26 Minutes of gameplay dropped today on YT

>26 Minutes of gameplay dropped today on YT
>no thread on Yea Forums


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Yea Forums doesn't play normie shit, zoomer

Eh, not my cup of tea.

Probably because it dropped yesterday, which was when we had a thread about it.

>no character creation
>protagonist with faggy name
lmao aidan what the fuck this pussy name

There's been threads up, you're the slowpoke here.

user, the first game was unironically extremely good, albeit with a kinda shitty story

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I liked it, but I abandoned it right when I got in the second map. Repetitive as fuck. Games these days don't know when to end.

That's a good thing in current year. Character creation just attracts wackos on the internet like for CP2077

That's Avellone writing for you. A bunch of ham fisted exposition and "morally ambigous" choices that are only that because he witheld all crucial information from you. Enjoy!

the parkour looks cool as shit

there was a thread that reached 500 replies so, i think Yea Forums is satisfied on Dying Light discussion for now

I'm very satisfied with what I've seen so far. Definitely one of the few games I'm excited for

>Guy on the radio clearly acting dodgy.
>Colonel acting intelligently and reasonably.

No way in hell would I side with the radio guy. Not to mention he sounded like a wewuz.

Can't wait, loved DL1 to death. I wish more games released DLC that was as grand as The Countryside. That shit introduced a whole new map with new enemies, the Buggy vehicle, tons of quests, new weapons including the Crossbow (which is fucking great), and lots more

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derp I mean The Following, The Countryside was the map's name

Honestly yeah, im rooting for the Colonel, also gonna save Frank if i can

Sucha bullshit screenshot, the game looks nothing like this in motion.

What is it with autistic zoomers needing to self insert in literally every game they play?

it looked like shit
>literally just as scripted as it was during its initial reveal
>no guns except for badly designed generic "improvised" post apocalyptic shit
>melee weapons look stupid and magical
>melee combat is just as shit as the first one, enemies die in one hit and get their fucking body cut in half if your weapon is good, all the attacks are just the same two swiping animations and no stabs
also how will multiplayer work? how will the choices actually work? because i doubt the finished product will be ANYTHING like the game shown.

so roger craig smith confirmed to be returning to voice the protagonist of this game?

>anything zombies

It was a pseudo open world game where all you do is jump from roof to roof to click a few buttons. Explain what makes it "extremely good", I'll wait.

how does this look like a screenshot brainlet

Yea it will be better. Sorry you're too stupid to see a DEMO for what it is meant to be, which is a fucking showcase.

More like dying game, lmao

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wow i am so mad and triggered by your low effort bait man good job

more like dead game lol

Headbob and shaking makes me nauseous.

one thing accurate about it, the retarded glitchy looking hand placement

Mega MEHhh

>extremly good
Extremly shit, it feels like a korean mmo with pipes everywhere.

I didn't know it dropped
thanks for the heads up user

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So many terrible design choices