>Le uncounterable ogre man of unlimited gold and 100% winrates
Defend this.
Le uncounterable ogre man of unlimited gold and 100% winrates
Why are you allowing Alchemist to freefarm
>implying alchemist isn't shit unless you have teammates going out of there way to allow for an under 20 radiance
Just ward his jungle
>playing dota2
He can easily 6 slot in 26 minutes of just lane farm
release the patch already you lazy fucking frog
Then gank his lane dude
He’s garbage in solo queue at divine and above
Why are u letting him freefarm?
Literally just fucking gank him early and make his farm as unsafe as possible
The same strategy works for most carries, but it is especially true for Alchemist because while he can recover in farm, his stat growth is pretty bad meaning he can't really stand toe-to-toe with a better carry with equal farm
>how do i counter alche?
>lmao just kill him
>Just do what a TI team couldn't do after anticipating him and building a team specifically to counter him!
I still don't know you counter slark.
>Goes untargetable for 5 seconds
>Purge that deals damage
>4 second snare
>Lol stole 300 agil so we lost
AoE, halberd/ghost scepter
>playing team based games
>playing 40 minute long team based games
defend this
>most contested carry of TI
>lol just gank him
>implying you're above even 4k
Just stall and outscale him with a better hero, duh.
Alchemist, just like sniper, is just a siege weapon that takes zero brainpower. If you see one doing good and you're above the 10% of worst players in the game, it's because his team is doing everything in their power to ensure he's doing good, from picking strategies to counterwarding and scouting.
>unlimited gold
there's nothing but counters against him
the only thing keeping him alive is BKB and when that runs out, he's just fodder
if you want a better alchemist, play Magina
>against a better team
are you saying the people in your shit mmr are better than you?
That's not Bloodseeker.
If there's Bloodseeker on the enemy team it's a guaranteed loss after he goes 38/0/40 running around at 800 movement speed 1shotting people
>pick axe
>shit on his laning phase
>buy a blademail later
>call him and kill him ezpz
he is cucked by save, glimmer destroys his initial burst (also some builds don't have slots for dust, treads+midas+wand+wraith is already 4 items then you need echo/sb or bkb/diffusal to kill fast) and force gets you out of the situation if your heroes don't have built in tools to deal with him. if the initial jump get botched he loses a lot of effectiveness, even just living long enough on a 5 so he has to commit most of his ult to kill you is usually enough to ruin his fight. preemptive sentries pretty much make him useless which is why most people have been moving away from lothars.
Bloodseeker is easy shit compared to Riki, who has a short cooldown backstab that oneshots casters and an ult that makes him invulnerable. Not even counting the fact that you have to buy wards and place them on every square inch of the map, along with carry dust. What a shit hero.
Alch is only a good carry because like AM, he can flash farm and end earlier before other better carries come online. Restrict his farm and he will be playing keep up.
>implying pubbies have the mental capacity to play around an alch
Like I said, he's like AM: You gotta fight a little while without him while he farms and stacks jungle. Pros can do that easy, your average dotard cannot.
do i really have to spam W to use huskarr's auto enhancer? im new to the game
why would you start playing this in 2019? quit
Right click the ability. It is now auto cast. You do want to occasionally just click it normally instead of relying on auto cast.
Right click the skill
Is underlord any good? I stopped playing before he was released but he's the sole reason why I want to download it
You can set it to autocast.
I personally just use quick cast and spam W during laning stage.
I love these kinds of reasonings.
"Lol just gank him bro"
"Lol just TP out of the fight lol"
"Lol just buy this item for 6k at minute 2 lol"
Dota 2 has balance issues that go beyond "just" doing something easy to counter it.
they are completely different timings, am is a throw hero that needs like 25-28 minutes of farm minimum to be a threat and is not truly scary until around 35 minutes, alch is first phase ban and needs 15-20 max before you have to be scared of rad+bkb/ac. considering only the time out of laning am is almost 3x slower.
alt W is what the pro press to use autocast
Ancient Apparition hard counters him though
He's one of my favourite big dick off laners. Just stroll into lane, clear a couple of creep waves and right click shit to death while you root them indefinitely.
True. I said "like" though, because conceptually they are similar in the aspect they carry because they farm faster than other carries. I might be a bit behind as well because I don't know if they changed Alch's stat gain which is one of the reasons why before level 6 he is pretty easy to gank.
It's not the balance with the game, it's the balance with you and your team.
Bad players blame the game, professionals blame themselves.
He's item-dependent so nullifier should deal with him alongside AA
Fuck the haters, play him mid.
2K scrubs reasoning about TI
Itt's a different game at that level
Haven't played for 2 years but did they remove denies? Because you have to deny him and ward his jungle.
>playing Huskar
Huskar is good, shitter.
>Alch makes a mistake
>Experiences a small speed bump before going straight back to farming
>Other team makes a mistake
>Alch immediately gains an insurmountable gold lead, becomes immortal and ends the game
but yeah he's totally fair
Unlike in competitive you can pick his counters and abuse how uncoordinated players are.
His winrate isn't even crazy. I honestly think a handful of the offlanes/supports need buffs. Batrider specifically comes to mind. Basically falling out of existance at the fifteen minute mark sucks. I've had plenty of games where I went 6/0, but as things go on, I just drop off and can't score anything. Flaming lasso's damage sucks ass, and the oil buff only matters for firefly and turnrate.
Bloodcyka is a pubstomper, plain and simple. He's not that hard to deal with if your team is paying attention.
He's diving you as a support? Get Euls. Outlasts most of his blademail and floats you over his silence, all without moving. Then just disable him and run away.
He's diving you as an AGI hero? Why were you out that far alone early game? Kinda deserve it. TP out anyway because i'm pretty sure that doesn't kill you, and the AGI gives you enough armor to survive.
Playing a STR hero? Don't fight back, laugh as you outlast/cc him before the stun goes off. By that point you should have enough survivability to not get bursted.
And in ANY of these situations, if your team is paying any attention at all, they'll rotate with TP scrolls because this is still in laning phase, when his ult is good, and kick his shit in.
LMAO TI9 finals prove you wrong big time.
I know people are gonna be like, just don't let him farm lul. But he changes the way the games is played so hard, it requires a lot more co-ordination and control of the map than normal for a pub team
And, all these are assuming the guy goes with the pubstompy first-item blademail build. if he doesn't even have that, fight back until you can run, or tp out if you need to. stops him from getting big, and that kills the average bloodcyka stomper.
explain this, dotards.
Guys, is there shortcut to enable/disable autocast? Playing ench and don't want to right click impetus all the time.
That's simple, hitboxes.
Atleast post some Shackleshot memery if you want something that can't be explained.
I'm more worried about your bird, user
hook's very wide, bristle walked into its hit box at the last possible second. not very hard to understand if you've played pudge at least once, thing is massive.
Ancient apparition and armor reduction.
I actually don't think that's bugged. It's the hitbox for the hook. It's bigger than the actual hook, which usually makes it a little forgiving. I agree it should "correct" in this case to the enemy hero. But that's the price of having a skillshot that affects allies be forgiving. BB was in line first and got pulled. Sucks, but that's it.
Alt+skill hotkey or just right click it.
git gud, I beat this fag all the time.
your mistake is assuming the hitbox is the tip of the hook. that's not how hooks work.
me again, just finished playing huskarr for the first time. i like it but its attacks feel a bit slow for me.
Heroes i enjoyed playing so far
what should i try next? i like DPS heroes
that's nothing compared to Lion earth spike
shhhh. don't ruin my free MMR hero
he's getting the shit nerfed out of him
Whoops, posted the wrong pic
I decided to play batrider the other day and holy shit what you said is true. I would be making absolutely great lassos during team fights, targeting cores or out of place supports, always at least getting them into kill range. Then suddenly I couldn't do shit, all I did was mildly annoy the enemy.
At least -13 second flame break is fucking bonkers.
>Arcana soon
Based two headed ogre