She's in

She's in.

Attached: tracer__super_smash_bros__ultimate__by_dashiemlpfim_dcflrtw-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


in the trash where she belongs

No, I'm in her.

she is in

Attached: mythra2.jpg (352x550, 48K)

>overfad instead of a timeless classic like space invaders
i don't think so

Attached: sleep invader.png (465x469, 5K)

so If I see someone make the same thread with the same character rping as them 6 times now, can I now report them for avatar use?
At what point does it become avatar use?

Bro you just posted cringe, here, let me clean your shit

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nerf bastion

lol nope

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Fuck outta here.

Attached: 1566942408519.jpg (2448x3264, 1.05M)

Remember when Tracer was just a cute tomboy with a great ass and an annoying accent?
Now nobody cares about her because she's a lesbian.

Are you actually using an NPC wojak to defend tracer
Because overwatch is as NPC as you can fucking get

>nobody cares about her
I still love her and will continue to love her until the day I die.

Attached: 1549032745780.jpg (1080x1350, 1.02M)

Trannies like you don’t count

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Wrong I’m her

no, and your waifu is a lesbian

Attached: 1537307237112.jpg (575x603, 38K)

Dare I say it
Finally something worse than Banjoke
Not even hat kid or heavy is this bad

Tracer is straight.

No, I'M in

HE’s in the Monsters ass

Back to the garbage can with your zipperhead memelord bugwife


Attached: Screen_Shot_2016_12_20_at_1.53.12_PM.0.jpg (1200x800, 229K)

move over, weeb

Attached: elma1.png (683x384, 450K)

>non-canon comic




Tracer would actually be awful
>OW is losing popularity as people bitch about it
>not even one of Blizzard or PC gayman's more iconic franchises
>a shooter rep should be Doomguy before anyone else

Attached: 1560900672079.jpg (1007x1500, 148K)

Me on the right

Stay toastie roastie. Asians are the future.

Attached: 1554537906587.png (900x900, 1.43M)

>officially made by blizzard

sorry man, shes a carpet muncher

>shitty waifu bait #10983535
Kill yourself

Tracer is the worst possible choice.
You could have a cool character like Reinhardt, or a unique one with some gimmick like

Some chinese girls and japanese girls are alright. Everything else is fucking hideous.
Enjoy your plastic titty streamer I guess

For me, it's Irina

Attached: 1550292493030.png (1191x1684, 1.32M)

remember when they announced Soldier 76 was a homosexual, and the number of people who played him fell through the floor?

Seething Stevie still crying about the fact that Microsoft cares more about rareware at this point

Attached: ECEADB89-D82D-43EC-A25A-6DF3672B164A.png (180x180, 70K)

Ruby Rose is a even more credible choice. Despite of not been a video game character.

I follow the Russian Overwatch canon where that shitty comic was never released and my waifu is canonically straight.

Attached: Based Russia.jpg (1024x614, 135K)


>non-canon comic

Oh, sorry bro, the comics are very much canon. And that's not relevant anyway, because Emily is in the game, appearing as at least two sprays.

I didn't know raping a corpse meant they cared more about it.

Can't wait.

Attached: they're in.png (809x1023, 572K)


there's been a bunch of decently big Switch ports, but why the drum up so much for Tracer?

Overwatch was obviously leaked, but I guess that fancy Switch casing seems a bit extra ceremonious and could imply something?

Attached: 1444083222542.jpg (703x540, 406K)

As I said here , I follow the Russian canon where Emily doesn't exist and Tracer is not a lesbian.

OP also posted waifu bait you jizzbrained numbskull

unironically based

Thanks for keeping the spot on the fighters pass warm, sweetheart. I'll take that now.

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At least theyre touching it

steveposting was atleast funny. this is just cringe.

>Bayonetta but with british teeth and crocs
yikes dawg

whats his moveset?

>tfw it ends up being or widowmaker instead

Attached: 1487374357848.png (200x190, 42K)

Weak, have a real leak

Attached: deleware.jpg (3973x2434, 732K)

Becoming increasingly faster the higher his damage.

I'd take Tracer if it meant Phoenix was 100% in


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Nick would be the best option for any fighting game. His mahvel gimmicks were great, they only needed to be refined.

thats clearly just a little mac edit

Tracer just happens to fit in with the supposed vague "leaks" that have been floating around, so people here will naturally latch to the idea, even just for shitposting purposes. I wouldn't mind Tracer at all, myself.

They put the fuckin joker in next is probably spiderman rofl

That's what I've been thinking too.

Attached: 1396345345700.png (274x322, 44K)

She's in.

Attached: 1565472491589.gif (580x850, 840K)

Quick question, why would Nintendo pick a character from a game - not even a series of games - that's barely been out three years and hasn't achieved anywhere near the status of any of the other franchises in SSB? Does anyone actually think this is happening?

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Most of us don't. It's the fact that that one cryptic post by sheer chance happened to line up with an actual leak and the potential result makes people mad

Steve was the perfect rosterfag villain; a pick so universally despised by the Smash community that his mere mention brought them to angry tears. Tracer thus far is the only potential pick to repeat such a reaction, and is now his successor

Attached: TracerIsIn.png (2320x1862, 3.89M)


This, and the fact that if Tracer DID get in she'd be cucking TWO fan favorites at once: Crash and Doomguy

>Fan favorite

He’s forced as fuck by a small group.

The only thing I can think of if Tracer is in Smash is all the possible porn of her getting fucked by Bowser

Attached: 1520187631166.jpg (628x788, 122K)

Advertising, obviously.

This, people only started wanting him recently because newfags took the meme seriously

ah, someone who has a good taste.

>girl covered and not half naked is waifu bait
You're retarded

The Switch had an absolute Dragon Quest blowout, along with Banjo getting a bunch of conveniently-timed merchandise this year and the rumors of an altered Rare Replay hitting Switch. Joker was Sakurai fanboying

I guess that's why Overwatch coming in addition with this fancy merch is making people think Tracers in. She wouldn't be the worst but the blinking and damage rewinding might make people jump off a bridge

A new evil has befallen the state of Yea Forums, in the rich country of Yea Forums...
It seemed Steve was the biggest threat to our equilibrium. Steve had threatened to usurp Banjo's rightful throne in the nearby Kingdom of Smash, and showed no signs of mercy.
But a new villain has emerged. A female bully who unlike Reimu, can't turn people into clones of her so she has no redeeming factors.
Only one person can put an end to this new evil...

"sorry, tracer. rules are rules. i've got a bone-afide invite to Smash and you're not getting in, sucker."

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>She wouldn't be the worst but the blinking and damage rewinding might make people jump off a bridge
Just like in Overwatch! Can't wait to main her in three different games.

For an entire year I had to watch people parade Erdrick around and screech "HOES MAD! HOES MAD!", only for Hero to turn into one of the most controversial additions to the game and now people actively want him out

Tracer coming along and ruining the meta by being able to rewind damage would cause a shitstorm of biblical proportions and I can't wait

Attached: MeleeIsStale.jpg (1080x833, 329K)

>Doomguy is in and there's nothing you can do about it

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I thought the Hoes Mad thing only started after the reveal?

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I'm going to correctively rape Tracer and Emily

You don't rape tomboys, even the lesbian ones.
The dick calls to them anyway.

>implying space invaders would be better than Galaxian, the predecessor of Galaga.

Nope, that was strictly an erdrick thing until tracertrannies started aping everything like steveposting

Just like Blizzard themselves, their cultist fans can only steal and slightly change ideas.

I just want to dress an user up as her

Attached: c47b4df24ddf21a62c5d3be11c562cd0.jpg (2048x2898, 361K)

Can someone make the sad wojak/feels man meme but with reimu?

well if you are a cis white male she hates you, everything you stand for and generally wishes you would just drop dead you fucking hateful bigot

one can dream

Attached: rayman.jpg (239x239, 28K)

"overwatch character" has been synonymous with "waifu bait" since 2016 with all the fucking waifufags and porn generated.
Overtrannies are the western version of touhou in that they don't care about the game and is only relevant because of it's autismal virgin fanbase and porn.
If you weren't a spastic pea-brain you'd see the posts by autistic waifufags that insist tracer isn't a carpet munching dyke because it shatters their pathetic delusions, now make like them and kill yourself a year from now when she's still not in Smash.

I meant Hero's reveal. Tracerposting only started yesterday.


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Whatever you had to say immediately lost any right to a voice right there. Labeling anything you don't like as reddit or tranny or whatever the fuck else is literally nigger behaviour.

Tracer's best friend Winston is a male.

You've already been deconfirmed faggot

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I am Mexican

Yeah, I'm thinking this is based

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Put your logic together please

Your listening to a random leak that is quite literally a random shitpost

Now your automatically assuming that overwatch potentially coming to the switch suddenly means a smash reveal

Both are literally the most normie thing you retards are doing

But it's fun!

No she isn’t, nigger.

It's not fun when everybody is making the same fucking joke on twitter

Why are you following people on Twitter who regurgitate the same joke? Why do you enter threads on Yea Forums that do the same thing?

Based and Xpilled
Switch remake never ;_;

It's her turn

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>in a mech

Tron Bonne
Jill Dozer


based Russian

If it means Nick got in, i'd take the loss. He's one of my most wanted

Tf is up with u people

Attached: 73D2F19F-1D8B-4E0B-8554-4FB0E4539F8E.jpg (828x335, 157K)

>Morrowind port

>smash gets another waifu
K Im game, who's it gonna be?
>Its fucking Tracer
Literally the worst possible choice. Even shit like Lightning, Saber or Croft would be much better.

"Im gay" is literally all the characterization she's gotten in OW's lifetime. People always hated how stupid she was to actually fight against, and she's somehow more shoved down throat than even fucking Lightning was, and that bitch had 2 games about her.

They're in!

Attached: 1538348971358.png (1299x1635, 734K)

Yeah, what a bunch of incel-cucks, haha

>tfw Tracer hits tons of my fetishes but I hate Overwatch
Tomboy, English, short dark hair, great ass, and is a dyke to convert.

Tbh crash has a higher chance of getting in than banjo did

>A few people laughed, a few people cringed, most posted no reply. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita...

Attached: bait.gif (625x626, 106K)

>only for Hero to turn into one of the most controversial additions to the game and now people actively want him out
I was never a big Herofag, but man, those people are sheer pussies

I'd unironically rather have Steve than Tracer, at least Minecraft is one of the biggest games of all time. Also seriously if you can pick a Blizzard character why not Diablo or the Lich King?

literal whos

And that's why Tracer is the perfect heel of the month

First it was Incineroar, then Steve, and now Tracer

no, they're in.

Attached: IMG_5924.jpg (3264x2448, 1.06M)

He's right.
Here's the REAL comic.

Attached: TF2 Overwatch Tracing the Scout.png (599x462, 470K)

That's much better.

Unfortunately, true.
Steve could have a cool building moveset.
Rather than T-Racer being a Zero Suit Samus clone.

I honestly think her mechanics would be too incredibly broken in a fighting game. She has the ability to revert time to heal herself and probably free recovery offstage and has an invincible dash. I don't think sakurai is that stupid.

It writes itself

>the Lich King is a literal who
nu-Yea Forums is a mistake
I really hope Sakurai wouldn't add a character that annoying to smash. He would have to bullshit a ton of moves too, hell even blizzard couldn't come up with FOUR moves for tracer in their moba. They had to give her a generic melee attack.
Nah she would just be cancer like this user said

Does he fuck her?

>I don't think Sakurai is that stupid

>Global Smash Power
>Removing For Glory
>No Proper Story Mode Because Mean Ol' Youtube Ruined It
>Arsene Is Fair And Balanced
>Random Hero Crits Are Fair And Balanced

Attached: 1532067222366.jpg (203x254, 54K)

Of course!
Scout is God's gift to women!

Attached: God's gift to women.png (1141x854, 1.26M)

None of those things are broken. Tracer would literally be another meta knight/Bayonetta situation.

I wish I could be Tracer.

Attached: 1548581115036.jpg (858x930, 85K)

I wish I could marry Tracer.

I'm already Tracer

Implying anyone other than Boomers in their deathbed would care about some retro shit like space invader.







>"How can I help you, King Refusteve?
>"That's what we do best at Yea Forums's Yea Forums
>"Better get it with a money-back guarantee!"




Attached: rightbackatya.jpg (325x475, 55K)

What would her Echo be?



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>because overwatch is a npc as you can get
That's the most npc fucking thing I've ever heard.

Overwatch is only liked by the most normalfag of normalfags.

This meme is still going around?

Yeah and apparently still triggers you just as much. I wonder why?

Too based 4 me

Alright you fucker, take your damn (you)

Attached: LotsoBanjoFull.png (1920x2043, 2.93M)

Why do trannies loves he's in/ she's in posting?

Attached: 1511362297395.png (1371x889, 1.74M)

He's in.

Attached: sonic_the_hedgehog__2006_____sonic_s_story_pt_1_by_shadowrulz324-d9kcxbv.png (300x619, 180K)

Made this a while ago

Attached: He's in.jpg (796x1920, 838K)

That game was pure bliss on the Wii. I heard tell they wanted to remake it for 3DS but I guess it never happened.

The characters are the cheerleader from that Suda game and Crash Bandicoot. Also Homerun Contest. No boss rush. No bonus fighter

I'm already tracer

despite the fact hes another sword fighter

Juliet Starling?

A wacky horror-rep that would cuck Leon out of his slot. I'm down for it

Can someone please explain this sudden and retarded surge of "LOL TRACER SMASH!!" shitposting?

TL;DR: A post from a few days ago claimed that the next DLC would be a female character who is not demanded and would confuse and disappoint people. No one thought twice about it until suddenly Amazon accidentally leaked an Overwatch carrying case for the Switch; and this along with other evidence all but confirms OW is getting a Switch port by the next Direct

With OW being a high-profile game making the Switch leap suddenly people began to wonder about the possibility of an OW character being in Smash and oh look, Tracer fits the mold of "Disappointing female character that would piss people off"

Twitter reacted angrily and suddenly we have the latest villain of rosterfagging, a pick so reviled by the Smash community that it makes for good trolling

Attached: 1550033452100.png (475x547, 710K)

So dipshits being dipshits triggering even more dipshits. What else is new. Also Blizzard is on record stating that if they could have a spot in Smash they would put in Diablo.

I wanna be Tracer

I can't stop seeing that ugly girl as a genderbent TF2 Scout.

Concise post. Thanks bruh.



Attached: Crash is a Gaming Icon.png (510x307, 305K)

Pick one. She's fucking gorgeous.

Attached: 1522698308673.jpg (800x800, 121K)

on the plus side, when the inevitable fourth fighter comes and btfos tracer fags we will have something similar to the steve btfo

>Smash introduces characters through cinematic trailers and has been known to outsource them
>Blizzard gets off to making cinmatics of their characters, especially Overwatch
Oh fuck...OH FUCK

Attached: 1531457991600.jpg (400x400, 24K)

She's bottom tier of the girls.

>Pixar-tier animation bringing the Nintendo characters to life

This just makes me mad that Illumination got the film rights to Mario

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Agreed, Minecraft is comfy and already has an in stone fanbase. Overwatch has too many problems for people to enjoy it

Boring. We need a female heavyweight powerhouse character, and there just so happens to be one with several attacks and abilities that would be fun to adapt to Smash. Plus she's really sexy.

Attached: overwatch_s_zarya_by_pixiepowderpuff-da13bqj.png.jpe.jpg (670x1191, 101K)

IF we follow the supposed "clues" we have, I have narrowed it down to the following characters.

>Mechanica from ARMS
>D.Va (Cringe)

Clues being
>Not requested
>Has a mech

What about KOS-MOS?

>Nintendo characters with Blizzard quality cgi
Actually based.

Attached: racetothefinish.jpg (3696x1518, 1.23M)

Do people seriously believe that mech post when it was clearly someone else interjecting to ride off the coat-tails of the lucky connection?

Watch it be Alloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. Remember how much Sakurai sucked off that game, saying he enjoyed it more than BotW?

Attached: Screenshot_20190226-181328_Chrome.jpg (572x323, 89K)

Why is he so obsessed with cuckholdry?


reminder Scout has a larger ass than Tracer

>Not requested
>Has a mech
Wait a fucking second here, you don't think...

Attached: maxresdefault (47).jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>Horizon Zero Dawn

Attached: tfw.png (1196x358, 703K)

There's no clues, vergeben hasn't said anything yet

>Tracer blinking around a map
>Suddenly sniped by Widowmaker
>Hit right in the chestplate and it begins to go haywire
>Yanks her back and rips her through time and space
>Lands right in the middle of Inkopolis during a match

Attached: TracerSplatoon.jpg (1280x656, 536K)

Doomguy is a forced meme

Have you considered that this is much more likely? Considering Sakurai really wanted a Xenoblade character

Attached: 568d34e5a70a2.preview.jpg (901x989, 55K)

>every character I hate is a meme

>Considering Sakurai really wanted a Xenoblade character
When did he say that? All he said was Rex appeared too late to make it onto the roster and he didn't care enough to make him DLC.


>Has a Mech
>Would cause infinitely less uproar than Tracer

I see it.

Who? Not even joking

How in the ever loving fuck did some stupid shit throw away tweet about Overwatch merchandise transform into people thinking Tracer is in Smash.
God I hate this board and I hate you retards.

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because it's the only comfort they can find while knowing they will never be able to rid themselves of the Y chromosome.

It's either her or Edelgard, Yea Forums.

You know it to be true. Yurifags won. Admit it.

I have no side on this either way but thank you for giving me the big post in one of the two compilations i'm making

Why the fuck would they put in a character whose only claim to fame is one game on the fucking Wii U of all things? Oh yeah, and don't pretend being dlc in Xenoblade 2 has any significance.

None of the Fighter Pass characters are Nintendo characters.

People still actually fucking believe this/misunderstand what Reggie was saying??

Yeah sure and all of the Smash DLC in 4 was going to be returning fighters and no third parties. uh huh

Fighter Pass 1: 3rd Party
Fighter Pass 2: 1st Party (We'll get the dreaded FE rep then)
Fighter Pass 3: Echo Fighter's Pass

>lesbian bong sticc

Faggots like you are still FOX News-style screaming that "YOU COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTOOD HIS VERY CLEAR WORDS!!"?

When did Sakurai ever say that about the Smash 4 DLC?

Being new to the smash series does not equate to third parties only, you fucking mouth-breather,.

Tracer is probably a correct guess. The fan poll was very clearly influential in deciding who got into the game (returning cast, Daisy, Ridley, Dark Samus, Chrom, K. Rool, Belmonts, Banjo) and it went on from August to October 2015. Meanwhile, Overwatch's closed beta (and pinnacle of hype) took place during this exact time, when people would vote for her. Blizzard is so desperate to hype the game under any circumstance that they would agree to any terms Nintendo propose to make her a permanent part of Smash Bros.

I dont care what you think of Overwatch, the chance of her being in is incredibly high. Way more than it ever was for Minecraft.

Attached: 1547167132062.gif (1400x1400, 1.31M)

Never. Just like how nobody ever fucking said the fighters pass was going to be third party only

>Thinking we're getting anything after this pass
It's like you people live for disappointment

Don't talk shit about my perfect straight tomboy waifu.

Attached: 1523388777828.jpg (750x1000, 475K)

She can't be in because her game came out too later and all the dlc is third party
Maybe if they have a second fighters pass.

It doesn't seem like avatar use
Spam maybe.

>All the DLC is third party

Nobody cares about overwatch in general anymore, it's a dead game artificlaly propped up by obscene ammounts of money

hi....i'm in delaware

Sounds like "They're all third parties" to me. Because 1) they've all been third parties so far and 2) All of the other unrepresented franchises are Assist Trophies and Spirits. And after Corrin I really doubt Sakurai is going to shove another FE character in solely for advertising.

>Tracer getting fisted by Peach

I'll take it

None of your points matter until all 5 characters are announced, retard.

>Sounds like
Sounds like youre a retard

Attached: 1566955436965.png (500x581, 7K)

Ultimate cringe. Chosen Undead will slay that of which is unholy.

Attached: EE8B7D8C-6B0F-4EB1-9866-1C7FD1CF4748.jpg (4096x2680, 2.69M)

That's Arthas fucking Menethil the god dam lich king

Then why aren't the first three DLC characters Eldegard, Waluigi, and Geno?

Same as your points, dicklicker.

Why would Sakurai put in the SIDE CHARACTERS from a game instead of the central character?

Don't the Russian laws against showing gays only apply to children?
What fucking child plays overwatch.

Yeah, except that in my case I'm saying it's possible to have all third party, and it's also possible to have first party, jizzlipped retard.

Is this a real question?

Elma is pretty much the Main character

If that was the case the redundant first-party characters would have been revealed first.

No, Rex is. He's the one you control, just like Shulk. If Sakurai didn't make Rex playable he's not making the titty brigade playable either.

Ah yes, because you're omnipotent and arent just assuming that unwritten rules exist

There you go again making up stupid retard rules that don't apply to anything other than your retard head canon.

Why have the most boring characters be the last ones revealed?

Rex isnt in Xenoblade X dumbass

You say that but Robin got in before Chrom. Self-insert MC would get in before Elma.

based as fuck

Says the one who's so desperate for Xenoblade characters who are already in the game as Spirits and a Mii costume because Sakurai didn't want them playable because they came out too late.

Ask Sakurai

The last characters revealed for the base game were fucking Ken and Shillmon #3

>would line up with that "leak" that a female character that wasn't highly demanded is getting in
>would also line up with with Overwatch potentially coming to switch because of a fucking case or whatever

>Xenoblade X
The game that came out in 2015 yet Sakurai ignored it when making Ultimate's roster?

What the fuck? I don't care who gets in at this point. My characters are already in.
How fucking retarded are you?

user thats pretty gay

I like tracer

Attached: tracer_1000pi_by_omar_dogan-da7l56q.jpg (651x1000, 700K)

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Attached: meen.png (856x682, 568K)

i don't think so worst girl in her own game

followup fucker.

Personally I think Tracer would be a great fit for the style, color palatte and spirit of Smash. Overwatch in general. You can't say it isn't a phenomenon, and she's the flagship character.

She'd fit nicely in the cast and be another Western rep on top of that. I think people super against it just have an axe to grind.

Dilate you disgusting clown frankenstein faggot

People are against Tracer because she isn't one of Yea Forums's bandwagon picks.
>can literally manipulate her own flow of time
>"Tracer is boring she has no moveset potential because I don't like her"
Fuck this place.

Bayonetta already has the time warping bullshit, and go to r/overwatch if you want to wank over your shitty game

Yeah, obviously. A time manipulating/teleporting smash character would be fucking insane and literally make me pick up the game again. Joker and hero didn't.

Don't samefag too hard.

This gave me cancer. Bad idea

she'll never be into you virgin. she's a carpet muncher

She's straight in my headcanon.

I've been saying she has great moveset potential, but the character and game is shit and if Blizzard can just pay their shit character from their dying game into Smash then everything is bad

Embarrassing that your feelings are so hurt that two people in a thread of 125 posters agreeing that it makes you paranoid.

Paranoid about what? You're the ones who decided to instantly believe and worship a Twitter-created bit of nonsense.

I'm in her tight dyke pussy.

get ready for Sakurai in the next direct to say Trans rights

Attached: 86fb69d13765ade5faeccc05ca571076.jpg (940x492, 102K)

Is that fucking Steve from blues clues?

Attached: 5b3a38212000004200b95ef9.jpg (720x894, 87K)


He didn't post her feet

how old are you? I never played wow ever and I hated the game with my guts but even I know the lich king. Shit was fucking marketed crazy.

Where did I say I believed it? I just think she'd be a great fit, hypothetically. I'm not part of your hate-cum eating group think you've got going on here, sorry.

she's cute, I'm okay with it

can the switch even run OW? It would probably be like 30 fps on the lowest settings

Detroit is in Michigan retard

It runs Fortnite fine, it can handle Overwatch


Attached: 625730.png (1500x1500, 1.74M)

>if you don't agree with me then you're my enemy!
Done killing those younglings, Anakin?

My anus

> I think people super against it just have an axe to grind
No they can just see how unfun/broken it would be in smash. You cannot add her recall with it being balanced. She got added to blizzards moba and was one of the most cancer characters. Hell they couldn't even come up with 4 moves for her and gave her a generic melee attack as an ability.

Why would they put this irrelevant fucker in smash?

Reposting from last thread, here are the reasons why the following "characters" aren't going to be in Smash:
>Monster Hunter
Already represented in game with Rathalos. Wouldn't be exciting or surprising if revealed. Capcom has better potential reps
More irrelevant than Banjo. Uninteresting literal who to every region. Capcom has better potential reps
>Phoenix Wright
No move set potential. Prove me wrong. He's not a blank slate like certain Smash characters. Don't pull shit out of your ass.
Literal who. Doesn't even have a official series logo. Generic anime girl. The new Steve
Design is too boring and generic. Would be neat, but started as a digital pet toy, barely even a video game
Wouldn't get in before Ryu Hayabusa. Boring design, uninteresting move set. Not worth dealing with CERO
>Llyod Irving
Boring anime character. Expecting three JRPG protags in the same Fighter's Pass? Fuck out of here.
>Sylux, Porky, Byleth
Not expecting anything 1st party in the current Fighter's Pass. Porky would be cool, I guess
>Undertale anything
Doesn't need an explanation. You're a retard if you expect Sans and brain dead if you expect Frisk/Chara
Spirit, also boring as sin
>Any RE rep
Has a chance but unlikely since boring move set potential. No, they wouldn't have Jill spawn zombies, you fucking retard
Not as popular as Minecraft. Boring character with a boring move set. Works better as a stage.
Was rooting for him initially but in hindsight, is pretty boring. Both VAs are dead. Let the character rot in PSASBR
More irrelevant than Banjo. Wouldn't get in before Crash
>Kos Mos
Fucking who? Seriously, who bitch this is?
>Morrigan, Mai, Nakoruru
Two are a CERO nightmare and the other is a literal who. You do the math
Shoot yourself in the skull

inb4 Wrightrannies, Kasumidgets and Raymanchildren start shitting up the thread

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Forgot my pic

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Overwatch isn't exactly a demanding game. Although, Blizzard is going to require everyone to uninstall and reinstall the game soon, since all the updates have made the original game framework bulky and sloppy. They plan to release a new exe that alleviates the bloat.

Again, so they say.

Shut the fuck up you normalfag nigger faggot

Never forget that the reveal was ment to cover up the controversy about a pro team dismissing their female player because it was a top 200 player on a smurf account with a female streaming his gameplay

>thinking heavy is anything but one of the best picks

kys faggy

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Based and CDIpilled

>>Phoenix Wright
>No move set potential
He was pretty cool in UMvC3. You gathered evidence until you could trap people and turn the match around with an objection. They also used missile the dog and Maya in his moveset, they could use even more characters in smash if they wanted to.

yin yang, anime isn't argument, tracer is the new steve.

rated them

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So another character who starts out shit then becomes OP as he builds a meter?

THe games gonna die anyways

You know she's coming

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>Doesn't even have a official series logo

Literally what? If Ice CLimbers can get an Eggplant then Reimu can get the Yin Yang symbol.

They need a little somerhing

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I don't even know who she is.

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blocks her path

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TF2 is too based for Smash tbqh

Its not like the other meters in smash, you wouldn't gain it from doing damage or getting hit. His down B would make you look for evidence if it worked similar to how MvC did it. You also needed to actually land to objection to "become OP" its different enough and honestly way more balanced than joker's bullshit. Seriously why does he gain like half his meter for getting hit?

>crash worse than steve
way to ruin an almost perfect tier list

Sounds like a shit mechanic.

idk i think Ayumi Tachibana would be better for that kind of thing

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I honestly never played a crash game, not really hate as much as apathy. I have to admit even if I don't like Steve either I can't deny I'd like to see how they'd implement his building part into smash.

Its way more creative than another meter and actually has counterplay besides running away and waiting out the meter. Joker's is a way shittier mechanic and its not even how persona works.
Maybe she would but I think Wright is more well known in the west. If I recall Sakurai wanted to add her in one of the older games and didn't because nobody in the west knew who she was.

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It's still another meter gimmick, as if we don't have enough of those. Just go play marvel 3 if you just want his moveset from there ported over retard

There are like 3 meter gimmicks in smash and it works nothing like those ones. I'd play marvel 3 if anyone else still played the damn game, and I don't want his moveset straight ported from marvel. My point is that Wright does have moveset potential as he literally already has a fighting game moveset with way more moves than a smash character needs. I don't even think he's likely to happen.

Am I missing something here?

Other characters call Phoenix Wright "Nick" in the games

short for phoenix

>Sonic '06 Sonic with all of his busted-ass gems
Sounds fun. Throw Shadow in as a bonus.

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>rated them

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Ah, thanks. That's cool.

Ken is the only new Capcom character we're getting. Accept it now so your expectations don't lead to depression.

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Literally nothing. It’s the same retarded thing every fucking modern Nintendo fan does whenever an accessory is shown for the switch or a game is ported to it. Instead of going “oh cool” or “oh fuck off with the ports”, their first reaction is “OMG?!!1!1!!11! THIS CHARACTER IS IN SMASH BECAUSE THATS ALL NINTENDO IS GOOD FOR!!! SHE IS IN!!!!”
Fucking mouthbreathing faggots who need to fuck off and tie a rope around their necks.

Because it was coincidentally posted around the same time as the leak.

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>no muscle

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Now I love me some muscle girls but I can enjoy other things as well.

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based and angerpilled

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Loli Poppi is best Poppi.

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Heavy is a shitty meme pick. Fuck off.

I’d rather have KOS-MOS, but I’d take Poppi if it came down to it. She’s definitely a never ever though. Her outfit is way too revealing

Nice feet

would rather be autistic than be emotionless

t. overwatch zoomer

Shut up pedo.

forgot someone

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missing a key character

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Stop replying to bait posts


>imagine being this much of a tasteless cunt

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Is there anything more based than a lesbian getting cuckholded by a straight guy?

No no, not yet, they haven't revealed that she has a 10 inch cyber benis that she doms that kid in the short with daily. Actually never mind, if they do it now and reveal it later, it's perfect, just like with 76. Gotta lure them in and then reveal they've been riding D.Vas mecha fem benis this entire time.

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>none of those things are broken
Stick to playing brawl with items on, you braindead retard.

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Both wrong, Sombra is coming

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tracer and sombra as an echo fighter

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