I filled the rest of the nitro meter with the fill up meter but for some reason fake baby T isn't unlocked in the...

I filled the rest of the nitro meter with the fill up meter but for some reason fake baby T isn't unlocked in the selection screen
anyone else have this problem? I can't find anything online

Attached: 1564572306690.jpg (849x387, 197K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Thought she was doing a split in the thumbnail

I want to fuck those soles


coco a cute

Attached: 1561067784244.png (648x463, 30K)

>Open toe legwear

Attached: 2F21EAAC-A241-42B1-8746-0740B6A6906B.jpg (600x602, 25K)


Attached: splits.png (435x262, 6K)


Attached: 1546083691637.png (532x431, 13K)

I want to fug Coco deep and hard.

reminder to use the officially feedback page to ask for Yaya Panda as well as for reporting bugs and voicing your opinion on item/class balance

Attached: 1566917344978.png (819x930, 64K)

when did you complete the nitro bar? last sunday was the last gp day,if you somehow filled up after that,it wont count

no, there's a feature now that lets you fill up the meter by using wompa coins, it's between the pit stop and microtransactions sections


Attached: 1561745497324.jpg (1192x670, 66K)

i want to fuck coco while we play ctr

Furry. >>/trash/

>not being a furry

Coco is a dumb baby.

>What areas do you feel could be improved to make the game better?
- I believe the Super Engine item is too difficult to use when building and maintaining reserves online and is more of a bad item than a good one to get
- 2 characters I'm dying to see make the roster are both Dr. N. Brio and Yaya Penguin
- There's a handful of characters that seem to get alot more love when it comes to unique legendary outfits. Some should get a new look like Papu for example
- Some common connection issues including races that have lobbies full of players and are ingame but never reach the starting lights and races that don't return to lobby or recieve a 'Return To Lobby' countdown after the post-race rewards were shown with no way to leave forcing a restart. This seems to do with the host system since lots of lobbies are getting booted once the wrong player leaves
- Cruising along with Blue Flame and 'crashing' into the top of a ramp causing you to stop
- Non-existent clocks and orbs
- Glitchy Orb and Tracking Missle trackers for players being targeted
- 1st shouldn't be able to roll and Invincibility Mask
- Both turning and balanced classes need a small base speed boost to be able to keep up more fairly with speedier classes like speed and acceleration. You shouldn't be outclassed to a sameskill player using faster classes if you loose your superturbo using the slower classes
- Sometimes races won't reward any Nitro stating 'No Challenge Completed'. There's a wumpa coin payout that isn't added to your total after the race
- The lack of support or matainence in the pit stop is pretty bad with all the glitched challenges
- It would be really really helpful to have a timer for how long both the daily and weekend bonuses showing how much longer they will last for so it doesn't feel like such a secret

Attached: 1554822774132.png (488x457, 20K)

anything I missed? didn't submit this yet

Attached: 1500390510398.jpg (520x480, 69K)

I havent been online in a day but I was under the assumption it was a quick process to fill up the Nitro meter with around 12,000 coins or something. Knowing this games abundance of bugs. Also dont forget to backup your saves. m.youtube.com/watch?v=3msG_CgMVt8

Attached: 0FBFA65D-C973-4F7B-A9FB-25A736D3EECC.jpg (516x576, 95K)

Attached: ec95932b.jpg (240x240, 6K)

Add in more orbs and clocks

Attached: 1553803590360.jpg (1000x1000, 117K)

>- Non-existent clocks and orbs
got you bud

Attached: 1560265965946.png (1343x1561, 71K)


Attached: 804960.jpg (640x480, 41K)

Attached: 1549140352192.gif (265x365, 1.48M)

Attached: 1548010421204.png (336x544, 348K)

when the fuck are we finding out what the new karts are

Nothing concrete yet, I give it 5 days

Attached: spyro_vs_crash_by_ry_spirit_dbsfth0-fullview.jpg (600x849, 97K)

sadly bandicoot thread is deleted

Attached: 1559000485685.png (443x453, 271K)

It doesn't surprise me the new feature is bugged
The game was freaking out yesterday and wasn't working properly

Attached: 1555911821153.webm (1246x701, 2.69M)

Powerslide to the Limit 999/999

But the next GP presumably starts in 3?

i wanted a cute gif dammit!

This was my screen
Also the nitro fill up option wasn't even in my store
I'm still accumulating nitro for some reason

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190826215137.jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

You lied to me , Yea Forums. You told me the Spyro GP teaser was coming out today.

Could be leaked like last GP

>believing an obvious fake that used slightly-tweaked pre-existing promo renders and a screenshot from fucking 2005

I didn't even mention that fake image, you goofball.

The only people that believed that image was one user from /vg/ and some youtuber.

>believing anything you read on Yea Forums in the first place

You're not seeing anything until the patch unless someone leaks something

>fill up meter

I’m sorry, what?

You can now fill up your nitro bar at the end of a gp now if you can't or don't want to do it during
New feature was added

Does it cost money or something? I don’t see the option on Switch

It costs coins
It's on ps4 now
Should be added to the others soon

>Yaya Penguin
It's Yaya Panda
Easy mistake to make tho

Attached: 1565467525123.jpg (184x381, 11K)

Gitchie gitchie Yaya Dada

Speed up orbs

Can't save I have, no. What are you playing it on?

no bully the Panda

Attached: 1565467670234.jpg (500x500, 41K)

Attached: 747E41A5-B3C8-47B2-8A91-804E4A981673.jpg (772x270, 47K)

I hope Yaya comes for new year's GP.

Attached: StrawberryNina and BlueberryYaya.png (1600x428, 298K)

Why the fuck is the jump pad shortcut on PP so hard to do even with blue flame?

Me too. I just hope they don't have everything already planned and we're too late.

Attached: 1566682556866.png (596x843, 57K)

I'm just glad that the sooner this starts, the sooner we get based Brio in about a month

>lookup porn for coco because I'm a horny fuck
>Its all shitty or mediocre

Attached: 154805696.gif (240x240, 1.63M)

Summer Dingodile's icon looks like the boomer meme

Did a fucking toddler program the jumping in this game? I have never played a kart racer with sucking inconsistent jumping when it comes to ramps. It's literally a fucking gamble if you're going to make any given jump or not.

That's why you should search for Coco being hugged instead.

learn to sacred fire.

I wanna play pyramid stage, not papu's one

Attached: 72535335_p4_master1200 .jpg (724x1024, 640K)

if you were talking about jank physics that would be one thing, but if you're talking about making basic jumps you might just be stupid

So who do you think will be the most hated character next gp?

>Stabbed in the hand, butt, leg and breast
>not a single ounce of blood
Poor mans ryona.

Can you post more stirrup socks. Please and thank you.

Probably Penta.

it’s in the pit stop


Almost didn’t notice it. Surprised there’s not more like this with her considering the grisly death animations.

Go to the main menu and select 'Grand Prix' to trigger the game to run a check.

>only characters in the Spyro GP are Spyro, Hunter and Gnorc
well at least we got Gnorc

Attached: s2n48hry63j31.png (815x685, 1.05M)

still hot tho


How old is Coco? Asking for a friend.


Old enough to give birth to half human babies.


Footage of the Spyro GP

>only three characters AGAIN
Beenox pls

>Including Spyro, Hunter, gnorc
Did you know the word including means "not limited to"

>only 3 characters again
That better not be it!

Attached: 1498154518982.png (590x350, 433K)

OPs image makes me feel funny

I'm gonna fuckin riot if this guy doesn't make it in

Attached: 67tf.jpg (2000x1500, 253K)

getting some serious happily ever faster vibes from that circular section for the magic crafters

There's a theory that all the GPs are themed around the Motorworld park from CTTR. Twilight Tour is Tomb Town, Prehistoric Playground is Tyrannosaurus Wrecks, and the new track is Happily Ever Faster.

The real test will be if we get spooky ghost pirates for October.

Why do people like Nina again? She's so goddamn ugly

Attached: 34982.gif (720x720, 36K)

just got a ps4 not for this game but considering it
I want to know the opinions of this game from older anons who beat it on ps1
how does it stack up and is it as tight of a racer as I remember?

It's pretty fun.

She's ugly in a cute way.

Attached: PavelSadovnik - twitter status 1054124030616309765 Nina Cortex, animated by @NicolaCavalla.webm (500x500, 83K)

If you like great game mechanics held back by awful character balance and absolutely abysmal item balance go ahead and buy it.

It's almost the exact same and it is a very good racer
Just don't go in thinking you'll be as good as you were playing the original
You;ll find out quickly you weren't good at all

What is the name of that style of outfit?
It makes me go nuclear

adventure mode is basically the old game 1:1, except harder if you're playing on anything but easy

online is fucking insanely competitive and people fly through the maps at the speed of fucking sound, but there is a hidden ranking system so you hopefully won't meet the worst of the worst right off the bat

it's actually really solid
there are some quirks there that weren't there in the ps1 version and some quirks from the ps1 version that weren't carried over but it's overall a really solid kart racer. you don't even need to play online to get the full enjoyment you would've gotten out of it 20 years ago plus it comes with 13 more tracks and 5 more battle arenas and actual bot AI for said arenas. For local play, it's definitively better unless those tiny quirks are a dealbreaker for you.
The online service is hit or miss since it's peer-to-peer. But you can ultimately treat it as an add-on to the experience once you've exhausted the adventure mode and time trial challenges and want to just play with other people. Just be forewarned that you need to get good before you go online because you will be eaten alive, the time trials will make sure you can stack up.

Best kart racer ever once you achieve fast

Attached: TA.webm (720x404, 2.95M)

Unless you want to autistically practice every track for 10 hours a day in order to even stand a chance online don't bother.

Attached: 8BC1D0C5-472C-4A36-9419-54343AE7808A.png (489x584, 247K)


dumb 'coot babu

They're called Stirrups thank me later

>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock



Attached: 20190827_220719.jpg (1192x253, 155K)

>No Elora
>No Bianca
Nice, waifufags BTFO

I get the feeling Hunter will be the most hated character of this gp

>No Ripto or Elora
What the fuck man

Attached: GnastyKart.png (838x475, 960K)

>seethe and watch all the console cucks talk about and play CTR
>even the switch babbies get to join in with big boys
>forced to patiently wait until it MAYBE gets announced to PC months later
Bravo Activision... yeah that's fair

Attached: 0723200240.webm (304x538, 2.79M)

Don't worry
You'll get our scraps... eventually

When are we getting the championship decals

>No Ripto

Attached: 1497319805355.jpg (582x334, 157K)

I at least wish they would give a definite answer.
I have a PS4 collecting dust, but I don't want to double dip if it eventually gets ported.

>Spyro & FRIENDS
>one friend, one enemy (one that isn't even remotely as popular as the 2nd games)

Attached: stew.png (283x353, 170K)

>no trailer

Attached: 1447613012573.gif (204x171, 647K)

>no waifus

thanks beenox.

Wait, so now we are getting 3 characters instead of 5 like in the first GP. does this mean gp themes will rotate and new characters will be introduced later one? i can't imagine hey adding all the other villains that were presumably data mined within the same gp.

Attached: 1ef62dadb42ac37bfae22a99090686cc.jpg (721x897, 254K)

what the fuck are you doing Beenox

Well, there were only 3 in this past GP, yes? Still sucks shit, but...

thats exactly what i mean.

I'm guessing they were able to re-use assets more in the first one.

I'm not even really a Spyro fan but what the fuck

Attached: 1563310256674.jpg (470x470, 36K)


I think you're all missing the best part gentlemen

they actually replaced wumpa with gems

how do I beat n.tropy's time on oxide station?

Oh, groovy.

Really? That's neat.

Where are you seeing this? I see nothing on the activision blog where they normally post

full trailer not up but you can clearly see wumpa boxes are now gem chests

get a litlle bit of reserves before the curves come on and learn how to hop instead of following the track.
like this:


thats neat, mario kart also did that with legend of zelda tracks.

Attached: 6cc3673b2da0c32bbfa125a34d4af4a07c3c2d0a5d768e5d86f563146e51290a.jpg (1400x1000, 207K)

It's over, Riptochads... we lost...

>No Baby N. Tropy or Baby Cortex last GP
>No Ripto or Sorceress this GP

Attached: 1566839504835.png (180x271, 105K)

so whose all getting costumes?

I assume Penta will get pic related.

Attached: REIGNITED_SGT_BYRD.png (350x366, 160K)

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Please no, I need Nina in my life.

There's always the next GP, user.

They throw in false data all the time
You shouldn't get your hopes up every data mine

Its not bs theyre likely gonna do reruns next year.

them withholding content doesn't debunk something that's literally in the game right at this very moment
assumptions being made are debunked but the reference data is irrefutable
if they start pruning this data from the game in the next patch, then you have reason to be concerned but as it stands they're probably just holding onto it to milk the GPs for a second round.of the themes.

Nina, Brio and Moe were confirmed in one of the Activision blogs. You don't have to worry about them not showing up. Koala Kong and Rilla Roo on the other hand.

Nina is at least confirmed by a blog. Same with N. Brio and Komodo Moe

that would be perfect.

>5 characters first GP
>3 characters every other GP

Attached: loco.jpg (619x347, 128K)

imagine the outrage if only two of the trophy girls got into the game.
at least with the other themes there can be a half-assed excuse

Who the fuck actually wanted Hunter?

It's rerun bait you dunces

Tawna Pink paint and Fake Ptero heads dont strike you as odd?

>Have to wait a year to play the actual good characters

That better not be all.

>Tawna Pink paint and Fake Ptero heads


Give me three reasons why Gnasty Gnorc isn't the most based possible character for this GP

Next GP after Spyro should be a spooky one with Nina.

Pasadena better be in there too, and Evil/Goth Coco skin

>no threat

I've never played a Spyro game and even I'm disappointed with this. Who the fuck are Hunter and Gnorc? Wasn't Ripto a villain, why would they ignore him?

1 is a paint that wasn't added to the game until the 2nd gp
It was meant to be obtainable in the 1st but it wasn't available
The ptero heads are stickers that the game says are available in the pitstop, they actually aren't

Attached: gnorc.png (1263x767, 1.88M)

I never even noticed those

Hunter is Spyro's best friend. Kinda a fuckin wuss in 2, had dumb skateboard missions in 3.

Gnorc was the villain of the first game, only started shit because the dragons said he's simple and ugly.

did coco get any cute ageplay art?

Attached: 2.png (179x203, 61K)

Ripto was even a main antagonist in the crossover
his exclusion is confusing to say the least

didn't mean to reply srry

Attached: 1DB0B120-A38F-4714-B4B1-35EE867961C4.jpg (457x953, 107K)

>last gp had baby cortex and baby ntropy datamined
>both didnt make it in
>ripto and sorceress datamined before this gp
>both didnt make it in

Attached: 1391974411960.png (200x211, 54K)

At least one of these will be a win race quote. Maybe "heh, NO THREAT huh?" if he gets 1st.

Attached: 1500320498603.jpg (500x504, 79K)

>Already starting to do 3-second laps on Thunder Struck
You can get 105k or more really easy now, but thanks to loading times it'll take at least 5 hours and about 180 races in a row.

Also nearly every spyro fan likes ripto and gnorc has always just kind of been there. Nobody likes spyro 1 because of fucking gnorc.

>We have to wait even longer for Baby N. Tropy, Baby Cortex, Sorceress, Ripto, and likely Koala Kong and Rilla Roo too.

I'm betting the Thanskgiving Grand Prix will have Tag Team Racing characters, and Chick and Stew will take two slots, and then Pasadena will be the third slot. Von Clutch and Willie will be damned to join the aforementioned missing characters.

No idea what the deal would be with Emperor Velo and King Chicken

Attached: 400.jpg (387x400, 137K)

I still can't get the exploit down
My best so far has been like 30 seconds or maybe it was 50
Every other time, it's been the average N. Gin Labs exploit run time or so bad I may as well have just ran the track normally

gotta stretch this shit out as long as possible

If they gave me the option to buy them all for 20 dollars I'd just do it now to get it over with instead of waiting a fucking year

Nobody. He's too furry even for this game.

>really easy now
You might have it down but don't lie user. It's not an easy exploit and even after spending an hour on it I still couldn't do it consistently with my best time being 1.28. It's by far the hardest exploit to date.

>mfw they rerun all the GPs after the final one adding 2 new characters each time.

Attached: EBj2dBGWkAINWAa.jpg (2108x2108, 332K)

Attached: 1539980517854.webm (1920x1080, 248K)

Who's the artist of this pic? It's really cute


>Spyro Cup
>just 3 characters
>no Elora
It's like you don't want me to bother with the game Beenox. Got to save development time for more fucking stickers I guess.

It is easy, you just have to know how to U turn and have a "method".
Here, when I started doing it I figured out I could align myself with the "screws" on the start. Hope it helps.

Attached: 1548898049913.png (814x458, 881K)

Pretty much. Give us the chars now!

Hunter is kind of redundant given Crash’s cast. Couldn’t even give us Ripto?

That's the optimistic scenario. Chances are they completely scrapped those characters

That would suck hard. Be better to rerun them all at once as one big mega GP, maybe for Christmas

Strange as earlier info said U turning wasn't needed and I started to do it more consistently when I stopped doing them.

Literal faggot

another jungle cat and another ugly green monster man.

at least Komodo Joe isn't the only playable reptile now.

Coco and her boyfriend Dingodile

Attached: 8c91ae828b458e90bbfc7281bee378f7.png (731x795, 534K)

Dumb zoomer. We all know Coco belongs to N. Gin.



Attached: 1518273226639.png (560x474, 44K)

>Still forcing your retarded ship that no one but you cares about because you're an ugly fuck that self-inserts into N.Gin

so what's his legendary skin gonna be

Attached: 1542161903163.png (360x369, 242K)

Trailers already dropped on the FB page

>Gnasty is 100% gonna be speed
>Hunter is gonna be Accel and Spyro Balanced
>The Spyro Grand Prix is gonna become the Gnasty Grand Gprix

Did you take your vitamins Nina?

Attached: 2b901009e4040be866401eb6dd901087.webm (78x172, 7K)

Quite a bit of projection there lad, perhaps you're self-inserting as Dingo eh? would explain that sudden outburst of hurt feelings.

I'll be real with you I'm okay with that

A whiny overrated mexican furry artist with no respect for any of his peers, yet demands everyone else to respect his dumb wishes and he actually calls himself "king of Yea Forums".

Heres your Coco.

Attached: 63E92095-9A31-4150-B6D4-D38EB9C2A865.png (420x542, 48K)

>Says the one that brought it up first

Soon, user

Or maybe not who knows

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190716104837.jpg (734x638, 137K)

Should have gotten them when you had the chance

Theyll be back. Someday.

Attached: 0CA8FE4F-2712-421B-BC93-717198ACE5DE.png (2260x3200, 356K)

I can't believe it I'm saying this, but if they get his lines right he may just be my Speed main, and I fucking hate Speed characters.

>Gneed for speed

That would be you user by posting an image of your self-insert with the self-insert tag line. I simply side with the N-Gin argument as there is evidence for it in previous Crash games, the Dingo thing is based on nothing.

Background coming soon, user

Attached: Crashwarmup_.png (635x647, 152K)

I would've, but only if they got the original voice actor.

Ripto probably made the transition better than any other character in the remakes too. He was really fun. This pisses me the fuck off.

>based on nothing
>coco the slave

The one FB fan page I'm on had a teaser trailer with the track, karts and characters

Right, nothing.

Oh, that orochi faggot?

Skylander's Spyro

you posted it.

>hunter over ripto
God miss me with this fucking bullshit.

Attached: 1456721956042.png (520x800, 300K)


Attached: 7F794DFE-0925-4345-85AA-A0212B1107CF.jpg (385x272, 48K)

>and friends
>0 friends

That just sounds stupid.
New characters limited to Spyro, Hunter, and Gnasty Gnorc!

im not a furry



They'd say "New Characters: Spyro, Hunter, and Gnasty Gnorc!"

Yes. Honestly his stuff is very recognizable since it is very sameface and body.

Attached: 1566481391802.jpg (929x861, 187K)

And he loves commissioning great artists to do awesome porn but then ruin them with his OC being inserted in the pics.

sexy bandicoot feet...

Just give me the name bro

I've never really looked into his art so much as to recognize him dong sameface, I just know about his antics and his compulsion to draw his fursona fucking everything.

Cmon, that's a poor attempt at a kempferzero piece

God one more reason for people to use that Penta faggot.

if thats all we get i might sleep on this gp too

And with the items the way they are now, we can't make them want to kill themselves

Yep, me too. Especially with filling nitro only being 14k Wumpa, that's a quick grind on the weekend

>They'd say "New Characters: Spyro, Hunter, and Gnasty Gnorc! Sorry Ripto and Elorafags! Get fucked! :)"

>Yes. Honestly his stuff is very recognizable since it is very sameface and body.

even drawings of characters from vidya?
kinda shitter are you that even characters made by other people turn out with sameface

>Spyro does a crossover with a franchise about anthropomorphic Australian mammals
>they don't put in Sheila

>introduce microtransactions and higher character costs
>they don't put in Moneybags


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Same. Saved up 24k for the Spyro cup so far and it looks like I won't fucking need any of it.

This screenshot is peak perfection. It only goes down from there on.

Attached: 1566336526572.jpg (629x617, 35K)

Just give it one kiss you bastards

Attached: 4D562C90-443E-47E7-9B46-CCCEA2599B08.jpg (491x509, 161K)

Why isn't Moneybags Activision's mascot?

where're the tinychads

Honestly watching CTR TV right before getting the GP started is pretty hype.
I love watching Chick and Stew show off all the new stuff.
Then you start it and grind all the challenges and remember how redundant it feels.

Very hot take:

All racers should have the same stats, and turn, acceleration, and speed modes can be changed on the fly while you race like gear shifts

The skill ceiling would go through the roof

I want to bend Tawna in front of me

The format for this GP's character distribution is weird. Since they called it "Spyro and Friends," they should have put in Spyro, Hunter, and Elora since they're a popular trio of friend in the franchise. And if they wanted to just go by popularity then they should've included Spyro with Hunter and Ripto since those two probably had the most persistent appearances after the original trilogy.

Attached: tumblr_nuxd7nTfNr1rlcmafo1_250.gif (250x164, 400K)

moneybags should be the only character you have to buy with real money

Make all his skins ridiculously expensive and see which faggots online blow all their real money on that character.

"No! Dragon I'm sorry for making fun of Hunter! Please don't! AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa...."

Attached: SpyroburnsRipto.png (649x416, 254K)

They pulled all the Spyro stuff from crashbandicoot.com/crashteamracing


Attached: AAAARGH.png (489x584, 247K)

post it!

>Spyro and FRIENDS
>Gnasty Gnorc

In a perfect world we're all friends.

Who knows, they could be friends by the events of Spyro 3

>mfw brio, nina, and moe are safe from being cut

Attached: pig3.png (369x349, 266K)


Attached: perfect.png (510x419, 357K)

Name has been mentioned ITT.

Attached: 56733990_p0.png (1139x839, 287K)

Attached: 1566026599770.png (300x195, 94K)

Attached: 1546883935169.jpg (600x877, 116K)

I'd rather have Evil Coco and Crash of the Titans skins

It is now!

Attached: Perfect World.jpg (1024x544, 320K)

alrighty then

>Activate Accel
>Switch to Speed in straights


based ugleh poster.

Shadman would love this character if she came in black.

Attached: 1559879662239.webm (940x450, 2.25M)

>paler complexion
>blacked out clothes
Should've been her first recolor

>her phone animation can get you killed
I thought that was neat

wait what

>not shirtless
Shit image never post again.

Haven't played in a while, but I assume it locks you in the animation while she takes a picture

Attached: 1505319142082.png (300x300, 104K)

Better yet you can actually use that animation to set off TNT/Nitro crates.

Very much like how people have died in real life.

Standing near a tnt or nitro crate while idling with Coco will get you killed when she throws her exploding phone
It's just destroying boxes here but it can be used to destroy tnt and nitro

The phone explodes eventually and this can trigger TNT/NITRO near you.

>like this artist
>make the mistake of following him on twitter
>he believes that the US should have open borders and take in floods of refugees and immigrants
>after suggesting that we can't take care of the people we have and that would destroy our already strained and barely functioning education/welfare system
>he says that doesn't matter and that white americans deserve it because America fucked with south american countries
>explain that impoverished americans didn't make those decisions, that shadowy heads of state and corporate ceos did, who would incidentally benefit from a flood of near slave labor

every time i see his art now it's all i can think of

There has to be art of this, there's no fucking way there isn't

Attached: 1565075384895.jpg (180x169, 28K)

>my autism always demanded the missing 4 naughty dog characters
>1 got in already and 2 are confirmed
>and then there's fucking koala kong lost and forgotten forever

What is this expression trying to convey

I did, because as cute as Elora and Bianca were, Hunter has the most prestige and qualifications to be included in crossovers for being Spyro's best friend and showing up in two games. Even if there was a roster of five, I'd argue the only thing they have over Moneybags and Ripto is the fact they're girls.

Attached: 1566891478105.png (1600x1109, 1005K)

Ripto is in but elora and Bianca aren't for some reason. Its spyro,hunter, ripto, gnasty gnorc, and sorceress

He's extra salty because Trump deported him

Elora's in as a Coco skin, isn't she?

That was a fake roadmap user

Where? Theres nothing when I open the page

Attached: 1498123316072.jpg (680x849, 105K)

Ah, nevermind then.

Attached: 1540624599412.jpg (329x325, 47K)

They all looks similar but I wonder why they would do that, I mean we are getting the characters from that game but I guess it's to compensate for NF not having any CTTR tracks

I wouldn't mind if they made her a little cuter

I mean he's not wrong, we're missing a lot of men in the workforce and mininum wage jobs lose employees much faster than they used to. We could definitely use the manpower to replace all the oddjobs that do and will continue to grow to exist.

Why does Crash have baby fingers now?

Attached: Challenge.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I have a bad feeling they're either gonna have them as DLC or reuse them for a GP to keep the game alive a little longer. I don't care for the baby characters cause they're all ugly but all the missing spyro characters suck

a 1:1 adaptation of any tracks from CTTR, CBNK2, CTR2010 etc wouldn't work because they weren't designed for CTR's physics. They already had to take liberties to make the CNK tracks workable, and that's a gameplay style that at least resembles CTR.
At that point, they'd be doing so much redesign work that a straight up recreation is a waste of time since they might as well just make something original with that as inspiration instead.
Only real loss here is that we miss out on a few bangin tracks getting redone.

god damn i love coco's cute feet.

Attached: Coco's Toes.jpg (800x785, 96K)

They need to let beenox redo all the characters because VV did a pretty bad job with most of them

Fucking despise the new gnorcs. Spyro and Bianca look amazing but most of the other characters got fucked up but that might be because of shitty modelers. Elora looks fucking horrible

note that the new Beenox designed characters are way better looking
the artists at Beenox are way more talented than the VV ones and it's gonna suck when the next Crash game doesn't have them on board

God PS2 era graphics aged like shit.

I think they are actually, not too long ago I think beenox accidentally leaked some crash concept art in a photo on Twitter that got deleted

>Beenox designed characters
Have you seen the babies?

>Coco's cute butt
I miss CNK

Attached: 1522445520530.png (762x948, 350K)

>try to look up a nice in game screenshot of coco on duckduckgo
>80% of the search results are porn

What the fuck is wrong with furries?

okay, with the very glaring exception of the babies
somebody post the comparison of NST Baby T. vs NF's redesign, that shit is night and day

They're ironic and non canon anyway so I dont think they spent too much time on the designs because both. Coco and crash share the same basic body and head. (Speaking of which, crash's baby look doesnt work at all)

You saying that you don't have SafeSearch on? How on earth do you live with all the porn?

They're the same model aren't they? All the characters that already have models in NST are reused with maybe some little changes. The only characters beenox made are the CNK cast, trophy girls and crash+coco babies


Attached: t90utpm0kye31.png (700x343, 262K)

Speaking of porn (or something close enough anyway), does anyone have the original source for this? I was looking for a transparent render for coco to use in smash roster creator since the default one use MoM coco and I found this image but couldn't find the original

Attached: panties-crash-bandicoot-n-sane-trilogy-coco-bandicoot-crash-of-the-titans-coco-bandicoot-head-thumbn (300x436, 47K)

"me're missing a lot of men in the workforce"

first off, sexist, second, no we arent.

Well usually with safesearch off there's a few porn results on a given search, but it was wall to wall underage bandipussy. Like fuck, Furries wonder why everyone hates them and then they do this shit.

It's the same fucking model with some tweaks and new textures. They still didn't fix the creepy ass human eyes

Is that true? That's fucking funny If so

Mate, we're talking 22 years of her being the only female Bandicoot with a speaking role or any presence outside of a single game.

Be thankful the Nitro Squad is here to take some focus off of Coco for a change.

Attached: L11.png (971x486, 587K)

Attached: 1564917923072.jpg (814x668, 128K)

I'm thankful

Attached: 1562114362269.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Alot of the art looked pretty recent though.


Attached: T1829345.png (1046x727, 782K)

pancake tier

tell me about it

Attached: 1562104934614.jpg (623x579, 452K)


Attached: 1562289386645.jpg (2800x2800, 3.68M)

What sound does she make when she laughs?


Attached: 1564852791072.jpg (438x584, 79K)

>ywn make Liz 'heeheehee'
It's so goddamn cute, why don't irl women laugh like this

Attached: heeheehee.webm (500x406, 116K)

smelly coco feet

Because real life women arent as great as Liz.

Attached: 943C40EC-2376-4B91-B7DA-A7EC945FA222.jpg (785x664, 184K)


Attached: 1563152779487.jpg (644x363, 16K)

Yes we are and its specifically men, you don't even have to take my word for it, google can give you plenty.

Attached: 1560299629429.jpg (852x613, 138K)


Attached: cr1558626542342.jpg (1080x1080, 155K)

Don't worry. It's worth the wait, since you'll be getting the definitive version of the game, with an uncompromised resolution/framerate, and maybe even cheaper as well.

You have to jump at the very edge of the platform.


Attached: 1562832242584.png (491x968, 253K)

Cute feet

Attached: Coco Stylized.png (800x800, 149K)


Attached: fuck jannies.jpg (176x122, 10K)


Attached: 1549968034121.webm (702x900, 2.39M)

Attached: 61791FB7-9303-4A46-AB50-2565F0D10D94.jpg (964x750, 102K)

Yeah, other games will probably be out by then though and it will just be backlogged.
Half the reason I want it now, is because there's nothing worth playing atm

I fucking need it

Every day I play

I need to hear it

Attached: 1556768497625.png (2560x1440, 780K)

Attached: F24FB81A-C9B4-40DF-8689-02685BAA01C9.jpg (416x348, 48K)

same disgusting model

Attached: 1498416074620.png (336x460, 321K)

is it time?

Thanks doc

god I wish

>decide to play a few races today
>already reached the end of the bar weeks ago
>decide to check position
>everything unlocks again
>as soon as Fake Baby T. is unlocked again, it starts over and I unlock everything a third time
what the fuck

Attached: 1562838268801.jpg (1280x831, 92K)

the fuck, this thread is still up?
and still no answer, guess I really am the only one with this issue
I knew I shouldn't have started with bandicunny

Attached: 1499759867124.gif (300x300, 2.13M)

should have filled it up weeks ago fag

It's bugged for everyone. Nothing to do but wait as usual.

Dude I answered you already

>playing online with shower Oxide for shits and giggles
>wrecking people moderately
>DNF everyone on Polar Pass
>Wow, I bet these guys fucking hate me now
>2 of them switch to shower Oxide
>we get an all shower podium
Sometimes I love you fuckers.

Attached: 1414102048415.jpg (545x545, 17K)

100% true. His discord server is a salt mine.

Attached: Tiny.jpg (1920x1080, 468K)

>poor little skunk boy

I've seen people on other sites say that one of the new karts has a subtle reference to Skylanders. What is it? I don't see it.

>Spyro and friend

Crash is too good.

>bitching about one of Spyro's actual friends and not the shittiest villain in the trilogy

>No Elora
>No Bianca
Damn, that's a shame.
Also, I hope they give Spyro et retro skin



>no sgt byrd, agent 9, Sheila, and Bentley



>another fat, ugly green racer
Come on

So I guess this means Sorceress confirmed. What a gip.

There's no way Penta isn't getting a Byrd skin

Oh God damnit Spyro is balanced isn't he.

>sorceress confirmed
>after baby cortex and tropy fell through in the last gp
user I...

that doesn't work
it already gave me the 'unlocked' animations on the grand prix screen, they just aren't unlocked in the customisation menus

>implying we're getting any more racers
It's just going to be those three

Hopefully. Really hoping some characters get some good model swapped skins or something. It’s looking somewhat disappointing in the characters department.

Don't lose hope, T-rex was speed so maybe acceleration?

Baby T is a big heavy baby, he was going to be accel or speed inevitably. People were putting too much emphasis on his baby status without realizing he's a goddamn dinosaur. Spyro is almost 100% balanced since Crash is, too.

I still like Crash's model better here

Attached: NKVelo.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

Spyro was in the nitro kart on gameboy and he was balanced. Being the face of his game it makes the most sense to be balanced.

Hunter will be accel

>krunk is turn
>Penta is speed
>baby t is a baby animal along with polar and pura
Don’t try to make sense of it they just do whatever they want.

Explain Krunk.

I mean... Baby T is a LOT bigger than Pura and Polar...

I'm not saying there aren't outliers but it's mostly consistent. Most of the speed characters are big guys like Dingodile, Tiny, Crunch, and so on.
>Polar and Pura
Cubs are fucking tiny, dude.

What in that tweet gave you that impression at all?

Imagine being the most chad character in Crash until a bullshit twist

Attached: EmperorVelo.webm (840x472, 2.81M)

there's already been leaks for the spyro cart + the characters

Polar is kind of small but you’re underestimating how big purra is. Either way new additions are decided pretty arbitrarily.

Real question, what makes him a chad. He just looks like a warty green piece of shit and nothing I see makes him stand out.

Be completely honest, is this just a Wario situation where you pick the fat ugly guy so you can go "based" a lot whenever he shows up? Because at least Wario has some games backing him up and is endearing.

I would've said Zem is more "Wario" but Zem is just a green rip-off and has no redeeming qualities, like Wario does.

He runs a galaxy-spanning empire and kidnaps random inhabitants from lessers planets to race for the entertainment of his species, blowing their planets up if they refuse.

Obviously he has a shitload of bling, but you get the idea. He runs shit. Plain and simple.

>is this just a Wario situation where you pick the fat ugly guy so you can go "based" a lot whenever he shows up?
literally all the newer Gasmoxians

he had a great VA

literally his entire race looks like that, what did you expect

*is used by literally nobody*

Attached: real velo.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

When youre average Yea Forumsirgin is ugly as hell theyll self insert as another fictional ugly bastard.

>no ripto
>no moneybags

fuck this.

>>Be completely honest, is this just a Wario situation where you pick the fat ugly guy so you can go "based" a lot whenever he shows up?
That's the reason people pick Zem.

I'm a scrawny twink fuck, actually


would love to use him if the fucker wasnt the worst class


You'll just have to trust that someone with no money doesn't eat a lot

Git a job

I'm WORKING on it.

Its takes getting used to

What are your rates?

Personally I think the super engine is rather pointless for what it does.

It doesnt really do anything that another item already does or does better. The only time the super engine is remotely useful is if you have max fruit, which is only going to get taken away because you're likely to get hit by literally anything. Super Engines should give you SF to atleast justify adding it.

I'm not sure if you can keep the USF even after the engine wears off though.


Well since shes still a Bandicute in her prime 100 bucks for a fuck and 50 bucks for a suck.

>I'm not sure if you ccan keep the USF even after the engine wears off though.
I'm not sure either but if you are able to maintain USF because of super engines they would be worth adding.

>USF on non USF maps
Would be pretty cool, not balanced but who gives a shit.

That's not too bad considering its underage mutant bandicoot pussy.

>Gnasty pushing Hunter away.