E-sports aren't real sp-

>e-sports aren't real sp-

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there you go OP
wouldnt want you to give false information now, would we?

soccer is a sport
soccer is a game
jogging is a sport
jogging is not a game
videogame is not a sport
videogame is a game

im 100% going to buy his shoe

>Walk past Primark
>Advertisements for Ninja merch are plastered on the front
It's really weird how even normies know who he is.

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Chess is not a sport
Chess is a game.

i guess you were right.

Use the code "Ningger" on your next adidas™ purchase to receive 30% off!

>sport - an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.
>physical exertion - Dictionary definition and meaning for word physical exertion. (noun) the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit. Synonyms : exercise , exercising , physical exercise , workout. the doctor recommended regular exercise. he did some exercising.

videogames have a better case for being a sport than chess

video games are not vigorous

My sister was whining earlier about how kids today watch other people play video games and I mean I don't give two shits about watching streamers but it made me realize it's really just the same was watching other people play sports.

Yeah. How so?

It isn't.

Video games are technically a sport.
You have the objective in the video game like in baseball, football, and baketball and you're moving by moving your fingers and hand.

Checkmate, faggots.

-inning nipples

I don't give a shit how much this fag gets paid, he still looks annoying and efimenine as fuck.

There are probably a few autists who don't know who Ninja is and buy the merch because they like ninjas and think it's cool

the objective makes it a game, not a sport. a sport is physical exercise. a game is a ruleset with defined goals and two or more competitors.

People watch streamers for parasocial interaction. It has nothing to do with the game they're just aspies who desperately want proxy friendship.

I thought video games were art

Do you think Ninja's wife genuinely loves him or she just using him for money?

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>that hook nose


what about a VR battlefield game that has a treadmill that you run on and it has championship tournaments. are video games sports then?

The latter and she puts up with far more than I would. You couldn't pay me to listen to that manchild scream.

Damn she's beautiful.

I do agree that chess is just a game.
Still, videogames are not a sport

It's easy to write that when no one would pay you.

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Lets just say how much she "loves" him depends very much on the size of his bank account

Yes playing them is a physical exercise. You are failing at taxonomy.

so why is Yea Forums this cucked now?

My Adidas
Walk through concert doors
And roam all over coliseum floors

member that fallout 76 stream?

because society

So...this is the face of gaming? Why is this faggot always dying his hair?

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He even went as far as branding a Kawasaki as Ninja.
This guy is officially an athelete

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>that nose
oh nononono
yeah she loves him :)


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Because otherwise he's just another ugly guy.

>Washing your hair in the ICEE machine

Not necessarily. I watch streams sometimes to check out the game since I’ll get a better idea of what the game is rather like than with reviews and ads.

>Why is this faggot always dying his hair?
Substitute for personality

Is this guy's rise to fame some psyop? Like the powers that be making a point that they can make anyone a superstar?

i mean Yea Forums in general, it's full of cucks. the fuck happened?

Remember when ads like this had handsome people on it?

>Video games
>Real sports

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Consider this guy and consider asmonbald, then think a bit, you're probably right.

Tell me more about your attraction to Larry Bird.

He reminds me of sexy vegan

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what about DDR?

>Remember when ads like this had handsome people on it?
yes i remember

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They're not. It's like saying people who play FIFA is the same as playing actual football

And people who watch sports on TV clap, cheer, and yell at the players as if they hear them. It's all the same shit.

It just shows you that with the right lighting, background and the adidas logo even a freak with blue hair can look decent

Those people are also autistic. Most people don't yell at their TV while watching sports.

It isn't though. Are you retarded?

physical exertion is not in the webster dictionary definition of sport, nice try normie

turbo chad who fucks your woman by just looking at her
nice cup of söj please

Are you? Because i said it wasn't.

god damn, that's the hottest thot he could dredge up? fucking yikes and mega oof, she's a solid 4/10 without all the makeup, and even with it a 6 at best

Just shut the fuck up retard clearly you don't go outside your bedroom

Maybe some do, but not all.

Watching streamers v. watching sports is that the viewer can actually interact with the streamer and get insight. That's a key difference.

>Adidas and Nike only sign deals with athletes
Are you stupid?

>pay $5 to have your name pop up for two seconds with a meme to get a "thanks for the sub"
Great interaction right there.

He's not exactly that good looking and he's got no personality at all at any event he's at.

I'd say it's genuine love, yeah. They've known each other for a while and they're in the same league looks wise, it's not like Ninja is dating a 10/10. Yeah, it's probably genuine love.

i mean people watch pro poker so e-sports isnt really that weird

Despite the nose and trollface she still isn't that bad. Definitely the settler between the two. It's more about ninja's personality being a literal 0/10 than her being a 5/10.

Not the same user you responded to but video require legitimate hand-eye coordination for anything that isn't turn based. Chess does not.

I don't think either are sports in the traditional sense though. Why can't we just call is E-competition? E-sports sounds retarded.

defiantly the money, but she also likely gets fucked by every chad in the area

it was always called progaming, but progaming doesn't sound normie enough, so they changed it to esport.

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lots of guys pretty much use sports in place of having to talk about anything else for social interaction and building friendships.

If people couldn't talk to each other about sports I don't think sports would be nearly as popular as they are.

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>donating money to a millionare so he reads your stupid message and says your name
Surely this is all a joke.



that fucking Asian lady gets me every time.

hes not even an esports player hes just a streamer

>not ligma

Julien pissed on the sidewalk today

He has actually participated in some Fortnite tournaments. He won once, but it was a charity event.
He tried to qual for the World Cup but failed

That's correct, same for poker

chess is not vigorous either.

videogames are not games

>ninja and ekita are a-ok but projared threads are deleted on sights
why the hypocrisy? why are mods such faggots?

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the handy dandy Yea Forums guide already settled this

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So bowling and golf are pseudo-sports?

Is that supposed to attract costumers?

What matters isn't whether or not games are real sports
What matters is knowing that sports are largely for roodypoos, brainlets, and boomers

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They married before he went big no?

>mega off
you have to go back

mods work for the chinese government

Ding Ding Ding