Reimu in Smash is basically inevitable

The stars are aligning.

With all these leaks pointing towards her, with the hundreds of posts on Yea Forums going in the general direction, as well as countless proven claims that give the intention that Reimu is most likely:
>Sakurai's favorite genre is Shmups
>Touhou is responsible for inspiring Undertale, creating a historic stigma around the series.
>The sheer amount of popularity in Japan, with several festivals centered around Touhou.
>The amount of cameos in mainline games, Namco composed a Touhou song, ZUN saying he would love to work with Nintendo.

In that rare case that Reimu may not be a character in the DLC slots, I'd be fine with it. If you want your Leons, Crashes, Doomguys, and whatever, Its fine if they make it in.

I'm just saying that Reimu, with all this, has the finger pointed at her for the next contender.

I'll be excited if she does end up being the one, but I won't be disappointed if she isn't.

Attached: reimusass.gif (480x480, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:スマブラ 霊夢&src=typd,19472.msg1252539.html#msg1252539

I just want a cute anime girl in Smash.

Everyone wants her in. Its better than another FE rep.

I don't believe anything in the OP makes it inevitable, but I'd still be happy to see her in.

Reimu's final smash?
Everyone turns into clones of her.

I really want the leaks to be Reimu, but they match up with Nakoruru more.

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everybody dies at the end of the show "dinosaurs"

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This is very epic!


Let's get it

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I don't think Reimu will get in, but at least she fits the criteria of a female fighter with a flying weapon way better than Kasumi.

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This makes me very happy. : )

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Western Normies suck

Holy shit you Reimu assholes NEVER shit up.

We get, you hate everything and want to spoil everything.

You got your point across.

Now fuck you.

You sound upset.

Did you even read the fucking OP?
Clearly he wouldn't mind any other choice if Reimu doesn't make it.

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seething Doomtranny

don't worry! I have plenty of piss for you too user!

That aside, awhile reimu in smash is probably more likely, Marrissa is by far the better option. she has way more oppertunities for an interesting moveset, has a more compelling design and character.

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I think she would bring a unique aesthetic
I don't really know what touho is besides being an out of control indie monster with a million fan-games and comics
but it would be cool to learn
if Nintendo ever does a segment in a direct where they explain what Touho is to non-JP audiences then it's a lock

>render looks like it was made in the fucking stage creator

Never played Samsho but if it's true then congrats to the fans of the series. Kind of a weird choice for an SNK rep though.

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Katawa shoujo is a trash series and I’m glad you niggers don’t get a say in anything

>katawa shoujo

Holy shit that would actually be awesome

What in the hell are you saying?

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Just make the HRtP yin-yang orb one of her specials and I'll accept it.

>Sakurai's favorite genre is Shmups

Sir this is Touhou, you got the wrong game.

Close enough

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He said it in a interview, Let me see if I can find which interview he said it in. I'll post it when I find it.

If the thread dies before that time, then RIP.

There aren't many long-running video game series left that are notable both in and outside Japan.
Reimu unironically has a chance and even if it won't happen this time, it's just a matter of time.

I hope its not Reimu and it turns out to be either Marissa or Cirno.

I researched it, He hasn't said it, but its very heavily implied.

With the mechanics of shooters that he implemented in Kid Icarus Uprising, and the credits for Ultimate, He generally enjoyed making those since he likes the genre. He also loved playing them too, so that's why Kid Icarus is heavily focused on it.

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Hey look its the new trashly fags, back to shit up the board

Go back to your discord

Honestly I would bet more on Sakura
Why would you represent a series without his mc?

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Why would you represent Samurai Showdown with a character that isn't Haohmaru?

Female flying weapon ain't happening
Milk's claims are faulty since there's no way in Hell, they would've gotten the Fourth Fighters Pass character in development all the way back in December for it to make sense
It also assumed they'd allow some random shmuck who doesn't even work there to be given entry to visit Bamco and see for his own eyes the DLC in development
The kimono shit is also faulty
It claims Crash negotiations were still going on despite the fact that DLC being finalized would indicate those negotiations already have been finished and it claims to be from an overseas leaker who, if you Google, has no real evidence of ever existing

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What's a show?

Don't forget almost every single Kirby game since the first one having a shmup segment.

ZUN did a fantastic job giving Cirno such a derpy face

Very good point there.

Thanks Otis, you sure do cut through the nonsense in these threads

I can rephrase your first sentence from
"Female flying weapon ain't happening"
"Female flying weapon may happen."

There's no definite trusted leak about if crash, leon, phoenix, reimu, or any other fighters gets into smash. All we can do is wait for a trusted leak fag to spill the beans, or wait for the reveal ourselves.

I'm just saying that its just pointing in the general direction, and did I mention any of the kimono and leak shit? No, No I didn't.

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>"did I mention any of the kimono and leak shit?"
>looks to OP: "With all these leaks pointing towards her,"
ok then OPfag

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I'm gonna go ahead and play devil's advocate for OP
The leaks he could be referring to could be the January shit, the AoCF shit, and the pictures from earlier
Which is less retarded than the Milk and Kimono crap
However, each one of them are also flawed
Coincidences exist (remember the Adeleine pic) so there goes January
The AoCF leaker thinks 70 percent of what he hears is bogus anyways
The picture leak uses Katakana instead of Kanji for Reimu's name and has a noticeable white smudge on her hair that shouldn't be there.

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Touhoufags. Buddies. You guys are fuckin delusional! Your series isn’t as important as you say, and has no where near the impact that Persona, Dragon Quest, or even Banjo-Kazooie have. I know you guys think it’s 90% gonna happen based off a shitty, improbable leak that every one believes as gospel, but you need to realize no one gives two shits about Touhou outside of small circle jerk groups on websites only neets browse, like Yea Forums!

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based otis poster

Hey Shake, is true you are a virgin?

Go to bed shake

WE DID IT REDDITスマブラ 霊夢&src=typd

I’ve had many, MANY hoes, including the one known as Reimu

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>Says as OP states Touhou has inspired Undertale, one of the most influential indies of all time.

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Yeah and somehow Undertale is 10x more popular than Touhou

no its not retard. Undertale doesn't have the convention power touhou has.

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Keep being delusional

>many hoes
Like Danny?

Why are nips suddenly talking about Reimu?

Sure, in America

Japan isn’t even 5% of the world


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well you see
>kimono "leak" every gullible idiot in Japan is flocking to
>the picture leak from Yea Forums a few weeks back
>the non demanded female character shit from two days ago that picked up steam after the Overwatch case

You can't bullshit your way out of this one, Shake.

That isn’t me. No way you can prove it

Where's that kimono leak?

It's a Japanese game.

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Dom't heard Shake, he is a lorser who has to lie about not being virgin even when there is nobody around to listen him.

>The Smash cast proceeds to destroy the shrine by accident.

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Ok so why didnt it happen in Smash 4?

There were Reimu supporters in Smash 4, but it doesn't compare to the support there is now.

Except the next character has a mecha, so it's not Reimu. Unless Hisoutensoku counts?

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Ok so you admit that being popular in Japan didnt matter then but it matters now?

>Right now the team and I are working on the DLC. This includes the already announced Joker from Persona 5, fighter #2, fighter #3 and one more thing (translation note: literally ???, something). Please look forward to the DLC!
While the tweet is from May 1st, Pushdustin states it was sent on Ultimate's release date so
December 7th 2018
Earliest claim that a female character was spotted by the Nip leaker is December 14th
While he didn't mention the details of the character until months later in June, the fact stands that he claims that his source stated that a female character will be DLC.
He didn't know the name but he knew the gender, that points to him seeing a model all the way back in December and we were only given updates about in June.
Now before you make your argument saying the actual details didn't come until June let me say this.
Correct me if I'm wrong but given the amount of time between December and June, shouldn't the female model have enough detail to be properly recognized by him if lets say he revisited Nintendo and saw the female model again.
We know Hero and Banjo are the second and third fighters but do you really think they'd begin work on the fourth fighter long before the other two are even near being finished while being under a deadline and seven days after Sakurai's post saying they were only working on two more fighters and "something else" (likely Stage Builder) at the time?
We can interpret this in the following
>The Japanese twitter user's source mistook the model for something else
>He's flat out lying and got lucky
>Smash's DLC development cycle is a bigger mess than we thought
>visited Nintendo
>Which is located in Kyoto
>When Smash is developed by Sora LTD
>Which is in Tokyo

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I meant to say that it was small, but it became bigger and bigger as more came in.

yuugi in smash

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Threadly reminder
>Reimu had a crossover appearance with Kirby in another Bandai Namco title
>Bandai Namco has experience with the Touhou series
>Bandai Namco also made remixes of Touhou music
>Bandai Namco also has licenses to Touhou fan music
>Touhou is a pop culture phenomenon in Japan with two major conventions every year
>Sega and Nintendo sold arrange CDs at Reitaisai,19472.msg1252539.html#msg1252539
>ZUN had officially given Nintendo a license, allowing Band Brothers players to upload music based on all Team Shanghai Alice albums
>3 Touhou fangames and an official spin-off is coming to Switch fairly soon
>Luna Nights possibly has an exclusive Cirno boss for the Nintendo Switch port
>Reimu's amiibo will sell like hotcakes
>Leak mentions Rare Replay which was confirmed by Sabi, a very credible insider to be true, mentions DQ ports a month before DQ11's port got its release date announced and also mentions Touhou ports which are coming fairly soon
>5ch AoCF Switch leaker mentions Reimu, Yukari, Sanae and Kanako in Smash

Reimu has her chances, but is not a definite lock.

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>5ch AoCF Switch leaker mentions Reimu, Yukari, Sanae and Kanako in Smash
You should really clarify that stuff
He thinks 70 percent is probably bs but he says the rumors come from music circles that work closely with ZUN

There were also rumors that doujin circles are composing for Smash, but I doubt it.

this whole thing is honestly the lowest touhou has even gone and you just know it's one sad guy doing it

It's actually the coolest, cutest witch: Marisa!

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The only "rumor" was a post all the way back in November
Which was probably a shit post

I would be okay with this

She's from a game called SAMURAI shodown and she isn't even a SAMURAI. She's like gutter trash tier too no one even plays this character. Why do you think she would be in smash

This is the laziest shit ever. Why do you dumbasses always believe in stupid leaks?

This would actually be preferable.

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Fucking Touhou games have never been on a Nintendo platform. There's no chance in hell for Red Touhou to be on Smash.


AoCF is coming to Switch.
And there are a bunch of fan spinoffs on there already.

Are you blind? Look on the switch eshop.

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Honestly, I think Reimu is the better of the two choices she she's the flagship character of the franchise. Marisa though, she ought to be a assist trophy, bombarding the arena with master sparks.
(or she pops in for Reimu's final smash, Master sparking them, and Reimu high-fives her as she zooms off)

Luna Nights is getting a Switch exclusive Cirno boss

i hate you people so much

where fuck is the localized version of touhou dissidia?


You can never be too sure about stuff like this. Just stay optimistic.

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Final spark is very Final smash-y, but I think Fantasy Heaven would make a lot more sense as a Reimu final smash; the mechanics are basically the same as how bayo’s FS works anyway.

Remember that January post?
They know

Its just some bullshit that involves a leaker that never existed

You know those "smash house" threads? Imagine if Reimu moved in and lived with the rest of the cast.

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That would be fun.

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>implying she wouldn't visit there exactly once to knock heads in and then go back to the shrine

>usually keeps it for herself but is not afraid of stepping down when a potential incident appears
>only took her a week and lots of collateral damage to get most of the tough guys to fear her (dark Pit still denies his fear)
>still has a soft spot for Bowser because he reminds her home
>insists on helping others with business advices (usually terrible ones but nobody has the heart/guts to tell her the truth)
>always gets involved in party planning
>somehow she managed to snuck in booze, much to some of the housemates's joy
>during parties she often gets into drunk arguments with Ken and Daisy
>she also rants about wanting to go home and wonders why ZUN sent her to live there
>openly despises Palutena, Pit often needing to stop them from fighting
>used to be religious rivals with the Belmonts until they bounded over their common hatred of vampires, they now prey together and share combat tips
>that time Wario stole her orb and she went on a rampage so huge that it wrecked half of the mansion
>nobody is allowed to go inside her room anymore
>poor Isabelle still hasn't recovered from the insults

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It's great to know the nips also want Reimu in the game.

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what about her nintendo equal: kirby?

I dont really visit these threads so I dunno if these questions get commonly asked, but here’s a few points against Reimu (as someone who likes touhou).

1. Is Reimu representative enough of touhou? To be fair, Joker doesnt really represent Persona and “Hero” is a way to represent a whole series using a whole bunch of characters, so this might not matter as much. It’s just, Marisa is featured basically as often as Reimu and touhou itself is more popular for the huge cast of characters rather than just being known for Reimu.

2. Is Sakurai or Nintendo in general really interested in touhou at all? Sakurai had interviews showing his huge personal interest in P5 and DQ, with Nintendo having the chance to advertise P5 Scramble and DQ11 as well. Sakurai also said Banjo was a fan pick. Is touhou either marketable enough for nintendo, fan favorite enough by smash voters, or liked enough by Sakurai?

3. In the end, isnt touhou just an indie title with a grassroots community? Shovel knight’s assist trophy is a gigantic honor to indie games but otherwise, there really seems to be no precedent for an indie series getting any sort of call out just for being popular. Like, there’s not even a shoutout to Cave Story (made by a japanese guy even) or Crypt of the Necrodancers (which managed to get a Zelda collab) in the spirit board anywhere.

4. Does touhou have enough recognizable popularity to justify a smash rep? Joker was from a hot new game, DQ is legendary, and Banjo was a smash fan favorite. Even though touhou is an internet sensation with annual festivals in Japan, is it actually that big of a deal enough to compare with the likes of DQ and Banjo and Persona to justify an official Nintendo smash rep?

She sympathizes with him going on galaxy wrecking rampages over a stolen cake.

yea it is so fuck off zoomie

I imagine she would try to befriend the shotas (Ness and Lucas).

Reimu and Chosen Undead shall join smash soon enough

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uhhh what

1.Reimu Is litterally the main character
2.i don't think so
3.Touhou is Doujin

Now that the dust has settled, what did you guys think of wbawc? Where does it stack up relative to the other touhous?

If any indie game deserves to be in as a smash character it's her.

Touhou is the biggest indie game in all of Japan and has cult status in the rest of the world
In terms of fanbase influence, there is not a single media franchise in existence that has more porn/doujins than Touhou

>Is Reimu representative enough of touhou?
The main character of all the mainline games? You tell me.
>Is Sakurai or Nintendo in general really interested in touhou at all?
Nintendo did attend Reitaisai at one point to sell arrange CDs.
Touhou is still quite popular, and would likely spark interest if Reimu makes it in the pass.
>In the end, isnt touhou just an indie title with a grassroots community?
>Does touhou have enough recognizable popularity to justify a smash rep?
Yes. Reimu being in Smash is currently the talk among the Japanese Smash community.
Touhou has the influence and legacy to be able to make it in.

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Best one in recent years with probably one of the better casts of the new age games, hope we can maintain this quality

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Bad timing yo.

But I think WBaWC is pretty great, I prefer it's mechanic over UFOs.

Pretty damn good music, pretty damn good characters.

I like all the girls, even the creepy turtle girl but I am afraid she will end up becoming the Narumi of this game.

Everyone would either be dead or drunk.

Keiki > shit > Okina

>>Touhou is responsible for inspiring Undertale, creating a historic stigma around the series.


Yes, really. Toby himself said it.

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I really love how Gensokyo is basically built on getting drunk and fighting each other.

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Yeah, Toby Fox (and Temmie too I think) is a huge Touhou fan and even played 2hu music in his church once. He also did an interview with ZUN too.

For your 3rd point. Touhou is older by at least a decade or more than all of those other mentioned indie games. Also none of those games spawned as much content as Touhou has to the point a whole convention and multiple fan events explicitly about Touhou run throughout the year.

>Toby goes to Church
I thought he'd go to a Synagogue at best
Doesn't look like the religious type


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Why keiki's theme so great?
is the epic beginning?

zunpets kicking in gave me a boner

Wait a second, heard very closely at 1:30, there is a very familiar tune.

Isn't his favorite Yukari?

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oh fuck me, is Theme of Eastern Story.

Yeah, probably a grimsokyofag

If Reimu does get in, will she be voiced or will stay silent?

The ideal is that she remains silent, too many would get triggered.

That is cool!

What's Touhou?

This theme has been stuck in my head for days now. I didn't liked most of his late works because I feel like the chorus kicks in way too deep into the songs to make them as memorable but for this piece he really outdid himself. It's like the song is divided into segments that each have their own individual appeal, the chorus just makes it even better.

A reclining franchise

maybe is because the song is full of PC98 references? think it is touhou version of smash spiral mountai remix.

She would sound like this

Silent or the voice they have for the mobile game since that's approved by ZUN. Ideally silent but she has the smuggest face when she wins.

I’d imagine simple grunts like Hero does but I wouldn’t be surprised if she were silent. Hero was originally planned to not have a voice anyway until DQ XI got voice acting

No. We need a new Fire Emblem rep. And it have to be a swordfighter, because it is a tradition. I think Edelgard is perfect for it, by being female and a FE rep.

Anything but that, Please.

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Fuck that, make smug one of her taunts like pic related. It would make an excellent schadenfreude to piss off the opponent.

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You joke but I can see Nintendo shooting themselves on the foot like that. It even adds up to the leak with the "she is gonna make a lot of people upset".

Now that I think about it, FE shilling makes more sense than Tracer. If I turn out to be right I will eat my own asshole for breakfast or something, I dunno.

What about making the smuggest face for victory but also having smug in her taunts?

Marisa assist trophy would be her flying across the top of the screen showering the stage with Stardust Reverie and then hitting one enemy with a Master Spark.
That or just a big Final Spark.

>1. Is Reimu representative enough of touhou?
Yes you fucking idiot

>2. Is Sakurai or Nintendo in general really interested in touhou at all?
Not an argument since Persona has never had a mainline title on a Nintendo platform.

>3. In the end, isnt touhou just an indie title with a grassroots community?
>4. Does touhou have enough recognizable popularity to justify a smash rep?
Touhou is THE premiere indie game since it never fully went commercial. It's legacy and reach is far beyond that of Banjo who had two N64 games, a few garbage spinoffs, and has been presumed dead for 11 years since Nuts and Bolts. If any other indie game were to get a Smash rep, it would be borderline blasphemous, but we all know if they do have an indie rep it will be Quote because Nintendo sure loves milking Cave Story at every possible moment.

Fair enough. My personal vision is Reimu looking serious for the most part like she does in the fighting games. She would look happy during her victory animations. There would be a PC98 alt that would look happy 24/7.

The creator of Cave Story is stingy with his characters.

ZUN on the other hand is easier to work with.

Just out of curiosity, which ENG VA so you guys think would do the best job of portraying Reimu?

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None of them

No ENG VA, Just the JP voice actor.

Besides, They don't have enough time to hire both.

Whoever voiced Chell in the Portal games.

This. Idk why fags on this board won’t realize it but the mc always reps the franchise. Also reimu will never be in smash, she has no place or value in it just cause some weebs want to fucking jack off to her like Ashleyfags did, doesn’t mean she gets in. Joker getting in over Reimu shows how “influential” and popular her series is. Anyways
Doomguy is in mortal kombat.

Only JP actor like cloud, just with no lines

>The chorus kicks in way too deep in the song
This is one of the main reasons I love/hate Last Remote.
It has a fucking killer chorus but it's practically at the end of the song after almost two and a half minutes of blueballing.
On the other hand love the songs that have the chorus increase in intensity on repeat like in Nuclear Fusion and Pure Furies, but in those the chorus is almost the only real draw of the song.

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It works in the context of the games where the fights take long enough to justify the build up but it makes it a pain to listen to them otherwise. I still have trouble remembering Futo's theme because the beginning is so forgettable.

>>Sakurai's favorite genre is Shmups
Doesn't matter.
>>Touhou is responsible for inspiring Undertale, creating a historic stigma around the series.
Imagine including this as a "legitimate" point.
>>The sheer amount of popularity in Japan, with several festivals centered around Touhou.
Only thing you've got going for you so far.
>>The amount of cameos in mainline games, Namco composed a Touhou song, ZUN saying he would love to work with Nintendo.
Means nothing.
>Everyone wants her in

Joker got in as slot number 1. Save the best for second-to-last.

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Second to last is like shit slot you know. I know the 4th fighter will be disappointing and the last fighter will be a huge reveal

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>2. Is Sakurai or Nintendo in general really interested in touhou at all? Sakurai had interviews showing his huge personal interest in P5 and DQ, with Nintendo having the chance to advertise P5 Scramble and DQ11 as well. Sakurai also said Banjo was a fan pick. Is touhou either marketable enough for nintendo, fan favorite enough by smash voters, or liked enough by Sakurai?

Nintendo sold Touhou music at a Touhou convention a few years ago.

Link me Reimu x Samus doujins.

Who else would be more disappointing than the indie girl who’s only famous in japan?

Considering the last fighter of the base roster was Incineroar, I'm inclined to disagree.

But it's irrelevant because I forgot Isabelle exists.

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Only smashfags would be disappointed because it's not nostalgiabait for them.

>only famous in japan?
this is dead wrong, though

>argues with basegame
>uses baracat and Isabelle, who’s series basically have their protags already in before them
>Isabelle added for animal crossing switch promo
>Tony the tiger added for aloha region rep
Also aren’t incineroar and Isabelle Nintendo characters?

I don't think there's such a thing, user.

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And both were disappointing. That was the point I was trying to make.

Nintendo hasn't really shown us they know how to save their best for last.

It’d be nostalgia bait for me when I first got into 2hu during high school, but yes a lot of people would definitely despise her for “wasting a slot”
Come on... sure it has a dedicated following here but it’s not big

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yep im thinking this is the touhou stage theme

>Come on... sure it has a dedicated following here but it’s not big
That's all it needs.
All these faggots obsessed with only getting BIG DICK AAAA+++ LISTERS are total fucking retards and need to fuck off back to twitter.

>The moment Reimu gets in, someone will draw her in a Zero Suit

can someone, tell me PLEASE!

why the fuck are people so gullible to believe any leak that comes here as gospel, considering over 98% of the leaks are fake?

just wait for the goddamn november direct! only sakurai will know who the remaining characters are!

One of the songs from Undertale has Zunpets and holding shift focuses your movement in battles.

Id easily take Edelgard or shit even fucking Lyn going from AT to playable if it meant not Tracer. Another fucking FE rep is way better than fucking Tracer.
Fuck any of the other OW women would be better than Tracer.

Somehow though, you gotta admit they managed to not disappoint with the DLCs. To me it’s almost like Isabelle, Ken, and Incineroar were just put in because Nintendo had to, for completionist’s sake or something. Isabelle and Ken were both echoes anyway. The DLCs have just been feeling like a whole different beast, breaking expectations and managing to keep people on their toes.

Since its getting louder and louder, will ZUN be forced to acknowledge it if its not happening?

>Reimu in Smash is basically inevitable.
The problem is that your average person has no clue what a touhou is or why this generic looking anime character should be in smash.
I've been here since '04 and I still have no fucking clue who the Touhou characters are and why they're popular, or what they come from. Do they have games? Is it an anime? I still have no goddamn clue because every thread I've seen them in are almost always about character fapbait and not what they come from.
Why in the fuck should this character be in smash?

you could say the same about every fire emblem character

ruby is in for that juicy tumbrl crowd

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Well we don’t know what the future holds in store for us so I’d say to just stay hopefully optimistic about this whole situation.
The average person probably didn’t know what Earthbound or Fire Emblem was initially. Popularity and relevancy doesn’t matter, Soccer guy puts in who he wants

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My point was more about 2hu not being popular with smashfags. I know there is a crowd that is into both but they are a minuscule group.
Never said it was true, only that it adds up.


Here’s what always confused me about the leaks. Everyone already knew “Erdrick” would get in, based on data mining and leaks or whatever, right?

Now, I dont exactly know what that data mining or leaks were exactly, but like..... how come nobody predicted the other heroes or Banjo then? So it’s like everyone knowing Erdrick was in was a weird in-between; half a leak and half not knowing exactly what was going on anyway. What was it really?

I'd argue there's no media franchise in existence that has more fan work in general.

Attached: __futatsuiwa_mamizou_hakur….gif (600x600, 1.37M)

In a nutshell
>batshit insane plots
>"realistic" characters who are assholes with each other
>everybody is violent, drunk, stupid, evil or a combination of all four
>gameplay is simple but addictive
>western fanbase is shit and the majority doesn't even play the games

Here’s a thought though.

What if all that porn doujin popularity hurts touhou’s chances with Nintendo rather than helping it? It would be awkward if they advertised Reimu in smash and people would be like “what? who’s that? Oh its from that series that gets thousands of people every year buying porn doujins”. Isn’t that the kind of thing that would bother Nintendo?

The leak was about "brave" which people streamlined into a DQ character. We get dozens of fake leaks every week so it's only natural that at least one of them will get closer to the truth. I can guarantee you that whatever character we get next, someone will find an archived "leak" mentioning them.

You miss the fact that Smash has always had a role in introducing people to new game franchises. It's not always about being recognized by normies. I don't see how Touhou would be out of place in the roster, especially considering how influential it is.

The fighter pass is clearly being used to bring in the most sales (Nintendo listing choices), so the prospect that they would choose characters from series outside of smash and their respective fanbases is likely. Along with getting the sales from regular smash owners you would also get fans of that series to buy a switch, the fighter pass, and games that may be present from their favorite series on there. But yes the touhou fanbase does not overlap with smash nearly at all. It’s not impossible but I wouldn’t bet on it

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Most 2hu doujins in Japan are SFW if I remember correctly. Don't quote me on it.

Nobody cares about your weebtrash!
Yhis literal who won't get into smash!

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How would you react if ZUN presented Reimu's moveset and explained the world of Touhou?

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Well, Sakurai did that thing where he recorded himself showing Hero's moveset. I could see him doing the same but with ZUN there too, it would be pretty awesome to have the creator of the series helping with explaining her unique mechanics.

It appears that I've made a minor mistake,
Still, leaks with this nobody are all fake!

Based Otis

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>The problem is that your average person IN THE WEST
Remind me where Smash is made again?

Not him but why would Nintendo push a franchise they don't plan on advertising? It would make sense if they did it to advertise some ports but we haven't even headed anything about the AoCF port at all. There is also the variable of how ZUN would feel about his baby being passed around overseas.

>Advertised VC4 which has Raita doing character designs
>XC2 has multiple h artists on character design detail.
>We won't censor 3rd parties so bring all your fanservice here
I don't think they care.

Why does Luna Nights have an exclusive Cirno boss on Switch?
Also when should it be out?

>>Touhou is responsible for inspiring Undertale
I thought that was Earthbound? And also what the fuck does that even have to do with anything?

That wasn't what I was arguing about. Like you said, there is no overlap, that's why smashfags would be upset. Why root for a character they know nothing about who just stole the spot that totally belonged to that platformer they played when they were 10?

Touhou is as big an influence on Undertale as Earthbound was.

Legacy points I am assuming. It gets referenced a lot in other games (including non Japanese AAA).

earthbound is a mario ripoff and undertale copies osrs

I hate this game's shills so damn much.
It's just filled with a bunch of literally who's besides 3 characters. Hoahmaru, Nakoruru, Sword Iori

Jesus christ I hope it doesn't return to EVO.

I am going to bed but here is a referential link before someone asks.

toby fox made good touhou fan music

>people STILL believe the completely discredited Milk-Bosatu "leak" despite absolutely 0 reason to ever believe it in the first place
>they use it to justify an absolute literal who character who 0.5% of the Smash community would even recognize
I can't tell if this is actual autism or shitposting but either way you are retarded. Fucking Dig-Dug would be more well-known and has a better chance. Fucking Chip from Chip's Challenge would be more well-known. I could list dozens more examples because you have to find someone really obscure to find someone less likely than this bird bitch.

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Thousands of people every year buy Pokemon porn doujins so I don't see what the problem is

Well yeah I agreed with you from the start over that I was just inputting some of my own thoughts about this situation as a whole into it. Sorry if I came across like I was arguing otherwise

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ZUN will never allow his creation to be used for commercial purpose outside of indie/doujinshi circles.

Does Taiko Drum Master not exist to you?

already happening with touhou cannonball and touhou lost world, which will probably have gacha elements

A Reminder that Suika made an appearance on ESPN.

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>A literal who character who 0.5% of the Smash community would even recognise
I'm pretty damn sure that 99.5% of players outside of Japan had no idea who any of these literally whos were before they appeared in Smash.
You could even add hero in there considering how unknown Dragon Quest is in the west outside of weeaboos.

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Yukari is the good and proper Touhou rep, not Reimu!

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I know this is a shitpost but damn... I do actually know anons who really really believe Reimu is joining Smash. It's sad to see.

>But yes the touhou fanbase does not overlap with smash nearly at all
Or, you know, not yet.

you could say she's the banjo kazooie of touhou reps

Then Pokemon wouldn't be in Smash with that logic

>players outside of Japan

Ridley and Little Mac

Japanese game characters from Japanese games developed by a Japanese game company.

>Sakurai's favorite genre is Shmups

Is there a source on this?

who are not wanted or cared for by Japanese players
they got in because Western fans wanted them

Well yeah, and Touhou is pretty ubiquitous in Japanese gaming/popular culture.

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>source: my ass
You're a faggot.


>"There was a lot of outcry from fans, especially overseas, so we put him in"

>Last December, ZUN had officially given Nintendo a license, allowing Band Brothers players to upload music based on all Team Shanghai Alice albums, i.e. the PC-98 Touhou OST, and ZUN's music collections. They followed it up with a Shanghai Alice Remix Contest for players, with ZUN as a special judge. The winners were announced in the previous broadcast ZUN attended; their compositions will be collected in a CD sold at Reitaisai, marking Nintendo's first ever appearance at Reitaisai.

>Z" Wowwow Well ... in the future ... Well ... I wish I could make a good talk with Nintendo-san, it was today's broadcast that makes me feel such a dream. "
>Z" I want to make friends with Nintendo, not only Sony is making friends "
>Z" Because Toho is not so much something, there is a healthy Toho world "

>Literally who character from a literally who franchise
She doesn't have a chance.

That first link is indicative of nothing.
Where's the source of these comments coming from?
I posted the Japanese Little Mac video and the reception was positive.

>There was a lot of outcry from fans, especially overseas
Wow it's fucking nothing.



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