How do I kill this dumb motherfucker? Is a botanist more or less mandatory on advanced mode?
Etrian Odyssey
Other urls found in this thread:
git gud
>how do I ___________ in an Etrian Odessy game
What a fucking awful series
>in EO
Look at this faggot, you never need to grind in EO.
A tip against Amalgolem: even if the merged form is inmune to status ailments, the smaller golems aren't, so try poisoning them before they merge and it will transfer to the main body. Is a very tricky boss but you'll eventually break its puzzle.
What is your party?
poison or blind the little ones and try to weaken and kill all of them at once, that way when they merge the big faggot will have less HP
neck yourself retard
I remember him being a pain. Make sure you solve the level's puzzle to make the fight reasonable. You don't need a botanist if you have a shaman.
I've been asking around for advice already since I'm too busy to actually play right now. I think my plan is to respec and focus my skill points better, and level up the other classes in case I -still- can't make this set-up work. I actually managed to drop the rock fucker to 30% health my last attempt. Poison actually proc'd and him skipping attacks opened up so much breathing room that I might be able to work something out.
Switching Warlock with a Shaman or my Necro with a Botanist both seem like strong set-ups too though.
I'm just not a huge fan of the potato race honestly.
You pretty much have no healing so that's obviously an issue. Botanist is fine but they're too basic even after unlocking Master Classes and their Smoke line is not good unless you change race because Brouni have really bad LUC. Your team is fine other than no having reliable healing so you could try switching Warlock for Botanist or Shaman to have reliable or passive healing. Hound is also good for healing but then he'll be fighting for slots with your Necro. Don't change Necro, they're one of the best classes in the game.
Wow, rude.
I'm sure you've got the basics, mana guard + block on first turn plus every time it reforms and make sure you've risen the pillars to block the extra four statues
Like said weakening the little ones with ailments (cause iirc they're not very resistant to them) is really helpful, and if you're lucky can make the main golem waste a turn trying to reform when nothing is there, they're not worth focusing your damage to though as the amount of hp they have is still relatively absurd for that point in the game and you're just wasting tp on them
The big golem will almost always follow up with the signature skill of whatever limb joins it (legs have the stomp, arms have the two element punches, and head has a party-wide petrification skill though it's real easy for it to miss), you can use that to your advantage and use the dragoon's guards accordingly. I would definitely recommend getting a shaman or botanist, as your team is pretty squishy outside of the dragoon and pugilist, but you could always optimize a kill-them-before-they-kill-you kind of party, it's up to you really
It's been a while since I've played it, but if I remember I focused pretty much all my dps on the core body and some ailments on the mini golems. Once it goes down you have to deal with the remaining mini golems,(this is where blocking the statues helps, makes less to deal with) though they're super weak offensively and will just waste a turn and do nothing at random when the main body is gone
I can't really blame you, when I used a botanist I immediately replaced the portrait with the EO1 Medic dlc, for some reason they just piss me off
Also post your favorite class, faggots
don't bully potatoes they're good
better than the dumb space elves
I'm just a sucker for the Celestrian's exotic skin colors. Bottom right-most is really cute with blonde hair, dark skin though, so I'll concede there.
Thunder fist deals disgusting damage, just as an FYI. Even if you plan on building a bind and combo hit-reliant Pugilist later on, it might be worth looking into that skill in the early game.
I don't remember what element the Amalgolem is weak to, if any, but your Warlock might benefit from focusing on one element for the purposes of this early boss battle, and pouring the rest of the skill points into Focus Chant, Quick Chant and Amplifier.
Decoy Bunkers are pretty fucking good in the early game when it comes to eating hits from the enemy.
Try to use ailments on the little ones when it breaks up, that way when they rejoin the big one will be inflicted to. I'm sure the poison damage was the only reason I was able to take it down
I agree the only issue with Shamans is the color palettes of the clothes, is hard to make them combine with any possible unique skin, hair and eye colors, meanwhile Botanists suffer from bad pose syndrome, they have really cute designs.
>you never need to grind in EO
Did the user you quoted fucking stutter?
I’m curious as to how you don’t go broke if you don’t grind.
You heard me, Timmy. The only reason you'd grind is because you rested in early game, both random encounters and quests always keep you at the right level, that has been a fact since the very first game.
I admit I almost quit when I couldnt beat Almag on advanced. I wound up overlevelling a bunch and replacing my fencer with a dragoon. It seems like every one who plays V has a dragoon which makes me sad. At least Untold 2 has Beasts vs. Guardians.
how the fuck do people do solo runs
i'm trying to do one in untold and it's hard as hell
i've been stuck on the first stratum forever
Unless you are using multiple parties and not just 5 the entire game.
I remember the Amalgolem being a very close call for me, I beat him like on my third try, but it was really close. I probably didn't really 'get' the fight, so if you follow every advice in this thread, I'm sure you can beat it with margins.
Only for the very last (post-game) boss.
gather when you're in the dungeon, always try to get conditional drops from enemies since that means more drops and valuable ones to boot
Play on picnic mode
Imagine being this bad at cute and funny adventures.
Dont wast money on equipment until you are close to the boss so you dont end with something than will be replaced in the next floor, do the quest and get conditional drops, if your party is good you are not going to use money for anything else for most of the game.
Not like you need more than 5 characters.
>map out every floor completely while fighting every encounter you can
>stop at every gathering point
>once you get to the boss go back and fight FOEs for drops and a decent chunk of exp
This is the right way to play and you should never run out of money or be underleveled unless you're doing stupid shit like relying on items to heal and constantly switching out characters for some reason
Does EON emulate well?
It took me a bunch of items but I finally beat that asshole Hippogyph. Used the Bonus XP item on the last turn as well which was nice. Now I get to sink 6 points into master abilities. My rover can actually do binds now instead of failing horribly.
>tfw I am always overleveled as fuck because I like gathering and selling things a lot
I don't know why I do it either. I mean I don't think money has ever been an issue for me.
play hero
by not being retarded
Solo is kinda bullshit. I prefer duo.
Why were the sequels still called Etrian Odyssey if there wasn't anything Etrian about them?
Because Atlus USA in their usual infinite wisdom fucked up, it should have been named Labyrinth of Ygdrassil but I believe there was another game recently released named Yggdra Union and they never expected more games not happening in Etria would ever happen.
Recognizability for the fans of the first one and also a memorable short name. I'm not even sure why the first one was dubbed that by the localization team, Etria was not a central focal point of most of the game, it was just a hub town near the labyrinth where a small amount of dialogue took place and you bought items. Your adventurers weren't even necessarily natives.
>EO is dead
>Dept Heaven is very dead
fuck this isn't the future I chose
I can't get into EO despite loving the music and art, but I really liked Code: VFD. Am I just a casual?
For me it's Teach.
Yeah, don't forget it also ruined the name drop in Nexus, the last dungeon being Sekaiju no meikyuu in Japanese
Yes, as VFD is generally considered extremely easy outside of maybe the Death March.
I adored VFD as well though and I play a lot of EO, even though it was easy it settled the series nicely and tied up most loose ends. A good finish, even with all the flaws.
5's last stratum is so good.
yfw you realized the whole thing is one giant floor
I don't even remember that game all that much but I do remember the ruin knight or whatever it was called one shotting almost every single dragon I came across, it was pretty disgusting. The duelist was a pretty unique take on a mage class though I'll give it that
Rune Knight's Brave Sword does huge damage, yes. Vengeful Sword and the one that triggers on death is pretty powerful too. It's not even just Rune Knight though, most of the classes are absurdly useful. The most useful is usually said to be the Banisher class (the knights with cannons).
That horrendous, whoever made needs to be shot and fed to deer, and you too for saving it
>finish the main game
>dip a bit into the post game, clear around 70 to 80% of it, not having a lot of trouble, things are going smoothly
>lose interest because the game is already finished anyway
Happened with every EO pretty much, including X. How do you guys not get bored eventually?
Are fencers actually good?
dodge nene is shit
the other nene is amazing
golem was easy I just went full unga until he died. I think you can solve a map puzzle to stop the adds from joining the fight for a while.
Autism obviously
Is it overkill to invest in shaman's elemental prayers if you've got a dragoon with a well spec'd mana line? I want my shaman to aid with healing first and foremost, but I'm wondering where to go from there without my build becoming too unfocused. Obviously I can just dump more points into aegis, ruinous, and gospel.
I only managed to finish 2 of the 5 etrians I started. I keep end up getting frustrated that my party isn't working like I wanted but am too autistic to change it.
This is literally me with 4
>reach postgame
>4 dragon bosses and a secret dungeon
>just barely clear the dragons and map out the dungeon
>struggle to beat the secret boss even after solving a puzzle
>only way to level up and/or get better gear is to rematch the dragons multiple times
Grinding on boss fights is almost never fun.
Max ruinous prayer asap. Leave Aegis at the minimum required for Heaven's Gift. Elemental prayers are okay but you want to max Dance Oracle first for extra elemental damage.
For EO4, the best way I found to grind exp is either golden FOE spam in the final overworld (enter and exit to respawn them till they become gold). Or kill the FOEs in the Library since they respawn every day. For both methods always use the gain extra experience per battle Force Skill. You can use the Dancer skill that makes it so that you have a chance to proc your force gauge to spend one less point than usual to make things easier. It took a couple of hours after I reset my party, but I did it while watching something else to pass the time.
I clear EO fine all the way to the finale, hell I farmed 36 copies of Ragnarok.
When it comes to MegaTen games though I somehow always just drop it at a lategame point. It's not even like I drop it at hard battles, the game just becomes less interesting somehow, usually when there's little to nothing left to explore.
Best battle theme coming through
throw the game in the trash, it's literally the worst in the series, then give up on the series because it's on the decline because Fatlus
To expand on my previous post, I went with a Divine Herald for some utility buffs (bind and ailment resistance, max HP) in case I hit a boss that I needed them for, though I never did, you can make do with Gospel and healing items just fine if you invest into race skills for extra materials from gathering. Divine Punisher is fine but I feel they don't contribute that much at the end of the day, Shaman has everything he needs with just base skills. Also, use every tool at your disposal, from food, to Union skills. Don't fret at spending some skill points on race skills, either. Aegis prayer is trash and a waste of a buff slot when you have a Dragoon, specially a shield dragoon like me. Ruinous prayer is a great buff to ALL damage and you can have your shaman use healing items or Bravants once he's casted it, or abuse Dance Oracle. Only use Heaven's Gift in a boss battle if someone else going first really matters, since it wastes a precious buff. Also, Prayer Mastery is great to max since it makes your shaman cast the buff before anyone else acts most of the time.
>it's literally the worst in the series
That spot is taken either by 4 for casualization, or the Untolds for the forced story waifufaggotry and Grimoires, 2U being the most guilty of the two. 5 brought back single classes (which is part of why I prefer the DS games, even 3 whose subclassing is still fun to mess around with), had okay to great dungeons, and the best orchestral soundtrack. Sure, some classes are straight up overpowered like Pugilist, but every EO has that. I don't mind the story being unfinished and completely retconned by Nexus because I still had fun, and it reminded me of how much I enjoyed EO2.
maaaaan that shit is LEWD
I just think you don't like EO because you seem to dislike 4, 1U, 2U, and N
I never got these posts where it's like "man fuck half the series but also I like maybe 3 of them" unless it's Pokemon because those all suck
I found dungeons to be pretty mediocre and the soundtrack was completely uninspired, and the class specialization was stupid and worse at gating that what 4 did. EO5 is easily worse than 4 in every aspect other than difficulty.
To be honest, the worst I'd think really is the original EO2, it had huge design flaws that put a big damper on it, in particular the asinine level cap system. 2U doesn't force the story shit at all if you don't like it, that's 1U because it locks 2 normal styled classes and a whole dungeon behind it. 4 isn't terribly hard but it's fun to run without an optimized party. 5's class mechanics I hated but otherwise the dungeons were good and in particular the 3rd stratum was great outside of the goofy finale boss. 3 is horribly balanced but still remains one of the best I've ever played.
>muh difficulty
3 and 4 are the best. 5 is okay but has some issues. I don't know what "casualizations" 4 made but the challenge felt fine to me.
block the little golesm on the maps so it gives you enought time to steamroll the central part, don let it get togheter or it will use a nastu AOE, also grind like a motherfucker.
Do a shinobi clone party and rape things with tagen batou.
you hit it until it dies.
EOV is by far one of the worst games in my opinion. I can understand the decision of returning to a classic formula and remove exploration from III and IV, but it's riddled with so many issues that it took me over a year to beat it because it was just plain unfun. Master Classes sounds like a good concept but it has nothing compared to the customization that was subclassing, and having almost every skill cost 10 SP was a crime. The fact that none of my characters ever felt fully online was really frustrating from beginning to end.
> not a huge fan of the potato race honestly.
Make a funny character and give it dicotomical voice. What I did for my shaman is I gave it the a wild party guy voice. Headcanon was that the fucker is a total pimp that gets all chicks wet despite being 1/3rd their size
>respec my Dragoon and Necro to have a couple skills at lvl5 instead of a bunch at lvl3
>don't even grind back the two levels or swap in a Shaman
>manage to kill the fucking golem near flawlessly, with a single death that was revived during the post midget fight
I love all of you guys for giving so much advice and I'll be sure to apply it anyways. I doubt I could recreate how smooth that fight went but I think understand now that I'm supposed to be burning through my TP with the highest rank skills I can level instead of keeping them low rank to conserve TP.
Depends. Can you abuse links? If so they're awesome. If not don't bother. Phantom is a meme, but you can definitely make the dodge meme work, although you will get your ass handed to you most of the time.
They can 100% of the time be replaced with a Pugilist, even if there's already one in your party.
The cornerstone of EO builds is choosing a few skills and passives to spec on, as opposed to having a whole fuckton of skills out of which you'll mostly end up using a few.
the original 2 is my favorite and one of the only ones that I even beat story mode. I guess I just got lucky by picking a good party with characters that did everything I expected them to.
What's the appeal of Etrian Odyssey?
The dungeons and character building. Each stratum actually feels threatening, requiring your full attention as you navigate, fight, and manage resources unless you want to suddenly wind up dead. It's incredibly immersive when the dungeon isn't just an exp treadmill to run along with, and the map-making also adds to this genuine feeling of treacherous exploration with your hand picked group of custom adventurers.
Drawing out maps, customizing characters with lots of abilities, and generally relaxed dungeon crawling.
I find the art very satisfying for all the cute designs and scruff boy Medic in 4 yum
>Egar is best EOV boy
>gets no art
I ended up liking it less than the original 1 despite how janky it was simply because 2 was so annoying. I liked them all though, even the ones I liked less.
I only beat the DS 7th Dragon and VFD. How do they rank against the EO titles? I didn't use the easy mode patch or any cheats.
They're nothing like EO other than the skill trees, and even then those aren't all that similar
In general, even the hardest 7th Dragon is easier than most EO titles, barring the postgame boss rushes.
I'm about to start it's my first EO game. What's a good team for a new fag?
This sounds fun. But how balanced are the classes? I don't want to go in blind and fix my setup halfway through the game.
Reminder that the next gen EO game is cancelled.
Not like the original director is still in Atlus anyway.
What the fuck explain
It varies. Sometimes the class balance is horrible and some are useless, sometimes it's pretty good and most of them are useful given a proper party.
Some of the games give you new classes as you progress (which are often rather fun ones like the Imperial or the Shogun), others have them all from the get go.
There was an user in /sqg/ struggling with amalgolem just before too. He was one of the easier bosses in my playthrough
>Ah, now Claret hollows... That was a real post game stratum.
>world has airship
>need to climb the tree by foot
Tree is inhabited by flying monsters and guardian robots.
You're playing V? Using a shaman and dragoon is a straightforward way to go.
Also a new player to the series here starting with V. Thinking of a team of Dragoon, Pugilist, Masuro, and then a Shaman and necro in the back. Would this be a decent party composition?
I'm using a similar set-up and that should be even better from what I've read in the thread. You should be pretty solid.
Sweet. Any other tips for a newbie? I'm hoping it scratches the same itch in me that the might and magic series did when I was a kid.
If you're a scrub at EO, fill in the basic template of Tank, Healer, Debuff, and 2 Attackers. So in EOV, that'd be
>a Dragoon
>your choice of Botanist or Shaman
>at least one of Pugilist, Harbinger, Necromancer, or Rover
>two of Fencer, Warlock, or Masurao (Pugilist is also great at attacking, so it can go here too)
The most basic bitch party you could go for would be Dragoon, Botanist, Pugilist, Warlock, and Masurao, but you can mix it up.
Other tips;
>Don't pick Fencer unless you want to build your entire party around it, since it's not self-sufficient.
>Don't pick both Rover and Necromancer, since they compete for summon slots
>Paint under doors
Have fun
A lot of patience.
>t. did a Necromancer and Fencer solo in 5
>and 4 solos in nexus
>Paint under doors
That's exactly my party and it carried me up to the super boss
at which point I changed the dragoon into a harbinger
Don't fall into that pit in the doorway on your way out, buddy
There's no space under doors your dingaling, you're moving from point A to point C with no point B in between. You're painting under something that doesn't exist.
So do you not paint under chests as well, or are you a hypocrite?
>Any other tips for a newbie?
Max out your Pugilist's Thunder Fist and Overexertion.
That's moving the goalposts. You don't move through a tardis-like space in between the door and the next part of the labyrinth you idiot.
Nice dodge, fuckface. Do you paint under chests or not?
I went with the same except I had a warlock instead of a necro. You should be completely fine since a necro is better for most of the game.
Don't be afraid to buy and use items. Don't immediately buy a better piece of equipment when you get one since each floor usually gives you something slightly better than the last with materials. Invest in race skills, but be aware that if description doesn't specify it, then they don't stack. Use union skills. There's only three buff slots, so the only buffs that really matter are damage boosting ones, and elemental ones if they can fit, most defense increasing ones only affect physical damage. Most bosses have a weakness to one of Pugilist's skills, Thunder Fist, if you're having trouble, put skill points in it. Don't be afraid to retreat multiple times while exploring a floor, specially at the very start when your party is very weak; saving your progress comes first. Counter skills are bad unless you build a whole party around it.
Why would I? It, much like this phantom space between doors, is unable to be traversed.
playing etrian odyssey nexus for the first time
>get to the golem
>figure out a way to kill him
>he comebacks with half hp
I was naive, I was so very naive.
But that would mean the doors are teleporters.
What space is there under doors? It's a clearcut transition from one place to another, with no in between spot you move through.
Thanks user
I'm gonna do just that
So i have the remakes 1 and 2, also i got 4 and 5. When are they remaking 3?
>When are they remaking 3?
Never. Series is dead now.
Barbaric utilitarian detected. If your maps aren't pretty, you may as well turn on auto-map, you repugnant swine.
What the fuck
Did the creators leave or something?
I can't fucking get into this if its fucking dead
The series isn't actually dead, but it's currently dormant since dual screens died with the 3DS.
It's unknown how (or if) the series will continue on Switch, but atm an EO3 remake is looking highly unlikely.
Not either of them, but I pretty much just designate spaces a solid, unmoving object is on to be unpainted, it feels better to me when looking at it because I can't go there.
Now for water on the other hand, I go way overboard.
There's a beauty in simplicity and painting under doors ruins that all, it makes the map an ugly blob instead of clear, distinct parts of the floor. If you can't appreciate that then you're a blind mongoloid.
>When are they remaking 3?
You move through the space where the door is. The space that the door occupies and opens up at. Do you not know how doors work?
You do not move through the space in the door, as there is no space there to move through. As I said, it takes you from one point to another with no middleman space.
Can't fucking believe there are multiple people here who paint under the doors.
That's pretty disheartening to hear
Hopfully it comes back in full force
Oh god i hope they don't make us draw maps with our fingers if it ever comes to switch. Also why are all the girls so fucking cute and the men are hot to?
The real question is, do you color in water/holes or wall them off? or do you just leave them as blank space?
I color them in unless they're big enough where it's inconvenient(1st stratum of V).
If the water/holes are something I'm able to traverse, I only color in the parts I can actually go through to avoid confusion.
The only thing I resent about this series is that I've never ONCE been able to beat the post game super boss in any of them. Pretty good stuff otherwise.
Water is meant to marked as different, since certain FOEs can move stand on water tiles.
Also, the floor map looks more attractive when all the water is marked, and a more visually-distinct map will stick in your head better.
So it's a teleporter then.
>he doesn't paint under his teleporter archways
I color all "special" tiles even if I can't move on them (e.g. water, holes, and the empty sky on petal bridge) to denote that they are not a wall and flying or swimming FOEs (even if there are none) could move there.
Why don't we just paint the entire map as well, if we're painting squares we don't move in?
The only one saying you don't move through doorways is you, buddy.
I wish we all had your innate Pheonix Wright crime scene teleport, but alas.
that sounds like grinding to me
Unless you're using several parties, you don't really need to do all THAT much grinding in EO until you hit postgame.
FUCK the abyssal princess
always carry two ariadne threads
I got hardstuck on the 3rd boss and quit
>Jagged Reach
Oh shit this place is cool. Glad to finally be out of the jungle for once. Desert bluffs/cliffs aren't used all that much so it'll be nice to see what they do with a location this barren.
I know I would
It's just not skipping content. No shit if you skip encounters you'll be weaker for the boss fights.
It has a pretty cool Super FOE encounter. The third stratum has an even cooler setting.
EOV has the best sixth stratum in the entire series. I hope you get to experience it
I've never completed a single 6th stratum
I hated Nexus
I know what it is (spoiled by a thread even though I'm not currently doing EOV) but my personal favorite is The Hall of Darkness. I know it's cheesy but I enjoyed the dramatic tonal shift from the rest of the dungeons and the notes scattered around it.
>hard as fuck
>status ailments are actually useful
>diablo-style skill trees allowing lots of customisation
>bosses are big deals
>consumable items are useful, even ones in limited supply
>music is 10/10
>art is 10/10
>stat gain per level is very, very small so most of the difficulty comes down to strategy, builds and equipment
>money remains useful throughout the entire game
i never played any games on the series but since i liked digimon on ds i had to try the drowned city i just got in the game any tips for beginners?
i am liking the game just the map making with stylus that is kinda boring since i am playing on PC
Which is your favorite class throughout the games?
I miss these little fuckers, EOV's dedicated summon line would've been perfect.
They weren't in nexus and the reason i didn't bother to finish it
Dragoon probably. Gun and shield is a cool concept.
oh and she's cute too
Gotta go with Dragoon as well. It's really rare to see dragoons in fantasy settings that actually use guns, and the heavy armour is cool.
Did /sqg/ finally die?
The long meme has ended...
Fuck fighting her normally, but she's extremely easy to cheese with Regiment Rave.
True Yorm on the other hand is a rather simple fight mechanically, but it's extremely overtuned, so it's really hard to do without perfectly executing the boss lockdowns AND dishing out high deeps at the same time. Very reliant on RNG.
The concept behind the classes and the visual design are both perfect.
Not ded, only sleeping
Having her portrait was enough for me.
I enjoyed Nexus despite the repetition of the Shrines simply because the most major part I enjoy is making the maps. I barely look up unless I need to draw a wall or hazard on it, meaning that while I appreciate a good aesthetic for the areas it's not mandatory.
>EMD2 never
The shrines would have been fine if they had at least mixed up the music between each one. Either way the game just really felt like a drag so I had no problems dropping it
Dancer, by far the best class in IV and one of the best in the whole series.
As with most JRPGs that are not Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest, it's knowing buffs/debuffs / having good party flux / etc.
Or just grind.