5 min in Photoshop with liquify tool is all it took me to somewhat fix her face so that she doesn't look like some inbred neanderthal.
Good job Remedy.
5 min in Photoshop with liquify tool is all it took me to somewhat fix her face so that she doesn't look like some inbred neanderthal.
Good job Remedy.
Other urls found in this thread:
You didn’t fix anything , she looks toothless
so you'd rather a deformed spic than a neanderthal? I don't get it.
>wasted his time to photoshop a virtual girl more to his liking even though they won't change it, she will never exist and if she did will never love a loser like OP
dude youre pathetic
She still looks like a tranny either way. Yours isn't much better
seethe faggots, seethe
>tfw actually defended this game before they made her into the Crimson Chin
Yikes on my behalf, sorry bros.
I don't accept your apology.
When you spend half of the game looking at the back of the character's head, who gives a fuck? I hope you understand that the liquify tool is not the same as adjusting a 3d sculpt. Not to mention I don't actually notice a difference. Learn to use Zbrush or Maya, and then make shitposting threads about how you don't find a certain video game character attractive and try to use that as justification for the poor sales.
its the hair
doesnt fit her face at all
if she just had long, let down locks she would look totally normal and attractive
why is it so hard for Western developers to make attractive female characters?
They weren't trying to fix her though, they wanted her as is.
You gotta understand that western devs unless making a game that is meant to have international appeal, want ugly, they are on the warpath on the concept of beauty itself.
liquify is exactly the same as move brush in zbrush faggot, works on exact same principle of moving something around
>Op shows us he's a retard who doesn't understand facial proportions
What did unga bunga mean by this?
Why does every character have to look perfectly beautiful? Why can't characters have defects?
Wh-what can I do to make you believe me, user-san?
Yours looks even more deformed.
But this is just face scanning showing its downsides once again
Long time ago classical artists had belief that beauty would bring them closer to the gods. Nowadays it's nothing but ugliness. It's deeply saddening how far we've come onto a completely reverse path.
>warpath against the beauty
oh boy, such a loud words for describing talentless hacks who just follow recent retarded trends.
No woman has a chin like that, fuck.
don't expect an answer, you have to understand that anything that goes beyond a set of strict borders is perceived as an immediate attack to the incel mind.
they need to pick better models for scanning
>adjusted jaw to be smaller.
>was already deformed to begin with
Got damn what the fuck is that on the lower right?
Looks like ProJared's ex-wife both ways.
Yeah she looks deformed in the game, but OP made the lips and the jaw look like the result of a failed plastic surgery
face model for Kitana from MK11
If a female doesn't have a Inoki tier chin its not a real woman
-Every western dev
Okay, but what started the trend? What caused them to think that beauty was something they had to go against and remedy?
Whether they understand or not the underpinnings of the "trend" they are on, they none the less are perpetuating it.
Besides most people who follow movements don't really understand the why of it, they have a very surface understanding of what they are supporting, they just propagate it, which is all that is needed.
I'll take the reich, thank you.
Hey she looks even MORE retarded
Honestly you're actually right, doesn't change the fact that this dude thinks he's the same as an industry professional.
Not that user but what started this was fear of rape and fear of weak women. They want the idea of strong women so they make them more masculine. Portraying femininity as strong requires talent, far easier to just make them look and act like men. Now you don't have to wear a rape whistle or make comics about how you bear your fangs after leaving the gym and how you use your keys like a dagger while being a cosmic god wolf.
Thats a bingo!
There are plenty of industry professionals who do far worse job honestly.
Despite the obvious similarity to a man that is not feminine in the slightest, there fags in these threads that will tell you that she is a beautiful, feminine woman and that you are a loser for not finding her attractive.
It cracks me up.
the entire right side contour of both faces is identical. Its stunning how much she looks like a 50 year old austrian man.
post examples
Are you implying something is wrong with this beautiful specimen?
>tfw """tired""" face
>what started this was fear of rape and fear of weak women
I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with all those faggots, trannies and dykes who abso-fucking-lutely loathe the female form and anything its beauty represents at all.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with them being victims of sexual abuse that grew up with broken, compartmentalized schizophrenic minds that've dissasociated themselves from their egos.
It's not like gays would rather spent their days seeing women die and fucking 12 year old boys.
Nothing at all to be seen here, move along.
That's a fucking blasian on the bottom right isn't it
the nigger lips and nigger nose give it away
Photoshop can't fix it unless you change everything.
and they make fun of koreans for getting cheek bones reduced
No way that's the same person on the bottom right, must be a bad shot.
>looks more manly than bingo man
Something didn't translate well during scanning.
are you fucking retarded?
i still don't get how she is ugly is it because she dont look like the one on the top or something
Dilate NRShill.
so you dont have an argument ok
the one from the left can't be real it can't be and yet the one in the right doesn't fix the mess
>Left RTX off
>Right RTX on
her son will be lucky atleast
This whole time I thought the pic in the left was the shopped version to force some meme. Jesus Christ that can't be real.
Well junior, you've got the chieftain's daughter right here in front of you? Enter thine penis into my love maw and be embraced by my stone tongue.
>female artist
It's ok transvestite you can say woman here this isn't resetera you won't get banned.
By the way as you said those were made by a "female", not a "gay" a "lesbian" a "transexual" a "furry" a "demisexual" a "pansexual" or a "zoophile".
Also your post has literally nothing to do with my argument; women do create beautiful work woopteefuckingdoo thanks captain obvious!
My point was "ugly females are made by mentally ill sexual deviants who despise women".
Do you want me to chew it first then spit it in your mouth? Fuck's sake.
>people calling her ugly because she has higher oxygen intake
>Never mind the one on the top just has a mini-jew nose.
the people complaining about this are either trolling or their minds are too addled from anime to know that people other than themselves are allowed to be ugly.
Nice try
That's what Bruce Willis hoped for too
why doesn't Kitana have bikini armor?
This is how you make an attractive woman.
cope, dilate, have sex, lift weights. Stop being mad when there is no argument there, you're too deep into your own bullshit.
>mini-jew nose
Are Amerimutts really this demented?
You know
Remember to hide, sage, report and ignore all threads started by and aimed towards gamers
You're allowed to be ugly, I tolerate your ugly existence.
Video game characters are not people, they exist because we pay money for them to exist.
You can look, smell and taste like a shitty greasy burger but dont expect me to buy it when I can buy something delicious
>of course mah waifu is from Neon Genesis Evangelion
You tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter.
Best luck on you endeavor of farming (you)s by pretending to be a retarded tranny.
>it's not the based bois defending the honor of these wemen.
i really dont get how she is ugly is there something im missing
Uhm they both look meh . This is the problem with "realistic" faces in vidya , they tend to look bad . Anyway untill devs figure that out we gotta have a lot more of this "look i fix it" threads so i would recomend to just ignore it and play the game if it looks interesting enogh to you.
im glad they dont look like they do in mk9 they all looked like trannies but Yea Forums wants to like it no?
Imagine being an incel ugly shut in consistent suicidal thoughts orbits thots out of there league wont lower standards because of the consistent intake of hentai porn etc will die alone unloved by anyone pretty pathetic desu
seething nrsnigger
>Shit vs Shit
At this point i think NRS does this for the Lols
>editing pixels is the same as making new 3d models
imagine being this autistic
waifufags are fucking cancer
could you repeat that for me please
Her mouth is closed retard
wow more charry piced retarded shit you have fun getting that shit mad man
Cherry picking he said . kek
> she looks toothless
I dunno, user...
look at the mad fool upset i didnt get them making faces
why the fuck does that chick have gigachad tier jawline
learn english you fucking ape
Her face wouldn't be such an issue if her voice matched. If she had the husky voice of an older woman, half you complainers would be calling her mommy.
you upset fag you going to say dilate again
It is based on a real life woman who has a horribly masculine jawline.
She voices the character modeled after her.
Still they did go pretty out of their way to make her look like just a bag of rocks missing a few chromosomes.
I'm pretty sure they messed up fixing proportions for specific FOV. You always want to do faces in perspective mode and set lens distortion accordingly.
It's a NRShill user, don't bother.
No just desperate to defend goblinos like them
Not him but dilate
They would had made her pretty in the game tho . Japan aims at peak beauty while the west aims at normal looking because in their minds normal = good jsut for the females tho the male characters in MK11 are all really good looking .
I'm upset that your whore mother doesn't know about contraceptives.
I know
what the fuck is that thing on the left
look at the retards that ran out of an argument
They also moved her hairline way back, you can see on the right.
In short, have sex
Kitana face model was so bad they had to fix her up in game.
I hope you understand that by saying "normal" you applying your own standards which can be different for other people.
Also, girls in MK are shit
I want to know what the ultimate Yea Forums specimen looks like. Genuinely intrigued.
You couldn't fix this.
man thoise lines on side of face look retarded
they dont fallow any bone structure and dont flow with facial features, they look awkward and ugly as fuck
there's a better picture with the kids older and it's impressive how big their jaws are.
the thing Yea Forums apparently likes now
Audry Hepburn had a nice jawline.
Someone like Marilyn Monroe on the other hand could jackhammer pavement with her chin.
go meet a real human
they do this on purpose retard. it's the same reason why every heroine you see in movie is a generic white girl with no ass and tits -- so more women can identify with her.
Ask and ye shall receive
I do
>not wasting time in photoshop to improve girls
dumb faggot
This but unironically
Would fuck both, honestly. Sometimes when the yellow fever hits hard, the slantier eyes the better
Why not just ask her to close her eyes?
keep the salt coming
Her face looks like it's painted on an egg
you're alright, user
Do your eyes become slantier when you close them?
Because people care more about attractive people than mediocre people and the only ones who don't are upset they will never be that desired
why would I be salty about you having a shit taste and being a dumb faggot at the same time?
Kill yourself summer tourist
It's hilarious that you use Hepburn as an example of a woman with a large defined jawline, because she looks more like the type that fags like you would call for weebs.
Compare Hepburn to the OP and tell me which camp she falls under.
go outside
only male characters can have interesting and varied designs, body shapes, and facial structures
>fat villain male character
haha fuck yeah fat bastard son of a bitch, bet he eats babies
>fat female villain character
fucking SJWs shoving their politics into my vidya, why cant she look like my waifu?
Hepburn is clearly tilting her head down in this pic.
Her face looks more square when looking at it from her level. I suppose it doesn't matter, because 99% of men would be looking down to her.
Better i admit but still looks like hot garbage try again!
Serious question. Why do people go out of their way to laugh at someone that doesn't even know they exist? Is this all the pent up anger from being bullied at a young age?
Does the game get better?
I just cleansed the first control point and im enjoying the "idea" of the game and the lore but the gunplay is disappointing as fuck and im not a fan of the constant "sound" in the ambience by the bad guys and all the strobe lighting.
Havent reached any "power" or w/e yet.
Well done user.
What the fuck that...thing!?
I always wonder this. I guess it's because it's not a problem because you are anonymous.
Top face needs way bigger eyes, non existent nose, and a chin that can cut diamonds.
yeah remember all the outrage about Final Fantasy 9, oh wait you dont play games
It starts to really get better once you get a couple of powers.
Yeah but it seems like a waste of time. You could actually be doing some productive shitposting instead.
Can't speak for anyone else, but i actively avoid using fat or average looking male characters unless they are REALLY good or something. I pick chad or twink 99% of the time. The other dudes my might as well not exist as far as i'm concerned. No homo btw
A lot of 3d models (both in amateur and aaa renders) get the hairlines wrong.
Once you start looking for it its a super common occurrence in game models/3d renders.
>moved her hairline way back
No they didn't
>Yea Forums's kneejerk reaction to any "realistic" or homely FEMALE character in a video game
>doesn't apply to male characters
Get a life, nerds. Women are not for your sexual gratification.
White women just look kind of ugly.
I've been tell you motherfuckers this for like a decade, yet you refuse to believe me.
Now that you're getting a bunch of realistic-looking white women in vidya you can stop being delusional and admit that they're just fucking ugly.
you can fit two football fields on her forehead on the right
This user gets it. But not just white women, ALL women are ugly that hide behind layers of makeup.
It's probably more because most gamers are straight and they don't care about Male characters existence in the first place. Unless they are handsome
>the most beautiful race of women are ugly bro
Visualizing the outline of an egg over Bruce Willis' daughter's head is funny and doesn't need an explanation. You're coming off as overly defensive.
Get a pic of her thats not photoshopped to hell and back. Seriously, why do you faggots keep comparing pics with portfolio shots.
>Women are not for your sexual gratification.
Women are required for procreation and our survival as a species. Therefore looking for attractive mates in natural.
I just don't understand. Probably because I don't find it funny.
Yes she is tilting slightly but she definitely has a modest sized jawline none the less.
Good question user. Why can't western devs make attractive males?
No one likes a party pooper.
You can easily have fun without mocking someone.
better question; why can't we have a game with multiple kinds of looks for people rather than cookie-cutter male and female
William needs a beard to hide that anvil sized chin.
The only one who gets it. “Fixing faces”.
Good job.
You have never laughed at a goofy looking person in your whole entire life? I'm pretty sure you have, I'm pretty sure most everybody has and have been okay with it.
So what's the reason you feel compelled to bring this up in this particular case and question the motives as if only bullied people would ever laugh at someone?
shovel chin guy on the right
Anvil sized chins are a sign of high test.
Ugly nigger, try again
>retards on Yea Forums still think photoshop and modelling/texturing are the same
based, trannies on seetheicide watch
Self deprecating humor is best left to the Jews, the rest of us bust each other's balls for laughs.
it's all about ratios, proportions, retard
its the sign of a ugly ass chin
>Anvil sized chins are a sign of high test.
So is baldness and dark skin.
Can I get a quick run down?
Whats your point?
You guys are getting highly defensive over an attractive male character. Pic related is you guys.
why choose someone so fucking ugly?
taking in consideration that, they did improved her face in game, a LOT.
Wait what, that's meant to be a woman?
No fuckin way.
took me a while kek
Everyone wanted the slutty outfits. But naturally, they assumed that as graphics improved, women would appear feminine. But as graphics improved, women only became more realistically average to ugly, and the costumes became more conservative.
Did it occur to you, that they never had a goal to make beautiful characters?
Is she even white? She clearly has a different ancestry other than white.
Making the female lead with gigachad jawline.
Releasing the game on EGS for PC.
Exclusive graphical features only reserved to Nvidia users.
So to whom is this game pandering to?
>women only became more realistically average to ugly
Pure whites can't have brown eyes. Obviously she's mixed, but fortunately, the good kind of mixed
Yuros don't really care about the muttistan's "white" label spawned out of the need to differentiate their inbred angloid population from all the world's immigrants seeping into their melting pot.
She's very obviously Caucasian. Naturally she doesn't share all of the features with the people living on the other side of the continent.
People who like Remedy's shooters but felt the last one had too many cut-scenes.
Agreeable...her look shows a sign of a mix race, one of her grandparents could be Latino.
To the wallet of the company shareholders, dummy
Based burger classifications.
Immigration from Spain to United States.
Great grand Mother met a Yankee.
Well I’m not vegan so I’m eating this burger.
>shitty /r9k/ thread poorly disguised as a vidya thread
Kill yourself, OP.
She's not an Amerimutt though. She's French.
Amerimutts can't look like that.
I had an American "Irish" once say "But you're not black." when I told them I was Black Irish
cope, dilate, have sex.
Ok... hmmm but where does her brown eyes come from?
the booty astral dive suit is ps4 exclusive
what a fucking farce
Lol...still I would like to have red hair then black.
They paid more tip so I guess the house plays favourites.
I've been digging in my folders for 30 minutes. But there really is no "ultimate" woman.
I settled on pic related though, because she's among the top tier.
I think yes. But only because she's a specific comedic relief character.
Too bad it's the only good thing about this game
This woman isn't white.
How the fuck do I know? Anyway, game is shit and already forgotten, just like the one in OP
Ginger men are putrid nine times out of ten.
All of Borderland is pretty comedic. There’s guns that shoot guns. It’s not really meant to be taken seriously. Also the artstyle is basically reminiscent of a cartoon.
that's the problem. They picked realistically ugly instead of realistically beautiful.
Define "white"
Maybe a little red dye then.
>Attractive women
>"She can't be white"
>Boxed faced, man jaw
>"Ahh, pure aryan stock."
He probably means anybody that is not from the north of Europe
This post makes my face tired
Where's the lie?
She clearly looks different than women north of where she lives.
Had she, she would have been uglier and manlier looking, hence why she doesn't look like those white people, why I made a distinction in the first place.
Let me rephrase it then.
Her features are clearly softer and more feminine when compared to the ugly trannies of Northern Europe.
just say snowniggers next time
Based german butterface i've seen more than a few of this
Jesus Christ how desperate were the ruskies to even get it up on these things
But it brings me joy to see you people try to rationalize who is white and who isn't. You guys will divide yourselves into 50 kinds of white.
But then when The Witcher gets a cast of minorities, suddenly every white person claims Poland culture as their own. When just two threads ago, you were debating if Poland is the same white as Sweden.
It's pretty hilarious, once you grasp the hypocrisy.
White skin and utterly white ancestry. She has yellow skin and would tan like a champ, she clearly has black ancestry.
It's like saying this girl is black.
Almost took you seriously.
This girl is white with white ancestry.
People of the so-called Mediterranean race generally have black African ancestry, that's why most of themhave brown to black hair, eyes, and/or skin.
You are assuming too much and wrong at that, I am not white, I am also not particularly attracted to white women. They are too masculine.
You want to consider Mediterranean women white or not I don't care either way, but it's clear there is a distinction between them and those from other Euro countries, whatever you call it it's clear that they are attractive for the very reasons that separate them from those other women.
The labels are just a quick go to for distinctions, they carry no real weight for me.
>mutt education consists solely of kikewood movies
Why are you acting like you're retarded? No one said a thing about movies.
kill yourself you dumb faggot tourist
Because you're visibly a cuckold Amerimutt obsessed with sub-Saharan negroes.
Fair enough. Maybe she has some some mix, but barely. How diluted does the mix have to be, until one is considered white again?
what took you so long
So you're acting like a retard because your mind is operating as if I'm your strawman? Stop trying to dilute the white race and learn to appreciate the beauty of non-white races you spastic fuck.
>but barely
She's a clear representative of thousands of years of race mixing. She's part of a race that isn't white, it's its own thing.
Learn how phenotypes and races work instead of wewuzing like a disfranchised subhuman.
Everything about her is attractive to me. Only brows look weird but it's not something so bad that detracts from her.
I know more about them than you. This is a white girl.
user you're incredibly pathetic, your posts are less intelligent than a bot's.
This. no exceptions
She's actually attractive. But remedy made her ugly af and also changed her after development because you know, even if she's not a full 10, she's pretty enough for ham planets and male feminists to throw a fit over.
Did anyone mention that protag is also a carpet muncher?
You don't. You literally do no know what a "race" is
Sheesh, you put all emphasis on face, and she's not even that pretty. I mean, she's alright. But you can do better than that.
wtf is this shit. Who uses duckduckgo.
Pray tell, enlighten us.
I don't know what any of your cringy shit means but I use that search engine and you can pretty much go fuck yourself.
If you want it to be sl fralist you can just play the game of life. I'm here to forget ugly people exist
this bitch is a nasty thot
talking about how she fucked numerous guys in one day then get a yeast infection
eat shit
I think that the main point of this thread is how every single western games have characters with "defects" and by defects I mean ugly fucking beluga whales looking character so people are kind of tired of that shit.
This is whitest white in USA.
There's a difference between ugly, normal, and beautiful. Why would you make a character ugly? It's merely unpleasant. I'm fine with normal looking characters with personality, but ugly characters are a big turn off obviously.
Why are non-americans so obsessed with race?
Yeah, but is the game worth pirating or not? I don't have anything to play rn
Appreciate OPs effort and never take OC for granted, my dear frustrated friend with some clearly unresolved personal issues
If she had longer hair, would definitely.
don't get fooled by the oil, bruh. No abs, no seks
she looks too oily and severe
would like a smoking hot cute normie like this
They are SJW's.
Name that fat female villain.
It would be offensive to the actress to be like "we had to change your face as its too ugly" could you imagine how awkward that would be for remedy?
The problem is with the model in the game donkey, the scan is messed up for sure. There are also some issues with facial animation due to rigging.
>wojak posting
yeah he's the loser, kys
Making faces in games is hard, way easier to just scan a cheap actor's face and just use that. You want design and artistry in your game?
he reposted?
The closest to perfect I've ever seen.
Those fucking thighs, mmph.
rofl nice giant forehead cunt