Attached: Opus Magnum - Face Powder (80G, 75, 14, 2019-08-27-23-47-08).gif (826x647, 980K)

just play more

Attached: Opus Magnum - Stabilized Water (40G, 130, 7, 2019-08-25-01-08-51).gif (826x647, 1.28M)

nvm i'm retarded

Attached: Opus Magnum - Stabilized Water (40G, 83, 7, 2019-08-28-05-08-15).gif (826x647, 930K)

Why do you drop the molecule after binding it? Cant you rotate it over one more time and let it calcify the water anyway? Itll also end the loop closer to the water atom.

Its been a while since Ive played but Im pretty sure it works that way

yeah, i only realized that after posting

Attached: Opus Magnum - Hyper-volatile Gas (270G, 137, 91, 2019-08-25-23-29-11).gif (826x647, 2.4M)

damn, i love seeing these

I think you need to rethink the way youre looking at the games geometry. The most apparent (and least effective) optimization you can make is rotating the output so you dont have to swivel at the end to drop it
With some similar changes (my solution would involve moving the rune up and switching those two arms) I can see a few more optimizations

Acquire a PhD in Operations Research.

Redpill me on this game

>finished a game
>never used pic related part
am I pleb?

Attached: Opus-Magnum-Hair-Product-2017-12-13-16-09-36.gif (826x647, 1.69M)

it isn't for brainlets

It's a puzzle game disguised as a mechanical programming game.

I only found solutions with them in the later parts of the game and even then it hurt my head

Get smart.

I used the 6's for a few (admittedly inefficient) levels.

I like this game

Attached: Opus Magnum - Synthesis Via Alcohol (285G, 98, 62, 2019-08-28).gif (826x647, 1.8M)

Far from ideal, but better

Attached: Opus Magnum - Face Powder (100G, 38, 13, 2019-08-27-18-34-06).gif (826x647, 711K)

You just keep on refining them down. Focus on one axis at a time. I like to come up with a solution that optimises each axis individually then try to do one which gets as low as I can on all three.

>disguised as a mechanical programming game
What would a real mechanical programming game look like?

to get the fastest possible solutions you need to take out a piece every other frame. not always possible, but often is.

Attached: Opus Magnum - Face Powder (90G, 26, 13, 2019-08-27-19-47-48).gif (826x647, 693K)

Attached: Curious Disposal.webm (1190x738, 1.47M)

Attached: 1509745859305.webm (986x1378, 318K)

What the fuck is this game?

Wouldn't that make your game way slower? What am I talking I'm never even seen this game before

It's a logic/puzzle game from zachtronics. It's not terribly difficult to make solutions that work, but the most satisfying part is optimizing the solutions for speed which takes a lot of knowledge about the game's mechanics. There's a built in tool to make .gifs of the solutions so you can easily share them. It was really popular for a couple weeks when it launched.

It's loss.

Did they ever implement a reason to build your contraptions more compact, or have it build more molecules per minute or whatever?

>mfw I see it.

Attached: 1559558494427.jpg (500x597, 43K)

I don't think they ever implemented any sort of reward for doing any of that. It was just competing with leaderboards if you wanted to.

kek i got it

Attached: 15032719_713873528780487_1152059985068817697_n.png (225x225, 74K)

Is this loss?

Challenge puzzles can be area limited.