It's a Western game

>It's a Western game.
>The girls are actually cute.

Besides Skullgirls, what are some good examples?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Them's Fighting Herds

Shantae, mighty switch force
Well everything by wayforward I guess
Overwatch too of course


user no




Mass Effect Tali and Liara
Borderlands Gaige, Tiny Tina, and Ellie
... that's all I can think of honestly


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if Yea Forums wasn't shit you would have even gotten the satan trips too, pretty good

Actually that's the first thing I thought of too, you can't get cuter than a little furry animal honestly



>cute wonder woman tits
wtf I love Teen Titans Go now

That shit is more chinese than American / european

Earthworm Jim

Attached: Groovy.jpg (678x670, 134K)


Does Venezuela count as "the west"? I know it's geographically in the west but I feel like people use the term mostly to describe North America and Europe.

Nah, too obvious. Make it harder for the next one. How obscure did you manage to make one that was still found?

Don't be retarded. Everything in the WESTERN hemisphere is the west.


America as a whole is part of the west.


I dont think earthworm jim is that obscure. also what next one wtf are you talking about

who could ever foresee that in this inconspicuous thread the first comment would simultaneously be the best comment?

Actually a good case. Wayforward is another set of cases.

Attached: SHANK-2-game-download-PSN-girl.jpg (530x298, 26K)

They are adorable as hell would buy a plushy for my nieces in a heart beat

Did HP2 even come out yet? What the heck is Koon doing?

Alright then, keep your secrets faggot.



Do Australian games not count as western games?

Classic mortal kombat

Don't kid yourself, most of the Overwatch girls are cute.

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Based, I love Pom

>them wonder woman titties

Attached: faithME1.jpg (1920x1200, 385K)

This. Especially Sombra

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Do Australians make games?

pathetic samefag horsefucker. kill yourself

source just in case anyone wants it but honestly that pic is the best one in the album imo

for me, it's Carmelita.

Attached: Sly3-carmelita1.png (310x499, 117K)

Doomguy of course (no homo).

Attached: 3D623697-3292-4EB5-8FFC-6145ADA1B51C.jpg (515x1024, 89K)

Halo for the first 3 games. Cortana was hot.

Mass Effect

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Attached: 1566228611505.jpg (3840x2160, 2.04M)

World of Warcraft still has a lot of cute girls


white girls are gross

Cortana is still hot in Halo 4. She only turned ugly when she became space Hitler

rip in pizza wildstar

Attached: WildStar64 2015-10-07 13-04-20-24.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

The blue lipstick is the only thing I don't like about Maya

Uncharted 2 Chloe

Attached: chloe_frazer02.png (409x503, 256K)

wew that's a bit racist, nigger. Of course we count, it's literally the west

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Sombra is trash. The Rime skin is a great exception though.

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Darkest Dungeon

Attached: 549.png (1280x720, 973K)

hunie poo has atrocious art and all the girls are ugly

>not fucking horses in the year of our lord 2000+20-1
shiggy diggy

Max all the time
Chloe only when she's doing dyke things with Max

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I like the girls in Paladins

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I didn't need to know this existed.

thsi desu

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MLP is a timeless show. It will never die.
Friends ended like 20 years ago and that's still being shilled harder than any TV show.

Also, way to ignore the user literally complimenting a pony game and instead go for a harmless image of Earthworm Jim.

You really are fucking dense. Go back to r/doom.

Stop fucking animals, user.

Oceania is not the West

Gay as fuck
Ugly as fuck
Shit taste as fuck


Kys yourself

Attached: 1566638597387.png (296x326, 116K)

>people actually watch this shit

>All these old hags

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LA Noire and that's about it.

Oh and Hollow Knight

Retard alert

Base QuadrupedChad


Would unironically fuck Tian after every sparring session

But he didnt get quads retard

Absolute chad.
Arizona best.

Where can I torrent this? It's only early access and I don't want to pay horsefuckers.

Look up Quadruped on google you dumbass.

good taste. I like all of them. even the hybrids, rocks and robots

Team Fortress 2

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All Sombras are cute

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>Hollow Knight

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26-17-56-41-1.png (1439x1861, 1.9M)

sweet mother of goodness

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that pic is VERY cute and funny user

Why's this comment getting so many repl-
>Google it
>it's ponyshit

Attached: vomit.jpg (312x312, 46K)

world of warcraft but only the panda girls

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This is a great post.

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A Hat in Time


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I like how sometimes on the POTG screen, Lian's dress is somewhat off-center and you can see her thong easier

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Attached: map-of-western-hemisphere.jpg (800x451, 89K)

With Maduro, the Wild, Wild, West.

Attached: andreitarr_28765286_219689368586030_4681503589451956224_n.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

I played that game and the relationship was a lot more shallow than people pretend.

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This explains why slav games are so much better than westerncuck shit. They're on the right side of geography.

Oh Wow

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But imagine the aftermath

Uncharted LL Chloe

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That's the geographical western HEMISPHERE, not the ill-defined "West".

link full

Just looked at it, looks like an awful MLP fangame, is it any good or is it trash?

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Attached: amethyst.png (1366x768, 875K)

It's okay. It plays kind of like 1v1 Skullgirls with doing different moves to get past the infinite system it has in the game. If you're not a fan of doing resets/mixups all the time or trainingboar combos then it's shit


Fuck off back t-

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>he likes fat girls with upturned noses and inflated lips and inconsistent height


Hi-Rez can be pretty awful, but they make some cute girls.

For me, it's Peridot.

Attached: Peridot.gif (833x625, 377K)

I have a weird thing for extremes. I can't stop what my dick likes.
My favorites on sadpanda is a fucking trainwreck.

For me, it's the Bedford Rascal.

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Attached: fortnite.webm (960x540, 3M)

Who said anything about mlp?
Are you hallucinating?
Someone, give this user his insulin!


Attached: snek.jpg (1000x540, 59K)

I REALLY like Venezuela

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Besides Wayforward has this ever happened during this console gen?

actually perfect

Overwatch and, uhhh... Does Va11 Hall-A count?

Attached: Fortnite.webm (504x774, 876K)

Not helping or hurting his case, just showing what everyone already knows about it.

Blizzard Entertainment (World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm)
League of Legends

It's legit, netcode's pretty damn good too. But it's Early Access, so the game's obviously a little rough and unfinished.

>Tracer doesn't have her stabilizer
dude she's gonna fuckin die.

Based user first posting best posting.

This game has good music

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The difference is staggering.

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I like talon

Attached: 822a62fe5b5b8c8487505ae602c4f18bf3b1c250r1-919-960v2_uhq[1].jpg (919x960, 81K)

No please don't do that

Cunt we're talking about hemispheres already learn to context clue autist


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>ill-defined "West".

Go back to RetardEra

what about that dead mmo, red head with giant honkers. don't know the names

>having to google it
you don't belong here. Fuck off to reddit

Unreasonably based

based, cute AND funny!

Attached: ZJdcHo9e_400x400.jpg (176x176, 7K)

Halo 4 Cortana is the hottest you fucking incels.

Ironic that zoomers use cringe and based to describe everything as good or bad, yet they consume so much cringey material without a thought.

>yet they consume so much cringey material without a thought.
Like reading the shit you post?

>cringe and based
no one outside of Yea Forums uses based wtf are you talking about?

Holy FUCK she's thick

>Cumming on a spider in Australia
If so, please direct it to Melbourne

Sorry user, but hips don't make that shitty bounce emote any less obnoxious.


Are you blind? I said no one outside of Yea Forums uses based besides annoying memers who unironically green text outside of Yea Forums to show how cool they are.

>getting mad over an emote

It's amazing how much eyelashes can add to that ugly style. Now if only those ugly lips were fixed then it might be watchable

Even assuming that's true, what does that have to do with what I said?

You don't have to be mad to find behavior obnoxious. Kids are just generally obnoxious. You learn to tune them out. But peaking in on what they're doing every now and again, you witness their retardation and it makes you cringe.

t. nigress lover

Attached: myattempt.png (749x640, 506K)

I love yuri and all but the characters in this game are infuriating besides suicidy and even then not by much.


But does it count as western,
cause that shy fat bug you rescue from the mantis village is cute as fuck.

go home /o/ youre drunk

Everyone on this show looks like they smell like spoiled milk and cat urine.

Full thot mode

Attached: Gems1.png (1263x663, 691K)

No, Latinos are genetically different from Westerners, which produces different behavioral patterns. Though some people deny that genes play a role in behavior, most definition of the West do exclude Latin America, or consider it an odd place. (In Clash of civilization, Huntington even calls it a different civilization to Western civilization). At first glance, it is indeed closer to the West then say, Japan, but any indepth look at its history and its institutions will make you pause.

Anyway, Latin Americans really like anime, tend to find cute things nice, and unlike Northern Europeans, they are not likely to actually make intentionally ugly women and girls.

I have no bias, but I also won't deny that.

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Halo 4's Cortana was the best and only good thing about that game. She was quite literally the classical definition of thick bodied woman before fat fetishists showed up and ruined the term.

You had it and then you lost it.

Those tits are bigger than her adult version lmao

Tomb Raider games are the best examples.

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lesbians are pure and they go to heaven

The most based post on Yea Forums

that was so gay

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the most obvious answer

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Anything by WayForward. That's it.

I forgot this even existed.


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Well, she WAS cute.

there is literally nothing wrong with liking MLP.
who here isn't ready for the end,and is sad that the last episode already got leaked?

It's intentional, they are all based on the creator.

we have moved on from steven universe.get better taste in cartoons

Attached: anne dabbing on em.png (426x446, 104K)

She's still cute, just less so



>anything but a horsecock slut

what game is that?

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I hope you kill yourself you gay nigger

kys pls, for the good of the land

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>not negrolover
I've seen enough spam to know the difference between Nu-Lara and Samus. Also

Eh i haven't really cared too much about it since season 3 or so. I'm surprised it's been around so long

Thought about trying to get into it, but it feels like it's already past the point of jumping on. Half the appeal seems to be fanmade content, and from a cursory glance that shit is like a labyrinth where half the paths don't even exist anymore.


user stop Im still trying to forget that disaster of a final episode.

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I think that after four it took too long to come with a new season. If folk were still with it, they probably left on an exodus second only to EQG.

>tfw I thought it ended after the movie


i still haven't watched it, its not even out in english is it? i have been watching stuff as it comes out, i haven't even watched the leaked chinese episodes taht have been out for weeks. but i know spoilers from the last episode because they are unavoidable

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No but I know enough Dutch to understand it. At least Spike went full chad in the end. English versions were going to be released in aussie land but Hasbro had a fucking conniption fit and they've all stopped showing them early. Even Chyna.

Holy god, MORE of this thick cutie.

Attached: myZjBiA.jpg (665x440, 42K)

Pathologic 2

Penny is pretty hot, all the female constructors are

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>Its MLP related.
God damnit

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Cartoon horse aids are gradually bleeding out of containment. Soon all barney faggotry will be acceptable.

Attached: the barney fags are invading again.gif (320x240, 2.95M)

First post, based post




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As much as I love SU, not a single character on that show is attractive.

>sombra uses hex
>non-hex structure
>non-hex characters


Not a horse ducked but I would unironically have nonstop sex with Velvet.

This. I remember reading someone describe Latin America as more of a descendant culture/offshoot culture of the West.

i remember there being an imgur archive with all these edits

someone post it

kill yourself furfag

who dis

Attached: IMG_20190731_222057.jpg (480x480, 87K)

The "west" in this context counts as the Americas, Europe, and Australia/New Zealand.

It's in the fucking filename, user
Holy shit

Attached: amethyst flirty night.png (478x1080, 129K)

I didn't know this was even still a thing, I thought it got canceled because nobody was interested after the MLP shit was changed.

Attached: furfag cleanse.jpg (1350x1080, 992K)

I wasn't planning on fapping tonight.

Attached: 1490670345986.png (449x425, 318K)

I miss it


Nobody's gonna know about that, user. Nonetheless, suffer not the furry to live.

I miss it

Attached: [shrugs mechanically].png (1113x802, 1.34M)

You're about a decade behind man, the furfags won. It's time to go home.

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AVP 2010

Based and hoofpilled

AVP from 2010. It's the first marine mission.

Attached: exterminatus.jpg (1200x1553, 312K)

I cannot handle how much I wanna grab her by those sleek little legs and pound her until IThe Magnus effect is an observable phenomenon that is commonly associated with a spinning object moving through the air or a fluid. The path of the spinning object is deflected in a manner that is not present when the object is not spinning. The deflection can be explained by the difference in pressure of the fluid on opposite sides of the spinning object.

The most readily observable case of the Magnus effect is when a spinning sphere (or cylinder) curves away from the arc it would follow if it were not spinning. It is often used by football players, baseball pitchers and cricket bowlers. Consequently, the phenomenon is important in the study of the physics of many ball sports. It is also an important factor in the study of the effects of spinning on guided missiles—and has some engineering uses, for instance in the design of rotor ships and Flettner aeroplanes.

I came here to say you are totally fucking right

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Criminally underrated game

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who dis


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>fag games


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