2019...I am...forgotten...
2019...I am...forgotten
I was predicting dead in a month, guess I was off by 29 days.
Now show the bottom of the list.
Pretty sure that's BfA, and not the classic servers.
they had to open a fuck ton of new servers because even Medium population servers have up to 5k queues
Why don't you do it, aren't you going HOME?
It's relative. High realms have 10k+ queues, "low" realms are still full, just with little queue.
people are waiting in 20k+ queue lines to play on popular servers, 5k+ on medium ones user, but I guess you can always imagine "winning" the debate in your head
>classic is a failure because the servers both have 8 hour queues and are also dead at the same time
What kind of mental illness causes someone to think this?
>try to roll on a low server
>it still has a fucking queue
Good, so it'll probably take almost a month.
I love winning.
Was that taken right after the restart today or something? There's literally no PvP server on EU that has no queue and judging by the WoWhead listings, it's not much better on the US.
Decent bait though.
>g-good so it's like I said first
God damn it must suck to be so retarded
>PVP servers
>servers have several hour long queues
>"ah yes this is a sign that the game will be dead in a month"
The best thing is how salty is making people. Hell I refuse to play classic because I've had plenty of it back in the day and at later times through private servers but the fact so many on Yea Forums and even this thread are salty how successful its been is truly the best gift of the whole show.
FFXIV is the only dead game here, OP
i really really want to see wow classic succeed. there aren't really any arguments against wow classic. it's mostly just poorfags who can't afford the subscription who want to see the game fail so they have something to laugh and talk about.
the more wow classic succeeds, the more mmorpgs will become like the old school days again.
don't worry user, your salt will keep it alive
>asmongold server and plebbit server going strong
>all the other dying after one day.
What a fucking trainwreck.
do they pay you in subscription cards or just in game cosmetics
the only ones still making MMOs are asians (for phones) and Kickstarter scams that promise to be everything everyone has ever dreamed of... only to then turn into vaporware.
I don't think you know how to use that buzzword, boomie. Stop trying to fit in.
eh, the server I play on seems to have gotten bigger(Sulfuras), used to be no queue now there's a 20 minute queue
ouch.. looks like that word really got to you user
Doublethink, user.
> Grobb
> Medium
> Realm is full. 7k queue
What in the fuck is going on? I was playing just fine a few hours ago
I'm on skeram and the queue is around 3 hours.
I want to see any game that Yea Forums hates succeed.
it's called viral marketing, user, and you just don't get it, okay?
>They named a server Deviate Delight
Even Blizzard thinks classic is a joke. Lmao
That's every game.
no, they named a RP server DEVIATE DELIGHT
Yes, I only reply when I'm fucking fuming.
I'll fucking murder you, you little bitch.
Pour one out for the thousands on Herod that just got DCed and thrown to the back of the 20k+ queue.
Just wagies getting home from their daily slavery. Means your server is full of casuals, which means it will die pretty soonish.
took you some time to come up with that weak reply, I guess I was right about you being salty
All the major pop servers are still major.
Wow has had 30+ "Low" realms for the past 6 years
shut up drpeppor
Huh, what it this.. let me read... oh..oh I got it.
Is he.... hmhhmhhhhhmh
Oh noooo
Even if the server says "Low" you still have to wait in a queue. I queued for Grobbulus an hour ago, it said "Medium" and I'm still in a 5k queue. My guess are literally all the servers are full and have some amount of queue, with "Low" being a small queue, "Medium" being around a 5k queue, "High" being a 10k queue, and "Full" being a 15k queue.
But of course FFXIV trannies will see "Low" and jump up and down screaming about how WoW is dead.
Exactly, consider this reply to be worth for the 10 next replies in this typical Yea Forums back and forth. Keep your responses coming, plz.
Do you not know what salt means?
They named one Mankrik too. Like they were just begging for Barrens chat.
Have you ever been to a night club where you stood in the line for two hours out in the cold, and when you finally got in the club was half-empty?
I swear to fucking God I was watching my position in queue go up instead of down.
Also their "Estimated time" counter is so bad it shouldn't even be displayed
i want to see his face when gamers actually want what they say and he doesn't know how to cope
>But of course FFXIV trannies will see "Low" and jump up and down screaming about how WoW is dead
lol don't be mad at XIVchads because you backed the wrong horse nerd
>>Have you ever been to a night club
>asking this on Yea Forums
shiggy diggy
Keep telling yourself that
not everyone is a shut in loser user
Protip: The way they rank servers as "low, medium, high or full" is based on a really, really stupid algorithm that calculates those based on the very highest populated servers.
So herrod could have like a 100,000 person queue, and because of that, your server will say low or medium, even if it is completely full and have a 30 minute queue.
t. cromcrush player who is waiting in a 80 minute queue even though it says it is at medium.
It is all relative, for some incredibly stupid reason. Basically the top 2-3 servers are throwing everything off.
>the queues are a conspiracy by blizzard to make the game seem alive
What the fuck? Why wouldn't they just change the way the population is calculated? Retard.
>Yea Forums
>WoW of all things
>'not everyone is a loser'
Whatever makes you sleep at night
I'm rolling hunter, never played a hunter in vanilla. any advice? Which pet o i grab? Professions?
what was going through your head when you typed up this response?
your right, forgot what thread I was in for a moment
They said the servers today can hold way more people.
They create layers to deal with excess of players in zone.
Still 3 hours queue.
Stop being a braindead asslicker.
So are they going to release wowcraft on console yet? I'm curious about classic
Classic would run on your laptop toaster.
I have other reasons
I have been queuing for 4 hours now, you fucking nigger.
This is bait.
OH WOW the new servers they just added today are low pop?
Whoda thunk
Blizzfags just cannot stop ripping off EverQuest
yeah no. this is incendius, which isn't even a streamer server.
>Posting an image within the morning
Zoomer and underage detected. Go back and do some homework dumbass.
>blizzard adds a ton of servers in the span of a night
>they're all low pop still
it's based on how many thousands of people are trying to connect at once, low being in the 2k range
Low pop is literally high pop for most other MMOs
literally who?
Kiddies got out of school.
grobb server, i've been in queue almost 2 hours already. I can't imagine anyone playing on herod will be able to play tonight
Nah it's wage slave bugmen. They ruin everything
Deviate and Grob - My negro
i've been playing since 5am est till now, almost up to lvl 19. Thanks for reading and carry on.
What's the player cap on a single server?
dunno user I still can't get in because of 12k+ people queues
Retailcucks and TrannyfantasyXIVfags seething