What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: flop.png (1141x574, 34K)

Flavor of the month fad that was on life support from tumblr

Shitty Mother ripoffs for trannies

7 Y E A R S

Toby not doing much to milk the series dry. He just released the game and went silent. He didn’t even start to sell merch for a while either.

What went right*

Interest in a thing gradually wears off over time...? How is this in anyway weird? How does your image imply something went wrong?

Undertale is fun for 5 hours and has no replayability, so it gets quickly forgotten.

I still fap to Muffet, so nothing went wrong.

I think the point of the picture is that there is 0 interest in deltarune compared to undertale.

>no replayability
Hahahahahhaahahah, good one.

I mean it's an unfinished product, presumably the interest wouldn't be as big as Undertale was after release.

Attached: kT0vSh2fM6.png (300x250, 24K)

I'm talking about after you finish the 2 main routes (genocide is way too much of a grind to be worth the 2 boss fights). The gameplay is really boring so replaying the game is a real slog.

It's only the first part of a sequel that only had one route, which is also to be expected.
This image shows nothing unusual.

But that's very expected. First of all, deltarune was a much smaller and shorter game that undertale, and second, undertale was phenomenally popular. It's only logical that a sequel won't get so lucky in terms of popularity (regression to the mean). Obviously deltarune wouldn't have made an equal splash.

>Both routes
>5 hours
That's bullshit but I believe it.

Attached: 1517154643644.jpg (750x737, 67K)

It takes around 4 hours for all routes together if you're going slow as balls. If you know what you're doing you can do it (no speedrun) in 2 hours. Even faster if you speedrun it.


Go ahead and post a couple world record videos that show someone beating pacifist and genocide in a total of 2 hours, then tell me how fast you are while going "slow as balls" retard

>get to play in the exact same way as a normal playthrough except it takes longer
>two new 5 minute bossfights
>no cutscene skips
That's right- no replayability. A game is worth replaying if you can tackle it in a completely new way. Undertale is barely worth slogging through once, let alone twice.

>Why is a demo less popular than a full retail game