the many improvements of retail you are just called a shill or a liar.

Classic came out in 2004. 15 years is a lot of time to forget a lot of shit, namely, all the things this game did terribly, 40 man raids just being one of them.

>Implying assuming

ASS out of U and ME - Ever heard that one dipshit? Stop projecting.

Just play osrs

>LFD came out in BC
>flying mounts are bad

Opinion immediately discarded wrath baby

You do realise that the game is more than just extra abilities? Besides I agree with their decision to prune abilities it's just that went too extreme and got rid of too many and made others a passive, but the abilities in MoP was too much, everyone had a bunch of stuns, impairing effects, heals, way to break free from CC, made classes have no identity, even more so than today

This game was released in 2005 bro. That's 14 years ago. Classic is meant to be pure nostalgia.

as someone who has played every wow expansion, gone hard in both pve and pvp, the only mistake blizzard ever made with this game was making auto attack damage irrelevant. Once white damage stopped critting you for upwards of half your life, the game became boring.

I'm glad classic makes you seethe so much.

Blowmeuix 4 life. If you see Raplst in the barrens give him a hello

>Yes but at least im socializing with other people for the first time in 10 years...

You fucking what? Have you not played an online game in 10 years or what?

You've not even tried to talk to people you're just expecting everyone else to do the work for you.

>Flying mounts are good
Yep, casual as fuck.

Are you ok?
Do you have brain damage?

>Plus you don't play for the gameplay you play for the feeling of acomplishment which this game still gives like none other.
you're bad, I get it. the only way you can contend is when you have purples and other people don't.

>Made 3 friends already

no, you have 3 strangers online you know from a boring game

>game isn't a sit in town queue simulator anymore

No, its a sit in line in the wilderness simulator now

>Nice, slower combat, not rolling through everything like in modern WoW

When you have nothing to do in your real life but waste away clicking buttons on a macro for 12 hours a day I guess this seems like a boon. But you may wanna reflect and change your real life so a slow grindy game doesn't delight you.

>getting items feels rewarding

Its a placebo effect.

>Speaking of time consuming, the whole game is a grind so im going to have a shitload to do

Stop viewing the moments of your life as something to burn threw, the end game of your real life absolutely no one is going to give a shit about your level 40 classic WoW character. Games are meant to spend the little moments in which you have nothing to do, not be the thing you do instead of living.

It's medium pop and I've been in que for 2 hours, send help

>the game has greatly improved since then

sure, at becoming kingdom hearts action game boogaloo, instead of the actual rpg it was

>No, you are a casual because it's FUN to be inconvenienced and have to make massive hour long slogs to my capital city!
>I-I-I wasted hours of my life traveling in this game...SO SHOULD YOU!'re a casual!!!!

You're not gonna try putting words in my mouth again, are you?

Stay strong user it's still the best we have if you want a comfy server with a decent pop and good players

holy shit you are a faggot.

>t. hasn't played since WOTLK and is just parroting opinions he read on Yea Forums and stuff he watched on YouTube

themepark mmos arent rpgs

Says the faggot clapping like a retarded seal over a old ass boring slow game.

>it’s not a TRUE RPG unless you are inconvenienced at every turn, have to spend hours doing boring meaningless quests and have to spend hours of leveling just to level up

Imagine being this much of a fag

I do like it there so far, people in tirisfall were pretty chill with plenty of banter. Only need 1300 faggots to d/c now

It has terrible class design but it still manages to have more fun classes than vanilla. Really makes you think

He's right, classic was an MMORPG, retail isn't, there's no RPG or multiplayer elements to modern WoW, some people might want that but others don't, there are people who want an MMORPG experience in a game that's supposed to be an MMORPG

>he thinks the community will be this tight knit and fun at level 35 when questing alone in arathi highlands

poor misguided user, he thinks it'll always be like this.

How could the possible dumb down a game more than vanilla? All you need is time and you beat all the content in the game. You don't have to git gud. You can literally be a 100% clicker and beat the most difficult content in the game.


popularity happens due to dumbing down

Because vanilla was an RPG, not all classes are meant to be equal or good, it's a rock, paper scissors like any true RPG

>there's no RPG or multiplayer elements to modern WoW

Imagine hating a game so much that you just blatantly make up lies to bolster your non existent argument


I don't disagree with you, hombré.

Always warlock.


Just going to roll a rogue and gank shitters. Literally only do that.

I said fun not good. Huge difference but maybe you're arguing that rpgs can't be fun?

>classic was an MMORPG
thats a laugher

Is it true that the night is way too bright like in retail?

Don't be facetious, nobody is level 45 yet

How are there multiplayer elements when you can do the end game by queueing in LFR and complete a raid without ever communicating with any one? Or by joining a dungeon via LFG without talking to any one? Or doing a world quest by joining a group with 20 random people who you will never see or speak to?

What RPG elements does WoW have? You play specs in retail not classes, you can have the same ability just under a different name across every class, you're a lying cunt if you think retail is an MMORPG

i play WoW and tabletop rpgs. WoW is not a rpg

In order to play classic WOW do you have to purchase the retail game? Or can you just pay the subscription fee and play classic WOW?

i just hopped on Deviant Delight, human priest

Yes, you had to communicate with people to get into groups for quests, dungeons and raids, something that is obsolete in retail

it will be if you stay up with the bottleneck

oh, you are one of those people that think a chat room makes something an MMO.

No, you don't need to own BFA to play classic, classic just requires a subscription

>Classic is a boring chore.
I agree, and I'm enjoying it anyway.
Even boredom is fun if you remind yourself that boredom is a casual filter, so by withstanding boredom you're becoming a better person than all the scrubs who cry about queues.
It's like exercise, but for your emotions rather than your muscles.

Fucking awesome. I'm thinking of playing but is it too late for me to join and play?

>it has improved

Not him, but I have to disagree.

If you don't engage with people and just join a group finder and kill the boss what's the difference between that and doing it with a group of AI? Player interaction is what makes an MMO

When you get a group that can't run RFC. Tried tanking for these guys, all underleveled. Didn't know you could fuck up RFC.

Fucking pathetic.

Attached: really.gif (500x275, 545K)

>rolling as a certain a tank/healer/damage dealer and collecting gear with corresponding stats that would allow my character to best perform in the ROLE he selected isn't a roleplaying game because i don't like the game anymore
>even though classes have very unique and distinct spells (DK's have water walking, rogues can turn invisible and cc you into oblivion, hunters can fuck you up from long range and attack you with their pets that all have their own unique skill trees and abilities) it's not an RPG because i don't like the game anymore
>sure, you have to do dungeons and raids and battlegrounds and some quests with other people, but it's not a multiplayer game because i don't like the game anymore and it's too easy! if everything was hard, annoying, and inconvenient like it used to be than it'd be a true RPG!

just because things have been simplied or made easier to do doesn't mean the game is suddenly an FPS and not an RPG. I get it, you are self flagellating faggot whose enjoyment of a game is directly proportionate to how hard it is, but you can just stop with the lies, it makes you look stupid :)

I still interact with people daily. Just because you never try to interact with anyone doesn't mean the game is dead. I meet people all the time and have a lot of fun. You just have to actually talk to people, which you don't do, neither in WoW, or in real life, you fucking loser

No, most people will take weeks or months to reach 60, if anything waiting a day will have benefits because you can actually kill mobs in the starting areas without competing with hundreds of others, classic is about leveling, end game is very easy, so take your time and enjoy the areas and their lore

name five ways your character influenced WoW’s gamestate in a unique way no other character did.

MASSIVELY mutliplayer is what makes something an mmo, not getting into a group smaller than a fucking tf2 server and doing some instanced content.

>trying to sleep at 8pm for that juicy 2am que experience
>Thinking about all the fun I have once I pass the queue patience check

Who is posting in these threads?

I just played for 12 hours and now I will go to sleep before I wake up and start playing again. I only posted in these threads when I was stuck in the queue.

>DK's have water walking
You mean an ability originally only Shamans had? Really RPG to copy and paste abilities across classes
>rogues can turn invisible and cc you into oblivion
You mean like feral druids? Really RPG to copy and paste abilities across classes
>hunters can fuck you up from long range and attack you with their pets that all have their own unique skill trees and abilities
You mean like warlocks? Really RPG to copy and paste abilities across classes

he's literally saying the same shit you fags have been saying for the last 10 years about every blizzard game

>DK's can death grip flag carries to them
>DK's can give their party water walking so they can easily escape a sticky situation or create a quick shortcut for the team
>Pallies have an insane amount of survivability, with their bubbles heals and plate armor, and while priests have bubbles and heals, are extremely squishy
>Hunters can leave traps on flag/under mobs for CC
>Priests can mind control flag carriers/healers off of cliffs and are the only class with this ability

I can go on, but I won't because as you are reading this, you are already drafting some clever witty 'response' to me in which you try to invalidate all of these things because you are a jaded faggot who thinks having to grind for the most basic shit for months is fun.

I won't respond to you, because I know you are full of shit, and will never admit you were wrong, even when I present to you an irrefutable refutation of your bs argument. So go fuck yourself and enjoy sitting in a 6 hour queue, faggot.

>Playing with thousands of AI is now considered an MMO
You people

>DUDE get this...this class can use a sword....and this other class can use a sword??? WTF? THATS NOT A FUCKING RPG, EVERYTHING HAS TO BE DIFFERENT OR ITS NOT A REAL RPG REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

lol you dumbass faggot

People who don't play the game at all, and private server chads like me who already did everything vanilla had to offer and know it's the objectively better game even today.

It’s almost like burnout is a thing but the game is still fun in hindsight.

No dude i dont like retail or classic. What I am asking you is how you as an individual agent influence the game’s story in a meaningful manner or creative one that other player characters did not.

never mentioned AI buddy. it is okay to not be an MMO


In queue for 4 and a half hours now and I'm only on Whitemane. At the pace I've been going there's at least an hour left without a mass DC. I don't even glance at the threads if I'm in-game.

shut up gayboi
nobody cares what you think

Only reasons I am not playing Classic WoW are phasing and no IRL friends want to play. I can't be bothered playing by myself and joining up in stranger's guild. WoW Vanilla was amazing because I played with friends from school, those days are over.

Same, though I was just doing a quick browse of Yea Forums before sleeping for a few hours and going at it for another 12.

I'm thinking of playing classic WOW. I think I will main a Orc Shaman, Orc Warlock, or a NE Hunter.

I want a class that has item independence and can be PVP effective while being undergeared.

cope! blizzard is loving that $15 sub you're giving them, im sure they'll use the money to create more based LGBT friendly games!

Because Yea Forums is full of fags who get triggered when western devs do anything good.
So, weeboos.

> how you as an individual agent influence the game’s story in a meaningful manner

this isnt a bioware/bethesda/cd projekt game you faggot. it doesnt happen.

go play something else

You're clearly too stupid to get what I am saying, just having characters on a server is no different to it being full of AI characters if there's no interaction

Someone join me in Deviant Delight please.

>the entire game now revolves around twitch streamers and their zoomer fanbases
Only if you pay attention to them you retard.
You are aware that you can choose to ignore things right?
That is a power you have as a human being.

>300 responses, including yours

i beg to differ

Low quality bait

I would say Hunter probably has the least item reliance of the three, with Shamans and Warlocks about tied for second. Being a good kiter means it doesn't matter how shit your gear is, and you can even kite spellcasters due to having at least 5 yards over them (if you both talented for extra range, which you better). All three classes are fairly independent though.

>they called us kikes for 10 years!
>now they're paying us again for the exact same thing
>lets use all this sub money to add more black characters to overwatch

Attached: 1486696725850.jpg (843x1102, 210K)

Go look up what EverQuest did with progression servers. Wow will do the same thing eventually. They absolutely will re-release tbc and wotlk because there going to make a shit ton of money off of classic and money is the only language a company like Activision understands. When they accept that an actually good game makes more money than their shitty version of wow with integrated loot box mobile game trash, they will rethink hopefully. Or they will just add microtransactions to classic somehow. Hopefully they don't so that tho.

not bait friend, simply throwing your own words back into your face

I want to but I'm three hours into a queue for my main server. : (

The game has gotten so completely saturated with instant gratification that it feel pointless playing anymore.

Naysayers completely BTFO.

This is true. I noticed
>Yea Forums can't communicate with people unless those people being forced to communicate with them
>every MMO thread

>Bypassing every mob and piece of terrain in the world to move in a straight line from one quest marker to the next, never having to worry about another player... yeah, feels epic.

>grinded to 22 last night
>had a nice sleep
>ready to blast again when the servers go up after they go down in an hour

Attached: 1556348039469.jpg (400x400, 14K)

What faction and race, I might make one.

is pic related literally you?

>Finish workout
>2 hours before I leave for work
>"Meh, guess I'll play a little bit of classic then maybe cook breakfast"
>suddenly I'm 10 minutes past my normal leave time and rushing to get to work

wtf bros this game was supposed to be boring

yes im da jokah baybee

because all of the people who made "we're going home" posts are busy playing classic, leaving behind naysayers and queuecucks to moan on Yea Forums

The boring chore is the fact that Blizzard is fucking retarded and Jewy and they severely underestimated the amount of people that would play.
Instead of giving us like 10 servers with fucking LAYERING for millions of people, why not set up at least 5 times as many servers, without any retarded gimmicks? If, in one month, you've got some dead servers, just combine them, that's it.

Attached: 1561357716556.jpg (1200x640, 160K)

>He actually enjoys accidentally pulling random mobs and getting slowed off his mount and is now forced to fight some fucking stupid ass mob that isnt worth the 3 experience you get from how long it takes to kill it because....reasons.

Delusional classic baby

>complains the game is oversaturated with instant gratification
>doesn't know that he has to grind for weeks to be able to even fly in legion/bfa or unlock any of the allied races

Delusional classic baby

Read this is a boring chore, have sex.

Look you sound pretty set in your ways man, enjoy your single player experience I guess.

i was tempted when it came up because i'm on grobb and the east coast rp-pvp sounds nice but i feel like i might regret switching in the long run

>complains the game is oversaturated with instant gratification
this is code for "when I don't have better gear than everyone they destroy me because I'm not actually good at the game, the only thing I was ever good at was having more time to waste than everyone else so I could obtain the better gear and even then I still almost lost most of my 1v1's to people who just dinged 60 in full blues"

>WoW is a single player experience now!!!

Delusional classic baby

What do you play on Grob?

holy based

Reminder that it's been less than 24 hours and countless new servers opened

Attached: deadGame.png (2000x2371, 2.2M)

Battle for Azeroth has me farming the same irrelevant, boring content in order to pull a slot machine to maybe get an upgrade that I don't even really need.

First time playing Classic again since the official release, I went with a friend into Jasperlode mine. For the first time, there was barely anyone around, since the quest only wants you to explore a bit and then leave. Friend wanted to do the same, I wanted to stay. After all, there could actually be something at the end of the cave. What ensued was an adventure of kiting and carefully pulling and fighting spiders that were 3 levels above us and quickly respawning, as we found a rare mob next to a treasure chest at the end. Our rewards were a green dagger we couldn't use and a treasure chest that had everything looted but a tough hunk of bread. Laughed our fucking asses off.
So, yeah, nah, go fuck yourself, Classic is an infinitely better video game.

Just remember, if retail was doing its job Classic would have never had to be made.

it's actually impressive how they've finessed all these nostalgiatards into giving them money again. and the funniest part is that they call other people "cucks" for not doing the same.

retail is doing its job, its still the most popular mmo on the market, and now you've made it even more popular by shelling out millions of dollars a month for something that didn't cost blizzard anything to make, which is fine in my books because I don't hate the company, but you do! and now you're giving money to something you hate like a cuck!

>Bfa sucks because it's a slot machine!
>Here, let me describe my experience of going into a cave and having a similar slot machine experience, giving me an 'upgrade' that I can't even use, but FUCK YOU, it's the better game

Do you even have any idea of how fucking stupid you sound?

your western shit WISHES it was kino hearts.

Sounds like your server sucks. That's not been my experience at all.

night elf druid right now i only just decided yesterday on a whim sort of

I was going to play on Grobb but also thinking about switching to DD. Really unsure on what to do. Analysis paralysis

Wew, so Blizzard think they can convince all the newcomers who came back for classic to play retail again huh?

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What is your obsession with sex?

Oh neat, I'm a night elf hunter on Grob. What level?

Unironically happened for me. Resubbed last week in preparation, wanted to visit my old main, had some growing pains to get used to but now I see the light. Classic is trash

stopped at lvl 12 last night and now i'm just waiting to get in through the queue

>good luck coordinating 39 other fucktards about how not to get feared into onyxia's eggs
can't you just figure out the best spot to stand and have everyone stack on it? there's no character model physics an shit

>BfA sold 3.4 million copies in one day making it the most popular WoW expansion ever




Attached: crying soy.jpg (233x217, 9K)

Hey, same as me.

OP gets it

You would have to be a low IQ troglodyte to not only play bliz 15 dollars for a game you already played and grinded through but also expect bliz not to fuck up classic

>You’ll spend weeks/months leveling to level 40 only to have to spend several more weeks or months grinding for enough gold to get a shitty slow ass mount.

Playing a Paladin, so no problem.

>You need to spend hours in Trade trying to find a tank/healer to run through Wailing Caverns with you, only to walk all the way over there and have the DPS say ‘Sorry guys something came up’

Playing a healer, so no problem

>Good luck coordinating with 39 other fuck tards about how to not get feared into Onyxia’s eggs spawning the whelps.

Vanilla raiding is ezpz so, no problem.

do you know what 'get feared' means?

hey man just wanted to post because you seem to have a lot of people disagreeing, and wanted to say you're definitely not the only person feeling this way

you've also missed out on a few crucial things classic lacks over modern (calling modern retail is foolish now given that classic is a retail game too)

> an entire class has the same skill depth as a single spec in BFA, meaning there are 36 of what classic calls "classes" in BFA, meaning classic is in a more pruned state than BFA
> rotations are barebones, and debuff limits strip them even further
> secondary stats to build / prioritize
> character talent customization choices

i feel like the most damning of all is that classic is mostly tedious now, not challenge. back in the day it might have been a battle to do the content, but the modern game has trained people not only to understand the game's mechanics on a dime, but also to control their characters better. it's far more rare to encounter someone in endgame nowadays clicking their skills and keyboard turning solely as a means of controlling their character. players are going to breeze through the game's biggest challenges and feel sort of hollow about it

it's really annoying when people swing the buzz terms like "RPG elements" and "community" around like they're somekind of mystical thing BFA has lost. all these things are still there, classes still have their fantasy and there is no reason for you not to group up and do content in the modern game, there are plenty of things to do that require teamwork and playing together. it just feels like a poor excuse to force themselves out of their shells, the shells that protect them from interacting on the modern game, just so they can prove people wrong and put a plus next to classic

but don't get me wrong, BFA has faults. classic does too. they both suck. all versions of wow have sucked by some measure, it's a game

>tell people it'll be a pain in the ass to unlock their mounts
>heh im a warlock/pally i don't care

boys...should we tell him?

>>BfA sold 3.4 million copies
thats less than previous expansion and subs drop drastically after the release of the game

Face it WoW is a dead series no one plays WOW any more

i have no main sever :/

The moment Blizzard stopped posting sub numbers is the moment you lost the right to keep calling retail the most popular. There's no way to know, and no reason they wouldn't parade around that they're still on top no matter what so I'd honestly err towards Shadowbringers overtaking BfA.

Also I don't need to pay them anything because I already did all of Vanilla a second time on Elysium. It was good, real good, I can say with pure and honest certainty that it is better than boring shitty elf-faggot TBC and cut content Death Knight power fantasy Wrath and every other shitbird expansion beyond it, and the worst part for you? You can't go back in time and stop me from having fun throughout the whole thing. How about THAT for cuckoldry?

someone mentioned you could avoid the afk timer kickout if you just open up the interface options and sit with that open
anyone tried this?

yes and ill explain exactly how because I just witnessed this go down on a private server.

first of all, every raiding guild is going to active for about a year, thats how long it takes to go through the process and clearl all the content. people are going to drop out over this year because of politics and obligations, the first drop outs will happen during MC when people rage quit because they weren't first in line for gear. The major drop off point comes in BWL when most guilds will have to replace upwards of 10-15 people. those 10-15 will quit for various reasons, but they'll still have active subs and the ones who either got booted or left because of politics will still want to play wow, so they will go to retail or try to join another classic guild. The ones who can't get into another guild will go to retail and play that for a few months. after bwl there will be another big drop off from the casuals who don't want to raid AQ or Naxx, many of those people will go play retail because they've just raided for 6+ months and it got boring, but they still want to play wow and have active subs. when vanilla burnout fully kicks in (near the end of AQ) blizzard will have released a new expansion for retail (we need to stop calling it retail btw since you're all playing retail now lmao) or there will be a new expansion coming out, people with active subs will take the bait and try the new expansion. once the new expansion hype dies down, they'll announce classic BC to re-hook all the fags who got burnt out on vanilla and they will repeat this process until at least wotlk.
you, the faggots who hate blizzard, the faggots who told us that blizzard are jews and blah blah blah, have just guaranteed that blizzard will have enough money to shit out another 3-4 expansions over the next 5 years. You guys are going to be playing this until you're 40 years old, the exact same game you started playing when you were 15-20

Zero queues and instant access to Oceanic realm. But it'll probably be dead in a month

Human priest (male) Deviant Delight

BfA sold 3.4 million copies on DAY ONE, you fucking illiterate retard, which is MORE than Legion, and any other expansion they have ever released.

>muh sub drops

happens literally with every expansion, by that logic, every expac is bad.

your sorry attempts at 'arguing' are laughable at best. hows that queue going btw, i'm sure you'll get into the triple digits soon and you can go back to standing in line to kill a mob! wow, so fun!

>Being adicted during WoD
The state of this faggot

I wonder how low it is now, 3.6 million isn't too good for a game you need to pay to develop all year round.

Attached: reminder.png (2352x804, 120K)

>You can't go back in time and stop me from having fun throughout the whole thing.
that was never my intention lol, im glad you found some happiness in an otherwise miserable existence. lets not try and change hands here, YOU are the miserable cunt who wants other people to have no fun in life, I AM merely pointing out that you and people like you are paying money to the people you hate.

I've spent 5 hours in queue today and I'm still not in. Weekends are literally going to be 12 hour queues. There's nothing stopping the servers from shitting the bed and booting you to the back of the line at any moment once you're finally in. Even if you don't value your time it's a waste.

Just like classic lol

Sorry for late reply. Trying to kill these Kobolds.

What the fuck in my post gave you the impression I was addicted in WoD? Thottbot wasn't even around at that time, you stupid fucking zoomer.

Honestly I refuse to believe anyone who tells me that retail WoW has more than two million players.

I've been to the cities and new zones in the most populated servers and I can say I usually see about 50-100 people at best. I've seen more populated locales in B-tier mmos like Tera and Black Desert.

It's a "whole is greater than the sum of it's parts" deal. Vanilla sounds pretty shit when you break it down and focus on one aspect. Thing is, it's not any one thing that makes the game good. It's how everything meshes together to create an engrossing experience. A lot of it I feel is due to world design, both from an aesthetic and gameflow PoV.

>I've been to the cities and new zones in the most populated servers and I can say I usually see about 50-100 people at best.

Absolutely 100% irrefutable proof you have never played and are making bullshit lies in an attempt to bolster your argument. Stop responding

Jesus christ are there unironically going to be more people playing classic instead of BfA?

>tfw playing with sound on
>all those old comfy sound effects
>the sound when you run on wooden surfaces, especially on the wood parts of teldrassil
>the sound of running water
>even have instant quest text off to here the writing sounds

Attached: 1562877677724.jpg (900x900, 191K)

my man, there already are.
>30 Realms (NA)
>All full at est. 30k per
>Nearly 15k waiting for each

is there a queue on deviate delight?

>The old bow and gun sound effects

Attached: When The Sword Hits Their Ass Just Right, These Players Sing.gif (557x605, 1.03M)


>Play Hunter
>Take out gun
>Shoot it
>It sounds like a fucking gun and not like you're breaking a candy bar in half
>Your fucking ammo choice actually changes the look of the projectiles you fire when auto shooting
It's..... beautiful........

Does Classic have the updated player models?


No, and you'll enjoy it

Attached: MyEyesTheyHurt.gif (480x480, 538K)

No, it was a planned toggle early on but they scrapped it.

That's a fucking OOF from me bros

but journeywow is almost 40 already

>do menial task you can't fail for a reward that in all likelihood just gets you a resource you have no use for, except for buying cosmetics
>have a fucking cave adventure that took careful planning and execution that both progressed your character in terms of exp and various drops, that, despite not being equippable, can be a significant source of income as money actually matters

Yeah, I really don't see the difference either.

You’re either stupid and don’t realize there’s more than 1 person replying to you or you’re schizophrenic and think everyone is the same person. No more (You)s for you.

when you fags get to silithus, be sure to do that one quest in the far south that confirms blizzard planned the norse titans from legion on day 1. be sure to keep a keen eye out for all the quest text that confirms they didn't do half the "asspulls" you claim they did for later expansions.

wait until they actually play the game instead of queueing

>you should listen to me because I'm a loser
you're wrong, they're both shit in different ways

I give it two weeks before the numbers start to drop

>cave adventure
>literally just trying to get to the end of the cave without pulling mobs
>he hasn't played WoW in so long he forgot that this is something everyone does, as the game constantly puts a shit ton of fast spawning mobs everywhere which make everything take 10x longer than they need to be

take off the nostalgia goggles grandpa, for fucks sake.

>significant source of income
>sells dagger for 20s


classic models are full of soul though
updated models are, quite literally, over-animated and too disney-like

there's quests in silithus? xD


>turn random wow stream on
>3k viewers
>he spends over 10 minutes on "kill X monsters" quest
I don't get it.


only a few but you need to do them for AQ yes.

>Just found out Hozzikostas used to be a hardcore player
Say what you want about retail but the raids are still pretty good.

how long is the maintenance?

i started dwarf priest. very fun so far. SMITE SMITE SMITE!

theres nothing wrong with retail, it removed the ability to be an elitist and boss people around and so the petty cucks got upset and quit once they were left behind in the dust.

are you the dwarf i saved from Trolls on Shazzrah? i was the hunter.

They weren't asspulls, but did they really have to be named almost 1:1 after the Norse gods they were ripping off? That was gay as fuck.

>literally just trying to get to the end of the cave without pulling mobs
Oh, sorry, I thought you played Classic or had literally any clue what you're talking about.
Every mob is a threat, especially when they are 3 lvls above you.
You can't sneak through, you can however, carefully peel the mob packs apart. Aggro range is much higher than what you're used to and you have a distinct lack of ranged attacks. And then there's the hard time limit before you are overwhelmed by respawns. So, yes, infinitely more exciting than what retail offers.
To compare to a cave in BfA:
Sprint through, pull everything, use cds, aoe nuke them down, loot all mobs for useless crap, loot the chest for resources you don't want and faggy vendor trash while you ignore the rare because you already know what he drops ahead of time. This outcome of events is entirely static, you knew exactly what you would get out of this ahead of time.

And, yes, 20 silver is goddamn significant at lvl 7 in Classic.

progress achieved through easy, spoon-fed means is empty and hollow

unraveling classic and working tooth and nail for every drop, purchase, and skill point is much more satisfying than just getting on some rails to 110 without putting much thought into it

You mean it confirmed they planned Uldum, which they proceeded to completely turn into a godawful pop culture meme

I've seen a lot of SEETHE posts the last month or so but this one takes the fucking cake. Go dilate elsewhere tranny

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delusion, the post.

in vanilla you did the same thing you did in every other expansion, you cleared everything in your path and looted everything until you got so high level and geared that you only looted the shit you needed. who are you actually trying to kid? literal millions of people worldwide have played all of these games.

>people come and go over the course of a high commitment requirement year
woah really? damn....... whoda thunk?

>I don't like WoW Classic

Attached: MKDa6iA.jpg (470x345, 41K)

If that's as shallow as you're going to look at it, then yes, you'd be correct to assume that. Congratulations, you figured it out, at its core, both games are World of Warcraft.

>Oh, sorry, I thought you played Classic

I did play Classic faggot, and yes I'm well aware it's hard to make money and you can die easily. Still doesn't make your experience any interesting or much different from what can be experienced in modern WoW at your same level.

Your analogy is disingenuous, because you are a low level in Classic but describe going through a cave as a high level character in BfA. Of course the experience will be different, retard. You are either genuinely stupid or just reaching so far up your ass to try to shit on BfA that it's giving you a boner, not sure which it is, all I know is your a bitchmade giga faggot.

it confirmed they had planned a pantheon of !notnorse titans (gods). Humans having an affinity for water magic was an asspull, a convenient one but still an asspull.

even if we delve deeper, rogues and druids literally run past everything and take only what they need while leveling. flying mounts simply made it so that everyone could do this.


But they gave them exactly what they wanted and bitched about forever. I don't see how that's surprising to you.


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>Be a Yea Forums nigger faggot
>Make usual post hating on classic
>Most classic players are to busy to see these threads right now
>Make them anyway
>Collect (Yous) from other troll niggers who arent playing classic
Jesus christ you guys are so autistic its like a dog biting its own leg right now at this litetal point.

Classic niggers are literally ignoring you to play their game.
Instead of playing FF or Retail you all opt to hate a game you arent playing.
Take a step back and absorb that logic.
>Hate a game you are willfully not playing
>Absolutely seething

>t. number 26138 in the queue
>Estimated Time Remaining: 160 minutes

no one here hates the game friend, we just hate you.

>Rogues can turn invisible so it's okay for Retail gameplay to be utterly brainless soulless buttonmashing where you run to a quest marker and never take damage
I see. Retail WoW players enjoy soulless gameplay because they themselves lack souls.

>where you run to a quest marker and never take damage
you've outed yourself now, go play retail right now (since you're subbed anyways lmao) and try and run through a pack of mobs, you'll die in 10 seconds flat.

Want to play together?

>durrr only retail is brainless
>half of WoW classic is walking and auto attacking waiting for spells to CD and sitting in a city waiting for someone to PST for invite

Were you dropped on the head as a child or something?

I got back into retail for a month or so after the classic announcement and it was exactly like that. Retail dungeon elites are like normal mobs, it's worse than you'd ever imagine

>Your analogy is disingenuous, because you are a low level in Classic but describe going through a cave as a high level character in BfA.
Wait, have you even played BfA? Because if you did, you'd have SO much more ammunition to pick that argument apart if you assume that's based on a max lvl character. In Nazjatar and Mechagon, if you ran into a cave like that you'd get slaughtered, and instead of rares or basic bitch treasure chests they offer different rewards. Sometimes that's minigames or weekly challenges like Mad Mardivas' laboratory. That example for current WoW is specifically for the lower level expansions, where you are an immortal death god and you'd have no reason to go further than what a quest demands you to.
Classic has the same systems and caves and whatever the fuck, but it makes you fight for it. Yes, having to manually check your quest log and note where you have to go is different than your map just pointing you straight to it. Making a decision which spells to learn and which rank of which healing spell you wanna use at which time. Having to debate whether or not it'll be worth it to fight through that armor to get that shiny silver dragon at the end. It may be minor, it may just be a lack of quality of life, but it just makes it an infinitely better rpg, a more engrossing world and a far more challenging and engaging video game. Also serves to make social things happen much more frequently.

you mean when high ilvl tanks join the dungeon and pull the entire room? yea its like that, but its not like that for all green noobs trying to level up.

>Retail dungeon elites are like normal mobs

if thats the case, why bother queueing at all if you could easily solo all of them? oh wait you can't, cause thats a lie, faggot.

i resubbed a few weeks ago for classic and have been questing in BfA currently. i should hit 120 tonight so havent seen everything yet

>if thats the case, why bother queueing at all if you could easily solo all of them?
to be fair, blood DK's can do this but they get a pass in my books, not even gonna try and justify how retarded they are.

>People complain all the time about games being too grindy
Morons are not people.

>if thats the case, why bother queueing at all if you could easily solo all of them?
Because queueing for them is both faster and gives you more rewards, while teleporting you to and from the dungeon. I can solo those dungeons, there is simply no point in doing so. It's not even hard, most classes can. Hunters historically even have some hidden things for soloing Mythic dungeons.

Then don't play?

Because nobody even knows where the instance portals are in retail because you never visit them?

>Classic is for nostalgic boomers
I don't like that I'm turning my back to Blizzard, because for many years they could do no wrong. But WOW is really a game that I spent way too much time on during my prime. I was very early 20's when it came out, freshly single, no real job of sorts, spent a lot of time at the gym trying to gain confidence... but then when WOW came out I used it as an excuse to legitimately do nothing for about 4 years. Like, never leave the house, feel awkward going to the fridge to get food if my mum was in the kitchen, feel uncomfortable and irritated if I went out and my friends weren't talking about WOW...

Literally from early 20's to mid 20's I didn't have sex, didn't even talk to a girl, made no career progression, if fact I dropped out of Uni because I wanted to play WOW so much, made no friends, and nothing good came of it other than I had something like 6 lvl 60's.

Jesus Christ I only imagine how my life could have changed if only I went out, talked to people, engaged in the world, chose a career and so on.

I'm really sad for what I missed out on and while it was 'safe' to just sit at home and be awesome in a game, it's not a good path.

>I can solo these dungeons I just don't because it's more convenient not too

yeah okay sure isn't the convenience what you guys hate so much anyway? so why not give yourself that classic feel bro and do something extremely inconvenient for little to no reward?

yall are so full of shit and so hypocritical im not sure whether to be amazed or saddened

It was exactly like that for me when I leveled up in shitty greens. In the open world you can brainlessly run anywhere and pull whatever you want without ever being in danger of dying. Dungeon elites are not much harder than vanilla normal mobs, still soloable in any gear.

Nigger people are soloing +10 Mythics in your shit game.

> people are soloing +10 Mythics in your shit game.

Probably less than 1 percent of the players are doing that, not a valid argument. You have a high enough ilvl you can do a lot, it's always been like this

yeah what OP said, so log out. ill log in and save you from the boredom

It's 650 million dollars a year just from subs at that user level, assuming zero tokens, cash shop items, or account services are purchased. WoW absolutely SHITS money, user. WoW's such a fat revenue stream Blizzard could afford to do the following:

>Waste 4 years on SC: Ghost before scrapping it.
>Waste 7 years on Titan before scrapping it.
>Use 2 years redeveloping Titan into Overwatch.
>Use 9 years to develop Diablo 3, scrapping it twice in the process.
>Develop & launch Hearthstone
>Develop & launch HoTS

While also keeping a WoW content pipeline active. I'll say it again: WoW SHITS money.

You can definitely solo any single elite trash mob in a retail leveling dungeon without difficulty lmao, I'm not sure why you're even arguing this. Soloing all the bosses might be hard but who would even bother to try. You just press the button to get in your wordless group and take your free spec-appropriate item at the end.

You goddamn muppet, why would I make the trip to manually travel to a dungeon, take 10x as long to solo it for LESS experience, gold and gear when I can blitz through it with 5 people who get a 20% stat boost and be instantly teleported to it and then return to what I was doing before.
And yes, convenience making this irrelevant IS a problem, AoE soloing dungeons was a thing in Classic and it mattered, as it will matter now.

>You goddamn muppet, why would I make the trip to manually travel to a dungeon, take 10x as long to solo it for LESS experience, gold and gear


jesus christ how do you even get through life being this much of a fucking stupid cocksucker?


You're missing the point so hard it hurts.

>You have a high enough ilvl you can do a lot
Okay, let's kick it back a bit.
>The expansion has only been out for about two weeks and you've already managed to solo current content. Absolute mad man
How much more item level could this person have possibly gotten in a two week span to completely invalidate this in the first tier of content?

You can't understand the difference because you don't have a soul.

Let me relist the train of thought here.
>Retail WoW is pathetically easy, dungeon elites are as hard as regular mobs should be, it's much better in Classic
>no they're not, if they were, you could solo them
>you very easily can, most classes can, this is well documented
>then why don't you if it's so easy?
>because there's literally no point to do that
>you mean you can't
>no, I mean that the rewards and convenience the game throws at you for grouping up infinitely eclipse anything that soloing the dungeon could reward me with

Ecks. Dee.

>>muh sub drops
>happens literally with every expansion, by that logic, every expac is bad

This is your brain on hormone blockers. TBC and WOTLK didnt have sub drops and is a widely known fact. Perhaps you might feel at home in tranny fantasy?

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Rogue or Warlock if you're not a fag

It's to filter out casualfags and zoomerfags. Not everything in life is handed to you faggots on a silver platter. You have to put in some work sometimes.

shouldn't you be playing fortnite by now?


>Retail WoW is bad because everything is too easy and convenient, its not like this in Classic
>Then why don't you do something hard and inconvenient for little to no reward like literally everything classic?

Delusional classic retards everyone

No one said anything about convenience for the first part, it was literally just "man, this is so easy you could solo it".

>Game has a day/night cycle and weather again

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hit max comfy when the rain hit in silverpine when i could actually play earlier. i want back in. its raining irl now

>WoW sucks because it's not good because things like LFD/LFR exist

This entire argument basically boils down to waaaaaah it's too EASY and CONVENIENT now. So you have ways of making retail hard and inconvenient, just like the old days, but you bitch because it's inconvenient, while sitting in an 8 hour queue for classic. Big stupid



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They had sub drops, but they were replaced by normies FOMOing in.

and youre here in a classic thread desperately trying to defend bfa
the only reason were here is because too many people are playing our game and were waiting
if your game was so fun youd be playing it. at least if you werent worried/upset you wouldnt be here multiple messages deep in tears just calling people stupid cuz you cant do anything about it.

i'm lmao

for a second i thought i made a new WoW friends. Goodbye dwarf priest

>if your game was fun you'd be playing it

bitch i'm at work or else i would. as soon as i get home i'm playing the SUPERIOR version of the game that doesn't take 6 hours to get me into my server, while you are here endlessly opening up your tab only to see the queue drop at a snails pace....

cuck :^)

>classic so good retail gets cancelled and shutdown

This pic has aged well

>subs drop
Bahahaha the game the dying and shit
>subs maintain or increase
Bahahaha it's just FOMO so doesnt count lmaoooo

You're not trying very hard. I bet you'll say its Blizzard inflating the numbers next

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>logout to go make some food and chill
>come back an hour later
>log into whitemane
>16k que


I'm convinced that you people play the game, and are just baiting for (you)'s.
>getting this angry about fucking WoW of all things
can't be real

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Goddamn this is truly the most depressing era in gaming history. Fucking Pong was a golden age compared to this shit. WoW is the most boring, cartoonish, grindy trash ever made, and people praise it. We are fucked.

so you're just a retard with no willpower it sounds like

will people bring me to dungeons as a cat druid?

Not unless they have no other choices desu. Make friends.

Why does this game cause so much rage on Yea Forums?

I would play if it was BC, not vanilla.

>what do you think is gonna happen when they turn the servers into TBC classic
that would be fucking stupid
at that point i would just quit cuz you can only assume tehy're going to go through all the expansions

Will this game die out as an mmorpg since people are treating it as a nostalgic niche fad supposedly? Or is it gonna stay super active for good? Somebody tell me so I can decide whether I should dedicate to wow classic now.

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really couldn't say, Yea Forums has been full of contrarian faggots for a long time but classic wow threads take the cake

people shitting and pissing themselves over other people playing a game they themselves won't play just boggles the noggin

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Back in the day you would use lower rank spells depending on your mana and if it was still beneficial. t. Old wow fag

i wanna know too but nobody fucking knows. and honestly the game is looking fucking dated
it needs quality of life features because the zones/character models/animations look awful

You're kidding yourself if you think the Warlock or Paladin mounts, even the Epic ones, amount to more than a fraction of epic mount training.

It’s a gamble right now and that’s why I’m still hesitant on dedicating myself to it. Are they planning on adding a stream of future content? That might make it more stable. Otherwise I don’t see why people would still stick to retail, it’s like people sticking to runescape 3 instead of oldschool runescape.

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because people that quit WoW refuse to accept that others still enjoy it. classic and retail niggers are the same, tho. classic boomers can't understand why people want WoW with actual content and quality of life improvements, while retail zoomers look down on boomers for wanting an older, shittier version.

vietnamese moot should just make /wow/ already, and let both sides kill each other.

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yeah but if they're not adding any future content who really gives a shit?
dedicating two years of grinding just to be like ...k im finally done

How long can I be afk before I get kicked?

smolderweb or blomo

I believe 30min but thats to character screen and then another 30min for full log out

Aaaaaaaaah I want to play this game but I cant because life.
I hope you guys are enjoying it, from what Ive seen, it looks comfy as fuck with a nice and friendly playerbase.

Someone post comfy pictures please, like mulgore or barrens. And pics from big cities so we can see how crowded it is. /cheer

I've never understood why some people have such a hate boner for character customization. Like that guy who was sperging about being able to customize your officer in Astral Chain, or those people who say the new Modern Warfare should just have every character on each side look the same.

>make alienware joke in global
>no one gets it


>all these seething millennial manchildren desperately trying to convince everyone how much fun eating shit is
today is a good day

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ur not funny, not even by boomer standards

the fuck is everyone's obsession with Full servers?

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what was the alienware joke?


I never played Vanilla and I am having fun with classic. Am I doing something wrong?

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Gee maybe it's because all of you no-life, no-taste, no-skill fucking morons played this absolute shit game so much that every developer for ten years tried to copy it? It's almost like if millions of retards throw millions of dollars at a shitty product, it leads to more shitty products! WOW!

This game is fucking BAD. You literally stand there and press one button every few seconds, then move ten feet and do it again, then repeat that for the entire game. There is no immersion. There is no skill. There is nothing remotely fun or engaging about it, but you fucking insect people have made developers think that they don't have to make good games anymore, just button-pushing grind simulators with little dangling rewards every time you fart.

retail trannies can't comprehend that their game is shit.

No you're just a piece of shit who got addicted to a game and that's on the assumption that it's remotely close to being true. Do the world a favor and make like the trannies and an hero.

there was a period of time when Yea Forums ridiculed WoW and lamented the state of the mmo industry after the wowificaton of the genre happened. Now in zoomer stream watcher Yea Forums its hailed as a masterpiece and “hardcore” when it was considered casual in its contemporary era. Marketing and the false mythos about classic created by retarded youtubers was strong.

When you typed all that out, did you honestly think what you were saying would convince anyone of your point?

You're only hurting yourself by coming across as a raving lunatic over a videogame, unless you treat Yea Forums as your own personal therapy session and just vent out whatever inane drivel you happen to have on the brain, which I can actually respect more than sincere, impotent whining.

Don't waste your time. Yesterday I had no queue. Today it was at least 5 hours. It's nowhere near that good

>sitting in que for 45min to finally get in
>See a fucking line for my quest mobs
>line up for 25+ min waiting for my turn
>Finally get to my turn
>somebody running by tags it

Welp, maybe I'll get 2 quests done tonight before I have to go to sleep because I have work tomorrow.

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dude why the fuck would you even waste your time if you gotta work tomorrow? go do something else...jesus christ i feel sorry for you

I have been waiting for classic ever since the announced it. I was going to take tomorrow off to play but I probably won't if it's just going to be this all day.

Guys I've been in the queue for 7 hours, I think I might die.

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i started playing in mists of pandaria and i think classic holds up very well for today's standards.

in fact, it feels much more friendly to newcomers since there aren't 50 expansions stacked up on top of each other. the difficulty respects the players ability as well, really fun to actually be near death when leveling.

Asmon is that you?

>yurr a lunatic drivel over a vidya game hurr durrr
shut the fuck up, queer, and accept that not only am I right, I'm so right that deep in your little rat brain, you know it but won't ever admit it. WoW represents the most boring skinner box of a fucking excuse for a game ever made, closer to some sort of fucked up social experiment to get retards addicted to a terrible quality product then convince them it's actually the best product ever. It's a complete failure, and so are you.

>People complain all the time about games being too grindy and having artificial game lengtheners
only casual normies who dont want to put any effort in.

Why? It's not even fun.

Since my friends are wagies and arrive home at 6 when the queue is at its worst, it possible for me to log in into an account, queue, then once they arrive to their homes you log off so they log in skipping queue? Dc protection should be enabled but I’m not sure if blizzard blocks account because you logged in from different ip’s in a short time

Well *This* sure isn't fun. I'm hoping it will get better.
I'm thinking of re-rolling on a smaller server

dont. it's not worth it, no video game is..
>taking work off for a video game
this is honestly depressing. i mean this in the most non-offensive way but you must have a sad life..

just have them remote desktop log in to their computers to start the queue early

>this is honestly depressing.

faaaaag. im taking like 2 days off when cyberpunk comes out

whats inane drivel is your ad hominem reply to his cognizant points about how WoW is and always casual tripe that ruined mmorpgs and gaming to a greater extent because of blizzard’s wide reaching influence, not to mention a whole generation raised on playing a skinner box

lol what are you 10? go to work

i just started and im new but i like playing druid so far this game is comfy after work with some food and weed

Not him but holy shit you're a retard. The level of seethe, cope and whatever else is going on in your head is amazing. I bet if a psychologist studied these posts by you, they would have the case of the century on their hands. Just accept that some people are going to enjoy classic wow, some people will enjoy retail and some people will enjoy tranny fantasy for some reason. Take it easy friendo

i got in instantly when i played tonight around 10:30pm will the queues be like the all the time? i play on azuresong

>work full time

I don't have time for this shit, I'd like to but nah.
I have time to enjoy the bfa formula though.

>this rubberbanding "instance not found" shit again
bruh, i'm not even going to be able to hit 20 today

Fuck off... I've been waiting for 4 hours, I reach 700 waiting on the list, and now the waiting list doesn't want to go down.

This is pissing me off to be honest, it's just 15 dollars, but I honestly feel like I lost a 1000 due to the massive disappointment from the shit I've played from yesterday and this morning.
>Long queues that takes hours
>People are making retarded lines for bosses that take 15 minutes to load
>Beginner zone is unplayable due to mobs getting killed every microsecond.
>Entering into cities might lead to an insta-crash which means you have to wait even longer in the queue
What a trap, gib my 15 bucks back blizzard!

how can i enable auto run?

I don't understand why people normally defend paying monthly these days. People would shit down on any one that did such a thing years ago.

Now its frowned upon when people dont wanna give money to blizzard.
Back then it was to help maintain server and to get content like patches.

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i dont mind paying $15 dollars once to try the game if i dont like it i dont mind i make $15 with one hour of work so its nbd

i have unlimited time off why not use it?

Get help...

What server
Most of my friends are standing strong and stayed on herod, dealing with 6 hour queues on average
Newer ones have about 15-45 min waits

>Be honest
ok, the genre has always been shit, you know why? people are shit, and people who play video games online, that require large communities, that can go on forever are more shit than the rest. Games aren't supposed to be jobs, they never were intended to be.

Well, it's not only a money thing but the main problem is that free games have been much more widespread and everything is trying to grab your attention and have you spend time on it. Blizzard in this day and age to ask for a monthly sub for retail or classic is a hard sell considering the surrounding environment and offerings available.

Which is why there is a lot of speculation now if WOW Classic can keep its momentum once the nostalgia trip will end for people. Most likely, Blizzard will somehow shit the bed managing the game, but they are already doing a fine job with the queues and everything fucking up already.

>3 years
Imagine being a casual like this thinking your opinion means anything

You can blame part of the players for that. The moment they have to grind out something for a reward the loud minority flood the forums with crying

>finally get in
>world server is down
I swear to fuck if I lose my spot over this

>old internet fun
Good luck. Even if all the other shit was back to the way it was it's still new Blizzard. Enjoy your ban in a week.

We’re having fun and you aren’t nanananana na

Next time use that power to not seethe at a post.

the difference between Alliance and Horde is startling. I played a night elf and everyone in Teldrassil was acting like a happy hippie, then tried an orc and everyone in Durotar was insulting each other and trolling in general chat

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reminder that no one actually plays classic. it's just bait to shitpost about.

>Waiting hours to get into a game so you can stand in line.
>"At least we're having fun"

Who are you trying to convince?

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>”I don’t see more than 100 people in the city on my server”

That’s because they’re out playing the game instead of sitting in town all day like you


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>low polygon emotionless sprite full of soul


towns dont get populated until a bit later.
It was like this even on FRESH private servers.

The reason being is that not much urgency to use the auction house, no guilds need to wait for raid buffs and not many are skilled with professions to make a profit out of it yet.
Also no one is waiting around for 60 dungeons.

Usually towns are so full because of people just afking and trying to make money with these things I just listed.
or organising a group.

>Waaahhh stop liking what I don't like.
I still enjoy it.

Because people spent months pre-launch being against merging servers because they thought it would ruin the community.

>weeks or months grinding for enough gold to get a shitty slow ass mount
Fucking kek, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about

Must have been an rp server.

All jokes aside the interest for classic will evaporate in a few months
literally no future for the game since it's just rehashing the game that's been out for 15 years already and they can't take it in a different direction. Just going to relive the same patches (if we are lucky) and same bullshit we suffered through for 15 years all over again.

Also it will never be the same without people playing at 10fps, 1000ms lag, and keyboard turning like they did back then.
Soulless cash in.

I know this is bait but
>Retail is better than classic
Retail is basically a mobile game that you pay $15 a month to silently do chores every day for a chance at a lootbox for a chance at some specifically engineered incremental dopamine hits.
Classic wow was made by people who play and enjoy video games. Battle for Azeroth was not. BFA was engineered by psych majors using spreadsheets and focus groups to find the most optimal way to waste your fucking time.

>half of the classic "updated" addons don't work

incredible. epic.

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wow classic is a skinner box that Skinner himself would love to study

Apart of me would like to think classic could live a little longer.

I feel like history might repeat itself and other people will make MMORPGS to capture the spark that made classic appealing.
But with that being said I could worry that games could try to copy WoW again and history repeats itself as a disaster.

never the less, the mmorpg scene has been starving for new games. Hopefully something good will come out of all of this.

Vanilla WoW was the game that caused mmos to stagnate

Vs classic where class balance was shit. Druid tanking? Wack. Paladin dps? Wack. Perma sap abuse? Wack

Retail and classic are both garbage. You should play either Superman 64, Duke Nukem Forever, Sonic 2006, or Starbound. Those games are way better.

I pity classic players. It is like that 50 year old that sits at a bar all day and won't stop going on about how he played football in high school.

>that 50 year old that sits at a bar all day and won't stop going on about how he played football in high school.
that doesn't exist. way to out yourself as a social retard

Wotlk was and even a bit of BC did that too. Vanilla WoW was brand new and completely dominated online video games and for a good reason. It's the most complete MMO ever made and perfected the genre. Every expansion afterwards just spent time dumbing down the original

Finally got in and the absolute fucking blob of players during the intro cutscene is side obliterating.

I almost feel embarrassed for the human race to be honest, to flock to an absolute dogshit of an MMO like it's the next coming of Christ. That's 15 dollars wasted just for laughs.

You are correct.
But classic is not a themepark MMORPG
If other mmorpgs were to follow classic wow and notice the social interaction involved. It could be a step to the right direction.

Either that or another WoW clone.

Best thing about this whole classic thing for me is all the people coming out of the woodworks saying the same things I have said for nearing many years.

what player owned cities exist in vanilla wow? oh wait its a themepark mmo thats a dumbed down EQ

dude people have been saying this about WoW since WoW came out. Its only recently that the consensus about the game changed. Everyone whos over 25 that isnt a WoW player knows what a negative force Classic WoW was on gaming as a whole

ignore him, he doesnt know what theme park means

WoW is still amazing. It's the best and worst thing to happen to MMOs and RPGs. It perfected the modern online experience while at the same time destroying all the older more "hardcore" gaming experiences.

I am just saying that with current mmorpgs this is maybe the right direction.

I understand why you would dislike WoW for good reason, but I am trying to make my point about something else.

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>But classic is not a themepark MMORPG

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>level 13
>zero money

How much copper must I farm to get the silver I need to buy white vendor armor?

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you have to be the most ass hurt faggot in this entire thread dude, jesus.

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Fuck bro i played on my 7330gz laptop with a special edition 3.4ghz pentium 4 processor and intel extreme R graphics, ran the game on all low settings at a solid 50fps in the world and down to 20fps in a city. In raids i had a consistent 30fps.
Now i bitch with anything less than 100fps.

No theres nothing positive about WoW. It didn't perfect the online aspect of anything. Past and Present there have been far better MMOs like Darkfall/SWG/Eve that allow players to immerse themselves in a living breathing world like how a MMO should be. The popularity of WoW and the fact that it shit's money doomed us to themepark mmo after themepark mmo, to this day the most popular MMOs follow more or less WoW's model. Not to mention WoW by proxy ruined other genres like fps games due to WoW developers branching out(Overwatch)

>Not a themepark MMO

It absolutely fucking is. If you want to see what a non-themepark MMO looks like, play pre-NGE SWG. By all means, WoW is and was a themepark MMO. This is as dumb as that zoomer who would claim Halo was an arena shooter.

Themepark MMORPG
>rush to max or pay to skip the "line"
>do endgame dailies/raids/pvp for 90% of the game

>75% of the game is getting to 60, which could possibly take the exploration of the entire world to accomplish
>25% is end-game raiding and pvp

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>lvl 10 stuck in barrens
>every quest is orange or red
>getting curbstomped by a single quillboar
>retailfags dont want to group up

what the fuck is this post?

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post your level or you're big gay

You already made your point that the only MMO you ever played was WoW any game that used it as a template for their own.

Go play an emulated version of SWG if you want idea of what a sandbox MMO is. Or hell go play EVE.

>75% of the game is getting to 60, which could possibly take the exploration of the entire world to accomplish

People are literally racing to level the fasting in Classic and the most autistic people are already level 37-38.

For all you people who think vanilla-wrath is just nostalga goggles and retail is superior, let me ask you this;

How come all the good wow machinimas stopped getting made after cata launched?

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I bought a sub for this because I enjoyed playing on Nost but I just don't have the time for this now that I have a full time job. 3 hours a day just isn't adequate for vanilla.

professions you idiot

the fact that he thinks people will want to explore zones of a decade old mmo that also has had numerous priv servers is cute. Theres no exploring to be done, as the target demographic of the game already knows what lies beyond every corner

I'm engineering/mining but the little amount of copper I can gather after fighting people for nodes goes towards dynamite.

>implying the vast majority of people playing classic have are not doing so for their very first time since vanilla is over 15 years old and the people who have played it are basically dead now

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Pretty much this. It was the same case for Everquest when progression servers were created in 2006 and 2011. People knew exactly what to look for, what were the best zones to grind in, and just weeks later people were completed the OG raid content.

Go tirisfal and quest there from 10-12.

should have went for tailoringchad

>tfw falling for blizzard's ploy to inflate subscriber numbers to save face for shareholders since BFA bombed

>its 15 years old thus you don't remember
When I replayed EQ1, I knew exactly where everything was for even shit like Upper and Lower Guk. I sure as fuck know where things are in a game like WoW where their instance dungeons are lot more straight forward. Fuck off you faggot.

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Can't remember something you never played! At least for me it's an entirely different game since i started post cata.

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When does rogue gets fun? I'm 14 and everything on Westfall kills me or takes forever to kill. Other classes like mages, locks even fucking pallys do their quests like a breeze.

I'm about to reroll