Post a game, others will honestly say how they feel about it
Post a game, others will honestly say how they feel about it
I've never played this it fucking sucks
I waited 4 years for this and player more than 7 in the end. Its okay, it had impossible task to go against 7. I remember there was a vote for best game of ps1 and ff7 got 75% votes. FF8 did what it could, its ok.
>inb4 no replies
The new "remastered" edition they're selling for VIII is a fucking joke
Fuck the junction system
I constantly shit on it as the worst of the first 9 classic Final Fantasies
I have never played it, only the others.
Why is that
Sitting through Rinoa and Squall's moment on the Ragnarok in space was the single most difficult thing to do in that game.
It's not remastered at all and mods for the original PC release do the job
Zell is cute
godlike boss rush platformer
>I'm a faggot and that's my contribution to this thread!
Boring. Dropped after i fell asleep while playing it
FF7 was my first FF, got super hyped for FF8, especially after the demo. Game itself was disappointing but still really enjoyable.
decent. I hate the characters tho
more fun then post ps2 gta
prefer 1
I've honestly never heard of that game in my life.
VS was fantastic, other than the fact the PS1 struggled to run it, it also felt like the lonliest game in the world to play. I wish they would make a good remaster that runs at 60fps.
You know Zell is gay? Did i spoil it to you`?
the ps3 version runs perfectly fine
I liked it a lot. The story was really heartwarming.
Great game and I still replay it every now and then, but it's probably my least favorite of the 3D era GTAs.
I like mecha and tactical RPGs, but still haven't gotten around to playing the Front Mission games. I've been putting off picking them up for a couple of years now. I'm sure I'll play them one day, but I guess they'll just keep popping into my head every once in a while until then.
Quistis and Squall fuck before they get Shiva, but only if you take them to Balamb before the test.