Kingdom Hearts 3

Slowpoke here. Just finished KH3. Why did people hate this game again? It seemed pretty normal for a KH game, aside from no FF characters and being short.

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The issue is primarily the lack of a middle-act story beat. You basically go through every disney world all at once, and then the story stuff happens all at the end.
KH1 and 2 had issues but they had a mid-way point where you'd be reminded that there is a non-Disney story still going on

I have to admit a lot of my hatred was realizing how much of a hack Nomura is. I loved the previous games and thought the sometimes awful, needles writing was something that he maybe was getting better with. Nope.
He has no idea how to write a decent character arc and KH3 was the perfect example of that. It actively ruins what few decent character arcs people like Roxas had in KH2.
Nothing happens for 40 hours and when it final does it feels rushed, stilted, and genuinely embarrassing.
With KH usually the good outweighs the bad, but not with KH3. It’s like 2% good shit.

All that shit story and it didn’t even play that good either.

>only go to each world once
>half the worlds are 1:1 with the movie and the ones that aren't suck for different reasons
>game is piss easy in all but 2-3 fights and those fights are only difficult because of busted hitboxes or shit controls (wind titan)
>very little new music, almost entirely reused tracks
>gummi ship is cool for about 3 seconds before you realize the actual combat is a huge fucking downgrade from 2
>entire plot happens in the last 14 seconds of the game
>dUh XeHaNoRt wAs A gOOd gUY

Yeah, I could see that. It was also pretty weird that we didn't have any organization boss fights before the final act. Damn teleporting bitches.

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I didn't have major problems with but it sucks that it was basically an advertisement for KH4 more than anything.

I didn't hate it but Nomura really did front and backload the stories. The middle portion is fun as far as gameplay goes at least but fuck is it all really easy.

Before Barry or someone else ruins this thread two questions for the thread

Who are the easiest and hardest data fights? Who are the best and worst members of Org XIII?

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Personally, I loved it. Everything from rescuing Aqua onwards was pure kino.

Wait, why would they make a KH4? It already took forever to put out 3.

All of them are piss easy if you fight them past level 70
Roxas is hardest
Xigbar is easiest

>its another "retard thinks theres only 3 kingdom hearts games" episode

Absolutely. The others were just filler.

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Because Square are hacks but they saw 3 sold well so obviously there'll be a KH4. And it will be Numura's vengence.
They took his Versus XIII from him, so he makes KH3 with no FF references at all and tries to tie up his clusterfuck story quickly so he's now free to go into KH4 making it the game VS XIII was supposed to be while also full to the hilt of KHX story because that's his new fav thing apparently.

the only game that isn't 100% necessary to understand the plot is re:coded

*Dolan screaming about the world order every 5 minutes.
*Watching Frozen when what you wanted to do was play KH
*Who needs story when we can just have a boss rush instead?

Top three things that come to mind

A spiteful hack game dev with a full budget? The result is going to be hilarious.

We've got Death Stranding to look forward to first.

within the context of the game's narrative
Sora's presence has way less impact on most of the worlds he visits compared to previous games. the worst example of this is the frozen world where you are pretty much just watching an abridged version of the movie and then you have maybe two scenes where some characters talk with the party. the pixar worlds were better about this, with toybox being the best world by far because the story was all original and had loads of good interaction.

the other annoying part is that the whole story feels rushed to the end, only to now give another cliffhanger for some other bullshit when people wanted a proper conclusion.

every world is shorter compared to the other games, and there is no second scenario like in the first or second game either.

all the worlds other than toybox and the Caribbean are extremely linear

>Everything from rescuing Aqua onwards was pure kino.
>massive build up for rescuing Aqua
>expect an epic quest in the world of darkness
>just get dropped straight out of cutscene and into a boss fight against DA

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Yea Forums hates video games. If you listened to them all you'd end up playing is some trashy obscure jrpg

Because dmc5 came out a month later and blew it out of the water and didn't make fans wait for years after its initial announcement the way squeenix does. That's my reason, anyway.

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Kind of wish Sora didn't die like 5 times. They missed a trick not using the already established lore of him turning into a Heartless to fuck shit up.

>Kind of wish Sora didn't die like 5 times
Death isn't permanent in this game. You know this, I know this, everyone knows this.
There are entire meta strats based around dying as a way to come back 13 times stronger.

>every world is shorter compared to the other games
Caribbean wasn't short enough, fucking crabs.

Sad but true

>It seemed pretty normal for a KH game, aside from no FF characters and being short.
If you really did play the game, this is one of the dumbest statements I've ever read here.

>pretty much the same fight again
Xemnas, Xigbar, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saix, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas

>has a frustrating gimmick that actually kicks things up a notch
Axel, Demyx, Luxord

>holy shit, back the fuck off you stunlocking asshole, why do I lose 70% health just standing next to you when you suddenly teleport right up in my grill without warning

its alright. Hasn't got the great gameplay of kh2 or whimsical atmosphere of 1 but the levels are beautiful

God damn I want to have sexual relations with aqua
there is no good porn of dark aqua

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big hero 6 is literally shitty gta for kids with even worse visuals

i doubt it

>Why did people hate this game again?
it's a new game from this decade, it skipped the switch and pc, and it made xv-kun seethe by dabbing on ffxv.

>Why did people hate this game again?
Because it was bad

It's been seven years and people expected more from KH3 than it could ever possibly be. And it ended up being hilariously back-loaded. I enjoyed it myself but the story's biggest issue was Dream Drop Distance. DDD was KH3's prologue and hogged just about all of the story, revelations and development that was left of the Xehanort saga aside from giving endings to everyone who needed an ending. KH3 would have been infinitely better if it was fused with DDD and condensed into a singular game where the events of both are going down in a more tightly knit matter.

Because people were idiots who thought the OCs would get precedence.

Those spats were pretty great

I just read that issue of Osprey the other day

It's been so long. It's just over hyped expectations and Nomura not knowing how the fuck to write a story that doesn't involve millions of dumbass spinoffs until the actual "third" KH game.

I know a lot of people that are pretty much done with KH after this game because they don't think future installments will be worth waiting for anymore since the main story ended on such a weird note.

Even Recoded came back into the fold during KH3.

Dumb Aqua poster

How I've waited, for this day...

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for about 3 microsconds

fpbp. My only problem with the game was the letdown story. The end was super rushed.

They shoehorned everything in there to make it relevant. Xion didn't need to be brought back but they did anyway because "hey, remember Days?"

Randell turns invisible and you tell me that wouldn't be a good mechanic for a boss fight?

um u had titans and mr snowman from frozen
stop being so privileged

Xion did need to be brought back because Sora's goal was the secure a happy ending for everyone who suffered, and no one suffered more than Xion.

Excuse you.

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It had too much buildup and took so long to come out with side games fleshing out the story, that all long term fans wanted and desperately hoped for was at least a satisfying conclusion to everything, with maybe a secret ending to branch off into something else if they wanted.

Instead the entire game was fucking sequel bait with the goddamn box getting teased and nothing being done with it, the mobile game plot being prominent, and the reveal of Luxu at the end, along with changing Xehanort at literally the last fucking minute to have an "I was trying to be the good guy" motivation when it was fucking fine as just a mad scientist that was possibly being controlled by the Master of Master's will through the keyblade.

Nomura fucked up in a way I didn't even know was possible for a man known for satisfying climaxes, the entire buildup and conclusion of this trilogy. I am salty as fuck because he had a CHANCE to go full on crazy and end the series like Naruto--plot twist after plot twist--have the Master of Masters kill Xehanort, become the main villain. Have the Luxu reveal, fight Luxu and the MoM, etc.

He could have made what would have felt like a RUSHED experience, but an incredibly crazy and memorable one that everyone wanted for KINGDOM HEARTS 3. Instead he wants to continue to drag the series out.

Who the fuck is the series even for now? 40 year olds? Kids that need to read a fucking novel to be caught up? SE fucked up making KH3 sequel bait and not just going HAM tying up every plot thread.

At least Terra's friends remembered he existed.

The reason why i didin't like KH3 was:

The reason Sora did all the shit with the disney worlds was to get the power of waking. But what does Ventus say again in the fight against Vanitas: "The power of waking was inside you all along."
Meaning that visiting the Worlds was just meaningless and a waste of time.

Riku and the mouse were totally useless they could have been cut out of the story in KH3 until the end and literary nothing would have changed.

They totally wasted him after all the hype they build up with him in the Trailers and Terras end in BBS.

The same with these Guys. Some of them got their moments like Demyx, Vexen and Vanitas getting shit on from Sully which was nice but their appearance in the Disney worlds was as meaningless as the Frozen World.

He also hyped up Aquas evil side. But everything that we had to do was to give her a bitchslap to save her from the darkness.

Nomura fucked up Xehanort. He build him up as the 5D-Chess Player who is always 3 steps ahead of everyone and doesn't care who he sacrifices to get his goal of Knowledge about KH but in the end Nomura said fuck his personality and goals and turned him into a Guy who wants to control the world like nearly every other shonen Villian.

Plotholes like always.

He used Sora in every opportunity he got to save everyone just to tell us: Hey People look it's Sora here to save the day again so i can kill him later for sequel reasons.

To Floaty every combo ended in a air combo while in KH2 you had the decision to choose between air and ground combo. To much Firespam and those stupid disney ride spam which they fixed with crit which also sucked just as everyboss until Keyblade Graveyard. The last boss was also a disappointment compared to Final Xemnas. It was also to Easy on the release day.

Scala was another sequel bait which was stupid and the soundtrack of that world only plays for 10 seconds which was the best one in the game.

Not gonna lie, I'd be pretty upset if I didn't get to fight Xehanort at the end. Still, I do like the idea of saying "Fuck it" and going crazy for one last game. The series still seems on life-support with the winter DLC though, so I guess we'll see.

>hercules and toy story were the only decent worlds, everything else were the worst in the series
>copy/paste keyblade transformations
>0 plot until the last hour of the game
>0 challenge
>game gives you several different types of nukes for free
>Lingering Will gets beaten off screen and just kind of goes away without any explanation
>Kairi and Lea did nothing
>playing as Riku felt like filler thrown in at the last minute, only get to play as him twice and its the same boss fight both times
>no exploration of the Realm of Darkness to find Aqua, it's just a cutscene and boss fight
>cooking was the most useless mini game in the series
>huge missed opportunities with the world end bosses. No Hades, no Zurg, no Randall, generic Frozen/Tangled bosses
>Destiny Island is a cutscene
>Radiant Garden is a cutscene
>100 Acre Wood was the worst its ever been, 1 mini game slightly altered 3 times
>One (1) optional boss, random generic looking Heartless that provides 0 challenge
>Maleficent and Pete did nothing and were a waste of time
>didn't explain what was in the box that was supposedly so important, buy new products to find out good goys
>Soras sacrifice to bring Kairi back was stupid since you know he's coming back in the next game
>there's going to be a next game

Story shows Nomura is a hack and can't write better than a 16 year old deviantart furry.
Gameplay shows Osaka still can't make a game better than a ps2 game and are all flash and no substance.

It mixed everything mediocre of previous games into one single pile of shit.

>He could have made what would have felt like a RUSHED experience
he did
that's a big issue considering we waited 13 years

Gameplay sucks, enemies got that lovely BBS charm where you get sniped offscreen by unstaggerable enemies, just spam magic to win, keyblades are worthless AGAIN
Meandering plot, wasted characters (Lingering Will shows up and disappears), sora literally walks into the plot 7/8s of the way through the game because he feels like it, horrible bosses, shitty minigame gimmicks that feel like theyre designed to waste time

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dont forget some of those minigames are bosses. dark baymax was the shittiest fucking minigame fight ever conceived

>be Nomura
>draw some generic cool looking character with tons of belts
>write down a plot for a game
>tie together cool looking scenes with some random explanation
>game overall makes sense, write down a sequel
>people start really liking your new series
>draw some more average/cool looking characters
>add some sad scenes, people love sad games
>add plotholes over plotholes to justify more games
>people are complaining over lack of the game that should explain your own plotholes
>kh3 must be made
>disney fucks you over and pushes his stuff on your game
>squ-ex fucks you over and ruin the game you were creating
>be kinda mad about it
>work on kh3 with massive plotholes to explain, raging over your toy taken from you
>make disney happy and basically fill the 70% of the game with disney shit
>get to the 30% percent of the game
>poorly explain whatever you can with more plotholes that should be explained in sequels
>make the main protagonist randomly die
>shit on almost every character developement of almost every character of the series
>everything will be explained in a new series/sequel, I promise
That's why kh3 sucks

the whole game is just really forgettable. I have no idea what I did for like the first 30 hours. Not as charming as KH1 nor as hype as KH2

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people expected final mix levels of content and a fully conclusive story even though it was obvious that wasn't going to happen and nomura even said it was only the end of the "dark seeker saga" before the game came out.